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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att representera och representeras : samiska kvinnor i svensk och samisk press 1966-2006 / To Represent and be Represented : Sami Women in Swedish and Sami Press, 1966-2006

Ledman, Anna-Lill January 2012 (has links)
This doctoral thesis examines how Sami women were represented in Swedish and Sami press during the years 1966, 1986 and 2006. Moreover, it problematises how the image of "the Sami woman" was constructed and represented in the press, in relation to the (re)production of normality and deviance, with special attention to the concepts of ethnicity and gender. The thesis adopts a theoretical framework informed by post-colonial theory and intersectional analysis, and the empirical study was approached through critical discourse analysis. Concepts such as orientalism, intersectionality, and strategic essentialism are central to the study, and the thesis includes discussions on ethics, reflexivity, knowledge and power as well as scrutinizing the hegemonic Western perspective in connection to Sami related research. As the main source materials, the Sami magazine Samefolket, and the Vilhelmina Sami press clippings archive were used. In addition to the articles, some of the women who appeared in the newspapers and magazines were interviewed, providing a valuable complement to the printed source materials. The study shows that Sami women were represented in a stereotypical manner in both Samefolket and in the Swedish press, with clear connections to the image of the Sami as it was formulated in the Swedish Sami policy during the 20th century. The balance between Sami and Swedish ethnicity was given increased attention over time, and women approached the theme by expressing themselves through various forms of art such as literature, film, photography or other extroverted activities. The importance of Sami women for the Sami ethno-political mobilisation appears to be more significant than has previously been noted, however women act from artistic platforms aswell as the traditional political arenas. As the dominant Swedish society, including members of the media, generally hold a low level of knowledge about Sami societies the discussion on Sami society, history and culture is kept at a rudimentary level. As a consequence, opportunities for in-depth discussions that represent the Sami from heterogeneous and alternative perspectives are limited. / <p>20160120: författaren har numera efternamnet Drugge. /ME</p>

Le paradoxe dans les Alices de Lewis Carroll : la force du littéraire dans la théorisation de l'irrésoluble /

Faucher, Benoît January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Logique d'action et quête de sens : le risque en protection de l'enfance

Lambert, Annie 05 1900 (has links)
La présente recherche a comme sujet la gestion des risques au cœur de la prise de décision en protection de l’enfance. Elle a comme objectif une meilleure compréhension de la pratique à partir de la construction des logiques d’action déployées par les professionnels ainsi que la réflexion sur le sens qu’ils accordent à leurs actions. Le projet est porté par une posture constructiviste : les professionnels « construisent » la situation problématique de l’enfant à protéger tout comme ils construisent la solution envisagée. C’est à partir de la combinaison entre la réflexivité (Schön; Racine; Giddens) et la délibération éthique (Bossé, Morin et Dallaire) que des groupes de discussion impliquant des professionnels de professions et de statuts différents ont été réalisés au Centre jeunesse de l’Estrie. Ces groupes s’inscrivent dans une méthodologie qualitative laissant place aux discours des acteurs et sont accompagnés d’entretiens individuels comme stratégie complémentaire de cueillette de données. Les données ont été explorées à partir d’une analyse de contenu sous trois axes (Van der Maren) : une analyse horizontale (dégager les éléments pertinents à partir d’un cadre de délibération éthique), une analyse verticale (dégager les interactions et les inter-influences dans les groupes de discussion) et une analyse transversale (dégager des noyaux de sens et des logiques d’action à travers les discours). Les résultats permettent d’établir des séquences dans la prise de décision des professionnels à partir desquelles se construisent les logiques d’action. Trois logiques sont dégagées de l’analyse de contenu ⎯ collaborative, délibérative, légaliste ⎯ qui sont appuyées sur plusieurs dimensions regroupées à l’intérieur de trois axes d’intérêt : le rapport au mandat de protection, le rapport à la situation et le rapport au risque. Au-delà des logiques elles-mêmes, les résultats portent également à réfléchir des éléments de processus qui influencent la prise de décision. Ces éléments amènent à explorer et à questionner la posture professionnelle et la conviction, le dialogue et la présence d’espace de traduction ainsi que l’apport de la délibération collective. Au final, la recherche permet de réaffirmer la complexité de la pratique de protection de l’enfance mais elle conduit également à plaider en faveur d’une conscientisation de la pratique. Dégager des logiques d’action procure des clés de réflexivité pour les professionnels les menant à conscientiser leur prise de décision et ainsi accéder / The following research concerns the risk management in the matter of decision-making concerning child protection. The object is a better understanding of the practice through the construction of logics of action engaged by professionals as well as reflections on the meaning they attach to their actions. The research is supported by a constructivist posture: professionals “built up” the child problematic situation as well as they “built up” the situation. Base on combination of reflexivity (Schön; Racine; Giddens) and ethical deliberation (Bossé, Morin and Dallaire), focus groups took place involving professionals of different positions at the Youth Protection Center in the Eastern Township area. Those groups involved a qualitative methodology including actor’s speech and are accompanied by individuals interviews as a complementary data collection. The data were explored by content analysis in three axes (Van der Maren): a horizontal analysis (identify major’s elements with ethical deliberation frame work), a vertical analysis (identify interactions and influences in the focus groups) and a cross-sectorial analysis (identify nucleus of meaning and logic of action through speech). The results allow establishing sequences in decision making of professionals from which to build the logic of action. Three approaches have emerged from content analysis ⎯ collaborative, deliberative, legalistic ⎯ which are based upon several dimensions grouped into three areas of interest: the relation to the mandate of protection, compared to the situation and report at risk. Beyond the logic themselves, the results also reflect elements of process that influence decision making. These factors point to explore and question the professional posture and belief, dialogue and space translation and the contribution of collective deliberation. Ultimately, the research helps to reaffirm the complexity of the practice of child protection but it also leads to argue for an awareness of the practice. Identify logical action provides key reflexivity for professionals leading them to their awareness and decision-making and access to risk management fair and justified.

