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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transhumances, troilles et trinqueballes : Une approche fonctionnaliste de la traduction de termes liés au milieu montagnard français / 'Transhumances', 'troilles' and 'trinqueballes' : A functionalist approach to the translation of terms linked to French mountain life

Parmbäck, Helene January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine the author’s Swedish translation of French specific terms linked to a particular theme: mountain life in old time France. Which translation techniques are used, and how can these be related to the target text’s function? This is done from a functionalist point of view, where Reiss and Vermeer’s  skopos theory and Nord’s translation brief model provide a theoretical base. This approach is used in combination with terminological concepts and Vinay and Darbelnet’s different translation techniques. These are slightly modified to accommodate for other elements, such as the voluntary omission of a term. The source text is a chapter from a book on the Hautes-Alpes, translated for the Swedish Alpine Club’s imaginary jubilee book on mountain life around the world. A total of 98 different terms are identified and classified into three groups according to their characteristics: special terms, local terms and general terms. The approach is mainly a qualitative one, analyzing a selection of terms. Some quantitative data is presented as a reference point for the analysis. The results suggest that the definition of a skopos does not provide any clear indications regarding the translation technique used, and there does not seem to be any strong causal relations between the type of term, the skopos and the translation technique. The translation techniques using equivalence, modulation, omission and explanatory additions are the most commonly used. In each individual translation case, there is an interaction between the rule of coherence and the rule of fidelity. This requires a great deal of flexibility when it comes to finding a target text solution that is coherent for the reader identified in the translation brief. No standardized solutions are offered and the skopos oriented translation will use a wide variety of translation techniques.

A Qualitative Descriptive Translation Study of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Westling, Måns January 2008 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative descriptive translation study concerning two translations of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet into Swedish. The purpose of the study is to investigate the translational behaviour of the translators and the translation norms that govern this behaviour. By thoroughly analysing stretches of the play, the study will attempt to locate translation shifts (linguistic changes) that occur in the translation from the source text to the target text. These changes are connected with the translators’ fidelity towards e.g. the metre of the verse or the sense transfer of puns. The analysis also comprises a survey of the translation norms that the translators adhere to. These norms, stated by the translators themselves, are connected to their translation approach. Thus, the study will reveal the differences of translation behaviour and analyse them from a wider perspective. The translations were made around 1840 and in 1982, respectively. The considerable space in time in itself suggests that linguistic differences will occur. However, the study will also find differences as regards the purposes of the translations. The older translation appears to be performed in a tradition of fidelity to the written text and its literary qualities, whereas the modern translation clearly has the purpose of being used for the stage performance. The latter is stated by the translator himself, who also argues that Shakespeare is to be considered drama and not literature.

Strand gut, alles gut am Weltnaturerbe Wattenmeer! : Zur Übersetzung von Wortspielen und kulturspezifischen Elementen ins Schwedische am Beispiel einer deutschen Touristenbroschüre / Translating wordplay and culture-specific words from German into Swedish

Karremo, Antonia January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the translation of wordplays and cultural words in a German tourist brochure into Swedish. The overall aim was to examine which strategies were used to translate them and how the skopos, i.e. the purpose, and the text type affected these choices. Translating wordplays is known to be notoriously difficult, and this is also brought to light in this thesis. Even though 55% of the wordplays could be translated into a wordplay, 32% could not. In a few cases the strategy wordplay à related rhetorical device (for example rhyme, metaphor or irony) was used in order to retain the vocative purpose of the wordplay. A stronger way to ensure and preserve the vocative function in the target text was by using the strategy non wordplay à wordplay, a so-called compensatory strategy – a strategy sometimes deemed necessary. Cultural words are concepts that demand a certain amount of knowledge of the reader. The aim was to examine if these concepts, such as material culture (for example food and towns) and ecology, should be translated by source-text oriented, or rather by target-text oriented translation strategies. The results show that both strategies are indispensable in order to fulfil the skopos of a tourist brochure. However, the target-text oriented strategies, such as generalization and substitution, dominated with 52%. The source-text oriented strategies were used in only 38% of the cases. In some cases the cultural word was translated by an official equivalent, i.e. neither a source- nor target-text oriented strategy.

