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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Issues in Urban Travel Demand Modelling : ICT Implications and Trip timing choice

Börjesson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
Travel demand forecasting is essential for many decisions, such as infrastructure investments and policy measures. Traditionally travel demand modelling has considered trip frequency, mode, destination and route choice. This thesis considers two other choice dimensions, hypothesised to have implications for travel demand forecasting. The first part investigates how the increased possibilities to overcome space that ICT (information and communication technology) provides, can be integrated in travel demand forecasting models. We find that possibilities of modelling substitution effects are limited, irrespective of data source and modelling approach. Telecommuting explains, however, a very small part of variation in work trip frequency. It is therefore not urgent to include effects from telecommuting in travel demand forecasting. The results indicate that telecommuting is a privilege for certain groups of employees, and we therefore expect that negative attitudes from management, job suitability and lack of equipment are important obstacles. We find also that company benefits can be obtained from telecommuting. No evidences that telecommuting gives rise to urban sprawl is, however, found. Hence, there is ground for promoting telecommuting from a societal, individual and company perspective. The second part develops a departure time choice model in a mixed logit framework. This model explains how travellers trade-off travel time, travel time variability, monetary and scheduling costs, when choosing departure time. We explicitly account for correlation in unobserved heterogeneity over repeated SP choices, which was fundamental for accurate estimation of the substitution pattern. Temporal constraints at destination are found to mainly restrict late arrival. Constraints at origin mainly restrict early departure. Sensitivity to travel time uncertainty depends on trip type and intended arrival time. Given appropriate input data and a calibrated dynamic assignment model, the model can be applied to forecast peak-spreading effects in congested networks. Combined stated preference (SP) and revealed preference (RP) data is used, which has provided an opportunity to compare observed and stated behaviour. Such analysis has previously not been carried out and indicates that there are systematic differences in RP and SP data. / QC 20100825

The Social Life of the Student - A design Project / Studentens sociala liv - Ett designprojekt

Jensen, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
This report describes from start to finish how a new design and extension of the Gengras student union center at the University of Hartford was done. The report will be using a project that was made by me and explains how the whole project was planned by contacting S/L/A/M Collaborative Inc. all the way until the final outcome was presented for a final jury. It explains the whole chain process one should use when designing a building such as different analysis, precedent studies, concept development and how to approach the design project. New technologies, the feature of access and flexibility are the main influence words in the design that is being used as an example. These words can be found and felt throughout the whole building both in the façade drawings and in the plan solutions. The result was a building that is more organic and flexible in its forms and spaces than current architecture is today. A sort of architecture that comes more and more in which will shape the society in the future. My building also keeps a sense of the old façade to create a transition between the new and the old. The old and the new cooperation prove that the innovative design does not destroy the old building; it only enhances it and prepares it for the future.

Modern energisnål bostadsbebyggelse för landsbygden, i svensk tradition

Dahlberg, Hanna, Flodin, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Analys av verksamhetens utrymmesbehov för en företagsintern gästgård

Jansson, Amanda January 2010 (has links)
Det här är resultatet av ett examensarbete utfört vid Mälardalens högskola i samarbete med Iggesund Paperboard AB. Syftet med examensarbetet var att se om det är viktigt för ett företag att ha tillgången till en gästgård men även till hur de är utformade för att fungera för den typen av verksamhet. En gästgård kan ses vara viktig för ett företags representation. Gården används främst som ett tillvägagångssätt för att sälja företagets varor och tjänster men ger också en god möjlighet till att knyta starkare band mellan kunder såväl som mellan företagets egna arbetstagare. Anledningen till att det här examensarbetet utfördes var för att företaget såg det som ett behov att se över om dessa gästgårdar var värda att bevara och utveckla i framtiden. En utredning gjordes därför genom besök och jämförelse av tre olika gästgårdars verksamhet och utformning för att se hur viktig en sådan gård kan anses vara för ett företag. Som ett resultat av denna utredning har därefter ett förslag till en utformning av en bättre fungerande arbetsmiljö vid Hedvigsfors Herrgård tagits fram. Förslaget var ett önskemål från Iggesund Paperboard AB då denna gästgård fått en utökad verksamhet vilket lett till dåligt fungerande personalutrymmen. / This is the result of my examination report for Malardalens University in cooperation whit Iggesund Paperboard AB. The purpose with this work was to see how important a guesthouse is for a company but also how they are designed to work for this type of activity. A guesthouse can be seen to be important for a company´s representation. The house can be used as a technique to sale the companies goods and services but it is also a god method to tie strong band with the customer as well as between the company’s own employees. The reason that the study was made was that the company saw it as a need to look over if this type of guesthouse is important to keep and expand in the future. An investigation was their forth made through visits and comparison to three different guesthouses activity and design to see how important this type of house was seen to be for a company. As a result a proposal of a design for better work environment was made for Hedvigsfors farm. This proposal was a wish from Iggesund Paperboard AB after that the increased activities at this guesthouse have led to a bad work environment.


