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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Treino de marcha com suporte de peso em pacientes com lesão modular / Gait training with body weight support in patients with spinal cord injury

Paulo Roberto Garcia Lucareli 24 September 2009 (has links)
A restauração da deambulação após lesão medular é importante para os pacientes e seus familiares, mas ainda é um grande desafio para os cientistas e profissionais de reabilitação. As intervenções usando os movimentos repetitivos para reabilitar a marcha nas lesões do sistema nervoso central têm sido muito estudadas, recentemente, com resultados animadores quando se utiliza a execução de tarefas específicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o resultado do treino de marcha em esteira com suporte de peso versus um programa de fisioterapia convencional pela análise cinemática de marcha. Participaram deste estudo prospectivo randomizado controlado simples cego 30 pacientes adultos de ambos os sexos com seqüela de lesão medular traumática incompleta a pelo menos 12 meses, com capacidade de deambulação e classificados de acordo com a função motora em ASIA C ou D. Após inclusão, os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos de 12 pacientes divididos aleatóriamente por sorteio de um envelope opaco com o nome do grupo: grupo A submetido à treino de marcha em esteira com suporte de peso corporal (TMSPC) e Grupo B submetido à tratamento fisioterapêutico e treino de marcha convencionais (TMC). Após avaliação inicial, os grupos foram submetidos à 30 sessões de treino de marcha, duas vezes por semana, com duração de 30 minutos cada sessão durante 4 meses. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos por um único examinador cego à avaliação dos parametros espaço-temporais e a cinemática angular da marcha das articulações do quadril, joelho e tornozelo no plano sagital por meio de cameras infravermelho integradas ao sistema Maxtraq 3D de análise de movimento. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na comparação entre as variáveis espaço-temporais intra-grupo (antes e depois) do Grupo-controle B. No Grupotratamento A, houve diferença significativa nas variáveis espaço-temporais estudadas: aumento de velocidade, distância, cadência, comprimento de passo, tempo de balanço, tempo total do ciclo, e redução do tempo de apoio. Nas variáveis angulares também não houve diferença significativa na comparação intragrupo (antes e depois) nos pacientes do Grupo-controle B, no entanto o Grupo-treinamento A, obteve melhora significativa na extensão máxima do quadril e da flexão plantar durante a fase de apoio da marcha. O treino de marcha com suporte de peso corpóreo foi mais efetivo que o tratamento fisioterapêutico convencional para melhorar os parâmetros espaço-temporais e cinemáticos da marcha em pacientes com lesão medular incompleta / The restoration of walking after spinal cord injury is important for patients and families, but is still a great challenge for scientists and professionals in rehabilitation. Interventions using repetitive movement to rehabilitate central nervous system injuries have been studied recently with encouraging results when using the implementation of specific tasks. To compare the results of gait training on a treadmill with body weight support (TBWS) versus conventional physical therapy (CPT) regarding gait analysis. In a prospective randomized controlled single-blind study, 24 patients of both gender were evaluated and were randomly assigned and divided equally to study group(A) and control group(B) through opaque envelope. Group A was referred to TBWS and group B to the CPT. They had been diagnosed with partial traumatic SCI at least 12 months earlier. They were able to walk and their motor function below was partially preserved and classified as level C or D. After the initial evaluation, both groups received two sessions per week lasting 30 minutes each, over a four month period, thus totaling 30 sessions. All patients were submitted by a single blind examiner to the gait evaluation of spatial-temporal parameters and angular kinematics of motion of the hip, knee and ankle joints in the sagittal plane using infra red video cameras integrated to Maxtraq motion analysis software. There was no statistically significant difference in comparison between the variables spatial-temporal parameters intra-group (before and after) of the control group B. Group A significant difference in spatial-temporal variables studied: increasing speed, distance, cadence, step length, balance time, total cycle time and support reduction. Angular variables also no significant difference in the intra group comparison Group B-control (before and after), but the Group-A training, significant improvement in maximum hip extension and plantar flexion during gait support. Gait training with body weight support were more effective than conventional physical therapy to improve the spatial-temporal and kinematic gait parameters in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury

Tratamento homeopático em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade e transtorno mental comum: ensaio clínico duplo-cego controlado / Homeopathic treatment in overweight or obese pregnant women with mental disorder: a controlled double blind clinical trial

