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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Topological and domain Knowledge-based subgraph mining : application on protein 3D-structures / Fouille de sous-graphes basée sur la topologie et la connaissance du domaine : application sur les structures 3D de protéines

Dhifli, Wajdi 11 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est à l'intersection de deux domaines de recherche en plein expansion, à savoir la fouille de données et la bioinformatique. Avec l'émergence des bases de graphes au cours des dernières années, de nombreux efforts ont été consacrés à la fouille des sous-graphes fréquents. Mais le nombre de sous-graphes fréquents découverts est exponentiel, cela est dû principalement à la nature combinatoire des graphes. Beaucoup de sous-graphes fréquents ne sont pas pertinents parce qu'ils sont redondants ou tout simplement inutiles pour l'utilisateur. En outre, leur nombre élevé peut nuire ou même rendre parfois irréalisable toute utilisation ultérieure. La redondance dans les sous-graphes fréquents est principalement due à la similarité structurelle et / ou sémantique, puisque la plupart des sous-graphes découverts diffèrent légèrement dans leur structures et peuvent exprimer des significations similaires ou même identiques. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons deux approches de sélection des sous-graphes représentatifs parmi les fréquents afin d'éliminer la redondance. Chacune des approches proposées s'intéresse à un type spécifique de redondance. La première approche s'adresse à la redondance sémantique où la similarité entre les sous-graphes est mesurée en fonction de la similarité entre les étiquettes de leurs noeuds, en utilisant les connaissances de domaine. La deuxième approche s'adresse à la redondance structurelle où les sous-graphes sont représentés par des descripteurs topologiques définis par l'utilisateur, et la similarité entre les sous-graphes est mesurée en fonction de la distance entre leurs descriptions topologiques respectives. Les principales données d'application de cette thèse sont les structures 3D des protéines. Ce choix repose sur des raisons biologiques et informatiques. D'un point de vue biologique, les protéines jouent un rôle crucial dans presque tous les processus biologiques. Ils sont responsables d'une variété de fonctions physiologiques. D'un point de vue informatique, nous nous sommes intéressés à la fouille de données complexes. Les protéines sont un exemple parfait de ces données car elles sont faites de structures complexes composées d'acides aminés interconnectés qui sont eux-mêmes composées d'atomes interconnectés. Des grandes quantités de structures protéiques sont actuellement disponibles dans les bases de données en ligne. Les structures 3D des protéines peuvent être transformées en graphes où les acides aminés représentent les noeuds du graphe et leurs connexions représentent les arêtes. Cela permet d'utiliser des techniques de fouille de graphes pour les étudier. L'importance biologique des protéines et leur complexité ont fait d'elles des données d'application appropriées pour cette thèse. / This thesis is in the intersection of two proliferating research fields, namely data mining and bioinformatics. With the emergence of graph data in the last few years, many efforts have been devoted to mining frequent subgraphs from graph databases. Yet, the number of discovered frequentsubgraphs is usually exponential, mainly because of the combinatorial nature of graphs. Many frequent subgraphs are irrelevant because they are redundant or just useless for the user. Besides, their high number may hinder and even makes further explorations unfeasible. Redundancy in frequent subgraphs is mainly caused by structural and/or semantic similarities, since most discovered subgraphs differ slightly in structure and may infer similar or even identical meanings. In this thesis, we propose two approaches for selecting representative subgraphs among frequent ones in order to remove redundancy. Each of the proposed approaches addresses a specific type of redundancy. The first approach focuses on semantic redundancy where similarity between subgraphs is measured based on the similarity between their nodes' labels, using prior domain knowledge. The second approach focuses on structural redundancy where subgraphs are represented by a set of user-defined topological descriptors, and similarity between subgraphs is measured based on the distance between their corresponding topological descriptions. The main application data of this thesis are protein 3D-structures. This choice is based on biological and computational reasons. From a biological perspective, proteins play crucial roles in almost every biological process. They are responsible of a variety of physiological functions. From a computational perspective, we are interested in mining complex data. Proteins are a perfect example of such data as they are made of complex structures composed of interconnected amino acids which themselves are composed of interconnected atoms. Large amounts of protein structures are currently available in online databases, in computer analyzable formats. Protein 3D-structures can be transformed into graphs where amino acids are the graph nodes and their connections are the graph edges. This enables using graph mining techniques to study them. The biological importance of proteins, their complexity, and their availability in computer analyzable formats made them a perfect application data for this thesis.

