Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reproductive health."" "subject:"eproductive health.""
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Violence against women : impact on reproductive health and pregnancy outcomeSchoeman, Jeanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction
Worldwide, up to 25% of women are assaulted during pregnancy, with estimates
varying between populations. Violence has been associated with adverse
pregnancy outcome, including preterm birth, abruptio placentae and low birth
weight. Among the Coloured population of the Western Cape the incidence of
spontaneous preterm birth is 20%, compared to the global figure of 10%.
Overall, the rate of preterm labour has not dropped over the past 40 years and
no clearer answer as to a specific cause has been found.
The objective of this study was to determine whether patients who deliver
preterm experience more domestic violence than those who deliver at term.
Two groups of patients were assessed. Firstly, patients who spontaneously
delivered between 24 and 33 weeks (24wOd - 33w6d), who were admitted for
suppression of active labour after 24 weeks, or who experienced placental
abruption before 34 weeks, were screened for domestic violence using the
"Abuse Assessment Screen". A second group of women, attending a local
Midwife Obstetric Unit with uncomplicated pregnancies, completed the same
questionnaire. The questionnaires were all administered by the same person
(J.S.) after written informed consent was given.
A total of 229 patients were interviewed, 99 in the low risk (LR) and 130 in the
preterm labour (PTL) group, which included 23 women with abruptio placentae.
The PTL group experienced significantly more violence throughout their lives
than the LR group (59.7% vs. 40.4%, p = 0.038). Experiences of violence within the last year or during the pregnancy did not reach statistical significance
between the two groups, although the numbers were higher for the PTL group.
The PTL group smoked significantly more cigarettes per day (p = 0.009), used
more alcohol (p < 0.001) and had a higher incidence of syphilis than the LR
group (p = 0.005). These differences remained the same when the abruptio's
were analyzed as a separate group.
Conclusions: Women who delivered preterm did experience more violence at
some point in their lives and were also more likely to engage in high-risk
behaviour. Violence alone does not seem to cause PTL directly, but is part of a
low socioeconomic lifestyle. The fact that the alcohol use is so high among these
women is a problem that needs to be addressed, but once again, it is possibly
the result of deeper social problems. The need for education on values and
respect, family planning use and low risk sexual behaviour is once again
Daar word beraam dat tot 25% van alle swanger vroue aangerand word, maar
die insidensie wissel tussen verskillende populasies. Ervarings van geweld kan
'n direkte of indirekte oorsaak wees van swak verloskundige uitkoms wat
voortydse kraam, abruptio placentae en lae geboortegewig insluit. In die Wes-
Kaap, onder die Kleurlingbevolking, is die insidensie van voortydse kraam 20%,
wat swak vergelyk met die wêreldwye insidensie van 10%. Gedurende die laaste
40 jaar het die voorkoms van voortydse kraam nie verminder nie en geen
deurbrake is gemaak t.o.v die oorsaak van die probleem nie. Die doel van
hierdie studie was om te bepaal of vroue wat prematuur verlos moontlik meer
geweld ervaar as vroue wat op normale swangerskapsduur verlos.
Twee groepe vroue is bestudeer. Die eerste groep het vroue ingesluit wat
spontaan verlos het tussen 24 en 33 weke (24wOd - 33w6d) of vroue wat na 24
weke swangerskapsduur toegelaat is vir onderdrukking van kraam. Vroue met
plasentale loslating (abruptio placentae) voor 34 weke, sonder onderliggende
hipertensiewe toestande, was ook ingesluit in die groep. Daar is m.b.v. 'n
vraelys ("Abuse Assessment Screen") bepaal watter van die vroue gesinsgeweld
ervaar het. Die tweede groep het vroue ingesluit met ongekompliseerde
swangerskappe en wat by 'n nabygeleë kliniek voorgeboortesorg ontvang het.
Hulle is ook gevra om die vraelys te voltooi en is opgevolg om die uitkoms van
hulle swangerskappe te noteer. Die vraelyste is almal deur een persoon (J.S.)
aan die vroue voorgelê nadat hulle ingeligte, skriftelike toestemming gegee het. Resultate
'n Totaal van 229 vroue was ingesluit, 99 in die lae risiko (LR) groep en 130 in
die voortydse kraam (VK) groep, waarvan 23 abruptio placentae gehad het. In
vergelyking met die LR groep, het die VK groep het betekenisvol meer geweld in
hulle leeftyd ervaar (59.7% teenoor 40.4%, p = 0.038). Geweld wat tydens die
afgelope jaar of tydens die swangerskap ervaar is, het nie betekenisvol verskil
tussen die twee groepe nie, alhoewel die getalle hoër was vir die VK groep. Die
VK groep het betekenisvol meer sigarette per dag gerook (p = 0.009), meer
alkohol gebruik (p < 0.001) en het 'n hoër insidensie van sifilis gehad as die LR
groep (p = 0.005). Hierdie verskille was steeds beduidend nadat dié met
abruptio placentae as 'n aparte groep geanaliseer is.
