Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bseparation"" "subject:"coreparation""
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Innovativ tätning av läckande dilatationsfogar i betongdammar : Bentonit: Metoder, Utvärdering och Fallstudie / Innovative sealing of leaking expansion joints in concrete dams : Bentonite: Methods, Evaluation and Case StudyAdell, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Majoriteten av de svenska betongdammarna uppfördes under 1900-talet och börjar därför närma sig sin uppskattade livslängd; 50-160 år. Några av dessa betongdammar används för att utvinna vattenkraft. Vattenkraft är Sveriges största energikälla och utgör ca 45% av vår totala elproduktion. Det ställs därför krav på att reparera samtliga betongdammar inför fortsatt förvaltning och för att bibehålla vår elproduktion. Betongdammar sammanlänkas med hjälp av dilatationsfogar. Dilatationsfogar hjälper betongkonstruktionen att stå emot de rörelser som sker under temperaturvariationer. På grund av dilatationsfogens placering i konstruktionen så är det väldigt svårt att genomföra och säkerställa en reparation. Inuti dilatationsfogens plåtfogbandskanal, i fallen där dilatationsfogen besitter två fogband, används bitumen som ett vattenstopp. Varje dilatationsfog som tätas med bitumen genererar en klimatpåverkan om ca 0,5 till 1,5 kg CO2-e per fog. Om fogbanden, inom dilatationsfogen, eller betongen i närheten av dessa skadas så kan därav bitumen lackas ut och följa med vattnet nedströms. Om detta sker så genereras en ökad miljö- och klimatpåverkan. Då nytt material måste produceras för att avlasta bitumenförlusten, fogbanden måste reparareras och bituminet släpps ut i naturen. Därför är det även av intresse att minimera eller helt ta bort det nuvarande vattenstoppet av bitumen. I ett försök att minimera komplexiteten och trappa ned på bitumenanvändningen undersöks i detta examensarbete en reparation med hjälp av bentonitpellets. Reparationen sker via ett borrhål som sedan återfylls med bentonitpellets. Det finns två betongdammar i Sverige som använt sig utav denna metodik. Examensarbetet syftar således till att utvärdera hur denna reparationsmetodik står sig, dels längre fram i tiden, mot andra alternativ och framtida förväntningar om att eventuellt kunna ersätta bituminet mot andra material. Inledningsvis undersöktes bentonitpelletsens svällförmåga samt hur materialet ansamlar sig fukt. Detta genom nya framtagna metoder, som delvis, är baserade på tidigare standarder. Med hjälp utav dessa nya metoder kunde materialegenskaper också utvärderas mer långsiktigt. För att utvärdera långtidsperspektiv tilläts bentonitpelletsen att genomgå frostcykler i ett temperaturväxlingsskåp. Där fem dygn i temperaturväxlingsskåpet, uppskattningsvis, motsvarar de svenska klimatförhållanden i norra Sverige som förväntas inträffa under ett år. Bentonitpelletsen utvärderades sedan via samma testmetodik efter 1,5 och 3 år. Resultatet från bentonitpelletsens fuktupptagningsförmåga visade på en skillnad mellan de olika sorterna. Den rena Na-bentonitens fuktupptagningsförmåga står sig bättre med tiden, jämfört mot de kemiskt framställda Na-bentonitpelletserna. Resultaten från svällförmågan tyder dock på att samtliga bentonitpellets upplever en försämring allt eftersom. Om vattenkvoten är låg innan frostcykler så ökar bentonitpelletsens svällförmåga, på grund av att den uttorkas. Efter den första experimentella delen, och insamlade materialkunskaper från denna, uppfördes en miniatyrversion av en verklig dilatationsfog. Bakgrunden till detta genomförande var att man ville undersöka hur stort tryck som bentonitpelletsen klarar av att hålla tillbaka innan materialet går till brott. Vattenfalls konstruktörer uppförde testriggen och denna bestod främst utav plåt. En delad betongkub, med ett hål i mitten, placerades i konstruktionen. Hålet fylldes därefter upp av bentonitpellets. För att kunna åskåda hur materialet betedde sig under tryckförsök bekläddes konstruktionens ovandel med plexiglas. På denna plexiglasskiva installerades en manometer. Med hjälp av manometern, och ett konstant inflöde av vatten, kunde trycket i testriggen uppmätas och regleras. När den sedimenterade bentonitpelletsen går till brott så sjunker trycket på manometern. Resultatet från tryckförsöken visar på ett samband mellan bentonitpelletsens deklarerade svälltryck och det tillförda vattentrycket. Beroende på inflödet kan en reparation med bentonitpellets maximalt klara av att hålla tillbaka ett tryck motsvarande 5 till 12 höjdmeter av vatten – där det exakta värdet baseras på tiden den tillåtits att sedimentera. Dessa värden gäller för dess initiala förmåga. Hur materialet står emot vattentryck längre fram i tiden behöver fortsatt utvärdering. Baserat på studiens resultat så kommer inte den tidigare genomförda reparationen, i en av betongdammarna, att hålla – eftersom denna reparation överstiger 12 höjdmeter. Baserat på informationen som presenterats i denna rapport råder det en