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Diet och identitet : Analyser av kol- kväve- och svavelisotoper på indivier från det kristna senvikingatida gravfältet i Björned, Torsåkers socken, ÅngermanlandAndersson, Karin January 2006 (has links)
This paper deals with the late Viking age/early medieval grave field in Björned, Torsåker parish, Ångermanland County in northern Sweden. The grave field in Björned is rare because it has all the signs of being Christianized before the surroundings. This awakes questions such as if the people of Björned came from another place and brought the religion with them or if someone else did that for them. To find these answers I have analysed the stable isotope ratios [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]34S in human bone collagen. Through these stable isotopes we can not only see what the people consumed but also where their food had its origin. It seems like several people from the grave field had a different origin then the rest.
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Vulnerability and Agency: Reframing Disability through the Capabilities Approach. A Case Study of Women with Physical Disabilities in Lusaka, ZambiaMeilleur Sarazin, Michèle 23 November 2012 (has links)
This study explores the concepts of vulnerability, agency, and actors with relation to the capability development and deprivation of women with physical disabilities in Lusaka, Zambia. Based in the human development paradigm and Sen and Nussbaum’s Capabilities Approach, it seeks to critically explore what impact being born, raised, and living as a woman with a physical disability in a developing country has on the development of capabilities. It also seeks to identify and analyze the involved processes, actors, and environmental factors. A main finding is that capability deprivation for women with physical disabilities is not simply caused by disability, or by gender, but by a multitude of factors. These include: the environment, social contexts, and relative poverty in which the women live; the particular cultural repertoires that surround them; and the actors with whom they interact. However, disability can, and often does, exacerbate the complex life situations in which the women find themselves.
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La problématique de la justice fiscale : le cas du QuébecSanterre, Chantal January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le présent mémoire cherche à préciser les contours d'une fiscalité équitable dans le cadre du système économique et politique actuel au Québec et au Canada. Pour ce faire, il commence (chapitre 1) par présenter les objectifs des régimes d'imposition et les moyens dont dispose ici l'État pour les atteindre. Par la suite (chapitre Il), nous exposons quatre théories libérales influentes de la justice reconnaissant toutes d'une part une place centrale à un idéal de la promotion de la liberté individuelle, d'autre part un certain rôle au libre-marché dans l'économie. Ces théories sont les suivantes: l'utilitarisme; la théorie de la justice comme équité; le libertarianisme et la théorie des capabilités. Enfin (chapitre III), après avoir retenu comme modèle la théorie des capabilités de Sen et justifié ce choix, nous esquissons, sur cette base, les contours d'une fiscalité équitable en nous efforçant d'en montrer la désirabilité et la faisabilité. La conclusion de ce mémoire en rappelle les inévitables limites et indique sommairement les avenues de recherche qu'ouvre le présent travail. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Fiscalité, Théorie de la justice, Équité, Éthique, Amartya Sen, John Rawls, Milton Friedman, Robert Nozick, Québec, Canada.
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Röd Glöd : Granaternas betydelse under yngre järnålder med fokus på Gamla UppsalaSarén Lundahl, Jonna January 2011 (has links)
During an excavation at Old Uppsala 571 raw garnets was found. In comparison with similar fragments from other sites in Sweden my aim was to prove a completely domestic production of garnets for cloisonné work. I have chosen to look at the archaeological sites of Old Uppsala, Valsta, Slöinge and Paviken and more closely at the material from Old Uppsala and Valsta. My theoretical framework has been to look at the garnets own agency in the contemporary society. Garnet cloisonné was a popular jewellery form during the Merovingian period on the continent although it came to an end in the early 7th century. It was during this time in Scandinavia a new sort of garnet, technique and paste was introduced and the garnet cloisonné was profoundly used for the gear of the elite and ritual objects. I believe to have showed that from the 7thcentury and onwards the whole production was domestic but further investigation of the garnets, mostly of a chemical nature, is required. / Gamla Uppsala - framväxten av ett mytiskt centrum
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Caractérisation des retombées atmosphériques en France en zone rurale sous forme de précipitations, gaz et aérosols. Analyse des tendances spatio-temporelles et des séries chronologiques.Sicard, Pierre Louis 28 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés portent sur les retombées atmosphériques en zone rurale et s'inscrivent dans le cadre du programme français de Mesure des Retombées Atmosphériques (MERA). Les polluants mesurés dans les stations du dispositif sont en rapport avec les problèmes des pluies acides et de la pollution photochimique. Deux tests statistiques pour détecter et estimer les tendances au sein de séries chronologiques ont été utilisés. La procédure est basée sur le test non paramétrique de Mann-Kendall pour déterminer la tendance et sur la méthode de Sen pour en estimer la magnitude. Ces tests ont été appliqués aux 5.000.000 de données MERA, annuelles, saisonnières et mensuelles sur la période 1990-2003, puis, aux émissions nationales et européennes des principaux polluants précurseurs. L'acidité moyenne des pluies, après avoir baissée au début des années 90, augmente légèrement depuis 1996 alors que les émissions de composés acidifiants diminuent. Cette observation semble être corrélée à la diminution en cations basiques, NH4+ et aux aérosols acides. Les concentrations en composés soufrés (gaz et aérosols) ont fortement diminué depuis le début des années 90 associées aux fortes réductions d'émission. Pour l'O3, une augmentation des teneurs est observée entre 1995 et 2003, associée à une diminution des émissions de précurseurs. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent expliquer cette augmentation : les changements des émissions de précurseurs, les échanges strato-troposphériques, le transport intercontinental, les changements climatiques, le rapport COV/NOx, les émissions des composés bio-géogéniques. Prochainement, des prévisions subjectives par extrapolations linéaires pourront être effectuées avec un intervalle de confiance à 99%.
