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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Economic community of West African states (ECOWAS) : combining sub-regional economic integration with conflict resolution

Tive, Charles 08 May 2014 (has links)
The study utilizes regional integration theories like neo-functionalism, intergovernmentalism and new regionalism to analyse the formation, structure and transformation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). It examines the role of ECOWAS as a sub-regional economic body and its transformation to a political and security body dealing with sub-regional conflict resolution. Though neo-functionalism is generally analysed in reference to European regional integration, the study attempts to draw some lessons from this theory. Also, new regionalism theory is utilized to examine the transformation of ECOWAS from a mere economic body to a security and political entity. Regionalism in West Africa was initially geared towards mere economic cooperation; however, the emergence of ECOWAS on the scene and its subsequent transformation witnessed several changes towards the path of security cooperation. Despite its involvement with the gigantic political and security related activities, a general evaluation of economic integration in West Africa depicts a low level of progress. The poor state of sub-regional economic integration shows that ECOWAS did not complete its regional economic integration agenda before diverting to other sectors of integration. ECOWAS peacekeeping operations have been the dominant topic in sub-regional conflict resolution in West Africa. However, other forms of conflict resolution, including mediation, negotiation, conciliation and arbitration have been severally utilized. Also, in some of the cases, peacekeeping operations have been deployed only after other peaceful efforts have failed. ECOWAS peacekeeping operations are divergent operations with different forms and mandates. Therefore, they are better analysed under the framework of peacekeeping, peace-enforcement and peace-making theories. ECOWAS peacekeeping operations have been a subject of debate by proponents of the principle of non-interference and those of the responsibility to protect. The expediency of military intervention for humanitarian reasons as well as the prevention of genocide, war crimes and catastrophic loss of lives has questioned the principle of non-interference and validated the principle of responsibility to protect. / Political Sciences / D. Litt. et Phil. (International Politics)

Cooperação no desenvolvimento de aeronaves militares a partir das estruturas regionais : lições do F-104 e Tornado para a Unasul

