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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinė partnerystė darbo santykiuose: teisinio reguliavimo prigimtis ir perspektyvos / Social partnership in work relations: the origin of legal regulation and perspectives

Bačėnaitė, Jūratė 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe nagrinėjama socialinės partnerystės samprata, prigimtis, atsiradimo prielaidos ir vystymasis. Pasitelkiant teismų praktiką, galiojančius teisės aktus ir mokslinę literatūrą, aptariami socialinės partnerystės santykius reglamentuojantys principai, jų įtaka darbo santykiams, apibūdinami socialinės partnerystės lygiai ir formos. Darbe nuosekliai pateikiama socialinės partnerystės raida ir plėtra Europos Sąjungoje. Analizuojant Europos Sąjungos teisės aktus, aptariamas Europos socialinių partnerių statusas, reprezentatyvumo kriterijai, funkcijos ir laipsniškas įtakos didėjimas teisėkūroje ir socialinės bei ekonominės politikos Europos Sąjungoje kūrime. Taip pat supažindinama su institucijomis, atsakingomis už Europos socialinį dialogą. Atskiroje darbo struktūrinėje dalyje aptariamos socialinio dialogo Lietuvoje atsiradimo prielaidos ir vystymasis, socialiniai partneriai, jų teisinis statusas ir vaidmuo, vyraujančios socialinės partnerystės formos ir lygiai. Didesnis dėmesys skiriamas darbuotojų ir darbdavių atstovavimo problematikai, Trišalės tarybos veiklai, socialinio dialogo skatinimo priemonėms. Atsižvelgus į magistro darbe aptartus socialinės partnerystės aspektus ir įvertinus esamą situaciją, pateikiamos socialinio dialogo Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje perspektyvos ir siūlymai. / This master’s thesis presents the concept of social partnership, the origins of its appearance and its development. With the reference to the case law, legislation in force and academic literature, principles regulating the relations of social partnership are discussed as well as their influence on work relations. Moreover, levels and forms of social partnership are presented. This final paper provides a consistent evolution of social partnership and its development in the European Union. By the analysis the European Union law, the status and the criteria of representativeness of European social partners, their functions and a gradual increase of impact on the legislative and social and economic policy in the European Union is discussed. Also, this paper introduces with the authorities responsible for the European social dialogue. A separate section of this thesis deals with the preconditions for the emergence and development of social dialogue in Lithuania, the legal status and role of social partners and dominant forms and levels of social partnership. Greater attention is paid to the problematic aspects of representation of workers and employers, the activities of the Tripartite Council and the promotion of social dialogue instruments. With the reference to the aspects of social partnership discussed in this paper and considering the current situation, some perspectives and suggestions for social dialogue in the European Union and Lithuania are given.

Socialinio pedagogo vertybinės nuostatos / Moral values of social pedagogue

Pakulaitė, Asta 05 June 2004 (has links)
The aim of work is to distinguish realization of moral values orientations of practicing social pedagogues in comparison to non – practicing social pedagogues (who have qualification of social pedagogues, but do not work accordingly) in relation to children, their parents and pedagogues. Moral values now functioning and actual in the activities of school social pedagogue are being discussed in the work. The aim of the work is to reveal and to understand deeper the content of basic moral values defined in instructions for social pedagogues working schools. Though nowadays orientations of moral values effectively enriching people’s consciousness have become inseparable part of daily consciousness, the essential difference between them inevitably remains. The theory all the time outdistances daily consciousness. Concept of moral values widely spread in practical life from theoretical point of view is deeper studied and developed and serves the purpose of scientific cognition. A great impact in formation of moral values orientations of young people is made by mass media. We, the pedagogues, in colloquial language describe moral values inaccurately, sometimes even perceiving them incorrectly. The social pedagogues’ activities at school, their moral values orientations and specific features of their activities are based on scientific work of Lithuanian scientists. While analyzing the historical development of moral values orientations and performing their analysis from the... [to full text]

Socialinis darbas su nedarniomis šeimomis: problemos ir perspektyvos / Social Work with Disharmonious Families: Problems and Perspectives

