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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

論宮崎滔天及其與中國革命關係. / Lun Gongqi Taotian ji qi yu Zhongguo ge ming guan xi.

January 1980 (has links)
葉家儀. / 手抄本. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / Shou chao ben. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 223-233). / Ye Jiayi. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue.

O entrela?amento fato-valor : uma abordagem a partir de Hillary Putnam e Amartya Sen

Ferreira, Carlos Roberto Bueno 12 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-06-02T14:30:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 469628 Texto Completo.pdf: 931195 bytes, checksum: c7c8e9f4562e06942a014716c371b8d2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-02T14:30:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 469628 Texto Completo.pdf: 931195 bytes, checksum: c7c8e9f4562e06942a014716c371b8d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This thesis aims to analyze the dichotomy between fact and value. The separation of the merely factual-objective of which is evaluative-subjective is the result of a historical progression based on a number of theories that oppose each other, going back to the clash between Descartes and Hume (rationalism and empiricism). However, this dichotomy is criticized by Hilary Putnam, who defends the existence of an entanglement of facts and values. In this sense, will seek to demonstrate the danger to defend the ideal of a science free of ethical and social values. The second chapter, in order to demonstrate a more tangible way the entanglement between facts and values, is dedicated to an evaluation conducted on the unsustainability of the dichotomy fact - value in the economy. It is proposed to evaluate the work of Amartya Sen, Indian philosopher and economist who has devoted his career to the affirmation of the economy also as a human science that deals with complex ethical factors which can not be reduced simply to numbers and statistics.Sen defends the possibility of a welfare economy and, therefore, proposes a rereading of "classical economics", adding that it would have been an ethical impoverishment due to its overly linked to mathematical reason structure and focus on individual interest. Seeking a solution that would avoid utilitarianism, Sen developed the theory of capabilities, which proposes to consider the interpersonal comparisons of "utility." Thus, we intend to address the issue of the fact-value dichotomy, based on the thought of Putnam and Sen, pointing out the possible consequences that the arguments raised generate for philosophical perception of political science, and notions of reason applicable to normative issues. / A presente disserta??o busca analisar a dicotomia entre fato e valor. A separa??o do que ? meramente f?tico-objetivo do que ? valorativo-subjetivo ? resultado de uma progress?o hist?rica fundada numa s?rie de teorias que se op?em entre si, remontando ao embate entre Descartes e Hume (racionalismo e empirismo). Contudo, esta dicotomia ? criticada por Hilary Putnam, que defende a exist?ncia de um entrela?amento de fatos e valores. Nesse sentido, buscar-se-?, no primeiro cap?tulo do trabalho, demonstrar o perigo de se defender o ideal de uma ci?ncia livre de valores ?ticos e sociais. O cap?tulo seguinte, buscando demonstrar de modo mais tang?vel o entrela?amento entre fato e valor, ? dedicado a uma avalia??o aplicada, relativa ? insustentabilidade da referida dicotomia no campo da economia.Para isso, prop?e-se avaliar alguns aspectos da obra de Amartya Sen, fil?sofo e economista indiano que dedicou sua carreira ? afirma??o da economia tamb?m como ci?ncia humana que lida com fatores ?ticos complexos, que n?o podem ser reduzidos a n?meros e estat?sticas. Sen defende a possibilidade de uma economia de bemestar e, para isso, prop?e uma releitura da ?teoria econ?mica cl?ssica?, aduzindo que ela teria sofrido empobrecimento ?tico decorrente da sua estrutura excessivamente ligada ? raz?o matem?tica e ao foco no interesse individual. Buscando uma solu??o que evitasse o utilitarismo, Sen desenvolveu a teoria das capacidades, na qual se prop?e a considerar as compara??es interpessoais de ?utilidade?. A partir dessas discuss?es, pretendemos abordar o tema da dicotomia fato-valor com base no pensamento de Putnam e Sen, apontando as poss?veis consequ?ncias geradas pelos argumentos levantados ? percep??o filos?fica das ci?ncias pol?ticas, e ?s no??es de raz?o aplic?veis ?s quest?es normativas.