Die vroue wat prematuur verlos het, het meer emosionele en fisiese geweld in
hulle leeftyd ervaar en is meer geneig om 'n ongesonde leefstyl te handhaaf.
Geweld blyk nie 'n direkte oorsaak van voortydse kraam te wees nie, maar gaan
gepaard met 'n lae sosio-ekonomiese lewensstyl. Die hoë insidensie van
alkoholgebruik onder swanger vroue is 'n probleem wat aangespreek moet word,
maar dit is waarskynlik die manifestasie van dieper emosionele probleme.
Opvoeding in terme van waardes en respek, gesinsbeplanning en veilige
seksuele gedrag is gevolglik 'n noodsaaklikheid.
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Vilka faktorer påverkar unga vuxna att inte använda kondom vid vaginalt samlagNyberg, Jessica, Olofsson, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
Background: Every year 330 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections all over the world. This is a contributing factor of illness and death in the world’s poorest countries. In the age group young adults there has been a significant increase of sexual transmitted infections and a decreased in condom use. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate what various factors that affect young adults in their decision of not using condom when having vaginal sexual intercourse. Method: Articles were gathered through a literary search in the database of PubMed. The collected material was analyzed with content analyses in accordance to the aim and the research question. Results: Six different categories were identified that formed the result; not thinking about the consequence, not the same feeling, destroys the atmosphere, use of alcohol, relationship/no relationship, beliefs towards sexually transmitted infections. Conclusion: Young people's choice not to use a condom in vaginal intercourse was mainly due to the stability of a relationship, attitude to sexually transmitted infections and the influence of alcohol, as well as the experience that condom use did not give the same pleasure.Therefore it´s important that nurses are involved in the subject and have good knowledge of what the consequences may be for non-use of condoms. This to be able to respond, guide, inform, transform and counteract the factors that can be decisive in their choice to use a condom or not. It is especially important to identify this audience that has their whole reproductive life ahead of them. / Bakgrund: Varje år inträffar det ungefär 330 miljoner fall globalt utav sexuellt överförbara infektioner. Detta är en är bidragande faktor till sjukdom och dödlighet i världens fattigaste länder. I gruppen unga vuxna har det skett en ökning av könssjukdomar och en minskad kondomanvändning. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar unga vuxna i deras val att inte använda kondom vid vaginalt samlag. Metod: Artiklar samlades genom litteratursökning i databasen Pubmed. Det insamlade materialet analyserades med syfte och frågeställning som utgångspunkt. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar inkluderades och är basen för resultatet. Resultat: Sex kategorier identifierades som påverkar unga vuxna i deras val att inte använda kondom som vidare skapade resultatet; brist på konsekvenstänk, inte lika skönt, förstör stämningen, alkohol främjar riskbeteende, relation/ icke relation och inställning till sexuellt överförbara infektioner. Slutsats: Ungdomars val till att inte använda kondom vid vaginala samlag visade sig i huvudsak bero på stabiliteten i en relation, inställning till könssjukdomar och påverkan av alkohol liksom upplevelsen av att kondomanvändning inte gav samma njutning.De sexuellt överförbara sjukdomarna har ökat kraftigt hos unga vuxna av båda könen under de senaste decennierna vilket kan återkopplas till bristfällig kondomanvändning samt negativ inverkan på individens reproduktiva- och sexuella hälsa, men även negativt ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. Det är därför av stor vikt att som sjuksköterska vara insatt i ämnet och ha god kunskap om vad konsekvenserna kan bli vid utebliven kondomanvändning. Detta för att kunna bemöta, vägleda, informera, förändra och motverka de faktorerna som kan vara avgörande i valet om unga vuxna väljer att använda kondom eller inte. Det är speciellt viktigt att identifiera denna målgrupp som faktiskt har hela sitt reproduktiva liv framför sig.
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Provision Of Reproductive Health Care Services By Nurse Practitioners And Certified Nurse Midwives: Unintended Pregnancy Prevention And Management In VermontLyons, Erica 01 January 2014 (has links)
Background: In the United States, currently about half (49%) of the 6.7 million pregnancies are reported as mistimed or unplanned, and this rate of unintended pregnancy is significantly higher than the rate in most other developed countries. Abortion services are critical to the prevention and management of unintended pregnancies. Abortion in the United States has been legal since the 1973; however this right has little meaning without access to safe abortion care and access is declining. Medication abortion, the use of medications to induce abortion and terminate an early pregnancy, has been legal in the United States since 2000, is ideal for the outpatient setting, and allows for increased provision of and access to abortion services. The literature assessing the provision of medication abortion has largely been conducted in populations of physicians, and combined groups of advanced practice clinicians including physician assistants (PAs), certified nurse midwives (CNMs), and nurse practitioners (NPs). No studies exist assessing provision of and barriers to medication abortion by NPs and CNMs (Advance Practice Registered Nurses or APRNs) in the state of Vermont.
