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Cancel culture - amatörmässig rättvisa : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga vuxnas deltagande i internetfenomenet cancel culture på sociala medier / Cancel culture - amateur justice : A qualitative interview study on young adults’ participation in the internet phenomenon cancel culture on social mediaArvidsson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
One measure that groups of people have always taken is to ostracize the individuals who violate social norms. This is still going on today, even in digital form. Cancel culture is a prevailing internet phenomenon on social media where public figures are banned from influence after saying or performing a, according to the public, wrongful act. The phenomenon is, to say the least, debated and controversial but nevertheless lacks detailed scientific work. The purpose of this study is to investigate young adults' participation in cancel culture and to shed light on possible reasons why they maintain and conduct cancel culture on social media, which was carried out with the help of the main question: - How do young adults in Sweden reason about their participation in cancel culture on social media and why do they choose to participate? Through a qualitative interview survey, where eight respondents shared their experiences and opinions on their participation, conclusions could be drawn. The results showed that the interviewees' reasoning was positive in the sense that their participation had positive consequences for themselves and that they participate partly to show their position and thus be part of the group, and partly to command the justice that the judiciary has failed to do. / En åtgärd som grupper av människor alltid har vidtagit är att frysa ut de individer som bryter mot de sociala normerna. Detta pågår än idag, även i digital form. Cancel culture är ett rådande internetfenomen på sociala medier där offentliga personer blir bannlysta från inflytande efter att ha sagt eller utfört en, enligt allmänheten, felaktig handling. Fenomenet är minst sagt omdebatterat och kontroversiellt men saknar trots detta utförligt vetenskapligt arbete. Den här studien har i syfte att undersöka unga vuxnas medverkan i cancel culture samt belysa möjliga orsaker till varför de upprätthåller och bedriver cancel culture på sociala medier, vilket genomfördes med hjälp av huvudfrågeställningen: - Hur resonerar unga vuxna i Sverige kring sin medverkan i cancel culture på sociala medier och varför väljer de att delta? Genom en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning, där åtta respondenter berättade om sina upplevelser och åsikter kring sin medverkan, kunde slutsatser dras. Resultatet visade på att intervjupersonernas resonemang var positiva i den bemärkelsen att deras deltagande fick positiva konsekvenser för dem själva och att de medverkar dels för att visa sin ståndpunkt och därmed vara en del av gruppen, och dels för att själva skipa den rättvisa som rättsväsendet misslyckats med.
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[pt] O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a possibilidade de implementar o modelo de Contrato de Impacto Social no Brasil como uma nova ferramenta para aumen-tar a participação das mulheres empreendedoras no mercado. A implementação deste modelo poderia incentivar mecanismos de finanças sociais que visam facili-tar a entrada das mulheres no mercado. Consequentemente, isto trata de um tema maior, a desigualdade de gênero, reconhecendo os desafios que as empreendedo-ras enfrentam no meio dos negócios em comparação com seus colegas do sexo masculino. O desafio reside na institucionalização da desigualdade de gênero, presente na estrutura da sociedade. Analisando as soluções apresentadas neste artigo relacionadas à área de finanças sociais, concluo que este desafio pode ser combatido através da integração das economias locais com o mercado, diminuin-do e possivelmente erradicando os obstáculos que as mulheres empreendedoras enfrentam para participar do mercado de forma igualitária. / [en] The objective of this article is to demonstrate the possibility of implementing the Social Impact Bond model in Brazil, as a new tool in order to increase the participation of women entrepreneurs in the market. The implementation of this model involves the greater subject of gender inequality, recognizing the challenges that women entrepreneurs face in comparison with their male counterparts. The challenge resides in the institutionalization of gender inequality present within the structures of society. The alternatives presented in this article are related to the area of social finances. The challenge of gender inequality can be addressed through the integration of local economies in the greater market, diminishing and potentially eradicating the challenges that women entrepreneurs face in order to participate on an equal-level playing field.