林森與民國政治 / Lin Sen and the politics of republican China

陳天民, Chen, Tien-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究重心側重於林森政治生涯的表現與作為,尤以林森與民國政治的關係為主。基本上以時間為經,政治活動為緯,來探討其一生的奮鬥歷程。 除第一章緒論、第六章結論外,正文共計四章。第二章討論林森早期的革命活動:包括其家世、教育、旅台經歷、獻身革命的緣由及在上海、九江的革命活動。其中在台灣的經歷,可說對林森革命思想的啟發深具意義;而於上海、九江海關服務期間的革命行動,是其早期革命活動的主要內容。 第三章主要探討林森在討袁與護法時期的奮鬥歷程,主要從民國肇建至中國國民黨改組前。此時期林森的政治舞台,主要集中在議會政治及美洲辦黨兩方面。不論是在民初的臨時參議院或是後來的護法國會□,林森一方面入贊戎機,一方面出主壇坫,始終是孫中山的忠實贊助者,其奮鬥的中心信念,厥為其個人對民主政治的信仰,此與他早年所受的美式學堂教育密不可分。而在民國三年至五年間,他在美洲辦黨的非凡成就,被孫中山譽為〝領袖支部〞,同時也奠定了他日後在國民黨內關於海外黨務、僑務方面的重大影響力。當時在美洲的鈕永建在致吳敬恆的信中,已斷言林森〝將來必為革黨極要分子〞。另外,他在民國十一年底至十二年初主政閩省的嘗試,主要是孫中山想藉助他在福建省及海外僑胞的影響力,達到籌募護法經費的目的,以維繫孫當時孤處一隅、若續若絕的革命血脈;但對林森個人而言,閩省短暫的主政,可視為一次實際政治實務、行政首長的歷練。 第四章主要探討林森在西山會議中的角色與作用。向來論西山會議者,必稱“林森、鄒魯”,猶若林森為西山會議派之領袖無疑。事實上,林森於整個西山會議中的角色,究竟是積極參與抑是消極規避,吾人實感好奇。李國祁教授在〈鄒魯與西山會議〉乙文中,認為西山會議是由林森與鄒魯兩人所主導的,且斷定是〝林氏出名、鄒氏出力〞有以致之。然則林森究竟在西山會議中到底扮演何種角色?本文希望從林氏對早期聯俄容共之態度和觀察整個西山會議之運作經過,以及西山會議派與廣州、南京當權派對抗之歷程,加上林森參與的程度,作全面而客觀的討論。 第五章主要在探討林森在國府主席十二年期間調和鼎鼐的政治作用。當然,當時有資格任主席之職位者,絕不止於林氏一人,但他之所以能脫穎而出,其間緣由則不能不討論。而當他居於不負實際政治責任的虛位元首之後,是否真是個無權而又安於無為的國家元首呢﹖其間亦大有討論的空間。其實所謂無為與有為之間,斷難一刀兩斷,主要還需從當時整個的政治環境來考量,否則恐怕難得其情。事實上,筆者認為林森在此期間的角色,是隨著蔣中正委員長個人權位的獨尊與當時國難的日益嚴重而有著互動的關係。如果我們從當時的政治環境、權力結構、政治制度等多方面的角度來觀察林森此時期的角色變化,相信會有若干的收穫與啟發。而貫穿林氏一生的從政風格──即不與人爭、澹泊謙抑的性格,亦於國府主席期間的表現而發揮的淋漓盡致。

Amartya K. Sen : la possibilité d'une éthique économique rationnelle

Pellé, Sophie 25 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse analyse la contribution des travaux d'Amartya K. Sen à l'économie normative, à partir de la question suivante : une éthique économique rationnelle est-elle possible ? La thèse éclaire tout d'abord la réponse épistémologique apportée par Sen à cette question, à la lumière des débats qui traversent l'économie normative de la première moitié du XXe siècle : quels ont été les différents arguments pour justifier, ou au contraire exclure, les jugements de valeurs de la théorie économique. On étudie ensuite, la conception de l'évaluation de Sen en tant qu'elle représente une réponse aux failles de l'économie normative. A travers sa critique constante de l'utilitarisme et par le développement de l'approche par les capabilités, Sen propose un ensemble de normes pour évaluer le bien-être, élaboré en dialogue constant avec la philosophie politique et morale contemporaine. Enfin, la thèse analyse les limites de l'approche par les capabilités à partir du miroir que forment trois théories qui l'influencent plus particulièrement: la théorie du choix social arrowienne, la théorie de la justice de John Rawls et l'approche par les capabilités de Martha Nussbaum. Cette confrontation permet de montrer que la forme inachevée de l'approche par les capabilités provient d'une tension entre deux normes en partie contradictoires : une exigence de libéralisme d'une part et le souhait de renouveler l'économie normative par une définition du bien-être plus adéquate, de l'autre.

