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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inclus?o digital: a inser??o das tecnologias informacionais nas escolas p?blicas da RMNatal

Cruz, Aracely Xavier da 30 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AracelyXC_DISSERT.pdf: 2210204 bytes, checksum: 3f4dd2024c91b16e2a784fc7ab12db86 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-30 / This study aims to determine the influence of Digital Inclusion in school performance of students from public high school in the metropolitan area of Natal, through the use of computers in a pedagogical and Internet use.Throughout the paper we try to answer the question: The pedagogical use of computers connected to the Internet contributes to improving the academic performance of students in public schools in the RMNatal? To answer the research question, we focus on the database INEP on the infrastructure of schools and the bank rates of school performance. For both technical procedures performed to obtain the relationship between Internet and School Performance. Then the School Settings have been configured for Digital Inclusion and made crosses with the approval rates, distortion and failure. The survey results indicate that according to the classification established in: Included in School Settings, School Settings deficit, Adverse Environments School and School Settings Deleted, which has prevailed in the metropolitan area of Natal are the schools that are provided outside. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo verificar a influ?ncia da Inclus?o Digital no desempenho escolar dos alunos de Ensino M?dio da rede p?blica na Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal, atrav?s do uso do computador de forma pedag?gica e da utiliza??o da Internet. No decorrer do trabalho, tentamos responder ? indaga??o: O uso pedag?gico da inform?tica, associado ? Internet, contribui para a melhoria do desempenho escolar dos alunos das escolas p?blicas da Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal? Para responder ? indaga??o de pesquisa, debru?amo-nos diante do banco de dados do INEP relativo ? infraestrutura das escolas e ao banco das taxas de desempenho escolar. Para tanto, realizamos procedimentos t?cnicos para obter a rela??o entre Internet e Desempenho Escolar. Em seguida, foram configurados os Ambientes Escolares de Inclus?o Digital e realizados os cruzamentos com taxas de aprova??o, distor??o e reprova??o. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que, de acordo com a classifica??o estabelecida em Ambientes Escolares Inclu?dos, Ambientes Escolares Deficit?rios, Ambientes Escolares Adversos e Ambientes Escolares Exclu?dos, o que tem prevalecido na Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal s?o as escolas que se encontram na condi??o de exclu?das.

Mercado de trabalho, ocupa??es e rendimentos: a Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal na d?cada de 1990

