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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kritiska Framgångsfaktorer i Tjänsteinnovativa Företag / Critical Success Factors in Service Innovation Companies

Al-Karkhi, Saif, Petrén, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Innovation är numera en central del av företagens aktiviteter för att upprätthålla konkurrenskraft och definieras som den praktiska tillämpningen av idé till en ny produkt eller tjänst. Tidigare forskning inom ämnet har främst fokuserat på produkt- och processinnovation inom tillverkning och industri. Parallellt har ett nytt intresse inom tjänsteinnovation uppkommit där antalet studier och undersökningar har ökat som ett resultat av en växande tjänstesektor och dess påverkan på ekonomin. Ett annat ämnesområde som hjälper företaget att upprätthålla konkurrenskraft och tillväxt, är identifikation och analys av kritiska framgångsfaktorer. Majoriteten av undersökningarna kring kritiska framgångsfaktorer är produktcentrerade och undersöker den industriella produktmarknaden. Trots att tjänsteinnovation har en alltmer betydande roll för den ekonomiska tillväxten finns dock förhållandevis lite forskning kring vilka kritiska framgångsfaktorer som existerar i tjänsteinnovativa företag. Bakgrunden till studien är ett tidigare samarbete med Innu-Science där man tillsammans tagit fram ett nytt tjänstebaserat städkoncept och syftet blir att föreslå rekommendationer för Innu-Science vid etablering. Baserat på tidigare litteratur användes en viss metodik ”Temporal/Intuitive factors” för att kunna identifiera olika kritiska framgångsfaktorer hos fyra tjänsteinnovativa svenska företag. Med hjälp av en induktiv kvalitativ studie har företagen undersökts och analyserats, för att kunna identifiera de kritiska framgångsfaktorerna. Faktorerna har därefter jämförts mot varandra för att undersöka eventuella mönster och samband. Resultat från studien visar att alla fyra företag har följande faktorområden gemensamt: Försäljning, Tjänstedynamik (kundanpassning och flexibilitet) samt Referenser. Slutligen har resultat, analys och slutsats legat till grund för vidare rekommendationer till Innu-Science, som utgör ett beslutsfattande stöd när verksamheten ska etableras. / Innovation is considered as a key activity within companies for achieving and maintaining a competitive advantage. Innovation can be defined as “The practical implementation of an idea into a new device or process”. Previous research in this subject has mainly focused on productandprocess innovation in manufacturing firms and ignoring the inherent opportunities that service innovation provides. Because of a changing economy towards more service-based companies, which is a central driver for economic growth, we see an increasing amount of studies regarding the opportunities that service innovation provides. Another interesting topic is critical success factors, which are essential for creating growth and success within a company. A majority of earlier studies of the subject, is mainly product-centric based and examines the industrial product market. Although service innovation shows an increasing significance for the economic growth, there is a relatively small amount of research papers examining the role of critical success factors in service innovation firms, which creates further incentives for future research. The purpose of this study emerged from a previous partnership with Innu-Science and KTH, which resulted in a new service-based and innovative cleaning concept, where the goal of the project is to help realizing the business plan into an operational service company. Furthermore, there is a need to identify and analyze the underlying reasons behind critical success factors in service innovation companies, where the result and analyses acts as basis for further recommendations to Innu-Science. Based on the theoretical framework a specific method of "Temporal/ Intuitive factors”, was used to identify the critical success factors. Four Swedish service innovation companies have been investigated and analyzed as a part of an inductive approach for a qualitative research, where the identification of different critical success factors have been made through observation and analysis. Moreover, the different identified factors were compared against each other to find potential patterns and similarities. Results from the study show that all four companies have the following factors in common; Sales, Service dynamic (customization and flexibility) and References. Finally, the results and analysis provide insight regarding important aspects for the established companies, where the recommendations will serve as support for future decisions ofthe establishment of the service at Innu-Science.

Sustainable Service Innovation : A Case Study at Radisson Blu Waterfront

Akinboyewa, Christopher January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine key attributes of sustainable service innovation (SSI) in the hotel industry. The research has used backcasting from sustainable principles and a few frameworks for strategic sustainable development (FSSD) concepts. The FSSD concepts such as 5LM and strategic ABCD lens helped to discover an integrated framework for evaluating SSI. Document analysis and interviews with 6 practitioners from a single case study organization informed on how they recognize and contribute towards sustainability. The study shows the competitive benefits of using SSI strategically in the hotel industry. The recommendation is for them to complement FSSD with SDGs, the Sustainability Principles (SPs) so they can have a better definition of sustainability to implement into their operational processes.        This thesis contributed to the ongoing study on sustainability and its relationship to service innovation in addition to provide recommendations for companies striving towards sustainability path. The findings showed that SSI consists of four attributes: hotel industry, sustainable practice, organizational innovation, and resourcing. The result from the 5LM analysis and thematic analysis shows that sustainable practice has direct and indirect impacts on hotel industry, organizational innovation, and resourcing. Additionally, while using the ABCD approach resourcing appeared as the most important attribute. Since this research is based on a single case study, the future studies should conduct multiple case study to investigate the relationship between sustainability and service innovation.

