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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”I en för digitaliserad bransch är risken stor att jag inte kan identifiera mig som en mäklare” : En studie kring digitaliseringens möjliga påverkan på yrkesidentiteten / “In an industry that is too digitized, there is a great risk that I cannot identify myself as a broker” : A Study of digitalization's possible impact in professional identity

Lilja, Kim, Andersson, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this study is to understand the relation between work identity and digitalization. The study contributes to understanding how digitalization affects employees' attitudes towards their work when crucial parts of their duties, that links to their professional identity, are eliminated from their role. The study is based on seven semi structured interviews with employees within the real estate industry, which was chosen based on the fact that it is an industry in Sweden that is facing greater digitalisation. The study shows that social interactions in various forms and the financial gain  are mainly the reasons for why a broker chooses his/her profession, and are also when the professional identity is confirmed. In a more digitized industry, these two factors can be threatened and thus also the desire to practice their profession. / Syftet med denna studie är att förstå relationen mellan yrkesidentitet och digitalisering. Studien bidrar till att förstå hur digitaliseringen påverkar medarbetarnas attityder till sitt arbete när avgörande delar av deras arbetsuppgifter, kopplat till deras yrkesidentitet, tas bort från deras roll. Studien bygger på sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med arbetstagare inom fastighetsbranschen, som valdes utifrån att det är en bransch i Sverige som står inför en större digitalisering. Studien visar att sociala interaktioner i olika former och den ekonomiska vinsten främst är orsaken till varför en mäklare väljer sitt yrke. Det är också utifrån dessa faktorer som yrkesidentiteten bekräftas. I en mer digitaliserad bransch kan dessa två faktorer utmanas och därmed också viljan att utöva sitt yrke.

Childhood household composition and future economic outcomes : Are children of single parent families experiencing growing disadvantages as adults in Sweden?

Mikaelsson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Family is a unit of socialization and transmitter of social, cultural and economic resources. Thus family arrangements may result in unequal future outcomes for the children growing up in them. A case in point is children from single parent households. The aim of this study is to investigate whether children growing up in single parent households in Sweden experience growing disadvantages during the life course, compared to children from two-parent households, and if socioeconomic factors explain this association. Previous literature shows that children from single parent households are disadvantaged but few have investigated the long term effects of childhood household composition in Sweden and whether disadvantages grow over time.  Using Swedish representative, longitudinal data from Generations and Gender Survey round 2 (GGSII), individuals living in Sweden during childhood between ages 20 to 59 were observed during the years 1990 to 2019. With ordered logistic regression for each year, earnings trajectories could be analyzed, with semi-elasticities used for interpretation.  The results showed that respondents from single parent households fare worse in future earnings compared to respondents from two-parent household. This is explained by differences in educational attainment: children from single parent households have lower educational level which produce lower future earnings. The effect is statistically significant during several years after 2010, however, the results show no evidence of growing disadvantages. Socioeconomic background partially alter the association but not entirely. Whether socioeconomic background functions as a confounder or a mediator to the association has not been determined in this study but is an important task for future research in order to establish the causal nature of socioeconomic background in relation to childhood household composition and children’s future outcomes.

Retirement and the Healthy Immigrant Effect Among Older People : A comparison of health outcomes using SHARE data

Turnbull, Leland January 2022 (has links)
While the healthy immigrant effect (HIE) has been seen throughout the western world in the adult population; research on the older population shows an inverse relationship between self-reported health and immigration status – i.e., in many instances, a health disadvantage for older immigrants. Explanations for this vary from a lack of selection into population, among older immigrants, to a duration effect; such that perceived health advantages seen in early life dissipate upon reaching older age. While these are the widely accepted reasons for the disappearance of the HIE among older people, not all mitigating factors have been examined in detail. This study aims to identify if there is an association between retirement and the healthy immigrant effect seen in Europe. It uses SHARE data for 27 European countries to examine self reported health (SRH) outcomes & presence of longterm illness’ (LTI) for population groups aged 55-74. The findings indicate the presence of a greater health disadvantage for retired immigrants (versus native-born retirees) as compared with those who are not retired. Additionally, better health outcomes (compared to native-born individuals) were seen for immigrants who retired late (after the age of 65) versus those who retired early. Retirement due to poor health was examined as an explanation for these findings, but it did not appear to affect the results, suggesting the observed patterns are most likely caused by an alternative factor relating to retirement. Further research is recommended to identify these factors.

