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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中小企業服務創新價值網路模式設計:顧客導向與意象模式方法 / Value network design for cluster SMEs service innovation: a customer- driven and imagery based approach

謝沛宏, Hsieh, Pei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
Evolution of the global economic system has significantly impacted on customer behaviors. The service economy era has accompanied rapid growth of the service industry. This work focuses on service innovation enhancement for cluster SMEs, which play important roles in the global economic system. These SMEs, which have specific knowledge and capabilities, are keys to improving customer service experiences. However, the entire service system has evolved, as have customer behaviors. In addition to understanding how service value is created, interactions between economic, social, and environmental systems during value creation are also crucial for the sustainable development of service industries. For service systems consisting of SMEs, the design of a value network for clustered SMEs still faces huge challenges in finding key value propositions and assessments for value creation. To assess service value, relationships, and customer feedback from both economic and social psychology perspectives, this research proposes a novel service ecosystem for value creation in service dominant logic and customer-driven and imagery-based value network design approach (CIVNDA) grounded in service dominant logic and image theory. The CIVNDA (1) provides a framework for designing and configuring a service value network that can identify the roles and value propositions of each partner; (2) provides a novel service imagery representation to characterize services of businesses from a customer psychological perspective; and (3) generates appropriate partners for specific cooperation goals and service journey designs. Due to the importance of information technology in service innovation, integration, and provision, this research also implements an ICT-based service platform—uVoyage using color image scale and metaphor theory. Tourism is selected as the study industry to evaluate the effects of the CIVNDA and the uVoyage service platform. Interview and focus group results (1) show that four different evolutionary stages of tourism SMEs exist when adapting to the current service economy era; (2) indicate how the CIVNDA and uVoyage platform facilitate value co-creation for tourism SMEs during different evolutionary stages; and (3) demonstrate how the features of service imagery differ from brand images and can be utilized to bridge gaps between product design and customer-driven service design. This research can contribute to our understanding of service system ecology and service value evaluation in service value network designs consisting of SMEs in the tourism, design, cultural, and creativity service industries. The proposed concept of service imagery also guides future innovative research and outcomes of service value network design.

知識管理對於服務創新影響之研究 / The impacts of knowledge management on service innovation

劉憶蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
根據2011年統計資料,我國服務業生產毛額占整體國內生產毛額(GDP)比重從1981年的49.99%增長至2011年的65.50%(統計資訊網,2012),由此可見服務業已成為台灣未來經濟成長的主要關鍵。隨著各種服務的興起,吾人不能再以製造業的思維來看服務業的經營管理,業者必須強化自己的知識並不斷地進行創新,才能擁有競爭優勢。 創新的基礎在於知識,然而以往有關知識管理和服務創新的論文,大多只單獨研究知識管理或者服務創新的部分,即使有探討兩者的關聯性者又多為量化研究,內容上並無具體作為的論述。基於上述的研究缺口,本研究採取質性多重個案研究法,選擇四家在服務創新方面具有優越成效的服務業者進行深入的研究,探討其知識管理活動和服務創新作為,以及其知識管理活動對服務創新的影響。 本研究所得到的結論如下: 1.服務業者在服務創新相關之知識創造與擴散上會採用電子匯集平台、正式會議、口頭、師徒制、個案分享等多元方式。 2.服務業者進行服務創新時,會以人員、文件和物件等三種方式儲存知識,且會考量知識的品質、完整性和即時性,決定是否成立專職機構來蓄積和整合知識。 3.服務業者在服務創新相關之知識加值上會將累積的知識應用到其他服務上。在知識保護上則會使用權限和密碼的方式,並考量知識的機密性程度來決定是否使用統一監控的方式來管理。 4.服務業者擁有許多創新的來源,其內部會設置創新提案系統,使員工提出創新的想法。此外,也會根據其服務創新的合作網絡需求,決定與外部商業夥伴合作的頻率。 5.服務業者的組織文化會影響其服務創新的作為,且業者會透過會員工訓練和組織結構改變的方式來回應服務創新的內涵。 6.服務業者的知識建構與取得管道具多元性,且這方面對新服務概念的產生有所影響。同時,持續的知識創造與擴散和有效的知識蓄積與整合,都有助於新服務概念的產生以及高服務品質人員的培育。 7.服務業者因知識的高變動性,使得其知識保護程度的高低並不會影響其服務創新產生的頻率。 本論文最後提出本研究的學術貢獻、實務建議與後續研究之建議,使本研究更為完整。 / According to the National Statistics of Taiwan in 2011, Taiwan’s production in service industry was 49.99% in 1981 and rose to 65.50% in 2011, which shows that the service industry plays a decisive role in Taiwan economic growth. Service industry should have its own knowledge management and innovation in order to create its own competitiveness. Most of the former studies of knowledge management and service innovation focus on single case or High-Tech industry. The past studies of the relationship between two of them are almost quantitative research. Due to the research gap, this research adopts the qualitative method and selects four service companies which are famous for their service innovations. This research explores the knowledge management activities and service innovation in these four companies, and aims to find the relationship between them.The conclusions of this research are listed bellow: 1.The general methods of knowledge creation and diffusion are electronic platform, formal meetings, oral, mentoring, and case sharing. 2.Service companies store knowledge in three way:personnel, documents and objects. 3.The same knowledge of operation can be used in different services. The common way of knowledge protection is password. 4.Customers are important source of innovation. The service companies set up the innovative proposal systems to allow employees to bring up innovative ideas. 5.The companies’ culture has a high degree of support for service innovation. The training of staff and the structure of organization are changed due to the service innovation. 6.The construction and acquisition of knowledge have impacts on new service concepts. 7.The creation, diffusion, accumulation, and integration of knowledge contribute to the generation of new service concepts and new delivery system:Personnel. 8.The extent of protection on knowledge doesn’t affect the generation of new service concepts.