Johansson, Ohlsson, Nilsson, Andreas, Johan, Arvid January 2010 (has links)
Today´s roofing of dwelling houses is a very time consuming procedure, which includes a lot of different steps on the construction site. Not only does it cost a lot of money, but often do problems with rot and mold occur in the attics of houses today.   The use of prefabricated modules has seen a great breakthrough in the field of construction of dwelling houses; at least when it comes to foundations and walls, where this type of approach makes the construction process way more efficient. What no one previous has succeeded to develop is a corresponding system for roofs that meets the demands of a dwelling house. Accordingly the goal of PlusTak has been to come up with a proper module system for roofing of dwelling houses, where the roofing is completed to meet the demands of the Scandinavian market.   During the project a lot of effort has been put into customer contacts and the usability of the product, as well in the manufacturing process as on the construction site. This development has gone hand in hand with several practical tests and tryouts. The project group has also participated in the use of PlusTak at various construction sites this spring, to get a better view of what could be further developed with the product. The outcome is a complete roofing system which is almost entirely prefabricated, and only requires a few hours on the construction site for completion of a fully weather protected roof. PlusTak is a very flexible system which is perfectly suitable for different house and roof types, and fits almost any roof pitch. The visible layer of the roof is available both as a classic seamed tin roof and with traditional tiles. Thanks to the great capability of insulation within the PlusTak system it suits the modern energy efficient houses perfectly. Moreover the insulation layer of the roof is placed in the outer roof, which eliminates the problems concerning condensation that occurs in weather and temperature changes, which has been a growing issue lately. Thus, PlusTak offers a cost-effective roof system of the as well as it provides a totally carefree ownership.   An intense marketing campaign has been conducted through several channels during the development of the product. PlusTak was presented with great success at Nordbyggmässan in Stockholm, the biggest construction fair in Scandinavia, in March 2010. This was right after the product became patent pending. PlusTak has currently sold for over one million SEK and has been quoted on request for over 40 million SEK.  The annual market in Sweden corresponds to over two billion, despite the current recession. The project group is counting on taking over 2-10% of that market within a period of five years. / Dagens takläggning vad gäller bostadshus är en tidskrävande process, där många olika steg ute på arbetsplatsen fordras vilket kostar mycket tid och pengar. Dessutom blir resultatet inte alltid vad man kunnat önska och röta och mögel är ett vanligt inslag på dagens vindar.   Modulkonceptet har redan fått ett rejält genombrott inom nybyggnation av bostadshus, och prefabricerade husgrunder och väggar i modulform produceras och används idag i stor utsträckning. Detta modultänk effektiviserar byggnationerna avsevärt där man får det att fungera. Vad ingen tidigare lyckats med är att utveckla ett motsvarande taksystem som uppfyller alla de krav som ställs när det gäller bostadshus. Målet med Plustak har alltså varit att ta fram ett fullgott modulsystem för bostadshustak som uppfyller de nordiska kraven.   Under projektet har projektgruppen lagt mycket tyngd på kundkontakter och användarvänlighet av produkten, både under tillverkning och på byggarbetsplatsen. Denna utveckling har gått hand i hand med en rad praktiska tester och försök. Projektgruppen har även varit med och lagt PlusTak vid flera tillfällen under våren för att vidareutveckla produkten ytterligare. Resultatet är ett komplett taksystem som är nästintill helt prefabricerat, och endast ett fåtal timmar krävs för att lägga ett helt tak på plats och erhålla en fullt väderskyddad byggnad. Plustak är mycket flexibelt och lämpar sig både för olika hus- och taktyper, och dessutom för nästintill alla taklutningar. Även som ytskikt finns olika utföranden i form av antingen klassisk bandtäckt plåt eller traditionella takpannor. Den goda isoleringsförmågan hos PlusTak gör att systemet väl uppfyller de krav som ställs på dagens lågenergihus. Att det isolerande skiktet dessutom är beläget ytterst i taket eliminerar kondensproblem som annars uppstår och som blivit ett växande problem för husägare. PlusTak erbjuder ett kostnadseffektivt taksystem som dessutom ger ett problemfritt takägande.   Parallellt med utvecklingsprocessen av produkten har en offensiv marknadsföring bedrivits genom flertalet kanaler. I mars 2010 patentsöktes PlusTak, varefter det presenterades med stor framgång på Nordbyggmässan i Stockholm, nordens största byggmässa. I skrivande stund har PlusTak sålt för över en miljon kronor och offererats mot förfrågningar för över 40 miljoner kronor. Trots lågkonjunkturen motsvarar den årliga marknaden i Sverige minst två miljarder kronor och inom en femårsperiod räknar projektgruppen med att ha tagit över 2-10% av denna.