Purpose: This study sought to fill this gap in the literature. Data was collected in order to determine whether APRNs are providing care to women at risk for unintended pregnancy and are providing medication abortion, the characteristics of these providers, and perceived barriers or supports to practice.
Methods: The design was a cross-sectional survey, using purposive sampling methods. Between July 2014 and September 2014, 21 eligible participants completed an anonymous, self-administered online survey, recruited via notifications sent out through professional listserv. The survey assessed their personal characteristics, beliefs and clinical practice related to reproductive health care and unintended pregnancy prevention and management. All participants had current APRN certification with prescriptive authority in the state of Vermont.
Results: Ninety percent of respondents reported care for women of reproductive age as at least one-third of their clinical work and 85% of respondents reported seeing women with unintended pregnancies as part of their practice. Eighty-five percent agreed or strongly agreed that medication abortions fall within the scope of practice of an APRN and of a primary care provider, and 85% would like to be trained to provide medication abortions to manage unintended pregnancy. Lack of training opportunities, clinical facility constraints, and legal uncertainties were the most frequently reported barriers to provision of medication abortion.
Conclusions: Many APRNs in Vermont may be interested in receiving medication abortion training. APRNs are experienced and highly trained health care professionals that have the competence and skills to provide comprehensive reproductive health care, including medication abortion. The perceived barriers of training, clinical facility constraints, and legal uncertainties are amenable to change, and can be decreased through inclusion of these topics into APRN education. The political and social climate of Vermont, combined with the findings of this preliminary study, suggest that the state of Vermont is ready, willing, and able to serve as a model for the primary provision of and improved population access to, comprehensive reproductive health care including abortion services.
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In spite of a decline in HIV incidence rates among African American women, they still bear the most significant disease burden among U.S. women. Findings from numerous studies indicate probable explanations for the disparity, such as the impact of poverty, limited healthcare access, low literacy, and living in areas with high HIV rates. Additionally, many study results provide insight regarding prevention strategies. However, the aim of this study is to explore African American women’s perceptions regarding what HIV prevention communication, if any, occurred with their reproductive health providers (RHPs). In this study, 20 African American women with unknown HIV status participated in face-to-face interviews designed to explore their perceptions about HIV prevention communication with their RHPs. Audio-taped interviews were transcribed verbatim and coded using NVivo10 software. Guided by constructs of the Health Belief Model, inductive and deductive coding yielded four key themes: (1) patients’ lack of expectation to receive information; (2) failure of RHPs to initiate and offer information; (3) patients’ desire to receive information; and (4) patients’ recommendations regarding their preferred methods to receive HIV prevention communication. Results indicated that RHPs missed prime opportunities to initiate and offer HIV prevention information during routine reproductive health visits with women at greatest risk. These findings and recommendations for practice will be useful when designing, implementing and evaluating HIV prevention patient education protocols. The recommendations provide strategies to help RHPs seize every opportunity to address HIV prevention with this highly vulnerable population.
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Relações raça e gênero em jogo: a questão reprodutiva de mulheres negras e brancas / Relations of race and gender in the game: the reproductive issue of the black and white women.Souzas, Raquel 28 June 2004 (has links)
Introdução: No âmbito das discussões de gênero e raça, as desigualdades que marcam a condição da mulher, nem sempre, são contempladas, ao contrário, há uma série de discursos que visam a naturalizar diferenças, forjadas historicamente. Nesse sentido, indagar sobre o significado dessas diferenças, no âmbito da saúde reprodutiva, apresenta-se como problema de investigação. Nesse campo, decisões e arranjos reprodutivos dos indivíduos partem ou resultam em processos de negociação, não só condicionados pela realidade partilhada entre os mesmos, como pelas ações que são modeladas, segundo valores e normas sociais. Estes se caracterizam por um certo dinamismo e possibilidade de transformação e resignificação. Hipótese e objetivo: Partindo da hipótese básica de que, ao lado da reconhecida transversalidade de gênero, amplamente divulgada na literatura especializada, raça/etnia apresenta-se, igualmente, como tal, nas questões reprodutivas, no presente trabalho propõe-se, como objetivo central, analisar a questão da transversalidade de gênero e de raça, buscando reter de que forma tais transversalidades se apresentam no tratamento de problemas inerentes à área da Saúde Reprodutiva como, por exemplo, da prevenção da gravidez e das DSTs/Aids e como as condições de vida a elas se relacionam. Procedimento Metodológico Pesquisa qualitativa, que utilizou a técnica de história oral- temática. Foram entrevistadas 36 mulheres, 18 negras e 18 brancas, em três segmentos de escolaridade. Foram utilizados um roteiro temático, com questões abertas sobre saúde reprodutiva, gênero, raça, sexualidade e um formulário semi-estruturado, com questões sócio-demográficas e história reprodutiva. Complementarmente, foi realizada uma pesquisa documental, de estudos e documentos significativos para o movimento de mulheres negras, do ponto de vista político, assim como sobre a problemáticada relação racial e saúde, em uma perspectiva sócio-política. Discussão