Vem är bäst lämpad att sköta barnomsorgen: familj, stat eller marknad? : En kvantitativ studie om förändrade attityder i Sverige mellan 1986-2018

Almqvist, Anton January 2022 (has links)
Med hjälp av data från Välfärdsstatsundersökningen och ISSP mellan åren 1986 och 2018 studeras svenskars förändrade attityder till vem som är bäst lämpad att handha barnomsorgen. Det primära alternativet till stat och kommun ansågs 1986 vara familjen, år 2018 utgör familjen knappt ett alternativ över huvudtaget. Samtidigt har stödet till en offentligt organiserad barnomsorg tilltagit markant. Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka huruvida attitydskillnader mellan generationer, kön, utbildningsnivåer och partipolitiska sympatisörer har förändrats över tid och således gett upphov till en förändrad syn på familjen, å ena sidan, och stat och kommun, å andra sidan, som bäst lämpad att bedriva barnomsorg. Med hjälp av medelvärdes- och multipel regressionsanalys visas att samtliga sociala grupper över tid blivit alltmer positiva till att någon annan än familjen handhar barnomsorgen. Förändringar i gruppskillnader över tid tycks dock inte förklara detta skifte i attityder till familjens roll. Resultatet visar att stödet till stat och kommun som bäst lämpad att bedriva barnomsorg ökat markant. Den förändrade synen till en barnomsorg i offentlig regi förklaras i stor utsträckning av att sympatisörer med Moderaterna genomgått en framträdande attitydförändring. Resultatet och dess följder diskuteras mot bakgrund av institutionell förändring och vilka implikationer detta ger.

"Golare har inga polare" : - En komparativ studie om vittnesbenägenheten bland unga vuxna i Malmö / "Snitches get stitches" : - A Comparative Study of the Propensity to Testify Among Young Adults in Malmö

Norén, Kajsa, Lidgren, Emma, Eriksson, Clara January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om vittnesbenägenheten skiljer sig åt mellan ett “särskilt utsatt område” (Nydala, Hermodsdal, Lindängen) och ett “tryggt område” (Västra Hamnen) i Malmö samt om benägenheten påverkas beroende på vilken brottstyp som bevittnats. Vidare syftar studien även till att undersöka huruvida kännedomen skiljer sig åt mellan områdena om att det råder allmän vittnesplikt och det stöd som finns att tillgå i en rättsprocess. Studien använder sig av såväl kvantitativ som kvalitativ data, detta i form av enkäter samt intervjuer. Totalt besvarade 162 individer enkäten och intervjuer genomfördes med totalt sex individer där både män och kvinnor deltog. Intervjuerna analyserades utifrån en tematisk analys vilket presenterades i gemensamma teman. Resultaten visar på att det råder skillnad i vittnesbenägenhet områdena emellan. Den återkommande uppfattningen gällande bidragande faktorer till detta var medierapportering, rädsla för repressalier och låg tillit till myndigheter. Majoriteten var eniga gällande att rädslan upplevs vara högre när det kommer till gängkriminalitet eller annan grövre brottslighet. Kännedomen om den allmänna vittnesplikten samt vittnesstödsverksamheten skiljde sig även det åt mellan områdena. Majoriteten av respondenterna uppgav däremot att de var medvetna om att det råder allmän vittnesplikt i Sverige. Detta resultat överensstämmer inte med den information som framkommit under intervjuerna som menade att kunskapen är bristfällig och i en del fall helt obefintlig. Majoriteten var öppna för att använda sig av vittnesstöd, det förekom en överrepresentation vad gäller kvinnor. / The aim of the study is to examine if the propensity to testify differs between a “particularly vulnerable area” (Nydala, Hermodsdal, Lindängen) and a “safe area” (Västra Hamnen) in Malmö and if the propensity is affected depending on the type of crime. The study also aims to investigate whether the knowledge differs between the areas where there is a general duty to testify and the support that is available in a legal process. The study uses both quantitative and qualitative data, web surveys were used to receive knowledge from a public perspective. A total of 162 individuals answered the survey. A total of six interviews took place with relevant participants. The interviews were analyzed on the basis of a thematic analysis, which was presented in common themes. The results prove that there is a difference in the tendency of witnesses between the areas. The recurring perception for this was media reporting, fear of reprisals and low trust in authorities. The majority agreed that the fear is perceived to be higher regarding gang related crime or other more serious crime. Knowledge of the general duty to testify and the witness support service also differed between the areas. The majority of the respondents, on the other hand, stated that they were aware that there is a general duty to testify in Sweden. This did not correspond with the information from the interviews, which entailed that the knowledge was deficient and, in some cases, completely non-existent. The majority were open to using witness support, there was an over-representation of women.