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Darbe aptariamos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų bendruomenių nuomonių įvairovė į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių vaikų integruotą ugdymą ir jų kaita nuo integracijos proceso pradžios.
Iškelta hipotezė, kad tarp teorinio integracijos modelio ir praktinio jo pritaikymo yra tam tikrų nesutapimų, kurie trukdo kokybiškam integracijos proceso vystymuisi. Gali išryškėti kontroversiškos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos bendruomenės nuostatos, nepalankiai veikiančios integruotai ugdomų mokinių socializaciją.
Turinio analizės metodu apžvelgti panašūs atlikti tyrimai, siekiant įžvelgti integracijos proceso dalyvių nuostatų kaitą. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - ištirti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų mokytojų, mokinių bei jų tėvų požiūrius į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius vaikus bei įvertinti integruotai ugdomų specialiųjų poreikių vaikų savijautą mokyklos aplinkoje.
Tyrime dalyvavo 130 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose besimokančių normalios raidos ir specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių mokinių, 75 šių mokinių tėvai ir 115 pedagogų, dirbančių tose pačiose mokyklose iš įvairių Lietuvos regionų.
Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjamos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų bendruomenių nuostatos į specialiųjų poreikių vaikų socializacijos sėkmę, į integruotą ugdymą bei jo efektyvumą.
Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados:
1. Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos bendruomenės nariai pakankamai geranoriškai ir tolerantiškai nusiteikę specialiųjų poreikių vaikų atžvilgiu. Tėvų nuostatos netgi teigiamesnės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The paper deals with the variety of opinions of mainstream school community members’ about the integrated education of children with special educational needs (SEN children) also how these opinions have been turnover from the beginning of the integration’s process.
Hypothesis: there are some discrepancies between the theoretical pattern of integration and it’s practical adaptation with discourages the qualitative progress of the integration’s process. The controversial attitudes of the mainstream school community can be found which could adversely operate the integrated training pupils socialization.
The review of similar navigated investigations was done using content analysis method on purpose to penetrate the alternation of the integration process members. Questionnaire survey method was used to accomplish the research which purpose is to investigate the attitude of mainstream school teachers, pupils and their patents about the SEN children and to appreciate how SEN children feel themselves in the school environment.
The presence of 130 mainstream school pupils with SEN and non-disabled children, 75 their parents also 115 general teachers from various Lithuanian regions caused a successful research.
The most important empirical conclusions that were drawn are:
● Community members of mainstream school are benevolently and tolerantly minded in point of SEN children enough. The attitudes of parents are even more positive than their children’s are. SEN children feel fairly... [to full text]
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Specialiųjų poreikių turinčių mokinių teisinio ugdymo mokykloje ypatumai / The peculiarities of legal education of children with special educational needs in the schools of General EducationŽemaitaitienė, Aušra 25 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti ir įvertinti specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių mokinių ugdymo bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose pagrindiniai aspektai, jų teises ir pareigas reglamentuojantys dokumentai, atskleista teisinio ugdymo svarba specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių mokiniams, išsiaiškintos teisinio ugdymo galimybės specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintiems mokiniams bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje. Pirmoje darbo dalyje teoriniu aspektu nagrinėjama specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių samprata, minėtų mokinių ugdymas inkliuzijos sąlygomis bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, jų teises ir pareigas reglamentuojantys dokumentai, bei teisinis ugdymas bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje. Antroje darbo dalyje praktiškai nagrinėjama esama specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių teisinio ugdymo situacija bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, analizuojami tyrimo rezultatai, pateikiamos išvados. / This Master's Thesis is to analyse and evaluate the main aspects of education of students with special educational needs (SEN) in the schools of General Education, the regulations of their rights and duties, to reveal the importance of legal education for SEN students, to explain the possibilities of legal education for SEN students in the schools of General Education. The first part examines the theoretical aspects of the concept of special education needs, the education of SEN students under the conditions of inclusion, the regulations of their rights and duties as well as legal educating in the schools of General Education. The second part practically examines the current situation of legal education of SEN students in the schools of General Education, analyses the results and presents the conclusions.