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Characterizing community impacts of small dam removal : a case study of the Brownsville DamElston, Denise E. 09 June 2009 (has links)
Emerging river policy has launched small dam removal as a viable option to meet the ecological and social demands for river restoration. As small dam removals gain precedence as a policy tool in river restoration projects there exists a glaring gap in the social considerations, in particular how small dam removals may affect existing community conditions. In order to determine the community impacts that may result, a case study of the Brownsville Dam Removal, in Brownsville Oregon was investigated to address two questions: 1) how has the Brownsville Dam removal affected the social and economic conditions of the community and 2) what indicators can be used to characterize and monitor the impacts. Twenty-nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with four community affiliations: 1) Canal Company members; 2) Calapooia Watershed Council members; 3) City Officials; and 4) community residents. A participatory social impact assessment (SIA) approach was used to validate existing and/or emergent impacts and indicators. The semi-structured interviews assisted in the development of a matrix of impacts and indicators specific to small dam removal. The local impacts and indicators were operationalized and measured.
Findings suggest that the social and economic impacts when distributed across the community are minimal in this case of small dam removal. Because local data availability is limited, it was determined that the traditional social impact assessment framework can be vastly improved through the engagement of the community. This research further suggests that when collaboration is extended beyond a unidirectional flow of information (which is often the case in a traditional SIA), issues and concerns are open to deliberation in a non-threatening arena. The Calapooia Watershed Council served as the forum through which the residents of Brownsville were able to enhance their participation in decision making. This also contributed to a learning process that in the end furthered the community's understanding of the dynamic physical changes to the Calapooia River as well as their capacity to solve complex decisions. The case also demonstrated that collective learning is a reflective process of adjustment to the changing circumstances in which the community came to perceive, interpret, and act upon their interest. With a growing number of collaborative partnerships of watershed based management, distinguishable by their decentralized, participatory engagement of stakeholders, it may be likely that these place-based mechanisms will become the nexus to the successful coordination of small dam removal deliberation in the future. / Graduation date: 2010
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Fördröjningen till celiakidiagnos : En kvantitativ studie om sjukskrivning, vårdkonsumtion och social situation hos vuxna med celiaki före och efter diagnos. / The delay to coeliac diagnosis : A quantitative study of sick leave, health care use and social situation amongst adults with coeliac disease before and after diagnosis.Guldstrand, Maria, Rydström, Andreas January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund Celiaki är en autoimmun sjukdom som ger inflammation i tunntarmsslemhinnan vid intag av gluten. Symtom hos vuxna kan vara diffusa och därför svåra att koppla till celiaki. I Sverige är genomsnittstiden från första symtom till celiakidiagnos ungefär 10 år och det finns luckor i kunskapen om vilka konsekvenser fördröjningen till diagnos ger. Syfte Studiens syfte är att överblicka hur fördröjd diagnos av celiaki hos vuxna påverkar samhällets resurser, hur dessa individer upplever att symptomen påverkat deras sociala liv före och efter diagnos, samt om diagnostiken behöver effektiviseras. Metod I Sverige, september 2012, skickades en Internetbaserad enkät ut till 4337 medlemmar i Svenska Celiakiförbundet varav 611 kvarstod efter bortfall. Enkätens fokus var främst sjukfrånvaro, vårdkontakter och social påverkan p.g.a. symtom av celiaki. Enkäterna analyserades i SPSS (v.20.0) med p<0,05. Resultat Efter diagnos sjönk både sjukfrånvaro och vårdkontakter. Deltagarna undvek också sociala aktiviteter i mindre utsträckning och majoriteten upplevde förbättrad livskvalité. En stor del (39 %, n=238) uppgav att de fått diagnos först 10 år eller mer efter symtomdebut, varav majoriteten var äldre. Det var framför allt de som uppgav en fördröjning på fyra år eller mer från första symtom till diagnos som upplevde att deras livskvalité förbättrades av diagnosen. Slutsats Det är viktigt att celiakidiagnos ställs tidigt för att bespara kostnader som annars kommer av sjukfrånvaro och vårdkonsumtion, samt minska den negativa påverkan av symtom på det sociala livet och livskvalitén. Då mer än hälften av deltagarna i studien haft symtom i minst 5 år innan diagnos anser vi att åtgärder måste sättas in. Tidigare diagnos kräver antingen screening av befolkningen eller nya vårdplaner där diffusa symtom av celiaki uppmärksammas mer. Mer studier behövs för att avgöra vilken åtgärd som är mest hållbar. / Background Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease where gluten causes inflammation in the mucosa of the small intestine. Symptoms in adults may be vague and therefore difficult to associate with coeliac disease. In Sweden, the average delay from first symptom to diagnosis is about 10 years. There are gaps in the knowledge of the consequences of a delayed diagnose. Objective The purpose of this study is to review the effect of the delay of coeliac diagnosis among adults