Att arbeta med elever i matematiksvårigheter : Fyra speciallärares berättelser / Working with students with mathematical difficulties : Four Special Educational Needs Teachers life stories

Thunholm, Camilla January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få ta del av speciallärares erfarenheter kring sitt arbete med elever i matematiksvårigheter. Jag valt att göra en livsberättelsestudie, där fyra speciallärares berättelser kring sitt arbete med elever i matematiksvårigheter är i fokus. Genom deras egna berättelser om sitt liv som speciallärare vill jag komma åt hur de jobbar med sina elever och varför de väljer att jobba på just de sätten de gör. Jag vill få fram speciallärarens tankar kring varför dessa elever hamnar i matematiksvårigheter och vad det kan bero på.Resultatet visar att de speciallärare som deltagit i studien är ganska samstämmiga i hur de idag jobbar med sina elever och varför de gör som de gör. Resultatet visar att det är en komplex fråga hur man får dessa elever inkluderade i den ordinarie undervisningen. Speciallärarna i studien ser att elever i svårigheter ofta kan vara rumsligt inkluderade, då de är i klassrummet med sina klasskamrater, men att de inte har något utbyte av det som sker, då de inte hänger med i undervisningen. Speciallärarna ser då att det är större möjligheter att klara dessa elever om de plockas ut i mindre grupper eller enskilt. Det är många faktorer som spelar in för att en elev ska lyckas med matematik och en viktig del i speciallärarnas arbete handlar om att skapa en lugn och trygg miljö för dessa elever. Det visar sig att endast en mindre del av deras berättelser handlade om att arbeta med matematiksvårigheter, då fokus i deras arbete oftast ligger på andra områden. Det centrala i allas berättelser handlar om hur viktigt det är för dem att skapa en bra miljö för sina elever, där eleverna får chans att bygga upp sin självkänsla och att få dem att våga tro på sig själva. / The purpose of this study is to gain access to Special Education Needs (SEN) Teachers experiences in their work with students with mathematical difficulties. I have decided to do a life story study, with four SEN Teachers' stories about their work with students of mathematical difficulties in focus. By their own stories about their life as a SEN Teachers, I would like to find out how they work with their students and why they choose to work the way they do. I want to get the SEN Teacher`s thoughts about why these students end up in difficulties with mathematics and what the reason might be.The results show that the SEN Teachers who participated in the study are fairly consistent in how they currently work with their students, and why they work the way they do. The results also show that it is a very complex issue to get these students included in the regular curriculum. The SEN Teachers see that students with difficulties can often be spatially included when they are placed in the classroom with their classmates, but cannot keep up with what is happening in the classroom, and they won’t gain the right knowledge. SEN Teachers will see that there are better chances of success with these students if they are placed in small groups or individually. There are many factors that come into play for a student to succeed in mathematics, and an important part of the SEN Teachers' work is about creating a peaceful and safe environment for these students. I found that only a small part of their stories was about the actual work with mathematics difficulties, the main part of their work were often needed in other areas. The core message of all the stories is the importance to create a good environment for their students, where the students have a chance to build their self esteem and to believe in themselves.

Effects of early and late procurement of installations service / Effekter av tidig och sen upphandling av installationsarbete