Edgard Costa de Vilhena 17 December 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Além de problemas a curto prazo para a mãe e o recém-nascido, o sobrepeso e a obesidade na gestação levam a inúmeros problemas da saúde materna de longo prazo e no desenvolvimento da criança. O não tratamento de gestantes com transtorno mental comum e sobrepeso pode aumentar a frequência de depressão perinatal com riscos diretos ao concepto. Tem sido observado na literatura o uso da homeopatia na obesidade, na gestação e nos transtornos mentais comuns. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do tratamento homeopático em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade I ou II, sem comorbidades, suspeitas de transtorno mental comum, na prevenção do ganho excessivo de massa corporal durante a gestação. Método: Foram estudadas gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade I/II e suspeitas de transtorno mental comum, sem doenças concomitantes. No grupo teste (62) receberam tratamento homeopático e no controle (72) placebo. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso na gestação por meio da diferença entre os índices inicial e final de massa corporal corrigida pela idade gestacional, APGAR, peso do recém-nascido, auto percepção de saúde materna, complicações maternas, entre outras condições. Resultados: A média da diferença entre o índice de massa corporal inicial e final corrigidos pela idade gestacional foi de 4,95 kg/ m2 no grupo homeopatia e de 5,05 kg/m2 no grupo controle. A diferença entre as médias não foi significante com valor de p = 0,815 e ICdif 95% (-0,916 a 0,722). O índice de APGAR no quinto minuto foi estatísticamente significante com valor de p = 0,040. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nos demais desfechos. Conclusão: A homeopatia não contribuiu para a prevenção do ganho excessivo de massa corporal em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade. A homeopatia desempenhou um papel regulador melhorando a vitalidade dos RN no quinto minuto de vida. / Introduction: Aside from short-term problems related to the mother and newborn, overweight and obesity in gestation leads to countless long-term health problems for the mother\'s and childs development. The lack of treatment for pregnant women whom are overweight and have a common mental disorder may increase the frequency of prenatal depression with direct risks to conception. It has been observed in literature the use of homeopathy in cases of obesity, gestation, and common mental disorders. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the homeopathic treatment in pregnant women whom either are overweight or have a case of obesity I or II, with no comorbidities, suspect of common mental disorder, in the prevention of excessive bodily mass gain throughout gestation. Method: Pregnant women whom were overweight or had a case of obesity I/II, suspect of common mental disorder, with no concomitant diseases, were studied. One group (62) received homeopathical treatment, while the control group (72) received a placebo. Weight gain throughout gestation was evaluated through the difference between initial and final rating of bodily mass, with adjustments to the period of gestation, APGAR, weight of the newborn, self-perception of the mothers own health, maternal complications, amongst other conditions. Results: The average of the difference between the ratings of initial and final bodily mass, with adjustments to the period of gestation, was 4.95 kg/m2 in the homeopathic group, and 5.05 kg/m2 in the control group. The difference between the averages was not significant, with a p = 0,815 e ICdif 95% (-0,916 a 0,722). The rating of APGAR on the 5th minute was statistically significant, with a value of p value = 0.040. Significant differences on other results were not observed. Conclusion: Homeopathic medicine did not contribute to the prevention of excessive bodily mass gain in pregnant women whom are overweight or have a case of obesity. Homeopathy acted through a modulating role, bettering the vitality of the newborn on the 5th minute of life