Hjärtat av en sann student : First curators, performativity and reproducing tradition at an Uppsala Student Nation

May, Kaitlin January 2022 (has links)
In the city of Uppsala, Sweden the experiences of the student population are very connected to the world of the student nations. This study explores the position of first curator at a student nation as the leader of the student societies hierarchy and how their position influences the production of community and tradition. In this study I present ethnographic research focused on the experiences of the first curator and their role within the nation. This included extended periods of participant observation, in person and digital interviews, and consultation of media connected to the nations. The primary theoretical perspectives utilized in my analysis are performativity and embodiment as used by Judith Butler, in addition to theories concerning tradition and ritualization. I also reference theory concerning norms and social capital as part of my discussions about the structure and practices of the nation community. The figure of the first curator represents both a unique subjective person, while also embodying and representing the spirit, traditions, and goals of a student organization and community. It is simultaneously an individual and shared experience. Through performativity they are repeating the norms, traditions, and social values of the community, and through this they embody the experience of the nation, being both impactful and impacted. The COVID-19 pandemic influenced this research through the way it interrupted and disrupted the normative practices and traditions of the nations and led to curators reflecting and changing their approach to how they facilitated events as a leader. This reaction and adaptation led to a larger conclusion about the disruption affected the whole of the student nations and their concerns about the continuity of social knowledge and its potential in their community structure. The analysis and conclusions presented in this study contribute to anthropological and humanities literature on performativity, embodiment, the production of tradition, as well as the study of student societies and specifically the knowledge of the student nations in Uppsala.

“I won’t be the first, or the last. Men do it all the time” : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur kvinnliga och manliga karaktärer framställs i tv-serierna "Scener ur ett äktenskap". / “I won’t be the first, or the last. Men do it all the time” : A qualitative content analysis of the female and male characters in the television series "Scenes from a Marriage".

Poric Di Zazzo, Alinn January 2022 (has links)
In this study the purpose is to explore how female and male characters are depicted in two tv-shows named “Scenes from a marriage¨ with a qualitative content analysis as a method. These two tv-shows are made with a gap of 48 years, the first tv-show was made and televised 1973 by Ingmar Bergman and a remake of the tv-show was made and televised 2021. The three questions asked to the study was; “How are the female and male characters portrayed?”, “What are the differences or similarities between the versions in the portrayal of male and female characters?” and “What gender norms and gender roles are seen or absent in the tv series?”. The theories used in this research was gender system and gender contract from Yvonne Hirdman but also the male gaze from Laura Mulvey in order to analyze the chosen scenes. To help analyze the terms gender norms and gender roles have been used. The results shows that the portrayal of the female and male characters in the older version of  “Scenes from a marriage” from 1973 was more traditional in its depictions of gender and norm-conforming but with some social interactions that shows norm-breaking, while the portrayal of the female and male characters in the new version from 2021 was more norm-breaking when the gender roles was reversed and gender norms were not followed by the characters but with some social interactions that shows norm-conforming.