Kreativmetropole, Rundumsorgloswohlfühlpakete und Wunsch-Location : Berücksichtigung der Textfunktion und des Textstils bei der Übersetzung eines webbasierten Tourismustextes

Aineström, Catharina January 2012 (has links)
ABSTRACT This essay deals with translation issues, mainly in regard to text function and text norms, which arose during the transfer of a German source text, situated within the field of tourism, into a Swedish target text. Special attention was paid to anglicisms, a typical feature of German marketing language and also a key stylistic feature of the source text at hand. A challenge to translators in general is which textual and cultural considerations, besides considerations of language, should be taken into account in the translation process. In translation literature semantics and pragmatics have received considerable attention. The analysis in this particular essay was based on the skopos theory and Reiss’ translation-oriented text typology. The analysis showed that the source text has an operative function, meaning that it is aimed at influencing the reader in a specific direction, but at the same time fulfills an informative function. Both these functions must be reflected in the translation. The comparison of text norms of tourist texts showed that the use of anglicisms is less common in Swedish tourist texts than in German tourist texts, and therefore many of the anglicisms in the source text were exchanged for equivalent Swedish expressions in the target text. When an equivalent anglicism was not available, the denotation was expressed in accordance with the function of that particular linguistic element, which means that in some cases semantic equivalence was attained and in some cases priority was given to text-normative and pragmatic equivalence.

Dazai på svenska : En kommenterad översättning av novellerna 
走れメロス – Hashire Merosu (”Spring, Moerus!”) och 
富嶽百景 – Fugaku Hyakkei (”Hundra vyer över Fuji”) 
av Osamu Dazai / Dazai in Swedish : An annotated translation of the short stories Hashire Merosu and Fugaku Hyakkei by Osamu Dazai

Nielsen, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av två översättningar av den japanska författaren Osamu Dazais noveller Spring, Moerus! och Hundra vyer över Fuji från japanska till svenska samt en analys som ur ett litteratur-vetenskapligt perspektiv hjälper till att fastställa översättningsstrategin – att göra en adekvansinriktad och främmandegörande översättning. Översättningarna följs av en översättningsteoretisk kommentar som fokuserar på de tre problemområdena grammatik och lexikon, menings- och styckesstruktur samt passivering. Ett litteraturvetenskapligt perspektiv för källtextanalysen visar sig vara mycket tillämpbart för dessa texter på grund av deras genre, jag-romanen, som är typisk för japansk 1900-talslitteratur. Källtexterna och måltexterna finns med som bilagor. / This essay consists of two translations of the two Japanese short stories Hashire Merosu and Fugaku Hyakkei (in Swedish Spring Moerus! and Hundra vyer över Fuji) by the author Osamu Dazai from Japanese to Swedish. An analysis through a literary science perspective helps to establish the translation strategy, which is to make an adequate and foreignized translation. The translations are followed by a theoretical translation annotation which focuses on the issues of grammar and lexicon, sentence and paragraph structure along with the usage of the passive form. A literary science perspective on the source text analysis proves to be very applicable for these texts because of their genre, the I-novel, which is typical for 20th century Japanese literature. The source and target texts are available as appendixes at the end of the essay.

Étude sur les procédés traductologiques de termes spécialisés dans un document de la police judiciaire dans une perspective fonctionnaliste et stylistique  : Traduction d’un guide de prévention contre les arnaques du français au suédois / Study of the translational processes of specialised terms in a judicial police document from a functionalist and stylistic perspective :  Translation of a scam prevention guide from French into Swedish

Lönn, Eva January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this work was to analyze the technical terms in our translation from French to Swedish of a French national police publication, Guide de prévention contre les arnaques (2022), from a functionalist and stylistic perspective, based on Reiss & Vermeer's (1977/2013) theories of text type and the formulation of the purpose (skopos) of the translation. The technical terms consisted of synonymous terms representing the basic theme of the text, terms of English origin and acronyms. Vinay & Darbelnet's (1977) process was used to evaluate the translation. The admittedly limited material showed that direct processes dominated the translation of topical terms; the direct processes, i.e. direct translation, borrowing and calques. The indirect processes were much less frequent and consisted of a few cases of transposition, equivalence and adaptation.           In the translation process, we have relied on Navarro (2016), according to which the translator must master a documentary sub-competence, that is, two typologies: acquisition of knowledge of the specialized field and consultation of general and specialized lexicographic works. One question addressed was what this documentary sub-competence consists of in the case at hand. The Swedish police documents on the same subject contributed less to the understanding of the technical terms, while the terminology banks supported the translation choices. Additional information from e.g. commercial websites seemed necessary to identify the correct meaning of the technical terms.

