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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Moore-Porter, Terri Maria 09 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam : A study of its ontological importance and impact on Ethiopia

Stenberg, Lise January 2022 (has links)
How does the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam affect Ethiopia’s ontological security? This study proposes that the ontological security perspective must be comprehended within the analysis of the dam’s importance, in order to grasp certain dimensions of security which otherwise could remain unnoticed. Thus, the fact that Ethiopia has executed the dam’s building, despite the regional controversy and different forms of attacks it has implied – and was expected to imply in the initial case - suggests that the traditional security perspective is not sufficient in order to understand the dam’s causes as well as the long-term determination regarding the dam’s execution. Hence, by adopting Steele’s and Mitzen’s two conceptualizations of the biographical narrative, as well as Carol Bacchi’s conceptualisation of meaning-making within representation, the dam’s ontological significance is analysed.   I argue that the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam constitutes a meaningful symbol within the Ethiopian biographical narrative, due to the grand political and emotional significance it has been interlinked with. Further on, I argue that this is partly due to the meaning and emphasis which the Ethiopia’s State agents have expressed in conjunction with the comprehending needs which the dam is aimed to satisfy. I conclude by proposing a discussion to weather the dam could be considered to increase the ontological security of Ethiopia, or in fact weaken it.

Identity Chats: Co-Authorized Narratives and the Performance of Writerly Selves in Mass-Multiliterate Times

Kastner, Stacy 25 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Stress inom svenska medier : En kvantitativ studie om svenska nyhetsreportrars upplevelser av stress / Stress within Swedish media : A quantitative study of Swedish newsreporters’ experiences of stress

Segerström, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Statistik visar på att allt fler i Sveriges befolkning upplever en ökad stress i så väl privat- som yrkesliv. Detta yttrar sig till exempel inom områden där digitaliseringen är avhängig för en fortsatt relevans på arbetsmarknaden och inom yrkesgrupper som redan tidigare haft höga krav på kunskap, effektivitet och hastighet. Tidigare forskning visar på ett samband mellan modernitetens framväxt samt de accelerationsprocesser som därigenom tagit fart. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om svenska nyhetsreportrars bakgrund och deras upplevelser avseende stressrelaterade frågor går att påvisa i förhållande till modernitetsstudier. Metod: Undersökningen är en kvantitativstudie som utförts med hjälp av digitala enkäter med främst fasta svarsalternativ på en ordinalskalenivå. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes av 78 svenska nyhetsredaktioner varav 21 TV-, 26 radio- och 31 tidningsredaktioner där 118 respondenter deltagit i undersökningen. Urvalet var icke slumpmässigt vilket medför att studiens resultat utgörs av deskriptiv statistik. Bearbetning av resultaten gjordes i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer att stressrelaterade utmaningar finns i yrkesgruppen och att dessa går att relatera till modernitetsstudier. Ytterligare resultat visar att yrkesgruppen identifierar sig i mycket hög grad med sitt yrke, att de inte får tid för reflektion mellan arbetsuppdragen och att de inte är oroliga för att inte hänga med i den tekniska utvecklingen. Konklusion: Bakomliggande variabler såsom kön, ålder, medium och utbildningsnivå har inte uppvisat någon påverkan för upplevd stress. Däremot påvisar modernitetsteorier att indikationer finns på att förhållanden inom yrket skulle behöva vara bättre. Nyhetsreportrars höga krav och positiva inställning till förändring och utveckling i kombination med brist på återhämtning och reflektion kan mot bakgrund till att denna studie vilar mot deskriptiv statistik sägas vara i linje med teorier om samhället som en juggernaut och social acceleration i enlighet med både Anthony Giddens och Hartmut Rosa. / Background: Statistics show that more and more of Sweden’s population is experiencing increased stress in both private and professional life. This manifests itself, for example, in areas where continues relevance on the labor market is dependent on digitization as well as in professional groups with high demands on speed, knowledge and efficiency. Previous research shows a connection between the rise of modernity and increasing acceleration processes.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether Swedish news reporters’ background and their experiences regarding stress-related issues can be demonstrated in relation to modernity studies. Method: The survey is a quantitative study carried out using digital questionnaires with mainly fixed response options at an ordinal scale level. The survey was conducted at 78 Swedish newsrooms, of which 21 TV, 26 radio and 31 newspaper rooms, where 118 respondents participated in the survey. The selection was not random, which means that the results of the study consist of descriptive statistics. Processing of the results was done in the statistical program SPSS.  Results: The results show that stress-related challenges do exist in the occupational group and that these can be related to modernity studies according to modernity studies. Further results show that the occupational group identifies to a very high degree with their profession, that they do not have enough time for reflection between work assignments and that they are not worried about not keeping up with technical developments.  Conclusion: Underlying variables such as gender, age, medium and level of education have no effect on perceived stress. On the other hand, modernity theories can be emphasized that there are indications that conditions in the profession need to improve. News reporters' high demands and positive attitude to change and development in combined with a lack of recovery and reflection, in light of the fact that this study rests against descriptive statistics, can be said to be in line with theories of society as a juggernaut and social acceleration in accordance with both Anthony Giddens and Hartmut Rosa.