on society’s resources, how the symptoms may have affected these individuals social life and the need of improved diagnosis. Method In Sweden, September 2012, an online questionnaire was distributed to 4,337 members of the Swedish Coeliac Society of which 611 was included in the study. The survey focus was mainly sick leave, health care contacts and social impacts due to symptoms of coeliac disease. The questionnaires were analyzed in SPSS (v.20.0) with p<0,05. Results Both sick leave and health care contacts decreased after diagnosis. The participants also avoided social activities to a lower extent and the majority experienced an improved quality of life. A large proportion (39%, n=238) reported that diagnosis delayed at least 10 years from the onset of symptoms, the majority of whom were older than the average. It was mainly those who reported a long delay from first symptom to diagnosis who experienced an improvement in quality of life due to diagnosis. Conclusion Early diagnosis is important in order to reduce costs that would otherwise derive from health care consumption and sick leave. Early diagnosis would also reduce the negative impact of symptoms on social life and quality of life. Since the majority of the participants reported a delay of at least 5 years from onset of symptoms to diagnosis, we believe that it is necessary to take action. In order to diagnose individuals with coeliac disease at an earlier stage it is necessary to apply effective methods such as screening or new care plans with more attention on vague symptoms. To determine which method is most sustainable, more studies needs to be done.
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O lugar do social na avaliação de impacto ambiental: regulação pública no Brasil, avanços teóricos e desafios para o planejamento regional / The place of the social in the evaluation of environmental impact: public regulation in Brazil, theoretical advances and challenges for regional planningCarolino, Ariella Kreitlon 07 June 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tomou por objeto de estudo central a dimensão social (mais conhecida como \'componente antrópico\' ou \'componentes do meio socioeconômico\') consubstanciada na prática e no discurso de avaliação de impacto ambiental. Buscou-se analisar as ausências, lacunas, insuficiências, distorções e omissões ativas no trato dessa dimensão social, procurando compreendê-las como indícios da configuração momentânea das fronteiras do \'social\' na regulação ambiental de projetos no Brasil, enquanto construção histórica atravessada por interesses conflitantes entre os envolvidos nas disputas por hegemonia do campo ambiental, sem perder de vista seu diálogo com outros campos do espaço social, como o político e o econômico. Através dessa chave interpretativa, foi possível retomar as origens e características históricas que conformaram os sentidos dominantes de termos como \'meio ambiente\', \'impacto ambiental\' e \'atingido\' na regulação pública e na atividade de avaliação de impacto, subsumindo da equação os impactos e processos sociais relacionados à implantação de grandes projetos. A pesquisa argumenta, nesse sentido, que ao componente social tem sido atribuído um papel marginal, frágil e bastante delimitado espacial e temporalmente, corroborando com críticas históricas a este instrumento de planejamento. Diagnósticos empobrecidos, avaliações que escamoteiam a complexidade de impactos sociais cumulativos, indiretos e de segunda ordem (cujas marcas são o longo prazo, a fluidez das fronteiras espaciais, a imprevisibilidade, a intangibilidade e a dificuldade de valoração monetária) e medidas mitigadoras e compensatórias insuficientes são ilustrados empiricamente pela pesquisa, tomando o estudo de impacto ambiental de um projeto de anel rodoviário recente, situado no Litoral Norte do estado de São Paulo, como matéria-prima principal de análise. Aliado a uma metodologia investigativa, baseada no levantamento de documentos oficiais do processo licenciatório, a pesquisa procurou identificar os meandros, os mecanismos, as operações e os filtros que recolocam o \'social\' como parte subordinada da avaliação de impacto ambiental, dando pouquíssimo relevo a questões fundamentais, como: fluxos migratórios, crescimento demográfico, demanda adicional sobre infraestrutura e serviços urbanos, transformações da paisagem e novas configurações urbanas, mudança de perfil sociocultural e econômico em nível regional, etc. Em paralelo, após extensa revisão bibliográfica nacional e internacional na área de avaliação de impacto social (que serviu de embasamento teórico-conceitual à pesquisa), procurou-se averiguar em que medida as novas formulações discursivas emergentes, tanto no campo ambiental quanto no subcampo profissional da avaliação de impacto, nos últimos trinta anos, têm encontrado ressonância na prática da avaliação de impacto ambiental de projetos, no país - i.e., como têm sido apropriadas por agentes reguladores e consultores técnicos responsáveis pelos EIAs. Por fim, a pesquisa buscou tecer reflexões sobre as potencialidades e limitações inerentes à avaliação de impacto ambiental como instrumento de planejamento regional, integrado, democrático, fundado em princípios de equidade ambiental e no reconhecimento das demandas de grupos sociais atingidos. / The present study has focused on the social dimension (better known as \'anthropic component\' or \'components of the socioeconomic environment\'), based on the practice and discourse of environmental impact assessment. It sought to analyze the absences, gaps, inadequacies, distortions and omissions that are active in the treatment of this social dimension, seeking to understand them as