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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SALUFFA – esponjas para el cuidado de la piel

Anaya Medina, Fiorella, Coral Sartori, Pamela Sandy, Cruzado Hernandez, Bryan Kevin, Pizarro Sayán, Fiorela Milagros, Vivas Cubas, Diana María 02 February 2021 (has links)
Nuestro proyecto se genera a partir de una preocupación que afecta a muchas personas en el mundo, el uso de plásticos para la elaboración de artículos de cuidado personal y la escasa ayuda a las organizaciones comunitarias a partir de un modelo de negocio. Es por ello, que la idea de negocio se genera a partir de esas dos necesidades. Este proyecto se divide en dos etapas fundamentales; la validación del problema y la solución propuesta. Hoy en día las personas no tienen conciencia en el impacto del uso de artículos de cuidado personal que son hechos a base de plásticos, ya que no cuentan con un conocimiento de los productos biodegradables que existen en el mercado. Sin embargo, cuando se deciden a comprar productos biodegradables no suelen ser constantes en sus compras; ya que no saben del todo sus beneficios que tienen y el valor agregado que podría tener su contribución mediante la compra. Es aquí donde Saluffa decide apostar por las esponjas biodegradables que son producidas en la región de Ancash por la Organización Matto Grosso para presentarlas en un kit de esponjas que cuentan con tres presentaciones y ser comercializadas en Lima Metropolitana. En la primera etapa, se realizaron entrevistas a nuestro público objetivo y expertos con la finalidad de obtener información relevante para nuestro problema. En la segunda etapa, se realizó nuestro modelo de negocio para determinar si es que nuestro proyecto resultaría viable. Nuestro diferencial de producto son los múltiples beneficios que tiene y el valor agregado que es la contribución monetaria a la OMG, mediante el contrato de exclusividad para la comercialización de las luffas. Las proyecciones indican que bajo una tasa de descuento de %, lograremos un VAN de S/.41,162 soles con una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) de % en un periodo de recupero de la inversión de años por lo cual nuestro proyecto sería viable en cuanto a inversión. / Our project is generated from a concern that affects many people in the world, the use of plastic to produce personal care items and a little help to community organizations based on a business model. That is why the business idea is generated from these two needs. This project is divided into two fundamental stages: the validation of the problem and the proposed solution. Today people are not aware of the impact of the use of personal care items that are made from plastic, since they do not have a knowledge of the biodegradable products that exist in the market. However, when they decide to buy biodegradable products, they are not usually constant in their buying; since they do not fully know their benefits and the added value that their contribution and could have through the purchase. It is here where Saluffa decides to invest in the biodegradable sponges that are produced in the Ancash region by Matto Grosso Organization to present them in a sponge kit that have three presentations and be marketed in modern Lima. In the first stage, interviews were conducted with our target audience and expert to obtain relevant information for our problem. In the first stage, interviews were conducted with our target audience and expert to obtain relevant information for our problem. In the second stage, our business model was carried out to determine if our project would be viable. Our product differential is the multiple benefits it has and the added value that is the monetary contribution to the OMG, through the exclusive contract for the commercialization of the luffas. The projections indicate that under a discount rate of %, we will achieve a VAN of S/.41,162 soles with an internal rate of return (IRR) of % in a period of recovery of investment of years for which our project would be viable as investment. / Trabajo de investigación

Beyond Klout: A Qualitative Exploration of Influence, Online or Offline

Williams, Sean David 23 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Life Cycle Optimization Analysis of Bridge Sustainable Development