Étude sur les procédés traductologiques de termes spécialisés dans un document de la police judiciaire dans une perspective fonctionnaliste et stylistique : Traduction d’un guide de prévention contre les arnaques du français au suédois / Study of the translational processes of specialised terms in a judicial police document from a functionalist and stylistic perspective  : Translation of a scam prevention guide from French into Swedish

Lönn, Eva January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this work was to analyze the technical terms in our translation from French to Swedish of a French national police publication, Guide de prévention contre les arnaques (2022), from a functionalist and stylistic perspective, based on Reiss &amp; Vermeer's (1977/2013) theories of text type and the formulation of the purpose (skopos) of the translation. The technical terms consisted of synonymous terms representing the basic theme of the text, terms of English origin and acronyms. Vinay &amp; Darbelnet's (1977) process was used to evaluate the translation. The admittedly limited material showed that direct processes dominated the translation of topical terms; the direct processes, i.e. direct translation, borrowing and calques. The indirect processes were much less frequent and consisted of a few cases of transposition, equivalence and adaptation.           In the translation process, we have relied on Navarro (2016), according to which the translator must master a documentary sub-competence, that is, two typologies: acquisition of knowledge of the specialized field and consultation of general and specialized lexicographic works. One question addressed was what this documentary sub-competence consists of in the case at hand. The Swedish police documents on the same subject contributed less to the understanding of the technical terms, while the terminology banks supported the translation choices. Additional information from e.g. commercial websites seemed necessary to identify the correct meaning of the technical terms. / <p>Zoom-seminarium</p>

Hugo Loetscher et l’impureté linguistique : äs tischört und plutschins : traduction et analyse des procédés d’adaptation

Boucher, Marie-Christine 04 1900 (has links)
Hugo Loetscher (1929-2009) a joué un rôle important dans la littérature suisse alémanique du 20e siècle. On lui accole souvent l’étiquette de « cosmopolite suisse », tant il a réussi le pari de s’intéresser au vaste monde sans jamais renier son milieu et son pays d’origine. L’essai dont il est question ici, äs tischört und plutschins. Über das Unreine in der Sprache, eine helvetische Situierung, adopte une perspective suisse pour proposer une réflexion sur le lien entre langue, littérature et nation, sur la place des langues minoritaires dans le monde globalisé et sur l’idéal – critiquable selon Loetscher – de « pureté » linguistique. Ce mémoire, en plus de présenter une traduction de l’essai de Loetscher, qui était jusqu’à ce jour inédit en français, réfléchit à l’actualité de ce texte dans le contexte québécois et au processus de traduction d’un auteur suisse germanophone pour un public francophone diversifié, en s’appuyant sur les théories de la stylistique comparée d’Alfred Malblanc et du skopos de Katharina Reiß et Hans J. Vermeer. Notre étude se penche d’une part sur le rôle d’éléments péritextuels comme les notes de bas de page qui, dans le processus d’adaptation, permettent au translatum, c’est-à-dire au résultat de l’acte de traduction, au texte cible, de respecter son objectif de départ, son skopos. D’autre part, l’analyse aborde la question d’une possible utilisation de régionalismes (québécois ou suisses) dans un translatum en français standard dont le texte source porte lui-même sur la diversité linguistique et les variantes régionales et dialectales. / Hugo Loetscher (1929-2009) has played an important role in Swiss-German literature of the 20th century. He is often described as a “Swiss cosmopolitan” because of the way he managed to stay interested in what was happening in the whole wide world without ever disowning his social background and his country of origin. This thesis examines an essay, äs tischört und plutschins. Über das Unreine in der Sprache, eine helvetische Situierung, which adopts a Swiss perspective to deal with the relationship between language, literature and nation – the place of minority languages in the globalized world and on the ideal of linguistic “purity” deemed questionable by Loetscher Besides proposing a translation of Loetscher’s essay still unpublished in French, this thesis explores the pertinence of the aforementioned text in the current context in Québec and the translation process of a Swiss German author’s text for a diverse francophone public based on the theories of Alfred Malblanc (comparative stylistics), Katharina Reiß and Hans J. Vermeer (skopos theory). The study addresses on the one hand the role of peritextual elements, such as footnotes, for the adaptation process, allowing the translatum, the target text as a result of the translation act, to meet its initial goal; its skopos. On the other hand, the study reflects on the use of (québécois or Swiss) regionalisms in a translatum that is in standard French, how they relate to the source text’s focus on linguistic diversity, and regional and dialectal variations. / Hugo Loetscher (1929-2009) spielte eine wichtige Rolle in der deutschschweizerischen Literatur des 20. Jh. Oft wird er als „kosmopolitischer Schweizer“ beschrieben, da es ihm so gut gelungen ist, sich für die weite Welt zu interessieren, ohne seine Heimat zu verleugnen. Das in dieser Arbeit behandelte Essay – äs tischört und plutschins. Über das Unreine in der Sprache, eine helvetische Situierung – bietet eine schweizerische Perspektive auf die Beziehung zwischen Sprache, Literatur und Nation, die Stellung von Minderheitensprachen in der globalisierten Welt und das von Loetscher kritisierte Ideal einer „reinen“ Sprache an. Nach einer Übersetzung des im Französischen bisher unveröffentlichten Essays fokussiert diese Arbeit die Relevanz dieses Werkes im quebecischen Kontext und, anhand der Stylistique comparée von Alfred Malblanc und der Skopos-Theorie von Katharina Reiß und Hans J. Vermeer, den Übersetzungsprozess eines Deutschschweizer Autoren für ein vielfältiges französischsprachiges Publikum. Einerseits wird die Rolle peritextueller Elemente, u.a. Fußnoten, im Übersetzungsprozess analysiert, welche die Erfüllung des skopos – der Zweck – vom translatum – der Zieltext – ermöglichen. Andererseits wird eine mögliche Verwendung von (quebecischen oder helvetischen) Regionalismen in einem Standardfranzösischen Translat in Bezug auf sprachliche Vielfalt und regionale und dialektale Variationen behandelt.