Efeito da manobra de recrutamento alveolar em pacientes com síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda: revisão sistemática e metanálise / Effects of alveolar recruitment maneuvers in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Erica Aranha Suzumura 02 April 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito das manobras de recrutamento alveolar em desfechos clínicos de pacientes com síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda (SARA). Métodos: Busca nas bases eletrônicas MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CINAHL, CENTRAL, Scopus, and Web of Science (até Julho de 2014), sem limite de idioma, por ensaios clínicos randomizados avaliando o efeito das manobras de recrutamento alveolar versus tratamento padrão sem manobras de recrutamento em pacientes adultos com SARA. Quatro duplas de revisores avaliaram de maneira independente a elegibilidade e o risco de viés dos estudos e extraíram os dados de interesse. Realizamos metanálise dos dados por meio de modelos de efeitos aleatórios. Foi utilizada análise sequencial de trials para estabelecer limiares de significância estatística para a metanálise cumulativa considerando nosso desfecho primário (mortalidade hospitalar) para limitar o erro tipo I global por análises múltiplas. Utilizamos sistema GRADE para avaliar a qualidade da evidência. Resultados: Foram incluídos 10 ensaios clínicos randomizados (1594 pacientes, 612 eventos). O risco relativo (RR) de óbito nos pacientes tratados com manobras de recrutamento em comparação ao controle foi de 0,84 (intervalo de 95% de confiança [IC95%] 0,74-0,95; I2=0%), embora a qualidade da evidência tenha sido considerada baixa devido ao risco de viés nos estudos incluídos e à evidência indireta (ou seja, a evidência disponível não responde diretamente nosso objetivo primário, pois os pacientes no grupo experimental receberam outras intervenções ventilatórias que podem ter impactado no desfecho, além das manobras de recrutamento). Não houve diferença no risco de barotrauma (RR 1,11; IC95% 0,78-1,57; I2=0%) ou necessidade de terapia de resgate para hipoxemia (RR 0,76; IC95% 0,41-1,40; I2=56%). A maioria dos estudos não demonstrou diferenças entre os grupos nos desfechos: tempo de ventilação mecânica, tempo de internação na UTI e no hospital. A análise sequencial de ensaios clínicos demonstrou que a evidência cumulativa sobre o efeito das manobras de recrutamento na mortalidade hospitalar de pacientes com SARA é precisa quando considerado um erro tipo I de 5%, mas é imprecisa quando considerado um erro tipo I de 1%. Conclusão: A evidência atual sugere que as manobras de recrutamento alveolar reduzem o risco de óbito hospitalar em pacientes com SARA, sem aumento do risco de eventos adversos graves, entretanto, a evidência não é definitiva. Estudos adicionais são necessários para responder esta questão / Purpose: To assess the effects of alveolar recruitment maneuvers on clinical outcomes in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Methods: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, CINAHL, CENTRAL, Scopus, and Web of Science (from inception to July 2014) for randomized controlled trials evaluating the effects of alveolar recruitment maneuvers versus no recruitment maneuvers in adults with ARDS. We placed no language restriction on our search. Four teams of two reviewers independently assessed eligibility and risk of bias and extracted data from the included trials. We pooled data using random-effects models. We used trial sequential analysis to establish monitoring boundaries to limit global type I error due to repetitive testing for our primary outcome (in-hospital mortality). We rated the quality of evidence using the GRADE system. Results: We included 10 trials (1594 patients, 612 events). The meta-analysis assessing the effect of alveolar recruitment maneuvers on in-hospital mortality showed a risk ratio (RR) of 0.84 (95%CI 0.74-0.95; I2=0%). However, quality of evidence was considered low due to the risk of bias in the included trials and indirectness of evidence, that is, available evidence does not address our primary outcome directly as recruitment maneuvers were usually conducted along with other ventilatory interventions that may affect the outcome of interest. There were no differences in the rates of barotrauma (RR 1.11, 95%CI 0.78-1.57; I2=0%) or need for rescue therapies (RR 0.76, 95%CI 0.41-1.40; I2=56%). Most trials found no difference between groups regarding the duration of mechanical ventilation, length of stay in ICU and in hospital. The trial sequential analysis showed that the available evidence of the effect of recruitment maneuvers on in-hospital mortality is precise when considering a type I error of 5% but not when considering a type I error of 1%. Conclusions: Although recruitment maneuvers may decrease mortality of patients with ARDS without increasing the risk for major adverse events, the current evidence is not definitive. Additional trials addressing this question may better inform clinical practice

Estudo clínico randomizado em chagásicos submetidos à terapia de ressincronização cardíaca (TRC - Chagásico) / Randomized clinical study in Chagas disease undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT - Chagas` Disease)