Zhou, Zhiwu 21 February 2023 (has links)
[ES] En el núcleo de la industria mundial de la construcción radica el uso excesivo de materiales, especialmente de combustibles fósiles. En esta línea de investigación, muchos investigadores y diseñadores han reducido significativamente la proporción de materiales y han minimizado la cantidad destinada al diseño en función de los criterios de investigación y las especificaciones de diseño. Teniendo en cuenta que las medidas anteriores pueden reducir los materiales de manera efectiva, es necesario investigar más a fondo algunas cuestiones: a) ¿En qué etapas del ciclo de vida de los materiales de construcción se consumen más? b) ¿Cómo utilizar el método científico más adecuado para reducir el consumo de materiales en la fase de mayor uso? c) ¿Cómo completar científicamente la evaluación de la optimización del consumo de materiales bajo la influencia de la superación de muchos eventos discretos y factores de influencia externos durante la etapa de diseño? d) En la fase de construcción, ¿cómo optimizar al máximo el proceso de gestión del proyecto y lograr el mayor ahorro de material para garantizar la calidad, la seguridad y el coste? e) ¿Cuánto material se puede ahorrar mediante la optimización del diseño y la gestión del proyecto? f) ¿Cuál es el impacto final del sistema teórico de investigación y de los datos de análisis mencionados en el desarrollo sostenible de la industria de la construcción? Al examinar publicaciones relevantes sobre el ciclo de vida completo de la industria de la construcción (Capítulo 2), la tesis encontró que las etapas de diseño y construcción son clave para reducir efectivamente el consumo de materiales. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es resolver los problemas de optimización propuestos. Mediante el establecimiento de un marco de modelo de investigación multidimensional y un modelo de optimización de gestión de proyectos sistemático, la tesis reduce el peso de varios componentes estructurales del puente estáticamente indeterminado y realiza la optimización ligera de la estructura del puente. La tesis establece varios modelos teóricos básicos de innovación en el marco del modelo de investigación: el modelo de acoplamiento bibliométrico, el modelo matemático ComplexPlot; el modelo matemático integral multifactorial; el modelo de optimización de acoplamiento micro y macrodimensional de elementos finitos, y el modelo de evaluación de optimización de la gestión de proyectos dominó del método de la entropía. El sistema de investigación teórica supera la interferencia de la discreción del objeto de investigación, la complejidad y los factores de influencia inciertos y realiza la solidez de la evaluación y la mejora. El sistema de investigación teórica supera la interferencia de la discreción del objeto de investigación, la complejidad y los factores de influencia inciertos y consigue la solidez de la evaluación y la mejora. Asimismo, mejora ampliamente la resistencia del modelo a los factores naturales, humanos, accidentales e inciertos y el problema de la interferencia externa de las emergencias. Por último, el sistema formó un conjunto completo de sistemas de modelos de optimización de prevención y control conjuntos maduros y alcanzó los objetivos y enfoques de la investigación. El valor de la investigación de esta tesis: a) llena el vacío de la investigación en este campo. b) innova en una variedad de nuevos modelos teóricos de investigación. c) resuelve los problemas de discreción, incertidumbre e interferencia de factores externos en la optimización de la topología y la optimización de la gestión de proyectos. Las interferencias de los factores externos de mutación y la sensibilidad de las emergencias se compensan y corrigen. d) La investigación mejora la captura de datos discretos y la escasez de compensación del sistema de análisis de software Monte Carlo. / [CA] En el nucli de la indústria mundial de la construcció radica l'ús excessiu de materials, especialment de combustibles fòssils. En aquesta línia d'investigació, molts investigadors i dissenyadors han reduït significativament la proporció de materials i han minimitzat la quantitat destinada al disseny en funció dels criteris d'investigació i les especificacions de disseny. Tenint en compte que les mesures anteriors poden reduir els materials de manera efectiva, és necessari investigar més a fons algunes qüestions: a) En quines etapes del cicle de vida dels materials de construcció es consumeixen més? b) Com utilitzar el mètode científic més adequat per a reduir el consum de materials en la fase de major ús? c) Com completar científicament l'avaluació de l'optimització del consum de materials sota la influència de la superació de molts esdeveniments discrets i factors d'influència externs durant l'etapa de disseny? d) En la fase de construcció, com optimitzar al màxim el procés de gestió del projecte i aconseguir el major estalvi de material per a garantir la qualitat, la seguretat i el cost? e) Quant material es pot estalviar mitjançant l'optimització del disseny i la gestió del projecte? f) Quin és l'impacte final del sistema teòric d'investigació i de les dades d'anàlisis esmentades en el desenvolupament sostenible de la indústria de la construcció? En examinar publicacions rellevants sobre el cicle de vida complet de la indústria de la construcció (Capítol 2), la tesi va trobar que les etapes de disseny i construcció són clau per a reduir efectivament el consum de materials. L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és resoldre els problemes d'optimització proposats. Mitjançant l'establiment d'un marc de model d'investigació multidimensional i un model d'optimització de gestió de projectes sistemàtic, la tesi redueix el pes de diversos components estructurals del pont estàticament indeterminat i realitza l'optimització lleugera de l'estructura del pont. La tesi estableix diversos models teòrics bàsics d'innovació en el marc del model d'investigació: el model d'acoblament bibliomètric, el model matemàtic ComplexPlot; el model matemàtic integral multifactorial; el model d'optimització d'acoblament micro i macrodimensional d'elements finits, i el model d'avaluació d'optimització de la gestió de projectes va dominar del mètode de l'entropia. El sistema d'investigació teòrica supera la interferència de la discreció de l'objecte d'investigació, la complexitat i els factors d'influència incerts i realitza la solidesa de l'avaluació i la millora. El sistema d'investigació teòrica supera la interferència de la discreció de l'objecte d'investigació, la complexitat i els factors d'influència incerts i aconsegueix la solidesa de l'avaluació i la millora. Així mateix, millora àmpliament la resistència del model als factors naturals, humans, accidentals i incerts i el problema de la interferència externa de les emergències. Finalment, el sistema va formar un conjunt complet de sistemes de models d'optimització de prevenció i control conjunts madurs i va aconseguir els objectius i enfocaments de la investigació. El valor de la investigació d'aquesta tesi: a) ompli el buit de la investigació en aquest camp. b) innova en una varietat de nous models teòrics d'investigació. c) resol els problemes de discreció, incertesa i interferència de factors externs en l'optimització de la topologia i l'optimització de la gestió de projectes. Les interferències dels factors externs de mutació i la sensibilitat de les emergències es compensen i corregeixen. d) La investigació millora la captura de dades discretes i l'escassetat de compensació del sistema d'anàlisi de programari Muntanya Carlo. / [EN] At the heart of the global construction industry is the overuse of materials, especially non-renewable fossil energy raw materials. In this research direction, many researchers and designers have significantly reduced the proportion of materials and minimized the amount of design within the scope of research ideas and design specifications. Given whether the above measures can effectively reduce materials, several questions need to be further studied: a) In which stages of the life cycle of building materials are consumed more? b) How to use the most compelling scientific method to reduce the consumption of materials at the stage where materials are used the most? c) How to scientifically complete the material consumption optimization evaluation in the design stage under the influence of overcoming many discrete events and external influencing factors? d) In the construction stage, how to optimize the project management process to the greatest extent and achieve the most excellent material saving to ensure quality, safety and cost? e) How much material can be saved through design and project management optimization? f) What are the ultimate impact of the above research theoretical system and analysis data on the sustainable development of the construction industry? Through the investigation of relevant publications on the whole life cycle of the construction industry (chapter 2), the thesis finds that the design and construction stages are the key to effectively reducing material consumption. The main goal of this thesis is to solve the proposed optimization problems. By establishing a multi-dimensional research model framework and a systematic project management optimization model, the thesis reduces the weight of various components of the statically indeterminate bridge structure and realizes the lightweight optimization of the bridge structure. The thesis establishes several core theoretical innovation models in the research model framework: the bibliometric coupling model, ComplexPlot mathematical model; the multi-factor integral mathematical model; the multi-dimensional finite element micro and macro coupling optimization model, and the entropy weight method domino project management optimization evaluation model. The theoretical research system overcomes the interference of the research object's discreteness, complexity, and uncertain influencing factors and realizes the robustness of evaluation and improvement. It comprehensively improves the model's resistance to natural, human, accidental, and uncertain factors and the external interference problem of emergencies. Ultimately, the system formed a complete set of mature joint prevention and control optimization model systems and realized the research goals and paradigms. The research value of this thesis: a) fills the research gap in this field. b) innovates a variety of new theoretical research models. c) solves the problems of discreteness, uncertainty, and external factor interference in topology optimization and project management optimization. Compensation and correction are made for the interference of external mutation factors and the sensitivity of emergencies. d) The research improves the Monte Carlo software analysis system's discrete data capture and compensation shortage. In this thesis, various types of advanced project management methods and advanced construction schemes are applied in the case study, which provides a rich reference value for optimizing statically indeterminate bridges of the same type. For readers without extensive practical experience, there are some difficulties in understanding and applying the model. The reader needs to think carefully in combination with the case, which is also the insufficiency of this thesis. / This research was supported by grants from ”BIA2017-85098-R” and “PID2020-117056RB-I00”. / Zhou, Z. (2023). Life Cycle Optimization Analysis of Bridge Sustainable Development [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191959

Santé reproductive et santé mentale des femmes qui ont subi la violence sexuelle en temps de conflit armé : cas de la République Démocratique du Congo

