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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engelskundervisning och dyslexi : En studie i lärares uppfattning om att anpassa undervisningen / English Teaching and Dyslexia : A Study about Teachers´ Perception of Adapting Teaching

Björch, Maria, Sagebro, Karin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få mer kunskap om hur lärare i årskurs 4, 5 och 6 uppfattar att de har kunskap och möjlighet att undervisa så att elever med dyslexi får godtagbara kunskaper i engelska. För att ta reda på lärarnas uppfattningar genomfördes 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer i tre olika kommuner med lärare som undervisar i engelska i årskurserna 4, 5 eller 6. Resultatet som framkom var att lärarna vet hur de skulle vilja anpassa sin undervisning men att de uppfattar att de inte har möjlighet att genomföra dessa anpassningar på grund av brist på tid, resurser och kompetens. Lärarna använder traditionella läromedel och uppger att elever med dyslexi behöver mer repetition. Eleverna med dyslexi får ofta avskalat material, vilket även innebär färre antal glosor i läxa. De får tillgång till alternativa lärverktyg men de används i olika utsträckning. Lärarna menar att en kommunikativ undervisning är specifikt viktigför dessa elever. De uppfattar också att de har stöd av framför allt speciallärare för att få råd om anpassningar, men flera lärare uppger också att de behöver mer stöd, framför allt med riktade insatser. Lärarna uppfattar att de har otillräcklig kunskap om dyslexi och uppger att de skulle vilja ha kompetensutveckling om detta. I studien ser vi att läromedel används i stor utsträckning vilket kan medföra att undervisningen går för fort fram trots att vissa elever behöver mer repetition. Det framkommer också brister i medvetenheten hos lärarna kring arbete med skolklimat och motivation. Slutligen finns det flera områden där speciallärare kan vara behjälpliga.

Performance Analysis of DC-offset STBCs for MIMO Optical Wireless Communications

Sapenov, Yerzhan 04 1900 (has links)
In this report, an optical wireless multiple-input multiple-output communication system employing intensity-modulation direct-detection is considered. The performance of direct current offset space-time block codes (DC-STBC) is studied in terms of pairwise error probability (PEP). It is shown that among the class of DC-STBCs, the worst case PEP corresponding to the minimum distance between two codewords is minimized by repetition coding (RC), under both electrical and optical individual power constraints. It follows that among all DC-STBCs, RC is optimal in terms of worst-case PEP for static channels and also for varying channels under any turbulence statistics. This result agrees with previously published numerical results showing the superiority of RC in such systems. It also agrees with previously published analytic results on this topic under log-normal turbulence and further extends it to arbitrary turbulence statistics. This shows the redundancy of the time-dimension of the DCSTBC in this system. This result is further extended to sum power constraints with static and turbulent channels, where it is also shown that the time dimension is redundant, and the optimal DC-STBC has a spatial beamforming structure. Numerical results are provided to demonstrate the difference in performance for systems with different numbers of receiving apertures and different throughput.

The Problems and Potentials in Haunted Maternal Horror Narratives

Novak, Sarah Laura 30 June 2014 (has links)
This thesis will examine the representation of motherhood in horror cinema in order to discuss the problems and potentials of repeated domestic traditions. While maternal horror narratives impose gender roles based on heterosexual hegemonic biases, some of these films also examine the feminine experience and criticize the patriarchal institutional structures that affect domesticity and femininity. If we discuss these promising features, we can build on the implied trajectories, and engender more representation of marginalized experience in order to seek out new methods of cultural stabilization and unity. This proposal relies on Jacques Derrida's theory of hauntology, which addresses past and future specters of anxieties and ideologies, and suggests that in order to confront these anxieties, we must recognize how and why mainstream repeats cultural traditions, and how to engage these specters to project new resolutions. By studying The Ring (2001), Silent Hill (2006), and Mama (2013), I have determined that most maternal horror narratives impose gender roles and standards upon its mother characters, but their conclusions criticize patriarchal rhetoric, and repeat cultural traditions with new, progressive implications that can both challenge and resolve cultural stability. This thesis intends to generate more discussion for domestic representation in mainstream media, negotiate our desire for cultural stability with destabilizing, non-hegemonic resolutions, and call attention to the social pressure enforced on mothers that neglects their experience and position.