Facilitating African Language translation in the South African Department of Defence

Goussard-Kunz, Irene Maria 30 June 2003 (has links)
This study aimed to determine whether the current African language translation facilitation course (ALTFC) held at the Directorate Language Services (D Lang) is in tune with contemporary trends in translator training, as well as the needs of the South African Department of Defence (DOD) and ALTFC candidates. In order to accomplish these aims, the research methodology was divided into a theoretical component in the form of a literature survey and an empirical component by means of questionnaire research. While the literature survey revealed that with the exception of using corpora of parallel texts, the ALTFC largely follows contemporary trends in translator training, the questionnaire research identified four problem areas, i.e. feedback on practical work, the time factor, the candidates' English proficiency and teacher enthusiasm. Based on the theoretical and empirical findings, four new ALTFC models were developed. / Linguistics / MA (Linguistics)

A comparative analysis of stylistic devices in Shakespeare’s plays, Julius Caesar and Macbeth and

Baloyi, Mafemani Joseph 06 1900 (has links)
The study adopts a theory of Descriptive Translation Studies to undertake a comparative analysis of stylistic devices in Shakespeare’s two plays, Julius Caesar and Macbeth and their Xitsonga translations. It contextualises its research aim and objectives after outlining a sequential account of theory development in the discipline of translation; and arrives at the desired and suitable tools for data collection and analysis.Through textual observation and notes of reading, the current study argues that researchers and scholars in the discipline converge when it comes to a dire need for translation strategies, but diverge in their classification and particular application for convenience in translating and translation. This study maintains that the translation strategies should be grouped into explicitation, normalisation and simplification, where each is assigned specific translation procedures. The study demonstrates that explicitation and normalisation translation strategies are best suited in dealing with translation constraints at a microtextual level. The sampled excerpts from both plays were examined on the preference for the analytical framework based on subjective sameness within a Skopos theory. The current study acknowledges that there is no single way of translating a play from one culture to the other. It also acknowledges that there appears to be no way the translator can refrain from the influence of the source text, as an inherent cultural feature that makes it unique. With no sure way of managing stylistic devices as translation constraints, translation as a problem-solving process requires creativity, a demonstration of mastery of language and style of the author of the source text, as well as a power drive characterised by the aspects of interlingual psychological balance of power and knowledge power. These aspects will help the translator to manage whatever translation brief(s) better, and arrive at a product that is accessible, accurate and acceptable to the target readership. They will also ensure that the translator maintains a balance between the two languages in contact, in order to guard against domination of one language over the other. The current study concludes that the Skopos theory has a larger influence in dealing with anticipating the context of the target readership as a factor that can introduce high risk when assessing the communicability conditions for the translated message. Contrariwise, when dealing with stylistic devices and employ literal translation as a translation procedure to simplification, the translator only aims at simplifying the language and making it accessible for the sake of ‘accessibility’ as it remains a product with communicative inadequacies. The study also concludes by maintaining that translation is not only transcoding, but the activity that calls for the translator’s creativity in order to identify and analyse the constraints encountered and decide on the corresponding translation strategies. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

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