Värdering av bostadsmiljöer i medelstora städer : En metod att mäta upplevelse

Olsson, Lisa, Råsmark, Matilda January 2011 (has links)
Examensuppsatsen syftar på att utreda hur folk uppfattar en bostadsmiljö av en viss karaktär utifrån de konstvetenskapliga områdena arkitektur och bebyggelsemönster. En undersökning genomförs där allmänheten värderar tio områden från tre olika städer. Resultatet presenteras bland annat med hjälp av polära diagram, i diagrammet bildas en värderos, vars bild illustrerar den upplevda känslan av området. / The undergraduate thesis aims to investigate how people perceive a residential environment of a particular character based on the art of scientific fields of architecture and urban design. A survey is carried out, in which the public evaluate ten areas from three different cities. The results are presented by the use of polar diagrams, the values forms an image which illustrates the perceived sensation of the area.

Spårvagnstrafik i Västerås? : En förstudie i förutsättningarna för modern spårvagnstrafik

Backlund, Tomas, Tom, Hedlund January 2011 (has links)
Läns- och lokaltrafikens branschorganisation Svensk Kollektivtrafik har som mål att år 2020 ha fördubblat kollektivtrafikresandet från 2006 års siffror. En sådan förändring kommer inte att ske av sig självt utan ett målmedvetet arbete kommer att krävas för att göra kollektivtrafiken mer attraktiv. En alltmer aktuell utveckling av kollektivtrafiken är att flera svenska städer har mer eller mindre långtgångna planer på att införa spårvagnstrafik.     Detta examensarbetes syfte är att utreda förutsättningarna för en spårvägsetablering i Västerås Stad.  Arbetet delas in i litteraturstudie, fallstudie, enkätstudie samt intervjustudie. I den inledande litteraturstudien sammanställs allmän information avseende spårvägens utformning, anläggning, kostnader samt finansieringsmöjligheter. Den knyter även an till tidigare studier inom området för att tillvarata nyttiga erfarenheter. I fallstudien undersöks Västerås förutsättningar för spårvagnstrafik. Förutsättningarna används sedan till att upprätta ett systemförslag avseende ett stomlinjesystem för spårvagn med tillhörande drift- och investeringskostnader. I enkätstudien redogörs Västerås invånares inställning till ett hypotetiskt förslag om införande av spårvagnstrafik som en del av stadens kollektivtrafikssystem. Intervjustudien resulterade i att litteraturstudien kunde kompletteras med en i spårvagnsbranschen aktiv aktörs erfarenheter.   Vidare analyseras samtliga studier var för sig och sedan som en enhet. Slutligen presenteras våra egna slutsatser. / County and local traffic trade association Swedish Public Transport Association's goal by 2010 is to double the travel by public transport from 2006 years figures. Such a change will not happen by itself; a systematic effort will be required to create an attractive public transport. A more recent development of public transport is that several Swedish cities have more or less advanced plans to introduce trams.This thesis work aims to investigate the preconditions of a tram establishment in Västerås. The work is divided into literature study, case study, questionnaire survey and interview. The initial literature study summarizes general information regarding light rail design, construction, costs and financing options. The study also ties in with previous studies in the area to gain useful experience. The case study examines Västerås conditions for trams. The conditions are then used to establish a system proposal of a line system for tram with the associated operational and investment costs. The questionnaire study describes Västerås residents attitudes to a hypothetical proposal for the introduction of light rail transit as part of the city's public transport system.  The interview study resulted in the literature study being supplemented by experiences from an active actor within the tram industry. The thesis analyzes all of the studies individually and then as a unit. Finally, the authors’ own conclusions are presented.