fortsatt osäkerhet om bentonit kan användas i betongkonstruktioner. Området kräver således fortsatt forskning för att säkerställa dess långsiktiga hållbarhet inom betongkonstruktionen. / Most of Sweden’s concrete dams were built during the 1900’s. Therefore, they are starting to reach the estimated end of their life-cycle; 50-160 years. Some of these concrete dams are used for hydroelectric purposes. Hydroelectric power is one of Sweden’s primary source for electricity, which approximately makes for 45% of our total electric production. Hence, the need for reparation is increasing for further management and maintaining our electricity production in these concrete dams. Concrete dams are linked by expansion joints. These expansion joints help to reduce the stress, during swelling and shrinking, in the concrete caused by temperature variation. Due to the placement of these expansions joint, they become difficult to repair as well as ensuring the success of a reparation. Inside the expansion joint there are dimbands. The dimbands can be sealed with bitumen to help their water stopping abilities. For every expansion joint that is sealed with bitumen the estimated climate impact is 0,5 to 1,5 kg CO2-e per joint. If the dimbands, inside the expansion joint, or the surrounding concrete gets damaged or breaks the bitumen varnishes downstream. This generates for an increased environmental and climate impact, due to the need for new bitumen and steel to fill and seal the leak and oils being released into the surroundings. Therefore, it is also of interest to reduce the usage of bitumen or remove it completely from these dimbands. To minimize the complexity and reduce the usage of bitumen this thesis will evaluate a reparation method with bentonite pellets. The reparation method consists of a borehole, which is then backfilled, with bentonite pellets. There are two concrete dams in Sweden which have used this method. Therefore, this thesis work also aims to evaluate how this reparation will last, regarding time, against other options and future expectations regarding the replacement of bitumen. To begin, the bentonite pellets where first evaluated based on their swelling capabilities and moisture absorption. These attributes were tested by new methods, which are partly based on previous standards. These new methods for the material properties also allowed for long-term evaluation. To evaluate how the bentonite pellets would react over time they were placed in a temperature change cabinet. Five days in these cabinets, were assumed to, correspond to the Northern Swedish climate changes that takes place over a year. The bentonite pellets were then evaluated by the new methods after 1,5 and 3 years. The results, for both swelling and moisture absorption, showed a difference depending on the bentonite type. The pure Na-bentonite moisture absorption has better absorption capabilities over time, compared to chemically produced Na-bentonite. The results from swelling shows that, regardless of bentonite type, they all induce worse swelling capabilities over time. Although, if they begin thawing cycles at a lower water content their swelling capabilities increases due to the bentonite experiencing exsiccation. After the first experimental part, and this newly gathered material knowledge, a miniature version of a concrete dams’ expansion joint were built. The background to this was to research how many altitude meters (mVp) the bentonite pellets could withstand before collapse. Vattenfalls engineers built the testrigg, expansion joint, which primarily consisted of steel. A splintered concrete cube, with a predrilled hole in the middle, was then placed in this steel cartridge. The hole was then filled with bentonite pellets. To see the sequence of the material reaction during pressure tests the testrigg had a top of plexiglass. A manometer was then attached to the plexiglass. The manometer, and a consistent flow of water, allowed for the pressure to be monitored and regulated. When the sedimented bentonite pellets collapses the pressure drops. Results from the pressure tests show a correlation between the bentonite pellets declared swelling pressure and the externally supplied water pressure. Depending on the inflow the bentonite pellets can withstand a pressure between 5 to 12 meters of water height – where the exact value is given by the time it is allowed to sediment. These values only consider the initial expansion of the material. Further research is required to evaluate how much water pressure the material can withstand over time. Based on the findings of this study one of the previously repaired concrete dams’ bentonite seal will collapse in due time, since the reparation exceeds 12 meters in height. Based on the information provided in this thesis it is difficult to decide whether a bentonite seal will be beneficial for the concrete structure. Further research is required to ensure the sustainability of using bentonite inside concrete structures.
