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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O psicótico e o seu ninho: um estudo clínico sobre o setting e os seus destinos

Deus, Ricardo Telles de 09 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:39:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo T Deus.pdf: 379598 bytes, checksum: 752e100653d9dfc30bd353a863fe30e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-09 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The major goal of this actual study is to distinguish some aspects of the clinical setting that, in the treatment of psychotic patients, would possibly develop an important role. In a first moment, the clinical material collected from the treatment of three psychotic patients attended by the author is built in the form of three narratives. Secondly, many pieces of work that approach the essential subject of this research, in a very meaningful way and under quite singular perspectives, are examined. More specifically, those pieces of work focus on setting in three contexts: in the psychoanalytical clinic, exactly as it would be practiced in the offices; in the institutional sphere; in the Therapeutic Attendance. Lastly, the author of the study got to the conclusion that the clinical setting, adapted to the peculiar needs of the psychotic patient, would present, among many other possibilities, the following characteristics: flexibility or elasticity; consistency; steadiness; materiality; a non-intrusive quality / O presente estudo tem como o seu objetivo maior distinguir alguns aspectos do setting clínico que, no tratamento de pacientes psicóticos, possivelmente desempenhariam um importante papel. Num primeiro momento, o material clínico extraído de três tratamentos de pacientes psicóticos que foram conduzidos pelo autor é elaborado na forma de três narrativas. Em seguida, são examinados vários trabalhos que abordam, de um modo significativo e desde perspectivas bastante singulares, o assunto fundamental desta pesquisa. Mais precisamente, tais escritos versam sobre o setting em três contextos: na clínica psicanalítica, tal como ela seria praticada nos consultórios; no âmbito institucional; no Acompanhamento Terapêutico. Por fim, o autor do estudo chegou à conclusão de que o setting clínico, adaptado às peculiares necessidades do paciente psicótico exibiria, dentre várias outras possíveis, as seguintes características: flexibilidade ou elasticidade; consistência; estabilidade; materialidade; uma qualidade não-intrusiva

Beyond the Music: The Contemporary Operatic Scenography of Robert Wilson, Achim Freyer and Karl-Ernst Herrmann

Kara, Ewa January 2015 (has links)
Contemporary operatic scenography has been undergoing broad aesthetic, theatrical and technological transformations. My dissertation analyzes the work of three key designer-directors—Robert Wilson, Achim Freyer, and Karl-Ernst Herrmann—in order to investigate the changing relationship between the visual and the theatrical in contemporary opera, as well as opera’s place within current trends in theatrical design and broader visual culture. Combining an analysis of current productions with wide-ranging archival research, I reconstruct and explore these artists’ individual stylistic development and their mutual influence. Through this focus on the hybrid figure of the contemporary designer-director, I address two key historical changes in operatic culture: first, the greatly increased importance of scenography and visuality in global opera and second, the emergence of new scenographic idioms, which have rapidly displaced the dominance of historicist and realist conventions in staging. Throughout, I show how Wilson, Freyer, and Herrmann’s work has been central to the development of a “new international style” in operatic scenography. Combining close visual analysis with historical contextualization, I examine how this style—characterized by abstraction, rich colors, striking lighting and radical theatrical effects—has transformed the look of opera, while also framing these developments within the longer history of modernist scenography, and the long-standing tensions between stylistic innovation and aesthetic traditionalism.

Dentro e fora da casinha: reflexões sobre a experiência na assistência domiciliar em saúde mental a partir da psicanálise vincular / In and out of home: reflections on mental health home care experience based on psychoanalysis of bonds