Le concept de "convention nationale" sous la Révolution. Contribution à l'étude de la représentation constiuante / The concept of "national convention" during the French revolution. Contribution to the study of constituent representation

Roux, Stéphane 05 December 2011 (has links)
Dans un système constitutionnel fondé sur la souveraineté de la nation, le pouvoir constituant fait figure de phénomène ambivalent, difficilement analysable en termes juridiques. Par définition réfractaire à tout encadrement impératif, le pouvoir suprême au sein de l’Etat n’en doit pas moins revêtir une forme organisée pour exprimer une volonté normative. Les acteurs de la Révolution française agissent aux confins du droit, tirant profit des ressources de la philosophie politique et de l’histoire pour établir une constitution, principe fondamental du système juridique qu’ils cherchent à établir. Ils se dotent d’outils pour parvenir à leurs fins : le concept de « convention nationale » en est un, auréolé du succès des réalisations américaines. Plutôt qu’à une transposition institutionnelle, les révolutionnaires français procèdent à une adaptation. En devenant « extraordinaire », la représentation constituante qu’ils conceptualisent perd son caractère révolutionnaire pour devenir pleinement juridique. Elle offre une alternative à l’insurrection. Un tel processus présente cependant un revers. Ce pouvoir, en accédant à l’existence investi de l’exercice de la souveraineté, est dégagé de toutes contraintes juridiques autres que celles qui découlent de son organisation. Ces contraintes pèsent sur ses membres, exacerbant les tensions qui déchirent un corps collectif doté des pouvoirs les plus étendus. Les dérives sanglantes qui frappent la Convention nationale ne sont pas inéluctables ; elles découlent de l’exploitation politique des failles inhérentes au fonctionnement d’une représentation souveraine dont les membres ne doivent jouir d’aucun privilège. / In a constitutional system founded on the sovereignty of the nation, constituent power is an ambivalent phenomenon, difficult to analyse in juridical terms. By definition resistant to mandatory regulation, the supreme power in the state must necessarily take a form which enables it to express a normative will. The actors of the French Revolution push the confines of the law, taking advantage of the resources of political philosophy and history to establish a constitution, fundamental principle of the juridical system they seek to institute. They create tools to achieve their ends: the concept of “national convention” being one, taking inspiration from the success of American achievements. Rather than an institutionnal transposition, the French revolutionaries proceed with an adaptation. By becoming “extraordinary”, the constituent representation which they conceptualize losses its revolutionary character to become fully juridical. It offers an alternative to the insurrection. By coming into existence invested with the capacity to exercise sovereignty, this power is released from all legal constraints other than those arising as a result of its organization. The process, however, is two-sided, and internally produced constraints weigh on its members, exacerbating tensions thar tear a collective body endowed with the broadest powers. The bloody excesses that strike the National Convention are not inevitable. They arise from political exploitation of flaws inherent to the organization of a sovereign representation whose members must not have any privilege.

Topological and domain Knowledge-based subgraph mining : application on protein 3D-structures