signs of the momentary configuration of the boundaries of the \'social\' in the environmental regulation of projects in Brazil, as a historical construction crossed by interests Conflict between those involved in environmental hegemony disputes, without losing sight of their dialogue with other fields of social space, such as political and economic. Through this interpretive key, it was possible to return to the origins and historical characteristics that conformed the dominant meanings of terms such as \'environment\', \'environmental impact\' and \'reached\' in public regulation and impact assessment activity, subsuming impacts And social processes related to the implementation of large projects. The research argues, in this sense, that the social component has been assigned a marginal, fragile and quite delimited spatial and temporal role, corroborating historical criticism of this planning instrument. Impoverished diagnostics, assessments that eschew the complexity of cumulative, indirect and second-order social impacts (whose long-term marks, fluidity of spatial boundaries, unpredictability, intangibility and difficulty in monetary valuation) and insufficient mitigating and compensatory measures Are empirically illustrated by the survey, taking the environmental impact study of a recent road ring project, located in the North Coast of the state of São Paulo, as the main raw material for analysis. In addition to an investigative methodology, based on the collection of official documents of the licensing process, the research sought to identify the meanders, mechanisms, operations and filters that replace the \'social\' as a subordinate part of the environmental impact assessment, giving very little emphasis to Such as: migration flows, population growth, additional demand on infrastructure and urban services, landscape transformations and new urban configurations, socio-cultural and economic profile change at the regional level, etc. In parallel, after extensive national and international literature review in the area of social impact assessment (which served as a theoretical-conceptual basis for research), it was sought to determine to what extent new emerging discursive formulations, both in the environmental field and in the professional subfield Of the impact assessment over the last thirty years have found resonance in the practice of assessing the environmental impact of projects in the country - ie as they have been appropriated by regulators and technical consultants responsible for EIAs. Finally, the research sought to reflect on the potentialities and limitations inherent to environmental impact assessment as a regional, integrated, democratic planning tool based on principles of environmental equity and the recognition of the demands of affected social groups.
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Negócios de impacto social e inovação social: contribuições para a revolução da longevidadeFreitas, Fernanda Cardoso Romão 06 September 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-09-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Social Impact Business (NIS) is growing in different parts of the world and Social Innovation (IS) emerges as an alternative to create innovative solutions in an inclusive way. There is evidence that Social Innovation can become important to economic and social growth. Such is due to the fact that we are experiencing transformative challenges such as Longevity Revolution, which is occurring in Brazil and in different parts of the world and requires innovative initiatives to meet new needs resulting from this transformation. In the literature review, there were identified some gaps in the field, such as: few empirical studies about Social Impact Business and Social Innovation and inexistence of studies on NIS and IS for the challenge of longevity increase. Then, from this gap and knowing that in the near future a big part of the population will be elder, we come to the question of this research: How can Social Impact Business and Social Innovation propose solutions to overcome the challenge of increasing longevity? The proposal of this research is to illustrate how Social Impact Business and Social Innovations can bring solutions to this challenge. The methodological procedures followed a qualitative and exploratory approach with interviews to obtain of evidence source. The process of data analysis was done with the help of ATLAS.ti software, based on coding technique. The results of this research show that the main challenge of the Longevity Revolution is prejudice. Other fifteen challenges were evidenced in this research. The greatest contribution in social outcome by the companies participating in this research is the possibility of social existence. This social result contributes strongly to two of the four pillars of Active Aging, which are important elements in response to the Longevity Revolution / Os Negócios de Impacto Social (NIS) estão em crescimento em diferentes partes do globo e a Inovação Social (IS) surge como uma alternativa para criar soluções inovadoras de forma inclusiva. Hoje, há indícios de que a IS pode se tornar fundamental para o crescimento econômico e social. Isto se deve ao fato de estarmos vivenciando desafios transformadores como a Revolução da Longevidade, que está ocorrendo no Brasil e no mundo e requer iniciativas inovadoras para atender às novas necessidades decorrentes desta transformação. Foram identificadas, por meio da revisão de literatura, algumas lacunas no campo, tais como: poucos estudos empíricos sobre NIS e IS e ausência de estudos sobre NIS e IS para a questão Revolução da Longevidade. A partir destas lacunas, e tendo em vista que, em um futuro