約翰‧巴斯《迷失在歡樂宮》裡自我和異己的對話 / The Dialogue of the Self and the Other in John Sarth's Lost in the Funhouse

范燕珍, Fan, Yen Jen Unknown Date (has links)
在〈枯竭的文學〉一文中,約翰•巴斯提出反覆(repetition)的概念,認為文學面臨枯竭的困境,唯由針對原有形式的刻意的重覆及模擬,才能語出新意,另闢蹊徑。本文即以巴斯「反覆」的觀點為出發,進而探討約翰•巴斯在《迷失在歡樂宮》一書中,自我和異己之間的對話關係。   若以巴赫汀的對話理論觀之,生命乃是一共存(co-existence)的事件,自我形成於人我之間的對話關係中。而《迷失在歡樂宮》中的主角卻陷溺於自戀的框架裡,阻絕了自我和異己之間對話;此外,他們在自戀式的獨白中,更彰顯了象徵體係中父權的制約力量。臣服於父權之下,故事的主角僅淪落為既有體系的重覆而已。由於迷戀於完美父親形象「一種完美形式」的追求,他們皆在既有象徵系統的制約下,因而落入無止境的重覆模式中。無論如何,在《迷失在歡樂宮》裡與父權的制約力量相抗衡的是一種巴赫汀式的「嘉年華」離心力,此種顛覆的模式貫穿全書,並且提供書中主角一個解放的出路。書中最後的無名遊唱詩人即體認到異己和異同的存在,而自我即形成於人我之間不斷的對話關係之中,如同一封「奇異且不間斷的情書」。   約翰•巴斯在《迷失在歡樂宮》一書中即注入了他對於(枯竭文學)的活水源頭。巴斯有意以重覆古老模式的同時,他也寫出了異於傳統具備新意的形式;此外,面對當代人類困境的描述上,巴斯的《迷失在歡樂宮》正好寫出了巴赫汀所謂的「小說理念,」揭示了人類文明的進程。 / John Barth has advocated his idea of "repetition" in "Literature of Exhaustion" (1967). To extricate one from the aporia of the "used-upness" of literature, one may, as Barth claims, deliberately repeat or parody the old forms to produce something "new and solid." This thesis will start with Barth's idea of the repetition with a difference as declared in his essay above and then dwell on a discussion of the self/other dialogue in John Barth's <u>Lost</u> <u>in</u> <u>the</u> <u>Funhouse</u>.   For Bakhtin, life is an event of co-existence and the self is formed somewhere in the borderline in the self/other dialogue. Yet, the protagonists in Lost in the Funhouse are portrayed as entrapped in a narcissistic circle which has rendered the self/other dialogue impossible. Moreover, in their narcissistic monologues, the protagonists have shown their enthrallment to the Symbolic Father which has reduced them into the repetition of It. Engrossed by the image of an ideal Father--the Good Form, the protagonists are compelled to repeat in a symbolic universe of difference. The outlet or the "loophole" out of the narcissistic circle, however, is inherent in the protagonists's utterances running throughout the whole series. This "carnival impulse" to break from the narcissistic circle is released at the final story of Barth's oeuvre. The nameless minstrel of the last story in the series has come to affirm the difference within repetition in a constant self/other dialogue as if in a "strange and continuing love letter" (LF 200).   As a refraction of his intention, Lost in the Funhouse has embodied John Barth's attempt at a literature of exhaustion. In his deliberate repetition of the old novel form, John Barth has achieved something "new and solid." Moreover, in his solution to the aporia confronted by the modern man, John Barth has produced in his experimental text a "new human work," or in terms of Bakhtin, a true "novel," which has marked out the stage in the development of human civilization.

MPD-vågformer för helikopterradar / MPD waveforms for helicopter radar

Tornberg, Jens January 2003 (has links)
<p>A helicopter based system equipped with a millimetre-wave fire control radar is studied for improvement of the detection probability for moving ground targets. The system is a pulse doppler radar that sends out the electromagnetic wave in repetitive pulses. The frequency in which radar sends this pulse is called Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF). </p><p>The velocity of the moving targets is measured by spectral analysis of the pulses received. With this sort of system some targets will not be possible to detect. These targets are said to be blind for the radar. Also the measured targets can be ambiguous. A solution to this is to shift PRF during the time the radar emits itspulses on the target. This method is called PRF block staggering. The antenna is mounted on a mechanical sweep on top of the rotor of the helicopter. Because of this the time on target is limited. This means that the measured velocity resolution of the radar is also limited. </p><p>With the studied method it is possible to resolve range and velocity ambiguities. This is under the condition that it is acceptable with a reduction in the velocity resolution by a factor equal to the number of PRF blocks used. </p><p>The work leading to this thesis included developing a program in Mathworks Matlab for studying different configurations of PRFs and the effect on the detection probability.</p>

Kommunikativa resurser vid afasi : -En samtalsanalytisk studie av återkoppling, repetition och prosodi

Björnestrand, Sophia, Kindstrand, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
<p>I föreliggande studie undersöktes interaktionen mellan en person med afasi och hennes närstående. Syftet var att identifiera möjliga resurser som används av personen med afasi för att optimera delaktigheten i samtal, dels som aktiv lyssnare men också i situationer där missförstånd uppstår, samt se hur prosodi används som resurs i interaktionen. Datamaterialet som studerades var en två timmar lång videoinspelning i hemmet hos personen med afasi, där samtal med hennes man samt väninna förekom. Materialet analyserades enligt Conversation Analysis för att identifiera mönster i samtalen. Tre olika mönster identifierades och analyserades; återkopplingar för att visa aktivt lyssnarskap, och repetitioner som en begäran om bekräftelse av förståelse, samt begäran om förtydligande då något är otydligt eller felaktigt i föregående yttrande. Resultaten visade på kommunikativa resurser hos personen med afasi gällande att vara en aktiv lyssnare som stödjer talaren genom återkopplingssignaler, samt som en aktiv deltagare i samtalet genom att initiera reparationer för att samkonstruera förståelse.</p>