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Impact de la lamine B1 sur la stabilité du génome / Impact of lamin B1 on genome stabilityEtourneaud, Laure 27 September 2016 (has links)
Un lien étroit existe entre l’intégrité du génome et l’architecture nucléaire. Les lamines, composants majeurs de l’enveloppe nucléaire sont impliquées dans de nombreux processus nucléaires, tels que la réplication, la transcription et le maintien de l’architecture nucléaire. Il a notamment été rapporté que les lamines de type A sont impliquées dans la réparation des cassures double brin de l’ADN et la stabilité des télomères. Toutefois, peu d’études ont été réalisées sur les lamines de type B. Fait intéressant, il a été observé que l’accumulation de la lamine B1 est retrouvée dans différentes tumeurs. Cependant, les conséquences d’une dérégulation de cette lamine sur la stabilité du génome restent peu documentées.Au cours de ma thèse, je me suis intéressée à l’impact d’une dérégulation de la lamine B1 sur le maintien de la stabilité du génome, notamment sur la réparation des cassures double brin de l’ADN et la stabilité des télomères. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence que la surexpression de lamine B1 conduit à un défaut de réparation par NHEJ, associé à une diminution de recrutement de 53BP1 aux dommages radio-induits. Nous avons également démontré que la lamine B1 interagit directement avec 53BP1, protéine impliquée dans le choix de la voie de réparation, et que cette interaction est régulée en cas de dommages à l’ADN. En effet, la liaison entre ces deux protéines est rompue après dommages en condition endogène, ce qui n’est pas le cas après surexpression de la lamine B1. Ce défaut de recrutement de 53BP1 aux dommages pourrait rendre compte de la diminution de l’efficacité du NHEJ. De plus, j’ai pu identifier les domaines protéiques impliqués dans cette interaction. Il est intéressant de noter que la surexpression du domaine de la lamine B1 impliquée dans l’interaction mime la surexpression de la lamine B1 entière. Au contraire, la lamine B1 délétée de ce domaine n’a aucun impact sur le recrutement de 53BP1 et la persistance des dommages. Ces différentes données confortent notre hypothèse quant à la séquestration de 53BP1 après surexpression de lamine B1.En parallèle, nous avons pu démontrer que la surexpression de la lamine B1 entraine l’apparition de diplochromosomes concomitants à une sénescence accrue. Ce phénomène d’endoréplication peut être induit par des défauts télomériques, tels que des télomères dysfonctionnels ou déprotégés. De façon intéressante, mes données montrent que la surexpression de la lamine B1 entrainent des dommages télomériques. Nous avons également établit que la lamine B1 interagit avec TRF2, protéine du complexe « shelterin » permettant la protection des télomères contre la signalisation des dommages à l’ADN. La rétention putative de TRF2 par la lamine B1 pourrait être à l’origine des défauts télomériques observés après la surexpression de cette dernièreCette étude démontre de nouveaux rôles de la lamine B1 dans le maintien de la stabilité du génome, notamment à travers ses interactions avec deux protéines clefs dans la réparation des cassures double brin et la stabilité des télomères. Cela nous ouvre de nouvelles pistes de recherche qui permettront une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la tumorigenèse et en particulier sur le lien existant entre l’intégrité de l’architecture nucléaire et la stabilité du génome. / A close link exists between genome stability and nuclear architecture. Lamins, major component of the nuclear envelope, are involved in many nuclear processes, such as replication, transcription and nuclear architecture. It has been reported than lamins A/C are involved in double strand break repair and telomere stability. However, few studies have been conducted on B-type lamins. Interestingly, it was observed that the accumulation of lamin B1 is found in different tumors. Nevertheless, consequences of its deregulation on genome stability remain poorly documented.During my PhD, I analysed the impact of deregulation of