我國金融業者行動服務創新之研究 / A Study of Mobile Service Innovation in Taiwan Financial Industries.

陳俊毓, Chen, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機的銷售量從2010年的300萬台成長到2014年的12億台,呈現爆發性的成長,台灣2014年智慧型手機銷售量也達一千萬台,已經是人手一隻智慧型手機的時代。智慧型手機改變了人們的生活習慣,相信未來智慧型手機的應用將蓬勃發展。 智慧型手機的崛起,使得和銀行交易的行為也可以在手機上完成,且許多非銀行公司也想要分食這塊商機,雖然台灣受到法律規範的限制,金融相關服務只有銀行才能推出,但政府已有慢慢開放法律規範,讓越來越多人可以進入,因此銀行業也面臨相當大的考驗。 本研究以永豐銀行、台新銀行、玉山銀行等三家銀行業者作為個案研究的對象,希望透過本論文研究,探討銀行業者在因應行動科技的崛起與變化時,其組織服務創新的策略思維;同時,也探討其發展行動服務創新時,內部的組織方式、新服務開發管理、以及與顧客的溝通方式。本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會更強調對消費者生活習性的瞭解,以推出解決消費者痛點的新服務。(2)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會進行更多的異業結合,以發展更多整合性的服務創新金融服務。(3)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會在電子金融相關部門招納更多元的人才,以推出更創新的服務。(4)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下發展金融服務創新時,會讓電子金融部門與其他部門進行更多的跨部門合作。另外,若要加速新服務的開發時,則會採用重量級專案團隊的組織方式。(5)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會增加與顧客互動的管道,以求更瞭解顧客的需求。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 / When smartphones came to the world, its had an big impact to people’s life. There were only 3 millions smartphone shipments in 2010,but later, there were 1.2 billion shipments in 2014.There has a big growth. Also in Taiwan, there are over 10 millions shipments in 2014. We can say this is a mobile era. We can predict that mobile application will mushroom in the future. When the rises of smartphone, we can do many things through smartphone. For example, we can receive e-mail, send a message to a friend, take a photo or make a financial trade with smartphone. Now, many non-financial companies serve financial service through smartphone. Although there are many legislation restrictions in Taiwan, only bankers can provide financial service. But legislation restrictions will reduce. So banking industry is facing a great challenge. In this study, we discuss how bankers develop mobile financial service. Meanwhile, we also discuss how they organize their electric finance department, how they develop a new financial service and how they communicate with their customers. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) To face mobile trends, banks will focus on customer habits. Otherwise, banks will release new service to solve customer’s pain points. (2) To face mobile trends, banks will cooperate with non-financial industries. (3) To face mobile trends, E-finance department will recruit employees with diverse backgrounds. (4) To face mobile trends, banks will have many inter-departmental working group. If necessary, banks will set up heavyweight teams. (5) To face mobile trends, banks will increase channels to communicate with customers. The study finally addresses the contribution of this research in academia and the suggestions to practitioners and follow-on researchers.