Identifiering av tjänstersutvecklingsprocess hos svenska banker : En kvalitativ studie om New Service Development och svenska bankers arbete med tjänsteinnovation.

Johansson, Maja, Parmar, Akash January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I linje med att digitaliseringen utvecklas har bankernas struktur påverkats. Tidigare forskning visat att den ekonomiska utvecklingen har drivits av innovation. Den ökande betydelsen av tjänster har medfört ett större fokus på tjänstens utvecklingsarbete. Tjänster är dock väldigt understigande och improduktivt utvecklade i jämförelse med produkter, vilket gör det svårt att generellt utveckla tjänster. Då utvecklingens syfte är att förstärka organisationens position på marknaden kan det vara intressant att se utvecklingsprocessen för svenska banker. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera hur svenska banker arbetar med tjänsteinnovation, hur deras utvecklingsprocess ser ut samt vad för svårigheter som uppstår i samband med detta. Studien syftar också till att undersöka huruvida New Service Development processen faktiskt används av svenska banker i praktiken. Vidare ska studien tillföra en ökad förståelse för svenska bankers utveckling av tjänster, hur dess utvecklingsprocess ser ut, samt vilka som är involverade. Detta med ett ursprung i NSD-processen. Metod: Undersökningen utgår från en kvalitativ metod, där den har genomförts med en flerfallstudie på fyra olika banker i Sverige. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer via onlinemöte och e-mail. Intervjuerna utfördes med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Därefter har materialet analyserats för att kunna upptäcka skillnader och likheter mellan bankerna. Slutsats: Vi ser uppenbara likheter mellan de fyra studerade bankerna att en New Service Development process inte används fullt ut hos någon av de. Därmed drar vi slutsatsen att NSD inte direkt används i praktiken hos svenska banker. Däremot kan vi se att vissa delar av bankernas utvecklingsprocess går att likna med utvecklingen av en NSD-process. Vidare också att bankerna tenderar till att arbeta med tjänsteinnovation på liknande sätt, men att utvecklingsprocessen inom tjänsterna är någorlunda specifik för vardera bank. / Background: In line with the development of digitalisation, the banks' structure has been affected. Previous research has shown that economic development has been driven by innovation. The growing importance of services has led to a greater focus on service development. However, services are very inferior and unproductively developed in comparison with products, which makes it difficult to generally develop services. As the purpose of the development is to strengthen the organization's position in the market, it may be interesting to see the development process for Swedish banks. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify how Swedish banks’ work with service innovation, what their development process looks like and what difficulties arise in connection with this. The study also aims to investigate whether the New Service Development process is actually used by Swedish banks in practice. Furthermore, the study will provide an increased understanding of Swedish banks' development of services, how its development process looks like, and who is involved. This originates in the NSD process. Method: The survey is based on a qualitative method, where it has been conducted with a multiple case study at four different banks in Sweden. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured interviews with online meetings and e-mail. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide. Then, the material has been analyzed in order to detect differences and similarities between the banks. Conclusions: We see obvious similarities between the four banks studied that a New Service Development process is not fully used by any of them. Thus, we conclude that NSD is not directly used in practice by Swedish banks. On the other hand, we can see that certain parts of the banks' development process can be compared to the development of an NSD process. Furthermore, also that the banks tend to work with service innovation in a similar way, but that the development process within the services is fairly specific to each bank.

Tjänsteinnovationer inom sista milen - En studie av konsumenters inställning till crowdsourcing, paketskåp och smarta lås