Khouri, Marjorie El 23 June 2017 (has links)
A reforma psiquiátrica teve como premissa o fim dos manicômios e atualmente observa-se que há indivíduos que continuam em situação de isolamento, mas no próprio domicílio. Nesse sentido, a Atenção Domiciliar (AD) é uma alternativa de intervenção àqueles que não chegam aos serviços de saúde. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo tecer reflexões sobre as especificidades da AD em saúde mental como modalidade interventiva em famílias cujo modo de vinculação é considerado psicótico, a partir da psicanálise vincular. Busca-se compreender de que forma se dá a transferência dessas famílias no domicílio, bem como refletir sobre as intervenções nesse setting terapêutico. Para tanto foram utilizadas cenas construídas a partir da experiência clínica da pesquisadora enquanto profissional da AD e das quais foram elaboradas as reflexões. É uma investigação que se insere no campo das pesquisas psicanalíticas, em que o inconsciente e suas manifestações clínicas são o objeto de estudo. O caminho percorrido neste texto foi pensar o domicílio como local de intervenção a partir dos conceitos de setting terapêutico, transferência e contratransferência. Sobre o setting discutiu-se a sua multiplicidade de possibilidades, de forma que a flexibilização do enquadre tradicional favoreceu as intervenções. Compreende-se que a casa, nessas famílias, é usada como barreira concreta para separar o dentro e o fora, entretanto, se as paredes podem ser utilizadas como defesa, elas dificultam o \"entre\". A AD em saúde mental tem por objetivo fazer uma ponte entre diferentes espaços - hospital/ casa e casa/serviços de saúde. Assim, foi utilizado o conceito de intermediário de Kaës para entender as intervenções do psicólogo que favoreçam essas funções de ligação, como entrar e sair da casa pelo terapeuta, além do uso de recursos gráficos e da construção de histórias; acrescido da compreensão freudiana acerca do jogo do carretel (Fort- dá), que tendo também uma função intermediária favorece a simbolização. Observou-se que se inicialmente foi difícil a escuta dos pacientes, pela mudez ou pela fala delirante, ao longo do acompanhamento houve a produção de sonhos e metáforas por parte dos mesmos, o que possibilitou uma ressignificação de seus sintomas iniciais - a restrição domiciliar. Além disso, no aspecto da função de ligação, evidenciou-se como crucial o estabelecimento do vínculo terapêutico junto aos pacientes, o que se estende a qualquer profissional da equipe. O trabalho vincular acontece quando há uma transformação mútua, não apenas do paciente mas do profissional, o que exige mudanças nas formas de atuação. Nesse sentido se fez necessário da terapeuta/pesquisadora \"sair da casinha\", abrindo-se ao modo possível desses atendimentos acontecerem. Se na clínica psicanalítica tradicional o recurso verbal é o principal instrumento terapêutico, nessa experiência outros recursos ganharam importância. Conclui-se, então, que as famílias que participaram desta investigação não poderiam ser abordadas no setting tradicional, tensionando conceitos que foram construídos a partir dele e, propiciando o surgimento de outras propostas terapêuticas / Psychiatric reform had as a premise the end of asylums, however individuals that remain in isolation are currently observed, but in their own domicile. In this sense, Home Care (HC) is an intervention alternative for those who dont reach health services. This dissertation has as objective to weave reflections about the specificities of HC in mental health as an interventive modality in families whose relational method is considered psychotic, from a psychoanalysis of bonds perspective. Its sought to comprehend the manner in which the transference of these families in the domicile is given, as well as reflecting about the interventions in this therapeutical setting. For such, scenes were built from the clinical experience of the researcher as a HC professional and upon these reflections were elaborated. Its an investigation that inserts itself in the field of psychoanalytic researches, in which the unconscious and its clinical manifestations are the object of study. The path trailed in this text was that of thinking of the domicile as a place of intervention from the concepts of therapeutical setting, transference and countertransference. About the setting, it was discussed its multiplicity of possibilities, in a way that the flexibilization of the traditional setting favored interventions. It is understood that the home, in these families, is used as a concrete barrier for separating the inside and the outside, however, if these walls can be used as defense, they hamper the in between. HC in mental health aims to build bridges between different spaces - hospital / home and home / health services. Thus, the concept of Kaës Intermediary was used in order to understand the psychologist\'s interventions that favor these bonding functions, such as the therapists entering and leaving of the domicile, in addition to the use of graphical resources and stories creation; added by the Freudian understanding of the cotton reel game (Fort-dá), that having an intermediary function also favors symbolization. It was observed that initially, listening to the patients was difficult, either by muteness or by delirious speech; throughout the follow-up there was the production of dreams and metaphors by the patients, which made a re-signification of their initial symptoms possible - household restriction. Additionally, on the connection function aspect, the establishment of the therapeutic bond with the patients showed to be crucial, something that extends to any professional of the team. The bonding effort happens when theres a transformation of both, not only of the patient but also from the professional, which requires the latter to change their way of acting. With this, it was necessary for the therapist / researcher to step out of the comfort zone, opening oneself to the format to which these treatments can take place. If in traditional psychoanalytic clinic the verbal resource is the main therapeutic instrument, in this experience other resources gained significance. It is then concluded that families that participated in this investigation couldnt be approached using the traditional setting, stressing concepts that were built from it and providing the emergence of other therapeutical proposals