The Social Life of the Student - A design Project / Studentens sociala liv - Ett designprojekt

Jensen, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>This report describes from start to finish how a new design and extension of the Gengras student union center at the University of Hartford was done. The report will be using a project that was made by me and explains how the whole project was planned by contacting S/L/A/M Collaborative Inc. all the way until the final outcome was presented for a final jury. It explains the whole chain process one should use when designing a building such as different analysis, precedent studies, concept development and how to approach the design project. New technologies, the feature of access and flexibility are the main influence words in the design that is being used as an example. These words can be found and felt throughout the whole building both in the façade drawings and in the plan solutions. The result was a building that is more organic and flexible in its forms and spaces than current architecture is today. A sort of architecture that comes more and more in which will shape the society in the future. My building also keeps a sense of the old façade to create a transition between the new and the old. The old and the new cooperation prove that the innovative design does not destroy the old building; it only enhances it and prepares it for the future.</p>

Utmattningsanalys av järnvägsbroar : En fallstudie av stålbroarna mellan Stockholm Central och Söder Mälarstrand, baserat på teoretiska analyser och töjningsmätningar / Fatigue assessment of railway bridges : A case study of the steel bridges between Stockholm Central station and Söder Mälarstrand, based on theoretical analysis and field measurements

Andersson, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Föreliggande avhandling omfattar en fallstudie av utmattningsrisken för järnvägsbroarna mellan Stockholm Central och Söder Mälarstrand. Ett stort antal utmattningssprickor i broarna över Söderström och Söder Mälarstrand har sedan länge varit kända. I samband med en bärighetsutredning av sträckan har ett stort antal anslutningspunkter i samtliga broar identifierats som kritiska avseende utmattningsrisk. Sträckan är den mest trafikerade i Sverige och de förenklade beräkningsmetoder som anges i Banverkets föreskrift för bärighetsberäkningar är i vissa fall inte tillämpliga.</p><p>De formella bärighetsberäkningarna har visat på flerfaldiga överskridanden i utnyttjandegrad gällande utmattning. I de punkter som beräkningarna visar störst risk för utmattning har inga sprickor påträffats, trots omfattande förbandsbesiktningar. Beräkningarna baseras på typiserade spänningskollektiv och givet antal spännings­växlingar, oberoende av den aktuella trafikmängden. Enligt bärighetsnormen ges möjlighet att beakta den verkliga trafikmängden baserat på historiskt bruttotonnage och typiserade trafiklaster. Dessa beräkningar har utförts och visar på ännu större risk för utmattning, jämfört med den förenklade metoden. I syfte att på ett ännu mer nyanserat sätt uppskatta utmattningsrisken har en metod använts, baserat på uppskattning av den faktiska trafikmängden och dess fördelningar. Beräkningarna baseras på trafikdata tillgänglig från Banverket. Metoden är tillämplig på andra järnvägsbroar på andra sträckor.</p><p>Utöver teoretiska beräkningar har töjningsmätningar utförts. Under 2006 utförde dåvarande Carl Bro AB töjningsmätningar på bro över Söder Mälarstrand och viadukt söder om Söder Mälarstrand, avseende några enskilda tågöverfarter. Under 2008 utförde KTH Brobyggnad omfattande töjningsmätningar på bro över Söderström, avseende all trafik under en månads tid.</p> / <p>The present thesis comprises a case study of the risk of fatigue of the railway bridges chaining between Stockholm Central Station and the district Söder Mälarstrand. A large number of fatigue-related cracks in the bridges at Söderström and Söder Mälarstrand have been known for a long time. During a capacity assessment of the current bridges, a large number of connections have been identified as critical concerning fatigue resistance. The route is the most frequent in all of Sweden and the simplified methods of fatigue assessment defined by Banverket may not always be applicable.</p><p>A conventional capacity assessment has shown numerous exceeds in fatigue resistance, using the stated safety margins. No fatigue cracks have been identified at the locations showing the largest theoretical risk of fatigue, in spite of extensive investigations. The conventional calculations are based on a uniform stress collective and a fixed number of stress cycles, independent of the actual traffic volume. According to the regulations stated by Banverket, the assessment may optionally be performed using historical data of the gross tonnage and standardised traffic loading. Such calculations have been undertaken and show even greater risk of fatigue, compared to the conventional assessment. To estimate the risk of fatigue in more detail, a method has been used, based on estimations of the real traffic volume and its distributions. The analysis is based on available data of the traffic volume and may be applied to other railway bridges on other locations.</p><p>Besides theoretical analyses, field measurements have been performed. In 2006, former Carl Bro AB carried out strain gauge measurements on the bridge passing Söder Mälarstrand and the viaduct south of Söder Mälarstrand. The measurements comprised a small amount of individual train passages. During 2008, the division of Structural Design and Bridges at KTH performed an extensive field measurement programme on the bridge passing Söderström. Continuous measurements collecting data of all traffic during a period of one month was performed.</p>