Herlin, Malin, Mårtensson, Adrian, Nydahl, Christoffer January 2020 (has links)
Det ständigt växande e-handelssegmentet ställer helt nya krav på transporter inom sista milenleveranser. Sista milen är ofta förknippad med negativa externaliteter som buller, trängsel ochutsläpp och dessutom låg kostnadseffektivitet. Sista milen är därför en del i logistikkedjan somhar stor förbättringspotential. Det har därför på senare tid uppkommit en del innovationer inomsista milen som ska kunna öka effektiviteten och minska de negativa externaliteterna.I denna studie har vi, med hjälp av virtuella fokusgruppsintervjuer, undersökt åtta individersinställning till tre olika innovativa leveransmetoder; crowdsourcing, paketskåp och smarta lås.Vi har även undersökt vad det är som påverkar denna inställning och antagandet av dem, samt vilka förväntningar som individerna har på nya leveranssätt. Till vår hjälp har vi bland annat haft teori kring hur individer antar nya innovationer, vad en tjänsteinnovation är samt tidigare forskning om våra undersökta leveranssätt. Fortsättningsvis har vi även haft teori kring upplevd risk och vad som skapar värde för kunder. Med hjälp av dessa teorier kunde vi i analysen besvara våra frågeställningar. Det visade sig att deltagarna generellt sett har en negativ inställning till crowdsourcing och smarta lås som leveranssätt. Beträffande paketskåp fanns en generellt sett positiv inställning. Det var också det leveranssätt som många deltagare provat tidigare. De är generellt sett nöjda med de leveranssätt som redan existerar och därför är intresset för innovativa leveranssätt inte så stort. Vid diskussioner gällande samtligaleveranssätt fördes resonemang kopplat till värde och risk. Beträffande både inställningen tillinnovationerna och förväntningarna på dem uppfattar vi det som att relativa fördelar,komplexitet och kompatibilitet spelar stor roll vid antagande av innovationer. Även recensioneroch “word of mouth” har visat sig spela in. / A continuously growing B2C e-commerce sector creates new challenges and a differentdemand in the transport sector, especially in the final step of a logistic supply chain - the lastmile delivery. Furthermore, the last mile is also known as the least cost effective part of alogistic chain as well as the part that is associated with negative externalities like congestion,air pollution and noise pollution, especially in urban areas. Considering this, the last mile is apart with high potential of improvement. This is also why last mile delivery innovations arestarting to show up on the market.With the help of virtual focus group methodology, we have in this study aimed to investigateeight people’s attitude towards three last mile delivery innovations; crowdsourcing, parcellockers and smart locks. We have studied things that can have an affect on this attitude and the adoption of innovations, but also what expectations the customers have on last mileinnovations in general. To be able to analyze our data, we have used a variety of theories,including Diffusion of innovations theory, and theories regarding customer value, risk andservice innovation. Regarding our three service innovations, we have also included previousresearch concerning those.Our research showed a negative attitude towards crowdsourcing and smart locks, and a positive attitude towards parcel lockers, which also was the innovation that a lot of our participants had tried. In general, all participants were satisfied with existing delivery methods, why the motivating factors for using the innovations are few. Discussions regarding customer value and risk were influential in our results. We also found mutual factors in what affects attitude and expectations, factors like complexity, compatibility and relative advantages. Furthermore, reviews and word of mouth also seem to have an affect on their attitude towards the innovations.

Innovation Measurement as a Tool for Innovation Capability : A Qualitative Case Study on the Role ofInnovation Measurement within the SwedishTelecom Sector / Innovationsmätning som ett verktyg för innovationsförmåga

Domicelj, Majken, Strömberg, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
Innovation measurement is one of the most essential aspects in building innovation capability as it allows organisations to capture their current innovation capabilities and understand where they need to direct their efforts to improve. Further, measuring the innovation capability enables a data driven and insightful steering management. To succeed, incumbent organisations need to understand the KSF for innovation capability and internalise them.The purpose of this study is to investigate how incumbent telecom firms can use innovation measurement to improve their innovation capability. This was done through identifying KSF for innovation capability, reviewing existing innovation measurement frameworks and then, compare and analyse the findings to empirical data - from a case study at a major telecom operator.This paper is of an interdisciplinary nature and combines the theories of innovation capability, service innovation and innovation measurement. The methods used are qualitative, including a literature review, a focus group and 19 semi-structured interviews. The thesis resulted in six KSF for innovation capability in incumbent telecom firms, which was applied in an innovation measurement framework. The main challenges associated with these KSF are also identified and concrete proposals, for improving the innovation capability through using innovation measurement, are presented. Major contributions are of both theoretical and empirical character.The thesis contributes to the research field of how innovation capability can be measured and improved, through using multidimensional metrics, in incumbent firms working with high-tech service innovation. It also provides valuable empirical data around how innovation measurement can be interpreted and used, to improve innovation capability in an industrial context. / Innovationsmätning anses vara en av de viktigaste aspekterna för att bygga en stark innovationsförmåga eftersom det ger en förståelse för den nuvarande innovationsförmågan och för hur organisationer kan prioritera resurser och aktiviteter för att förbättra innovationsförmågan. För att lyckas behöver dessa företag förstå vilka som är de avgörande faktorerna för innovationsförmåga och sedan internalisera dessa.Syftet med studien är att förstå hur stora, etablerade telekombolag kan använda innovationsmätning för att förbättra sin innovationsförmåga. Detta har gjorts genom att först identifiera de avgörande faktorerna för innovationsförmåga, granska existerande ramverk för att mäta innovation. Sedan har detta jämförts med undersökningsresultatet från den genomförda fallstudien på ett ledande, svenskt telekombolag. Studien är av interdisciplinär natur och kombinerar teorier inom innovationsförmåga, tjänsteinnovation och innovationsmätning.Studien resulterade i sex avgörande faktorer för utveckling av innovationsförmåga i stora, etablerade företag inom telekomsektorn. Dessa tillämpas sedan i ett ramverk för innovationsmätning. De huvudsakliga utmaningarna kopplade till dessa faktorer har också identifierats och konkreta förslag för att förbättra innovationsförmågan genom tillämpning av innovationsmätning presenteras.Bidragen från denna studie är av både teoretisk och empirisk karaktär. Studien bidrar till forskningen kring hur innovationsförmåga hos traditionella företag som arbetar med högteknologiska tjänster kan utvärderas och förbättras genom att använda flerdimensionella mätvärden. Den bidrar även med viktiga empiriska data kring hur innovationsmätning kan förstås och användas för att förbättra innovationsförmåga i en industriell kontext.