próximo, grande parte da população será idosa, chegamos à questão desta pesquisa: como os NISe as Inovações Sociais podem trazer soluções para superar o desafio da crescente longevidade da população? O objetivo desta pesquisa é, portanto, ilustrar como os NIS e as IS podem trazer soluções para o desafio da crescente longevidade da população. Os procedimentos metodológicos adotados seguiram uma abordagem qualitativa e exploratória, com aplicação de entrevistas em profundidade como fonte de dados e evidências. O processo de análise dos dados foi feito com auxílio do software ATLAS.ti e com base na técnica de codificação. Os resultados revelaram quinze principais desafios da Revolução da Longevidade, sendo o preconceito o maior entre eles. Já a maior contribuição em resultado social oferecido pelas empresas participantes desta pesquisa é a possibilidade de existência social. Tal resultado social contribui fortemente com dois dos quatro pilares do Envelhecimento Ativo, resposta da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para a Revolução da Longevidade
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Furthering national development through sport, the case of Qatar / Poursuivre le développement national par le sport, le cas du QatarIshac, Wadih 27 June 2018 (has links)
Lorsque nous parlons de relations internationales, nous parlons généralement de diplomatie et d'investissement, Le sport peut être utilisé comme outil pour améliorer la diplomatie entre les pays, ainsi que pour développer les intérêts économiques et sociaux. De plus, le sport occupe une place importante dans le repositionnement de l'image d'une nation, tout en améliorant le processus d'intégration des jeunes générations dans le monde. L'un des principaux intérêts, du point de vue du gouvernement, est de créer un lien affectif positif avec la nation hôte de l’évènement sportif. Ce qu'on appelle le soft power. Le but de ce travail est d'explorer certaines des façons dont le sport est utilisé pour générer ce pouvoir, et comment il peut contribuer à générer du contrôle ou à provoquer de l'influence, en se concentrant sur l'État du Qatar. Ce travail est séparé en trois parties principales. Je présente d'abord le développement du sport et la manière dont les événements sportifs ont été utilisés par différents pays et régimes politiques, ainsi que l'impact généré. Deuxièmement, j'essaie de comprendre l'impact généré par l'investissement du Qatar dans l'équipe de football française du Paris Saint-Germain. Et troisièmement, en mesurant l'impact socio-psychologique généré par la jeune génération en organisant des événements sportifs internationaux, le cas du championnat du monde de handball 2015. Ce travail vise à clarifier comment un tel investissement est perçu comme une opportunité de développement au sein de la société, et d'améliorer la diplomatie. En se concentrant sur l'évolution dont le sport est utilisé comme un outil important dans le processus de socialisation des jeunes dans la société mondiale. Sur la base de mes recherches, le résultat de l'investissement dans le Paris Saint-Germain était une situation «gagnant-gagnant» entre la France et le Qatar sur le plan social, économique et politique. De plus, l'utilisation des événements sportifs a eu un impact émotionnel positif, faisant admirer aux résidents la vision du gouvernement. La jeune génération, quelle que soit sa nationalité, a une vision positive des efforts du gouvernement pour s'améliorer et se développer. La vision du gouvernement du Qatar était saillante pour la jeune génération au Qatar. / When we mention international relations, we generally talk about diplomacy and investment, but there are other ways of promoting the interests of a government on the international stage. Sport can be used as tool to improve diplomacy between countries, as well as developing economic and social interests. Additionally, sport takes an important place in shaping the image of a nation, while it improves the integration process of young generations into the world. One of the main interests, from a government perspective, in the use of sport, is to generate a positive emotional connection to a host nation - what is known as soft power. The aim of this work is to explore some of the ways in which sport is used to generate this power, and how it can provide a type of control or influence. Specifically, it will focus on the State of Qatar. This work is separated to three main parts. First I present the development of sport and the way sport events were used by different countries and political regimes, and the impact generated. Second, I try to understand the impact generated from Qatar investment in the French football team Paris Saint-Germain. And third, I measured the socio-psychological impact generated on the young generation from hosting international sport events, as in the case of the Handball World championship 2015.This work sets to clarify how allowing such investment is perceived as an opportunity for development within the society, and to improve diplomacy. Additionally, focussing on the young generation allows me to study the evolution of how sport is an important tool in the process of socialization of young people into global society. Based on my research, I argue that the result of the Paris Saint-Germain investment was a "win-win" situation between France and Qatar on the social, economic, and political level. Also, using sport events generated positive emotional impact, making the residents admire the vision of the government. The young generation, regardless nationality has a positive view of government efforts to improve and develop itself - the Qatari government's vision was salient to the young generation in Qatar.