Silva, Marconi Gomes da 19 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarconiGS.pdf: 2298979 bytes, checksum: 11f4c180ca01021e64d77123725c4118 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-19 / The aim of this study is the labour market at Natal Metropolitan Region with emphasis in occupations and incomes that took place at the nineties. The definition of its chronological boundaries passed by verification of existence of evident socio-spatial impacts for output, occupation and income in national economy, with rebounds in all national territory, conditioned by institutional and socio-economical transformations which marked Brazilian insertion to capital flows and commodities globalization movement that took place at the cited decade. It has been shown that such impacts did not distributed themselves equally between diverse spatial levels (great regions, federate unities, municipalities) because of historical specificities in each place in terms of output structures and organization of distinct social agents. Having as its basis the Marxist perspective, it tackled theoretically occupations and incomes, transformations in labour universe occurred at world level, mainly in most urbanized areas, and following that to focus changes occurred in Brazilian society related to the search for competitive insertion in global economy during the period regarded. Special attention was gave to Natal Metropolitan Region, because it was historically a concentration area for investments, productive structure, people, occupations and incomes generated/appropriated in Rio Grande do Norte State. The basic data sources for research were the demographic Census (micro data) made by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica (IBGE) intending to present the structure and the labour market dynamics, having as basis: 1) traditional indicators about labour market; 2) sectors of economic activities and 3) social positions and classes segments. One of the purposes is the demonstration that occupations and incomes keep relation with the restructuring which occurred in each specific sector during the period. Other purpose is to make explicit the factors which bear the participation of distinct segments in production or service execution that make possible the different participation in income distribution. Results are revealing the increasin precariousness in labour market, enlargement of occupations in tertiary sector and greater concentration of average incomes in the social segments which were owners of the greatest capital allowances between residents in Natal Metropolitan Region during the nineties / O objeto deste estudo ? o mercado de trabalho na Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal com ?nfase nas ocupa??es e nos rendimentos que tiveram vig?ncia na d?cada de 1990. A defini??o do corte cronol?gico decorreu da constata??o da exist?ncia de inequ?vocos impactos socioespaciais para a produ??o, a ocupa??o e os rendimentos na economia nacional, com rebatimentos em todo o territ?rio nacional, condicionados pelas transforma??es institucionais e socioecon?micas que marcaram a inser??o do Brasil ao movimento de mundializa??o dos fluxos de capital e de mercadorias em curso na citada d?cada. Demonstra-se que tais impactos n?o distribu?ram-se equanimemente entre os diversos n?veis espaciais grandes regi?es, unidades federativas, munic?pios em fun??o das especificidades hist?ricas de cada local em termos de estruturas de produ??o e de organiza??o dos distintos agentes sociais. Tendo por base a perspectiva marxista, aborda-se teoricamente as ocupa??es e os rendimentos, as transforma??es no mundo do trabalho ocorridas em ?mbito mundial, sobretudo nas ?reas mais urbanizadas, para em seguida enfocar as mudan?as ocorridas na sociedade brasileira relacionadas ? busca da inser??o competitiva na economia global no per?odo em pauta. Aten??o especial ? dada ? Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal por se tratar de ?rea historicamente concentradora de investimentos, estrutura produtiva, pessoas, ocupa??es e rendas geradas/apropriadas no estado do Rio Grande do Norte. As fontes b?sicas da pesquisa s?o os Censos Demogr?ficos (microdados) realizados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat?stica (IBGE) com vistas a apresentar a estrutura e a din?mica do mercado de trabalho, tendo por base: 1) indicadores tradicionais sobre o mercado de trabalho; 2) segmentos de atividades econ?micas e 3) posi??es e segmentos de classes sociais. Um dos prop?sitos ? a demonstra??o de que as ocupa??es e os rendimentos mant?m rela??o com a reestrutura??o ocorrida em cada setor espec?fico no per?odo. Um outro prop?sito ? a explicita??o de que os fatores que fundam a participa??o dos distintos segmentos que participam da produ??o ou da presta??o de servi?os possibilitam participa??o diferenciada na distribui??o da renda. Os resultados s?o reveladores de crescente precariza??o no mercado de trabalho, amplia??o das ocupa??es no setor terci?rio e maior concentra??o dos rendimentos m?dios nos segmentos sociais detentores dos mais elevados aportes de capital entre os residentes na Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal na d?cada de 1990

Qualidade do gasto p?blico em educa??o para os munic?pios da regi?o metropolitana de Natal-2007

Silva, Veruska Pereira da 23 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:34:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VeruskaPS_DISSERT.pdf: 4897594 bytes, checksum: b5da048ef67a6c6fc260d835264bf7ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-23 / The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the quality of public spending on education for the municipalities of the Metropolitan Region of Natal (RMN) in 2009 by use of two theories: The Theory of Welfare (Welfare State) and the Public Choice Theory (TEP), both important to understand the relationship between education and economics. The study also uses principles of microeconomics and public sector economics to get a better idea of the role of education in economy and society. It describes the development of the educational policy in Brazil from 1988 to the Federal Constitution of 2010, following the major changes in basic education during each government. The characteristics of the RMN municipalities were illustrated with socioeconomic indicators, while educational indicators were used to characterize each municipality regarding education. The model used in this study was developed by Bert?, Brunet and Borges, the data was collected on the back of the School Census 2009 and the Brazil Exam 2009 and it was processed quantitavely in the Information System on Public Budgets in Education (SIOPE) by use of the statistical method called standardized score of the normal cumulative distribution function. The quality of public spending on education is the result of the relation between performance indicator ratio and expense ratio. For the qualitative analysis of results, the criteria of efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness were used. The study found that municipalities with higher expenses showed a worse quality of spending and failed to convert the expenditure incurred into performance, thus confirming ineffectiveness / A presente disserta??o tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade do gasto p?blico em educa??o pelos munic?pios da RMN, em 2009, por meio de duas teorias: Teoria do Bem-Estar Social (Welfare State) e Teoria da Escolha P?blica (TEP), importantes para entender a rela??o entre educa??o e ci?ncia econ?mica. O estudo tamb?m utiliza princ?pios da microeconomia e da economia do setor p?blico para melhor entender o papel da educa??o na economia e na sociedade. Percorre-se, neste trabalho, a trajet?ria da pol?tica educacional no Brasil a partir da Constitui??o Federal de 1988 at? 2010, acompanhando as principais mudan?as ocorridas na Educa??o B?sica em cada Governo. As caracter?sticas dos munic?pios da RMN foram reveladas atrav?s de indicadores socioecon?micos, e, para caracterizar cada munic?pio no que se refere ? educa??o, recorreu-se aos indicadores educacionais. O modelo utilizado neste trabalho foi desenvolvido por Bert?, Brunet e Borges. Os dados avaliados foram coletados nos bancos do Censo Escolar 2009, da Prova Brasil 2009 e no Sistema de Informa??es sobre Or?amentos P?blicos em Educa??o (SIOPE) e foram tratados quantitativamente pelo uso do tratamento estat?stico denominado escore padronizado pelo m?todo da fun??o de distribui??o acumulada normal. Neste estudo a qualidade do gasto p?blico em educa??o ? o resultado da raz?o entre indicador de desempenho e o indicador de despesa Para a an?lise qualitativa dos resultados, foram utilizados os crit?rios de efici?ncia, efic?cia e efetividade. O estudo constatou que os munic?pios que realizaram maior despesa resultaram em pior qualidade do gasto, n?o conseguindo retornar a despesa realizada em desempenho, o que revela a inefic?cia desses munic?pios

