Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2chool teacher"" "subject:"bschool teacher""
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När mina ord inte räcker till : En kvalitativ studie av bildlärares val av strategier i undervisning av nyanlända elever som ännu inte till fullo behärskar svenska språket / When my words aren't enough : A qualitative study about art teachers’ choices of strategies when educating newly arrived pupils who do not fully understand the Swedish languageWhite, Ebba January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att analysera hur tre bildlärare på högstadiet bedriver sin bildundervisning av nyanlända elever som ännu inte till fullo behärskar svenska språket. Frågeställningarna innefattar olika strategier i bildundervisningen samt vilka problem och möjligheter lärarna upplever i en undervisning utan gemensamt talat språk. Studien innefattar tre semistrukturerade intervjuer – två muntliga och en skriftlig. Resultatet visar att samtliga lärare hade utarbetat och var i färd att utveckla en mängd olika strategier. Bildämnets multimodala resurser och de nyanlända elevernas flerspråkighet var centrala strategier för att överbrygga språkbarriären och skapa förståelse i ämnet. Främst två av lärarna ville även vidareutveckla undervisningen genom utökat kollegialt samarbete. Problemen lärarna uppfattade handlade till stor del om tidsbrist. För att främja de nyanlända elevernas lärandesituation behövde exempelvis en av lärarna mer tid tillsammans med dem innan de började i ordinarie bildundervisning. Lärarna nämnde många möjligheter angående bildämnets resurser som medel för förståelse, samt möjligheter med att använda elevernas starkaste språk vid bedömning av teoretiska delar. / The purpose of the study is to analyze how three high school art teachers educate newly arrived pupils who do not fully understand the Swedish language. The issues contain how the teachers work with certain strategies and what kind of problems and possibilities they perceive when teaching without a common spoken language. The study includes three semi structured interviews – two oral and one written. The results illustrate that all of the teachers had developed, and were in the process of developing, a variety of strategies. Central strategies in creating understanding were multimodal resources specific for the art subject, and the newly arrived pupils’ multilingualism. Mainly two of the teachers wanted to develop their education further through expanded collegiate corporation. The problems that the teachers perceived mainly had to do with lack of time. To better support the newly arrived pupils’ learning situation the teachers needed more time together with the pupils, before they entered the ordinary classes. The teachers mentioned several possibilities concerning the art subjects’ resources as tools in understanding each other. They also emphasized the possibilities of using the pupils’ strongest language in the matter of theoretical assessment.
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組織行為之分析:台北市士東國小的個案研究 / An analysis of organizational behavior: case study of shih-tung elementary school of Taipei city郭麗美, Kuo, Li Mei Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣經歷少子化而後,國小超額老師問題相形嚴重. 故本論文以個案研究方式探討中型學校士東國小的資深與資淺教師為例,就學校歷史文化,課程設計,領導風格,及學校效能方面來探討教師在教職生涯滿意度與家長對教師之期望. / Since the phenomenon of low fertility rate emergent in Taiwan, the teacher of the primary education suffered and gradually caused the sever problem of the surplus elementary school teacher. Hence, the Shih-Tung elementary, a medium size school, is the scale aligned with optimal scale for government to borrow the experience.
The thesis applied a case study method of in-depth interview for related party of teachers and parents of Shih-Tung Elementary School. Initially from retrieving the education core both from definition and ancient wisdom testing the true meaning for the primary education. It is discussed from the culture of the school, the belief of an organization, which is the symbol of pine, big pencil and eraser under persistent learning, preceding that, from the culture to the curriculum design in terms of characteristic of the school, the charm of the school which made less decline of the student enrollment. Moreover, from the leadership style to verify how it formed the consensus and the acceptance form the teachers, which later on lead the effectiveness of the school. Further, it is focused on the organizational behavior analysis applying the Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Motivator-Hygiene Theory to analyze the satisfaction factors of the teachers in the school. The main parts for the central idea are focused on the teachers’ attitude in relation with the satisfaction factors in the case school, in words, the organizational behavior of the case school. Hence, the discussions are brought under school culture and curriculum design, leadership style and school effectiveness, teachers’ working satisfaction and inspiration, parents’ expectation.