lamin B1 on genome maintenance, including double-strand breaks repair and telomere stability. We were able to demonstrate that overexpression of lamin B1 leads to defect of NHEJ, associated with decrease of the 53BP1 recruitment to DNA damage. We have also shown that lamin B1 interacts directly with 53BP1, a protein involved in the choice of the repair pathway, and that this interaction is regulated upon DNA damage. Indeed, the association between these two proteins is disrupted after damage, in endogenous condition, in contrast this dissociation is not observed after lamin B1 overexpression. The defect of 53BP1 recruitment to DNA damage could account for the decrease in the NHEJ efficiency. Moreover, I have identify the protein domains involved in this interaction. It is interesting to note that overexpression of the interaction domain mimics the overexpression of the full lamin B1. Instead, lamin B1 deleted from this domain has no impact on 53BP1 recruitment and on DNA damage persistence. These data support our hypothesis about the sequestration 53BP1 after overexpression of lamin B1.In parallel, we have demonstrated that the lamin B1 overexpression causes the appearance of diplochromosomes concurrent to an increase of senescence. This phenomenon of endoreduplication can be induced by telomere defects such as dysfunctional or deprotected telomeres. Interestingly, I have observed that lamin B1 overexpression leads telomere damages. We also established that lamin B1 interacts with TRF2, a protein of "shelterin" complex involved in the protection against the DNA damage signaling at telomere. The putative retention TRF2 by lamin B1 could cause telomere defects observed after overexpression of the latter.This study identifies new roles of lamin B1 in maintaining genome stability, including through its interactions with two key proteins in the repair of double-strand breaks and stability of telomeres. This opens up new ways of research that will enable a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis and in particular on the relationship between the integrity of the nuclear architecture and genome stability.
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Upphovsrättens förhållande till återbruk av brukskonst : En del av en cirkulär ekonomi / Copyright Law’s Relationship to Reuse of Applied Art : A Part of a Circular EconomyAbrahamsson, Aida January 2024 (has links)
Efforts are underway within the European Union to move towards a circular economy, with the aim of reducing society’s consumption and the use of resources. A keyword for the circular economy concept is reuse. The aim of this master thesis is to examine how copyright law relates to the reuse of applied art. Thus, the questions investigated in the thesis are as follows. How can applied art be reused under existing law? What limitations would be needed to achieve sustainable and long-lasting works of applied art, and can they be justified when the various interests at stake are considered? The forms of reuse covered in the thesis are upcycling, repair and repair through upcycling. Regarding the subject of upcycling and repair through upcycling, the following is observed. When works are modified and upcycled, the right to exploit the work is subjected to the copyright of the original work. One way to address this problem would be to allow an existing provision in the national legislation an extensive interpretation, which would allow third parties to make changes to works of applied art. As for repairs, another solution is needed. If a repair involves making copies of detachable parts of a copyright protected work, the rightsholders’ exclusive rights prevent the repair. It is permissible, for private use, to make copies of public-available works. However, it is not permissible to permit another person to produce utility goods. To be able to move towards a circular economy and meet the needs of an environmentally conscious society, it is necessary to impose a provision that limits the rightsholders’ rights, to extend the right to repair. Finally, a special approach and assessment regarding parts of works is also discussed.