Deveikienė, Diana 09 June 2004 (has links)
The aim of the final thesis is to analyze the problems and perspectives of social work with disharmonious families. The following are the objectives of the thesis: 1) Discuss the basic functions of a family and the problems of their expression in today’s Lithuania; 2) Reveal the limited preconditions for the socialization of disharmonious families; 3) Describe the activity and its perspectives of a social worker in the provision of help for disharmonious families; 4) Describe the technologies of social work in the strengthening of social skills of the family members; 5) Carry out the analysis of social problems and the need for social help of disharmonious families. The object of the research of the final thesis is social work with disharmonious families. The theoretical part of the thesis presents an overview of the following issues: disharmonious (amoral, problematic) families that do not create appropriate moral conditions to up bring the children, where alcohol addiction, abuse, conflicts even fights prevail, where the members of a family steal public property. It also discusses the adaptation possibilities of such families in societal and economic life; social problems of the families under risk (addiction, violence, abuse, poverty, lack of knowledge and skills, etc.); the socialization of the family members and the main functions of the family; discusses the functions, activity, problems of social workers in the provision of social help for disharmonious families... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo ir bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos administracijos santykiai / Die Beziehungen von Socialpadagogen und Administration der Mittelschule

Romaškevičiūtė, Elena 09 June 2004 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Nach der Analyse von Literaturquellen wurde solche Hypothese erhoben: die Beziehungen von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Mittelschule im System "Leiter - Untergeordnete" sind problematisch. Forschungsgegenstand – die in den Mittelschulen arbeitenden Sozialpädagogen. Arbeitsziel - die Beziehungen von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Mittelschule zu analysieren. Für die Arbeit gestellte Aufgaben: 1) Kommunikationsniveau von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Schule zu analysieren; 2) Kommunikation und Zusammenarbeit von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Schule im Kontext der von ihnen erfüllbaren Berufsfunktionen zu untersuchen; 3) gegenseitige Kommunikation von Sozialpädagogen und Administration der Schule zu analysieren. Arbeitsmethoden: 1) Analyse von wissenschaftlicher Literatur; 2) Analyse von Dokumenten; 3) Umfrage mittels eines Fragebogens; 4) statistische Datenanalyse. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden die Voraussetzungen für eine feste Anstellung des Sozialpädagogen in den Mittelschulen, seine Kompetenz, Adaptation überblickt. In dem zweiten Teil wurden die Gesichtspunkte verschiedener Autoren für die Schule als eine spezifisch organisierte Gemeinschaft, für die Leitung einer zeitgenössischen Schule, Begriff und Funktionen der Administration, Veränderung des Gesichtspunkts für Leiter der Schule untersucht. Die Beziehungen von Sozialpädagogen und Leitern der Mittelschule im System "Leiter - Untergeordnete" wurden besprochen. Im... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo veiklos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje sampratos metmenys / The outline of the conseption of a social educator's work at a comprehensive school

Misiukevičienė, Ona 09 June 2004 (has links)
The main aim of social help is to act under natural situation at school in order to solve the problems that occur in the process of learning. The key objective of professional activities of a social educator is seeking for child’s welfare, early prevention, training of social potency, provisions of social services necessary for the child, while creating preconditions for successful human socialization of the growing child and his civil maturity. The purpose of the social educator is to be a lawyer of the child in all and every critical situation. The activities of the social educator are conditioned not only by the situation in the educational institution but also the problems of social education. While solving various problems, the social educator co-operates with school administration staff, form masters. According to the situation at school and on the basis of the main landmarks of the professional activities approved by the governing body, the social educator focuses on solving the most important problems.