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Educatorsâ perceptions of the appropriateness and relevance of the National Curriculum Statement for learners at Special Youth Careand Education Centres in the Western CapeCarola Petersen January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study provides educators with an opportunity to share their commitments and biases, their beliefs about what these learners need and what, as educators, they have to offer them. The study focuses specifically on what curriculum educators believe should be offered to the youth in these centres. It is important to note that the focus of the thesis is on the educational debates and challenges within SYCECs, and not on the overall goals and role to be played by these institutions in rehabilitating youth. This piece of work acknowledges the systemic issues that impact on learning and development of youth, but foregrounds what learners in SYCECs should be taught and why. This is its main contribution.</p>
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Examining Tanzania's Development LandscapeHussein, Jenna 01 January 2015 (has links)
This thesis will examine Tanzania’s development landscape through Amartya Sen’s perspective, as per his conception of development that is put forth in Development as Freedom. Applying Sen’s conception of development to the case of Tanzania reinforces his view that development is an intricate process that is dependent on the expansion of various freedoms. It also yields unique insights about the most pressing issues that are currently impeding progress in the country. I will first clarify Sen’s framework and provide an explanation of development that corresponds with his ideals. Next, I will assess Tanzania’s state of affairs in terms of Sen’s five freedoms. I will then consider the impact of the recent expansion of technology in Tanzania, as well as discuss the question of inequality, which is a topic that Sen does not adequately address in his book. Finally, I will conclude with a discussion of the most pressing challenges that the country is facing and suggest what implications these challenges might have for Tanzania’s future.
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Intensivundervisning – ett multisensoriskt approach : En fallstudie av en SUM-elevs grundläggande taluppfattning under multisensorisk intensivundervisningBerton, Linda January 2014 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks vad som sker i intensivundervisning där en SUM-elev, elev med särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik, erbjuds multisensorisk undervisning. Vilken utveckling som sker vad gäller elevens taluppfattning, samt olika uttryck för lärande i undervisningsprocessen är också något som studeras. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats och har genomförts som en fallstudie med en SUM-elev i årskurs ett. Fallstudien innehåller en intervention med matematiktester vilka genomförts före och efter en intensivundervisning i grundläggande taluppfattning. Deltagande observationer av undervisningssekvensen har genomförts, vilka också har filmats. Till analysen används Bruners teori om representationer tillsammans med Vygotskijs teori om lärande ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Representationerna i Bruners teori beskrivs som den enaktiva som är handlingsbaserad, den ikoniska som är bildbaserad och den symboliska som är språkbaserad. Resultatet visar i detta fall att en intensivundervisning med multisensorisk approach påverkar elevens taluppfattning positivt och elevens lösningsfrekvens mellan för- och eftertest tredubblats. En utveckling av bland annat matematiska förmågor var synlig. Eleven utvecklade lärande i de olika representationerna där inledningsvis den enaktiva representationen användes och succesivt även den ikoniska- och symboliska representationen. Resultatet visar en positiv påverkan på elevens självförtroende i matematiska situationer, främst gällande symbolhantering. / This study examines what happens in the situation of intense, multi-sensory instruction for a SEN-student in the subject of mathematics, a student with special education needs in mathematics. What kind of development is happening in terms of the student's number sense, as well as various forms of learning in the teaching process is also something that is studied. The study has a qualitative approach and was implemented as a case study with a SEN-student in the subject of mathematics in year one. The case study includes an intervention with math tests which were taken before and after an intensive teaching of basic number sense. Participant observation of the teaching sequence has been implemented, which also have been filmed. For the analysis Bruner's theory of representations along with Vygotsky's theory of learning from a sociocultural perspective is used. The representations in Bruner's theory is described as the enactive that is action-based, the iconic that is image based and the symbolic which is language-based. The result in this case shows that an intensive instruction with a multi-sensory approach affects the student's number sense in a positive way. The pupils solution frequency between pre- and posttest tripled. The Pupil developed learning in the different representations where initially the enactive representation was used and gradually even the iconic- and symbolic representation. A development including mathematical competences were visible. The results show a positive impact on the pupil self-confidence in mathematical situations, primarily in situations for symbol processing.
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