Mohamed, Sadio, Reinholdsson, Karl January 2015 (has links)
I byggbranschen idag är det vanligt att upphandling av installationsentreprenader oftast sker vid produktionsskedet. Denna typ av upphandling har av installatörer ansetts vara sen då det oftast medför sämre möjlighet till god planering för installationsentreprenaden där bristerna leder till ändrings- och tilläggsarbeten. Problemet är inte endast vid upphandlingen utan detta påverkar hela byggprocessen då det finns kopplingar mellan de olika komponenterna i byggprocessen. Även tidigare studier har uppmärksammat brister i samarbetet mellan de olika aktörerna i processen. Beställare och entreprenörer har varit i fokus i dessa arbeten och eftersom byggbranschen är stor och komplex är det förståeligt att de som är längre ner i hierarkin får lägre prioritet. Detta gör att det här examensarbetet blir viktig då det idag inte görs många undersökningar ur installatörers synvinkel. Examensarbetet bygger på en förfrågan från VVS Företagens och Isoleringsfirmornas Förening, om att undersöka hur tidig och sen upphandling av installationsentreprenad påverkar faktorerna planering, lönsamhet, kvalitet, arbetsmiljö och arbetsklimat. I denna studie undersöktes två företag; ÖPE Isolering och Imtech VS-teknik, där ett par utvalda projekt från respektive företag studerades med hjälp av ansvarig projektledare/arbetsledare. Syftet med examensarbetet var att ur installationsentreprenörers synvinkel undersöka hur olika byggprojekt påverkas vid sen upphandling jämfört med projekt där de upphandlades i tidigt skede. Effekterna av sen respektive tidig upphandling har avgränsats till just dessa fem nämnda faktorerna för att under tiden som finns tillgänglig få en så bra bild av projekten som möjligt. Det svar som resultatet pekar emot är att generellt sett blir det mesta bättre då installatörerna upphandlas tidigare. Förhoppningsvis kommer beställare i framtiden att inse nyttan i att upphandla underentreprenörer tidigare, vilket troligtvis skulle medföra mycket bättre arbetsförhållanden både för byggare och installatörer.

Chinese Nation-building And Sun Yat-sen

Ergenc, Ceren 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The intellectual and political roots of present-day China lie in the late imperial era and the transition to modern statehood. As the last chain of the thousands years of dynastic rule in China, the Qing Dynasty ended in 1911 with a revolution. Even though the Republican regime was immediately established after their revolution, it took three decades until thenew government (People&rsquo / s Republic of China) achieved full sovereignty on the territory. The thesis argues that the 1911 Revolution is a major turning point in Chinese transformation not only because of the regime change but also the ideological shift towards modern statehood. In this study, first, the social forces and actors on the eve of the Revolution are analyzed. The gentry-domination of society and the power relations within the forces involved in the Revolution - especially the intellectuals and the military - appear to be the two major reasons why the transition was not completed with the Revolution. The second focus of the study: the process of breaking with the past. In other words, how was the shift in people&rsquo / s mind achieved? In China, this turning point did not coincide with the 1911 Revolution and/or regime change. It came later in 1910s, reaching its peak in 1919, with the New Culture Movement of the May Fourth intellectuals. There had been some influential intellectuals building a nationalist discourse even before the May Fourth Movement (e.g. Liang Qichao, reformist and ideologue in late Qing dynasty) but the radical and outspoken tone of the New Culture Movement achieved the grounds for a shift in minds. I will briefly analyze the intellectual work of the period and its politicization. A special emphasis is given on Sun Yat-sen&rsquo / s political and intellectual contribution to the transition since he was not only a major political activist but also a theoretician whose works (Three Principles of People) have been influential on China&rsquo / s nation-building process.

Uma estrutura metodológica para avaliação de intervenções sociais baseada na ideia de justiça de Amartya Sen

Pimentel, Joyce Tognola January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em criar uma matriz metodológica para a avaliação de intervenções sociais com base na ideia de justiça de Amartya Sen. Para isto, primeiramente discute-se as relações entre o desenvolvimento, a justiça e a avaliação. Desta forma, ao colocar a justiça como princípio ético norteador do desenvolvimento da metodologia proposta, a segunda parte do trabalho foca na discussão das distintas noções de justiça de onde derivam-se os critérios normativos da justiça. Na parte seguinte, estes critérios são traduzidos em instrumentos epistemológicos e metológicos necessários à matriz avaliativa. A partir da compreensão dos aspectos substantivos e instrumentais da justiça tem-se a ideia de justiça na qual o foco é a vida e liberdade humana de forma imparcial, racional e objetiva levando em consideração as injustiças presentes com seus respectivos comportamentos humanos reais e instituições existentes, ou seja, realizações efetivas. Tendo em vista esta visão de justiça são analisados os principais tipos de avaliação e construídas as diretrizes para uma avaliação de intervenções sociais baseada em critérios de justiça. / The objective of this study is to provide a methodological framework for the evaluation of social interventions based on the idea of justice of Amartya Sen. For this, we first discuss the relations between development, justice, and evaluation. Thus, placing justice as a guiding ethical principle of the development of the proposed methodology, the second part of the work focuses on the discussion of the different notions of justice from which derive the normative criteria of justice. In the following part, these criteria are translated into epistemological methodological and evaluative tools needed to evaluation matrix. From the understanding of substantive and instrumental aspects of justice we have a notion of justice which the focus is on human life and freedom in an impartial, rational and objective way, considering the injustices present with their respective real human behaviors and existing institutions, ie actual social realizations. Given this view of justice it is analysed the main types of evaluation methods and it is constructed guidelines for the evaluation of social interventions based on criteria of justice.