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Design And Race: "African Design" In The Shadow Of ModernityPello-Esso, Kibandu January 2021 (has links)
To explore the question of how race and design are related, I have developed a set of analysis strategies, involving props that are investigating objecthood and subjectivity. I use prototyping techniques and sketching in full scale. The design process contains three main investigation packages that ran parallel and was intertwined with each other, and resulted in a staged planetarian habitability (Mbembe, 2020) that communicates how to decolonize the African objects. The objective of this project was to investigate how to make stories about African design as well as identify how an African spatial design practice could unfold. The myth building around race is a successful practice even today. Therefore, it is necessary for each generation to undo these myths. The project resulted in objects and a spatial installation that render tangible, new ideals about modernity and design in relation to race.
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Cirkulära affärsmodeller och kundens delaktighet : En studie om faktorer som driver deltagandet i cirkulära tjänsterPersson, Maria Elise Astrid, Browall, Embla January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker kunders deltagande i cirkulära tjänster, ett ämne som tidigare ofta behandlats ur ett företagsperspektiv. Konsumentperspektivet är ett viktigt tillägg eftersom forskning har visat en minskad efterfrågan på cirkulära tjänster även om många kunder ställer sig positiva till deltagande. Utifrån denna diskrepans syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur variablerna attityd, kostnad, subjektiv norm, upplevd beteendekontroll och vana kan påverka kundens intention att engagera sig i dessa tjänster. Genomförandet skedde genom en enkätbaserad undersökning av tjänsterna återtag, reparation och uthyrning. Resultaten visar att en majoritet av de undersökta variablerna, framförallt vana och attityd, påvisar ha ett betydande samband till kunders intention att delta i cirkulära tjänster. Vissa av värdena var icke-signifikanta och kunde därför inte bidra till besvarandet av undersökningens syfte. För att vidareutveckla och understödja resultaten från denna studie bör vidare framtida forskning replikera studien för att samtidigt kunna öka kunskaperna inom området för cirkulära tjänster.
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Le droit à réparation des victimes des crimes internationaux, condition de justice efficiente : l'exemple de la RDC / The right to reparations for victims of international crimes as a condition for efficient justice : the case of the DRCMakaya kiela, Serge 23 June 2014 (has links)
Face aux préjudices irréparables engendrés par les crimes internationaux, le droit international, hormis les cas de poursuites devant la CPI et la pratique des commissions et fonds d'indemnisation des N.U, fait ponce-Pilate au droit interne pour la mise en oeuvre du droit à réparation des victimes de ces crimes. Une hypocrisie qui s'affirme notamment à travers des pratiques d'assistance humanitaire. Le droit interne des Etats quant à lui, fait un recours systématique à son système classique pour la mise en oeuvre de ce droit. Cet attrait pour le système classique tranche pourtant avec les facteurs matériels du droit en cette matière où le contexte des crimes, l'ampleur des préjudices, la vastitude des victimes et les fluctuations de la qualité des auteurs l'ont presque plongé dans la désuétude. C'est ce qui a fait émerger la quête d'un paradigme d'efficacité dont l'expérience de la justice transitionnelle et de la justice réparatrice constituent « l'essai ». La discussion sur l'efficacité des résultats de cet essai conduit l'observateur averti à la conclusion qu'il y a encore du chemin. Pour la RDC, contre l'aporie du droit classique face aux souffrances des victimes des crimes internationaux, cette étude propose la construction d'une politique criminelle basée sur une approche holistique de la réparation. L'approche holistique impliquant, ici, une réaction globaliste face aux préjudices subis par les victimes des crimes internationaux. Préjudices multiformes pour lesquels les réponses en termes de réparation doivent relever d'une appréhension globale du droit, reposant sur l'interdisciplinarité et l'ouverture à la « technologie sociale ». / Faced with the irreparable prejudices arising from international crimes, except for the cases being prosecuted at the ICC and the processes of various Commissions and reparations funds of the UN, international law has been pontius-pilating when it comes implementing under domestic laws the rights of victims to reparations. This hypocrisy is particularly highlighted by the use of humanitarian aid. Domestic laws have systematically resorted to traditional practices to implement this right. This inclination towards traditional approaches is indeed at variance with the material elements of the law on reparations in as much as the context of the crimes, the scope of the damage, the vast number of victims and fluctuations in the types of perpetrators have simply made the traditional systems obsolete. Whence the quest for an efficiency paradigm hinged on «attempts» within transitional justice and reparations justice. Analyses of these attempts by experts reveal that a lot still has to be done. In the case of the DRC, and mindful of the shortcomings of the traditional legal system in mitigating the suffering of victims of international crimes, this study proposes a holistic approach to the development of a criminal reparations policy. This holistic approach requires a global response to the damage suffered by victims of international crimes. The reparations response to these multidimensional prejudices must reflect a global understanding of the law based on interdisciplinary and «social technology» considerations.
