Spelling suggestions: "subject:"secure"" "subject:"recure""
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Ammunition stocks: Promoting safe and secure storage and disposal.Greene, Owen J., Holt, Sally E., Wilkinson, Adrian January 2004 (has links)
yes / [Introduction]International commitments and measures to prevent, reduce and combat uncontrolled or illicit small arms
and light weapons (SALW) holdings and flows are widely understood to encompass not only the weapons
but also their ammunition. This is obviously necessary. Thus the UN Programme of Action to Prevent
Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA) includes
many commitments that apply to ammunition as well as to small and light weapons. Progress in
implementing the PoA includes many measures concerning ammunition, including: controls on transfers;
preventing diversion to illicit trade; marking, record-keeping and tracing; weapons collection; secure
storage; and destruction.1
Unfortunately, progress in implementing the PoA in relation to ammunition remains particularly patchy
and inadequate. This is partly because it has too often been considered as a residual category.
Negotiations and programmes to control SALW have tended in the first instance to focus on the
weapons systems, and have then been deemed to apply, `as appropriate¿, also to ammunition. But
control and reduction of ammunition raise their own distinct and challenging issues. Without focused
attention, and clarification of what is meant by `appropriate¿, controls and measures on ammunition
have often been neglected or mishandled.[Executive summary] The 2001 United Nations Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in
Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA) and other associated Small Arms and Light
Weapons (SALW) international commitments and measures are widely understood to encompass not
only the weapons but also their ammunition. Unfortunately, progress in implementing the PoA in relation
to ammunition remains particularly patchy and inadequate. This is partly because it has too often been
considered as a residual category. But control and reduction of ammunition raise their own distinct and
challenging issues. This relative neglect is resulting in large numbers of avoidable deaths and injuries.
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A Secure Infrastructural Strategy for Safe Autonomous Mobile AgentsGiansiracusa, Michelangelo Antonio January 2005 (has links)
Portable languages and distributed paradigms have driven a wave of new applications and processing models. One of the most promising, certainly from its early marketing, but disappointing (from its limited uptake)is the mobile agent execution and data processing model. Mobile agents are autonomous programs which can move around a heterogeneous network such as the Internet, crossing through a number of different security domains, and perform some work at each visited destination as partial completion of a mission for their agent user. Despite their promise as a technology and paradigm to drive global electronic services (i.e.any Internet-driven-and-delivered service, not solely e-commerce related activities), their up take on the Internet has been very limited. Chief among the reasons for the paradigm's practical under-achievement is there is no ubiquitous frame work for using Internet mobile agents, and non-trivial security concerns abound for the two major stake holders (mobile agent users and mobile agent platform owners). While both stake holders have security concerns with the dangers of the mobile agent processing model, most investigators in the field are of the opinion that protecting mobile agents from malicious agent platforms is more problematic than protecting agent platforms from malicious mobile agents. Traditional cryptographic mechanisms are not well-suited to counter the bulk of the threats associated with the mobile agent paradigm due to the untrusted hosting of an agent and its intended autonomous, flexible movement and processing. In our investigation, we identified that the large majority of the research undertaken on mobile agent security to date has taken a micro-level perspective. By this we mean research focused solely on either of the two major stakeholders, and even then often only on improving measures to address one security issue dear to the stake holder - for example mobile agent privacy (for agent users) or access control to platform resources (for mobile agent platform owners). We decided to take a more encompassing, higher-level approach in tackling mobile agent security issues. In this endeavour, we developed the beginnings of an infrastructural-approach to not only reduce the security concerns of both major stakeholders, but bring them transparently to a working relationship. Strategic utilisation of both existing distributed system trusted-third parties (TTPs) and novel mobile agent paradigm-specific TTPs are fundamental in the infrastructural framework we have devised. Besides designing an application and language independent frame work for supporting a large-scale Internet mobile agent network, our Mobile Agent Secure Hub Infrastructure (MASHIn) proposal encompasses support for flexible access control to agent platform resources. A reliable means to track the location and processing times of autonomous Internet mobile agents is discussed, withfault-tolerant handling support to work around unexpected processing delays. Secure,highly-effective (incomparison to existing mechanisms) strategies for providing mobile agent privacy, execution integrity, and stake holder confidence scores were devised - all which fit comfortably within the MASHIn framework. We have deliberately considered the interests - withoutbias -of both stake holders when designing our solutions. In relation to mobile agent execution integrity, we devised a new criteria for assessing the robustness of existing execution integrity schemes. Whilst none of the existing schemes analysed met a large number of our desired properties for a robust scheme, we identified that the objectives of Hohl's reference states scheme were most admirable - particularly real - time in - mission execution integrity checking. Subsequently, we revised Hohl's reference states protocols to fit in the MASHIn framework, and were able to overcome not only the two major limitations identified in his scheme, but also meet all of our desired properties for a robust execution integrity scheme (given an acceptable decrease in processing effiency). The MASHIn offers a promising new perspective for future mobile agent security research and indeed a new frame work for enabling safe and autonomous Internet mobile agents. Just as an economy cannot thrive without diligent care given to micro and macro-level issues, we do not see the security prospects of mobile agents (and ultimately the prospects of the mobile agent paradigm) advancing without diligent research on both levels.