Die Anwendung des Standardkosten-Modells auf den Bereich Bürger : Agenda Setting in Deutschland und Großbritannien / Applying the Standard Cost Model at the citizen level : agenda setting in Germany and the UK

Holthusen, Imeke January 2009 (has links)
Seit 2002 wird das Standardkosten-Modell (SKM) als Ansatz zur Messung von Bürokratiekosten in einer Vielzahl von OECD-Ländern, darunter Deutschland und Großbritannien, angewendet. Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht die Frage, warum im Regulierungsreform-Nachzüglerland Deutschland die Ausweitung des Ansatzes auf den Bereich Bürger seit Jahren auf der politischen Agenda steht und bereits erste Schritte zur Umsetzung unternommen wurden, während SKM Bürger im Regulierungsreform-Vorreiterland Großbritannien scheinbar nie auf der Agenda stand. In Anlehnung an einen von Kingdon entwickelten Agenda-Setting-Ansatz werden Unterschiede im Bereich der Problemwahrnehmung, in der Bewertung der Policy SKM sowie im politischen Entstehungsprozess untersucht. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass hinsichtlich der Wahrnehmung des Problems der Bürokratiebelastung signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Deutschland und Großbritannien bestehen, die sich vor allem auf die in Deutschland höhere Intensität der Problemwahrnehmung beziehen. Weitere Unterschiede bestehen bezüglich der Bewertung der Policy SKM, die in Deutschland eine höhere Medienaufmerksamkeit erhält und allgemein positiver bewertet wird. Auch der Entstehungsprozess des SKM, der in Deutschland wesentlich stärker politisiert war als in Großbritannien, trägt zur Erklärung der beobachteten Unterschiede im Agenda-Setting bei. / Since 2002 the Standard Cost Model (SCM) has been used for the measurement of administrative burdens in several OECD countries, among them Germany and the UK. The central question explored in this article is why in the regulatory reform “laggard country” Germany the application of the SCM at the citizen level has been on the political agenda for several years, with the first steps already taken towards implementation, while in the regulatory reform “leader country” UK, the use of the SCM for the measurement of citizens’ administrative burdens has apparently never been on the agenda. Using an agenda setting model developed by Kingdon, differences in the areas of problem perception, assessment of the SCM as a policy, and the political introduction process of the policy are investigated. It is shown that regarding the perception of the problem of bureaucracy significant differences between Germany and the UK exist, in particular relating to the higher intensity of problem perception in Germany. Additional differences are identified regarding the assessment of the SCM policy which has received more media coverage in Germany and is also generally more positively received there. Differences identified in the introduction process, which in Germany has been much more politicised than in the UK, constitute additional explanatory factors.

Talk to me! : - en fallstudie om internkommunikation vid en organisationsförändring med fokus på motivation / Talk to me! : - a case study of the internal communication during an organizational change with focus on motivation