Teixeira, Anderson Matos January 2016 (has links)
Poster scénario international Seconde Guerre mondiale, il y avait plusieurs efforts de coopération régionale et de l'intégration dans le monde. Certains avaient avancée majeure dans l'intégration, comme l'Union européenne. Mais le point est qu'il avancé plus d'efforts ont eu un programme de sécurité et de coopération en matière de défense, et économique. Cette recherche vise à comprendre comment les arrangements de coopération dans les équipements aéronautiques de la défense peuvent influencer l'intégration régionale et de tirer des conclusions applicables à Unasur. Nous commençons donc à la question de savoir comment les différents modèles de coopération dans le développement de l'impact des avions militaires sur le processus d'intégration régionale? Nous croyons que la coopération dans le développement des équipements des avions militaires, de la création d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement régionalisé a la capacité de contribuer à une meilleure relation entre les membres de l'UNASUR, surmonter les obstacles et les visions déformées qui entravent le processus d'intégration régionale. Pour cela, la recherche sera structurée autour de la politique comparée, appuyée par d'autres théories actuelles des relations internationales. Dans ce cas, nous allons examiner les leçons qui peuvent être tirées de l'élaboration de programmes européens, avec les combattants F-104 et Panavia Tornado. Vous thèse sera structuré en quatre chapitres: d'abord sur la question de la coopération de la défense, à la fois l'aspect conceptuel et théorique, que le biais pratique, avec le débat sur le régionalisme. Après, dans la deuxième partie, avec une analyse de l'industrie de l'aviation et de sa réflexion en tant que puissance dans le système international. Dans la troisième partie, nous analysons les programmes F-104 et Tornado et contribué au processus d'intégration en Europe. Enfin, dans la quatrième partie, je discute comment les leçons des programmes analysés dans le chapitre 3, peuvent être appliquées dans le cas de l'UNASUR, mettant l'accent sur l'ingérence des pouvoirs et des points de vue extérieurs sur la coopération entre les membres du bloc. / No cenário internacional do pós Segunda Guerra Mundial, surgiram vários esforços de cooperação e integração regional em todo o mundo. Alguns tiveram maior avanço na integração, como a União Europeia. Mas o ponto é que, os esforços que mais avançaram possuíam uma agenda de segurança e cooperação em defesa, além do econômico. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo, compreender como os arranjos cooperativos em material aeronáutico de defesa podem influenciar na integração regional e extrair inferências aplicáveis à Unasul. Logo, partimos da pergunta de, como diferentes modelos de cooperação no desenvolvimento de aeronaves militares impactam no processo de integração regional? Pensamos que a cooperação no desenvolvimento de material aeronáutico militar, a partir da criação de uma cadeia produtiva regionalizada tem a capacidade de contribuir para uma melhor relação entre os membros da UNASUL, superando os entraves e visões distorcidas que dificultam o processo de integração regional. Para isso, a pesquisa se estruturará entorno da Política Comparada, apoiado por outras correntes teóricas das Relações Internacionais. No caso, iremos analisar as lições que podem ser aprendidas com o desenvolvimento dos programas europeus, com os caças F-104 e Panavia Tornado. Está tese se estruturará em quatro capítulos: inicialmente sobre a questão da cooperação em defesa, tanto pelo aspecto conceitual e teórico, como pelo viés pratico, com o debate sobre regionalismo. Seguindo, na parte dois, com uma analise da indústria aeronáutica e do seu reflexo como poder no sistema internacional. Na parte três, analiso os programas F-104 e Tornado e como contribuíram no processo de integração na Europa. Finalizando, na parte quatro, debato como as lições dos programas analisados no capitulo 3, podem ser aplicados no caso da Unasul, ressaltando a interferência de potencias externas e as visões sobre cooperação entre os membros do bloco. / Post international scenario Second World War, there were several efforts of regional cooperation and integration in the world. Some had major advance in integration, such as the European Union. But the point is that it advanced more efforts had a security agenda and cooperation in defense, and economic. This research aims to understand how cooperative arrangements in defense aircraft equipment can influence regional integration and draw inferences applicable to Unasur. So we start with the question of how different models of cooperation in the development of military aircraft impact on the regional integration process? We believe that cooperation in the development of military aircraft equipment, from the creation of a regionalized supply chain has the ability to contribute to a better relationship between the members of UNASUR, overcoming barriers and distorted views that hinder the process of regional integration. For this, the research will be structured around the Comparative Politics, supported by other current theories of International Relations. In this case, we will examine the lessons that can be learned from the development of European programs, with the F-104 and Panavia Tornado fighters. You thesis will be structured in four chapters: first on the issue of defense cooperation, both the conceptual and theoretical aspect, as the practical bias, with the debate on regionalism. Following, in part two, with an analysis of the aviation industry and its reflection as power in the international system. In part three, we analyze the F-104 programs and Tornado and contributed to the process of integration in Europe. Finally, in part four, I discuss how the lessons of the programs analyzed in Chapter 3, can be applied in the case of UNASUR, emphasizing the interference of external powers and views on cooperation between members of the bloc.

L'Afrique face aux défis de l'économie post-pétrole : du rôle des institutions financières de développement dans la promotion des énergies renouvelables / Africa facing the challenges of the post-oil economy : the role of development financial institutions in promoting renewable energy