Smart Service Innovation: Organization, Design, and Assessment

Anke, Jürgen 27 January 2023 (has links)
Background: The emergence of technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and wireless communication drives the digital transformation of the entire society. Organizations can exploit these potentials by offering new data-driven services with innovative value propositions, such as carsharing, remote equipment maintenance, and energy management services. These services result from value co-creation enabled by smart service systems, which are configurations of people, processes, and digital technologies. However, developing such systems was found to be challenging in practice. This is mainly due to the difficulties of managing complexity and uncertainty in the innovation process, as contributions of various actors from multiple disciplines must be coordinated. Previous research in service innovation and service systems engineering (SSE) has not shed sufficient light on the specifics of smart services, while research on smart service systems lacks empirical grounding. Purpose: This thesis aims to advance the understanding of the systematic development of smart services in multi-actor settings by investigating how smart service innovation (SSI) is conducted in practice, particularly regarding the participating actors, roles they assume, and methods they apply for designing smart service systems. Furthermore, the existing set of methods is extended by new methods for the design-integrated assessment of smart services and service business models. Approach: Empirical and design science methods were combined to address the research questions. To explore how SSI is conducted in practice, 25 interviews with experts from 13 organizations were conducted in two rounds. Building on service-dominant logic (SDL) as a theoretical foundation and a multi-level framework for SSI, the involvement of actors, their activities, employed means, and experienced challenges were collected. Additionally, a case study was used to evaluate the suitability of the Lifecycle Modelling Language to describe smart service systems. Design science methods were applied to determine a useful combination of service design methods and to build meta-models and tools for assessing smart services. They were evaluated using experiments and the talk aloud method. Results: On the macro-level, service ecosystems consist of various actors that conduct service innovation through the reconfiguration of resources. Collaboration of these actors is facilitated on the meso-level within a project. The structure and dynamics of project configurations can be described through a set of roles, innovation patterns, and ecosystem states. Four main activities have been identified, which actors perform to reduce uncertainty in the project. To guide their work, actors apply a variety of means from different disciplines to develop and document work products. The approach of design-integrated business model assessment is enabled through a meta-model that links qualitative aspects of service architectures and business models with quantitative assessment information. The evaluation of two tool prototypes showed the feasibility and benefit of this approach. Originality / Value: The results reported in this thesis advance the understanding of smart service innovation. They contribute to evidence-based knowledge on service systems engineering and its embedding in service ecosystems. Specifically, the consideration of actors, roles, activities, and methods can enhance existing reference process models. Furthermore, the support of activities in such processes through suitable methods can stimulate discussions on how methods from different disciplines can be applied and combined for developing the various aspects of smart service systems. The underlying results help practitioners to better organize and conduct SSI projects. As potential roles in a service ecosystem depend on organizational capabilities, the presented results can support the analysis of ex¬ternal dependencies and develop strategies for building up internal competencies.:Abstract iii Content Overview iv List of Abbreviations viii List of Tables x List of Figures xii PART A - SYNOPSIS 1 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Motivation 2 1.2 Research Objectives and Research Questions 4 1.3 Thesis Structure 6 2 Research Background 7 2.1 Smart Service Systems 7 2.2 Service-Dominant Logic 8 2.3 Service Innovation in Ecosystems 11 2.4 Systematic Development of Smart Service Systems 13 3 Research Approach 21 3.1 Research Strategy 21 3.2 Applied Research Methods 22 4 Summary of Findings 26 4.1 Overview of Research Results 26 4.2 Organizational Setup of Multi-Actor Smart Service Innovation 27 4.3 Conducting Smart Service Innovation Projects 32 4.4 Approaches for the Design-integrated Assessment of Smart Services 39 5 Discussion 44 5.1 Contributions 44 5.2 Limitations 46 5.3 Managerial Implications 47 5.4 Directions for Future Research 48 6 Conclusion 54 References 55 PART B - PUBLICATIONS 68 7 It Takes More than Two to Tango: Identifying Roles and Patterns in Multi-Actor Smart Service Innovation 69 7.1 Introduction 69 7.2 Research Background 72 7.3 Methodology 76 7.4 Results 79 7.5 Discussion 90 7.6 Conclusions and Outlook 96 7.7 References 97 8 Iterative Uncertainty Reduction in Multi-Actor Smart Service Innovation 100 8.1 Introduction 100 8.2 Research Background 103 8.3 Research Approach 109 8.4 Findings 113 8.5 Discussion 127 8.6 Conclusions and Outlook 131 8.7 References 133 9 How to Tame the Tiger – Exploring the Means, Ends, and Challenges in Smart Service Systems Engineering 139 9.1 Introduction 139 9.2 Research Background 140 9.3 Methodology 143 9.4 Results 145 9.5 Discussion and Conclusions 151 9.6 References 153 10 Combining Methods for the Design of Digital Services in Practice: Experiences from a Predictive Costing Service 156 10.1 Introduction 156 10.2 Conceptual Foundation 157 10.3 Preparing the Action Design Research Project 158 10.4 Application and Evaluation of Methods 160 10.5 Discussion and Formalization of Learning 167 10.6 Conclusion 169 10.7 References 170 11 Modelling of a Smart Service for Consumables Replenishment: A Life Cycle Perspective 171 11.1 Introduction 171 11.2 Life Cycles of Smart Services 173 11.3 Case Study 178 11.4 Discussion of the Modelling Approach 185 11.5 Conclusion and Outlook 187 11.6 References 188 12 Design-integrated Financial Assessment of Smart Services 192 12.1 Introduction 192 12.2 Problem Analysis 195 12.3 Meta-Model Design 200 12.4 Application of the Meta-Model in a Tool Prototype 204 12.5 Evaluation 206 12.6 Discussion 208 12.7 Conclusions 209 12.8 References 211 13 Towards a Cost-Benefit-Analysis of Data-Driven Business Models 215 13.1 Introduction 215 13.2 Conceptual Foundation 216 13.3 Methodology 218 13.4 Case Analysis 220 13.5 A Cost-Benefit-Analysis Model for DDBM 222 13.6 Conclusion and Outlook 225 13.7 References 226 14 Enabling Design-integrated Assessment of Service Business Models Through Factor Refinement 228 14.1 Introduction 228 14.2 Related Work 229 14.3 Research Goal and Method 230 14.4 Solution Design 231 14.5 Demonstration 234 14.6 Discussion 235 14.7 Conclusion 236 14.8 References 237