Étude des manifestations d’une pensée critique visée, stimulée et manifestée, chez des étudiants en formation initiale en enseignement de l’éducation physique et à la santé

Forges, Robert 05 1900 (has links)
L’école et les programmes de formation à l’enseignement ont connu beaucoup de transformations au cours des dernières décennies. Ces changements sont notamment associés au mouvement de la professionnalisation de l’enseignement qui met l’accent, entre autres, sur l’importance de développer une réflexivité critique chez les futurs enseignants à travers des cours théoriques et des stages. Dans cette optique, le Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et du sport (MELS) et les institutions universitaires ont la responsabilité d’interpréter les caractéristiques propres à une pensée critique et de les intégrer à la formation initiale des enseignants. Cependant, bien que le concept de pensée critique ait fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches théoriques et empiriques depuis les travaux sur la pensée réfléchie de Dewey, il n’existe toujours pas une définition consensuelle du concept. Néanmoins les philosophes « classiques » (Ennis, McPeck, Paul, Siegel, Lipman) s’entendent pour soutenir qu’une pensée critique présuppose un doute méthodique qui conduit à la mobilisation d’habiletés et d’attitudes intellectuelles complexes, reliées à l’évaluation des faits et des situations. De leur côté, des épistémologues issus du champ de la psychologie développementale (King & Kitchener, Kuhn, Perry, et d’autres) ont élaboré des modèles de développement d’une pensée critique basés sur l’identification de stades. L’un des plus récents modèles est issu des sciences de l’éducation (Daniel et al.) et sera utilisé comme grille pour analyser nos données. Il présuppose quatre modes de pensée (logique, métacognitif, créatif et responsable) et leur complexification à partir de trois perspectives épistémologiques (égocentrisme, relativisme et intersubjectivité). La présente étude, de nature qualitative, cherche à d’identifier la réflexivité (simple ou critique) visée par les textes officiels du MELS, stimulée par l’Université de Montréal (UdeM) dans le cadre de la formation initiale des étudiants inscrits en Éducation physique et à la santé (ÉPS) et manifestée par ces étudiants en fin de formation. Pour ce faire, nous avons eu recours à une analyse de contenu, et à une analyse basée sur le modèle développemental de Daniel et ses collègues. Ces analyses ont été conduites sur le référentiel de compétences du MELS, sur les indicateurs de compétences et les consignes de rédaction des rapports synthèses de l’UdeM, ainsi que sur des verbatim d’entrevues individuelles et de groupe et sur les rapports synthèses des participants (au nombre de neuf). Les résultats d’analyse du référentiel de compétences et des indicateurs de compétences montrent que les réflexivités visée et stimulée sont de l’ordre d’une pensée réfléchie mais pas nécessairement d’une pensée critique. Parallèlement, la réflexivité manifestée par les stagiaires lors des entrevues ainsi que dans leurs rapports synthèse s’est révélée être de l’ordre d’une pensée réfléchie pas nécessairement critique même si des manifestations d’une pensée critique ont occasionnellement pu être observées. / Schools and Teacher Training Programs have undergone several transformations over the past decades. In particular, these transformations have been associated to the teaching professionalization movement that emphasizes, among others, the importance of developing reflexivity, and especially critical reflexivity, in future teachers through theoretical classes and practicum. To this end, the Ministère de l’éducation, des loisirs et du sport (MELS) and universities are responsible for interpreting the characteristics that are specific to Critical Thinking (CT) and to integrate these characteristics in Initial Teacher Training. However, although the concept of CT has been the subject of considerable theoretical and empirical research since the works of Dewey on Reflective Thinking (RT), a consensual definition of the concept has yet to be reached. Nevertheless, “classical” philosophers (Ennis, McPeck, Paul, Siegel, Lipman) agree in sustaining that CT implies methodological doubt, which leads to the mobilisation of complex intellectual attitudes and skills, related to the evaluation of facts and situations. For their part, epistemologists from the field of developmental psychology (King & Kitchener, Kuhn, Perry, and other) have elaborated CT development models based on the identification of stages. One of the more recent models stems from Education Science (Daniel et al.) and will be used as a grid to analyse our data. It presupposes four thinking modes (logical, metacognitive, creative, and responsible) and their increasing complexity based on three epistemological perspectives (egocentricity, relativism, and inter-subjectivity). The present study, of a qualitative nature, attempts to identify the reflexivity (simple or critical) outlined in the MELS’s official texts, as stimulated by Université de Montréal (UdeM) with its Initial Teacher Training for students registered in the Physical Education and Health program, and as manifested by these students at the end of their training. To do so, we relied on content analyses, and on an analysis based on the developmental model of Daniel and colleagues. These analyses were conducted on the MELS’s competency dictionary, on competency indicators and UdeM writing guidelines for summary reports, as well as on transcripts of individual and group interviews, and on the participants’ summary reports (nine in total). Results from our analysis of the competency dictionary and competency indicators show that the reflexivity intended and stimulated is in the range of RT but not necessarily of CT. In parallel, the reflexivity manifested by trainees during the interviews and in their summary reports proved to be of a RT nature not necessary critic even if some manifestations of CT were observed.

