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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinio darbuotojo poreikis stacionarioje gydymo įstaigoje / The need of a social workers for the stationary medical institution

Kundrotienė, Rasuolė 03 July 2006 (has links)
Patients spend certain time at the stationary health care institutions depending on their illness and statinary profile, therefore professional social help is necessary both for the patients and for their family members. The function of the social worker as the specialist is to intensify adaptation abilities of a cured person to the environment, to renovate his relationship with community, helping him to integrale into sotiety and to stimulate more comprehensive social personality function. Nowadays there are not a few medical institutions where the social problems of the patients are solved by medical workers themselves. This work requires a lot of additional time and special knowledge. It can cause some undergoing of medical work quality and quantity, and at the same time the social problems of the patients can be left unsolved. Making this research the main purpose was to find out the need of a social worker at the stationary health care institutions. The objects of the research were chosen from the stationary medical institutions of Alytus district where by random selection any physicians of these health care institutions and patients cured there at that time were questioned. The survey of the problems was determined, the plan was made and the relevant research method was chosen using theoretical method refering to analised scientific literature and juristic base. By virture of the empirical methods the anonimous questionnaire was given to find out the need of a social... [to full text]

Socialinių darbuotojų veiklos vertinimas / Social workers' activity assessement

Juodzevičienė, Jūratė 03 July 2006 (has links)
Während der sowjetischen Okupation, die 50 Jahre danerte, wurden keine Sozialbeamte vorbereitet. Soziale Probleme der Einwohner wurden nach zentralisierter, kommando – administrativer Metode gelöst. Ein Teil der Funktionen der Sozialbeamtem wurden von Partei, Gewerkschafts, komsomolorganisationen erfüllt. Der sowjetische kommando – administrative Staatsapparat, auf dem sich die sowjetische Ideologie stützte, hatte die sozialen Probleme nur auf renteauszahlung, Auszahlung des Unterstützungsgeldes, Verteilung der Talors für Möbelstücke, Haushaltsgegenstände, Berechnung der Sozialunterstützte gelegt. Nach der Wiederherstellung der Unabhängigkeit 1990, wählte Litauen den Weg zum Schaffen, einer demokratischen Gesellschaft und Marktwirtschaft. Man begann eine Reform der Sozialversorgung. Im oktober 1990 wurde das Gesetz der sozialversorgung erlassen. Die Jahre 1990-1991 kann man als Anfang der Sozialarbeit annehmen, als nach Litauen die erstern Sozialarbeiter kamen, die Vorlesungen hielten und Unterricht gaben. 1991-1996 hatte unser Land schon zwei hundert Sozialbeamte, die auf verschiedenen Gebieten der Sozialversorgung arbeiteten. Die Assoziation der Sozialarbeiter (Sozialbeamten) wurde in Litauen 1994 gegründet. Die professionalisierung der Sozialarbeit begann 1991-1992, als die Vilniusser und Kaunasser Universitäten und das Utenas Kollegium begannen Sozialarbeiter vorzubereiten... [to full text]

Lietuvos privalomojo socialinio draudimo modelis / Model of the Lithuanian compulsory social insurance

Rekašiūtė, Indra 13 December 2006 (has links)
Išanalizavus pagrindinius Lietuvos valstybinį socialinį draudimą reglamentuojančius įstatymus, nutarimus, kitus normatyvinius aktus bei įvairią su darbo tema susijusią literatūrą ir atitinkamus statistinius duomenis darbe atsakyta į darbo tikslui pasiekti išsikeltus uždavinius bei suformuotą hipotezę. Apžvelgus XIX a. pabaigoje susiformavusias socialinės apsaugos Bismarck’o ir Beveridge tradicijas bei Gosta Espin-Anderssen išskirtus tris socialinės apsaugos modelius (liberalusis, konservatyvusis ir socialdemokratinis) nustatyta, kad Lietuvos socialinio draudimo modelis turi ir konservatyviojo, ir liberaliojo modelio bruožų. Kadangi, Lietuvoje vis plečiama pensijų sistema, kurioje ateityje valstybė suteiks tik minimalią (bazinę) pensiją, o didžiąją dalį pensijos žmogui turės uždirbti naujai į rinką įsilieję dalyviai - pensijų fondai. Darbe pabrėžta, kad teoriniai socialiniai apsaugos modeliai šiandiena nei vienoje valstybėje grynu pavidalu neegzistuoja, todėl būtina išskirti ir papildomą mišrų socialinį modelį, turintį kiekvieno darbe aptartų modelio bruožų. / Having analysed the main laws, decisions and other normative acts regulating the Lithuanian state social insurance as well as various literature and appropriate statistical data related to the topic of the paper, the work contains answers to the suggested hypothesis and the tasks set to achieve the aim of the paper. After covering Bismarck and Beveridge’s social security traditions, formed at the end of the 19th century, and three social security models distinguished by Gosta Espin-Anderssen (the liberal, conservative and social-democratic models), it was established that the Lithuanian state social insurance has some features of both the conservative and the liberal models. As in Lithuania the system of pensions is being developed in which the state will give only a minimum (basic) pension in the future, and the biggest part of the pension for a person will be earned by the participants which came to the market newly, i.e. by pension funds. In the work it is stressed that theoretical social security models do not exist in any state in their pure form nowadays, therefore it is also necessary to distinguish an additional mixed social model, containing some of the features of the discussed models. The model of the Lithuanian state social insurance was started to be formed as early as in 1926 after promulgating the Law of the Chief Social Insurance Board. World Wars I and II, changing German and the czarist Russian government had influence on the formation of the social... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo vieta mokyklos bendruomenėje / Social pedagogue's place in school society