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Simulation-based impact analysis for sustainable manufacturing design and managementGbededo, Mijoh Ayodele January 2018 (has links)
This research focuses on effective decision-making for sustainable manufacturing design and management. The research contributes to the decision-making tools that can enable sustainability analysts to capture the aspects of the economic, environmental and social dimensions into a common framework. The framework will enable the practitioners to conduct a sustainability impact analysis of a real or proposed manufacturing system and use the outcome to support sustainability decision. In the past, the industries had focused more on the economic aspects in gaining and sustaining their competitive positions; this has changed in the recent years following the Brundtland report which centred on incorporating the sustainability of the future generations into our decision for meeting today's needs (Brundtland, 1987). The government regulations and legislation, coupled with the changes in consumers' preference for ethical and environmentally friendly products are other factors that are challenging and changing the way companies, and organisations perceive and drive their competitive goals (Gu et al., 2015). Another challenge is the lack of adequate tools to address the dynamism of the manufacturing environment and the need to balance the business' competitive goal with sustainability requirements. The launch of the Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis (LCSA) framework further emphasised the needs for the integration and analysis of the interdependencies of the three dimensions for effective decision-making and the control of unintended consequences (UNEP, 2011). Various studies have also demonstrated the importance of interdependence impact analysis and integration of the three sustainability dimensions of the product, process and system levels of sustainability (Jayal et al., 2010; Valdivia et al., 2013; Eastwood and Haapala, 2015). Although there are tools capable of assessing the performance of either one or two of the three sustainability dimensions, the tools have not adequately integrated the three dimensions or address the holistic sustainability issues. Hence, this research proposes an approach to provide a solution for successful interdependence impact analysis and trade-off amongst the three sustainability dimensions and enable support for effective decision-making in a manufacturing environment. This novel approach explores and integrates the concepts and principles of the existing sustainability methodologies and frameworks and the simulation modelling construction process into a common descriptive framework for process level assessment. The thesis deploys Delphi study to verify and validate the descriptive framework and demonstrates its applicability in a case study of a real manufacturing system. The results of the research demonstrate the completeness, conciseness, correctness, clarity and applicability of the descriptive framework. Thus, the outcome of this research is a simulation-based impact analysis framework which provides a new way for sustainability practitioners to build an integrated and holistic computer simulation model of a real system, capable of assessing both production and sustainability performance of a dynamic manufacturing system.