Distribuce a funkční využití staročeského reflexiva "sě" / Distribution and functions of the reflexive morpheme sě in Old Czech

Pergler, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the functions of the reflexive form sě in Old Czech. In Chapter 2, existing literature about the Old Czech sě is reviewed, in Chapter 3, I describe the method of my research, comment on the data used for the analysis and present the functions of sě that have been identified. In Chapters 4, 5 and 6 (the key part of the thesis), I describe three functions of the reflexive form, i.e., three types of constructions containing the form sě: accusative form of the reflexive pronoun, spontaneity and agent demotion. I focus on the most important syntactic and semantic characteristics of the constructions, then I analyse especially the animacy of the syntactic subject and the verbal aspect; both these criteria proved to be relevant for the constructions in question. The functions I describe are prototypes, therefore they have no clear boundaries. Hence, I also point out the ambiguous cases whose classification is not clear. In Chapter 7, I compare and contrast the three functions and show the most important differences between the use of the reflexive form in Old Czech and in Modern Czech.

Não caber + Início da pesquisa Estou na frente da câmera mas a minha cabeça está atrás dela ou A performance da diretora ou A performance da crítica / -

Kunsch, Graziela Krohling 01 August 2016 (has links)
1) A pesquisa artística não pode se subordinar à obediência acadêmica. 2) A presença de cineastas como personagens de seus próprios filmes, interpretando seus próprios papeis, talvez seja o mais próximo que o cinema chega da performance. Essa presença, de caráter supostamente documental, se dá sempre com a consciência que o realizador/a realizadora tem da câmera, de modo que exerce o duplo papel de atorencenador (como Renato Cohen descreve o performer) ou protagonista-observador de sua própria atuação (Jorge Glusberg). A frase que dá título à esta parte da pesquisa - \"Estou na frente da câmera mas a minha cabeça está atrás dela\" - foi dita por Jean-Luc Godard durante a sua participação no filme Quarto 666, de Wim Wenders. 3) A crítica do artista tende a ser sempre individual; a verdadeira crítica só pode ser coletiva. / 1) Artistic research cannot be subordinated to academic obedience. 2) The presence of filmmakers as characters in their own movies, playing their own roles, is perhaps the closest cinema gets to performance. This presence, supposedly documentary-oriented, always occurs with the awareness that the director has of the camera, so that he/she performs the dual role of actor-director (as Renato Cohen describes the performer) or actor-observer of his own performance (Jorge Glusberg). The sentence used as title of this part - \"I\'m in front of the camera but my head is behind it\" - was said by Jean-Luc Godard while participating in the film Room 666, by Wim Wenders. 3) Artist\'s criticism tends to be always individual; the real criticism has to be collective.