Uelra Rita Lourenço 12 May 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A terapia de ressincronização cardíaca(TRC) tem se mostrado alternativa eficiente para pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca (IC) em uso terapia medicamentosa otimizada, com fração de ejeção reduzida e QRS largo. Apesar dos resultados positivos em pacientes de diversas etiologias, dados a despeito do efeito dessa terapia na cardiopatia chagásica são extremamente raros na literatura. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a evolução clínica e funcional de pacientes chagásicos submetidos à terapia de ressincronização cardíaca, por meio de estudo clínico randomizado. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica, em Classe funcional II, III ou IV da NYHA, em uso de terapia medicamentosa otimizada, fração de ejeção <= 35% e duração do QRS largo. O presente estudo clínico é prospectivo, de intervenção, randomizado, cego, com crossover e comparou as respostas clínicas e funcionais após duas fases: período de 2 meses com a TRC ligada e período de 2 meses com a TRC desligada. As variáveis analisadas foram distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de 6 minutos, classe funcional (NYHA), pontuação no teste de qualidade de vida do questionário de Minnesota, pontuação no teste de capacidade funcional no questionário SF 36, pico de extração de oxigênio no teste cardiopulmonar e fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo. RESULTADOS: Foram randomizados 34 pacientes sendo que seis não conseguiram completar as duas fases do estudo. A média da distância percorrida no Teste de Caminhada de 6 minutos foi 60 metros maior no grupo TRC ligada (500,3 versus 439,8 metros; p<0,01), o teste de Qualidade de Vida (Questionário de Minnesota) apresentou escores estatisticamente melhores nos pacientes com TRC ligada (diferença entre os dois grupos de 12,2 pontos, p<0,05). A Capacidade Funcional avaliada pelo questionário SF 36 apresentou resultado a favor da TRC ligada (p<0,01). De modo semelhante, a Classe Funcional (NYHA) média foi significativamente inferior neste grupo (p<0,05). As variáveis estudadas no Teste Cardiopulmonar e os parâmetros Ecocardiográficos não atingiram diferenças com significância estatística entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados encontrados neste estudo suportam o valor terapêutico da TRC em indivíduos com insuficiência cardíaca de etiologia chagásica com QRS largo. A estimulação biventricular promoveu melhora significativa dos sintomas, qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional e da distância percorrida no teste de caminhada. Estudos subsequentes são necessários para avaliação dos efeitos clínicos a longo prazo e o impacto em mortalidade desta modalidade terapêutica nos pacientes com cardiopatia chagásica. / BACKGROUND: Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) has been shown one effective alternative for patients under optimal medical therapy, reduced ejection fraction (EF) and wide QRS. Despite the positive results in patients of several etiologies, data from this therapy in Chagas heart disease are extremely rare in the literature. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the clinical and functional results of Chagas patients undergoing CRT through a randomized clinical trial. METHODS: There were included patients with Chagas cardiomyopathy, functional class II, III or IV of NYHA, under optimal drug therapy, EF <= 35% and wide QRS. This prospective, randomized, blinded, crossover study compared the clinical and functional responses after two phases: a two-month period of CRT-on and a two-month period of CRT-off. The outcomes analyzed were: walked distance in 6 minutes, functional class (NYHA), quality of life by the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire score, functional capacity by the questionnaire SF 36 score, Oxygen Extraction Peak in Cardiopulmonary Test and EF of the Left Ventricle. RESULTS: Thirty four patients were randomized but six patients failed to complete both study periods. The average distance walked in 6 minutes was 60 meters higher in CRT-on group (500.3 vs. 439.8 meters, p <0.01), the Quality of Life (Minnesota Questionnaire) showed scores significantly better in patients with CRT- on (difference of scores between the two groups: 12.2, p <0.05). The functional capacity assessed by the SF-36 questionnaire showed better results in favor of CRT-on group (p <0.01). Similarly, the functional class (NYHA) was significantly lower in this group (p <0.05). The variables studied in Cardiopulmonary Testing and Echocardiographic parameters did not reach statistical significance between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The results of this study support the therapeutic value of CRT in patients with heart failure due to Chagas disease with wide QRS. The biventricular pacing significantly improved symptoms, quality of life, functional capacity and the distance walked in 6 minutes. Further studies are needed to evaluate the clinical long-term effects and the impact on mortality of this therapeutic modality in patients with Chagas heart disease.

Insuficiência renal aguda relacionada à correção de aneurisma da aorta: análise retrospectiva dos fatores de risco e estudo prospectivo para sua prevenção / Acute kidney injury in aortic surgery: retrospective analysis of risk factors and prospective study for its prevention