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A identidade do empreendedor socialSilva, Daniel Branchini da 20 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-20 / The word entrepreneur, which comes from the French entrepreneur, means the one
that takes in hands , and it was originally coined by economists such as Jean-Baptiste
Say around 1800 to describe the individual that transfers economic resources from a
sector of lower productivity to a higher and more profitable one. Later, in the 20th
Century, Joseph Schumpeter adds the perspective of innovation as an essential feature,
showing that the entrepreneur is the one who promotes a true destruction of the
economic order by the introduction of new products and services. Such background
reveals how much the word entrepreneur still preserves these features even today, for
now it is being used to describe somebody who identifies opportunities, takes risks and
makes things happen. In the last three decades, in a context marked by the State s social
welfare bankruptcy and by the strengthening of the companies, the word social
entrepreneur has appeared to outline the action of a specific type of entrepreneur who
works in favor of the collectivity, searching for innovative solutions to emergent
demands in areas such as education, health, environment, job and income generation,
advocacy and other similar causes, aiming to promote systemic social changes in a
sustainable perspective. Therefore, the objective of this research was to investigate the
identity of this social entrepreneur, considering his historical roots, ideals and
achievements in order to find out if there was an effective emancipation movement
towards a post-conventional identity on his part. Thus, seven half-controlled interviews
were carried out with individuals formally recognized as social entrepreneurs, whose
life histories revealed that most of them continue playing the conventional role labeled
by society, but that some have already been anticipating a movement that could indicate
a new role to arise soon. Amongst the newly identified characters, one of them seems
more like a regulating agent , whose cause involves the normatization of the system,
and the other one seems like an emancipatory activist , whose cause is to give voice to
the population segments that are ignored by society, stimulating the community itself to
obtain its own emancipation / O termo empreendedor, derivado do francês entrepreneur, que significa aquele que
toma em mãos , foi originalmente cunhado por economistas como Jean-Baptiste Say,
em torno de 1800, para descrever o indivíduo que transfere recursos econômicos de um
setor de menor produtividade para outro mais elevado e de maior rendimento. Mais
tarde, no século XX, Joseph Schumpeter acrescenta a dimensão da inovação como
característica essencial, mostrando que o empreendedor é aquele que promove uma
verdadeira destruição da ordem econômica por meio da introdução de novos produtos e
serviços. Tal histórico revela o quanto ainda hoje o termo empreendedor preserva
essas características, por ser utilizado para descrever alguém que identifica
oportunidades, assume riscos e faz acontecer. Nas últimas três décadas, em um contexto
pautado pela falência do Estado do bem-estar social e pelo fortalecimento das empresas,
o termo empreendedor social surge para delimitar a atuação de um tipo específico de
empreendedor que age em prol da coletividade, buscando soluções inovadoras para
demandas emergentes em áreas como educação, saúde, meio-ambiente, geração de
emprego e renda, defesa de direitos e outras causas similares, com a pretensão de
promover transformações sociais sistêmicas, em uma perspectiva sustentável. Portanto,
o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi investigar a identidade deste empreendedor social,
considerando suas raízes históricas, ideais e realizações, com o propósito de descobrir
se havia por parte dele um efetivo movimento emancipatório em direção a uma
identidade pós-convencional. Para tal, foram feitas entrevistas semi-dirigidas com sete
sujeitos caracterizados formalmente como empreendedores sociais, cujas histórias de
vida revelaram que a maioria deles continua desempenhando o papel convencionalizado
pela sociedade, mas que alguns já estão antecipando um movimento que pode indicar
uma mudança de papel em breve. Dentre as novas personagens encontradas, uma se
assemelha mais a um agente regulador , cuja causa envolve a normatização do
sistema e outra a um ativista emancipatório cuja causa é dar voz a segmentos da
população que não são ouvidos, incentivando que a própria comunidade consiga se
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O lugar do social na avaliação de impacto ambiental: regulação pública no Brasil, avanços teóricos e desafios para o planejamento regional / The place of the social in the evaluation of environmental impact: public regulation in Brazil, theoretical advances and challenges for regional planningAriella Kreitlon Carolino 07 June 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tomou por objeto de estudo central a dimensão social (mais conhecida como \'componente antrópico\' ou \'componentes do meio socioeconômico\') consubstanciada na prática e no discurso de avaliação de impacto ambiental. Buscou-se analisar as ausências, lacunas, insuficiências, distorções e omissões ativas no trato dessa dimensão social, procurando compreendê-las como indícios da configuração momentânea das fronteiras do \'social\' na regulação ambiental de projetos no Brasil, enquanto construção histórica atravessada por interesses conflitantes entre os envolvidos nas disputas por hegemonia do campo ambiental, sem perder de vista seu diálogo com outros campos do espaço social, como o político e o econômico. Através dessa