[pt] O presente trabalho se propõe a aferir a mudança institucional que teve lugar nas atividades da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) relacionadas com as Operações de Manutenção da Paz, no período 1992- 2000. A abordagem levada a cabo se localiza no encontro da disciplina das Relações Internacionais com outras Ciências Sociais, através dos autores Ernst Haas e Anthony Giddens. Na Modernidade, organizações sociais, como a ONU, levam a cabo contínuo monitoramento, reflexivo, de suas próprias ações, na busca por solucionar problemas de cuja solução são incumbidos. Nessa dinâmica de monitoramento reflexivo, as organizações sociais podem - ou não - aprender com suas experiências pregressas. / [en] The present research intends to evaluate institutional change that had taken place within United Nations (UN) activities related to Peacekeeping operations, from 1992 to 2000. The following approach is located on the interface between International Relations and other Social Sciences, through the theoretical contributions of Ernst Haas and Anthony Giddens. In Modernity, social organizations (such as UN) continuously monitor its own behavior - reflexively - seeking for solutions for problems to be solved. Amidst this dynamics of reflexive monitoring, social organizations may - or may not - learn from its previous experiences.

« Gagne-t-on vraiment à mieux connaître? » : autoethnographie queer de mon expérience d'intervention antihomophobie avec le GRIS-Montréal

Poirier-Saumure, Alexis 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Incerteza democrática, legitimidade por reflexividade e jurisdição constitucional: o fundamento (simbólico) do exercício do poder pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal

Brum, Guilherme Valle 09 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-10-16T15:49:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Valle Brum_.pdf: 2624947 bytes, checksum: 6a570fa515971c6862ee86ec4f0a0811 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-16T15:49:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guilherme Valle Brum_.pdf: 2624947 bytes, checksum: 6a570fa515971c6862ee86ec4f0a0811 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-09 / Nenhuma / A presente tese aborda a legitimidade democrática da jurisdição constitucional. O objetivo é defender um modo de legitimação pelo exercício do poder, a chamada “legitimidade por reflexividade”, a partir da teoria democrática de Pierre Rosanvallon, beneficiada pela filosofia política de Claude Lefort e pelas teorias do Direito e da democracia de Ronald Dworkin. A intenção é a de que esse arranjo teórico seja convincente e adequado para fundamentar o poder contramajoritário das cortes constitucionais – mais delimitadamente, no caso, do Supremo Tribunal Federal – quando no desempenho da atividade de revisão judicial dos atos políticos (leis e políticas públicas) dimanados dos poderes Legislativo e Executivo, que contam com uma legitimidade democrática de investidura, conferida pelo procedimento eleitoral-majoritário. Uma das principais conclusões é a de que o modelo democrático-reflexivo é adequado para fundamentar a autoridade das cortes constitucionais. Além disso, a tese conclui que esse tipo de legitimidade não corresponde a um estatuto, mas a uma qualidade, a ser aferida pelo exercício do respectivo poder. É uma questão de grau, essencialmente interpretativa. A conquista da legitimidade não pode ser plenamente atingida, estando vinculada a um buscar incessante. Outra conclusão do trabalho é a de que a integridade do Direito faz parte da dimensão simbólica do poder e, nessa medida, sua função é a de prover reflexivamente uma identidade, no plano dos princípios, para o social. Ainda que seja uma identidade ou uma unidade inerentemente provisória e disputável, dado o caráter aberto, plural e voltado ao futuro próprio dos regimes democráticos. / This thesis addresses the democratic legitimacy of constitutional jurisdiction. The aim is to defend legitimacy by the exercise of power, the so-called "legitimacy by reflexivity", based on the democratic theory of Pierre Rosanvallon, benefited by the political philosophy of Claude Lefort and the theories of law and democracy by Ronald Dworkin. The intention is that this theoretical arrangement be convincing and adequate to justify the countermajoritarian power of the constitutional courts when performing the judicial review of political acts (laws and public policies) emanating from the Legislative and Executive powers, which have a democratic legitimacy of investiture, conferred by the electoral-majority procedure. One of the main conclusions is that the democratic-reflexive model is adequate to support the authority of the constitutional courts. Furthermore, the thesis concludes that this type of legitimacy does not correspond to a statute, but to a standard, to be measured by the exercise of judicial power. It is a matter of degree, essentially interpretive. Another conclusion of the work is that the integrity of law is part of the symbolic dimension of power and, to that extent, its function is to provide reflexively an identity, at the level of principles, for society. Although it is an identity that is inherently provisional and disputable, considering the open, plural, and future character of democratic regimes.