Sutrikusio intelekto vaikas ir tėvų socialinis aktyvumas / Social activity of parents raising mentally handicapped children

Augulienė, Irena 04 July 2006 (has links)
This work analyses social activity of parents raising mentally handicapped children and it influencing forces. The work introduces education documents regulating of handicapped children and possibilities of their parents to receive a social security ensuring parents‘professional and creative self-expression and full-fledged social and cultural life. Here is analyzed research which aims to measure factors influencing social activity of parents nurturing handicapped children. 222 respondents participated in research: 104 parents nurturing handicapped child of 7-12 years and 118 parents nurturing sane child of the same age. To meet an aim following tasks were set: 1. Familiarize with literature and legal base regulating education of mentally handicapped children and social security of these families as well as to estimate how altered nurturing model influences parents‘social activity. 2. Carry out survey of parents nurturing handicapped children as well as parents nurturing sane children and compare their social activity. 3. Offer suggestions on how to increase social activity of parents nurturing mentally handicapped children. Methods used in research to execute a purpose: 1. Analysis of documents and sources of literature. 2. Questionnaire. 3. SPSS statistical package used for data processing. The object of research – mentally handicapped children nurturing parents’ social activity. The research determined that parents‘social activity decreases when born... [to full text]

Studentų socialinis aktyvumas: Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto atvejis / Student Social Activity:a case of Pedagogical University

Jusevičiūtė, Genė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas studentų socialinis aktyvumas Vilniaus pedagoginiame universitete,aptariama studentų aktyvumo įtaka socializacijos procesams,akcentuojant vertybes bei socialinius vaidmenis. Siekiant išsiaiškinti studentų socialinio aktyvumo ypatumus buvo atliktas kokybinis tyrimas pasirinkta Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto 20 respondentų ,atstovaujančius pirmos pakopos, bakalauro studijas, I ir III kurso gamtos mokslų fakulteto,pedagogikos ir psichologijos fakulteto,socialinių mokslų fakulteto studentai.Manoma,jog toks grupavimas leidžia labiau išryškint vyraujančių nuomonių kontūrus. Atliktas tyrimas atskleidė,kad Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto studentai ne visi yra socialiai aktyvus. Pagrindinis sunkumas su kuriuo susiduria studentai,yra problematiška derinti studijas su darbu (nes dauguma studentų dirbantys), taip pat lėšų trūkumas įvairiai veiklai organizuoti.Bendras jaunimo organizacijų tikslas - kūrybingos,laisvos asmenybės ugdymas sudarant sąlygas savikūrai ir jos skatinimui.Būdamas socialiai aktyvus studentas formuoja bendrąžmogiškas vertybes bei ruošiasi tapti būsimu mokytoju ir demokratiškos visuomenės piliečiu. Tyrime pastebėta,kad studentus labiau jaudina sveikata,pragyvenimas,darbas,sunki materealinė padėtis,tai parodo menką domėjimasį pasauliu,visuomeniniais reikalais,aukštosios mokyklos problemomis. Dabartinėje sudėtingoje socialinių ekonominių pertvarkymo situacijoje svarbią reikšmę turi jaunimas,ypač... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This paper analyses social activity of students in Vilnius Pedagogical University, discusses influence of student activity on socialization processes underlining values and social roles. In order to learn about peculiarities of social activity of students, a qualitative research was made by selecting 20 respondents involved in the first-stage, bachelor, studies at Vilnius Pedagogical University: 1st and 3rd year students from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology and the Faculty of Social Sciences. It is assumed that such sampling allows to outline dominating opinions. The research revealed that not all students of Vilnius Pedagogical University are socially active. Main difficulties encountered by students are problems related to combination of work and studies (because most of the students work), as well as the lack of funds for various activities. A shared aim of youth organisations is to foster creative, free individuals by creating conditions for self-growth and its encouragement. A socially active student shapes values of humanity and is preparing to become a future teacher and a citizen of our democratic society. The research showed that students are more concerned about their health, subsistence, work, tough financial situation; it shows lack of interest in the world, in public issues and in problems of the higher education establishment. The youth, especially students, plays an important role in the current... [to full text]

Vaidmenų pokyčiai vyresnio amžiaus žmonių šeimose / Role changes in the older age families