行動App之創新研究 / Study for the innovation of mobile Apps

翁菀瑜, Weng, Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在2012年行動App有持續性的成長,主要成長動能來自於智慧型手機及平板市場的成長。根據國際數據公司IDC的報告與預測, 2012年智慧型手機出貨量將成長至約7億台,年成長率42%,平板出貨量將成長至10,740萬台,年成長率54%。在智慧行動裝置(智慧型手機、平板等)快速成長的帶動之下,行動App的市場規模亦越來越大, 根據IDC預估,全球行動App的下載數量將由2011年的300億次成長至2012年的733億次,成長率達143%。行動App營收來源不僅僅只有單次付費下載及App內付費兩種,還包括了訂閱、App內廣告或下載等其他方式。但是,其實App的獲利方式有很多種,只要讓消費者持續使用App,除了在App內提供服務讓消費者付費來獲利之外,還能透過App連結的廣大生態圈來尋找第三方付費甚至其他模式來獲得營收。 在App產業內,「免費下載」成為吸引消費者的常用方式,2012年免費App的下載數目已是付費App的10倍以上。因此本論文欲探討在免費App的產業競爭裡,App廠商如何透過「創新」來獲取價值,透過個案研究,欲研究的問題如下: 1. 廠商透過什麼樣創新的途徑在App市場裡競爭? 2. 創新為消費者帶來了什麼樣的使用者體驗? 3. 廠商若是能創造良好的使用者體驗,是否能由此持續獲取價值? 透過國外成功個案的分析結果,發現廠商透過以下創新途徑在App市場內競爭:1. App技術創新;2. App服務創新,有以下方式,1) 將技術創新轉變或延伸為各式服務;2) 連到更大的夥伴網絡或生態系統,甚至創造自己的生態系,來重新設計服務價值鏈;3) 免費的商業模式,透過贈送最有價值的資源來培養用戶基礎,才有可能在商業模式上創新。廠商透過創新可帶給使用者的經驗如下:1. 創新的使用需求;2. 降低使用者的成本;3.連結其他服務的入口平台。而廠商創造良好的使用者體驗能持續獲取價值,並且在消費者使用過程中獲取利益的方式如下:1. 透過免費服務或產品與使用者產生連結;2. 不斷更新的服務或內容,讓使用者願意持續使用;3. 給予使用者自定功能的服務來互利雙方,若是使用者不用,此功能亦不會影響服務品質;4. 「無廣告」模式能創造良好的消費者體驗。App透過以上方式能增加使用者忠誠度,透過技術或服務創新能改變商業模式;而良好的使用者經驗的確能夠為廠商獲取價值,透過不斷的創新來幫助增加使用者經驗,透過服務鏈的延伸來改變商業模式,就有機會在使用者的使用過程中獲取價值。 進一步研究台灣廠商現況,透過個案分析發現台灣廠商目前在商業模式上較無創新,但是在技術創新與服務創新的模式上已逐漸累積經驗;台灣廠商對於產品開發的方式分成兩種:一種為產品項目上的連續創新,另一種則為單一產品的漸進式創新;雖然台灣廠商進入App產業的時間不久,但是經過兩年市場經驗的累積,已逐漸了解市場消費者需求,期望能進一步改變商業模式並且朝向國際化市場。 隨著智慧型手機及平板的普及化,只要消費者願意下載行動App至其智慧行動裝置上,此App就是消費者體驗其服務的入口,再加上設計製作行動App的技術及資金門檻不高,因此各家廠商皆在思考如何透過App強化其使用體驗並且進而獲利,前提建構在消費者「願意」下載並且「持續使用」App,因此透過免費下載的模式來增加消費者的下載及使用意願,「免費」使用降低了使用者的進入門檻,良好的使用者經驗更增加了消費者對此App及其服務的忠誠度;當越來越多消費者使用後形成的規模經濟,廠商就有機會經由商業模式的創新持續獲取價值並獲利。智慧型裝置改變了消費者對電子產品的使用方式,連帶創造行動App產業的興起,藉由行動App讓各家廠商拉近與消費者之間的距離,讓廠商渴望創新以吸引消費者目光,因此行動App生態圈的擴大與成熟指日可待。 / In 2012, mobile Apps markets continue to grow since the growth of smartphone market and tablet market. IDC forecasts smartphone shipment volumes will reach 700 million units with annual growth rate of 42% in 2012. And tablet shipment volume will reach 107 million units with annual growth rate of 54%. The market size of mobile Apps would become larger due to the rapid growth of smart mobile device (smartphones/tablets) market. According to IDC’s prediction, worldwide download numbers of mobile Apps grows at 143% year-over-year from 30 billion times in 2011 to 73 billion times in 2012. Revenue of mobile Apps comes from paid Apps but also from in-App advertisement, in-App purchase, subscription and so on. As long as consumers are willing to continue to use the App, the App vendor may make revenue from their customers by some creative business models but not limited to what we had mentioned above. In App market, the most popular way to catch consumers’ eye is “free download.” The download numbers of free Apps are ten times greater than paid Apps in 2012. Although free downloads attract many trial users, App vendors should focus on that how to make their customers re-open the App or continue using the App. Therefore, this theory would like to study on that how App vendors gain value via innovations in the free App competition. Base on case study research, we would like to study the following topics. 