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Combating corruption while respecting human rights : a critical study of the non-conviction based assets recovery mechanism in Kenya and South AfricaObura, Ken Otieno January 2014 (has links)
The thesis contributes to the search for sound anti-corruption laws and practices that are effective and fair. It argues for the respect for human rights in the crafting and implementation of anti-corruption laws as a requisite for successful control of corruption. The basis for this argument is threefold: First, human rights provide a framework for checking against abuse of state’s police power, an abuse which if allowed to take root, would make the fight against corruption lose its legitimacy in the eye of the people. Second, human rights ensure that the interest of individuals is catered for in the crafting of anti-corruption laws and practices thereby denying perpetrators of corruption legal excuses that can be exploited to delay or frustrate corruption cases in the courts of law. Third, human rights provide a useful framework for balancing competing interests in the area of corruption control – it enables society to craft measures that fulfils the public interest in the eradication of corruption while concomitantly assuring the competing public interest in the protection of individual members’ liberties – a condition that is necessary if the support of the holders of these competing interests is to be enlisted and fostered in the fight against corruption. The thesis focuses on the study of the non-conviction based assets recovery mechanism, a mechanism that allows the state to apply a procedure lacking in criminal law safeguards to address criminal behaviour. The mechanism is thus beset with avenues for abuse, which if unchecked could have debilitating effects not only to individual liberties but also to the long term legitimacy of the fight against corruption. In this regard, the thesis examines how the human rights framework has been used in Kenya and South Africa to check on the potential dangers of the non-conviction based mechanism and to provide for a proportional balance between the imperative of corruption control and the guarantee against arbitrary deprivation of property. The aim is to unravel the benefits of respecting human rights in the fight against corruption in general and in the non-conviction based assets recovery in particular. Kenya and South Africa are chosen for study because they provide two models of non-conviction based mechanisms with different levels of safeguards, for comparative consideration.
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Point de vue des descendants d'esclaves concernant les politiques nationales de réparations : une perspective martiniquaise / Slave descendants’ views regarding national policies on reparations : a martinican perspectiveArmange, Roseline 27 September 2016 (has links)
Jusqu’à son abolition en 1848, l’esclavage transatlantique a constitué un rôle fondamental dans la colonisation par la France de la Martinique. Cette étude examine la façon, dont les personnes, où les familles ont, dans le passé, été directement touché par l’esclavage perçoivent les politiques nationales relatives aux réparations. Les politiques concernant les esclaves et leurs descendants ont opéré en faveur des propriétaires d’esclaves (et leurs descendants), affirmant que l’avènement de la liberté a été une rémunération honorable et suffisante. Malgré une position politique antérieure de l’oubli, les descendants d’esclaves continuent d’agir pour la reconnaissance de l’esclavage dans l’histoire de la nation, et remettent en question la possibilité des réparations en matière de politiques publiques. Dans cette étude trois positions personnelles ont été observées : les sceptiques, les réparationistes et les indéterminés. L’étude révèle qu’une politique relative aux réparations est considérée comme acceptable si elle comprend une pleine reconnaissance et si elle est accompagnée d’une politique de compensation. Des politiques qui favorisent l’amnésie ou l’exaltation du passé sont perçues comme inacceptables. Les politiques de réparations sont envisagées comme plus acceptables dans les situations où l’intégration socioéconomique des descendants d’esclaves a été atteinte que dans les situations où elle ne l’a pas été. Comme en Martinique, le sujet des réparations gagne du terrain dans les arènes populaires, politiques et universitaires à l’échelle internationale : quels éléments