Spelling suggestions: "subject:"självbilder"" "subject:"självbilden""
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Motivation och moderna språkKlöv Piauger, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie har undervisningen i moderna språk på högstadiet som fokus och hur lärare kan motivera elever till fortsatta studier inom ämnet. Syftet är att ta reda på vilka olika sätt lärare använder sig av för att motivera eleverna i undervisningen och hur de arbetar med elevernas självbilder inom ämnet moderna språk. Undersökningen har gjorts genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fem lärare som undervisar i moderna språk. Resultatet redovisas i fyra kategorier som illustrerar hur lärare ser på motivation och omotiverade elever, vilka metoder de använder för att motivera eleverna i språkundervisningen samt i vilken mån de arbetar med elevernas självbilder. Resultatet av studien visar att lärarna är väl medvetna om hur omotiverade elever beter sig, de visar stor förståelse för orsaker till deras beteende och de har en mängd olika metoder för att arbeta med motivation men det finns även en del nya rön inom språkinlärningsmotivation som verkar obekant för informanterna. Slutsatsen är att informanterna har stor medvetenhet kring motivationsarbetet men att det också är viktigt att lärare uppmuntras till, och ges möjlighet, att ta del av forskning som bedrivs inom deras yrke.
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Lokalpressens självbilder 1920-2010 : Exemplet GävleborgHyvönen, Mats January 2014 (has links)
The newspaper press is in a state of flux, reflecting both technological, cultural, economic and political changes. The digitization of the media is expected to bring about major changes in the media landscape and many are predicting the demise of the traditional newspaper. However, the media landscape has always been in transition and the press has always had to adapt to new competing media as well as new economic circumstances. The focus of this study is on the meaning production of newspapers and the overarching question is how, at different times, newspapers have marketed their products, communicated their identities and legitimated their privileges. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the self-images of local newspapers in a historical perspective. It contributes to the study of the media history of the press by investigating how four local newspapers in the county of Gävleborg in Sweden have formulated and communicated their self-images over time. Self-image is defined broadly and contains different meanings of, and aspects on, the concept of newspaper. A common feature of the texts included in the empirical material of this study is that they, in different ways, describe what the newspaper is, what it does, how and/or why. The period studied comprises ninety years, from 1920 and the time of the modernisation of the Swedish press after the First World War, until 2010 and the changing media landscape of today. The overarching questions for this study are: (1) What aspects of newspaper (institution or individual newspaper, opinion making or news reporting, the organisation or the audience) have been emphasised in the meaning production at different times? (2) What differences and similarities are there between the different newspapers regarding the self-images? (3) How have the self-images changed over time? The study concludes with a historical periodisation covering the most important changes in the self-images. The period studied is divided into four sub-periods in which different aspects of newspaper have been prominent in the self-images: (1) Mobilization (1920-1945). The newspapers are described primarily as a means of political mobilization and the medium is understood as a political tool or weapon. (2) News reporting (1935-1965). The newspapers (and their supporting technologies, especially the teleprinter) are characterised as a fast and technologically sophisticated media between the readers and the world beyond the local. (3) Critique (1965-1995). The local newspapers portray themselves as scrutinizers of the local governments and others in power. (4) Construction (1995-2010). The newspapers start to describe themselves as constructors and maintainers of local communities and identities. In a globalized and boundless world, the local newspapers provide their readers with a sense of place and community. The overall conclusion of this dissertation is that the self-images of the local press has undergone significant changes in the period studied. What the press – according to itself – is, what it does, how and why, and to whom, are questions that have received very different answers at various moments in history.
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Anorexiterapi : En undersökande essä om att arrangera en kontext som subtilt förmedlar att förändring är möjligAndersson, Mia January 2014 (has links)
This scientific essay aims to more closely study how to best arrange a context that subtly conveys that change is possible in the treatment of patients who starve themselves. By describing a number of situations during the first weeks of a girl´s therapy, this essay focuses on some central themes in the initial stage. The essay is mainly aimed to explore the conditions for a meaningful communication with a patient who has a low BMI value and who quitted the nutrition-oriented care in her clinic. The essay is a form that allows for reflection on one´s own considerations about the wisest line of conduct in various situation. The work is based on an existential understanding of the starvation as a fragile person´s one and only way to reconcile with herself in the world that is hers. This approach provides a hopeful perspective on two difficulties that are often associated with this population; namely a negative attitude to the possibility of getting well, and a lack of motivation to change anything. What seems to be useful in this kind of treatment is the therapist´s participation in the girl´s phenomenon world and a conjoint exploration on the meaning of her self-starvation. The activity and presence of the therapist is considered important, and the basic assumption is that the starvation is connected to a persons need to feel her personal value, which in the long run serves contributes to remove deeply rooted perceptual and cognitive blockages.