1. What kinds of innovations are created by vendors in the competition of App market? 2. What kinds of user experiences are created by the innovation? 3. How do vendors continue to gain value by the great user experiences? According to the analysis result, we have found that App venders have two kinds of innovations. One is technical innovation and the other one is service innovation. There are three kinds of methods for service innovation. 1) To transform or to stretch technical innovation to other services. 2) To connect with larger partner networks or ecosystems. Even to create own ecosystem to re-design service value chain. 3) Free business model – it is possible to have an innovation on business model by gifting customers the worthiest resources to gain customer base. Furthermore, customers can gain good user experience via innovations in the following ways. 1) Vendors should try to create new needs. 2) The App can reduce customers’ cost. 3) The App can be the entrance to connect other platform. Therefore, the methods to enhance user experience are as shown below. 1) To connect with customers by free services or free products. 2) To update contents or services continuously to raise customers’ willing-to-use. 3) To give customers customized services. If customers don’t use the service, it will not influence their user experiences. 4) “Non-advertising” can create wonderful user experiences. As a result, App vendors can earn customers’ loyalty according to given above. To sum up, App vendors win competition and change business model by technical innovation and service innovation that creates great user experiences and worthful value as well. If vendors can keep innovating to enhance user experience and can stretch service value chain to change business model, it is possible to capture value in the customers’ experiencing process. Lastly, we have studied current situation of Taiwanese App vendors and had found that Taiwanese vendors have no innovation on business model but have some experience on product innovation. There are two kinds of product innovation. One is continuous innovation and the other one is incremental innovation. Although Taiwanese vendors are still new comers in App market, they are finding out customers’ needs and wants. They are expected to have more innovations so that they can be seen in a global market. In conclusion, the App is the knocking brick of great mobile experience since most people have smart mobile devices with Apps. Further, designing an App is not a tough barrier. All vendors are thinking about how to enhance user experience and get revenue as well. Free download brings more customers and great user experiences make customers’ loyalty. If more and more customers join to a point of economies of scale, vendors will have chance to innovate and to make value sustainably. Smart mobile devices change users’ behavior and create the market of mobile Apps. Mobile apps make vendors and customers closer so that vendors eager innovations to catch customers. App market is expected to become mature in the near future.