Masra, Succès 30 September 2016 (has links)
En 2015, lors de la COP21, à l’occasion de l’accord global sur le climat de Paris, l’Afrique s’est engagée sous le Leadership du Groupe de la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD) et de ses autres Partenaires Techniques et Financiers, à installer à l’horizon 2030 une capacité de 300 GW d’énergies renouvelables. Cet ambitieux objectif de l’Initiative Africaine pour les Energies Renouvelables (AREI) dont la BAD est agence d’exécution, vient compléter son engagement sur la décennie 2005- 2015, qui a permis de faire passer la part des énergies renouvelables de 4% à 20% de son portefeuille. Et pourtant, l’Afrique reste le continent qui, malgré son fort potentiel en énergies renouvelables (solaire :10 TW ; hydroélectrique : 350 GW ; éolien :110 GW, et géothermie : 15 GW), a 2/3 de sa population (645 millions) sans accès aux sources modernes d’énergie (BAD, 2016).C’est dans ce contexte d’urgence d’une part et de besoin de solutions durables d’autre part que notre thèse, en s’appuyant sur des projets structurants d’énergie renouvelables instruits et suivis sur la période 2010-2015 comme Economiste Principal de l’Energie au sein de la BAD, a consisté à analyser comment la BAD, en tant que première Institution Africaine de financement du développement couvrant les 54 pays africains, peut-elle mieux appuyer l’Afrique à faire face aux défis de l’économie post-pétrole grâce à une promotion plus efficace des énergies renouvelables. Cette analyse, normative, nous a permis d’aboutir à une double série de recommandations à la fois internes et externes à la BAD, dans la perspective d’une amélioration de l’efficacité de l’aide publique au développement drainée par cette Institution. / In 2015, during the COP 21, on the occasion of the global climate agreement in Paris, Africa committed under the Leadership of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and its other technical and financial partners, to install a capacity of 300 GW of renewable energy by 2030. This ambitious target set in the framework of the African Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) for which AfDB is the executing agency, completes its commitment of the decade 2005-2015, which permitted it to increase the share of renewable energy from 4% to 20% of its energy portfolio. Yet, Africa remains the continent which, despite its strong renewable energy potential (10 TW of solar, 350 GW hydroelectric, 110 GW wind and 15 GW of geothermal potential), is paradoxically characterized by two third of its population (645 millions) without access to modern energy sources (AfDB, 2016). It is in this context of energy emergency in one hand and the need for sustainable energy solutions on the other hand, that our thesis, based on renewable energy projects designed or implemented as Principal Energy Economist within the AfDB over the period 2010-2015, analyzes how AfDB, as the first African Development Financing Institution covering the 54 African countries, can assist this continent to better meet the challenges of the post-oil economy, through a more effective development of renewable energy. This analysis, essentially normative, allows us to achieve a double set of recommendations both internal and external to the AfDB in the perspective of enhanced effectiveness of Official Development Aid channeled by this institution, from the specific angle of the promotion of renewable energy.

Cooperação no desenvolvimento de aeronaves militares a partir das estruturas regionais : lições do F-104 e Tornado para a Unasul