Dhifli, Wajdi 11 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is in the intersection of two proliferating research fields, namely data mining and bioinformatics. With the emergence of graph data in the last few years, many efforts have been devoted to mining frequent subgraphs from graph databases. Yet, the number of discovered frequentsubgraphs is usually exponential, mainly because of the combinatorial nature of graphs. Many frequent subgraphs are irrelevant because they are redundant or just useless for the user. Besides, their high number may hinder and even makes further explorations unfeasible. Redundancy in frequent subgraphs is mainly caused by structural and/or semantic similarities, since most discovered subgraphs differ slightly in structure and may infer similar or even identical meanings. In this thesis, we propose two approaches for selecting representative subgraphs among frequent ones in order to remove redundancy. Each of the proposed approaches addresses a specific type of redundancy. The first approach focuses on semantic redundancy where similarity between subgraphs is measured based on the similarity between their nodes' labels, using prior domain knowledge. The second approach focuses on structural redundancy where subgraphs are represented by a set of user-defined topological descriptors, and similarity between subgraphs is measured based on the distance between their corresponding topological descriptions. The main application data of this thesis are protein 3D-structures. This choice is based on biological and computational reasons. From a biological perspective, proteins play crucial roles in almost every biological process. They are responsible of a variety of physiological functions. From a computational perspective, we are interested in mining complex data. Proteins are a perfect example of such data as they are made of complex structures composed of interconnected amino acids which themselves are composed of interconnected atoms. Large amounts of protein structures are currently available in online databases, in computer analyzable formats. Protein 3D-structures can be transformed into graphs where amino acids are the graph nodes and their connections are the graph edges. This enables using graph mining techniques to study them. The biological importance of proteins, their complexity, and their availability in computer analyzable formats made them a perfect application data for this thesis.

中央政府執政菁英之代表性研究:國民黨與民進黨政權之比較(1993-2004) / A Comparative Study of Representative Governing Elites in Taiwan:KMT and DDP Regimes, 1993-2004.

邱育琤, Chiu,YuCheng Unknown Date (has links)
【目的與理論】 探討「統治現象」的方法有二:一是透過制度研究的方式,第二則是進行統治菁英的研究。本文即是以「人」的角度出發,探討國民黨、民進黨政府執政菁英的生態與差異。並以代表理論延伸至「代表性中央執政菁英」的觀點,以兩千年台灣社會人口統計作為檢視這兩個政權的執政團隊是否具有社會代表性的標準。預期透過這樣的研究,去理解一個統治台灣長達五十年的國民黨,以及成立於一九八六年的新興民進黨,這兩個背景迥然不同的政黨,執政團隊的結構究竟有什麼樣的差異,而其趨勢為何…等,進行初始性的探索與研究。 【研究方法】 本文為國內首起有關中央政府執政菁英組成之比較性研究,必須透過蒐集國史館網站、行政院暨所屬各機關人事名錄、中華民國名人錄…等次級資料,來進行本研究資料庫的建立。預期透過比較兩政府執政菁英的黨籍、性別、省籍、區域、世代及前職等個人變項,去理解這兩個政權是否因為政黨間特色的差異,所以形成了不同的執政菁英生態,並以代表理論作為呼應。 【研究結論】 分析新、舊政權執政菁英的組成生態後,發現落實兩性共治理念的限制、世代的交替、外省族群勢力的全面性撤退、雲嘉南政治菁英的崛起及民進黨政府取才管道的多樣化等。透過比較由遠至近的時間點,印證了執政菁英的組成生態(例如性別、世代、族群及區域等變項)在符合台灣社會人口的代表性上,不是政權交替之後才急遽地產生變化,而是逐漸改變的,雖然其在改變的幅度上有所差異。再者,民進黨政府於取得執政權後逐漸於政務層級中置入實際的政治權力,全民政府的理念僅是首次組閣的政治性宣傳。最後,民進黨執政團隊於可替代性較高的部門及政務層級中,社會人口的代表性較易達成。 / This thesis is an exploratory study of the composition of governing elites on Taiwan. Secondary data analysis is the primary method used in this research. The data of elite profiles are mainly collected from the following sources: (1) a website database on historical figures from the Academia Historica; (2) the official address-book on superintendents of the Executive Yuan and its departments; (3) Who's Who of the Republic of China. This research compared personal variables of governing elites of two regimes, such as party membership, gender, ethnic group, area, generation, and pervious profession. In this way, this study tries to answer whether the characteristic differences between KMT and DPP governments will lead to the different characteristics of the governing elites as depicts in the theory of representative bureaucracy. After analyzing the composition of governing elites of the two regimes, we have following five findings. First, there is a long way to go to gender equality in governing elites regardless a little progress has been made by the DPP. Second, governing elites of DPP government are younger than KMT government. Third, much less elites of mainland Chinese origin are appointed by the DPP than the KMT. Forth, DPP appointed much more southern Taiwanese elites than the KMT does. Lastly, governing elites in DPP government are coming from a more diverse prior professions than those in the KMT government.