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Hodnocení zabezpečení obchodních informací / Rating of Security Business InformationsVeselý, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The thesis ”Rating of security business information” is focused on creating metrics in order to assess security of an information system of the company Tech4sec, spol.s.r.o. Risks of the information system and their impact on economy of the company are elaborated by application of the created metrics. To build the part of IS/IT strategy of the company that leads to elimitation of the risks found is dealt with in the thesis as well.
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Vzdělávání dětí z dětského domova / Educating children from a Children's HomeKrátká, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Dissertation is focused on the issue of institutional care in the Czech Republic. The main focus of this work are children's homes, education and socialization of children placed in this type of residential care. The aim of the theoretical part is to describe the characteristics of subjects of institutional care in the Czech Republic. Furthermore, to compare institutional care with selected countries and describe the child's socialization in the family and at school. A historical overview of institutional care in the Czech Republic is also described, and in conclusion the author deals with a specific description of the social inclusion of pupils with special educational needs in the teaching process at primary school. The empirical part reports on the research and its results obtained by qualitative methodology using case study design. The main goal of the research was to find out how children from a children's home are integrated into the teaching process at primary school. Furthermore, the author set several partial goals. The first partial goal was to find out how children from a children's home are integrated by children growing up in biological families into the class group at primary school. The second partial goal was to find out how children from a children's home are involved in the...
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Invloed van ʼn pendelhuwelik op die jong kind in die gesin / The influence of a commuter marriage on the young child in the familyDe Villiers, Heilletje Maria Margaretha 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Pendelhuwelike is aan die toeneem en het verskeie invloede op die jong kind in die gesin. Die primêre doel van die studie was om emosionele en sosiale intelligensie as basis te gebruik om die invloed van ʼn pendelhuwelik op ʼn jong kind tussen 7 en 11 jaar te bepaal. ʼn Gemengde navorsingsontwerp is as empiriese ondersoek gedoen. Vyf deelnemers het deelgeneem in drie sessies elk. Die data-insamelingsinstrumente was: waarneming en veldnotas; projeksiemedia; ʼn vraelys, en ʼn semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud met elk van die betrokke moeders. Die meting van emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling met behulp van die vraelys toon dat, ongeag van die afwesigheid van die deelnemers se vaders, en die konflikte, vrese en behoeftes wat hulle ervaar volgens die projeksiemedia, die deelnemers se emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling oorwegend gemiddeld tot hoog is. Die uitkomste bied hopelik ʼn insiggewende bydrae hoe pendelhuwelike vyf jong kinders se emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling beïnvloed het. / Commuter marriages are increasing and have various influences on the young child in the family. The primary aim of this study was to determine the influences of a commuter marriage on a young child between 7 and 11 years, using emotional and social intelligence as a basis. A mixed method empirical research design was used. Three sessions were conducted with five participants individually to obtain data through: observations and field notes, projection media, a questionnaire, and a semi-structured interview with each mother. The measurement of emotional and social development through the use of the questionnaire shows that, despite the absence of the participants’ fathers, and the conflicts, fears and needs they experienced according to the projection media, the participants’ emotional and social development are predominantly average to high. The study hopefully provides a significant contribution to the understanding of how commuter marriages influenced five young children’s emotional and social development. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)
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Invloed van ʼn pendelhuwelik op die jong kind in die gesin / The influence of a commuter marriage on the young child in the familyDe Villiers, Heilletje Maria Margaretha 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Pendelhuwelike is aan die toeneem en het verskeie invloede op die jong kind in die gesin. Die primêre doel van die studie was om emosionele en sosiale intelligensie as basis te gebruik om die invloed van ʼn pendelhuwelik op ʼn jong kind tussen 7 en 11 jaar te bepaal. ʼn Gemengde navorsingsontwerp is as empiriese ondersoek gedoen. Vyf deelnemers het deelgeneem in drie sessies elk. Die data-insamelingsinstrumente was: waarneming en veldnotas; projeksiemedia; ʼn vraelys, en ʼn semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud met elk van die betrokke moeders. Die meting van emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling met behulp van die vraelys toon dat, ongeag van die afwesigheid van die deelnemers se vaders, en die konflikte, vrese en behoeftes wat hulle ervaar volgens die projeksiemedia, die deelnemers se emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling oorwegend gemiddeld tot hoog is. Die uitkomste bied hopelik ʼn insiggewende bydrae hoe pendelhuwelike vyf jong kinders se emosionele en sosiale ontwikkeling beïnvloed het. / Commuter marriages are increasing and have various influences on the young child in the family. The primary aim of this study was to determine the influences of a commuter marriage on a young child between 7 and 11 years, using emotional and social intelligence as a basis. A mixed method empirical research design was used. Three sessions were conducted with five participants individually to obtain data through: observations and field notes, projection media, a questionnaire, and a semi-structured interview with each mother. The measurement of emotional and social development through the use of the questionnaire shows that, despite the absence of the participants’ fathers, and the conflicts, fears and needs they experienced according to the projection media, the participants’ emotional and social development are predominantly average to high. The study hopefully provides a significant contribution to the understanding of how commuter marriages influenced five young children’s emotional and social development. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Voorligting)