Teixeira, Anderson Matos January 2016 (has links)
Poster scénario international Seconde Guerre mondiale, il y avait plusieurs efforts de coopération régionale et de l'intégration dans le monde. Certains avaient avancée majeure dans l'intégration, comme l'Union européenne. Mais le point est qu'il avancé plus d'efforts ont eu un programme de sécurité et de coopération en matière de défense, et économique. Cette recherche vise à comprendre comment les arrangements de coopération dans les équipements aéronautiques de la défense peuvent influencer l'intégration régionale et de tirer des conclusions applicables à Unasur. Nous commençons donc à la question de savoir comment les différents modèles de coopération dans le développement de l'impact des avions militaires sur le processus d'intégration régionale? Nous croyons que la coopération dans le développement des équipements des avions militaires, de la création d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement régionalisé a la capacité de contribuer à une meilleure relation entre les membres de l'UNASUR, surmonter les obstacles et les visions déformées qui entravent le processus d'intégration régionale. Pour cela, la recherche sera structurée autour de la politique comparée, appuyée par d'autres théories actuelles des relations internationales. Dans ce cas, nous allons examiner les leçons qui peuvent être tirées de l'élaboration de programmes européens, avec les combattants F-104 et Panavia Tornado. Vous thèse sera structuré en quatre chapitres: d'abord sur la question de la coopération de la défense, à la fois l'aspect conceptuel et théorique, que le biais pratique, avec le débat sur le régionalisme. Après, dans la deuxième partie, avec une analyse de l'industrie de l'aviation et de sa réflexion en tant que puissance dans le système international. Dans la troisième partie, nous analysons les programmes F-104 et Tornado et contribué au processus d'intégration en Europe. Enfin, dans la quatrième partie, je discute comment les leçons des programmes analysés dans le chapitre 3, peuvent être appliquées dans le cas de l'UNASUR, mettant l'accent sur l'ingérence des pouvoirs et des points de vue extérieurs sur la coopération entre les membres du bloc. / No cenário internacional do pós Segunda Guerra Mundial, surgiram vários esforços de cooperação e integração regional em todo o mundo. Alguns tiveram maior avanço na integração, como a União Europeia. Mas o ponto é que, os esforços que mais avançaram possuíam uma agenda de segurança e cooperação em defesa, além do econômico. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo, compreender como os arranjos cooperativos em material aeronáutico de defesa podem influenciar na integração regional e extrair inferências aplicáveis à Unasul. Logo, partimos da pergunta de, como diferentes modelos de cooperação no desenvolvimento de aeronaves militares impactam no processo de integração regional? Pensamos que a cooperação no desenvolvimento de material aeronáutico militar, a partir da criação de uma cadeia produtiva regionalizada tem a capacidade de contribuir para uma melhor relação entre os membros da UNASUL, superando os entraves e visões distorcidas que dificultam o processo de integração regional. Para isso, a pesquisa se estruturará entorno da Política Comparada, apoiado por outras correntes teóricas das Relações Internacionais. No caso, iremos analisar as lições que podem ser aprendidas com o desenvolvimento dos programas europeus, com os caças F-104 e Panavia Tornado. Está tese se estruturará em quatro capítulos: inicialmente sobre a questão da cooperação em defesa, tanto pelo aspecto conceitual e teórico, como pelo viés pratico, com o debate sobre regionalismo. Seguindo, na parte dois, com uma analise da indústria aeronáutica e do seu reflexo como poder no sistema internacional. Na parte três, analiso os programas F-104 e Tornado e como contribuíram no processo de integração na Europa. Finalizando, na parte quatro, debato como as lições dos programas analisados no capitulo 3, podem ser aplicados no caso da Unasul, ressaltando a interferência de potencias externas e as visões sobre cooperação entre os membros do bloco. / Post international scenario Second World War, there were several efforts of regional cooperation and integration in the world. Some had major advance in integration, such as the European Union. But the point is that it advanced more efforts had a security agenda and cooperation in defense, and economic. This research aims to understand how cooperative arrangements in defense aircraft equipment can influence regional integration and draw inferences applicable to Unasur. So we start with the question of how different models of cooperation in the development of military aircraft impact on the regional integration process? We believe that cooperation in the development of military aircraft equipment, from the creation of a regionalized supply chain has the ability to contribute to a better relationship between the members of UNASUR, overcoming barriers and distorted views that hinder the process of regional integration. For this, the research will be structured around the Comparative Politics, supported by other current theories of International Relations. In this case, we will examine the lessons that can be learned from the development of European programs, with the F-104 and Panavia Tornado fighters. You thesis will be structured in four chapters: first on the issue of defense cooperation, both the conceptual and theoretical aspect, as the practical bias, with the debate on regionalism. Following, in part two, with an analysis of the aviation industry and its reflection as power in the international system. In part three, we analyze the F-104 programs and Tornado and contributed to the process of integration in Europe. Finally, in part four, I discuss how the lessons of the programs analyzed in Chapter 3, can be applied in the case of UNASUR, emphasizing the interference of external powers and views on cooperation between members of the bloc.

Réappropriation des partenariats public-privé et de la coopération transfrontalière dans les pays d'Afrique francophone : essai sur la région des Grands Lacs / Reappropriation of public-private partnerships and cross-border cooperation in French-speaking countries African : an essay on the great lakes region

Ridja Mali, Ange 18 September 2015 (has links)
La fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la guerre froide, la cohabitation pacifique, les mouvements d’indépendances, la fin du monde bipolaire, les crises multiformes et successives (culturelle, sociale économique et financière), voici autant d’événements qui ont changé les conceptions et la vision même du monde. L’initiative privée est à nouveau plébiscitée sur la scène mondiale. En effet, la rencontre entre le savoir-faire (financier et technique) du secteur privé et un secteur public ambitieux mais très limité, symbolisée dans le sigle « PPP », devient la formule gagnante.De nouveaux espaces font leurs apparitions, encouragées par le vent de l’intégration régionale et économique. Le mouvement de décentralisation propulsant celui de la coopération transfrontalière, nous assistons de plus en plus à une lente mais très prometteuse reconfiguration des dynamiques transfrontalières un peu partout dans le monde. Certaines régions offrent des perspectives très intéressantes, aussi bien sur le plan de la coopération transfrontalière que des PPP. C’est notamment le cas de la région francophone de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs. Cerner les PPP et la coopération transfrontalière, vérifier leur complémentarité et enfin suivre le mécanisme de réappropriation de ces deux concepts dans la région francophone de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs : voici les principaux objectifs que s’est assigné ce travail de recherche. / The end of the Second World War, the cold war, the peaceful cohabitation, the movements of independences, the bipolar end of the world, the multi-form and successive crises (cultural, social economic and financial), here is so many events which changed the designs and the vision of the world. The private initiative is again approved by a large majority on the world scene. Indeed, the meeting enters the know-how (financial and technical) of the private sector and the ambitious but very limited public sector, symbolized in the initials "PPP", becomes the winning formula.New spaces make their appearance encouraged by the wind of the regional and economic integration. The movement of decentralization propelling that of the cross-border cooperation, we assist more and more a slow but very promising reconfiguration of the cross-border dynamics almost everywhere in the world. Certain regions offer very interesting perspectives, as well from the point of view of the cross-border cooperation as the PPP. It is in particular the case of the French-speaking region of Africa of Great Lakes. Encircle the PPP and the cross-border cooperation, to check their complementarities and finally to follow the mechanism of reappropriation of these two concepts in the French-speaking region of Africa of Great Lakes: here are the main objectives that assigned this research work.

