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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Show, don't tell" : En studie om hur fastighetsmäklarföretag arbetar med digitala medier för att skapa långsiktiga relationer

Wahlstedt, Victoria, Vilén, Yolanda January 2016 (has links)
Fastighetsmäklarbranschen har börjat vända sig bort från den traditionella marknadskommunikationsmixen för att i allt större utsträckning marknadsföra sig på digitala kanaler. Samtidigt ökar konkurrensen på marknaden och många alternativa fastighetsbyråer har tillkommit. Bakgrunden belyser att om fastighetsmäklarföretag ska överleva på den rådande marknaden bör de applicera digitala strategier samtidigt som de arbetar med kundtillfredsställelse och relationsbyggande med potentiella konsumenter. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att studera vilka faktorer som är viktiga för fastighetsmäklarföretag när de använder sig av digitala marknadsföringskanaler för att nå ut till kunder på bostadsmarknaden och syftet mynnar ut i frågeställningen: ”Vilka faktorer är viktiga för fastighetsmäklarföretag att ta i beaktande när de använder digitala kanaler för att bygga relationer med potentiella kunder?” De teorier som har använts och som har fungerat som stöd för studiens fortsatta arbete är relevanta huvudspår inom relationsmarknadsföring och digital marknadsföring som sedan förankrats i empiri och analyskapitlet. Studien har ett kvalitativt utgångsläge och har genomförts via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra fastighetsmäklarföretag som är verksamma i Stockholmsområdet. Resultatet sammanställdes i slutsatsen där de viktigaste faktorerna för att bygga relationer i digitala kanaler diskuterades. De faktorer som studien kom fram till var att det är av stor vikt att interagera med konsumenterna, eftersom det har skett ett utbyte från att företagen har makten till att makten har flyttats över till konsumenten. Samtidigt måste företagen avspegla förtroendet i hela processen och aktivt arbeta med sociala medier samt hantera negativ och positiv kritik på ett lämpligt sätt. Slutligen visade studien att fastighetsmäklaren fortfarande har en betydande roll eftersom det huvudsakliga kundmötet sker via dem. / In recent years it has become apparent that the real estate market has turned its attention from traditional marketing strategies to promote itself through digital channels. Emerging alternative agencies have led to an increased competition on the real estate market. For traditional real estate firms to survive in the current market they have to apply digital strategies, while working to build closer relationships with potential customers to maintain customer satisfaction. The aim of this thesis was to analyze which factors real estate firms finds central when they working with digital channels to reach out to customers. To investigate this we posed the following question: "Which factors are important for real estate firms to take into account when using digital channels to build relationships with potential customers?" To answer this question we based our methods on established theories in relationship marketing and digital marketing. We performed a study based on a qualitative method through semistructured interviews with four real estate firms operating in the Stockholm area. The main conclusion of the study was that it is very important to interact with consumers, as the power has shifted from the business to the consumers. At the same time, companies must mediate trust in during the transaction process and actively work with social media to manage the negative and positive criticism in an appropriate manner. Finally, the study showed that even though we have seen big efforts in digitalization of the real estate market, the real estate agent still has a significant role to play in customer relations as the primary customer interaction is still mediated by them.

The Interconnectedness of Relationships for a Propulsion and Maneuvering System : A case study with a supplier network perspective in the maritime industry

Grönberg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this case study is to understand how actors interact from a supplier perspective within the marine business, discuss what the findings are implying, and develop a marketing strategy for a propulsion and maneuvering system. Industrial marketing is an essential activity for companies to delivering and managing value to their stakeholders. The academic body of this research uses network theory and relationship marketing as a framework for understanding the social setting.  The research focuses on understanding and interprets how relationships are interconnected to actors and how the links for a relationship are formed. There are too few studies with a normative approach focusing on a product, which can have practical usefulness for managers, entrepreneurs, and organizations. This study applies a case study design for a supplier perspective in the marine business with an abductive method. The data collection uses a qualitative approach to get in-depth knowledge of how the participants perceive the world. In the iterative process for gathering data, the first phase uses unstructured interviews, and in the second phase, semi-structured interviews. The findings imply that information is an essential element for a relationship to create trust and commitment between actors. Information is further discussed for how it can influence decisions that play a significant part for the focal supplier and discussions concerning how marketing activities can be developed for the propulsions and maneuvering system.