Jackson, Shawna L. 15 May 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Examining the Influence of Perceptions of a Supervisor’s Leadership Style on Levels of Psychological Ownership Among Entry Level Professionals

Shouse, Reggie Lee 20 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Nasionalisme en die demokrasie : 'n ondersoek na 'n verband tussen die kragte van nasionalisme en die tegnieke van demokrasie / Nationalism and democracy : an investigation into the relationship between the forces of nationalism and the techniques of democracy

Botha, Susan Muller 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel met hierdie studie is om te bepaal of daar 'n verband is tussen die aktivering van die middelpuntsoekende en middelpuntvliedende kragte van nasionalisme enersyds en andersyds die tegnieke van demokrasie in die hedendaagse staat. In die ondersoek na so 'n verband, is die nasie beskou as 'n versameling individue wat in terme van 'n bepaalde identiteit assosieer ten einde 'n stel belange te realiseer. Belange wat uitgesonder word is: selfidentiteit, die noodsaaklikheid om met ander mense te kan assosieer, selfdeterminasie as 'n motiverende krag in menslike gedrag, en die persepsie dat die vermoe bestaan om belange te kan realiseer. Die spanning tussen die selfdeterminerende aard van die menslike natuur enersyds, en andersyds die onvermydelike groepkonteks van die mens, word in hierdie studie beklemtoon. Ten einde hierdie spanning te minimiseer, sal die individu die eise van die groep (in hierdie konteks die nasie), as sy eie internaliseer. Ten einde 'n selfdeterminerende individu midde in die nasie te bly, word die selfdeterminasie van die nasie belangrik. Selfdeterminasie word verder beskou, as 'n belangrike kenmerk van liberale demokrasie. Ongelukkig is die groepkonteks en die spanning tussen die belange van die individu enersyds en andersyds die eise van die samelewing weer eens onvermydelik. Verskeie tegnieke van demokrasie word evalueer in terme van hul sukses om die selfdeterminasie van die individu en die realisering van sy belange te verseker. Daar is bevind dat geen tegniek 'n waarborg in hierdie verband kan bied nie. In die studie is bevind dat negatiewe persepsies oor selfdeterminasie en belangerealisering in die algemeen, die middelpuntvliedende kragte in die staat kan aktiveer. Die verskillende tegnieke van demokrasie kan inderdaad die bron van negatiewe persepsies wees. Verder is bevind dat indien hierdie negatiewe persepsies saamval met etniese en/of regionale subidentiteite in die staat, hulle aanleiding kan gee tot rebelse nasionalisme. Die verskillende tegnieke van demokrasie verleen dikwels die meganismes waardeur hierdie subidentiteite georganiseer en gemobiliseer kan word. / The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between the activation of the centripetal and the centrifugal powers of nationalism, on the one hand and on the other hand, the techniques of democracy in the contemporary state. In researching this relationship, the nation is regarded as a collection of individuals who associate in terms of a particular identity in order to realise a set of interests. Interests that are singled out in this study are: self-identity, the need to associate with fellow human beings, self-determination as a motivational force in human behaviour, and the perception of being able to realise particular interests. The tension between the self-determining nature of human beings, on the one hand and the inevitable group context of human beings, on the other hand, is stressed in this study. In order to minimize this tension, the individual will internalize the demands of the group (in this context the nation) as his own. Thus for the individual to remain a self-determining human being within the nation, the self-determination ofthe nation becomes important. It is further pointed out that self-determination of the individual is an important feature of liberal democracy. Unfortunately the group context and the tension between the interests of the individual on the one hand and the demands of society on the other hand, are also inevitable. Various techniques of democracy are evaluated in order to determine their success in safe-guarding the selfdetermination of the individual and the realization of his interests in general. It is pointed out that no technique can in fact provide a guarantee in this regard. In the study it was found that negative perceptions regarding self-determination and the realization of interests in general, may activate the centrifugal powers within the state. The various techniques of democracy may indeed be the source of these negative perceptions. It was furthermore found that when these negative perceptions coincide with ethnic and regional subidentities, they may give rise to rebellious nationalisms. The various techniques of democracy often provide the mechanisms through which these subidentities could be organized and mobilized. / Political Sciences / D.Litt. et Phil. (Staatsleer)