Etienne Maria Vasconcellos de Macedo 14 December 2006 (has links)
Pequenas alterações da função renal durante a internação hospitalar e mais especificamente no período pós-operatório determinam significativo aumento na morbi-mortalidade hospitalar. A fim de determinar a incidência de insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) e os fatores de risco para seu desenvolvimento no pós-operatório de cirurgia para correção de aneurismas da aorta tóraco-abdominal e abdominal, foi realizado estudo retrospectivo das operações eletivas no ano de 2000. Foi encontrada alta incidência de IRA, tanto IRA leve, descrita como elevação de 25% da creatinina basal, em 57% dos pacientes, como uma forma mais grave, descrita como elevação de 50% e encontrada em 33% dos pacientes. Os fatores de risco independentes para IRA leve foram a presença de clampeamento acima do óstio das artérias renais (OR 6,9, IC 95% 1,32-36,12) e o tempo total de anestesia maior que 339 min (OR 1,00 para cada min acima de 339min, IC 95% 1,003-1,016). Para lesão mais grave, a instabilidade hemodinâmica, representada pela necessidade do uso de droga vasoativa no pós-operatório, também foi fator independente para o desenvolvimento de IRA (OR 7,4, IC 95% 1,84-30,16). A mortalidade hospitalar encontrada no estudo foi de 42,8% nos pacientes que tiveram clampeamento supra-renal, e 21,4% nos pacientes com clampeamento apenas infra-renal. Neste estudo, os fatores de risco independentes para óbito foram a filtração glomerular (FG) menor que 49 mL/min (OR 17,07, IC 95% 2,00-145,23), a necessidade de clampeamento acima das artérias renais (OR 9,6, IC 95% 1,37-67,88), desenvolvimento de IRA considerada como aumento da creatinina de 50% em relação a basal (OR 8,8, IC 95% 1,31-59,39) e a hiperglicemia no pós-operatório (OR 19,99, IC 2,32-172,28). Conhecendo a incidência de IRA, os fatores de risco para o seu desenvolvimento e a morbi-mortalidade associada ao seu desenvolvimento, foi testada N-acetilcisteína (NAC) como medida protetora, através de estudo randomizado, placebo-controlado e duplo-cego com os pacientes elegíveis para correção cirúrgica eletiva de aneurismas da aorta tóraco-abdominal e abdominal. NAC foi administrado por via oral 1200mg duas vezes ao dia 24 horas antes da operação, e após esta por 48 horas de forma endovenosa, 600mg de 12 em 12horas. Quarenta e dois pacientes foram incluídos no estudo, 18 no grupo NAC e 24 no grupo controle. A creatinina e FG basal foram semelhantes entre os grupos (1,19±0,33 vs 1,37±0,49 mg/dL; e 64,6±26,22 vs 65,7±28,32 ml/min, NAC vs controle, respectivamente, p=0,17 e p=0,90). A incidência de IRA leve, definida como aumento de 25% da creatinina basal, foi de 36% (13/36), mas não foi estatisticamente diferente entre os dois grupos (7/14, 50% no grupo NAC e 6/22, 27,3% no grupo controle, p=0,16). A mortalidade hospitalar foi de 23% (10/42) e também não foi diferente (p=0,209) entre os grupos, 33,3% no NAC e 16,7% no controle, o mesmo ocorrendo com o tempo de internação na UTI (2,93±1,53 vs 2,52±1,36 dias, p=0,40). Dessa forma, esse estudo sugere que embora possa haver algum efeito biológico da NAC, o seu uso na prevenção da IRA associada à operação eletiva de aneurisma da aorta abdominal não é justificável / Small alterations of the renal function during hospital stay and more specifically in the postoperative period determine significant increase in hospital mortality. In order to determine the incidence of AKI (acute kidney injury) and the risk factors for its development in the postoperative period of elective surgical open repair of thoracoabdominal and abdominal aortic aneurisms, it was carried out a retrospective study through the year of 2000. It was found high incidence of AKI, defined as a 25% increase in baseline serum creatinine (SCr), which occurred in 57% of the patients, and in a more strict definition, 50% increase in SCr, which occurred in 33%. The independent risk factors for AKI 25% was the presence of supra-renal clamping (OR 6,9, IC 95% 1,32-36,12) and the total anesthesia duration greater than 339 min (OR 1,00 for each min above 339 min, IC 95% 1,003-1,016). For more serious AKI (50%), the hemodynamic instability, represented for the need of vasoactive drugs in the postoperative period, also was an independent risk factor (OR 7,4, IC 95% 1,84-30,16). The mortality rate found in the study was 42,8% in patients who had supra-renal aortic clamping, and 21,4% in those with only infra-renal aortic clamping. In this study, the independent risk factors for death was baseline glomerular filtration rate (GFR) less than 49mL/min (OR 17,07, IC 95% 2,00-145,23), the need of supra-renal aortic clamping (OR 9,6, IC 95% 1,37-67,88), AKI defined as an increase of 50% in baseline SCr (OR 8,8, IC 95% 1.31-59,39) and the hyperglycemia in the postoperative period (OR 19,99, IC 2,32-172,28). Thereafter, we tested the protective effect of NAC through a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study with patients eligible for elective open surgical repair of thoracoabdominal e abdominal aortic aneurisms. NAC was give po 1200mg twice daily 24 hours before the operation, and for 48 hours after surgery 600mg twice daily iv. Forty-two patients were enrolled in the study, 18 in group NAC and 24 in the control group. The baseline SCr and baseline GFR did not differ between groups (1,19±0,33 vs 1,37±0,49 mg/dL; and 64,6±26,22 vs 65,7±28,32 ml/min), NAC vs control, respectively, p=0,17 e p=0,90. The incidence of AKI defined as 25% increase in baseline SCr was 36% (13/36), but it was not statistically different between groups (7/14, 50% in NAC and 6/22, 27.3% in the control group, p=0,16). Hospital mortality was 23% (10/42) and was not different (p=0,209) in NAC group (33,3%) when compared with control (16,7% ). Likewise, the length of ICU stay did not differ (2,93±1,53 vs 2,52±1,36 days, p=0,40). This study suggests that although a biological effect of NAC cannot be excluded, its use in the prevention of AKI associated with elective aortic aneurysms cannot be justified