Den lilla grossistens ändrade omvärldsförutsättningar : En fallstudie på en liten grossist inom VVS-handeln

Urdzanov, Kiril, Essén, Christian January 2008 (has links)
Uppsatsen behandlar mindre grossisters situation på marknaden i Sverige. Mindre grosssisters nyckelposition i den traditionella värdekedjan suddas ut alltmer. Grossisterna måste finna nya vägar för att behålla de befintliga kunderna. Därför måste de skapa mervärde, vilket i sin tur skapas genom att utveckla olika former av samarbete med sina kunder. / This essay is about the smaller wholesalers situation on the Swedish market. The small wholesalers key positioning in the generic value chain is dissapearing. Therefore they have to find new ways to retention their existing customers. They have to create a value added in order of connect tier to their customers. A wholesaler will be able to create value added  through developing different forms of cooperation with its customers.

Examining the Influence of Undergraduate Students’ Perceptions of Academic Advising on Student-Institution Relationship Quality, Student Loyalty, and Enrollment Intentions: An Application of Relationship Marketing in Higher Education

Hockaday, Linda Marie 04 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

How Relationship Marketing can Improve the Value Proposition and Increase the Sales of Organic Food : A Single Case Study Exploring How Different Actors in the Food Industry Can Implement Marketing Strategies / Hur Relationsmarknadsföring kan Förbättra Värdeerbjudandet och Öka Försäljningen av Ekologiska Livsmedel : En Fallstudie som Undersöker Hur Olika Aktörer inom Livsmedelsindustrin kan Implementera Marknadsföringsstrategier

Bayat Sahil, Angela, Holmén, Maja January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, organic food sales in Sweden have experienced a decrease in sales, opening up new challenges and opportunities for various actors within the food industry. The Swedish food industry works extensively with sustainability and aims to foster a sustainable food system. Organic food is only one part of a sustainable food system and a means for actors within the industry to contribute to sustainable development since organic food slows down biodiversity loss, which is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This can be done by actors in the industry increasing their organic sales and improving the value proposition of organic food amongst stakeholders in order to make a change and hinder a further decrease in sales. To do this, grocery retailers and supermarkets have a significant role. However, effective marketing strategies for promoting organic sales are uncommon within the industry. In light of this, this study is investigating strategies to enhance organic food's value proposition and increase sales, focusing on the perspectives of supermarket managers and grocery retailers. The theoretical lens of this study is based on theories within relationship marketing, and two specific frameworks are applied in the thesis. The research method involved a case study with an iterative research process and an exploratory purpose utilizing qualitative methods for data collection and data analysis. The findings highlight several key factors influencing organic food sales: emphasizing the importance of aligning with supermarket managers' values, setting clear targets for organic food sales, and developing marketing plans for all key stakeholders. Furthermore, this study contributes to the theory by providing novel insights into relationship marketing research. / De senaste åren har försäljningen av ekologiska livsmedel i Sverige minskat, vilket har lett till nya utmaningar och möjligheter för olika aktörer inom livsmedelsindustrin. Den svenska livsmedelsindustrin arbetar mycket med hållbarhet och strävar efter att främja ett hållbartlivsmedelssystem. Ekologiska livsmedel är bara en del av ett hållbart livsmedelssystem och ett sätt för aktörer inom branschen att bidra till hållbar utveckling eftersom ekologiska livsmedel minskar förlusten av biologisk mångfald, som är ett av FN:s hållbarhetsmål. Detta kan göras genom att aktörerna inom branschen ökar sin ekologiska försäljning och förbättrar värdeerbjudandet för ekologiska livsmedel bland intressenterna för att åstadkomma en förändring och förhindra en ytterligare minskning av försäljningen. Dagligvaruhandlare och butiker har en viktig roll i detta sammanhang. Effektiva marknadsföringsstrategier för att främja den ekologiska försäljningen är dock ovanligt inom branschen. Därför undersöker den här studien strategier för att förbättra ekologiska livsmedels värdeerbjudande och öka försäljningen, med fokus på butikschefens och dagligvaruhandelns perspektiv. Den teoretiska linsen för denna studie är baserad på teorier inom relationsmarknadsföring, och två specifika ramverk tillämpas i forskningen. Forskningen är en fallstudie med en iterativ forskningsprocess och ett explorativt syfte med kvalitativa metoder för datainsamling och analys. Resultaten framhäver flera nyckelfaktorer som påverkar försäljningen av ekologiska livsmedel: vikten av att anpassa sig till butikschefens värderingar, fastställande av tydliga mål för försäljningen av ekologiska livsmedel och utveckling av marknadsföringsplaner för alla viktiga intressenter. Dessutom bidrar denna studie till teorin genom att ge nya insikter i forskning om relationsmarknadsföring.