Dossa, Nissou Ines 12 1900 (has links)
Problématique : Depuis bientôt deux décennies, la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) est le territoire d’un conflit armé qui, selon l’International Rescue Commite, aurait occasionné plus de 3 millions de décès et autant de déplacés internes. Plusieurs rapports font également cas des nombreux actes de violence sexuelle (les viols, les mutilations, l’esclavage, l’exploitation sexuelle, etc.) commis envers les filles, les femmes et dans une moindre ampleur les hommes. S’il existe un consensus sur le côté barbare des actes de violence sexuelle liés aux conflits armés, rares sont les études qui ont évalué leurs conséquences sur la santé reproductive des survivantes surtout en termes d’issues telles que les fistules, les douleurs pelviennes chroniques (DPC), le désir de rapports sexuels, le désir d’enfant et le désir d’interruption de la grossesse issue de tels actes. Par ailleurs, même si la santé mentale des populations en zones de conflit représente un sujet d’intérêt, l’impact spécifique de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé mentale des survivantes a été peu étudié. De plus, ces travaux s’intéressent aux effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé mentale et sur la santé reproductive séparément et ce, sans évaluer les relations qui peuvent exister entre ces deux dimensions qui, pourtant, s’influencent mutuellement. Aussi, l’impact social de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit, ainsi que la contribution des normes socioculturelles aux difficultés que rencontrent les survivantes, a été peu étudié. Pourtant, l’impact social de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit peut permettre de mieux comprendre comment l’expérience d’un tel acte peut affecter la santé mentale. Enfin, aucune étude n’a évalué les effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit en la comparant à la violence sexuelle non liée au conflit (VSNLC). Pourtant, il est reconnu qu’à de nombreux égards, la violence sexuelle liée au conflit est bien différente de la VSNLC puisqu’elle est perpétrée avec l’intention de créer le maximum d’effets adverses pour la victime et sa communauté. Objectifs : Les objectifs poursuivis dans cette thèse visent à : 1) évaluer les effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé reproductive; 2) évaluer les effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé mentale en termes de sévérité des symptômes de stress posttraumatique (PTSD), de sévérité des symptômes de détresse psychologique et de probabilité de souffrir de troubles mentaux communs (TMC); 3) évaluer la contribution des troubles physiques de santé reproductive, en particulier les fistules et les douleurs pelviennes chroniques (DPC), aux effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur la santé mentale; 4) évaluer la contribution de l’état de santé mentale aux effets de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur le désir de rapports sexuels et le désir d’enfant; et 5) étudier l’impact de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sur le plan social ainsi que la contribution des normes socioculturelles à ses effets adverses et la façon dont ces effets pourraient à leur tour influencer la santé des femmes et leur relation avec l’enfant issu de l’acte de violence sexuelle subi. Méthodologie : Un devis mixte de nature convergente a permis de collecter des données quantitatives auprès de l’ensemble des participantes (étude transversale) et des données qualitatives sur un nombre plus restreint de femmes (étude phénoménologique). Une étude transversale populationnelle a été conduite entre juillet et août 2012 auprès de 320 femmes âgées de 15 à 45 ans habitant quatre (4) quartiers de la ville de Goma située dans la province du Nord-Kivu en RDC. Les femmes ont été recrutées à travers des annonces faites par les responsables des programmes d’alphabétisation et de résolution de conflits implantés dans les différents quartiers par le Collectif Alpha Ujuvi, une ONG locale. Les issues de santé reproductive évaluées sont : les fistules, les DPC, le désir de rapports sexuels, le désir d’enfant et le désir d’interruption de la grossesse issue d’un acte de violence sexuelle. Les variables de santé mentale d’intérêt sont : la sévérité des symptômes de détresse psychologique, la sévérité des symptômes de PTSD et la probabilité de souffrir de TMC. Pour les analyses, l’exposition a été définie en trois (3) catégories selon l’expérience passée de violence sexuelle : les femmes qui ont vécu des actes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit, celles qui ont vécu des actes de VSNLC et celles qui ont déclaré n’avoir jamais subi d’acte de violence sexuelle au cours de leur vie. Les variables de confusion potentielles mesurées sont : l’âge, le statut matrimonial, le nombre d’enfants, le niveau d’éducation le plus élevé atteint et l’occupation professionnelle. Les mesures d’associations ont été évaluées à l’aide de modèles de régressions logistiques et linéaires simples et multiples. Des tests d’interaction multiplicative et des analyses stratifiées ont été également conduits pour évaluer l’effet potentiellement modificateur de quelques variables (âge, statut matrimonial, nombre d’enfants) sur la relation entre la violence sexuelle et les variables de santé reproductive ou de santé mentale. Ces tests ont également été utilisés pour évaluer la contribution d’une variable de santé reproductive ou de santé mentale aux effets de la violence sexuelle sur l’autre dimension de la santé d’intérêt dans cette étude. Une étude phénoménologique a été conduite dans le même intervalle de temps auprès de 12 femmes ayant participé à la partie quantitative de l’étude qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et ont eu un enfant issu d’une agression sexuelle. Les sujets explorés incluent : la perception de l’acte de violence sexuelle liée au conflit vécu et de la vie quotidienne par les victimes; la perception de l’acte de violence sexuelle liée au conflit par la famille et l’entourage et leurs réactions après l’agression; la perception de la grossesse issue de l’acte de violence sexuelle par la victime; la perception de l’enfant issu de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit par la victime ainsi que son entourage; les conséquences sociales de l’expérience de violence sexuelle liée au conflit et les besoins des victimes pour leur réhabilitation. Une analyse thématique avec un codage ouvert a permis de ressortir les thèmes clés des récits des participantes. Par la suite, l’approche de théorisation ancrée a été utilisée pour induire un cadre décrivant l’impact social de l’expérience de la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et les facteurs y contribuant. Résultats : Le premier article de cette thèse montre que, comparées aux femmes qui n’ont jamais vécu un acte de violence sexuelle, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit ont une probabilité plus élevée d’avoir une fistule (OR=11.1, IC 95% [3.1-39.3]), des DPC (OR=5.1, IC 95% [2.4-10.9]), de rapporter une absence de désir de rapports sexuels (OR=3.5, IC 95% [1.7-6.9]) et une absence de désir d’enfant (OR=3.5, IC 95% [1.6-7.8]). Comparées aux mêmes femmes, celles qui ont vécu la VSNLC ont plus de probabilité de souffrir de DPC (OR=2.3, IC 95% [0.95-5.8]) et de rapporter une absence de désir d’enfant (OR=2.7, IC 95% [1.1-6.5]). Comparées aux femmes qui ont vécu la VSNLC, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit ont également une probabilité plus élevée d’avoir une fistule (OR=9.5, IC 95% [1.6-56.4]), des DPC (OR=2.2, IC 95% [0.8-5.7]) et de rapporter une absence de désir de rapports sexuels (OR=2.5, IC 95% [1.1-6.1]). En ce qui concerne les grossesses issues des viols, comparées aux femmes qui ont vécu la VSNLC, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit sont plus nombreuses à souhaiter avorter (55% vs 25% pour celles qui ont