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I skuggan av friheten : Upplevelser av att bryta upp från en hederskontext / In the shadow of freedom : Experiences of breaking up from a context of honourRosén, Maria-Theresia January 2009 (has links)
<p>So called honour based violence is a present problem in Sweden. Although recently there has been a steadily growing political and academic awareness around so called honour based violence, there are still problems in the face to face meeting with the victims. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of these victims. The empirical material is based on five young women's stories about growing up in a context of 'honour' and their experiences from breaking up from this context. My ambition is letting these stories be heard and told as to lead to an increasing understanding of how these women experience themselves and their surrounding society. The purpose of this dissertation is to illustrate how young women interpret their <em>self</em> in the light of a separation from their families. How do they interpret the past, present and future? None of the women interviewed wanted to leave their family and my interpretation is that they all reached a point of no return, a point when they couldn´t see any other choice. I have called this a turning point. The turning point has been more or less apparent, but most of the women had a feeling of”I have had enough".</p>
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I skuggan av friheten : Upplevelser av att bryta upp från en hederskontext / In the shadow of freedom : Experiences of breaking up from a context of honourRosén, Maria-Theresia January 2009 (has links)
So called honour based violence is a present problem in Sweden. Although recently there has been a steadily growing political and academic awareness around so called honour based violence, there are still problems in the face to face meeting with the victims. This dissertation contributes to the understanding of these victims. The empirical material is based on five young women's stories about growing up in a context of 'honour' and their experiences from breaking up from this context. My ambition is letting these stories be heard and told as to lead to an increasing understanding of how these women experience themselves and their surrounding society. The purpose of this dissertation is to illustrate how young women interpret their self in the light of a separation from their families. How do they interpret the past, present and future? None of the women interviewed wanted to leave their family and my interpretation is that they all reached a point of no return, a point when they couldn´t see any other choice. I have called this a turning point. The turning point has been more or less apparent, but most of the women had a feeling of”I have had enough".
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Folkbibliotekariers yrkesidentiteter och självbilder : En studie om uppfattningar och föreställningar om bibliotekarieyrket bland folkbibliotekarier i Kronoberg / Public librarians professional identities and self-images : A study of public librarians perceptions about the library profession in Kronoberg, SwedenJohansson, Jesper January 2018 (has links)
This essay explores and analyzes how public librarians in Kronoberg, Sweden understands their work and their profession. With these understandings the author wants to approach an empirical description of the professional practices and self-images of public librarians. The method has been based on seven interviews, where the librarians have discussed their professional practice, their knowledge and their education, and reflecting on how they are perceived by a wider public. Empirically, this gives us a self-image of librarians who is perceived to be cultural and intellectual professionals who works with social promotion and stands up for democratic values. Culture-oriented librarians use this self-image as an ideal type in their professional practice and focus on reading and culture intermediation, while information and technology-oriented librarians use this self-image as a prototype, and sees the library profession as a practice that also contains many kinds of social aspects, and here choose to focus on service and information intermediation. To give a theoretical understanding of the empirical material the author has used a theoretical framework based on theories about eight librarian-identities from the scientists Anders Ørom, Trine Schreiber and Olof Sundin. The author has identified four of these identities in the material. Theoretically, this gives us four different kinds of identities: The intermediary of culture, the social worker, the intermediary of information and the information organizer. Together, the four identities represents the multifaceted contents in public librarians professional practices. The occupational content that formed the identities since the beginning of the 1990s has in relation to the study’s empirical findings been modified and made more nuanced by the author. This essay therefore presents four librarian-identities that serves to constitute a conceptual apparatus for public librarians to engage in their identity creation. They can also use them to describe what makes public librarians to what they are.