Consequently, the result and suggestions are made for the 2 parts: one for the school, and the other for the government under the transition of the era. The suggestions are made for the school as to keep the culture and inheritance of the senior to the junior teacher as legacy, and improving the environment for more efficient purpose of using and curriculum design under innovated way under long history. And utilize the human resource of unmarried woman, and build a communicative talk relationship with the parents since the mutual understanding of both parties are changing from authorities to cooperative and increasing junior teachers in the near future.
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Pedagogický projekt a jeho uplatnění při osobnostním a sociálním rozvoji dětí v mateřské škole / Educational project and its application in personality and social development of children in the pre primary schoolLeškaničová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on a preschool-aged children and on possibilities of their personality and social development through the educational project in preschool education. The first, theoretical part, deals with the process of socialization which is broadly developing after the start of preschool education. It also presents pieces of information about educational process in pre-primary school related to the importance of the process of socialization in educational practice as well as in relation to contemporary personality approach and comprehensive integrated approach in preschool education. The main focus remains on the possibilities of educational projects in this area. The second, practical part, explores via observation and questionaire methods the personality expressions of children in social interaction and relationships between children. But first and foremost it verifies the benefits of educational projecting for the possibility of intentional work on personality and social development of children in pre-primary school. KEY WORDS socialization, personality of a preschool child, pre-primary school, preschool education, personality model of preschool education, pre-primary school teacher, educational project
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Specifika kvalit učitele malotřídní školy a jeho profesní příprava / Multileveled schooľs teacher specific qualities and professional preparationBurýšková, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis titled Multileveled school's teachers specific qualities and professional preparation focuses on finding specific qualities of multileveled schools, qualities of their teachers in the area of professional competence and quality of institutions for training future teachers. The theoretical background is applied to the research section. Depth group interview, observation and analysis of written sources reveals the essence of teachers' work at multileveled school with all its specifics. Summarize the results and try to find the relations between the observed and the specifics of their qualities. Can not say unequivocally that the multileveled schools'specifics and specific teachers skills are quality guarantee. The teacher always depends his knowledge, skills, values, attitudes and personality traits and the initial training and continuing professional development, as consider the quality of their work and how to proceed further development. Even though specific teacher's job may be a part of a potential professional qualities that teachers want to develop.
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Les usages professionnels de l'internet chez les enseignants du primaire : une recherche en Communauté française de Belgique / Professional uses of Internet by primary school teachersDuquesnoy, Maxime 27 November 2014 (has links)
Le développement d’Internet induit divers changements dans le quotidien, modifications auxquelles n’échappent pas la sphère scolaire et le travail enseignant. À la lumière des sociologies du travail et de l’éducation, cette thèse se propose d’analyser les usages professionnels d’Internet par les enseignants du primaire, en Communauté française de Belgique. En s’appuyant sur une enquête par questionnaire, sur une démarche ethnographique et l’analyse de sites internet et de réseaux socionumériques, l’approche plurielle de cette étude permet d’analyser les usages d’internet de ces professionnels, de cerner la place ainsi occupée à chaque niveau de leur travail, tout en étudiant l’impact de cette utilisation. Cette étude s’attache à l’analyse du travail dans sa globalité et permet de dépasser les formes visibles des usages afin de les cerner dans leur ensemble et toute leur complexité. L’enquête auprès de plus de 200 instituteurs permet de cibler des usages réguliers et prédominants ou, au contraire, délaissés par les enseignants. L’observation du quotidien de ces acteurs, durant trois années scolaires, apporte la contextualisation de certains éléments, parfois en les nuançant à la lumière de la réalité du terrain. Enfin, l’analyse des sites fréquentés et de leurs interactions sur les réseaux socionumériques met en lumière certaines tâches parfois occultées du travail enseignant. / The development of the internet leads to various changes in our everyday life, including in the academic sphere and in the work of teachers. In the light of work and education sociologies, this thesis analyses professional uses of the internet by primary school teachers in the Frenchspeaking Community of Belgium. Based on a questionnaire survey, an ethnographic proccess and the analysis of websites and social networks, the pluralist approach of this study makes it possible to analyse the uses of the internet by these professionals, to understand when and how they use it in their work and to study its impact. This study focuses on the analyses of the work in its globality, going beyond the visible aspects of the uses in order to comprehend them as a whole and in their full complexity. More than 200 teachers were surveyed, which allowed to focus on regular and prevailing uses as well as, on the contrary, neglected ones. The observation of these stakeholders daily work during three school years brings the contextualization of certain elements, sometimes being moderated in the light of the realities on the ground. Finally, the analyses of the used websites and their interactions on social networks highlights some teacher tasks at times concealed.