Numerical analyses of stability of a gradually raised tailings dam

Zardari, Muhammad Auchar January 2013 (has links)
Numerical analyses are presented in this thesis to address potential stability problems that may occur during gradual raisings and under seismic loading conditions of Aitik tailings dam in northern Sweden. The dam is mainly raised using upstream construction method. It is planned to raise the dam gradually in several stages. Two dam parts were studied. The first dam part is a straight dam portion, and the second dam part is a corner. The main concerns associated with future raisings of the straight dam part were: (i) the stability of the dam could be affected by an increase in excess pore pressures during sequential raisings, (ii) how to gradually strengthen the dam by using rockfill berms as supports in such a way that required slope stability can be achieved with a minimum volume of rockfill berms, and (iii) if the dam is subjected to seismic loading, whether or not an increase in excess pore pressures could lead to extensive liquefaction which may cause a failure. The problems related to the dam corner were that tension zones and/or low compression zones could develop because of the horizontal pressure of the stored tailings on the inside of the curvature of the dam corner.Numerical analyses were conducted on both the dam parts using finite element method. Two dimensional (2D) plane strain finite element model was utilized to analyse the straight dam. The dam corner was analysed with both the three dimensional (3D) finite element model, and the 2D axisymmetric finite element model. Coupled deformation and consolidation analyses, and slope stability analyses were performed on both the dam parts to simulate gradual raisings, and to compute safety factors. In addition to this, dynamic analyses were carried out on the straight dam part to evaluate the potential for liquefaction, and seismic stability of the dam. The seismic behaviour of the dam was analysed for two cases: (i) a normal case (earthquake of 3.6 Swedish local magnitude), and (ii) an extreme case (earthquake of 5.8 moment magnitude).The results of the straight dam part, with only previously existing rockfill berms, indicate that stability of the dam was reduced due to an increase in excess pore pressures during raisings. Rockfill berms were utilized as supports to raise the dam with enough safety. An optimization technique was utilized to minimize the volume of rockfill berms. This technique could result in significant saving of cost of rockfill berms.The results of the dam corner show that tension zones and/or low compression zones were located on the surface of the dam corner, mainly above the phreatic level. It is interpreted that there is no risk of internal erosion through the embankments because no seepage path occurs above the phreatic level, and a filter zone exists along the slope of the dam. It is suggested to gradually strengthen the dam corner with rockfill berms. The results of the 2D axisymmetric analyses of the dam corner were in a fairly good agreement with those of the 3D analyses. This implies that the 2D axisymmetric analyses are valid for this dam corner. This is an important finding as 2D axisymmetric analyses require much less computational time compared to 3D analyses.The results of the dynamic analyses performed on the straight dam (including additional rockfill berms) suggest that, for the extreme case, liquefaction could occur in a limited zone that is located below the surface near the embankments. For both the normal and the extreme case, (i) seismically induced displacements seem to be tolerable, and (ii) the post seismic stability of the dam is considered to be sufficient.The findings of this study have been practically applied to the Aitik tailings dam. In general, the modelling procedure and the optimization technique to minimize volume of rockfill berms, presented in this study, could be applied to other tailings dams. / Godkänd; 2013; 20130513 (muhauc); Tillkännagivande disputation 2013-05-20 Nedanstående person kommer att disputera för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen. Namn: Muhammad Auchar Zardari Ämne: Geoteknik/Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Avhandling: Numerical Analyses of Stability of a Gradually Raised Tailings Dam Opponent: Professor Daichao Sheng, School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia Ordförande: Professor Sven Knutsson, Institutionen för samhällsbyggnad och naturresurser, Luleå tekniska universitet Tid: Torsdag den 13 juni 2013, kl 10.00 Plats: F1031, Luleå tekniska universitet

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