dos resultados: A concepção de liberdade das mulheres negras, de escolaridade superior, grau em que se pressupõe maior autonomia, é mais restrita à vida privada, em razão do racismo que enfrentam na vida pública. Já as mulheres brancas apresentam uma concepção mais ampliada, que inclui a conquista de novos espaços, no âmbito da vida pública. A concepção de casamento para mulheres negras e brancas funda-se em uma concepção de monogamia absoluta, razão pela qual excluem o uso da camisinha. Neste caso, a questão de gênero predomina em relação à raça. Entretanto, a conjugalidade, no sentido moderno do termo, no qual a igualdade de gênero e as negociações são características, apresenta-se como uma construção recente na história de vida de mulheres negras, revelando-se como um campo onde, só recentemente, estas conquistaram espaço. Com relação aos métodos contraceptivos, é possível apontar, a partir de uma caracterização dos sujeitos da pesquisa, que as mulheres negras entrevistadas, nas escolaridades média e fundamental, seguem, quando cotejadas com a literatura especializada, um padrão de uso massificado de métodos contraceptivos, ou seja, referem mais o uso da laqueadura e da pilula, e, no nível superior, referem mais o uso da camisinha. Por outro lado, as mulheres brancas entrevistadas fazem uso diversificado de métodos em todas as escolaridades, destacando-se o que se caracteriza, na maioria dos casos, uma opção por método de controle masculino, como vasectomia e camisinha. Quando abordada a questão da negociação para a prevenção da gravidez e das DST/Aids, observa-se menor autonomia de mulheres negras, de escolaridade média e fundamental, em relação às mulheres brancas e negras, de escolaridade superior. Na medida em que não se observa diferença, nesse processo de negociação, entre mulheres negras e brancas, com escolaridade universitária, a investigação aponta, igualmente, para a questão da diferenciação social. Conclusão Diante dos resultados obtidos, a presente investigação aponta para a riqueza de pesquisas que contemplem as intersecções existentes entre gênero, raça e desigualdade social no contexto da saúde reprodutiva. / Introduction: Within discussions of gender and race, the inequalities that characterize the condition of black women are not always discussed. On the contrary, there are several speeches that seek to make differences that have been historically forged look natural. To that respect, to question the meaning that such differences acquire in the domain of reproductive health becomes a relevant matter of investigation. Within this field, the decisions and reproductive arrangements made by individuals come or result from the negotiation processes not only conditioned by the reality they share, but by actions that are shaped according to a set of values and social norms. This set is characterized by a certain dynamism and the possibility of transformation and resignification. Hypothesis and objective: coming from the basic hypothesis that, besides the recognized gender bias widely disseminated by the specialized literature, race/ethnicity is also likewise presented on reproductive issues, the main goal of this work is to analyze the issue of gender and race bias, seeking to keep in mind how such biases are presented on the handling of problems inherent to the area of Reproductive Health like for instance, HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention, and how life conditions are related to them. Methodological procedure: qualitative research using the oral, thematic history technique. The subjects interviewed were 36 women, 18 black and 18 white, from three different educational backgrounds. During the interview process, a thematic list of topics for discussion with open questions about reproductive health, gender, race, sexuality, and a semi-structured form with socio-demographic questions and reproductive history were used. Complementarily, we researched some documents that we consider meaningful from the political point of view for the black womens movement. Discussion of Outcomes: black womens conception of freedom, of those with higher education, when one has supposedly greater autonomy, is more restricted to the private life due to the racism they face in public life. White women, on the other hand, show a broader conception, which includes the conquest of new spaces within public lifes realm. Marriages conception, both for black and white women, is based on a conception of total monogamy, hence their exclusion of using preservatives. In this case, the issue of gender prevails over race. Nonetheless, the connubiality, at the modern meaning of the term, which is characterized by equality of gender and negotiations, indicating to be a recent construction in the history of black women lives, field in which only recently they conquered space. Regarding the birth control methods, it is possible to point out from the characterization of the researchs subjects, that the black women interviewed, from elementary and middle school education background, follow, when compared to the specialized literature, a pattern of massive use of birth control methods, that is, they refer more to the use of tubal ligation and birth control pill, and at the higher education level, refer more to the use of preservatives. On the other hand, the white women interviewed use more diversified birth control methods in all education levels, standing out what is characterized in most cases a choice for a male controlled method such as vasectomy and preservatives. When the issue of the negotiation of HIV/STD and pregnancy prevention is surveyed, one can notice a lower autonomy of black women, with elementary and middle school education background, in comparison to white and black women with higher education background. As this difference is not observed during this process of negotiation among black and white women with higher education background, the investigation points towards the same direction to the issue of social differentiation. Conclusion: from the outcomes obtained, the current investigation indicates the richness of researches that contemplate the existing intersections between gender, race, and social inequalities in the context of reproductive health.