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Elevrelaterat våld mot lärare i relation till skolklimatetForsberg, Donny, Fredriksson, Joakim, Svärdström, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att via en kvantitativ webbenkät i ett bekvämlighetsurval av svenska lärare, undersöka förekomst av elevrelaterat direkt våld och indirekt våld mot lärare samt i vilken utsträckning olika aspekter av skolklimatet som kan förklara lärarens upplevelser av direkt våld och indirekt våld. Urvalet bestod utav 143 svenska grundskolelärare (25 män och 117 kvinnor samt en som ej angav kön) i åldrarna 20-65 (M = 40,44, SD = 11,17). Resultatet visade att åtta av tio lärare hade blivit utsatta för någon typ av elevrelaterat direkt våld vid minst ett tillfälle under det senaste året. Den vanligaste typen av elevrelaterat direkt våld var verbala kränkningar följt av lättare fysiskt våld och hot om våld. Det visade sig också att en stor del av lärarna blivit utsatta för flera typer av elevrelaterat direkt våld under de senaste 12 månaderna, vilket indikerar på en multipel utsatthet. Indirekt våld hade i stort sett samtliga lärare upplevt vid ett flertal tillfällen under det senaste året. Vidare fann studien att kvinnliga lärare uppgav sig vara mer utsatta för både direkt och indirekt våld jämfört med männen. Studien fann även att struktur och engagemang tycks vara de viktigaste dimensionerna av skolklimatet för att förebygga elevrelaterat direkt våld och indirekt våld mot lärare. / The aim of the study was to investigate, through a quantitative web survey in a convenience sample of Swedish teachers, the presence of student-related direct violence and indirect violence against teachers and to what extent different aspects of the school climate that can explain the teacher's experiences of direct violence and indirect violence. The sample consisted of 143 Swedish primary school teachers (25 men and 117 women and one who did not specify the gender) at the ages 20-65 (M = 40.44, SD = 11.17). The result showed that eight out of ten teachers had been exposed to any type of student-related direct violence on at least one occasion in the past year. The most common type of student-related direct violence was verbal abuse followed by easier physical violence and threats of violence. It also turned out that a large number of teachers were exposed to several types of student-related direct violence in the last 12 months, which indicates a multiple victimization. Indirect violence had virtually all teachers experienced on several occasions over the past year. Furthermore, the study found that female teachers stated that they were more victimized by both direct and indirect violence compared to men. The study also found that structure and engagement seem to be the most important dimensions of the school climate to prevent student-related direct violence and indirect violence against teachers.