Value creation in an Open Innovation relationship : Investigating the relational factors in an accelerator program

Badiale, Annalena, Jazeb, Parisa, Wik, Clara January 2022 (has links)
The mutual need between organizations and startups, from one side to stay competitive and the other to survive, leads to open innovation relationships. However, the actors are asymmetrical, leading to a risk that no value is created. Nevertheless, value needs to be created in the relationship to enable open innovation. This study identifies in literature four relational factors. The aim is to investigate how a startup and established organization perceive the relational factors of actor bonds, resource ties, activity links, network embeddedness, and their influence on value creation. Six semi-structured interviews are conducted. The main findings are: (I) all the relational factors influence value creation in this context. Thus, all are needed to enable an open innovation process (II) each theme that emerged in theory was confirmed (III) each actor􏰈s perceptions were found to be different, demonstrating that value is determined differently depending on the unique actor, their needs and context. Therefore, each actor needs to put more emphasis on the specific themes that actors in the relationship find valuable (IV) new themes are found to influence the relational factor of actor bonds (V) the level of value created depends on how the relational factors are managed by the actors.

From “no go” to “Yo Co”: Smithsonian adminstrators' perceptions of Public Affairs strategies to create relationships to attract, educate, & retain Young Cosmopolitans

Barosso, Elisa Maria 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to analyze if, and if so, how, Smithsonian art museum administrators perceive their current Public Affairs strategies to create relationships that attract, educate, and retain Young Cosmopolitans (YoCos). Using a qualitative approach, this study reported the findings from interviews with Public Affairs practitioners, museum educators, and museum webmasters at five Smithsonian art museums, galleries and affiliates. YoCos were defined as well-educated young adults who are pan-cultural. The study found six cross-case themes. Participants in the study generally agreed about defining YoCo characteristics and reported varying degrees of interest in attracting YoCos. Some of the museums in the study used a variety of social and educational activities to convey their interest in YoCos, including late evening events and programming. While most of these organizations expressed the belief that today's YoCo was a potential donor of tomorrow, museums will also have to adapt their Social Networking/Web 2.0 tools in order to attract more YoCos to the museum setting. Currently, museums have made little effort to adapt their publicity or educational activities to the preferences of YoCos. Using frameworks from The Model of Contextual Learning (Falk and Dierking) and Relational Dialectics (Baxter and Montgomery), the study found that even when museums place a high priority on establishing relationships with YoCos, those relationships will not be static. Museums will need to continually re-define Public Affairs strategies including buzz and viral marketing, Social Networking/Web 2.0 tools, Bluetooth text messaging and more traditional forms of advertising for YoCos, to retain this demographic long enough to share educative experiences. The study concludes with recommendations for museums to build stronger and more communicative relationships with YoCos.

How to Target the Need for Self-Scanning Solutions in the Northeastern American Food Retail Market : A Case Study with Datema

BERN, PATRIK, Larsen, Joakim January 2016 (has links)
The development of digital solutions has changed the way consumers complete purchases today. New distribution channels through internet and mobile applications have come to challenge the business of traditional retailers. Thus, retailers must find new ways of keeping customers loyal to the store. One way of retaining customers is to provide a more prominent customer experience. This study focuses on technological solutions for the food retail industry that enables the creation of this experience, more specifically self-scanning applications provided by the Swedish company Datema.The Swedish market, in which Datema acts, is among the most technologically advanced in the world regarding self-scanning solutions and has begun to reach a maturity phase. This, along with desires to expand the marketplace, has created an attraction to larger foreign markets such as North America. Similarities in business culture and a strong buying power have led to a certain interest in the Northeastern part of America. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the need for self-scanning solutions in this specific area and to provide recommendations for how the market could be targeted.To create an overview of the market structure the consumer market has been studied through an in-depth literature review of the latest market investigations. Furthermore, the technological level of Northeastern supermarket chains was investigated through market observations and interviews with store managers in Boston, Massachusetts. To create the holistic view of the market, interviews with experts in the US retail market and with US IT-vendors were conducted. Additionally, interviews with management consultants and experts in market entries have contributed to answering the question of how the market should be entered. Finally, in order to provide conclusions and recommendations, the results have been analyzed with relevant literature and theories within marketing, change management and entry mode management.The findings in this master thesis indicates that there is a need for technological solutions that enhance the customer experience in the Northeastern American food retail market. Furthermore, the technological level of the existing supermarket chains in Boston is considered low and that the level and acceptance varies with the store concept. The previous resistance towards implementation of new technological solutions in the stores was found to mainly depend on a low knowledge, low trust in the consumers and fear of losing customer interaction.Datema is recommended to address the middle and high-end supermarket chains with a follower approach. Further recommendations include that the market should be entered through a joint venture with a local partner.