Avaliação da eficácia da aplicação preventiva do laser de baixa potência em pacientes com mucosite oral induzida por radioquimioterapia / Efficacy evaluation of prophylactic low-energy laser application in patients with radiochemotherapy-induced oral mucositis

Aline Gouvêa de Lima 17 September 2009 (has links)
Estudo de fase III, prospectivo, aleatorizado e duplo-cego de prevenção de mucosite oral com laser de baixa potência. Foram incluídos pacientes portadores de câncer de cabeça e pescoço, tratados com radioquimioterapia. Grupo A laser 2,5 J/cm2 diariamente durante o tratamento e grupo B laser placebo. Inclusão de 75 pacientes (A/B 37/38). Grau III /IV mucosite: A/B 2a semana (4/5) P=1.0, 4a semana (4/12) P=0.04 e 6a semana (8/9) P=1.0. Interrupções da RT devido à mucosite A/B 0/6 P=0.02. Dor severa A/B 2a semana (5/5), 4a semana (8/8) e 6a semana (8/8) P=1.0. O tratamento com laser foi efetivo, tendo adiado o aparecimento da mucosite severa e reduzido as interrupções da radioterapia. / Phase III, prospective, randomized, double-blind study of oral mucositis prophylaxis by low energy laser. Patients included had a diagnosis of head and neck cancer and were managed with radiochemotherapy. Arm A laser 2.5 J/cm2 daily throughout treatment and B sham laser. Inclusion of 75 patients (A/B 37/38). Grade III /IV mucositis A/B: week 2 (4/5) P=1.0, week 4 (4/12) P=0.04 and week 6 (8/9) P=1.0. Treatment breaks due to mucositis A/B 0/6 P=0.02. Severe pain A/B week 2 (5/5), week 4 (8/8) and week 6 (8/8) P=1.0. Low laser therapy was effective, delaying severe mucositis and reducing radiotherapy breaks.

Algias posturais na gestação : prevalência, fatores de risco e tratamento das algias lombares e pélvicas pelo método do hatha yoga / Back pain related-pregnancy : prevalence, risk factors and treatment of low back and pelvic pain by hatha yoga method.