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Samhällskunskapslärares tankar om samhällsbegreppet i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. : En studie i metoden fokusgruppsintervju av nio yrkesverksamma samhällskunskapslärare på två olika gymnasieskolor. / Social science theatchers thoughts on societals concept in social studies. : A study in the focus group interview method of nine professional social sciense teatchers in two different upper secondary schools.Andersson, Jemima January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how social science teachers perceive and express the concept of society in social studies. The study consists of focus group interviews with nine social science teachers at two upper secondary schools and its results are analyzed against the theoretical backdrop of Odenstad's orientation topics, analytical subjects and discussion topics and Sandahl’s first-order and second-order concepts. In short, the two different conceptual devices can be described as the skills and abilities that are most important for the students to master in order to develop advanced thinking skills in social science. Particular emphasis is put on critical thinking, that is, the ability to seek, structure and evaluate information from different sources and to draw conclusions from this process. The emerging results show a certain consensus on the concept of society among social science teachers as the potential subject of study and analysis that would simplify and clarify the analyses of the different levels in society which, in turn, would contribute to adding significance and bringing cohesion to the subject as a whole. As for the skills and abilities that stem from Odenstad's orientation topics and Sandahl’s first-order concepts, the interviewed teachers all emphasize conceptual ability as well as good external knowledge to have knowledge of how society is made up. With reference to Odenstad's analytical subject and discussion topics and Sandahl's second-order concepts, it would seem that it is not only important but a prerequisite that students develop an analytical ability and critical thinking as well as the ability to sift through and process large amounts of information and assume different perspectives on the topic or issue at hand.
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O Instituto Superior de Educação no contexto de produção dos ambientes institucionais de formação dos professores das séries iniciais: uma abordagem histórica / The Superior Institute of Education in the context of production of the institutional environments to the teachers´ of the initial series formation: a historical approachPisaneschi, Lucilene Schunck Costa 12 May 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o processo histórico da constituição dos ambientes institucionais voltados para a formação, no âmbito da escola secundária e do ensino superior, do professor das séries iniciais, bem como de situar, no interior desse processo, a criação dos Institutos Superiores de Educação. A partir de um resgate histórico, procuramos demonstrar o perfil assumido pelas políticas públicas no campo da formação docente e suas respectivas implicações nos movimentos de constituição dos ambientes e dos cursos de formação dos docentes da escola primária, desde a instituição da Escola Normal até a criação, em 1996, dos Institutos Superiores de Educação (ISEs). A centralidade da nossa investigação reside na análise dos mecanismos de rupturas e continuidades que foram, historicamente, caracterizando não só as políticas públicas na área como também as implicações desses mecanismos no processo de constituição, ou não, de um locus institucional especificamente voltado para o preparo profissional dos professores das séries iniciais da escolarização. Nesse sentido, procuramos situar a constituição dos Institutos Superiores de Educação no interior das políticas de formação docente, destacando nesse percurso dois elementos básicos: a) os limites e as possibilidades oferecidas por essa instância diante do desafio de se constituir como um modelo institucional especificamente voltado para a formação profissional, em nível superior, dos quadros do Magistério; b) a forma como esses novos ambientes têm se estruturado frente às disputas travadas no interior do campo educacional brasileiro, especialmente no âmbito das políticas de formação de professores. Em função dos objetivos da presente pesquisa, empregamos no nosso percurso investigativo duas abordagens complementares, caracterizadas, respectivamente, por um estudo histórico e um empírico. Para o desenvolvimento da abordagem histórica, serviram-nos como fonte a produção bibliográfica relativa ao tema e a documentação oficial responsável pelo ordenamento das políticas de formação docente na cidade de São Paulo. No âmbito do estudo empírico, nosso recurso nuclear foi o banco de dados do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP). Recorremos também ao uso de entrevistas, cuja finalidade era perceber, para além do registro oficial, as expectativas, (iniciais e atuais), de alguns dos membros que participaram do processo de criação e regulamentação dos ISEs. Esperamos que o presente trabalho possa contribuir para novas reflexões acerca das questões relativas às políticas públicas e à formação inicial de professores. / This work analyses the historical process of the constitution of institutional environments of elementary school teacher education in the context of the secondary and post-secondary schools, as to situate, in this process, the creation of Higher Education Institutes. From a historical perspective, we look at the profile assumed by the public policies in the area of teacher education and its respective implications in the movements of constitution of environments and elementary school teacher education, from the creation of the Escola Normal to the creation, in 1996, of the Institutos Superiores de Educação (ISEs) (Higher Education Institutes of Education). The aim of our investigation stems from the analysis of breaking up and continuity mechanisms that were, historically, characterizing not only the public policies in the area, but the implications of these mechanisms in the process of creation, or not, of a institutional locus specifically directed to professional teacher training of elementary school teachers. Thus, we have tried to situate the creation of Institutos Superiores de Educação inside the policies of teacher education, emphasizing in this process two basic elements: a) the limits and the possibilities provided by this instance before the challenge of the constitution of an institutional model specifically directed to the professional training, in higher education, of teachers; b) the way these new environments have been structured within the discussions in the Brazilian educational field, especially in the area of teacher education policies. Considering the main objectives of this investigation, we used two complementary approaches in this process characterized, respectively, by a historical study and an empirical one. For the development of the historical approach, we used the bibliography related to the subject and the official documents for the governing of the policies of teacher education in the city of São Paulo. In the empirical study, our main resource was the database of the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP). We also used interviews, whose main object was to note, besides the official register, the former and present expectations of some members that took part in the process of creation and implementation of the ISEs. We hope this present work may foster new considerations on the issues related to public policies and to teacher education.