Mellan samtid och tradition : folkhögskolans identitet i kursutbudets yrkesinriktning / Contemporary and Traditional : the identity of the Swedish folk high school as expressed in its vocational orientation

Landström, Inger January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis the vocational orientation of the courses offered - as an expression of the folk high school's self-identity- is analysed. The point of departure was that what the folk high school do, is a way to show what it wants to be and, therefore, reflects what it is. Focus is on how the folk high school meets with contemporary tasks and demands in different areas of society. The research objects are, the folk high school as type of school (a total of 147 schools) and a sample of ten individual schools with different ownership. The study is about what the offered courses reveal about the folk high school's reflections and conclusions as regards its future activities in relation to its history and contemporary society. The theoretical framework of the thesis is built on the sociologist Anthony Giddens 'Theory of Structuration' and the concepts of structure and agency. Reflections about the surrounding world and the contributions the schools' want to make in society is assumed to result in a more or less conscious strategy for the future, the folk high school's course politics as it is expressed in action. The identity has been interpreted in vocational roles as they appear in course contents. The word 'vocation' is used in almost the same sense as Giddens defines 'work'. Self-identity was analysed from three different kinds of texts and with one question for each. In the first perspective focus is on official investigations and political decisions, in the period 1970-2000. What role in society is imposed upon the folk high school in contemporary educational policies? In the second perspective all courses offered at all folk high schools in 1972 and 2000 are studied, in order to present a picture of the overall pattern of vocational orientation. In the third perspective the course politics of the ten selected folk high schools are investigated, from the start of the respective schools, and in relation to what each school thinks it 'is'- with different owners and in its particular geographical situation. One overriding conclusion is that the characteristics that make the identity of the folk high school seem unclear and paradoxical are the very same that constitute the self-identity of the folk high school as being complex and multifaceted. The self-identity seems paradoxical when the vocational orientation presents itself as both preserving traditions and answering to today's needs. In other words, the school 'does what it has always done' (is conservative) and at the same time 'captures new needs and tasks' (is flexible). The folk high school's role and uniqueness in what they actually do can be understood as what I have called 'contemporaneous civic functionaries'. Their profiles emerge when flexibility is based on history. I want to designate 'existential rationality' to the motivating mechanism that seems to at the same time force changes and lean on own experiences. Expressing contemporary self-identity is grounded in the individual tradition as motivationbased values, cultural and geographic conditions.

Mellan samtid och tradition : folkhögskolans identitet i kursutbudets yrkesinriktning / Contemporary and Traditional : the identity of the Swedish folk high school as expressed in its vocational orientation

Landström, Inger January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis the vocational orientation of the courses offered - as an expression of the folk high school's self-identity- is analysed. The point of departure was that what the folk high school do, is a way to show what it wants to be and, therefore, reflects what it is. Focus is on how the folk high school meets with contemporary tasks and demands in different areas of society. The research objects are, the folk high school as type of school (a total of 147 schools) and a sample of ten individual schools with different ownership. The study is about what the offered courses reveal about the folk high school's reflections and conclusions as regards its future activities in relation to its history and contemporary society. The theoretical framework of the thesis is built on the sociologist Anthony Giddens 'Theory of Structuration' and the concepts of structure and agency. Reflections about the surrounding world and the contributions the schools' want to make in society is assumed to result in a more or less conscious strategy for the future, the folk high school's course politics as it is expressed in action. The identity has been interpreted in vocational roles as they appear in course contents. The word 'vocation' is used in almost the same sense as Giddens defines 'work'. Self-identity was analysed from three different kinds of texts and with one question for each. In the first perspective focus is on official investigations and political decisions, in the period 1970-2000. What role in society is imposed upon the folk high school in contemporary educational policies? In the second perspective all courses offered at all folk high schools in 1972 and 2000 are studied, in order to present a picture of the overall pattern of vocational orientation. In the third perspective the course politics of the ten selected folk high schools are investigated, from the start of the respective schools, and in relation to what each school thinks it 'is'- with different owners and in its particular geographical situation. One overriding conclusion is that the characteristics that make the identity of the folk high school seem unclear and paradoxical are the very same that constitute the self-identity of the folk high school as being complex and multifaceted. The self-identity seems paradoxical when the vocational orientation presents itself as both preserving traditions and answering to today's needs. In other words, the school 'does what it has always done' (is conservative) and at the same time 'captures new needs and tasks' (is flexible). The folk high school's role and uniqueness in what they actually do can be understood as what I have called 'contemporaneous civic functionaries'. Their profiles emerge when flexibility is based on history. I want to designate 'existential rationality' to the motivating mechanism that seems to at the same time force changes and lean on own experiences. Expressing contemporary self-identity is grounded in the individual tradition as motivationbased values, cultural and geographic conditions.