企業發展服務創新的組織方式之研究 / An Empirical Study of Organizing for Service Innovation

宋彥儒, Song, Yan Ru Unknown Date (has links)
製造業一直是台灣產業的強者,但隨著全球經濟發展,台灣製造業所獲毛利逐漸縮減以及服務業角色愈加重要之下,或許服務業所發展的「服務創新」,是拯救台灣低價值循環的一道解藥。過往國內外有關服務創新的研究,大都偏向於專案層次的探討,對於組織層級的著墨很少,其中有關「組織方式(Organizing)」的研究又更少。本研究認為組織方式的研究成果,可以使企業於發展服務創新的過程中,更知道如何有效地建構組織創新平台,以達到建立核心優勢與提升績效的目標。本研究以「組織設計」、「創新研發人力資源管理」、「新服務商品開發」與「外部知識取得」等四大構面為主軸,並針對國內在服務創新與服務力上表現優異的兩家企業-全家便利商店與王品集團,進行深入的個案研究。初步得到了以下的結論: (1)發展服務創新的企業,在組織設計上除了具有正式化的組織外,也會強調系統化的非正式組織,前者適合有形服務商品的開發,後者適合無形服務的發展。此外,因為服務的無形性,也會強調跨部門之間的互動與合作。 (2)發展服務創新的企業,在創新人力資源管理上,會特別著重於與接觸第一線顧客的員工之互動。在創新人力績效衡量方面,則會將顧客滿意度納入評核項目。 (3)發展服務創新的企業,在外部連結與知識取得上,會以開放式創新的概念積極向外獲取所需之技術知識與市場知識,並且讓顧客參與新服務的開發過程。 最後,本研究並提出實務上與後續研究上的建議。 / Taiwan's manufacturing industry has always been strong, but its gained profit margin has been gradually decreasing as the globlal competitition becomes fierce. On the other hand, the service industry plays a more important role than before in the economic development, and “service innovations” might become one of the key solutions to enhance the industrial added values and welfares. Most of the past researches related to service innovations are focused on the “project” level and very few studies are conducted at the “corporate” level, particulary concerning the issue of organizing. We believe the research results of organizing for service innovations can help enterprises set up a better organizational innovation platform in order to build core competence and to enhance performance. This study establishes a research framework with four major constructs: organizing, innovative human resources management, new service development process and external sourcing of knowledge and selects two innovative companies: the FamilyMart and WowPrime Group, for the case study in depth. Three major preliminary conclusions obtained from this study are as follows: (1)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm may use both formal and informal organization. The former one fits better for the tangible service products; and the latter one for intangible service products. Furthermore, the firm will emphasize the interdepartmental connection as the service itself is somewhat intangible per se. (2)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm will emphasize the interaction with the employees who have direct contacts with customers. Furthermore, the firm will include the customer satisfaction as one of the key performance indeices (KPI). (3)As far as organizaing for service innovation is concerned, the firm will actively acquire both of technical knowledge and market knowledge and will invite customers to participate in the development process of new services. Finally, this study draws some recommendations for both practititioners and follow-up researchers.