Developing antecedents for dynamic capabilities to achieve a competitive advantage in service-oriented organizations

Brunner, Timo Jan Joerg 30 May 2024 (has links)
At present, service-oriented organizations must confront growing challenges and competition due to the rapid pace of digital transformation and a shortage of skilled workers, catalyzed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This publication-based dissertation project covers research on the antecedents of service innovation as dy-namic capabilities with the aim of enhancing competitive advantage, given the current business dynamics. The first section of this dissertation introduces service innovation as a dynamic capability, emphasizes the need for antecedents of service innovation, and summarizes the four research papers that make up this dis-sertation. The second section presents a qualitative research paper employing a grounded theory approach. Digital leadership-related capabilities are conceptualized and the impact on dynamic service innovation ca-pabilities in digital transformation contexts is derived using an inductive framework. The third section is a mixed-method research paper that qualitatively conceptualizes innovative new work practices in service or-ganizations and quantitatively assesses their effects on workplace attractiveness for employees. The fourth section presents a multi-method exploratory research paper that identifies digital leadership capabilities us-ing expert interviews and measures the influence of these capabilities on service innovation performance. The research paper in the fifth section uses a structural equation model as a methodological frame. It iden-tifies employee-perceived service innovations and validates customer expectations within the context of po-litical behavior. The sixth section concludes the dissertation project, summarizing the theoretical and prac-tical contribution, describing limitations, and outlining further ideas for research.