vécu la VSNLC). Elles sont également plus nombreuses à déclarer qu’elles auraient avorté si les soins appropriés étaient accessibles (39% vs 21% pour celles qui ont vécu la VSNLC). Le second article montre qu’en comparaison aux femmes qui n’ont jamais subi de violence sexuelle, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit présentent des symptômes de détresse psychologique (moyennes de score respectives 8.6 et 12.6, p<0.0001) et des symptômes de PTSD (moyennes de score respectives 2.2 et 2.6, p<0.0001) plus sévères et ont plus de probabilité d’être dépistées comme un cas de TMC (30% vs 76%, p<0.0001). De plus, comparées aux femmes qui ont vécu la VSNLC, celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au conflit présentent des symptômes de détresse psychologique (moyennes de score respectives 10.1 et 12.6, p<0.0001) et des symptômes de PTSD (moyennes de score respectives 2.2 et 2.6, p<0.0001) plus sévères et ont plus de probabilité d’être dépistées comme un cas de TMC (48% vs 76%, p<0.001). Les valeurs minimales et maximales de score de sévérité de symptômes de détresse psychologique sont de 0/12 pour les femmes qui n’ont jamais vécu de violence sexuelle, 4/19 pour celles qui ont vécu la VSNLC et de 5/18 pour celles qui ont vécu la violence sexuelle liée au confit. En ce qui concerne la sévérité des symptômes de PTSD, les scores minimal et maximal sont respectivement de 0.36/3.22, 0.41/3.41 et 0.95/3.45. Le fait d’avoir développé une fistule ou de souffrir de DPC après l’agression sexuelle augmente la force des associations entre la violence sexuelle et la santé mentale. Les femmes qui ont subi la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et qui ont souffert de fistules présentent des symptômes de détresse psychologique et de PTSD plus sévères comparées aux femmes qui ont subi la violence sexuelle liée au conflit mais n’ont pas de fistules. Les résultats sont similaires pour les femmes qui ont subi la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et qui souffrent de DPC. Des résultats complémentaires suggèrent que le statut matrimonial modifie l’effet de la violence sexuelle sur la sévérité des symptômes de détresse psychologique, les femmes divorcées/séparées et les veuves étant celles qui ont les moyennes de score les plus élevées (respectivement 11.3 et 12.1 vs 9.26 et 9.49 pour les célibataires et les mariées). Par ailleurs, la sévérité des symptômes de détresse psychologique modifie l’association entre la violence sexuelle liée au conflit et le désir d’enfant. Le troisième article montre que, sur le plan social, l’expérience de violence sexuelle liée au conflit entraine également de lourdes conséquences. Toutes celles qui ont vécu ce type d’acte décrivent leur vie de survivante et de mère d’un enfant issu d’une agression sexuelle comme difficile, oppressive, faite de peines et de soucis et sans valeur. Plusieurs facteurs influencent la description que les victimes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit font de leur vie quotidienne, et ils sont tous reliés aux normes socioculturelles qui font de la femme une citoyenne de seconde zone, ne font aucune différence entre un viol et un adultère, condamnent les victimes de violence sexuelle plutôt que leurs agresseurs, rejettent et stigmatisent les victimes de tels actes ainsi que l’enfant qui en est issu. En réponse au rejet et au manque de considération, les femmes victimes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit ont tendance à s’isoler pour éviter les insultes et à garder le silence sur leur agression. En plus, les réactions de leur entourage/communauté ont tendance à leur faire revivre l’agression sexuelle subie, autant d’éléments qui nuisent davantage à leur réhabilitation. D’autres résultats démontrent que les enfants issus d’actes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit sont également rejetés par leur communauté, leur famille adoptive ainsi que le conjoint de leur mère, ce qui affecte davantage les survivantes. Avec leurs mères, les relations développées varient entre le rejet, la résignation et l’affection. Néanmoins, ces relations sont plus souvent tendues probablement à cause de la stigmatisation de la communauté. Conclusion: La violence sexuelle liée au conflit a des effets adverses sur la santé reproductive, la santé mentale mais également sur le plan social. Ces trois dimensions sont loin d’être isolées puisque cette étude a permis de démontrer qu’elles s’influencent mutuellement. Ceci suggère que la prise en charge des victimes de violence sexuelle liée au conflit ne doit pas se concentrer sur un aspect ou un autre de la santé mais prendre en compte l’ensemble des dimensions de la femme pour offrir une aide holistique, plus adaptée et qui sera plus efficace à long terme. / Background: Since nearly two decades, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is ravaged by an armed conflict which, according to the International Rescue Commitee, have caused more than 3 million deaths and as many internally displaced persons. Several reports also denounce the numerous cases of sexual violence (rape, mutilation, sexual slavery, exploitation, etc.) committed against girls, women, and to a lesser extent against men. Even if there is a consensus on the barbaric nature of conflict-related sexual violence acts, few studies have assessed its effects on survivors’ reproductive health especially in terms of issues such as fistulas, chronic pelvic pain (CPP), desire for sex, desire for children, and desire to interrupt pregnancy resulting from rape. Moreover, even if the mental health of populations in conflict zones is a topic of interest, the specific impact of conflict-related sexual violence on the survivors’ mental health has not been much studied. In addition, most studies research the effects of conflict-related sexual violence on mental health and on reproductive health separately without assessing the relationships that can exist between these two dimensions which, however, influence each other. Also, the social impact of conflict-related sexual violence, and the contribution of sociocultural norms to the survivors’ struggles, has not been much studied. Nevertheless, the social impact of conflict-related sexual violence may help in understanding how the experience of such act can affect mental health. Finally, no study has investigated the effects of conflict-related sexual violence by comparing it to non-conflict- related sexual violence (NCRSV). However, it is recognized that, in many respects, conflict- related sexual violence is very different from NCRSV since it is committed with the intent to create the most adverse effects on the victims and their community. Objectives: The objectives of this thesis aimed at: 1) assessing the effects of conflict- related sexual violence on reproductive health; 2) evaluating the effects of conflict-related sexual violence on mental health in terms of severity of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, severity of psychological distress symptoms, and the likelihood of suffering from common mental disorders (CMD); 3) assessing the contribution of adverse reproductive health issues, particularly fistula and chronic pelvic pain (CPP) to the effect of conflict-related sexual violence on mental health; 4) assessing the contribution of mental health state to the effect of conflict-related sexual violence on desire for sexual intercourse, and desire for children; and 4) studying the social impact of conflict-related sexual violence as well as the contribution of sociocultural norms to its adverse consequences, and how these effects could in return affect women’s health and their relationship with their rape-conceived children. Methodology: A convergent mixed design allowed collection of quantitative data from all participants (cross-sectional study) and qualitative data on a smaller number of women (phenomenological study). A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted between July and August 2012 among 320 women, aged 15 to 45, living in four (4) neighbourhoods of the city of Goma, province of North Kivu in the DRC. Participants were recruited through announcements made by those responsible for literacy and conflict-resolution programs implemented in different neighbourhoods by the Collectif Alpha Ujuvi, a local NGO2. Reproductive health outcomes assessed are: fistulas, CPP, desire for sex, desire for children and desire to interrupt pregnancy resulting from sexual violence. The mental health outcomes of interest were: severity of psychological distress symptoms, severity of PTSD symptoms, and likelihood of suffering from CMD. For analyses, exposure was defined in three (3) categories according to past experience of sexual violence: women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence, those who experienced NCRSV, and those who reported never having been victim of sexual violence in their lifetime. Potential confounders assessed were: age, marital status, number of children, highest education level reached, and occupation. Measures of association were assessed using simple and multiple logistic and linear regression models. Multiplicative interaction tests and stratified analyzes were also conducted to identify the potential modification effect of the variables age, marital status and number of children on the association between sexual violence and reproductive health or mental health. Those tests were also used to assess the contribution of reproductive health or mental health to the effects of sexual violence on the other aspect of health of interest in this study. In the meantime, a phenomenological study was conducted among 12 women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence, had a rape-conceived child, and participated in the quantitative part of the study. Topics explored include: perception of the act of conflict- related sexual violence and the daily life by the victims; perception of the act of rape by the victims’ family and entourage and their reaction after the aggression; perception of pregnancy resulting from sexual violence by the victim; perception of the rape-conceived child by the victim and her entourage; social consequences of experiencing conflict-related sexual violence, and victims' needs for rehabilitation. A thematic analysis with open coding has highlighted the key themes of the participants’ stories. Thereafter, a grounded theory approach was used to induce a framework outlining the social impact of experiencing conflict-related sexual violence along with the contributing factors. Results: The first article of this thesis shows that, compared to women who have never experienced sexual violence, women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence have a higher probability to have fistula (OR=11.1, 95% CI [3.1-39.3]), CPP (OR=5.1, 95% CI [2.4- 10.9]), an absence of desire for sexual intercourse (OR=3.5, 95% CI [1.7-6.9]), and an absence of desire for children (OR=3.5, 95% CI [1.6-7.8]). Compared with the same women, those who have experienced NCRSV are more likely to have CPP (OR=2.3, 95% CI [0.95-5.8]), and an absence of desire for children (OR=2.7, 95% CI [1.1-6.5]). Compared with women who have experienced NCRSV, those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence also have higher odds for fistula (OR=9.5, 95% CI [1.6-56.4]), CPP (OR=2.2, 95% CI [0.8-5.7]), and absence of desire for sexual intercourse (OR=2.5, 95% CI [1.1-6.1]). Regarding pregnancy resulting from sexual violence, in comparison to women who experienced NCRSV, a higher proportion of those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence were willing to abort (55% vs. 25% for those who experienced NCRSV). They are also more likely to admit that they would have done so, if proper care was available (39% vs. 21% for those who experienced NCRSV). The second article shows that, compared to women who have never experienced sexual violence, those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence have more severe symptoms of psychological distress (respective score means 8.6 and 12.6, p<0.0001) and PTSD (respective score means 2.2 and 2.6, p<0.0001), and are more likely to be probable CMD case (30% vs. 76%, p<0.0001). Moreover, compared to women who experienced NCRSV, those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence have more severe symptoms of psychological distress (respective score means 10.1 and 12.6, p<0.0001) and PTSD (respective score means 2.2 and 2.6, p<0.0001), and are more likely to be probable CMD case (48% vs. 76%, p<0.0001). The lowest and highest scores of severity of psychological distress symptoms are 0/12 in the category of women who never experienced sexual violence, 4/19 in the category of women who experienced NCRSV and 5/18 in the category of women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence. Regarding the severity of PTSD’s symptoms, the lowest and highest scores are respectively: 0.36/3.22, 0.41/3.41 and 0.95/3.45. Suffering from fistula or CPP increases the strength of the association between sexual violence and mental health. Women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence and suffered fistula, compared to those who experienced conflict-related sexual violence and did not suffer from fistula, have more severe symptoms of psychological distress and PTSD. Results were similar for women who experienced conflict-related sexual violence and have CPP. Complementary results suggest that the marital status modifies the association between sexual violence and severity of psychological distress symptoms, divorced/separated and widowed being those who have the highest score means (respectively 11.3 and 12.1 vs. 9.26 and 9.49 for singles and married women). Furthermore, the severity of psychological distress symptoms changes the association between conflict-related sexual violence and desire for children. The third article shows that, on the social front, experiencing conflict-related sexual violence also results in serious consequences. All women who experienced this type of act describe their life of survivor and mother of a child born from rape as difficult, oppressive, made of worries and sorrows, and worthless. Several factors influence the description that victims of conflict-related sexual violence make of their daily lives, and they are all related to socio-cultural norms which consider women as second class citizen, do not make any difference between rape and adultery, condemn rape victims rather than the perpetrators, reject and stigmatize raped women and rape-conceived children. In response to the rejection and lack of consideration, survivors of conflict-related sexual violence tend to isolate themselves to avoid insults, and keep quiet about the aggression they suffered. In addition, the reactions of their entourage/community tend to revive memories of the aggression they suffered, all of which may impair their rehabilitation. Other results show that children resulting from conflict-related sexual violence are also rejected by their communities, as well their adoptive family and their mother’s partner and this hurts the victims. With their mothers, relationships developed range from rejection, resignation to affection. Nevertheless, these relationships are often more likely to be strained because of the stigma of the community. Conclusion: Conflict-related sexual violence has adverse effects on reproductive health and mental health. It is also associated with adverse social consequences. Those three dimensions are far from being isolated because this study demonstrated that they do influence each other. This suggests that intervention programs for victims of conflict-related sexual violence should not only focus on one aspect of health but take into account all the dimensions of a woman to provide holistic and more appropriate support which will be more effective in the long term.

