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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alliierter Luftkrieg und Novemberpogrom in lokaler Erinnerungskultur am Beispiel Dresdens

Fache, Thomas 31 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Im Fokus der vorliegenden Studie steht die Position zweier historischer Ereignisse der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus in der lokalen Erinnerungskultur Dresdens: zum einen die Novemberpogrome des Jahres 1938, zum anderen der alliierte Luftkrieg gegen deutsche Städte. Für den Untersuchungszeitraum von 1945 bis 1990 werden dabei das gesamte Spektrum der staatlichen, kirchlichen und unabhängigen Erinnerungsakteure, deren jeweilige Praxis und ihr Verhältnis zueinander auf Basis lokaler und regionaler Archivalien und Presseerzeugnisse vermessen.

The rural home front : a New Zealand region and the Great War 1914-1926 : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History at Massey University

Hucker, Graham January 2006 (has links)
New Zealand’s First World War studies have traditionally focused on the soldier and battlefield experiences. ‘The Rural Home Front’ breaks with that tradition and focuses on the lives of people and the local communities that the soldiers left behind in the predominantly rural region of Taranaki in New Zealand. ‘The Rural Home Front’ is essentially a study of the impact and effects of the First World War on rural society. By focusing on topics and themes such as ‘war enthusiasm’, the voluntary spirit of fund raising and recruiting, conscription, attempting to maintain normality during wartime, responses to war deaths, the influenza epidemic, the Armistice and the need to remember, this thesis argues that civilians experienced the Great War, too, albeit differently from that of the soldiers serving overseas.

Histoires d'intérieur(s). Essais de reconstruction de lieux de mémoire parisiens : les espaces intérieurs d’André Kertész et de Brassaï aujourd’hui / Interior stories. Experiments of space reconstruction on the spot of cultural memory : the private spaces of André Kertész and Brassaï today

Cseh, Gabriella 22 June 2017 (has links)
L’objet d’étude de cette thèse porte sur les anciens lieux d’habitation parisiens d’André Kertész et de Brassaï, tels qu’ils existent aujourd’hui. Il repose sur une analyse de photographies puisées dans leurs archives et sur un travail de terrain effectué dans ces lieux désormais habités par d’autres occupants. La prise de contact avec les habitants actuels a été l’occasion d’une collaboration participative puisque ces images d’archives ont généré un travail de création collective : placés à différents postes, différents points de vue préalablement identifiés dans ces anciens clichés, ces habitants ont effectué eux-mêmes un travail de re-photographie simultané. Cette recherche est le résultat d’une expérience urbaine qui combine documentation, interprétation et création. L’étude de deux archives photographiques, nous a permis d’identifier sept intérieurs et de répertorier un corpus de cinquante-sept clichés d’époque. Le caractère social et interactif de notre méthode de travail vise à une meilleure appréhension de ces lieux d’habitation et de notre héritage culturel dans une perspective de transmission; l’aboutissement étant une production plastique, une image panoramique cumulant différentes époques dans un même espace. Pour l’étude des rapports relationnelles des images et la définition des champs de représentation et d’interprétation, nous nous sommes appuyés sur le schéma de l’intertextualité. Nous avons cherché des analogies permettant de comparer les créations re-photographiques avec le modèle genettien de l’intertextualité. Ce principe d’une organisation « intervisuelle » a été complété par des méthodes théoriques chronologiques, topographiques et médiatiques. / The topic of my thesis is the former dwelling places of two famous Hungarian photographers, André Kertész and Brassaï. It identifies the pieces of the archives which were made in the private spaces of the artists. The identification is carried out through getting into the flats, into the spaces. Getting in touch with the present occupants is the beginning of a collective creative work. The pictures are taken in these spaces, from different point of views, but at the same time. My work is a documentation of an urban experience with a structure of a network. The research, which is built on the visual content of the archives, presents factual results and interpretational creative activity as well. Seven found interiors and the two archives have been examined, 57 pictures have been identified, which shed light on new parts of the artists’ biographies. The social requirement of the method of working up serves the collective cognition of cultural memories, the discovery of one’s own living space and the possibilities of passing them on. The act of Rephotography, points towards the future and makes the recipient think on. To interpret the relative relationship between the pictures, the thesis examines the possible representative domains of the photographical metaphor of intertextuality. It looks for analogies which enable that the works made in intervisual spirit could be compared to Genette’s intertextuality and it completes the method of arrangement with further chronological, topographical and medial theoretical schemes.

Provenienzforschung ins Museum: Ausstellungseröffnung und Restitution der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien im Technischen Museum Wien

Koll, Johannes, Zodl, Regina January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Am 4. Oktober 2017 wurde die Integrierung der Privatbibliothek des österreichischen Petrochemikers Dr. Leopold Singer (1869-1942), die zwei Jahre vorher von der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien an dessen Erben und Erbinnen restituiert worden war, in die Dauerausstellung des Technischen Museums Wien gefeiert. Erstmalig werden damit Ergebnisse bibliothekarischer Provenienzforschung in einem international renommierten Museum der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. Zugleich wurde ein Buch restituiert, das bis zum "Anschluss" Österreichs Dr. Martin Singer (1874-1950) gehört hatte.