Martins, Roseny Flávia, 1968- 10 October 2012 (has links)
Orientador: João Luiz de Carvalho Pinto e Silva / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T07:20:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Martins_RosenyFlavia_D.pdf: 2218392 bytes, checksum: ae46ec8279637321e393aa3f2e2f2303 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Introdução: As algias posturais são sintomas que afetam oito em cada dez gestantes brasileiras, e o uso do Yoga tem sido considerado para seu tratamento e cuidado. Objetivos: avaliar a prevalência das algias na coluna vertebral, identificar possíveis fatores de risco na gestação e avaliar a efetividade do método do Hatha Yoga para reduzir a PLBP e PGP relacionadas à gravidez. Métodos: a dor na coluna vertebral foi identificada através de estudo de corte transversal com 245 gestantes em atenção pré-natal selecionadas em Unidades Básicas de Saúde do município de Paulínia (Estado de São Paulo), através de entrevistas usando-se questionário estruturado pelos autores. Também foram convidadas 60 grávidas com PLBP e/ou PGP, para participar de um ensaio clínico prospectivo randomizado. Participaram gestantes com idade de 14 a 40 anos, idade gestacional de 4 a 40 semanas, no estudo de prevalência, e de 12 a 32 semanas para o ensaio clínico. Foram excuídas as grávidas submetidas a algum tipo de intervenção para o tratamento destas algias. As pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos: o Grupo YOGA (GY), que praticou exercícios orientados pelo método, e o Grupo Orientação Postural (GOP), que realizou orientações posturais padronizadas contidas em folheto preparado por fisioterapeutas. As gestantes foram acompanhadas por dez semanas, no período de junho 2009 a junho 2011. Foram utilizados a Escala Analógica Visual (EAV) para medir a intensidade da dor e os testes de provocação de dores lombar e pélvica posterior para verificação da presença da dor. Para análise estatística foram utilizados analise descritiva por medidas de posição e tendência central, frequência absoluta e relativa, testes de Mann-Whitney, Qui-quadrado de Pearson, Mc Nemar, Wilcoxon pareado, Análise de covariância, Regressão logística binária múltipla e Método Stepwise. Resultados: a prevalência de dor nas costas foi de 78,8%, sendo a região lombopélvica referida por 69%. A intensidade da dor foi relatada por 35,9% para a dor moderada e 32,7% para a dor severa. A dor lombopélvica foi 11,16 mais frequente para o período noturno e 4,03 para o vespertino e a postura corporal em pé foi 2,9, comparativamente às que não sentiam dor . Observou-se que a mediana do escore de dor referido pelas gestantes foi menor no GY (p< 0,0058) quando comparada ao GOP. Houve diminuição da reatividade nos testes de provocação de dor lombar em relação aos testes de dor pélvica posterior. Observou-se a redução gradativa da intensidade da dor durante as dez sessões do Hatha Yoga programadas (p< 0,024). Conclusão: A prevalência de dor na coluna vertebral foi de 78,8% e a região lombopélvica foi a mais referida. O modelo de regressão logística apontou que os períodos noturnos, vespertinos e a posição corporal em pé são fatores preditivos associados para a dor lombopélvica durante a gestação. O método do Yoga foi mais efetivo para a diminuição da intensidade da PLBP e PGP quando comparado ao grupo de mulheres submetidas às orientações posturais / Abstract: Introduction: The back pain are symptoms that affect eight out of ten pregnant Brazilian women, and the use of Yoga for treatment and care have been considered. Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of pain in the spine, to identify possible risk factors in Brazilian pregnant women and evaluate the effectiveness of the method Hatha Yoga to reduce pregnancy-related low back pain (PLBP) and pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (PGP). Methods: pain in the spine was identified through cross-sectional study with 245 pregnant women in prenatal care selected in the Primary Healthcare Services in Paulínia (São Paulo State Brazil). Interviews using a structured questionnaire was used. Also were invited 60 pregnant with PLBP and / or PGP, to participate in a prospective randomized clinical trial, age 14 to 40 years and 4 to 40 gestacional age for prevelence and 12 to 32 gestacional age for the clinical trial. We excluded pregnant women who were being subjected to some type of intervention to treat these pains. The women were divided into two groups: Yoga Group (YG), who practiced exercises guided by the method, and the Postural Orientation Group (POG) that performed, postural standardized guidelines contained in booklet prepared by physical therapists. The women were followed for ten weeks, from June 2009 Summary to June 2011. We used the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) to measure the intensity of pain and provocation tests to verify the presence of the low back pain and posterior pelvic pain. Statistical analysis included measures of central tendency and position, absolute and relative frequency. Mann-Whitney, Chi-square, McNemar, Wilcoxon Tests, analysis of covariance, Multiple binary logistic regression and stepwise method .Results: The prevalence of back pain was 78.8% and the lumbopelvic region was reported by 69%. The pain intensity was 35.9% for moderate and 32.7% for severe pain. The lumbopelvic pain was more prevalent 11.16 during night time, 4.03 during evening and standing posture was found 2.9 more frequent compared to those who felt no pain. Was also observed that the median pain score was lower in YG (p <0.0058) when compared to the POG. There was relief of the pain during low back pain provocation tests in relation to posterior pelvic pain tests. There was a gradual reduction of pain intensity during the ten sessions scheduled of Hatha Yoga (p <0.024). Conclusion: The prevalence of pain in the spine was 78.8% and lumbopelvic region was the most reported. The logistic regression model showed that the night-time, evening and standing position are predictive factors associated to lumbopelvic pain during pregnancy. Yoga was the more effective method in reducing the intensity of PLBP and PGP when compared with postural orientations / Doutorado / Saúde Materna e Perinatal / Doutora em Ciências da Saúde