跨越邊界的流動與認同:日治時期「內台共婚」研究 / The study of interracial marriages between Taiwanese and Japanese during the Japanese colonial period.

楊裴文, Yang, Pei Wen Unknown Date (has links)
日治時期台灣人與日本人的通婚並非如同今日的國際婚姻關係,而是日本帝國國民之間的異民族通婚行為,是謂「內台共婚」。比起一般婚姻,「內台共婚」可說是一跨越多重「邊界」的結合。 所謂的「邊界」,除了意指地理空間中的境界,同樣也包括社會學意義上的文化、價值觀等方面的差異與隔閡;並且由於當時日本人與台灣人之間制度性地存在「支配者─被支配者」的殖民統治位階關係,使得矗立於「大日本帝國」與「殖民地台灣」之間的「邊界」更形巨大而難以跨越。然而,內台共婚者卻以個人之力跨越厚重的界限,並且將「邊界」兩端的差異、矛盾與衝突濃縮於一個家庭的日常生活之中。 本研究試圖回答以下三個問題:(一)、跨界流動如何可能?綜觀日治時期,乃是一內地與殖民地間「距離」縮短的過程。所謂「距離」,不僅意指地理空間上的差距,更包括內台人在「社會距離」與「心理距離」上的接近程度。藉由觀察各種「距離」變化的過程,探究使得跨界流動的日台人通婚由「不可能」至「可能」的社會背景因素。(二)、是「誰」跨界通婚?由共婚者個人背景之分析,進一步探討存在於「內台共婚」的特殊階級性格。此外,影響共婚者決定結婚的關鍵性因素也是一個有趣的議題,其中包括愛國情操、利益追求,以及嚮往愛情這三種理由。(三)、跨界之後:共婚生活之分析。共婚家庭不僅必須面對來自外部的障礙,例如體制上的不友善以及社會輿論壓力等,也必須克服許多經營家庭生活的艱難課題。此外,跨界的流動也為共婚者本身及其混血兒子女的自我認同與定位帶來許多衝擊。 「內台共婚」者跨越多重的社會位置,其認同也依照不同的社會時空、生活處境而有所轉變,本研究基於史料耙梳、文獻蒐集與經驗訪談等資料,試圖理解共婚者跨越邊界而結合的流動與其複雜的認同軌跡。 / During the Japanese colonial period, the marriage between Taiwanese and Japanese was called "Nai-Tai marriage." The "Nai-Tai marriage" could be seen as an integration that crossed the boundaries between Taiwan and Japan. This study attempts to answer the following three questions: (1) Was the "Nai-Tai marriage" possible? The "distance" meant that not only the the distance from Taiwan to Japan, but also including the "social distance" and "psychological distance" between Taiwanese and Japanese. By observing the ways of "distance" changed, this research try to explore the social background factors of the "Nai-Tai marriage". (2) "Who" did it? This research analyzed the personal backgrounds and the social class of the "Nai-Tai marriage." In addition, the key reason of people decided to "Nai-Tai marriage" is also an interesting question. (3) How about their family life? The families of the "Nai-Tai marriage" had to overcome a variety of problems. In addition, for the "Nai-Tai marriage" people and their mixed-blood children, the mobility of cross-boundary also brought many shocks to their self-identity, and made them feel unsure of themselves in social situations. The "Nai-Tai marriage" people crossed multiple social positions, their identity also changed with their different social space, living conditions and social class. This study explained the "Nai-Tai marriage" people how to live their lives, and how their complex identity had changed.

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