Planejamento e ordenamento territorial do turismo na regi?o metropolitana de Natal-RN / Planning and tourism territorial management in the metropolitan region of Natal-RN

Ferreira, Larissa da Silva 25 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LarissaSF_da capa_atepag160.pdf: 1444842 bytes, checksum: 2259eb88997b0a95f080596f541be12a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-25 / This work entitled "Planning and Tourism Territorial Management in the Metropolitan Region of Natal-RN" analyzes the tourism and its relationship to (re) production of socio-territorial inequalities in the metropolitan region of Natal (RMNatal) to from the planning and territorial management of the activity. For both, the methodological procedures were undertaken from research held about of literature on tourism, planning and territorial management, surveying and public policy analysis of tourism in national and local as well as the construction of levels of integration and differentiation of metropolitan municipalities in relation to tourism. Besides the shortage of studies on this subject, this research has shown that public policies focused on this sector has come under a great fragility in regard to tourism planning in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, causing the planning activity is a strong array of fragmentation and socio-territorial inequalities in RMNatal / O presente trabalho, intitulado Planejamento e Ordenamento Territorial do Turismo na Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal-RN , tem como objetivo analisar o turismo e sua rela??o com a (re)produ??o das desigualdades socioterritoriais no ?mbito da Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal (RMNatal), a partir do planejamento e do ordenamento territorial da atividade. Os procedimentos metodol?gicos utilizados foram: pesquisas bibliogr?ficas acerca de turismo, planejamento e ordenamento territorial; levantamento e an?lise das pol?ticas p?blicas de turismo, tanto em escala nacional quanto local; bem como a constru??o de n?veis de integra??o e de diferencia??o dos munic?pios metropolitanos em rela??o ? atividade tur?stica. Al?m da escassez de estudos sobre a quest?o, a pesquisa mostrou que as pol?ticas p?blicas voltadas para o setor ainda se realizam sob uma grande fragilidade institucional, no que concerne ao planejamento do turismo no Brasil e no estado do Rio Grande do Norte, fazendo com que o ordenamento territorial da atividade seja um forte vetor de fragmenta??o e de desigualdades socioterritoriais na RMNatal