sont considérés pour juger des positions politiques ? Quelles sont les opinions qui se révèlent ? / Until its abolition in 1848, transatlantic slavery constituted a fundamental role in France's colonization of Martinique. This study assesses the views regarding the possible national policies related to the slavery of people whose families have, in the past, been directly affected by slavery in Martinique. Policies regarding slaves and their descendants have operated in favor of slave owners (and their descendants), claiming that the advent of freedom was honorable and sufficient compensation. Despite instances of cultural amnesia in France, slave descendants continue to advocate for recognition of slavery in the nation’s history and they continue to question the possibility of reparations in public politics. Three qualitatively different personal positions were culled from this study’s participating slave descendants: Skeptics, Reparationists, and Undetermined. In addition to studying the factors that differentiate these groups, this study determines that a policy concerning reparations is acceptable if it includes the public recognition of historic prejudice and if it is accompanied by a policy for material compensation. Furthermore, the results indicate that policies which foster amnesia and an exaltation of a colonial past are perceived as unacceptable. In this study, reparations are considered more acceptable to slave descendants in policies where their socio-economic integration is directly addressed. As in Martinique, the subject of reparations is gaining traction in popular, political and academic arenas internationally: What factors should be examined to understand the opinions held by the descendants of slaves? What trends emerge from these ethical questions?
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Washington und Berlin zwischen den Kriegen : die Mixed Claims Commission in den transatlantischen Beziehungen /Jähnicke, Burkhard. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., FB Philos. und Geschichtswiss., Diss. u.d.T.: Jähnicke, Burkhard: Die Geschichte der deutsch-amerikanischen Mixed Claims Commission, 1922 - 1939--Hamburg, 2000. / Literaturverz. S. 310 - 359.
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Study of the role of the human TREX-2 complex in the DNA Damage Response / Etude du rôle du complexe humain TREX-2 lors de la réponse aux dommages de l'ADNEvangelista, Federica 19 December 2017 (has links)
L'intégrité de l'information génétique est essentielle aux fonctions cellulaires et pour éviter l'instabilité génomique, qui est une des caractéristique du cancer. Suite à des cassures double brin (Double Strand Breaks; DSBs), la voie de signalisation de réponse aux dommages de l'ADN est activée dans la cellule qui comprend deux sous voies de signalisation : la jonction d'extrémités non-homologues et la recombinaison homologue. Le complexe TREX-2 associé au pore nucléaire est impliqué dans l'export des ARNm. Chez la levure, TREX-2 est impliqué dans le maintien de la stabilité génomique. Nous nous sommes intéressés au rôle de TREX-2 dans la réparation de DSBs dans les cellules humaines. La déplétion du complexe TREX-2 entraine une réparation de l'ADN par recombinaison homologue insuffisante. De plus, nos résultats démontrent que la protection contre les dommages de l'ADN par TREX-2 dépend aussi de l'équilibre entre H2B an H2Bub1 contrôlé par le module de deubiquitination de SAGA. / The maintenance of proper genetic information is essential to avoid genomic instability, which is a hallmark of cancer. In response to Double Strand Breaks (DSBs), cells initiate the DNA Damage Response (DDR), that acts through two main sub-pathways: non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination (HR). The nuclear pore-associated TREX-2 complex is involved in mRNA export and has been implicated, in yeast, in genome stability maintenance. Here we investigated the role of TREX-2 in DSB repair in human cells. We find that loss of the scaffold subunit of TREX-2 (GANP) results in DNA repair deficiency by HR. Moreover, we showed that the mechanism through which TREX-2 protects human cells from DNA damage is dependent on an interplay with the co-activator complex SAGA that regulates H2Bub1 histone mark. Our results demonstrate a functional cross-talk between human TREX-2 and the SAGA deubiquitination activity that is important to ensure correct DSB repair during HR.
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