Mellanchefer & deras verksamhetsstrukturer : En kvalitativ studie i hur mellanchefer utifrån olika verksamhetskontexter upplevt arbetet i covid-19-pandemin / Middlemanagers and their organizational structure : A qualitative study in how middle managers from different operational contexts experienced their work during the covid-19 pandemic

Svensson, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
The middle manager as an occupation resides in the center of an organization's hierarchical structure and is therefore, due to the position's organizational circumstances, a representative of the organization in which he or she operates. The last two years have been marked by the ongoing covid-19 pandemic and have affected both individuals and organizations worldwide. The extent to which different organizations have been affected by the pandemic is an area that has not yet been explored to any great extent. This is the main subject of this study, and for this purpose middle managers serve as organizational representatives. The purpose of this study is to further explore how individuals in middle management positions have experienced their organizations regarding covid-19 and how this relates to experiences in other organizations.                      A semi-structured interview study has been conducted with a total of 5 middle managers participating. The theory used to analyze the interviews is organizational theory with focus on formal and informal organizational structure. According to the statements made by the middle managers who participated in the study, one of the main findings has been that there has been a greater need for social support in organizations that primarily work with human interactions, such as education and care, during the pandemic, than organizations that mainly work with production. Several explanations for this are proposed, such as differences in formal structure, funding and leadership. The findings of this study contributes to deepening the understanding of how different organizations have been affected by the pandemic and what motives have guided the middle managers in the light of the changes brought about by the pandemic.

On Cultural Forms : The sensemaking and expression of cybersemiotics

Madeland, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
This study contributes to the understanding of cultural forms, inspired by Cassirer’s notion of a general function manifesting in the many particular expressions of human culture. The special case of cybersemiotics (a newly established scientific discipline) is studied as a social system to make sense of how it operates as a viable cultural form. The study uses citation network analysis to map out the boundaries and communications of the cybersemiotic discipline, and then delves into its contents to qualitatively investigate selected parts of the network structure. A framework for studying and comparing cultural forms is developed.

Snedrekryteringens dimensioner : En kartläggning av forskningstraditioner inom studiet av sociala gruppers ojämlika deltagande i nordisk högre utbildning / Dimensions of Unequal Participation : A Review of Research Traditions Within the Study of Social Inequalities in Higher Education Participation in the Nordic Countries

Bryntesson, André January 2022 (has links)
The following study categorises, summarises and analyses research on unequal participation of social groups in Nordic higher education. While it does not give an exhaustive account of all research, the ambition has been to capture the main strands of contemporary literature and its results. I categorise the literature into three main research traditions, as well as into studies that may best be characterised by their object of study. This typology forms the structure in which research is presented in the study. The summary of research results show that in parallel with the efforts to expand higher education and include larger parts of the population, the relationship between family background and children’s years of education has weakened and the rate of participation in higher education has increased among underrepresented groups. At the same time, however, patterns where students tend to study different study programmes or at different higher education institutions depending on gender and social or national background have remained largely intact, and in some cases even grown stronger. These differences in participation rates and enrolment patterns can be traced to inequalities in school achievement, unequal access to knowledge and information, differences in family support and expectations from the social environment, different horizons of opportunities, as well as different preferences regarding the length of the study programme, its degree of labour market connection and the importance placed on the geographical proximity to family and friends. One of the contributions of the analysis is showing how questions and methods in different research traditions generate different types of results, which at first glance may seem incompatible. Upon closer inspection, however, the research results in fact paint a highly congruent picture. A consistent theme throughout is how more detailed, multidimensional or intersectional indicators and classifications of education, social background or other social groupings often reveal important differences and inequalities that are invisible in studies that use more aggregated or linear indicators and groupings. / <p>Uppsatsen skrevs ursprungligen i rapportform på uppdrag av Universitetskanslersämbetet (UKÄ) och publicerades 2021 inom ramen för UKÄ:s regeringsuppdrag att utvärdera lärosätenas arbete med breddad rekrytering. Texten har nu när den läggs fram som uppsats på några ställen omarbetats eller justerats, men är i stora drag identisk med uppdragsrapporten, där professor Mikael Börjesson som uppsatshandledare stod som garant för studiens kvalitet gentemot UKÄ.</p><p>Bryntesson, A., &amp; Börjesson, M. (2021). <em>Forskning om rekrytering till högre utbildning i de nordiska länderna, 2010–2021. En kunskapsöversikt</em> (Rapporter från Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi Nr 64). SEC, Uppsala universitet</p>

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