Knutsen, Lisa, Bäckman, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
Förmågan att kunna kommunicera är av yttersta vikt för att en organisation ska vara fungerande. Det är också nödvändigt för en organisation att kunna förändra sig för att förbli effektiv. Motivation är det som sätter tankar i handling och därför bör det vara en viktig aspekt när det kommer till internkommunikation i stora organisationer som genomgår förändringar.      Uppsatsen baseras på en fallstudie av en organisationsförändring vid Karlstads universitet som genomfördes 1 januari 2013, där kvalitativa intervjuer använts som metod. Undersökningen gjordes under november och december 2012 då förändringsprocessen var i sitt slutskede. Intervjuer utfördes med både informanter och respondenter anställda vid Karlstads universitet.   Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka internkommunikationens betydelse för hur medarbetare motiveras till en organisationsförändring. Utifrån syftet har tre frågeställningar formulerats: (1) Hur önskar medarbetare vid Karlstads universitet att information kommuniceras internt vid en organisationsförändring? (2) Överensstämmer medarbetares och implementeringsgruppen vid Karlstads universitets uppfattningar om hur information om en organisationsförändring bör kommuniceras? (3) Hur anser medarbetare vid Karlstads universitet att motivation skapas inför en organisationsförändring genom internkommunikation?   Resultatet från de intervjuer som genomförts har analyserats utifrån teorier som till exempel transmissionsmodellen, goal setting teorin och McLuhans teori om kanalval.  Denna undersökning visar att den närmsta chefen ses som den viktigaste informationskanalen. Det kommer även fram att medarbetarna tycker det är viktigt att organisationen använder sig av många olika kanaler när de kommunicerar och att muntlig kommunikation ses som en nödvändighet. Resultatet visar även att intern- och externkommunikation bör ses som lika betydelsefulla för en organisation och därför borde lika mycket energi och resurser läggas på de två. Uppsatsen presenterar utifrån dessa resultat en tankemodell på hur organisationer kan se på kommunikationsprocessen kring en organisationsförändring. / The ability to communicate is of utmost importance for an organization to be functional. It is also important for an organization to be able to change in order to stay effective. Motivation is what puts thoughts in to actions and should therefore be an important part of the internal communication in large organizations going through changes.   This paper is based on a case study of an organizational change at Karlstad University that took place the 1st of January 2013. The method used in this case study was qualitative interviews. The study took place during November and December 2012 when the process of change was coming to an end. The interviews was conducted with both informants and respondents employed at Karlstad University.   The aim of this study is to examine internal communications importance in motivating employees during an organizational change. There is also three questions of issue that has been examined further: (1) How do employees at Karlstad University wish that information gets communicated internaly in the organization during an organizational change? (2) Do employees and managers at Karlstad University share ideas of how information about the change at hand should be communicated during an organizational change? (3) How do employees at Karlstad University consider that motivation gets created through internal communication facing an organizational change?   The result from the interviews was analyzed through theories such as the transmission model, McLuhan’s theory about mediums and the goal setting theory. This study shows that the immediate supervisor is the most important channel for communication. It also shows that employees considers it important that the organization communicates through a variety of channels and that oral communication is a necessity. The result also shows that internal and external communication should be seen as equally important for the organization. And equal amounts of energy and money should be spent on both internal and external communication. The paper presents a conceptual model of how organizations should look at the communication process surrounding an organizational change. The model is based on the results of the study.

Like, share and tag : A comparative study of UNDP Stockholm and UNDP New York’s usage of Facebook as a communication tool / Gilla, dela och tagga : En komparativ studie av UNDP Stockholm och UNDP New Yorks användande av Facebook som kommunikationsverktyg