Cibulskytė, Ramunė 25 November 2010 (has links)
Vaidmenų pokyčiai vyresnio amžiaus žmonių šeimose SANTRAUKA Vyresnis amžius – sudėtingas laikotarpis. Jam būdingi bruožai – pajamų sumažėjimas, sveikatos blogėjimas, daugelio socialinių vaidmenų netekimas. Pereinant iš vieno amžiaus tarpsnio į kitą, tenka susitaikyti su tą tarpsnį lydinčiais pokyčiais, o senstant prisitaikyti tampa vis sudėtingiau. Vyresniame amžiuje prarandama dalis socialinių ryšių, todėl ypatingai svarbūs tampa santykiai su šeimos nariais – vyru ar žmona bei vaikais. Mokslininkų, nagrinėjančių vyresnio amžiaus šeimas nuomone, derėtų atsižvelgti ir į brolių bei seserų vyresniame amžiuje ryšių nagrinėjimą. Todėl yra svarbu tirti vyresnio amžiaus šeimas. Lietuvoje tyrimų, nagrinėjančių vyresnio amžiaus žmonių šeimą, suaugusių vaikų bei jų tėvų lūkesčius ir įsipareigojimus vieniems kitų atžvilgiu, brolių ir seserų svarbą vyresniame amžiuje yra atliekama mažai. Ši tema nėra plačiai išplėtota ir aptarta. Empirinio tyrimo tikslas. Nagrinėti vaidmenų pokyčius vyresnio amžiaus žmonių šeimose. Šiuos pokyčius tyrinėta taikant kokybinio interviu metodą, apklausta 14 informantų. Tiriamieji – pensinio amžiaus sulaukę asmenys, gyvenantys savo būste. Jų sutuoktiniai – taip pat pensinio amžiaus asmenys. Interviu metu buvo siekta sužinoti apie sutuoktinių tarpusavio santykius, jų kitimą patiriant svarbų gyvenimo įvykį – išėjimą į pensiją, vyresnio amžiaus žmonių santykius su suaugusiais vaikais, brolių ir seserų ryšius vyresniame amžiuje. Tyrimo rezultatai. Atliktas tyrimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Roles Changes in Later Life Families SUMMARY Later age is a complicated period related to the lower income, worse health condition and the loss of some social contacts. In the transition period from one age stage to another individuals experience some major changes. To get attached to those changes are more difficult for the seniors. A part of social contacts are lost so at this period contacts with family memebers – spouses and children become more important. According to scientists who explore later life families it is important to pay attention at the siblings relations in later life. It is important to explore later life families. In Lithuania this topic is not widely developed and explored. The main research goal is to explore the change of roles in a later life families. Qualitive interview method has been applied. 14 individuals of retirement age, living independently in their own appartment, living in towns were questioned. The tasks of the research were to learn about spouses relations, their relations with adult children and siblings. The main results of the research. The research has shown the importance of the retirement. But to say if individual changes have impact on spouses interrelations is complicated. It could have negative or positive effect or have no effect at all. The assumption could be drawn that the effect is related to the interpretation of retirement. The leave of children for some respondents is a hard period, for others – natural life event. All... [to full text]

Socialinio darbuotojo profesijos rinkimosi motyvai ir veiksniai / Choice reasons and factors of social worker profession