Patient involvement and service innovation in healthcare

Engström, Jon January 2014 (has links)
This thesis adds to a stream of research suggesting that healthcare can be more patient centered and efficient by redefining the role of the patient from a passive receiver to a more active and collaborative participant. This may relate to healthcare provision (Anderson and Funnell, 2005; Berry and Bendapudi, 2007; Bitner and Brown, 2008; McColl-Kennedy et al., 2012; Nordgren, 2008) and innovation (Bate and Robert, 2006; Groene et al., 2009; Longtin et al., 2010). Through research initiative containing four healthcare units and 68 patients, the present thesis combines healthcare research (e.g., Anderson and Funnell, 2005; Nelson et al., 2002) with service research (e.g., Grönroos, 2006; Vargo and Lusch, 2008, 2004) to explore three aspects of patient involvement and service innovation. Firstly, the concept of patient involvement itself is investigated through an extensive literature review of empirical research on patient involvement. A model describing the antecedents, forms and consequences of patient involvement is proposed. What value is, and how patients can co-create value is discussed from the perspectives of healthcare research and service management thought. Secondly, the thesis proposes a diary-based methodology for involving patients in service innovation. My colleagues and I developed the methodology in collaboration with the participating care providers and applied it in practice. We used the experiences we gained from the project and the contributions from the patients to examine the opportunities for user involvement in service innovation. The participants contributed with ideas and insights stemming from their experiences in their contact with healthcare and other resources. We suggest the following three ways of learning from the collected data: As ideas for improvements; through summary reports to illustrate other quantitative data; and as narratives to promote change. Thirdly, the thesis explores patients’ motivations to participate in service innovation, a hitherto unexplored field. Through an analysis of patients’ contributions and interviews with participants we found that there are a number of factors that motivate patients to participate and that participation is perceived as a social- and meaningladen event. Patients derive psychological well-being and support from participation, but disease was sometimes a barrier to participation. This thesis elaborates on how the most motivated users can be involved in service innovation, applying thinking from the lead-user methodology to a healthcare setting. Overall, the thesis explores patient involvement from new perspectives and, by doing so, adds to our collective efforts to improve healthcare. / Denna avhandling syftar till en mer patientcentrerad och effektiv sjukvård. Den bidrar till en strömning inom forskningen som menar att sjukvården kan förbättras genom en omdefiniering av patientrollen – från en roll som passiv mottagare till aktiv, samskapande aktör. Patienten kan ses som en resurs både i utförande av vården (Anderson and Funnell, 2005; Berry and Bendapudi, 2007; Bitner and Brown, 2008; McColl-Kennedy et al., 2012; Nordgren, 2008) och inom utveckling och innovation (Bate and Robert, 2006; Groene et al., 2009; Longtin et al., 2010). Avhandlingen kombinerar sjukvårdsforskning (Anderson and Funnell, 2005; Nelson et al., 2002) med tjänsteforskning (Grönroos, 2006; Vargo and Lusch, 2008, 2004) i en forskningsansats som innefattar fyra vårdenheter och 68 patienter. Den utforskar tre aspekter av patientinvolvering och tjänsteinnovation. För det första undersöks konceptet patientinvolvering genom en omfattande litteraturöversikt av den empiriska forskningen på området. Översikten leder till en konceptuell modell för att beskriva patientinvolvering: vad dess förutsättningar är, vilka former av patientinvolvering som finns och vad patientinvolvering leder till. Avhandlingen diskuterar även begreppet värde och hur patienter kan samskapa värde, utifrån perspektiv inom vårdforskning och tjänsteforskning. För det andra föreslår avhandlingen en dagboksbaserad metod för att involvera patienter i tjänsteinnovation. Deltagande patienter skriver i denna metod ner sina ner sina idéer och upplevelser varje dag under två veckors tid. Mina kollegor och jag utvecklade metoden i samarbete med personal från de deltagande vårdenheterna och applicerade den på praktiken. Erfarenheterna från projektet och de deltagande patienternas bidrag användes för att utforska möjligheterna med patientinvolvering i utvecklingen av vården. Vi föreslår tre sätt att lära sig från det insamlade materialet: som direkta idéer till förbättringar; summerat till rapporter för att ge kvalitativ förståelse av andra kvantitativa mätningar; och enskilda patienters berättelser kan användas för att förmedla patientperspektivet i organisationen och mana till förändring. För det tredje undersöker avhandlingen patienters motivation att bidra till tjänsteinnovation, ett hittills outforskat område. Genom en analys av patienters bidrag och genom intervjuer med deltagare finner vi att patienter motiveras att delta av en rad olika anledningar, från ett behov av upprättelse till en glädje av att utföra aktiviteten. Deltagandet uppfattas som en social och meningsfull händelse. Patienter upplever psykiskt välbefinnande och stöd genom att delta, även om sjukdom kan vara ett hinder i deltagandet. Avhandlingen undersöker även hur de allra mest motiverade patienterna kan identifieras och inkluderas i tjänsteinnovation, detta inspirerat av lead  user-metoden (von Hippel, 1986). Sammantaget utforskar avhandlingen patientinvolvering och tjänsteinnovation från nya perspektiv och bidrar därmed till våra gemensamma ansträngningar för att förbättra vården och patienters välbefinnande.

以語意觀點為基礎之文化建模於服務創新 / A semantic perspective of culture modeling toward service innovation