Petersson, Victor January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to study how the UNDP offices in Stockholm and New York are using Facebook to set the agenda regarding the Millennium Development Goals, but also how the offices are communicating and presenting the goals towards the public. The research is based on publications from the two Facebook groups “millenniemålen – åtta mål för en bättre värld” and “United Nations Development Programme – UNDP” published between November 2011 until April 2012. The publications were categorized and analyzed using content analysis, a method that allows categorization of data which enables me to compare the two offices publications rate but also the amount of publications according to which MDG to be in focus. Text analysis of 24 publications allowed me to detect a pattern as well as analysis the two way communication occurring. The text analysis provides an understanding of the how the organizations are working with setting the agenda of the Millennium Development Goals, but also how a relationship is created through communication. The theoretical standpoint for the thesis draws on agenda-setting, strategic communication and Public Relations, also referred to as PR, as the two offices are working with awareness towards the public - a work that need a creation of relationship to the audience. This study shows that the two offices are communicating the Millennium Development Goals differently towards the public, with different results. The New York office are interacting with its followers on Facebook, directing the readers to engage in the set topics through questions and statements and creating dialogues organization to reader but also reader to reader. The UNDP Stockholm is using Facebook as a gateway to their webpage, where information is presented as a news article with little or none chance for the reader to comply. The setting of the agenda is done through the publications, but the publications lack the tools showing if the agenda have been embraced by the readers. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur UNDP kontoren i Stockholm och New York använder Facebook för att sätta agendan på millenniemålen, men även visa hur kontoren kommunicerar och presenterar målen till besökarna/följarna av sidorna. Undersökningen är baserad på publikationer gjorda på de två kontorens Facebook sidor “millenniemålen – åtta mål för en bättre värld” och “United Nations Development Programme – UNDP” under tidsperioden november 2011 till april 2012. Publikationerna blev kategoriserade och analyserade med hjälp av innehållsanalys, en metod som genom sin kategoriseringsprocess möjliggör jämförelse mellan de två kontorens sätt att sätta agendan och arbeta med publiken, men även nödvändig information som millenniemål i fokus i enskilda publikationer. Text analys applicerades på 24 publikationer för att mer djupgående förstå hur de två kontoren jobbar för att skapa dialog samt en relation till läsarna genom den satta agendan. Hur UNDP kontoren adresserar läsarna samt överbyggande teman för texterna blev synliga genom denna analys metod. Som teoretisk grund använder jag ”agenda-setting”, strategisk kommunikation samt Public Relations, också refererad till som PR. Båda kontoren har till uppgift att uppmärksamma allmänheten på UNDPs agenda, en uppgift som innebär relationsskapande till sin publik. Resultatet visar att de två kontoren skiljer sig åt när det gäller att kommunicera millenniemålen. New York kontorets interagerande med sin publik genom Facebook, där de skapar dialog kring ett satt ämne mellan organisationen och publiken, men även mellan publiken själv, visar på en fungerande strategi att skapa intresse kring målen. Interaktionen visar även att publiken engagerar sig i de publikationerna som blivit gjorda, med andra ord den agendan som blivit satt. UNDP Stockholm använder Facebook som en ”gateway” till sin hemsida, där informationen blir presenterad som en nyhetsartikel med få inbjudningar till dialog eller chans att respondera . Även om agendan är tydlig i texterna, finns det inga bevis på att läsarna är mottagliga för den.

Šeimos modelių konstravimas Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje / Family models construction in Lithuanian mass media

Mačiulytė, Raimonda 16 June 2008 (has links)
Globalizacijos ir sparčios kaitos laikais Lietuvos šeima išgyvena daug pokyčių, kalbama apie jos krizę ir destabilizaciją. Kadangi žiniasklaida yra tapusi svarbiu socializacijos faktoriumi, tai jos vaidmuo platinant suvokimą apie šeimą ir konstruojant šeimos bei partnerystės reikšmes atlieka lemiamą vaidmenį kuriant socialinius simbolius bei reikšmes. Šiame darbe siekta atskleisti spaudos perduodamuose pranešimuose konstruojamus šeimos modelius ir lyčių vaidmenis šeimoje. Teorinėje darbo dalyje taikant literatūros šaltinių analizę aptarta, kokia yra žiniasklaidos ir socialinio pasaulio sąveika, kokią įtaką žiniasklaida turi socialinės tikrovės konstravime. Įvardinta šeimos, jos formų samprata, pristatytos pagrindinės jai kylančias grėsmės. Darbe naudojamos socialinio konstruktyvizmo ir darbotvarkės nustatymo (agenda-setting) teorijos, nes jos siejasi tarpusavyje. Abi pabrėžia objektyvios tikrovės svarbą ir tai, kad tam tikrų problemų struktūravimas ne visada atspindi tikrovę. Kadangi žiniasklaida yra vienas svarbiausių šeimos modelių konstravimo įrankių, tai buvo atlikta dviejų Lietuvos dienraščių – „Lietuvos rytas“, „Vakaro žinios“ ir vieno regioninio laikraščio „Tauragės kurjeris“ publikacijų šeimos tema turinio analizė. Tyrimui buvo atrinkti 2007 m. liepos-gruodžio mėn. nacionaliniuose dienraščiuose publikuoti 918 straipsnių ir 150 straipsnių, publikuotų „Tauragės kurjeryje“ visais 2007 metų mėnesiais. Atlikus tyrimą išryškėja, kad vyro ir moters santuoka grįsta šeima... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the globalization and rapid alternation times, Lithuanian family experiences a lot of changes, there is discussed its crisis and destabilization. Due to the fact that the mass media has become a very significant factor of socialization, its role while spreading the comprehension concerning a family as well as constructing the meanings of a family or partnership, are crucial while designing social symbols and meanings. In the following work there has been sought to reveal the constructed model of a family and roles of genders in a family that are communicated in the press publications. In the theoretic part, while applying the analysis of the literature resources there has been discussed what the interaction of the mass media and social world is as well as what the impact of the mass media on the construction of the social reality is. There is enumerated the concept of a family and its forms and there are introduced basic threats that arise to it. In the paper there applied the theories of social constructivism and agenda-setting, because they are interconnected. Both theories define the significance of the objective reality and the fact that the structuring of the certain issues in the mass media does not always reveal the reality. Whereas the mass media is one of the most important tools fro the formation of family models, there has been carried out the contents analysis of the publications under the family issue in two Lithuanian daily newspapers – ‘Lietuvos rytas’... [to full text]