A reestrutura??o do territ?rio da regi?o fumageira de Alagoas

Santos, Ana Paula Teodoro dos 28 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaPTS_DISSERT.pdf: 6415741 bytes, checksum: 9f4e9011389823319723a315975a4a8c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Norteado principalmente pelas concep??es de territ?rio usado desenvolvida por Santos (2005) e de reestrutura??o discutida por Soja (1993), o presente trabalho, intitulado A Reestrutura??o do Territ?rio da Regi?o Fumageira de Alagoas (1890-2013) , tem como principal objetivo compreender a estrutura??o e reestrutura??o do territ?rio alagoano a partir da expans?o da atividade fumageira, configurando um territ?rio fumicultor que tem Arapiraca como centro de converg?ncia para a din?mica urbana e regional. Para alcan?ar tal objetivo, definimos alguns procedimentos metodol?gicos, como pesquisa de cunho bibliogr?fico, hist?rico, e emp?rico, considerando os usos do territ?rio pela fumicultura na regi?o, e seu processo de reestrutura??o. Constatamos que a fumicultura, caracterizada como uma atividade familiar, se firmou na por??o Agreste alagoana desde o s?culo XIX. Entretanto ? a partir de 1950, quando da busca de novos mercados produtores no pa?s, que a produ??o alagoana ? incentivada, e inserida ao com?rcio internacional de tabaco, se tornando a principal base produtiva do interior do estado e respons?vel pela ascens?o econ?mica da regi?o Agreste alagoana e pela reestrutura??o desse territ?rio, com destaque para o munic?pio de Arapiraca, onde se concentrou as empresas multinacionais de fumo e as modernas t?cnicas de produ??o, bem como as atividades de com?rcio e servi?os. O in?cio da crise da produ??o tabagista na d?cada de 1980 e seu aprofundamento nos anos de 1990, promoveu profundas consequ?ncias para a economia e por conseguinte produziu as condi??es para a reestrutura??o territorial da regi?o fumicultora alagoana. A partir da crise, diante de novos usos do territ?rio, constatamos novas din?micas territoriais, na qual Arapiraca se reafirma como centralidade na rede urbana e regional do interior alagoano atrav?s do setor terci?rio, enquanto os demais munic?pios fumageiros, apresentando expressivas caracter?sticas rurais tornaram-se cada vez mais dependentes da influ?ncia exercida por Arapiraca, evidenciando o desigual uso do territ?rio da regi?o fumageira de Alagoas, o que torna esse espa?o um ambiente importante para o desenvolvimento de estudos e pesquisas

Compress?o Seletiva de Imagens Coloridas com Detec??o Autom?tica de Regi?es de Interesse

Gomes, Diego de Miranda 05 January 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:56:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DiegoMG.pdf: 1982662 bytes, checksum: e489eb42e914d358aaeb197489ceb5e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-01-05 / There has been an increasing tendency on the use of selective image compression, since several applications make use of digital images and the loss of information in certain regions is not allowed in some cases. However, there are applications in which these images are captured and stored automatically making it impossible to the user to select the regions of interest to be compressed in a lossless manner. A possible solution for this matter would be the automatic selection of these regions, a very difficult problem to solve in general cases. Nevertheless, it is possible to use intelligent techniques to detect these regions in specific cases. This work proposes a selective color image compression method in which regions of interest, previously chosen, are compressed in a lossless manner. This method uses the wavelet transform to decorrelate the pixels of the image, competitive neural network to make a vectorial quantization, mathematical morphology, and Huffman adaptive coding. There are two options for automatic detection in addition to the manual one: a method of texture segmentation, in which the highest frequency texture is selected to be the region of interest, and a new face detection method where the region of the face will be lossless compressed. The results show that both can be successfully used with the compression method, giving the map of the region of interest as an input / A compress?o seletiva de imagens tende a ser cada vez mais utilizada, visto que diversas aplica??es fazem uso de imagens digitais que em alguns casos n?o permitem perdas de informa??es em certas regi?es. Por?m, existem aplica??es nas quais essas imagens s?o capturadas e armazenadas automaticamente, impossibilitando a um usu?rio indicar as regi?es da imagem que devem ser comprimidas sem perdas. Uma solu??o para esse problema seria a detec??o autom?tica das regi?es de interesse, um problema muito dif?cil de ser resolvido em casos gerais. Em certos casos, no entanto, pode-se utilizar t?cnicas inteligentes para detectar essas regi?es. Esta disserta??o apresenta um compressor seletivo de imagens coloridas onde as regi?es de interesse, previamente fornecidas, s?o comprimidas totalmente sem perdas. Este m?todo faz uso da transformada wavelet para descorrelacionar os pixels da imagem, de uma rede neural competitiva para realizar uma quantiza??o vetorial, da morfologia matem?tica e do c?digo adaptativo de Huffman. Al?m da op??o da sele??o manual das regi?es de interesse, existem duas op??es de detec??o autom?tica: um m?todo de segmenta??o de texturas, onde a textura com maior freq??ncia ? selecionada para ser a regi?o de interesse, e um novo m?todo de detec??o de faces onde a regi?o da face ? comprimida sem perdas. Os resultados mostram que ambos os m?todos podem ser utilizados com o algoritmo de compress?o, fornecendo a este o mapa de regi?o de interesse