O labirinto organizacional e o fio da razão: os processos de seleção interna como via de reflexividade institucional

Araujo Netto, Carlos Alberto 21 June 2012 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivo investigar a reflexividade como componente estratégico na prática de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) e na contribuição crítica da Psicologia das Organizações e do Trabalho (POT) frente aos desafios da alta modernidade. Tomando como referencial a Sociologia de Anthony Giddens, os atores são capazes de elaborar, no contexto das relações sociais em que estão inseridos, as condições da sua própria ação e a do outro, confrontando aquilo que a organização diz ser da forma como é compreendida. Ao mesmo tempo, o estudo revelou que os atores esperam poder contribuir e agregar valor para a organização, pela dimensão cognitiva que possuem. Isso porque os atores produzem reflexão sobre os processos nos quais estão envolvidos, queira a empresa ou não, construindo experiências pessoais com alta potencialidade de informações e conhecimentos para a GRH realizar o auto-monitoramento contínuo, identificar gaps existentes e aperfeiçoar as práticas adotadas que podem ser, assim, reconstituídas ou reorganizadas. O presente estudo, tomando como objeto de investigação empírica o processo interno de seleção de pessoas de uma empresa, analisou o quanto o conhecimento produzido pelos atores, uma vez ignorados diante da ênfase dada aos sistemas técnicos especialistas, fechados à participação pela ausência deliberada de espaços dialógicos, pode levar a perdas de referenciais e sentido, levando a uma situação denominada neste estudo como labirinto organizacional. O estudo conclui que um processo interno de seleção de pessoas vai além da escolha do candidato mais habilitado para exercer uma determinada função, pois é capaz de revelar também a forma de ser da própria organização, seu auto-retrato, na visão dos diversos atores envolvidos no processo. O quadro teórico elaborado com os conceitos de Giddens foi aplicado, neste estudo, às experiências elaboradas pelos atores quando questionados. A pesquisa demonstrou a condição e o potencial dos atores de transformarem a estrutura existente, como um Teseu contemporâneo que entra no labirinto com um projeto, agente ativo no uso reflexivo da razão como fio lógico para si que move os seus passos dentro da organização. Trata-se da experiência oposta à figura do Minotauro, submetido de forma passiva aos limites impostos pela estrutura. Ligar essas experiências é um exercício de construção que remonta ao hipertexto, como contra-labirinto, que conecta experiências e oferece um sentido para o agir organizacional. O resultado da investigação sobre a visão dos candidatos e psicólogos selecionadores mostrou que criação e análise das práticas, exploração e leitura das experiências vividas, potencializa a reflexividade institucional como condição para modernização das organizações ao fortalecer o papel dos atores como agentes ativos / This thesis aimed at investigating reflexivity as a strategic feature of Human Resources Management (HRM) linked to the critical contribution of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) within the facing up to the high modernity organizational challenges. Grounded in the Anthony Giddens Sociology, it scrutinized actors capacity to elaborate the conditions related to their own and others actions within the social contexts they are settled in by withstanding organizational narratives about what is being done by management. Additionally, it analyzed actors expectations of their own contribution to the organization by adding value through the offering of their own cognitions to the organization. Their expectations stem from their reflexivity on the processes they are involved in through which, be recognized or not by the enterprise, they produce a wide range of knowledge and information potentially fertile for the accomplishment of HRM selfappraisal, the identification of existing gaps and the amelioration of its practices. Taking the process of personnel selection as the target of scrutiny, this study analyzed the extent to which the knowledge produced by organizational actors is ignored by the organizational preference for the information produced by expert systems which are hemmed in to any kind of participation due to the lack of dialogical spaces. This situation produces loss of meaning and of references thus creating a kind of organizational maze. The empirical findings disclosed that an internal process of personnel selection goes beyond the choice of the most competent applicant for a particular position since it is enabled to disclose the way the organization works and its self-portrait according to actors views. Actors experiences were matched to the theoretical framework. Yet the findings confirmed actors potential competence to contribute to the transformation of the existing organziaitonal structure, as contemporary Teseus enter into the maze having a project as an active agents enabled to apply reflexivity by using the logical thread to move within the organization. Actors experience withstand Minotauros situation which was passive within the boundaries imposed by the maze structure. The scrutiny of those experiences hints at the hypertext as a sort of counter maze since it relates and offers meanings to the organizational action. Finally, the findings which emerged from the comparison of applicants with psychologists views put into light the potentiality of the analysis of procedures and the reading of experiences to enhance institutional reflexivity as inputs for organizational development since it gives momentum to actors roles as active agents

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