Uma abordagem seniana do Programa Bolsa Família

Mattos, Bartira Koch January 2011 (has links)
Nas últimas três décadas, a proporção de pessoas abaixo da linha de pobreza foi reduzida substancialmente no Brasil. Parte desta redução ocorreu em função de programas de transferência de renda do país, como o Programa Bolsa Família (PBF), criado em 2004 e que beneficia, atualmente, mais de 12 milhões de famílias pobres e extremamente pobres. O objetivo desta dissertação é discutir o desenho e os impactos deste programa a partir de uma análise baseada na abordagem das capacitações. Para isto são apresentados os conceitos fundamentais referentes à abordagem das capacitações e ao pensamento de Amartya Sen, bem como as principais características do Bolsa Família, seus antecedentes e os impactos provocados nas áreas da educação, saúde, alimentação, trabalho, empoderamento das mulheres e pobreza. Estes impactos e o desenho do PBF são analisados a partir do instrumental obtido através do estudo da abordagem das capacitações. Ademais, são apresentadas algumas propostas ao Bolsa Família visando a atuação deste programa sobre as múltiplas dimensões responsáveis pelo fenômeno da pobreza. / In the last three decades, the proportion of people below the poverty line was reduced substantially in Brazil. Part of this reduction was due to income transfer programs in the country, as the Bolsa Família Program (PBF), established in 2004 and currently aiding more than 12 million poor and extremely poor families. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the design and the impacts of this program from an analysis based on the capabilities approach. Therefore, it’s bring forward the fundamental concepts concerning the capabilities approach and the Amartya Sen’s work as well as the main characteristics of the Bolsa Família, its antecedents and impacts caused in education, health, food, work, empowerment of women and poverty. These impacts and the design of PBF are examined from the instrumental obtained through the capabilities approach. Futhermore, some proposals are introduce in order to Bolsa Familia Program operate on the multiple dimensions that cause poverty.

Uma estrutura metodológica para avaliação de intervenções sociais baseada na ideia de justiça de Amartya Sen

Pimentel, Joyce Tognola January 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em criar uma matriz metodológica para a avaliação de intervenções sociais com base na ideia de justiça de Amartya Sen. Para isto, primeiramente discute-se as relações entre o desenvolvimento, a justiça e a avaliação. Desta forma, ao colocar a justiça como princípio ético norteador do desenvolvimento da metodologia proposta, a segunda parte do trabalho foca na discussão das distintas noções de justiça de onde derivam-se os critérios normativos da justiça. Na parte seguinte, estes critérios são traduzidos em instrumentos epistemológicos e metológicos necessários à matriz avaliativa. A partir da compreensão dos aspectos substantivos e instrumentais da justiça tem-se a ideia de justiça na qual o foco é a vida e liberdade humana de forma imparcial, racional e objetiva levando em consideração as injustiças presentes com seus respectivos comportamentos humanos reais e instituições existentes, ou seja, realizações efetivas. Tendo em vista esta visão de justiça são analisados os principais tipos de avaliação e construídas as diretrizes para uma avaliação de intervenções sociais baseada em critérios de justiça. / The objective of this study is to provide a methodological framework for the evaluation of social interventions based on the idea of justice of Amartya Sen. For this, we first discuss the relations between development, justice, and evaluation. Thus, placing justice as a guiding ethical principle of the development of the proposed methodology, the second part of the work focuses on the discussion of the different notions of justice from which derive the normative criteria of justice. In the following part, these criteria are translated into epistemological methodological and evaluative tools needed to evaluation matrix. From the understanding of substantive and instrumental aspects of justice we have a notion of justice which the focus is on human life and freedom in an impartial, rational and objective way, considering the injustices present with their respective real human behaviors and existing institutions, ie actual social realizations. Given this view of justice it is analysed the main types of evaluation methods and it is constructed guidelines for the evaluation of social interventions based on criteria of justice.

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