Planejamento dos recursos h?dricos da bacia hidrogr?fica do rio Serid?, no Rio Grande do Norte

Melo, Gilson Duarte de 04 January 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:03:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GilsonDM.pdf: 1406431 bytes, checksum: ba7f7bf81266e47bd2a8051842929190 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-01-04 / The present research has the purpose of planning the management of the water resources of the Serid? River watershed, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. It has an emphasis on the amount of surface water available in this region, to provide a sustainable water supply. Based on data and information collected from public departments responsible for the management of the water resources of the Rio Grande do Norte state, well as on researches related to water resources , a watershed balance was done, and the results suggested the transposition of the waters from the Piranhas-A?u river watershed taken from the Oiticica and Armando Ribeiro Gon?alves reservoirs, integrated with the construction of 2 hidroelectrical plants and 2 elevation stations, to pump the amount of water needed to the expected demand in some public dams of the region until 2020. So, with the use of the surface water potential that exists in the region, it was demonstrated that, on the contrary of the public policies implemented in the past and in the current by the federal and state realm, it is possible to supply the currently water demands and also the future ones, in a sustainable way, without the need of importing outter water to the respective watershed. Finally, it was proposed the implementation of the Water Resources Plan in the Serid? region WRPS, aiming at providing an auto-sustainable development by significantly diminishing the effects of the dry seasons in that region, by considering the economic, social and environmental sustainability / O presente trabalho tem o prop?sito de planejar a utiliza??o e o manejo necess?rio dos recursos h?dricos da bacia do rio Serid?, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, com ?nfase na quantidade de ?gua superficial dispon?vel na regi?o, para abastecimento humano priorit?rio, de forma sustent?vel. Com base nos dados e informa??es coletadas junto aos ?rg?os p?blicos respons?veis pela gest?o dos recursos h?dricos no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, bem como em outros trabalhos relacionados ? linha de pesquisa recursos h?dricos , foi efetuado o balan?o h?drico da bacia em estudo, cujo resultado sugeriu a transposi??o de ?guas da bacia do rio Piranhas-A?u, atrav?s da capta??o nas Barragens Oiticica e Eng? Armando Ribeiro Gon?alves, de modo integrado ? constru??o de 02 (duas) centrais hidrel?tricas e 02 (duas) esta??es elevat?rias, para bombear a ?gua necess?ria ? demanda prevista para o horizonte do ano 2020, para alguns a?udes p?blicos mais importantes da regi?o. Assim, com o aproveitamento do potencial h?drico superficial existente na regi?o, foi demonstrado que, ao contr?rio das pol?ticas p?blicas implementadas no passado e atuais pelos governos federal e estadual, pode-se atender ?s demandas h?dricas atualmente existentes e ?s futuras, de modo sustent?vel, sem a necessidade de importa??o de ?gua ex?gena ? bacia da regi?o. Por fim, foi proposta a implanta??o do Plano de Recursos H?dricos do Serid? PRHS, cujo principal objetivo consiste em propiciar o desenvolvimento auto-sustent?vel, diminuindo significativamente os efeitos das secas na regi?o Serid?, RN, com base nos princ?pios b?sicos de sustentabilidade econ?mica, social e ambiental, que nortearam o estudo

Um sonho distante: reflex?es sobre acessibilidade nos conjuntos habitacionais do pmcmv faixa 1 na regi?o metropolitana de Natal