Seliutaitė, Jurgita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo tema – būsimųjų socialinių darbuotojų profesijos rinkimosi motyvai ir veiksniai – pasirinkta neatsitiktinai, nes socialinis darbas atlieka svarbų vaidmenį visoje socialinėje sistemoje, kurio tiklsas – siekti teisingumo ir socialinės gerovės, turintiems problemų dėl skurdo, psichinės būsenos, užimtumo, patirto smurto ar nusikaltimų. Socialinio darbuotojo ir socialinio pedagogo specialybės Lietuvoje gyvuoja nuo 1991 metų, todėl profesijos naujumas neabejotinai lemia nesusiformavusį profesinį identitetą ir drauge skatina didesnį visuomenės domėjimąsi šia profesine veikla. Per kelerius pastaruosius metus padaugėjo šios srities specialistus rengiančių universitetų, aukštųjų mokyklų ir kolegijų, kartu ir šias studijas besirenkančiųjų. Tai skatina giliau pažvelgti į šio reiškinio priežastis profesijos pasirinkimo motyvacijos aspektu, siekiant išsiaiškinti, kokie motyvai ir veiksniai pastūmėja individus pasirinkti socialinio darbuotojo arba socialinio pedagogo profesijas. Atlikus Lietuvos bei užsienio mokslininkų darbų analizę paaiškėjo, kad profesijos pasirinkimas yra ilgas ir sudėtingas procesas, kurio kokybė priklauso nuo asmens savęs pažinimo, interesų, vertybių ir gebėjimų. Veiksniai, koreguojantys individo profesinį apsisprendimą, grupuotini į vidinius (besirenkančiojo asmeninės savybės, charakteris, temperamentas, intelektas, gebėjimai, pomėgiai ir pan.) bei išorinius (šeima, draugai, visuomenėje galiojančios stereotipinės nuostatos, ekonominė šalies... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theme of this master job „Reasons and actions of choosing professions of future social worker“ is choosed especially, because this social job is playing important part in all social system, which purpose is reach for justice and for the social welfare of people, who has problem for poverty, state of mind, busyness, experience of violence or crimes. Speciality of social worker and social pedagogue in Lithuania exist since 1991, therefore newnes of profession certainly determines unformed professional identity and jointly promote better society interest of this career. Over a span of several years number of universities, higher educational institutions and colleges, which are training people for this profession increased. This cause invites to further analyse reason of choosing profession as social worker and social pedagogue. When the analys of Lithuanian and foreign scientists jobs had did, it emerged that choosing process of this profession is long and complicated, which quality depends on recognition of ourselves, interests, values and skills. When person is choosing profession also is essential professional vocation and motivation. With a view to see student‘s oponion to profession choosing reasons and actions was did test at Marijampolės, Panevėžio and Utenos colleges. During research hypothesis was confirmed, that basic reasons of choosing social worker profession are address to human: it is wish to help, possibility take care of people, communicate and work with... [to full text]

Socialinio darbo savanorių kvalifikacijos kėlimo prielaidos / Preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers

Zaleckienė, Vitalija 27 June 2006 (has links)
The in-service training and its status was chosen as the research object of the present thesis. The research aims to reveal the preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers. The goals of the research are to perform an analytic overview of academic literature on the topic of the present master thesis; to highlight the occurrences of the activity of social work volunteers; to reveal the motivation behind volunteer activity; and to determine the most important constituents of occupational skills for social work volunteers. The following research methods are applied: analytical overview of academic literature on the topic of the master thesis, questionnaires and individual interviews with social work volunteers, as well as statistical data processing (in Excel). The results of the research are reflected in the conclusions of the master thesis. The following are the main conclusions: · The motivation of volunteer activity is closely related to the need to gain experience of various types of social work, taking into consideration the feelings, needs, capabilities, and abilities of participants of the learning process. In most cases, volunteer activity is based on goodwill; on a wish to help others, to communicate, to collaborate, and to fulfil the concepts, which are important to a modern person. · The in-service training of social work volunteers is mostly related to high intellect and maturity. The in-service training is oriented towards possibilities for... [to full text] / The in-service training and its status was chosen as the research object of the present thesis. The research aims to reveal the preconditions of in-service training in social work volunteers. The goals of the research are to perform an analytic overview of academic literature on the topic of the present master thesis; to highlight the occurrences of the activity of social work volunteers; to reveal the motivation behind volunteer activity; and to determine the most important constituents of occupational skills for social work volunteers. The following research methods are applied: analytical overview of academic literature on the topic of the master thesis, questionnaires and individual interviews with social work volunteers, as well as statistical data processing (in Excel). The results of the research are reflected in the conclusions of the master thesis. The following are the main conclusions: · The motivation of volunteer activity is closely related to the need to gain experience of various types of social work, taking into consideration the feelings, needs, capabilities, and abilities of participants of the learning process. In most cases, volunteer activity is based on goodwill; on a wish to help others, to communicate, to collaborate, and to fulfil the concepts, which are important to a modern person. · The in-service training of social work volunteers is mostly related to high intellect and maturity. The in-service training is oriented towards possibilities for... [to full text]

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