The Korean emissions trading scheme : focusing on accounting issues

Kim, Tae Hee January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the accounting standard-setting process in relation to emissions rights and related liabilities in the Korean context in order to provide a better understanding of accounting issues under an emissions trading scheme (ETS). Using an interpretive inductive approach, this study comprises semi-structured, face-to-face interviews and analysis of relevant documents. Interviews were carried out with a wide range of key players, including accounting standard setters (Korean Accounting Standards Board, International Accounting Standards Board, and Autorité des Normes Comptables), accounting experts, industry and government. This study identifies how problematic accounting issues on emissions rights and related liabilities have been addressed by accounting standard setters. The key accounting issues under ETS are linked mainly with free allowances. It is found that accounting standard setters attempt to establish the most appropriate accounting standard under the given circumstances reflecting a variety of considerations, and that the most common elements affecting the development of accounting standards for ETS are the legal and economic context, the existing accounting framework, and preceding models and practices. Nevertheless, these factors affect the development of accounting standards for ETS in different ways. Accordingly, the primary accounting issues on which each standard setter concentrates vary depending on different circumstances and considerations. This study investigates the accounting standard-setting process for emissions rights by Korean accounting standard setters, from the agenda-setting stage to the final publication of the standard. The findings reinforce the importance of political factors in the standard-setting process, including stakeholders’ participation in the process, prominent stakeholders, and the motivation, methods and timing of lobbying activities. In particular, the findings have important implications for the effectiveness of lobbying. Overall, the findings confirm that accounting standards are likely to be the political outcome of interactions between the accounting standard setter and stakeholders. The findings highlight desirable factors for accounting models of emissions rights. Desirability or appropriateness of standard is judged by the extent to which stakeholders in institutional environments consider the promulgation to be legitimate or authoritative. Therefore, accounting standard setters must make greater efforts to encourage stakeholders to participate in the standard-setting process in order to ensure institutional legitimacy. The originality of this study lies in its empirical research on accounting issues for ETS from a practical point of view. In particular, in its timely and detailed investigation of Korean accounting standard setters, this study provides a broader understanding of the accounting standard-setting process in the Korean context. The study also advances legitimacy theory by offering a framework particularly applicable to accounting standard setting process, which also incorporates stakeholder theory research. The study finds support from the framework and further contributes to the related literature by reviewing legitimacy conflicts. From an accounting policy point of view, the findings have implications for both national and international standard setters and provide guidance on how to achieve high-quality accounting standards with a high degree of compliance.