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Quando o professor é notícia? Imagens de professor e imagens do jornalismo / When does the school teacher become news? Images of school teacher and images of journalismFerreira, Katia Zanvettor 11 June 2012 (has links)
Esta investigação buscou depreender o momento em que o professor torna-se notícia no jornalismo brasileiro, com o objetivo de analisar, a partir do fato noticioso qual é imagem construída do professor da educação básica, uma vez que prevalece no jornalismo um modo de ler e escrever que ignora a presença do inconsciente nos sujeitos da escrita. Para cumpri-lo, reunimos como corpus matérias jornalísticas, incluindo notícias e artigos, publicadas entre janeiro de 2009 e janeiro de 2010 no jornal Folha de São Paulo e também notícias publicadas, entre 2006 e 2011, em veículos de informação variados. Pensando na insistência do jornalismo profissional em se apresentar como porta-voz da realidade e de como, para nós, tal insistência decorre de um deslize ideológico próprio de uma concepção de linguagem que ignora o sujeito do inconsciente, analisamos os textos a partir do conceito de Ideologia (HERBERT, 1995), que depois foi reelaborado no quadro da Análise do Discurso por Michel Pêcheux (2010). Ao deparar-nos com a complexidade do material analisado, buscamos referências teóricas para sustentar nossa análise em diferentes campos do saber, além daquele da Análise do discurso. Portanto, considerou-se neste trabalho a contribuição da Análise Crítica do Discurso, da Sociologia da Comunicação e da Psicanálise, de orientação Lacaniana. Para recuperar o diálogo que se dá no processo de constituição da imagem do professor no discurso da mídia, primeiramente identificamos, quantificamos e qualificamos as fontes de informações que foram utilizadas com maior frequência na composição do texto jornalístico, de modo a observar a prevalência do discurso dos especialistas do campo da educação. Assim, partindo dessa materialidade, recuperamos as imagens do professor construídas no discurso jornalístico e a relação dessas imagens com os modos de ler e escrever no jornalismo que constituem também imagens sobre o próprio jornalismo. A análise levou-nos a identificar uma prática jornalística que tenta apagar a presença do inconsciente na escrita e acaba por reduzir as possibilidades de reflexão, resultando em homogeneização da imagem do professor. Mostramos que se há de fato no jornalismo uma pretensão de tomar a realidade como expressão não dialetizável de suas crenças, essa é reforçada na identificação do discurso dos especialistas em educação. Nossa pesquisa observou um processo de identificação que marca a relação do jornalista com o especialista consultado. Tal processo permite ao primeiro legitimar sua fala pelo traço com o qual se identifica ao outro, limitando a pluralidade e colaborando para que o discurso jornalístico engendre-se em um discurso reacionário e moralizante. Concluímos que a leitura e a escrita no ensino de jornalismo deve cada vez mais enfocar a insustentabilidade teórica da objetividade e possibilitar novos modos de contextualizar a cobertura em educação. Em nossa avaliação, se o momento atual é de perda das referências cristalizadas a respeito do que é ser um professor, também poderá ser um momento extremamente criativo para encontrarmos novas formas de apresentação do sujeito professor no âmbito da imprensa e, consequentemente, pode ser um momento muito criativo para o jornalismo. / This investigation has aimed to understand the moment in which the teacher becomes news in the Brazilian journalism. Its objective is to analyze, from the news event the image of school teacher that is constructed, once it is prevailed in journalism a way of reading and writing that ignores the presence of the unconscious within the writing characters. In order to do so, there was a compilation of a corpus of printed news, including news and articles, published between January 2009 and January 2010 at Folha de São Paulo. Different sources of news, published between 2006 and 2011, were also collected. Considering the fact that professional journalism insists in presenting itself as a spokesperson of the reality, we state, that this insistence is a result of ideological slip proper of a conception of language that ignores the subject of the unconscious, the