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Conhecimento e uso da anticoncepção de emergência entre adolescentes estudantes do ensino médio / Knowledge and use of emergency contraception among adolescent students of the high schoolNascimento, Christiane Borges do 24 October 2012 (has links)
As práticas contraceptivas na adolescência apresentam dinâmica própria, em que as decisões acerca do uso de algum método variam em função de uma série de elementos, como o conhecimento sobre anticoncepção, a experiência sexual e o relacionamento vigente. Por conta de serem essencialmente solteiros, os adolescentes alternam os métodos de acordo com o tipo de relacionamento, seja ocasional ou estável, bem como ao longo deste. É justamente nos momentos de alternâncias e descontinuidades no uso de métodos que a anticoncepção de emergência pode surgir como opção para a prevenção da gravidez não planejada. Mesmo que já esteja disponível em alguns serviços da rede pública de saúde no país, pouco se sabe sobre o seu conhecimento e uso. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o nível do conhecimento e o uso da anticoncepção de emergência entre adolescentes estudantes do ensino médio. Para isto, foi conduzido um estudo quantitativo do tipo transversal. A população de estudo constou de estudantes solteiros de 15 a 19 anos de idade que estavam matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas do município de Arujá, São Paulo. Os estudantes foram selecionados considerando a amostragem probabilística por conglomerado, realizado em duas etapas (estratificação por escola e sistemática por turma) (n=669). Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário autoaplicado, no qual as variáveis dependentes foram o conhecimento sobre a anticoncepção de emergência (incluindo apenas aqueles que a conheciam) e o uso da anticoncepção de emergência (incluindo apenas aqueles que iniciaram a vida sexual). As variáveis independentes dizem respeito às características sociodemográficas e ao comportamento sexual e contraceptivo. A análise de regressão linear múltipla identificou como variáveis associadas ao nível do conhecimento da anticoncepção de emergência o tipo de escola, o ano escolar, o sexo, a relação sexual e conhecer alguém que já usou o método. Por sua vez, a análise de regressão logística múltipla identificou como variáveis associadas ao uso da anticoncepção de emergência a religião, o namoro atual e conhecer alguém que já usou o método. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que os adolescentes de ambos os tipos de escola sabem pouco sobre a anticoncepção de emergência, apesar de uma parcela significativa ter usado este método. Demonstraram, também, que o nível de conhecimento da anticoncepção de emergência não afetou o uso deste método. / Contraceptive practices in adolescence present specific dynamics, in which decisions about the use of a method vary upon contraception knowledge, sexual experience and dating. As adolescents are mostly single, they alternate the use of contraceptive methods according to their relationships, whether occasional or permanent, as well as along it. Whenever there are alternations and discontinuities in the use of regular methods, emergency contraception may emerge as an option to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. Even though it is already available in some primary health services, little is known about adolescents knowledge and use. This study aimed to analyze the level of knowledge and use of emergency contraception among high school adolescent students. So we conducted a cross-sectional quantitative study. The study population was single students from 15 to 19 years of age enrolled in public and private high schools in the city of Arujá, São Paulo, Brazil. Students were selected based on a cluster sampling, conducted in two stages (stratificatied sampling by school and systematic sampling by class) (n = 669). Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire, in which the dependent variables were knowledge about emergency contraception and the use of emergency contraception (considering only those who reported sexual initiation). Independent variables were sociodemographic characteristics and sexual and contraceptive behavior. From multiple logistic regression analysis, data showed that associated variables to the level of knowledge of emergency contraception were school type, school year, sex/gender, sexual intercourse and knowledge of someone who has used the method. On the other hand, variables associated with the use of emergency contraception were religion, current dating and knowledge of someone who has used the method. Results showed that adolescents from both schools know little about emergency contraception, although more than a half have used this method. Level of knowledge of emergency contraception did not affect the use of this method.