L'internationalisation du contrôle des concentrations / Internationalization of merger control

Burnier da Silveira, Paulo 24 October 2011 (has links)
Les dernières décennies ont témoigné d’un important accroissement des concentrations transnationales dans le monde et d’une multiplication des systèmes de contrôle des concentrations. Alors que les enjeux économiques revêtent désormais une dimension internationale, les mécanismes juridiques de régulation demeurent cantonnés à une échelle nationale ou régionale. En effet, la soumission d’une même opération de concentration à différents régimes de contrôle engendre plusieurs problématiques juridiques, dont le risque d’être confronté à des décisions contradictoires ou incohérentes rendues par différentes autorités de la concurrence. Ceci dit, il nous semble que des mécanismes juridiques pour réguler les concentrations transnationales s’imposent. S’agissant d’une réalité au niveau européen, la « régionalisation » du droit de la concurrence apporte une aide précieuse à ces problématiques. Au niveau mondial, différentes approches de solution sont envisageables. Cette thèse soutient, à court terme, la convergence des règles et des pratiques, afin de réduire les inconvénients associés au contrôle des concentrations transnationales, accompagnée, à long terme, par l’adoption de certaines règles contraignantes au sein de l’OMC. / In the past decades, the number of transnational mergers worldwide has significantly increased. Merger control systems follow the same trend and have proliferated during this period. While economic issues are globalized, legal mechanisms remain national or regional. The notification of one single merger to different merger control systems raises several legal issues, in particular with respect to the risk of achievingcontradictory or incoherent decisions from different competition agencies. Thus, revised legal mechanisms are required in order to adequately regulate transnational mergers. A“regionalization” of merger control, as set by the European experience, offers useful insights towards proposals to deal with these issues. In a global perspective, several alternative approaches are possible. This thesis supports, on the short-term, a permanent convergence of rules and practices to reduce problems related to transnational merger control, followed, on the long-term, by the adoption of certain binding rules within the WTO.

Essays in international economics and industrial organization

Galgau, Olivia 10 November 2006 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to further explore the relationship between economic integration and firm mobility and investment, both from an empirical and a theoretical perspective, with the objective of drawing conclusions on how government policy can be used to strengthen the positive impact of integration on investment, which is crucial in moving and maintaining countries at the forefront of the technology frontier and accelerating economic growth in a world of rapid technical change and high mobility of ideas, goods, services, capital and labor.<p>The first chapter aims to bring together the literature on economic integration, firm mobility and investment. It contains two sections: one dedicated to the literature on FDI and the second covering the literature on firm entry and exit, economic performance and economic and business regulation.<p>In the second chapter I examine the relationship between the Single Market and FDI both in an intra-EU context and from outside the EU. The empirical results show that the impact of the Single Market on FDI differs substantially from one country to another. This finding may be due to the functioning of institutions.<p>The third chapter studies the relationship between the level of external trade protection put into place by a Regional Integration Agreement(RIA)and the option of a firm from outside the RIA block to serve the RIA market through FDI rather than exports. I find that the level of external trade protection put in place by the RIA depends on the RIA country's capacity to benefit from FDI spillovers, the magnitude of set-up costs of building a plant in the RIA and on the amount of external trade protection erected by the country from outside the reigonal block with respect to the RIA.<p>The fourth chapter studies how the firm entry and exit process is affected by product market reforms and regulations and impact macroeconomic performance. The results show that an increase in deregulation will lead to a rise in firm entry and exit. This in turn will especially affect macroeconomic performance as measured by output growth and labor productivity growth. The analysis done at the sector level shows that results can differ substantially across industries, which implies that deregulation policies should be conducted at the sector level, rather than at the global macroeconomic level. / Doctorat en sciences économiques, Orientation économie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Regional integration in the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Area and the importance of infrastructure development in promoting trade and reducing poverty