Obchodní zástupce - současnost a perspektiva / Business developer - current status and perspective

NĚMCOVÁ KOVÁČOVÁ, Zdeňka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the evaluation of the impact of the performance of three groups of business representatives in Coca-Cola HBC Czech Republic, Ltd. on corporate revenues, sales volumes. Compares the cost of three groups of dealers. Based on the outputs multi criteria analysis of the impact of the performance of groups of business representatives on criteria of internal solution is proposed the use of sales representatives in the future in order to increase the company's bottom.

A missiological study of the Kimbanguist Church in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

Jesse, Fungwa Kipimo 11 1900 (has links)
This is a systematic and critical study of the mission of the Kimbanguist Church in the city of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The research question was: “How do the Kimbanguist members interpret and express the Christian message in and for the context of Katanga province through their communal life, worship and mission?” A historical chapter traces the origins and growth of the church, followed by four chapters that analyze the mission of the church by means of a ‘praxis cycle.’ The chapters look at mission strategies (leadership, church departments, mission methods), followed by mission agents (spiritual head, clergy, chaplains, women, youth), the theological sources of mission (the Bible, the life of Simon Kimbangu, and a code of conduct) and spirituality (liturgy, sacraments, pilgrimages and festivals). In a concluding chapter several critical issues were identified for critical dialogue between the Kimbanguist church and other African churches. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

菁英、教育與代議政府:詹姆士彌爾政治思想之研究 / Elite, Education and Representative Government: James Mill's Political Thought

廖斌洲, Liao, Bin Jou Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在從功利主義哲學的脈絡下來探討詹姆士彌爾的政治思想。 第一章檢閱過去研究彌爾思想的文獻,並提出問題意識,及本研究的焦點。 第二章著重討論彌爾的哲學面向。彌爾從人性論的角度出發,假設人對權力有高度的欲求,反映在政治上就會產生壓制他人的情形。此外,彌爾也假定人性具有可變異的特質,這是由於人具有觀念聯想的能力。他認為透過教育,可以將人性當中想要壓制他人的傾向導向為整體社群謀求利益,這個寄望便放在菁英的身上。唯有透過菁英,才能夠追求最大多數人的最大幸福。 第三章把焦點放在彌爾的政治理論面向。彌爾的政治關懷的起點在於批判已經無法保障人民的英國憲政傳統。彌爾認為保障人民的權利才是政府的目的。在彌爾理想的代議政府當中,人民具備選舉權可以牽制代表的行動。另一方面,由於代表是受過量好教育的菁英,因此必能以公共利益作為政治行動的主要考量。唯有透過代議政府,才能夠使統治者和被統治者的利益一致,進而保障人民的權利。 第四章把彌爾與邊沁及約翰彌爾進行理論上的比較。指出邊沁似乎沒有像彌爾那樣強調菁英在代議政府當中所扮演的關鍵角色。至於約翰彌爾,則比彌爾更強調,透過政治參與的過程來達成教育人民的效果,以提升整體民主的品質。 第五章將指出彌爾的政治思想在當代意義當中的貢獻。

Gender and Representative Bureaucracy: The Career Progression of Women Managers in Male-Dominated Occupations in State Government