chave interpretativa, foi possível retomar as origens e características históricas que conformaram os sentidos dominantes de termos como \'meio ambiente\', \'impacto ambiental\' e \'atingido\' na regulação pública e na atividade de avaliação de impacto, subsumindo da equação os impactos e processos sociais relacionados à implantação de grandes projetos. A pesquisa argumenta, nesse sentido, que ao componente social tem sido atribuído um papel marginal, frágil e bastante delimitado espacial e temporalmente, corroborando com críticas históricas a este instrumento de planejamento. Diagnósticos empobrecidos, avaliações que escamoteiam a complexidade de impactos sociais cumulativos, indiretos e de segunda ordem (cujas marcas são o longo prazo, a fluidez das fronteiras espaciais, a imprevisibilidade, a intangibilidade e a dificuldade de valoração monetária) e medidas mitigadoras e compensatórias insuficientes são ilustrados empiricamente pela pesquisa, tomando o estudo de impacto ambiental de um projeto de anel rodoviário recente, situado no Litoral Norte do estado de São Paulo, como matéria-prima principal de análise. Aliado a uma metodologia investigativa, baseada no levantamento de documentos oficiais do processo licenciatório, a pesquisa procurou identificar os meandros, os mecanismos, as operações e os filtros que recolocam o \'social\' como parte subordinada da avaliação de impacto ambiental, dando pouquíssimo relevo a questões fundamentais, como: fluxos migratórios, crescimento demográfico, demanda adicional sobre infraestrutura e serviços urbanos, transformações da paisagem e novas configurações urbanas, mudança de perfil sociocultural e econômico em nível regional, etc. Em paralelo, após extensa revisão bibliográfica nacional e internacional na área de avaliação de impacto social (que serviu de embasamento teórico-conceitual à pesquisa), procurou-se averiguar em que medida as novas formulações discursivas emergentes, tanto no campo ambiental quanto no subcampo profissional da avaliação de impacto, nos últimos trinta anos, têm encontrado ressonância na prática da avaliação de impacto ambiental de projetos, no país - i.e., como têm sido apropriadas por agentes reguladores e consultores técnicos responsáveis pelos EIAs. Por fim, a pesquisa buscou tecer reflexões sobre as potencialidades e limitações inerentes à avaliação de impacto ambiental como instrumento de planejamento regional, integrado, democrático, fundado em princípios de equidade ambiental e no reconhecimento das demandas de grupos sociais atingidos. / The present study has focused on the social dimension (better known as \'anthropic component\' or \'components of the socioeconomic environment\'), based on the practice and discourse of environmental impact assessment. It sought to analyze the absences, gaps, inadequacies, distortions and omissions that are active in the treatment of this social dimension, seeking to understand them as signs of the momentary configuration of the boundaries of the \'social\' in the environmental regulation of projects in Brazil, as a historical construction crossed by interests Conflict between those involved in environmental hegemony disputes, without losing sight of their dialogue with other fields of social space, such as political and economic. Through this interpretive key, it was possible to return to the origins and historical characteristics that conformed the dominant meanings of terms such as \'environment\', \'environmental impact\' and \'reached\' in public regulation and impact assessment activity, subsuming impacts And social processes related to the implementation of large projects. The research argues, in this sense, that the social component has been assigned a marginal, fragile and quite delimited spatial and temporal role, corroborating historical criticism of this planning instrument. Impoverished diagnostics, assessments that eschew the complexity of cumulative, indirect and second-order social impacts (whose long-term marks, fluidity of spatial boundaries, unpredictability, intangibility and difficulty in monetary valuation) and insufficient mitigating and compensatory measures Are empirically illustrated by the survey, taking the environmental impact study of a recent road ring project, located in the North Coast of the state of São Paulo, as the main raw material for analysis. In addition to an investigative methodology, based on the collection of official documents of the licensing process, the research sought to identify the meanders, mechanisms, operations and filters that replace the \'social\' as a subordinate part of the environmental impact assessment, giving very little emphasis to Such as: migration flows, population growth, additional demand on infrastructure and urban services, landscape transformations and new urban configurations, socio-cultural and economic profile change at the regional level, etc. In parallel, after extensive national and international literature review in the area of social impact assessment (which served as a theoretical-conceptual basis for research), it was sought to determine to what extent new emerging discursive formulations, both in the environmental field and in the professional subfield Of the impact assessment over the last thirty years have found resonance in the practice of assessing the environmental impact of projects in the country - ie as they have been appropriated by regulators and technical consultants responsible for EIAs. Finally, the research sought to reflect on the potentialities and limitations inherent to environmental impact assessment as a regional, integrated, democratic planning tool based on principles of environmental equity and the recognition of the demands of affected social groups.
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