服務業者在銀髮族服務創新測試階段的組織學習機制之探討 / Exploring Organizational Learning Mechanisms of Senior Citizen's Service Innovation in Testing Stage

金雅蘭, Chin,Ya-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內廠商生產線的外移,許多產業已發展至成熟的階段,各種企業經營都越來越倚重以服務為基礎的商業運作,服務業的生產與規模日益成長,大部分服務性質的工作已囊括在各類經濟活動中,根據主計處統計2013年台灣服務業占GDP比重約68.29%,顯見發展服務創新活動對於國家經濟成長而言之重要性,服務創新已成為當前相關服務業者重要投入的新興領域。 由於服務創新角色與地位重要性日趨提昇,相關的服務與創新活動不斷的推陳出新加上科技的進步,醫療水準的提高,使得人類的壽命能不斷地延長,人口老化已成為全球皆關注的現象。然面對於科技發達,高齡者越來越長壽,老年人口增加的情況下,卻少有人探討有關服務創新之議題,且又以銀髮族研究在服務創新上仍有待釐清。 當前各個國家都同時面臨了人口老化與服務業成長幅度快速的攀升,對於銀髮族服務廠商而言需要不斷的學習與調整以創造競爭力,其中服務創新「測試階段」雖然在服務業服務創新流程中扮演著重要的角色,但目前在服務業中服務測試階段的研究,不論是新產品開發流程亦或是新服務開發流程,對於測試階段的構面與內容都是相較於其他階段的研究較為缺乏。 鑑於此,本研究方法上採取個案研究法,並以中國銀髮族服務業者進行深入的個案研究,本研究採取「理論取樣」方法,選取中國人口老齡化程度最高的地區之一北京市銀髮族人口密集度最高作為主要的研究場域,針對銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試階段之流程以及測試過程中的組織學習與調整為核心的敘事研究,並就服務創新測試階段、組織學習及銀髮族服務創新進行相關學理文獻的彙整及個案的訪談進行研究。 本研究得到的主要結論,包含:(1)銀髮族服務業者服務創新測試的過程依序分為四個階段,包含:形成期、風暴期、規範期、穩定期,並在服務創新測試不同的階段中展現不同的摸索特徵、內容與過程;(2)服務業者在服務創新測試階段的組織學習上,除了會考量服務本身的學習與調整之外,也會考量服務創新流程方面的學習與調整;(3)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試的不同階段中,不同的服務人力涉入程度之服務業者會採不同的學習方式,以提升測試中服務的績效;(4) 銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試階段的過程中,會考量服務人力涉入需求的不同,而選擇不同專精程度的團隊組成與服務內容;(5)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新的測試過程中,會在不同的測試階段中設置不同的關卡類型;(6)銀髮族服務業者在服務創新測試的不同階段中,會透過不同的傳遞方式來提供服務,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果;(7)在服務創新的測試過程中,銀髮族服務業者會就不同的服務內容與特性(顧客化程度與資訊化程度),選擇不同的溝通方式,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果;(8)在服務創新測試階段中,銀髮族服務業者會就不同的銀髮族群特性(社會化程度、互動化程度),採取不同的溝通方式,以提升測試服務過程中的組織學習效果。 本研究在學術上的主要貢獻,包括:(1)本研究特別就服務創新的測試來探討,彌補了服務創新領域相關研究上的不足;(2)本研究特別針對銀髮族服務業者來探討,彌補了服務創新領域相關研究上的不足;(3)本研究特別從組織學習的理論切入,彌補了過往服務創新研究在此議題上的不足;(4)本研究提出組織學習機制的概念作為銀髮族服務創新的切入點。 本研究最後並提出服務創新測試階段的組織學習機制相關的實務意涵及後續研究建議,進一步地提出服務創新測試四階段模式、服務創新測試作為、組織學習機制,提供服務創新測試階段組織學習過程的影響因素做為服務業者進行服務創新測試管理與提升測試階段的學習成效時的參考依據。而對於未來有意願投入或開發銀髮族服務業相關服務的創新團隊,本研究亦提供銀髮族服務創新測試階段之組織學習機制的整體性架構的空間。 / With the continuous development of service industries, many industries have bundled with service roles to improve their business and economic activities. The industry for senior service has grown rapidly and has become a market target industry due to the increase in prolonged lives and a healthy aging population. This service industry has become a phenomenon worldwide, and Taiwan currently ranks second in aging populations among Asian countries. Taiwan’s senior service industry is an emerging industry, the majority of which is supported by smaller companies. Therefore, little researching has been done on the innovative services handling this quickly growing aging population. Furthermore, service innovation remains immature within senior sectors. This opportunity continues to be an interesting topic for all business sectors, but little research has scrutinized the relationship and meaning in service innovations for seniors. Currently, countries around the world are facing the rapid rise of aging populations and service industry growth, which requires constant learning and adjustment in order to create competitive power. While the “testing stage” of service innovation plays an important role in the service innovation process, the research on service testing stage, whether about the new product development process or the service development process, for the testing stage of the structure and content compared to other stages is scarce. Therefore, in this research, we adopt the case study method and recruit people from the Chinese elderly service industry to carry out a thorough case study. In particular, this study adopts the “theoretical sampling” method to determine one of the most aging areas in China, with the highest population density in Beijing being the main research field. In this study, we focus on the service innovation test stage’s process in the senior citizen industry, as well as the organization study and narrative research in the testing process, the core of which involves organizational learning and adjustment. Such organizational learning and service innovation for the elderly are both examined in this study through relevant academic literature and case interviews. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The process of service innovation testing of the senior citizen industry is divided into four stages: formation period, storm period, normative period, and stable period, all of which have different characteristics, content, and processes; 2. In the service innovation testing stage of organizational learning, in addition to considering the study and adjustment of the service itself, the study and adjustment of the service innovation process shall also be considered; 3. In the different stages of service innovation testing, the service providers adopt different ways of learning to improve the performance of the service being tested; 4. In the process of service innovation testing, the senior-citizen service providers will consider the manpower requirements involved in different service patterns and choose different team compositions and service contents accordingly; 5. In the process of service innovation testing, different types of tasks are established at different test stages; 6. In the different stages of service innovation testing, services are provided through different communication methods to enhance the organizational learning effect in the testing service process; 7. In the process of testing service innovation, the service provider acts according to the differences in the service content and characteristics (customizing degree and information level) and chooses different methods of communication to improve the effectiveness of organizational learning; 8. In the service innovation testing stage, senior citizen service providers adopt different communication methods to improve the organizational learning effect in the process of testing services for the different characteristics of the senior citizen group (socialization degree and interactivity degree). This study aims to make the following contributions in the academic field: 1. This study discusses specifically the testing of service innovation, which complements the lack of relevant research in the field of service innovation; 2. Focus on the service providers for senior citizens also makes up for deficiencies in the field of services innovation; 3. Use of organizational learning theory as the leverage point supplements the insufficient research on service innovation in the past; 4. This study proposes the concept of organizational learning mechanism as an entry point for senior-citizen service innovation. Based on this study’s results, we propose some practical implications of the organizational learning mechanism in the service innovation testing stage, as well as some follow-up research suggestions. Furthermore, we put forward the four-stage model of service innovation testing and the organizational learning mechanism and provide the influential factors of the organizational learning process as a reference for service providers to innovate test management and improve the learning effectiveness of the testing stage. In the future, the industry will have to invest in or develop services related to the service of the innovative team. This study also provides the family service innovation testing stage of the organizational learning mechanism for the overall framework of space.