GABRIEL CUNHA NUNES 26 June 2018 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o conceito de trauma na psicanálise, bem como a regressão terapêutica como via de elaboração do evento traumático não representado psiquicamente a partir da situação analítica. Para isso, na primeira parte deste trabalho, analisaremos a noção de trauma a partir da perspectiva de Sándor Ferenczi, considerando o percurso teórico do autor que lhe permitiu formular a ideia do trauma constituído em dois tempos, a partir de uma confusão de línguas. Na segunda parte, acompanharemos os desdobramentos diretos e indiretos dessa teoria na Escola Inglesa de Psicanálise, representada por dois autores pertencentes ao grupo independente: Donald W. Winnicott e Michael Balint. Exploraremos então o funcionamento psíquico primitivo do indivíduo e o papel exercido pelo ambiente na constituição subjetiva, assim como as intensas falhas ambientais e as funções patogênicas das mesmas, ou seja, as repercussões do trauma como um evento catastrófico que interrompe o desenvolvimento emocional. Na terceira parte, adentraremos uma discussão clínica, reconhecendo as bases que constituem o setting analítico, compreendendo os diferentes usos das interpretações e as manifestações clínicas da regressão como uma nova chance de liquidação e elaboração do material traumático. Por fim, realizaremos um exame sobre as propostas da psicanálise contemporânea a partir das ideias da psicanálise do colapso, de Christopher Bollas; do terceiro analítico, de Thomas H. Ogden; e da empatia psicanalítica, de Stefano Bolognini, mostrando novas concepções a respeito da clínica do trauma e do manejo de casos regressivos no pensamento psicanalítico atual. / [en] The present work aims to investigate the concept of trauma in psychoanalysis, as well as therapeutic regression as a way to elaborate the unrepresentable traumatic event through the analytical situation. To achieve this goal, on the first part of this work, we will analyze the notion of trauma from Sándor Ferenczi s perspective, considering the theoretical course that allowed him to formulate de idea of a trauma constituted in two times, from a confusion of tongues. On the second part, we will follow the direct and indirect unfolding of this theory in the English School of Psychoanalysis, represented by two authors belonging to the independent group: Donald W. Winnicott and Michael Balint. We shall explore then the primitive psychic functioning of the individual and the role played by the environment on the subjective constitution, as well as the severe environmental flaws and their pathogenic functions, i. e. the repercussions of the trauma understood as a catastrophic event that disrupts the emotional development. On the third part we will enter a clinical discussion, recognizing the principles that shape the analytical setting, comprehending the different uses of interpretations and the clinical manifestations of regression as a new opportunity to liquidate and elaborate the traumatic material. Lastly we shall examine the contemporary psychoanalysis suggestions over the ideas of the psychoanalysis of breakdown, by Christopher Bollas; the analytic third, by Thomas H. Ogden; and the psychoanalytic empathy, by Stefano Bolognini, show new concepts over the clinic of trauma and about how to handle regressive cases in the current psychoanalytic thought.


Fukamachi, Katiane Holanda 26 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:34:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Katiane Holanda Fukamachi.pdf: 1033596 bytes, checksum: ac0af56f8d8f2b5c74d5be5aa31ddb9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-26 / Sabe-se que a violência é considerada um problema das sociedades atuais e a tendência é que aumente cada vez mais. Exigindo estudos e medidas multidisciplinares que possam dar outras respostas, para além do endurecimento das penas, como o reconhecimento de que o problema não está apenas com o ofensor. A Justiça restaurativa surge como uma nova maneira para enfrentar esse problema e uma de suas estratégias é o círculo restaurativo. Assim, objetivo desta pesquisa é descrever e analisar os elementos estruturais dos círculos restaurativos e os fenômenos do campo grupal. De uma amostra de dois processos restaurativos que envolveram pré-círculo, círculo e o pós-círculo mediados por um facilitador. Os dados foram analisados de forma qualitativa, considerando os elementos estruturais (setting) tais como cerimônias de abertura e fechamento, bastão de fala, processo decisório consensual e pelos fenômenos do campo grupal, resistência, actings (atuações) e insights (elaborações). Assim, este trabalho mostra que na realização dos círculos restaurativos que os aspectos psicológicos fazem parte do processo e demonstram grande importância para determinar seu fracasso ou êxito, ou seja, a elaboração de um Acordo e uma resolução consensual do conflito, promovendo a reparação e responsabilização das partes envolvidas em um conflito.

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