texts were analyzed based on the concept of Ideology ( HERBERT, 1995), later elaborated in Discourse Analysis by Michale Pêcheux (2010). As faced the complexity of the analyzed material, theoretical references were sought in order to sustain our analysis in different areas, besides Discourse Analysis. Therefore, in this investigation not only was Critical Discourse Analysis considered but also Communications Sociology and Lacanian Psychoanalysis were taken into consideration. In order to look into the dialogue that takes place in the process of constitution of the teachers image in the media, firstly we identified, quantified and qualified the sources of information that were mostly used in the composition of the journalistic text, so that we could observe the prevalence of the discourse of the specialists on the education field. Thus, based on this materiality, we gathered the images of the teacher built in the journalistic discourse and the relationship of these images with the ways of reading and writing in the journalism that build its own image. By the analysis, we have identified a journalistic praxis that tries to eliminate the unconsciouss presence in writing. That ends reducing the possibilities of reflection and resulting in the homogenization of the teacher\'s image. We have shown that if there is in journalism an intention of taking the reality as unspoken expression of its beliefs, this is reinforced by the identification in education specialists discourse. Our investigation observed a process of identification that designates the relationship between the journalist and the consulted specialist. Such process allows the first one to legitimate his speech by the feature which he identifies itself with the other, limiting its various facets and contributing to the creation of a reactionary and also moralizing discourse. We concluded that the reading and writing within the teaching of journalism should focus ever more on the theoretical unsustainability of objectivity and therefore it should make it possible new ways of contextualizing the cover of the education area. We consider that the current moment represents a loss of strong references of what it is to be a teacher. It can also be an extremely creative moment in order to find new ways of introducing the teacher character within the press and, consequently, it can be an very creative moment for the journalism itself.
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-24 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / The general objective of this thesis is to analyze the representations and appropriations of Modern Education in the State of Santa Catarina, in the period between 1918 and 1957 circumscribed, favoring an analysis of the School Group Balduíno Cardoso in Porto União-SC. Specifically, we intend to discuss the process of Educational Reform Vidal Ramos (1911), Luiz Bezerra da Trindade (1935) e
Elpídio Barbosa (1946), analyze the movement of creation and expansion of school organization in Santa Catarina and to problematize the representations of Modern Pedagogy established for such reforms and the ways of appropriation in the
teaching-learning practices of the School Balduíno Cardoso Group. Therefore, we seek to respond as modern pedagogical principles formulated by the State of Santa Catarina recorded in Group School Teacher Balduíno Cardoso. This problem related
to the concepts of representation and appropriation of Roger Chartier, which guide the dialogue with all sources and allow for an interpretation and explanation of the implementation process and expansion of school organization, as well as reception of the principles of Modern Pedagogy. The dialogue with Roger Chartier and the reading reports of the Government of Santa Catarina, laws, decrees, regulations and bylaws, as well as inspectors reports, principals and teachers let us state that: the
Educational Reforms implemented in the Santa Catarina state, in the period that circumscribes this research, have established a representation of Modern Pedagogy that sought to characterize a new ethos of public instruction; in the context of the