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Odposlech moderních šifrovaných protokolů / Interception of Modern Encrypted ProtocolsMarček, Ján January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the introduction to the security mechanism.The procedure explains the basic concepts, principles of cryptography and security of modern protocols and basic principles that are used for information transmission network. The work also describes the most common types of attacks targeting the eavesdropping of communication. The result is a design of the eavesdropping and the implementation of an attack on the secure communication of the SSL protocol..The attacker uses a false certificate and attacks based on poisoning the ARP and DNS tables for this purpose. The thesis discusses the principles of the SSL protocol and methodology of attacks on the ARP and DNS tables.
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Guidelines for alternative caregivers to enhance attachment with the traumatised childNieuwoudt, Judith 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of Gestalt guidelines for alternative
caregivers to enhance attachment with the traumatised child. The researcher
made use of the intervention research process, consisting of six phases. For the
purpose of this study of limited scope, the intervention research process was
completed up to step one of the fourth phase. The target group in this study was
alternative caregivers of traumatised children where attachment difficulties
existed. `Alternative caregivers' refers to people who provide care to these
children, either on a voluntary basis or professionally. Focus groups, field notes
and observation were used as data collection method, and Creswell's spiral was
used to analyse data. Not all aspects regarding attachment were covered in this
study and only relevant Gestalt principles were discussed. Gestalt guidelines with
an observational system were finally developed. The views of the respondents,
those of experts and a literature review were incorporated into the guidelines, as
well as some functional elements of existing treatments. / Practical Theology / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Guidelines for alternative caregivers to enhance attachment with the traumatised childNieuwoudt, Judith 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the development of Gestalt guidelines for alternative
caregivers to enhance attachment with the traumatised child. The researcher
made use of the intervention research process, consisting of six phases. For the
purpose of this study of limited scope, the intervention research process was
completed up to step one of the fourth phase. The target group in this study was
alternative caregivers of traumatised children where attachment difficulties
existed. `Alternative caregivers' refers to people who provide care to these
children, either on a voluntary basis or professionally. Focus groups, field notes
and observation were used as data collection method, and Creswell's spiral was
used to analyse data. Not all aspects regarding attachment were covered in this
study and only relevant Gestalt principles were discussed. Gestalt guidelines with
an observational system were finally developed. The views of the respondents,
those of experts and a literature review were incorporated into the guidelines, as
well as some functional elements of existing treatments. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Diac. (Play Therapy)
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Streamlining Certification Management with Automation and Certification Retrieval : System development using ABP Framework, Angular, and MongoDB / Effektivisering av certifikathantering med automatisering och certifikathämtning : Systemutveckling med ABP Framework, Angular och MongoDBHassan, Nour Al Dine January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines the certification management challenge faced by Integrity360. The decentralized approach, characterized by manual processes and disparate data sources, leads to inefficient tracking of certification status and study progress. The main objective of this project was to construct a system that automates data retrieval, ensures a complete audit, and increases security and privacy. Leveraging the ASP.NET Boilerplate (ABP) framework, Angular, and MongoDB, an efficient and scalable system was designed, developed, and built based on DDD (domain-driven design) principles for a modular and maintainable architecture. The implemented system automates data retrieval from the Credly API, tracks exam information, manages exam vouchers, and implements a credible authentication system with role-based access control. With the time limitations behind the full-scale implementation of all the planned features, such as a dashboard with aggregated charts and automatic report generation, the platform significantly increases the efficiency and precision of employee certification management. Future work will include these advanced functionalities and integrations with external platforms to improve the system and increase its impact on operations in Integrity360.
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