Synliggörandet av Boken kommer : den visuella marknadsföringen och synen på de äldre användarna / The visibility of Boken kommer : the Visual marketing and the view of the older user

Skoglund, Madeleine January 2022 (has links)
Massmedia kan påverka människor hur vi ser på världen och dess befolkning och det kan därmed skapa stereotyper. Idag, äldre människor är friskare och lever längre än de gjorde på tjugo år sedan, och det kan leda tillatt de lever ett mer aktivt liv. Biblioteken behöver idag ändra sin syn på den äldre användaren i för att kunna erbjuda rätt service. Syftet med denna undersökning är att genom en bildanalys studera hur folkbiblioteken i Sverige marknadsför bibliotekstjänsten Boken kommer visuellt, som är en uppsökande verksamhet där bibliotekets personal levererar litteratur och andra medier till användarna i deras eget hem, och hur de äldre användarna framställs på bilderna på Instagram. Vilka relationer uttrycks i samband medmarknadsföringen av bibliotekstjänsten och på vilket sätt är den äldre användaren gestaltad? Med hjälp av relationsmarknadsföring, olika relationer identifierades som gestaltades i de visuella bilderna och med stöd av begreppet ålderism kan stereotyper identifieras i materialet. Resultaten visade att det är litteratur och den personliga kontakten med bibliotekarierna som sticker ut och att friska äldre är en frekvent stereotyp vilket förmedlas genom marknadsföring. / Mass media can affect people how we view the world and its population and it can thus create stereotypes. Today, older people are healthier and live longer than they did twenty years ago, and this can lead to them living a more active life. Libraries today need to change their view of the older user in order to be able to offer the right service. The purpose of this survey is to, through an image analysis, study how public libraries in Sweden visually market the library service Boken kommer, which is a special shut-in service where the library staff delivers literature and other media to the users in their own home, and how the older users are portrayed in the images on Instagram. What relationships are expressed in connection with the marketing of the library service and in what way is the older user embodied?  With the help of relationship marketing, different relationships were identified that were embodied in the visual images and with the support of the concept ageism, stereotypes could be identified in the material. The results showed that it is literature and the personal contact with the librarians that stand out and that the healthy elderly is a frequent stereotype that is conveyed though marketing.

Strategic Communications Management in Arts Organizations / Strategic Communications Management in Canadian Not-for-Profit Arts Organizations: The Tension Between Patron and Product Orientation in Mission-Based Organizations

Weir, Diana M. 14 June 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the extent to which strategic communications is being practiced, and its implications on organizational performance in the Canadian arts sector. This thesis discusses the unique characteristics of not-for-profit charitable performing arts organizations within the context of strategic communications. As a mission-based field, the not-for-profit arts sector operates under the premise that it must find a market for its product, instead of finding a product for its market. Building on communication and arts marketing theories, this thesis posits that strategic communications management can contribute to the success of arts organizations and address the gap between arts products and its market. In particular, this thesis analyzes the following components of strategic communications management, in relation to the practices of the Canadian arts sector: relationship management/marketing, interpersonal relationship values, organization public relationship values, and market orientation. / Thesis / Master of Communications Management (MCM) / The purpose of this thesis is to determine the extent to which strategic communications is being practiced, and its implications for organizational performance in the Canadian arts sector. This thesis discusses the unique characteristics of not-for-profit charitable performing arts organizations within the context of strategic communications. Building on communication and arts marketing theories, this thesis posits that strategic communications management can contribute to the success of arts organizations and address the gap between arts products and patrons.

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