Silva, Analucia de Azevedo 04 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:10:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaAS_DISSERT.pdf: 14539913 bytes, checksum: 6ed5c2b22de0e14e8b527721dfc6af00 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-04 / This dissertation seeks to reflect on the accessibility of the governmental program Minha Casa Minha Vida, track 1, which comprehends people who made 0 to 3 minimum wages within the metropolitan region of Natal RN between the years of 2009 and 2012. The research covers the municipalities benefited by the program: Cear?-Mirim, Extremoz, Maca?ba, Monte Alegre, Natal, N?sia Floresta, Parnamirim and S?o Gon?alo do Amarante. We have investigated the extensions of PMCMV on the context of the access to the city, debating some concepts attached to the capitalist mode of production such as residential segregation and peripherization. We have aimed to identify the accessibility conditions in the new housing complexes from three primal categories, namely, the localization of the complexes, the disponibility of public equipments, services, leisure and cultural properties on the neighborhood and the offer of public transport. Our theorical references are based on the ideas of the british geographer David Harvey on his work Social Justice and the City , from 1980. Harvey s studies made us debate on the locational choice for the social-matter habitation, and also let us discuss the price to accessibility on these new programs and its implications on the income of those who are benefited by them, specially because this is about a low-income population. To the achievement of these objectives, we made use of case study, including desk research, photographic documentation, records of field observations and informal conversations with locals, composing a qualitative study. In light of what has been researched and considering the guiding research questions, we reflect on aspects of the program that can greatly influence the processes of residential segregation and housing periphery of the lowincome population from the precarious conditions of accessibility to the referred population / A presente disserta??o busca refletir sobre a acessibilidade nos conjuntos habitacionais do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida, Faixa 1, que compreende as pessoas que recebem de 0 a 3 sal?rios m?nimos, no ?mbito da Regi?o Metropolitana de Natal RMNatal - entre os anos de 2009 e 2012. A pesquisa abrange os munic?pios beneficiados pelo programa: Cear?-Mirim, Extremoz, Maca?ba, Monte Alegre, Natal, N?sia Floresta, Parnamirim e S?o Gon?alo do Amarante. Investigamos os desdobramentos do PMCMV no que se refere ao acesso ? cidade, discutindo alguns conceitos ligados ao modo de produ??o capitalista como segrega??o residencial e periferiza??o. Buscamos identificar as condi??es de acessibilidade nos novos conjuntos habitacionais a partir de tr?s categorias que consideramos fundamentais, a saber, a localiza??o dos empreendimentos, a oferta de transporte p?blico coletivo e a disponibilidade de equipamentos p?blicos, servi?os, lazer e bens culturais no entorno desses. Nosso referencial te?rico se concentra nas ideias do ge?grafo brit?nico David Harvey na obra A Justi?a Social e a Cidade , de 1980. Os estudos desenvolvidos por Harvey nos levaram a debater sobre a escolha locacional para a habita??o de interesse social, bem como nos permitiu discutir o pre?o da acessibilidade a esses novos empreendimentos e suas implica??es na renda dos indiv?duos beneficiados pelo programa, principalmente porque tratamos de uma popula??o de baixa renda. Para a consecu??o desses objetivos, nos valemos do estudo de caso, incluindo pesquisa documental, documenta??o fotogr?fica, registros de observa??es de campo e conversas informais com moradores, compondo um estudo de natureza qualitativa. ? luz do que foi pesquisado e, considerando as quest?es norteadoras da pesquisa, buscamos refletir sobre os aspectos do programa que podem influenciar sobremaneira nos processos de segrega??o residencial e periferiza??o da habita??o da popula??o de baixa renda a partir da precariza??o das condi??es de acessibilidade para a referida popula??o

Inköp alternativt egen regi av tjänster inom sektorn för vård och omsorg : För att uppnå kostnadseffektivitet / Purchase alternatively in-house of services in the care and welfare sector : To achieve cost-effectiveness