Education Reform Orestes Guimarães was created School Group Balduíno Cardoso, originally called Collected Schools; the public politics have materialized in different ways in the interior schools compared to existing in the main cities of Santa Catarina, it did not exist an institution teacher training, except in the capital, and in the municipalities in the state prevailing mode of isolated school, missing some teaching materials consistent with the guidelines of Modern Pedagogy; state spheres of Santa Catarina established numerous documents of normative and pedagogical intended for the heads and teachers, emphasizing the need to appropriate the principles of modern pedagogy and teaching nationalization policy; the faculty of the School Group Balduíno Cardoso was expressed, either by reports or education plans, which understood and applied the intuitive method of pedagogical practice, while registering also some difficulties of the reception process; school inspectors in their reports, they left signs and indications that the appropriations of Modern Pedagogy among
teachers of Balduíno Cardoso were not always in accordance with the representations and practices recommended by the official normalization Santa
Catarina, well as recorded the absence of objective conditions necessary when solicited to send educational materials to school and indicating the poor condition of the physical structure. / O objetivo geral desta tese é analisar as representações e as apropriações da
Pedagogia Moderna no Estado de Santa Catarina, no período circunscrito entre 1918 e 1957, privilegiando uma análise do Grupo Escolar Balduíno Cardoso da
cidade de Porto União-SC. Em termos específicos, pretende-se discutir o processo das Reformas Educacionais de Vidal Ramos (1911), Luiz Bezerra da Trindade (1935) e Elpídio Barbosa (1946), analisar o movimento de criação e expansão dos
grupos escolares em Santa Catarina e problematizar as representações da Pedagogia Moderna estabelecidas por essas reformas e os modos de apropriação nas práticas de ensino-aprendizagem do Grupo Escolar Balduíno Cardoso. Assim,
busca-se responder como os preceitos pedagógicos modernos formulados pelo Estado de Santa Catarina foram apropriados no Grupo Escolar Professor Balduíno Cardoso. Este problema está relacionado aos conceitos de representação e apropriação de Roger Chartier, os quais orientam o diálogo com o conjunto de fontes e permitem estabelecer uma interpretação e explicação do processo de implantação e expansão dos grupos escolares, bem como de recepção dos princípios da Pedagogia Moderna. A interlocução com Roger Chartier e a leitura de relatórios do Governo de Santa Catarina, leis, decretos, regulamentos e regimentos, assim como relatórios de inspetores, diretores e professores permitem afirmar que: as Reformas
Educacionais implantadas no estado catarinense, no período que circunscreve esta pesquisa, estabeleceram uma representação da Pedagogia Moderna que buscava caracterizar um novo ethos à instrução pública; no contexto da Reforma Educacional de Orestes Guimarães foi criado o Grupo Escolar Balduíno Cardoso, inicialmente denominado de Escolas Reunidas; as políticas públicas se materializaram de modo distinto nas escolas do interior se comparadas às existentes nas principais cidades de Santa Catarina, pois inexistia uma instituição de formação de professores, exceto
na capital, e nos municípios do interior do estado predominava a modalidade de escola isolada, faltando alguns materiais pedagógicos condizentes com as diretrizes da Pedagogia Moderna; as esferas estatais de Santa Catarina estabeleceram inúmeros documentos de natureza normativa e pedagógica destinados aos diretores e professores, destacando a necessidade de se apropriar dos princípios da
Pedagogia Moderna e da política de nacionalização do ensino; o corpo docente do Grupo Escolar Balduíno Cardoso expressava-se, quer pelos relatórios ou planos de ensino, que compreendia e aplicava o método intuitivo à prática pedagógica, sem deixar de registrar, também, algumas dificuldades do processo de recepção; os
inspetores escolares, nos seus relatórios, deixavam sinais e indícios de que as apropriações da Pedagogia Moderna entre os professores do Balduíno Cardoso nem sempre estavam de acordo com as representações e práticas recomendadas pela
normatização oficial de Santa Catarina, assim como registravam a inexistência de condições objetivas necessárias quando solicitavam o envio de materiais
pedagógicos à escola e indicavam as más condições da estrutura física.
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