Ballard, Velma J 01 January 2015 (has links)
The tenets of representative bureaucracy suggest that the composition of the bureaucracy should mirror the people it serves including women in order to influence the name, scope, and implementation of public policies. Women are still underrepresented in mid-to-upper management in male-dominated occupations. When women are under-represented in mid-to-upper levels of management in government, there are implications regarding representative bureaucracy. This study examined the career progression experiences of women who were successful in reaching mid-to-upper levels of management in male-dominated occupations in state government. Specifically, the study explored how women perceive various occupational factors including their rates of participation, experiences, gender, roles within the bureaucracy, interactions with their coworkers, leaders and organizational policies, personal influence, and decision-making abilities. The findings revealed that women experience various barriers to career progression in male-dominated occupations, but find mechanisms to navigate obstacles imposed by the negative consequences of tokenism. The findings indicate that although women have been successful in reaching mid-to-upper level management in male-dominated occupations, they do so in institutions, regional, district, field or offices with fewer overall employees where they have less opportunity to have influence on overall agency-wide policy decisions. The decision-making power is limited to implementation strategies of agency-wide policies within their smaller domains or geographical area of responsibility.

Terapeutens rätt : rättslig och terapeutisk logik i domstolsförhandlingar

Jacobsson, Maritha January 2006 (has links)
In this dissertation, I explore a quite unique legal situation, namely administrative court hearings relating to coercive interventions: the Care of Young Persons Act (LVU), Care of Abusers (Special Provisions) Act (LVM), and the Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act (LPT). There are three central participatory roles in the court hearings: The official party is the authority who files the application for coercive intervention – either a chief psychiatrist or a social welfare board (typically represented by a social worker or sometimes a lawyer assisted by a social worker), whereas the citizen party is the person about whom the application is brought. The citizen party is represented by a legal representative. The professionals represent two different logics: therapeutic and judicial. The purpose of this dissertation has been to study the tension between therapeutic and judicial logic in court hearings relating to compulsory care. With theoretical concepts from Scott (1995) and Wetherell & Potter (1998), it is possible to say that the therapeutic and judicial logics are built up by institutional elements that are communicated through interpretative repertoires. Three questions are central: 1. How do professional participators handle the different role expectations embedded in therapeutic and judicial logic? In this case, I am particularly interested in role conflicts faced by social workers and psychiatrists. 2. How do different institutional elements (regulative, normative/cognitive) play out in the court hearings? 3. To what extent can these court hearings be considered a scrutinizing order of discourse, where the arguments of official party are subjected to critical examination? In my analysis I am inspired by both critical discourse analysis and organizational theory, more precisely, new institutionalism. These two perspectives provide useful insights and make it possible to combine the micro- and macro levels in the analysis. Data for the analysis consist of 43 court hearings and 31 interviews, gathered from two different county administrative courts in Sweden. All written documents used and produced by the courts are also part of our data. The dissertation consists of five studies that indicate that the court hearings hardly can be described as a scrutinising order of discourse. In spite of this, the court constantly finds that the legal criteria for coercive intervention are satisfied. Neither the official party nor the legal representative argue according to a judicial logic. Instead, therapeutic logic dominates the order of discourse. When the arguments for compulsory care are therapeutic, they are not explicitly related to the criteria in the law. In my interpretation, the reason why the conflict between therapeutic and judicial logic is not realised can be found in the existence of a logic of normalisation. This ideological logic of normalisation can be found in most of the institutions in the Swedish society and are built on the idea of traditional welfare norms.

Analýza přínosu obchodního zástupce pro vybranou firmu se zaměřením na nezávislý trh / Benefit analysis of Sales representative for a selected company with a focus on a traditional market

Půčková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze benefits of Sales representative for a chosen company. As an Intern in the position of Sales representative in Procter&Gamble (in cooperation with p.k. Solvent), which is leader in the market, had the author chance to meet the organisation of direct sales and is offering thus to the reader of this thesis a successful model of direct sales, which is used in this company. First two captures are based on theoretical point of view of this matter. Further parts describe methods, which are used in P&G (p.k. Solvent). In those are companies described as a whole and give figure about organization of sales and pillar of the work of Sales representative -- Seven steps of business appointment. Next captures are oriented on an example which was taken from the month July 2010. Author is in the last part evaluating and summing up the real benefits of Sales Representative and is also suggesting possible ways for improvement. This thesis is mainly dedicated for a managers or companies who are thinking about implementing of direct sales model as an instrument of sales and also for team leaders who are already leading a group of SR.

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