戴華呈, Tai, Hua Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
服務創新和發展文化創意產業已成為在這幾年的熱門話題。許多的研究也顯示出文化背景對影響人們做決策和經營管理的重要性;並且,許多相關的文獻也顯示,融合文化來做服務創新的可能性。因此,在這項研究中,我們的目標研究就是要了解是否有任何可以讓我們結合當地的文化資產還有運用資訊科技的協助來促進中小企業達到服務創新的可能性。我們期望可以用文化的角度來看資訊科技於服務創新上的應用,尤其是對中小型企業的業主。   在本文中,我們提出了「文化驅動因子」,藉以傳達人受到文化的影響所傳達出來的情感、價值觀和行為等。除此之外,我們更進一步的提出以語意為基礎的資訊系統,希望藉由本系統,我們可以用一種新穎的方式來詮釋當地的文化,並使用當地文化影響下所生成的「文化驅動因子」來激勵中小企業做服務創新。我們相信我們的系統可以激發中小企業,了解他們的文化背景,並進一步實現服務創新的目標。 / To do service innovation and to develop culture and creative industry are becoming a hot issue in these years. A lot of researches have been demonstrating the importance of culture and how it relates or influences to people's decision making and business management. However, few researches to date show the IT enabled use of culture ingredients to do service innovation. Accordingly, in this research we aim to investigate if there is any possibility for us to utilize cultural factors and IT to facilitate the creation service innovation opportunities. Therefore, we intend to view service innovation from the lens of local cultural factors and IT, especially for the small and medium business owners (SMBs). In this paper, we proposed “cultural interpretations” as the emotions, values and behavior, etc. which people convey out through the effect of culture. In addition, we come up with a semantic information system to motive or inspire SMBs with a new way to think about service innovation by leveraging the local culture in terms of the perspective of “cultural interpretations”. We believe our system could motive SMBs to understand their culture context and then achieve the goal of doing service innovation.

Project portfolio management for product innovation in service and manufacturing industries

Killen, Catherine P January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Macquarie University, Macquarie Graduate School of Management, 2008. / Bibliography: p. 301-327. / Introduction -- Literature review -- Methodology and phase 1 research design -- Phase 1 findings -- Phase 2 research design -- Phase 2 findings -- Conclusions and implications. / This research examines the relationship between innovation project portfolio management (IPPM) capabilities and competitive advantage. Innovation projects - or projects for the development of new products - are of escalating importance in an increasingly competitive, globalised and deregulated environment characterised by shortening product lifecycles and dynamic markets. IPPM capabilities aim to improve the success rates for product innovation activities by providing a holistic and responsive decision-making environment to maximise the long-term value of innovation investments across the portfolio of innovation projects. This research takes a wide view and investigates the overall rganisational capability for the management of the innovation project portfolio. -- Successful product innovation is no longer primarily a concern of manufacturing-based industries - product development in service industries is a growing endeavour in an increasingly important industry. Therefore this research includes service product development environments and is the first to extend beyond the traditional manufacturing industry base for IPPM research. This is also the first study to investigate IPPM capabilities in Australia. -- A pragmatic perspective guides a two-phase study encompassing a quantitative survey and a qualitative multiple-case study, the combination of methods providing a deeper level of understanding than could be achieved by either method alone. Findings support prior IPPM studies and suggest a positive relationship between structured IPPM capabilities and improved new product outcomes. The research highlights similarities and differences between service and manufacturing environments, and suggests future challenges will result from the increasing blurring of the boundaries between service and manufacturing industries. This research adopts a 'dynamic capabilities' perspective and draws on organisational learning theory to investigate the path-dependent nature of IPPM capability development. It adds to the understanding of how IPPM capabilities work with the resource base and contribute to competitive advantage. The findings of the research are presented in a maturity model and several conceptual models, and areas for future research are identified. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xxvii, 436 p. ill. (some col.)

Comprendre la transformation institutionnelle et structurelle d'un système de service public urbain qui devient smart : une approche néo-schumpétérienne pour comprendre l'innovation technologique et institutionnelle dans les systèmes de service / Understanding the institutional and structural transformation of an urban public service system that becomes smart : an approach by from the Service Science pillars service system, service innovation and institutional service logics