Sociální pohled na dopady epilepsie u dospělého člověka / The Social View of the Impact of Epilepsy on Adult

Stehlíková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "The social view of the impact of epilepsy on adults" is focusing on the specification of psychosomatic factors that are influencing the life of an adult with epilepsy. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the theoretical part, the disease epilepsy, diagnostic, therapy and treatment are defined, a fit of epilepsy is classified, and moreover, the first aid during the epileptic fit is described. Another part of the thesis is dedicated to description of some areas of life of the adult with epilepsy, which are bringing certain limitations to everyday life. This includes the family life and also problematic of professional life and possible job restrictions. These areas are described with regards to influences of lifestyle, medication, sleeping habits and leisure time activities on the life of a person with epilepsy. The thesis also focus on the problematic of social stigmatization, social isolation and on the list of possible psychological changes and cognitive problems of people with epilepsy, that occurs as a result of this diagnosis. The practical part of the thesis is dedicated to processing of results from conducted survey. The main research task of the survey was to discover, which parts of the life of an adult with epilepsy are affected the most. The results are sorted,...

Impacto de fatores sócio-econômicos na sobrevida de pacientes na fila de espera e após transplante cardíaco.

Parra, Andrelisa Vendrami 16 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 andrelisavendramiparra_dissert.pdf: 255722 bytes, checksum: 4cfa68a8c15a9090edf5aca7d76d2217 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-16 / Cardiac transplantation aims at the improvement of survival as well as quality of life of patients with end-stage Chronic Cardiac Failure. Socioeconomic status is believed to have an important role in the success of the surgical procedure. This study, therefore, aimed at identifying the impact of socioeconomic status on survival of patients listed for heart transplantation as well as in cardiac transplant recipients. A retrospective longitudinal cohort study was carried out using data obtained from the medical charts 70 patients treated in the Hospital de Base da Faculdade de Medicina de São José do Rio Preto. The socioeconomic evaluation was made through the following indicators: monthly income, education, conditions of housing, profession, profession of the family members, presence of caregiver and distance to the hospital. These data are used in the classification for defined stratus: Low Inferior (BI), Low Superior (BS), Inferior Medium (MI), Medium (M), Superior Medium (MS), High (H). Seventy-six per cent of patients on the waiting list for heart transplantation were classified in the low socioeconomic class; 77% of such patients had low educational level, 77% adequate housing, 94% a caregiver, 59% no social insurance after retirement, and 60% received financial support from other nongovernmental entities. Forty-four per cent of patients had a positive serology for Chagas disease. Probability of survival at 100 days of follow up in the waiting list was 68% for Chagas disease and 79% for non-Chagas disease patients (p>0,05). With regard to cardiac transplant recipients, 84% of them were classified in the low socioeconomic class, 73% had low educational level, 75% adequate housing, 93% caregiver, 57% no social insurance after retirement, and 32% had financial support from other nongovernmental entities. Thirty-two cardiac transplant recipients had a positive serology for Chagas disease. Survival probability at 100 days of follow up for cardiac transplant recipients was 62% for Chagas disease and 81% for non-Chagas disease patients (p>0,05). The data obtained in this work demonstrate that socioeconomic status not only has no impact on patients on the waiting list for heart transplantation, but also on outcome of cardiac transplant recipients because patients in the low socioeconomic status had a similar prognosis than patients in the median socioeconomic class. Thus, socioeconomic status has no unfavorable prognosis for both patients on the waiting list as well as for cardiac transplant recipients. / O transplante cardíaco é uma técnica cirúrgica que visa a melhora da qualidade de vida e a sobrevida de pacientes com Insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica terminal. As variáveis sócio-econômicas têm importante papel no sucesso do procedimento cirúrgico, portanto, objetivou-se identificar através deste estudo o impacto dos fatores sócio-econômicos na sobrevida de pacientes em fila de espera de transplante cardíaco e pós transplante cardíaco. Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo, do tipo coorte longitudinal, utilizando-se os dados obtidos dos prontuários de setenta pacientes tratados no Hospital de Base da Faculdade de Medicina de São Jose do Rio Preto. A avaliação sócioeconômica foi feita através dos indicadores: renda mensal, escolaridade, condições de moradia, profissão, ocupação dos membros da família, presença de cuidador e distância ao hospital. Esses dados são utilizados na classificação: Baixa Inferior (BI), Baixa Superior (BS), Médio Inferior (MI), Médio (M), Médio Superior (MS), Alto (A). Observou-se que 86% dos pacientes em fila de transplante cardíaco pertenciam a classe social baixa, 76% desses pacientes tinham apenas o ensino fundamental, 77% apresentavam moradia adequada, 94% possuíam uma pessoa responsável pelos seus cuidados, 59% não possuíam aposentadoria, 69% recebiam auxílio financeiro. Quarenta e quatro por cento dos pacientes em fila de transplante cardíaco tinham sorologia positiva para a doença de Chagas. A probabilidade de sobrevida aproximadamente 100 dias após a inclusão na fila de transplante cardíaco era de 68% para chagásicos e 79% para não chagásicos (p>0.05). Em relação aos pacientes em pós transplante cardíaco observou-se que 84% dos pacientes pertenciam a classe social baixa, 73% desses pacientes tinham apenas o ensino fundamental, 75% apresentavam moradia adequada, 93% possuíam uma pessoa responsável pelos seus cuidados, 57% não possuíam aposentadoria, 32% recebiam auxílio financeiro. Trinta e seis por cento dos pacientes Nota de Resumo que realizaram o transplante cardíaco tinham sorologia positiva para a doença de Chagas. A probabilidade de sobrevida em aproximadamente 100 dias após o transplante cardíaco era de 62% para chagásicos e 81% para não chagásicos (p>0.05). Os dados obtidos neste trabalham revelam que os fatores sócio-econômicos e culturais não influenciaram na sobrevida dos pacientes em fila de transplante cardíaco, pois os pacientes com status socioeconômico baixo tiveram o prognóstico similar àquele visto nos pacientes no status socioeconômico mediano. Assim, o status socioeconômico baixo não tem impacto desfavorável nem nos doentes na fila de espera como nos receptores de transplante cardíaco.

Poor Ottoman Turkish women during World War I : women’s experiences and politics in everyday life, 1914-1923 / Les femmes défavorisées ottomanes turques pendant la Première Guerre mondiale : les expériences des femmes et la politique féminine dans la vie quotidienne, 1914-1923 / Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Yoksul Osmanlı Türk Kadınları : Gündelik Yaşamda Kadınların Deneyimleri ve Politikaları, 1914-1923