以創新服務模式探討PChome 24小時購物 / The exploratory study of PChome 24hours online shopping by using innovative service model

許純瑜, Hsu, Chelsea Chun-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
為了追求顧客高滿意度是服務業不斷努力的目標,經營電子商店的廠商紛紛絞盡腦汁,以迎合顧客需求,PChome有別於其它業者在網路購物市場找到利基,2007年1月改以強調「速度」新服務概念推出24小時送達的購物服務,由大幅成長的月營收表現可得知此服務被消費者廣為接受。此外PChome 24小時購物更榮獲97年度經濟部「產業創新成果表揚」的產業製程/流程創新獎。因此PChome為何成立24小時購物,且如何規劃設計流程,將此創新服務透過什麼方式傳遞給顧客,為亟欲探討的課題。 本研究以Hertog & Bilderbeek(1998)提出的服務創新四構面模型作為研究的基礎,探討PChome 24小時購物的創新服務,本研究問題如下: 1.PChome推出24小時購物專區的動機為何? 2.PChome 24小時購物的創新服務與創新成果可由那些構面來觀察? 3.PChome 24小時購物的技術選擇構面與其它構面的關係為何? 4.PChome 24小時購物在創新服務之經營運作成功經營的關鍵為何? 研究結論如下: 一、PChome 24小時購物精準掌握消費者需求產出新服務概念,解決顧客下訂單之後等太久的困擾,為顧客創造價值才是創新的根本。 二、PChome 24小時購物的「新服務概念」、「新客戶介面」、「新服務傳遞系統」、「技術選擇」四構面都有相當的創新。 1. PChome 24小時購物服務的內容與特色鮮明,鎖定需要快速收到貨的目標族群,在網路購物市場找到獨特利基優勢。 2. PChome 24小時購物在新客戶介面提供「容易操作」、「容易查詢」商流服務介面,有助於創新服務的表現。 3. PChome 24小時購物設計三個新流程- -(1)商品選購、(2)成立倉儲物流中心集中管理商品、(3)宅配送達,來處理商流、金流、物流、資訊流。 4. PChome 24小時購物的核心技術策略,成功開發「快速供貨管理系統」及「硬碟式倉儲管理儲存模式」二個IT系統,成功作到資訊即時整合,讓訂單零時差、出貨零時差、庫存零時差,為技術選擇關鍵。 三、「技術選擇」在PChome 24小時購物創新服務的扮演不可或缺的關鍵性角色,技術決定服務,支撐「新服務概念」「新服務傳遞系統」、「新客戶介面」其它三構面。 四、PChome 24小時購物的行銷、分配、及組織發展策略奏效,連結新服務概念、新客戶介面、新服務傳遞系統,成功推行創新服務。 1. PChome 的行銷策略鎖定需要迅速收到貨的目標市場,提供多樣產品選擇,強化24小時購物品牌形象。 2. PChome 整合統一速達的宅配,提供24小時購物服務,與為分配策略重要的一環。 3. PChome 24小時購物的組織發展策略,在組織資源及能耐已有足夠的能力規劃及經營管理此創新服務。 五、PChome 降低消費者交易成本,縮短交易流程及時間,加速消費者採納24小時購物。