La représentation de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en Grande-Bretagne : analyse comparée / The representation of the Second World War in Britain : a comparative study

Zielinski, Madeline 08 December 2014 (has links)
La Seconde Guerre mondiale occupe une place centrale dans la mémoire collective britannique. Érigée en véritable mythe national, la guerre a une telle prégnance dans l’espace public en Grande-Bretagne que certains commentateurs n’hésitent pas à parler d’une obsession nationale pour le conflit. Elle en vient à constituer l’une des facettes de la « Britishness », de l’identité nationale britannique, à une heure où celle-ci est plus que jamais débattue et soumise au questionnement. Afin de déterminer si la Seconde Guerre mondiale est un mythe britannique ou un mythe anglais, ses représentations dans les pays constitutifs du Royaume-Uni et en Irlande sont ici étudiées. Les aspirations nationalistes écossaises semblent en effet avoir une influence sur les représentations de la guerre en Écosse ; quant à l’Irlande, bien qu’elle soit restée neutre pendant le conflit, cette neutralité est aujourd’hui remise en question au profit d’une interprétation selon laquelle le pays aurait soutenu sans réserve – quoique tacitement – les Alliés. Alors que le visage de la Grande-Bretagne est résolument multi-ethnique, cette étude cherche à déterminer dans quelle mesure les anciens peuples coloniaux et du Commonwealth se reconnaissent dans les représentations traditionnelles dominantes. Au coeur d’une vague de commémoration de la Seconde Guerre mondiale sans précédent, un exemple fait figure d’exception : celui des équipages du Bomber Command. Longtemps critiqués et mis à l’écart des pratiques commémoratives et de la mémoire collective britannique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en raison de leur participation à la très controversée campagne aérienne stratégique (dont les bombardements firent des dizaines de milliers de victimes parmi les populations civiles allemandes), les équipages du Bomber Command sont aujourd’hui élevés au rang de héros en Grande-Bretagne. Le tout nouveau statut héroïque du Bomber Command marque un tournant dans l’historiographie de la campagne aérienne stratégique et dans le débat public britannique. / The Second World War occupies a central place in British collective memory. The war, which is considered to be a national myth in Britain, remains pervasive in the British public debate to the point that some commentators call it a national obsession. The war constitutes one of the facets of Britishness at a time when British national identity is much debated and open to question. The representations of the Second World War in Scotland, Wales and Ireland are examined in order to determine whether the war is a British myth or an English myth. Scottish nationalist aspirations, for instance, seem to have an influence on the way the conflict is represented in Scotland. At a time when Britain is more than ever ethnically diverse, this study seeks to determine the extent to which former colonial peoples are able to recognise themselves in the traditional representations of the war which dominate the public debate in Britain. In the midst of an unprecedented boom in remembrance, the Bomber Command crews are an exception. Although their role in the combined bomber offensive (which caused thousands of victims among the German civilian population) had been subjected to much criticism and excluded bomber crews from the myth of the war, they are now hailed as heroes in Britain. Bomber Command’s newly-found heroic status is a turning point in the historiography of the air offensive and the British public debate.

Sobre a leitura de A la recherche du temps perdu / On reading A la recherche du temps perdu

Samira Murad 25 June 2012 (has links)
Seguindo uma pista lançada pelo próprio Proust num texto crítico sobre a leitura, a crítica proustiana vem dedicando bastante espaço à compreensão deste tema na Recherche. Em geral, essa compreensão tem sido levada a cabo por meio da análise das figurações da leitura no romance de modo a construir o posicionamento teórico do escritor sobre a leitura que, por sua vez, funcionaria como modelo para a leitura da própria Recherche. Entretanto, essas análises apontam para incoerências e contradições que potencialmente poderiam invalidar seu caráter de modelo. Revisitando algumas das interpretações críticas bem como o próprio ensaio de Proust sobre a questão, esta tese defende que a compreensão da leitura da Recherche vai além da discussão da figuração do tema no texto. Para isso, propõe a análise do papel do leitor dimensão textual virtual que comporta diversas operações interpretativas potenciais. Controladas pela organização do texto, isto é, por sua disposição arquitetônica, em seus mais diversos planos, essas operações, uma vez percebidas pelos leitores (o que não se deu imediatamente na história da recepção da Recherche) sustentam essas leituras (críticas ou não) de modo que podem ser vistas como a base ou as condições de possibilidade de toda e qualquer interpretação. / Following the clue given by Proust himself on his essay on reading, recently, proustian critics have been paying a lot of attention to this theme in A la Recherche. In general, these interpretations analyse the figurations of reading in the text which, in turn, is used as a model for the reading of Prousts text. However, many of these analyses point out to incoherencies in Prousts theoretical discourse which can invalidate its status as a model for the reader. Revisiting some of the analyses on the topic and Prousts own essay On reading, this thesis tries to indicate that the understanding of the subject of reading should move beyond the discussion of its figuration in the text. In order to do that, we propose an analysis of the role of the reader a virtual textual dimension formed by the interpretive operations designed by the text itself. Controlled by the organization of the materials that form the text, these operations, once perceived by the reader, support many of the critical readings of Prousts text and so, they are, as it seems, the foundations for most of the readings of A la Recherche.