Silva-Morales, Milena-Jael 15 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse contribue à la compréhension d’un phénomène émergent et complexe : la transformation/smartisation du système de service public urbain. Cela comprend la combinaison de différents secteurs de services tels que les transports, le tourisme,les taxes, etc. Du point de vue conceptuel, nous établissons trois piliers pour la Science du Service : Système de service (SS), Innovation de Service (IS) et Logiques Institutionnelles de Service (LIS). Nous commençons par proposer une méthode basée sur l’analyse sémantique latente (LSA), l’analyse factorielle (FA), le text mining et la théorie enracinée. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence de manière inductive et interdisciplinaire, 30 années d’évolution de la structure intellectuelle de SS, IS et LIS, de 1986 à 2015. Ceci nous a permis d’étudier les théories associées à ces thèmes, dans plusieurs domaines dans le temps. Grâce à cette étape, nous avons pu justifier le choix de deux théories permettant d’étudier la dynamique de la transformation institutionnelle et structurelle d’un système de service : 1) la théorie du travail institutionnel entre logiques collectives, antagonistes, et complémentaires, et 2) la pensée complexe. La théorie du travail institutionnel nous a permis de mettre en évidence le processus de transformation des arrangements institutionnels. La pensée complexe, comme cadre intégrateur, nous a permis de mettre en évidence le contenu, ou les effets, de la transformation institutionnelle, en considérant le tout et les parties d’un système de service public urbain qui devient smart. L’architecture de la recherche est basée principalement sur la théorie enracinée, l’observation, les archives, l’étude de cas longitudinale multiniveaux (i.e. locale et nationale) via le modèle dialogique(Parmentier-Cajaiba & Avenier, 2013) et le paradigme épistémologique constructiviste pragmatique (PECP). Aussi, nous utilisons deux hypothèses ontologiques du travail : l’ontologie relationnelle et l’ontologie du devenir. Du point de vue théorique, notre recherche contribue au affinement théorique de la littérature sur SS, IS et LIS en proposant une définition du construit "système de service public urbain smart". Cette définition est accompagné de trois modèles heuristiques résultants d’une analyse par le processus et par le contenu de la transformation et de la théorie enracinée (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991 ; Gioia et al., 2013). Le premier modèle heuristique contribue à la compréhension du processus de travail institutionnel pour la co-création d’arrangements institutionnels (i.e. standard, normes, les ressources frontières, APIs) entre deux logiques collectives antagonistes et complémentaires (Morin, 2005 ; Smets & Jarzabkowski, 2013 ; Greenwood et al., 2017) : la logique de service dominant du marché (Lusch & Nambisan, 2015 ; Vargo & Lusch, 2016) et la logique du service public (Osborne et al.,2015 ; Osborne, 2017). Le deuxième modèle heuristique met en évidence les composantes structurales d’un système de service public qui devient smart. Le troisième modèle heuristique souligne les moteurs et les freins de la transformation institutionnelle et structurelle. / This thesis contributes to the understanding of an emergent and complex phenomenon: transformation/smartization of the urban public service system. This involves innovative, context-sensitive and interoperable public service systems, as well as the cross combination of different services sectors such as transport, tourism, taxes, etc. We define three pillars of service science : Service System (SS), Service Innovation (IS) and Institutional Service Logic (LIS) in order to develop a process and content research to understand the dynamics of urban public service system institutional and structural transformation. We propose a method based on Latent SemanticAnalysis (LSA), Factor Analysis (FA), text mining and grounded theory to inductively reveal 30 years of evolution of interdisciplinarySS, IS and LIS intellectual structure from 1986 to 2015. In particular, we analyze the process of institutional work between antagonisticand complementary collective logics. Then, we mobilize complex thinking as an integrating framework of components of the urban publicservice system that becomes smart, as a whole and its parts. Our research design is based on grounded theory ; observations, longitudinalcase study with a multi-level approach (i.e. local and national) ; the dialogic model(Parmentier-Cajaiba & Avenier, 2013) and the pragmaticconstructivism epistemological paradigm (PECP). We define two working ontological hypotheses : the relational ontology and becomingontology. From the theoretical point of view, our research contributes to the theoretical refinement of the literature on SS, IS and LIS. Wepropose three heuristic models from a process and content analysis (Baines et al. 2017) and grounded theory (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991 ;Gioia et al., 2013). The first heuristic model contributes to the understanding of the institutional work process for the creation of institutionalarrangements (Standard, boundary resources, APIs) between two antagonistic and complementary collective logics (Morin, 2005 ; Smets & Jarzabkowski, 2013 ; Greenwood et al., 2017) : the service-dominant logic of the market (Lusch & Nambisan, 2015 ; Vargo & Lusch, 2016)and the public service logic (Osborne et al., 2015 ; Osborne, 2017). The second heuristic model highlights components of a smart publicservice system. The third heuristic model highlights the drivers and barriers of institutional and structural transformation.

Medborgarmedverkan i utvecklingsprocessen för att skapa mervärde för E-tjänster i offentlig sektor

Rogell, Mickael, Johansson, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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