餐飲業之數位轉型與服務創新策略之研究: 以W個案公司為例 / The research on the digital transformation and service innovation strategy of the catering industry: take W case study company as an example

鄭榮輝, Cheng, Jung Hui Unknown Date (has links)
國內的餐飲業發展迅速、日新月異,各種風味特色、各種經營方式、各種組織結構的餐飲業星羅密佈。國內擁有博大精深的飲食文化和市場基礎,因此餐飲業就成了最為活躍而且最完全競爭的產業。目前,越來越多的餐飲業正在朝向著規模化的方向發展,跨地區發展的連鎖餐飲企業集團逐漸佔據主導的地位。隨著業務的迅速發展,規模龐大的連鎖餐飲業不斷地面臨了管理分支機構所帶來的經營成本、涵蓋範圍、標準化生產和服務管理等方面的巨大壓力。因此,連鎖餐飲業迫切需要一種異地安全互聯的經營管理方案,上傳財務資料,而且要將辦公資料和財務資料分離開來,並設法降低管理費用。同時,面對餐飲產業管理效率低落、決策欠缺系統化,以及供應鏈最佳化的問題、對外部市場的快速反應問題等,需要建立可以搭載IT (Information Technology) 系統的數位化系統,加強內部資訊的共享性、時效性、透明度,深化企業的內部管理,提升管理效率,從而最大程度地達到內部和外部資源的最佳利用,不斷地提升市場競爭力。 本研究在回顧國內連鎖餐飲業的發展現況和所存在的問題,以及數位轉型與服務創新在連鎖餐飲業的應用現狀之基礎上,分析了連鎖餐飲業價值鏈的架構和特色,闡明了國內連鎖餐飲業發展數位轉型與服務創新策略的可行性和必要性,提出了適合國內連鎖餐飲業發展的數位轉型與服務創新模式,並設計出了個案連鎖餐飲企業發展數位策略的整體規劃和執行方案。最後,本研究在對個案連鎖餐飲公司做SWOT 分析的基礎上,重點研究了個案公司數位轉型與服務創新的應用情況,並給出了針對其缺點的改進建議。 / The catering trade industry of Taiwan is developing vigorously with new, special-flavored catering trade enterprises of varying operation modes and organization structures spreading all over the country. As Taiwan owns a profound and deep catering trade culture and market base, the catering trade industry has become the most competitive industry in Taiwan. More and more catering trade enterprises are developing in large scale. Cross territorial chain catering trade enterprises are gradually leading the market. With the rapid development of catering trade business, large-scaled chain catering trade enterprises are facing a huge amount of pressure of operating cost, covering range, standardized manufacturing and information security resulting from managing the branches. Thus, the chain catering trade enterprises are in urgent need of an operating management scheme of cross territorial and security inter-connected to upload financial data. Meanwhile, the scheme should also be able to separate the administrative data and finance data. Considering the catering trade industry is in a situation of low managing efficiency, unscientific decision-making, internal optimization of supply chain and agile response to the external market, it needs an digital system that is able to build on MIS to reinforce the sharing and efficiency of internal information, deepen the internal management, upgrade managing efficiency. In this way, the chain catering trade enterprises can make full use of internal and external resources so as to improve the market response. On the base of reviewing the present situation, problems and digital application status in Taiwan’s chain catering trade enterprises, this paper Analyzed the form and feature of the value chain of the chain catering trade industry, clarified the feasibility and need of applying digitalization in chain catering trade enterprises, put forward the digital modes that are suit for the chain catering trade enterprises of Taiwan, devised a whole program and implementation of applying digitalization for Taiwan’s chain catering trade enterprises. At last, on the basis of SWOT analysis analyze and study the case study company, this research mainly analyze the digital application of the case study company and put forward to the suggestions accordingly.

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