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Andraspråkstalares repertoarväxlingsstrategier : Ett didaktiskt verktyg för analys / Second language speakers’ repertoire exchange strategies : A didactic tool for analysisLarsson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
In this study, I designed a didactic tool for teachers’ analysis of second language speakers’ repertoire exchange strategies. The purpose of the study was to design, investigate and evaluate a didactic tool to identify second language speakers' motivation for changing repertoire and offer teachers an opportunity for analysis. Since all teaching in Swedish schools must be permeated by individualization and inclusion, teachers need tools that help to characterize and identify the students' needs. The motive for developing such a tool was the possibility of being able to identify second language speakers' motivation for changing repertoire, which may give the second language teacher guidance in the didactic choices on which the teaching is based. The intention was also that the didactic tool would be able to make linguistic varieties and the ability to repertoire change visible to the second language speakers themselves. Thus, creating an understanding for expanding repertoire change strategies and developing both repertoire and identity flexibility, provides second language speakers with an opportunity to actively choose linguistic variety, and correlating with this, the type of identity they want to interact with in various contexts. Two separate motivational theories about possible L2 [second language] selves (Dörnyei) and rationales for learning (Mellin-Olsen) were used for construction and analysis. The result shows that it is possible to create a didactic tool through theoretical construction, testing on students, modification and verification on students. The didactic tool makes it possible for second language teachers to identify the students "individual L2 selves, as well as identify which type of motivation motivates each second language speaker and whether repertoire alternates between standard Swedish and multiethnic language varieties. This characterization of linguistic behaviours makes it possible for teachers to make didactic choices that strengthen the individual's ability to choose between repertoires as well as identities, and to make students aware of how usage of repertoire strategies may include them in different groups and societies.
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Byggstenar och formuleringar för arbete med språkliga ideala självbilder : En läromedelsanalys med fokus på motivationsarbete för spanska i grundskolan / Building blocks and phrasings to support the creation of L3+ ideal future selves. : A workbook analysis focusing on motivational work in the subject of Spanish in compulsory school.Rødsjø, Marit January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores to which extent and how a book of exercises made for the subject of modern languages (Spanish) offers support for the pupils' creation of L3+ ideal future selves. By using content analysis and from recommendations of how to create exercises based on Dörnyei and Henrys theories of L2 and L3 future selves, the learning material has been reviewed looking for six themes: "Persons: the self", "persons: others", "places and social contexts" "feelings", authentic matieral" and "possibilities". This study shows a substacial presence (42%) of exercises containing one or more of these themes. The sheer number and variety of these exercises can offer a regular and recurrent support for the pupils experimenting with L3+ ideal future selves. By way of illustrations, contextualization, guiding questions and with the contextual support of the textbook formed as a coherent fictional story many of the exercises are designed to help bring the fantasies and visions to life.
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Gymnasieelevers motivation, kunskapsmässiga och framtida mål i ämnet spanska / High School Students’ Motivation, Knowledge Targets and Future Goals in the Subject of SpanishBiro, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
Elevers motivation samt kunskapsmässiga och framtida mål i spanska undersöks utifrån enkätsvar från 77 gymnasieelever i steg 3 och 4 samt intervjuer med två elever i steg 5. Arbetets teoretiska ramverk utgörs av tre motivationsteorier: self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) med begreppen inre och yttre motivation, the socio-educational model (Gardner, 2001) med begreppet integrativ motivation och L2 Motivational Self System (Dörnyei, 2009) med begreppet ideal L2 self. Resultatet visar att cirka hälften av informanterna känner sig motiverade av att läsa spanska och det är främst på grund av yttre betingad motivation via meritpoäng och betyg. Dock har runt två tredjedelar som mål att resa till spansktalande länder och prata med målspråkstalare, som kan härledas till en integrativ motivation. Drygt hälften av informanterna tror att de kommer kunna bra spanska i framtiden, vilket indikerar en stark framtidsinriktad språklig självbild. / Students’ motivation, knowledge targets and future goals in Spanish are studied based on questionnaires completed by 77 students enrolled in stage 3 and stage 4, as well as interviews with two students in stage 5. The theoretical framework consists of three motivational theories: Self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985) with the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, the socio-educational model (Gardner, 2001) with the concept of integrative motivation and L2 Motivational Self System (Dörnyei, 2009) with the concept of ideal L2 self. The result shows that nearly half of the respondents feel motivated studying Spanish, mainly due to extrinsic motives, such as merit points and grades. Furthermore, about two-thirds aim to travel to Spanish-speaking countries and communicate with target language speakers, which is considered an integrative motivation. About half of the respondents believe that they will speak Spanish well in the future, which indicates a strong future-oriented self-image in their language study.
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