Dance Intervention for Adolescent Girls with Internalizing Problems : Effects and Experiences

Duberg, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Globally, psychological health problems are currently among the most serious public health challenges. Adolescent girls suffer from internalizing problems, such as somatic symptoms and mental health problems, at higher rates than in decades. By age 15, over 50 % of all girls experience multiple health complaints more than once a week and one in five girls reports fair or poor health. The overall aim of this study was to investigate the effects of and experiences with an after-school dance intervention for adolescent girls with internalizing problems. The intervention comprised dance that focused on resources twice weekly for 8 months. Specifically, this thesis aimed to: I) investigate the effects on self-rated health (SRH), adherence and over-all experience; II) evaluate the effects on somatic symptoms, emotional distress and use of medication; III) explore the experiences of those participating in the intervention; and IV) assess the cost-effectiveness. A total of 112 girls aged 13 to 18 years were included in a randomized controlled trial. The dance intervention group comprised 59 girls, and the control group 53. In paper I, the dance group showed increased SRH scores compared to the control group (p = .02). Girls in the intervention group showed high adherence and a positive overall experience. In paper II, the dance group exhibited a decrease in somatic symptoms (p = .021), emotional distress (p = .023) and use of medication (p = .020) compared to the control group. In paper III, a strategic sample of 24 girls was interviewed. Qualitative content analysis was performed, and five generic categories emerged. Two were “An Oasis from Stress” and “Supportive Togetherness”, which was shown to represent the fundamental basis and setting of the intervention. The main category, participants’ central experience, was understood as “Finding embodied self-trust that opens new doors”. Paper IV revealed that, due to decreased number of visits to the school nurse and an increase in health related quality of life; the intervention was considered to be cost-effective (combined with the usual school health services). In summary, the results of this thesis show that this dance intervention for adolescent girls with internalizing problems generated positive health effects and proved to be cost-effective. For this target group, a non-judgmental environment and supportive togetherness proved to be of importance for participation. The results of this study may provide practical information for school health care staff and caregivers in designing future interventions.

Evaluation of the Otago Exercise Programme with or without motivational interviewing : Feasibility, experiences, effects and adherence among older community-dwelling people

Arkkukangas, Marina January 2017 (has links)
Falls and injuries related to falls are one of the most common health problems among older people and are becoming increasingly more frequent. Regular exercise has been identified as one of the most effective fall-prevention activities for older people; however, awareness of the impact of exercise programmes and adherence to recommended exercise among the elderly population is generally low. Research examining how an exercise programme is administered to and experienced by elderly community-dwelling people is needed. The overall aim of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility, experiences and effects of and adherence to the fall-preventive Otago Exercise Programme (OEP) with or without motivational interviewing (MI) among community-dwelling people aged 75 years or older. Four studies were performed from October 2012 to May 2016 in a sample of 175 people. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used. The methods included the feasibility for conducting a randomized controlled trial (RCT) (I), individual face-to-face interviews (II), an RCT (III) and a prospective cohort study (IV). The intervention was given to two groups. The participants who received OEP with or without MI were compared with a control group that received standard care. The feasibility of performing an exercise intervention with or without MI was acceptable from the perspective of the participating physiotherapists. From the perspective of the older participants performing the exercise with behavioural change support, the inclusion of monitored exercises in everyday life and daily routines was important. The participants also expressed experiencing more strength, improved physical functioning and greater hope for an extended active life during old age. From the short-term perspective, there were significant improvements within the OEP combined with MI group in terms of physical performance, fall self-efficacy, activity level, and handgrip strength. Improved physical performance and fall self-efficacy were also found within the control group; however, corresponding differences did not occur in the OEP group without MI. There were no significant differences between the study groups after 12 weeks of regular exercise. Adherence to the exercises in the pooled exercise group was 81% at the 12-week follow-up. At the 52-week follow-up, the behavioural factors being physically active and obtaining behavioural support in terms of MI had a significant association with adherence to the exercise programme. These studies provide some support for the combination of OEP with MI as the addition of MI was valuable for achieving adherence to the exercise programme over time in older community-dwelling people.

Nutrition and Child Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries - Evaluation of Three Micronutrient Interventions

Krämer, Marion 02 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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