Daniels, Cecily-Ann Jaqui Monique January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa

Adopting a harmonised regional approach to customs regulation for the tripartite free trade agreement

Jana, Vimbai Lisa Michelle January 2013 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa

Régionalisme, régionalisation des conflits et construction de l'État : l'équation sécuritaire de la Corne de l’Afrique / Regionalism, regionalization of conflict and state-building : the security equation of the Horn of Africa

Le Gouriellec, Sonia 25 November 2013 (has links)
En dépit de sa complexité analytique, la situation sécuritaire de la Corne de l’Afrique peut être soumise aux outils de la Science politique afin de mieux comprendre les interactions entre les différents acteurs. Cette recherche s’efforce d’analyser les ressorts d’une équation sécuritaire qui peut paraître insoluble : le régionalisme est-il aujourd’hui un prérequis à l’émergence d’une paix régionale ? Pour répondre à cette question il est nécessaire de comprendre quels rôles jouent les processus sécuritaires régionaux (régionalisation et régionalisme) dans la construction des États de la Corne de l’Afrique. Cette étude s’efforce d’étudier les interactions entre le régionalisme, fondement de l’architecture de paix et de sécurité continentale, la régionalisation des conflits, qui semble à l’oeuvre dans cette région, et les processus de construction/formation de l’État. Les rapports entre les trois termes de l’équation dépendent du contexte et des interactions entre les différentes entités composant la région (États, acteurs non étatiques qui se dressent contre eux ou négocient avec eux et acteurs extérieurs). Deux types de dynamiques sont mises en évidence au terme de cette étude : l’une endogène, l’autre exogène. Dans la première, nous constatons que les conflits participent à la formation de l’État. Ils sont en grande partie des conflits internes et montrent qu’il existe une crise dans l’État. Ces États dominent le processus de régionalisme qui tente de réguler la conflictualité régionale avec un succès relatif puisque les organisations régionales cherchent à renforcer ou reconstruire l’État selon les critères idéalisés de l’État wébérien vu comme source d’instabilité. Le processus exogène se caractérise par le rôle des conflits régionaux dont l’existence sert de justificatif au développement et au renforcement du régionalisme, perçu comme la réponse la plus appropriée à ces problèmes de conflictualités. Cette conflictualité a pour source l’État car celui-ci est perçu comme faible. Le régionalisme permettrait de renforcer les États et diminuerait leurs velléités de faire la guerre. / In spite of its analytical complexity, the security context in the Horn of Africa may be submitted to the Political Science’ tools in order to better understand the complex interactions between the various actors. The present research thus seeks to analyze the mechanism underlying what appears as an unsolvable security problem: is regionalism a prerequisite for the emergence of a regional peace? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand the role of regional security processes (regionalization and regionalism) in the state formation and state building of the Horn of Africa’s states. This study endeavours to explore the interactions between regionalism, which are inherent in the creation of an African peace and security architecture, the regionalization of conflict, which seems at work in this area, and construction/formation state process. The relationship between the three terms of this equation depends on the context and interactions between the various entities that make up the region (states, non-state actors that stand against them or negotiate with the states and external actors). This study thus reveals two kinds of dynamics at play: an endogenous process and an exogenous one. In the first one conflicts are involved in the formation of the state and are largely internal conflicts. It demonstrates that there is a crisis in the state States dominate the regionalism process which tries to regulate regional conflit with relative success because regional organizations seek to strengthen or rebuild the state according to the idealized criteria of the Weberian State seen as a source of instability. The exogenous process is characterized by the role of regional conflicts whose very existence serves to justify the development and the strenghtening of regionalism thus perceived as the most appropriate answer to those security problems. States are the source of conflicts because they are perceived as weak. Regionalism would strengthen states and reduce the inclination of states to make war.

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