Krieg als Norm?: Russlands patriotische Erinnerung und heroische Diskurse

Scharlaj, Marina 23 June 2020 (has links)
World War II remains to this day the great determining historical event for the collective memory of the Russian people. This fact is illustrated in the omnipresent memorialization of the war, as well as in the transmission and performance of the “Victory in War” myth. Symbols of memory are experiencing a revival, as can be seen in the creation of new memorials, documentaries, concerts, literary texts and video clips, as well as in consumer goods and advertising. A recent example of this can be seen in how the Battle of Stalingrad is memorialized, and the memory production surrounding the Great Patriotic War of 1812. This article presents the different memory types used by the Russian state to remember the war. The focus of this analysis is on the linguistic tools used to evaluate and normalize the war.

Ursprungsmächte bei Cheikh Anta Diop und Nietzsche

Boa, Thiémélé Léon January 2001 (has links)
Zwischen Nietzsche und Cheikh Anta Diop gibt es wenige Verbindungen. Nietzsche gilt inzwischen unbezweifelbar als Philosoph, während bei Cheikh Anta Diop diese Anerkennung noch aussteht. Der eine ist ein in Deutschland geborener Europäer (1844-1900), der andere ein im Senegal geborener Afrikaner (1923-1986). Beide waren der Antike zugewandt und fanden darin Kraft für ihre Hoffnungen. Der eine stützte sich auf das antike Griechenland und der andere auf das antike Ägypten, beide forderten damit die Wissenschaftlergemeinschaft ihrer Zeit heraus und erschütterten die Wissensordnung ihrer Zeit. Absichtlich provokativ haben sie auf eine unsichere Zukunft gesetzt. Beide haben sie Grenzen des Wissens und Grenzen der Politik überschritten. Im folgenden sollen die Ähnlichkeiten der unzeitgemäßen Denkformen beider Denker im Vordergrund stehen. Für Cheikh Anta Diop und Nietzsche steht fest, dass wir unserer Existenz durch den historischen Sinn einen Wert geben. Der eine lädt uns ein, in der Erforschung der pharaonischen Ursprünge die Zielrichtung einer Konstruktion der afrikanischen Zukunft zu finden, was der Haltung von Nietzsche ähnelt, der das dekadente Europa seiner Zeit dazu aufrief, sich aus der griechischen Seele als seinem eigentlichen Sein zu erneuern. Beide Denker haben die Macht der Erinnerung thematisiert, Ursprünge und große Anfänge herausgehoben.

Historická politika za vlády Práva a spravedlnosti v Polsku 2005 až 2007 / Politics of History during the Law and Justice era in Poland 2005 - 2007

Netolická, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
Politics of History in Poland have become the central theme of the Government of Law and Justice in the 2005 - 2007 period. The thesis deals with the definition of the term Politics of History and the term as understood by Law and Justice. The new direction of Politics of History prompted a lively debate in Poland between both Polish historians and the general public. The paper describes how the government conducted this policy and the tools utilized. One of their main motives was the delimitation of political developments in the country after 1989 and the lack of dealing with the communist past. For this reason, one of the subchapters of the work is devoted to significant historical discussions between 1989 and 2005. The central figures of the new direction of historical politics in Poland were brothers Jarosław and Lech Kaczyński, who had the greatest influence on the promotion of this policy in public discourse. In conclusion, the results of the two-year enforcement of historical politics.

Srovnání polského a ukrajinského ústavů paměti národa a jejich interpretace Volyňského masakru / The Comparison of Polish and Ukrainian Institutes of National Remembrance and their Interpretations of the Massacre of Poles in Volhynia

Lavrentev, Aleksei January 2018 (has links)
The thesis compares Polish and Ukrainian Institutes of National Remembrance, analyses Polish and Ukrainian dominant models of the collective memory and historical narratives of the massacre of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 1943. The analysis also clarifies and compares interpretations of this phenomenon by Polish and Ukrainian Institutes. The subjects of the research are Polish and Ukrainian Institutions of National Remembrance themselves, as the main promoting tools of politics of memory in their states. The thesis covers a period from the revolutionary changes in Ukraine in 2014 (have changed Ukrainian historical narratives and politics of memory) to present days. Political situations in Ukraine (2014) and Poland (2015) are reflected in this thesis, as they are in the direct relation with changings in politics of memory, which have restored the conflict of memory. The first signs of the memory conflict (Yushchenko presidency and the first Law and Justice cabinet) are explained briefly, as thesis is focused on a current situation. The massacre of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia, which is the most tragic point of modern Polish-Ukrainian relations, is described as a sticking point between Poland and Ukraine. The analysis argues in detail that Polish and Ukrainian Institutes are...

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