Castell, Julia, Abdulqader, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
Syfte - Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kvalitet inom sektorn för vård och omsorg påverkas av tjänsteköp jämfört med tjänst i egen regi för att uppnå hög kostnadseffektivitet. För att besvara syftet kommer nedanstående frågeställningar att besvaras: -          Vilka fördelar och risker gällande kvalitet kan identifieras vid tjänsteköp respektive tjänst i egen regi inom sektorn för vård och omsorg? -          Ger inköpt tjänst eller tjänst i egen regi högst kostnadseffektivitet inom sektorn för vård och omsorg? Metod - För att besvara frågeställningarna och uppfylla studiens syfte skapades ett teoretiskt ramverk genom litteraturgenomgång och en fallstudie genomfördes på Nässjö Socialförvaltning där datainsamling skedde genom intervjuer, enkäter och dokumentstudier. Insamlad empiri analyserades tillsammans med teoretiskt ramverk vilket genererade studiens resultat. Resultat - Studiens resultat visade att inköpt tjänst genererade fler fördelar gällande kvalitet jämfört med tjänst i egen regi och därmed utgjorde ett mindre riskfullt alternativ. Inköpt tjänst skapade även högre kvalitet till en lägre kostnad och var därför det mest kostnadseffektiva valet då kostnaden per kvalitetseffekt blev lägre. Rekommendation - Vård- och omsorgsverksamhet rekommenderas att se över möjligheten att köpa in tjänster istället för att utföra i egen regi, i synnerhet tekniska tjänster som inte tillhör kärnverksamheten. Begränsningar - Studien begränsades av att samtliga kostnader för tjänsten som undersöktes inte kunde identifieras, vilket ledde till att kostnadseffektiviteten endast beräknades utifrån direkta personal- och servicekostnader. Studien är en enfallsstudie vilket kan begränsa generaliserbarheten till andra vård- och omsorgsverksamheter. Nyckelord - Inköpt tjänst, tjänst i egen regi, kvalitet, kostnad, kostnadseffektivitet, sektorn för vård och omsorg. / Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate how quality is being affected by service purchasing and service in-house within the care and welfare sector to achieve high cost-effectiveness. The research questions stated below will be answered in the study to fulfill the purpose: -          What benefits and risks regarding quality can be identified in case of service purchasing and service in-house within the care and welfare sector? -          Is service purchasing or service in-house the most cost-effectiveness choice for the care and welfare sector? Method - To answer the research questions and thereby fulfill the purpose of the study a theoretical framework was created by literature review and a case study conducted at the Social Services in Nässjö. Empirical data was collected by interviews, questionnaires and document studies and then analyzed with the theoretical framework which generated the study’s result. Findings - The study’s findings showed that purchased service generated more benefits in terms of quality compared to service in-house and therefore represented a less risky alternative. Purchased service also created higher quality at a lower cost which meant it was the most cost-effective choice as the cost per quality effect was lower. Recommendation – The care and welfare sector is recommended to look at the possibility of buying services instead of performing services in-house, in particular technical services that do not belong to the core operations. Limitations - The calculation of cost-effectiveness in the study was limited by the fact that all costs for the investigated service not were able to identify, which meant that cost-effectiveness was only calculated based on personnel and service costs. The study is based only at one case company which may restrict the generalization of other organizations in the sector of care and welfare. Keywords - Service purchasing, service in-house, quality, cost, cost-effectiveness, care and welfare sector.

När Centraliseringen gav vingar åt det enskilda och potentiellt religiösa : En studie över hur Sveriges första waldorfskola fick statsbidrag i en tid när den dominerande trenden var emot

Pejnemo Åström, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
The study delves into reasons and arguments why Kristofferskolan, the first Waldorf school in Sweden, was able to get financial aid from the government in a time when it was unthinkable to support private schools in Sweden. From the 1950s until the 1990s publicly controlled schools were the norm in the Swedish school system and private schools were systematically dismantled. The government of this time motivated the objective of centralization with it being a democratization process to achieve equality. The public-school system was transformed during the 1950s and this transformation needed inspiration. Ironically this was found in private schools such as Kristofferskolan since it had a unique pedagogy, waldorf pedagogy. The study draws the conclusion that a long period of persuasion from the actors supporting the school’s principles was set into play, in which to convince the government of allowing the privately-operated school to be able to base the education on waldorf pedagogy. The reason why the school could flourish during these times was proved to come down to forces not foreseen by first glance. Lobbyism by the founders of Kristofferskolan to get the media on their side was discovered to be one of the utmost reasons to how the school could convince the government of providing subsidies yearly. The study was made using the method argumentation analysis and qualitative text analysis.

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