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O preparo pré-concepcional entre mulheres com gravidez planejada / The preconception preparation among women with planned pregnancy.Nascimento, Natália de Castro 31 March 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O planejamento da gravidez é condição indispensável para a realização do preparo pré-concepcional. No entanto, nem todas as mulheres que planejam a gravidez tomam medidas para melhorar sua saúde durante o período pré-concepcional. Os escassos estudos conduzidos no Brasil não elucidam as razões pelas quais isso ocorre nem tampouco identificam quais são as medidas adotadas entre aquelas que o realizam. Objetivos: Descrever a realização do preparo pré-concepcional entre mulheres com gravidez planejada; analisar os determinantes da realização do preparo pré-concepcional nesse grupo; e descrever as razões pelas quais as mulheres com gravidez planejada não realizaram o preparo pré-concepcional. Método: Estudo observacional do tipo transversal. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com 264 mulheres cuja gravidez em curso ou que ocorreu nos últimos cinco anos tenha sido classificada como planejada, em 2015. O cenário do estudo foram dois centros de saúde escola da cidade de São Paulo. A análise dos dados foi realizada no Stata 13.0, por meio de regressão logística univariada e múltipla. Resultados: Dentre as mulheres com gravidez planejada, mais da metade realizou o preparo pré-concepcional (62,1%). As medidas mais realizadas foram a procura por serviço de saúde, o uso de vitaminas e minerais e a realização de exames. Dentre as que não realizaram nenhuma medida de saúde para preparar-se para engravidar (37,9%), as razões mais citadas foram nunca ter ouvido falar sobre esse preparo e não conhecer serviços que oferecessem ações de preparo pré-concepcional. Mulheres de mais alta escolaridade, dos grupos econômicos A e B, mais velhas e com quadro de infertilidade foram as que tiveram mais chance de realizar o preparo pré-concepcional. Conclusão: Os resultados confirmaram que nem todas as mulheres com gravidez planejada realizaram o preparo pré-concepcional, tendo sido o desconhecimento sobre o mesmo e sobre os serviços que o ofertam a principal razão para tal. Por sua vez, as mulheres que realizaram o preparo pré-concepcional foram aquelas que reuniram perfis sociais mais favoráveis, como alta renda e escolaridade, o que revela sua determinação social. Experiência de infertilidade também foi determinante para sua realização, o que já era esperado. Por conta de sua importância nas condições de saúde materna e neonatal, o preparo pré-concepcional deve fazer parte das práticas cotidianas dos serviços de atenção básica no país. / Introduction: The planning for pregnancy is an indispensable condition for pre-conception preparation. However, even among women who plan pregnancy, only some of them take measures to improve their health during the preconception period. The few studies conducted in Brazil do not clarify the reasons why this occurs, nor identify the measures taken by those who perform it. Objective: To describe the realization of preconceptional preparation among women with planned pregnancy; to analyze the determinants of preconception preparation in this group; and to describe the reasons women with planned pregnancies did not perform the preconception preparation. Method: Observational cross-sectional study. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 264 women whose ongoing pregnancy or that had occured in the last five years has been classified as planned, in 2015. The scenarios of the study were two health center schools of São Paulo. Data analysis was performed using Stata 13.0, with univariate and multiple logistic regressions. Results: Among women who planned pregnancy, more than half reported a pre-conception preparation (62,1%).The most used practices were the seek of medical care, the use of vitamins and minerals and the realization of exams. Among women who did not perform any health preparation for pregnancy (37.9%), the most cited reasons were unknowledge of preconception care and of the types of health services offering preconception preparation actions. Women from a group with higher education and higher income (A and B), older and with an infertility background were the ones most likely to perform preconception preparation. Conclusion: The results confirmed that not every woman with planned pregnancies performed preconception preparation. The main reason for that is the lack of knowledge about it and about the servicesoffered. On the other hand, women who perform preconception preparation were those with more favorable social conditions. Infertility experience was also decisive for its realization, as was expected. Because of its importance in maternal and neonatal health, the preconception preparation should be part of the daily practices of primary care services in the country.
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Razões do não uso da anticoncepção de emergência quando indicada / Reasons for non-use of emergency contraception when indicatedSantos, Osmara Alves dos 17 January 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A anticoncepção de emergência é um método contraceptivo usado após a relação sexual desprotegida. Apesar da sua alta eficácia e de estar disponível gratuitamente na rede pública de saúde, ainda é subutilizada. Objetivo: Identificar as razões e analisar os determinantes do não uso da anticoncepção de emergência quando indicada. Método: Estudo quantitativo, do tipo transversal, realizado com amostra probabilística de mulheres grávidas usuárias de 12 Unidades Básicas de Saúde da Supervisão Técnica de Saúde do Butantã, São Paulo (n=515), entre março e junho de 2013. O não uso da anticoncepção de emergência quando indicada foi considerado quando as mulheres eram classificadas como tendo gravidez não planejada ou ambivalente segundo o London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (n=366). No Stata 12.0, os dados foram analisados por meio de regressão logística multinomial. O grupo de mulheres que usou a anticoncepção de emergência para prevenir a gravidez em curso foi comparado com dois grupos: o de mulheres que estava usando algum método contraceptivo, mas não anticoncepção de emergência no mês em que ficou grávida, e o grupo de mulheres que não