Kommunikativa resurser vid afasi : -En samtalsanalytisk studie av återkoppling, repetition och prosodi

Björnestrand, Sophia, Kindstrand, Caroline January 2010 (has links)
I föreliggande studie undersöktes interaktionen mellan en person med afasi och hennes närstående. Syftet var att identifiera möjliga resurser som används av personen med afasi för att optimera delaktigheten i samtal, dels som aktiv lyssnare men också i situationer där missförstånd uppstår, samt se hur prosodi används som resurs i interaktionen. Datamaterialet som studerades var en två timmar lång videoinspelning i hemmet hos personen med afasi, där samtal med hennes man samt väninna förekom. Materialet analyserades enligt Conversation Analysis för att identifiera mönster i samtalen. Tre olika mönster identifierades och analyserades; återkopplingar för att visa aktivt lyssnarskap, och repetitioner som en begäran om bekräftelse av förståelse, samt begäran om förtydligande då något är otydligt eller felaktigt i föregående yttrande. Resultaten visade på kommunikativa resurser hos personen med afasi gällande att vara en aktiv lyssnare som stödjer talaren genom återkopplingssignaler, samt som en aktiv deltagare i samtalet genom att initiera reparationer för att samkonstruera förståelse.

The Psychoanalytic Situation as a Play Situation: Exploration of a multi-faceted clinical situation

Künstlicher, Rolf January 2009 (has links)
The research question was stirred by observations that the set-up of the clinical situation seems to contain elements that have a deep impact on the patient. I found that the clinical situation shows important similarities to the space for play that children negotiate when they want to immerse themselves in mutual phantasy play. Consequently, one overall purpose of the present study is to explore the psychoanalytic situation as a play situation with the help of two clinical vignettes.In the first part, I give a picture of my understanding of Freud’s reasons for shaping his clinical situation as he did. A critical scrutiny of Freud’s case of the Rat Man gave us keys to an understanding of the clinical method’s contradictoriness.A tentative hypothesis was framed that the set-up of psychoanalysis’s clinical situation induces an ambiguity about different levels of reality, the purpose being to create a space in the course of the analysis in which this confusion can be analyzed and comprehended. This work on the ambiguity of the reality links psychoanalysis with the intimate and spontaneous interaction that characterizes children’s social phantasy play. The investigation came to the conclusion that there exists a conspicuous equivalence between the two situations. The issue of what connects the universal play situation of children on the one hand, with the specific psychoanalytic situation on the other, makes a point of departure from which to approach and investigate the field of inquiry.The theory is that a ‘play’ with factual and illusory asymmetry generates a field of tension that serves as a sounding board from the moment of psychoanalysis's introductory negotiations until its ending. A third area is created that supports a mutual explorative space that in its turn makes a bridge between outer and inner reality and between now and the past. In such a context the phenomenon of play becomes a transformational concept.The conclusion is that psychoanalysis organizes a clinical situation that speaks to a profound and universal human need and that it is understood as an analogy of the play situation of children.


Dermendji, Olga 20 July 2011
"Passage" presents a negotiation between the natural and the human-made realms and comments on the duality of perceptions and emotional responses associated with each. On the one hand, I aim to create a calm, quiet and peaceful environment offering a pleasant and meditative experience.  On the other hand, I offer the challenge of contemplation in a city-like space that evokes dense urban architecture in the process of decay. Both experiences draw on my personal histories of fact and fiction, reality and dream, hopefully resulting in evocative parallel experiences for those who encounter my exhibition space.

Measuring Phonological Short-term Memory, apart from Lexical Knowledge

Kornacki, Tamara 29 November 2011 (has links)
The current research examined whether nonword repetition (NWR) tasks, designed to measure phonological short-term memory, are also influenced by familiarity with lexical representation of a given language. In Study 1, children with and without exposure to Hebrew were administered a NWR task based on the Hebrew language structure (HNWR). On the HNWR, participants with Hebrew exposure significantly outperformed participants who had no familiarity with any Semitic language. This indicates that long-term phonological and lexical knowledge can be used to aid NWR performance. Study 2 investigated whether a NWR task based on a foreign language could minimize the lexicality effect. English speaking undergraduate students rated the less familiar HNWR task to be lower in wordlikeness than English-like NWR tasks. These findings demonstrate that regardless of language background a NWR task based on an unfamiliar language structure is a more valid measure of the phonological processing skills required for vocabulary acquisition.

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