Mahir-Metinsoy, Ikbal Elif 29 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat examine l’impact social de la Première Guerre mondiale dans l’Empire ottoman sur les femmes turques défavorisées et la réaction quotidienne de ces femmes aux conditions négatives de la guerre et aux mesures de l’État concernant les femmes. Elle utilise l’approche de l’histoire populaire et des nouvelles sources des archives ottomanes pour démontrer les voix et les expériences des femmes ordinaires, surtout leur lutte contre l’appauvrissement à cause de la guerre et les politiques sociales insuffisantes. Par conséquent, elle contribue à combler une grande lacune dans l’historiographie sur l’Empire ottomane et les études sur les femmes qui examinent rarement les femmes turques ordinaires. Elle renforce l’idée que les femmes ottomanes ont eu des grandes difficultés à cause de la guerre contrairement aux comptes de modernisation soulignant seulement les développements positifs concernant les libertés et les droits des femmes après la guerre. Elle réfute les comptes acceptant la guerre comme une période pendant laquelle toutes les femmes turques ont vécu une « émancipation. » D’ailleurs, elle met en lumière les formes et les aspects des points de vue critiques des femmes et de la politique quotidienne des femmes pour survivre les conditions négatives de la guerre, pour faire entendre leurs voix, pour protéger leurs droits et pour recevoir des aides sociales. / This dissertation examines the social impact of World War I in the Ottoman Empire on ordinary poor Turkish women and their everyday response to the adverse wartime conditions and the state policies concerning them. Based on new archival sources giving detailed information about the voice, experience and agency of these women and based on the history from below approach, this study focuses on poor, underprivileged and working Turkish women’s everyday experiences, especially their struggle against and perception of wartime conditions, mobilization and state policies about them. By doing so, it contributes to filling the great gap in late Ottoman historiography and women’s studies, which rarely examine ordinary women and their everyday problems and struggles for survival and rights. First, it scrutinizes how ordinary women experienced the war and argues that, in contrast to the modernization accounts that overlook women’s sufferings at the cost of post-war developments in women’s rights and liberties, ordinary Turkish women had great difficulties during the war years. It presents a major caveat to the accounts accepting the war years as a period during which Turkish women monolithically experienced a gradual liberty and « emancipation. » Second, it brings the unexamined forms and aspects of women’s critical and subjective views, their everyday politics to circumvent the adverse conditions and state policies, to make their voices heard, to pursue their rights, and to receive government support into the light. / Bu doktora tezi Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın sıradan yoksul Türk kadınları üzerindeki sosyal etkilerini ve kadınların olumsuz savaş koşullarına ve kendileriyle ilgili devlet politikalarına yönelik tavırlarını incelemektedir. Kadınların sesleri, deneyimleri ve tarihsel rolleri hakkında detaylı bilgiler veren yeni arşiv kaynaklarına ve aşağıdan tarih yaklaşımına dayanan bu tez yoksul, temel sosyal haklardan yoksun ve çalışan Türk kadınlarının gündelik deneyimlerine, özellikle de savaş koşulları, seferberlik ve devlet politikalarını algılayış ve bunlarla mücadele biçimlerine odaklanmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, bu tez, sıradan kadınları ve onların gündelik problemleriyle hayatta kalma ve hak mücadelelerini çok az inceleyen Osmanlı tarihçiliği ve kadın araştırmalarındaki büyük bir boşluğu doldurmaya katkıda bulunmaktadır. Bu tez, bu anlamda, iki temel temaya odaklanmaktadır. Öncelikle, sıradan kadınların savaşı nasıl deneyimlediklerini mercek altına almakta ve onların çektikleri acıları savaş sonrası kadın hak ve özgürlüklerindeki ve üst ve orta sınıf eğitimli kadınların etkinlik ve deneyimlerindeki gelişmelerin bir bedeli olarak algılayıp gözden kaçıran modernleşmeanlatılarının tersine sıradan kadınların savaş yıllarında büyük güçlükler çektiğini savunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma, Türk kadınlarının savaş yıllarında bütün olarak görece bir “özgürleşme” yaşadıklarını kabul eden anlatılara önemli bir uyarıdır. İkincil olarak, bu tez, kadınların zorluklarla gündelik mücadelelerine odaklanarak kadınların eleştirel ve öznel tutumlarının ve olumsuz koşullar ve devlet politikalarından kaçmak, seslerini duyurmak, haklarının peşine düşmek ve destek görebilmek amaçlı gündelik politikalarının keşfedilmemiş biçim ve yönlerini gün ışığına çıkarmaktadır.

Social Impact Assessment of the Natural Forest Protection Program on forest-dependent communities and households in Western China - Case studies in Gansu Province and Chongqing Municipality

Wang, Yi 11 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is the process of analyzing, monitoring and managing the social effects of planned or implemented development interventions. The primary purpose of SIA is to bring about a sustainable and equitable biophysical and social environment. SIA is a prerequisite in FAO and World Bank aided projects which cover sectors of mining, agriculture, fishery, dams and transportation. In forestry it has the great potential of enhancing sustainable forest management, taking into account rural development objectives and local needs. SIA can be applied before and after the implementation of projects and programs. In the context of recent policy changes in China, the Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP) has been implemented in a “top-down” process from 1998 to 2010. A large part of the forests on main river basins in Western regions are being conserved with severe restrictions for commercial use. The social effects of the NFPP are still debatable, indicating a need for conducting a SIA of the NFPP using a systematic conceptual approach. Objectives of the research are: (1) To understand how and to what extent the NFPP affected the local forest-dependent communities and their households; (2) To identify the local strategies currently used to cope up with the impacts; and (3) To develop the optimal strategies likely supported for a better harmonization between livelihood and the NFPP implementation in different regional contexts. The empirical research is approached through quantitative and qualitative social research methods for data collection and analysis. For the case studies, four villages with a total number of 175 respondents were selected for field surveys where questionnaires, interviews and group discussions were employed. The research findings indicate that, the NFPP has significant impacts on the population characteristics, institutional arrangements and infrastructure and public services at the community level and at household level, the income derivation, expenditure, labour time distribution, perceptions on public health/safety and changing values of forests perceived by individuals. The research reveals that, synthesizing de facto impacts of the NFPP makes potential negative social impacts predictable. The policy-makers and project teams implementing the NFPP should be aware that, the NFPP results in dynamic change processes which include the de facto and potential impacts as well as the influence factors; among these, contribution of strategies derived from local communities and households as the spontaneous reactions to cope with the NFPP impacts should be taken into consideration. Recommendations are given referring to a better implementation of the NFPP and the need for future researches concerning the SIA for sustainable forest management in different regional contexts. / Social Impact Assessment (SIA) ist ein Prozess, der Analyse, Monitoring und Bewältigung der sozialen Effekte geplanter oder durchgeführter Entwicklungsinterventionen umfasst. Das Hauptanliegen von SIA ist, eine nachhaltige und gerechte biophysische und soziale Umwelt zu schaffen. SIA ist für Projekte der FAO und der Weltbank in den Sektoren Bergbau, Landwirtschaft, Fischerei, Talsperren und Transport eine Grundvoraussetzung. Für die Forstwirtschaft ergibt sich daraus das Potenzial, nachhaltige Waldbewirtschaftung zu stärken und dabei die Ziele ländlicher Entwicklung und lokale Erfordernisse zu berücksichtigen. SIA kann vor und nach der Durchführung von Projekten und Programmen angewendet werden. Im Zusammenhang mit den aktuellen politischen Veränderungen in China wird das Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP) im Zeitraum von 1998-2010 nach dem top-down-Verfahren durchgeführt. Die sozialen Auswirkungen des NFPP sind noch immer umstritten. Das unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit der SIA unter Anwendung einer systematischen konzeptionellen Herangehensweise. Ein besonders kritischer Faktor dabei ist, dass ein erheblicher Anteil der Wälder in den Wassereinzugsgebieten wichtiger Flussläufe in den westlichen Regionen durch strikte Einschränkungen der kommerziellen Nutzung geschützt wurden. Die Ziele der Forschung sind: (1) Aufzeigen wie und in welchem Ausmaß das NFPP die örtlichen waldabhängigen Gemeinden und ihre Haushalte beeinflusst hat; (2) Identifizieren lokal entwickelter und angewandter Strategien, um die Auswirkungen des NFPP zu bewältigen; und (3) Entwickeln optimaler Strategien für eine bessere Harmonisierung der Lebensgrundlagen mit der Umsetzung des NFPP in unterschiedlichen regionalen Kontexten. Die empirische soziale Forschung bedient sich quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden zur Datensammlung und Datenanalyse. Für die Fallstudie wurden vier Dörfer mit insgesamt 175 Befragten ausgewählt. Bei der Primärdatenerhebung kamen Fragebögen, Interviews und Gruppendiskussionen zur Anwendung. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass das NFPP signifikanten Einfluss ausübt auf Größe und Anteil armer Bevölkerung, auf institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen, die Infrastruktur und den öffentlichen Dienstleistungssektor auf Gemeindeebene. Auf Haushaltsebene wurde signifikanter einfluss nachgewiesen für die Generierung von Einkommen, die Ausgaben, die Arbeitszeitverteilung, die Vorstellungen über Gesundheitswesen und Sicherheit als auch auf die Wahrnehmung der sich verändernden Werte des Waldes. Es wird ersichtlich, dass durch Zusammenführen der de facto-Auswirkungen des NFPP potenzielle negative soziale Einflüsse vorhersagbar werden. Entscheidungsträger und Projektteams sollten sich darüber bewusst werden, dass das NFPP zu dynamischen Veränderungsprozessen führt, welche die de facto- und potentiellen Auswirkungen sowie die Einflussfaktoren betreffen. Dies schließt den Beitrag der lokal entwickelten Strategien ein. Empfehlungen betreffen die bessere Umsetzung des NFPP sowie die Notwendigkeit weiterer Forschung hinsichtlich der SIA im Zusammenhang nachhaltiger Waldbewirtschaftung in verschiedenen regionalen Kontexten.