usou métodos contraceptivos nem anticoncepção de emergência nesse período. Resultados: Apesar da maioria conhecer a anticoncepção de emergência (96,7%), apenas 9,8% a usou para prevenir a gravidez em curso. A principal razão para o não uso foi pensar que não iria engravidar (47,6%). Outras razões, como querer engravidar/ter um filho no futuro e não pensar ou não se lembrar do método também foram amplamente referidas pelas mulheres. Os determinantes do não uso da anticoncepção de emergência para as mulheres que usavam métodos contraceptivos foram a não consciência do risco de engravidar [OR=3,44; IC95%: 1,48-8,03] e morar com o parceiro [OR=3,23; IC95%: 1,43-7,28]. Para aquelas que não usavam métodos contraceptivos, morar com o parceiro [OR= 3,19; IC95%: 1,40-7,27], gravidez ambivalente [OR: 3,40; IC95%: 1,56-8,54] e o não uso prévio do método [OR=3,52; IC95%: 1,38-8,97] foram associados ao não uso da anticoncepção de emergência. Conclusões: Viver com um parceiro pode fazer com que a mulher se sinta menos preocupada em evitar uma gravidez, ou seja, menos propensa a usar a anticoncepção de emergência. De toda forma, reconhecer as situações em que corre o risco de engravidar, saber por experiência própria como obter e usar o método e ter claras intenções reprodutivas podem aumentar o uso da anticoncepção de emergência quanto indicada / Introduction: Emergency contraception is a contraceptive method to be used after unprotected intercourse. Despite its high efficacy, availability both at primary health care and private pharmacies in Brazil, it is still underutilized. Objective: To identify the reasons and analyze the determinants of emergency contraception non-use when indicated. Method: Cross-sectional, quantitative study conducted with a probabilistic sample of pregnant women from 12 Primary Health Facilities at the Health Supervision of Butantã, São Paulo, Brazil (n=515), from March to June 2013. We considered an emergency contraception non-use when indicated women who were either in an unplanned or ambivalent pregnancy according to the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy (n=366). In Stata 12.0, we used multinomial logistic regression to analyze the data. Women who used the method to prevent the current pregnancy were the reference and were compared to two groups of women: those who did not use emergency contraception, but used another method; and those who used no method at all. Results: Although there was a high proportion of emergency contraception awareness (96.7%), only 9.8 % used it to prevent the current pregnancy. The main reason for non-use was believing that she would not become pregnant (47.6%); but wanting to become pregnant in the future and not remembering to use the method were also largely reported. Associated aspects to emergency contraception non-use among women who used a method were not being aware of pregnancy risk [OR=3,44; IC95%: 1,48-8,03] and cohabitation with a partner [OR=3,23; IC95%: 1,43-7,28]. Among women that did not use any contraception, cohabitation with a partner [OR= 3,19; IC95%: 1,40-7,27], ambivalent pregnancy [OR: 3,40; IC95%: 1,56-8,54] and no previous use of emergency contraception [OR=3,52; IC95%: 1,38-8,97] were associated with the method non-use. Conclusions: Living with a partner can make a woman feel less concerned about preventing a pregnancy, which means, less likely to use emergency contraception. Eventually, having skills to recognize pregnancy risk situations, having experience on how to use and when to obtain the pill and a clear pregnancy intention can increase the use of emergency contraception when indicated
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\"Minha vida de agora em diante...\": experiências de mulheres sobreviventes da morte materna. / \"My life from now on...\": the experience of the women who survived from the maternal death.Godoy, Sandra Regina de 29 September 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender o significado da experiência de near miss no período gravídico-puerperal na vida de mulheres sobreviventes. O referencial teórico baseou-se em conceitos da Antropologia médica e o metodológico, na história oral. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com mulheres residentes na microrregião do Noroeste paulista, tendo como referência o município de Fernandópolis. Participaram 13 mulheres egressas da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de um hospital geral do município, no período de 2003 e 2005. As entrevistas foram apresentadas na forma de narrativa. Os depoimentos mostraram que a experiência de vivenciar uma complicação com risco de morte foi marcante, desagradável, evidenciando sofrimento, sentimentos de medo e preocupação. As mulheres perceberam que algo está errado", procuraram os serviços de saúde e avaliaram a assistência recebida. As maiores preocupações foram com o filho, o marido e familiares. Os achados do estudo permitiram obter uma visão compreensiva da experiência de mulheres que vivenciaram e sobreviveram ao risco de morte materna e as mudanças que ocorreram em suas vidas e formas de enfrentamento e superação das dificuldades verificados. / The aim of this study was to understand the meaning of the near miss experience during pregnancy, labor, birth and puerperium in the life of the women who survived. The conceptions of Medical Anthropology were used as the theoretical framework for the analysis and the Oral History as the methodological reference. The research was developed including women who live in a micro-region of the northwest of São Paulo state and Fernadópolis district. Thirteen women who returned from the intensive care unit of a municipal general hospital, from 2003 to 2005, participated in this study. The interviews were presented as narratives. The data showed that the experience of a severe complication with risk of death was remarkable, unpleasant, evidencing feelings of suffer, fear and worry. The women noticed that something is wrong", then they looked for a health service unit and evaluated the assistance given. The main womens worry was related to the child, the husband and the family. The findings of this study permitted to have a comprehensive vision of the experience of the women who faced the risk of maternal death and survived, as well as the changes in their lives and the ways of coping and overcoming the difficulties found.
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Barreiras organizacionais para disponibilização do dispositivo intrauterino nos serviços de Atenção Básica à Saúde (macrorregião Sul de Minas Gerais) / Organizational barriers to providing the intrauterine device in Primary Health Attention services (macro-region in the southern of Minas Gerais)Gonzaga, Vanderlea Aparecida Silva 29 November 2016 (has links)
Embora o dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) seja pouco usado no Brasil, ele é o método contraceptivo reversível mais usado no mundo. Trata-se de um método seguro, altamente eficaz e com resultados positivos na saúde das populações. Por meio da prevenção de gestações não planejadas, atua na redução da morbidade e mortalidade materna, mortalidade infantil e abortos inseguros. Pesquisas recentes, contudo, mostram que o acesso ao DIU nos serviços de Atenção Básica à Saúde nem sempre é facilitado, sendo permeado por barreiras organizacionais que contribuem para sua subutilização. Tais barreiras podem restringir o pleno exercício dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos das mulheres brasileiras. Objetivo: Identificar barreiras organizacionais para disponibilização do DIU nos serviços de Atenção Básica à Saúde e elaborar, como produto desta dissertação, uma síntese destas barreiras, destinada aos gestores de saúde, com suas implicações e recomendações. Método: Estudo quantitativo, descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio do preenchimento de um instrumento estruturado, online, pelos 79 profissionais responsáveis pela área técnica de Saúde da Mulher. O cenário do estudo foi a macrorregião Sul de Minas Gerais. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio do software Stata, versão 14.0, e descrita por meio de número absoluto e proporções. Resultados: A maioria dos municípios possui protocolo de atenção à saúde da mulher (55,7%). Destes, 77,3% elaboraram seu próprio protocolo, mas 29,6% não treinaram a equipe de saúde para usá-lo. Dentre todos os municípios participantes, 15,2% não disponibilizam DIU, sendo que alguns também não referenciam a mulher para outros serviços (8,3%). Dentre aqueles que disponibilizam o DIU, a grande maioria não possui protocolo específico (68,7%); uma parcela não adota a gravidez como condição impossibilitante da inserção do DIU (10,5%) e, por outro lado, adotam condições menos relevantes como infecção vaginal (80,6%). Como critério para acesso ao DIU, 86,5% referiram prescrição médica, 71,6% realização de exames, 44,6% idade acima de 18 anos e 24,4% participação em grupos. Como exames necessários, foi citado o Papanicolaou (94,7%), teste de gravidez (63,2%) e exame de sangue (29,8%). Quanto ao local de disponibilização, 83,7% não o disponibilizam nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde. Como profissional que insere o DIU, 97,0% referiram médico e nenhum citou o enfermeiro. Quanto aos grupos de planejamento reprodutivo, 43,0% dos municípios não os realizam. Por fim, 86,1% dos trabalhadores reportaram não haver dificuldades para obtenção do DIU. Conclusão: Foram identificadas barreiras organizacionais que dizem respeito ao uso de protocolos, também barreiras relacionadas à disponibilização e inserção do DIU, e barreiras relativas aos grupos de planejamento reprodutivo. / Introduction: Although the intrauterine device (IUD) is little used in Brazil, it is the most used reversible contraceptive method in the world. It is about a safe method, highly effective and with positive results in the health of populations. By means of preventing unplanned pregnancies, it works to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality, infant mortality and unsafe abortions. Recent research, however, show that access to IUD in Primary Health Attention services is not always facilitated, being permeated by organizational barriers that contribute to their underutilization. Such barriers may restrict the full exercise of sexual and reproductive rights of Brazilian women. Objective: To identify organizational barriers for providing IUD in the Primary Health Attention services and elaborate, as a product of this dissertation, a summary of these barriers, which is intended for health managers, with their implications and recommendations. Method: Qualitative, descriptive study. Data collection was performed by completing, online, a structured instrument, by 79 professionals responsible for the technical field of Womens Health. The study setting was the macro-region in the southern of Minas Gerais. Data analysis was performed using Stata software, version 14.0, and described by absolute number and proportions. Results: Most municipalities have attention protocol to womens health (55.7%). Of these, 77.3% developed its own protocol, but 29.6% did not train health staff to use it. Among all participating municipalities, 15.2% do not offer IUD, and some did not refer women to other services (8.3%). Among those, which provide the IUD, the vast majority do not have specific protocol (68.7%); a portion does not adopt pregnancy as an impeditive condition of insertion of the IUD (10.5%) and, on the other hand, adopt less relevant conditions such as vaginal infection (80.6%). As a criterion for accessing the IUD, 86.5% reported prescription, 71.6% exams, 44.6% aged over 18 years old and 24.4% participation in groups. As required exams, it was quoted the Pap smear (94.7%), pregnancy test (63,2%) and blood tests (29,8%). As a place of availability, 83.7% do not provide in the Basic Health Units. As a professional to insert the IUD, 97.0% reported the doctor and none cited the nurse. Municipalities do not realize reproductive planning group at 43.0%. Finally, 86.1% of workers reported not having difficulties in obtaining the IUD. Conclusion: Organizational barriers were identified concerning the use of protocols, also barriers related to the availability and IUD insertion, and barriers related to the reproductive planning groups.
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