組織中的主管情緒協助:一個調節式中介模式的發展與檢驗 / Emotion Helping by Managers: Development and Testing a Moderated Mediation Model

彭楚茵, Peng, Chu Yin Unknown Date (has links)
在現今多工、多角色而多刺激的工作環境中,人與人因為頻繁的接觸,使得部屬的情緒問題及其影響愈來愈受到組織所重視,其中,主管情緒協助扮演的角色舉足輕重,如何透過主管的行為影響部屬,進而影響整個組織,對管理意涵而言尤其重要。立基於過去情緒協助研究的認知概念,並以資源保存理論的觀點為基礎,本研究探討主管情緒協助的行為層面的內涵與分類,是如何保存與增加部屬的個人資源,而透過資源的變動,對部屬的主觀幸福感與工作疲勞狀況所產生的影響,另外,根據廣義的社會衝擊理論,試圖理解部屬權力距離傾向可能扮演的調節角色。本研究將採問卷調查法施測,第一階段共回收226份問卷,第二階段發放給226位第一階段的填答者,共回收線上問卷152份,因此,共回收有效線上問卷152份,有效回收率約為67%,研究結果顯示,在高部屬權力距離傾向調節的情況下,主管情緒協助會降低個人資源,使其主觀幸福感降低、工作疲勞上升,而在低部屬權力距離傾向調節的情況下,主管情緒協助會提升個人資源,使其主觀幸福感上升、工作疲勞降低。最後,本研究針對研究結果進行討論,並對理論貢獻、實務意涵、研究限制,以及未來研究方向加以闡述。 / The working environments nowadays are multi-work, multi-role and multi-stimulation. The emotion issue of employees is held in high regard today for organizations since people get in touch with each other more frequently. Among them, supervisors’ emotion helping plays an important role in this situation. Moreover, how supervisors’ behaviors affect subordinates, followed by the impact on organization is crucial when it comes to leadership. Based on pervious cognitive knowledge of emotion helping related studies and conservation of resources theory, the main focus of this research is to examine whether supervisors’ emotion helping behaviors are associated with personal resources and the distinctive mediating mechanisms that may explain subordinates’ subjective well being and work fatigue, as well as the classification of emotion helping behaviors. Furthermore, understanding the moderating role of power distance orientation according to broad social impact theory. This study is conducted by questionnaire survey and received 152 replies from subordinates. The results indicated that personal resources mediated the relationship between emotion helping – subjective well-being and emotion helping – work fatigue while subordinate power distance orientation play a moderated role between emotion helping and personal resources. This study contributing to the implications for organizational researches and managerial practices. Furthermore, limitation and future direction were being discussed at the end of this paper.

Tvorba konceptu energeticky soběstačných obytných budov / Formation of the Concept of energy self-sufficient of residential buildings

Hlavsa, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
Creating the concept of buildings is the primary task of architects, designers in the field of architecture and engineering. Although the basic requirements remain the same across time , possibilities of their solution are constantly evolving and changing. In addition, with the increasing globalization, in context of the housing and the architecture is expected new requirements go beyond the horizons of the interests of bouth investor and designer. Global view of each project and the evaluation of its traces left in our environment and society, although is much discussed but rarely taken into account or even just considered. In this context, we are witnessing the development of new trends of the concepts of buildings, consisting in the use of natural materials, in reducing the environmental burden of a surroundings, in reducing energy demands, or even in an effort to achieve energy independence thus trends, whose common denominator is sustainable construction, hence sustainable development in general. Feasibility of the creation of the concept of energy self-sufficient building doesn´t consist only in the precise solution of the assigned task from the perspective of the designer or investor, but also in finding such a solution which, even with using new trends and principles, will not go against the initial idea itself. The present instrument processed and presented in this dissertation has the ambition to move global view of the project into the perspective of a particular individual design process and in small way contribute to the creation of better projects from the perspective of sustainable development The term of energy self-sufficient buildings are not clearly defined. To work with them it was necessary to determine their basic definition that describes their diverse conceptual variations and allows precisely define the solution area. To correctly select the optimal solution in terms of sustainable development is necessary the assessment and mutual comparison since the beginning. As a basic tool for this assessment was used and partially modified SBTool, which is built on three basic pillars of sustainable development - SOCIAL - ENVIRONMENTAL - ECONOMIC. SBTool tries to determine the degree of left traces of the approach from the perspectives of these three aspects and evaluate the effectiveness of the selected solution. This tool allow to compare the different concepts for the same project among themselves, their parts but also various projects among each other. All of course with regard to the development of various aspects in the time.

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