Pranckietytė, Virginija 07 June 2004 (has links)
Purpose with this work is to investigate social pedagogue’s actions functions and identify his place in school society. To achieve this purpose there are those goals: to analyze societies notion and to show its singularities; to mark social pedagogue actions functions’ strategies in school society, to determine functions, which lead towards concentration of this society (cooperation with VTAT, NRP, NVO and others) *; to show importance of functions of social pedagogue; to determine place in school’s society of social pedagogue; to establish theoretical model of social pedagogue’s activities in school society. Investigation object was social pedagogue’s activities in school society. On the strength of theoreticians’ investigations and practical experience, we established model of social pedagogue��s activities in school society, which can be implemented as follows: 1. Permanent implementation (continuous, constant); 2. Transformational implementation (variable implementation, conditioned by specific factors, which decide implementation of inadequate model or it works, but not in full force, that’s why it is not sporadic implementation.); 3. Sporadic implementation (single, occasional). With investigation we identified, that there is transformational implementation in the work of social pedagogue’s in the secondary schools of Vilnius. The hypothesis, that “social pedagogue in concentrated school society executes challenges, which society brings up, by... [to full text]

Socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimas su vaiko teisių apsaugos institucijomis / Cooperation of Social Pedagogue with Institutions of Children Rights Defence

Sakalauskaitė, Vilma 08 June 2004 (has links)
This subject was hosen because I hope that the child welfare, these right guard sovereign, may be safeguard purposeful working with some institutions who are in assent nicety way. I will try detected cooperation from sociopolitical as well as institutions who oppressing the child right. I will try with the accomplished analyses help present status, presenter inferences and will try to get the hang how to do assent action perfected. We must ready some professional sociopolitical and must give them some competence because they have hold child socialization process uh-uh in the education institution but as well as outside institution. Sociopolitical must be agent from child and institutions who may be oppressed the right of child. If we reach the welfare of child we must run-up master sociopolitical must accent general interdepartmental work. The sociopolitical and professional who working in the children’s right guard institutions must have some competitions from helping organization, practice coordination, as well as control of organization and steady action perfection.

Socialinė pagalba moksleiviams sprendžiant mokyklos lankomumo problemas: Lietuvos ir Lenkijos lankomumo lyginamoji analizė / Social assistance for students solving problems for school attendance:the comparative analysis of school attendance in Lithuania and Poland

Savickaja, Aleksandra 16 August 2007 (has links)
Kiekvienos tautos gyvenime be galo svarbi vieta tenka mokyklai, žmonių išsilavinimo lygiui. Išsilavinimas reikalingas ne tik asmenybės ugdymui, bet ir valstybės gerovei užtikrinti. Švietimas - tai veikla, kuria siekiama suteikti asmeniui visaverčio savarankiško gyvenimo pagrindus ir padėti jam nuolat tobulinti savo gebėjimus. Sėkmingam vaikų mokymuisi didelę įtaką daro teisingas auklėjimas, visapusis tėvų bei visuomenės rūpinamasis vaikais. Dažniausia tėvai nori, kad jų vaikai sėkmingai mokytųsi mokykloje, daug pasiektų gyvenime, kad būtų savimi pasitikintys, patenkinti ir atsparūs gyvenimo mestiems iššūkiams. Mokymosi motyvaciją stiprina tėvai, mokykla bei glaudus tėvų, pedagogų ir mokyklos administracijos bendradarbiavimas. Į mokyklą vaikas patenka iš šeimos ir tai - jo antri namai, jo šeima. / The topic of the Master thesis is „ Social assistance for students solving problems of school attendance: the comparative analysis of school attendance in Lithuania and Poland“. The objective of this work is to investigate and to prove the importance of organizing social assistance in schools. The research was conducted using questionnaires and it is illustrated with diagrams. The aim of the research was to compare organizing social assistance in Lithuanian and Polish schools, to analyse documents and different forms of social assistance rendering in two countries. The educational – psychological characteristics of teenagers as well as the reasons of their being reluctant to study are also presented. The importance and the influence on improving the school attendance of social assistance are also analysed here. Students and teachers were given questionnaires with questions about the quality of relationskip among students and their classmates and students and teachers as well as the influence of harmful habits on the attendance of school. Questions about forms of cooperation among class teachers and parents were also included. The attendance of school in both countries is summarised and compared in the conclusion.

Organizacijos mikroklimato įtaka asmens savijautai darbe / Impact of organizasion climate on well-being of a person at work

Traynene, Olga 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiuolaikinės visuomenės žmogus neįsivaizduoja savo gyvenimo be darbo. Darbas yra žmogaus gyvenime esmė. Gera savijauta darbe, darbuotojų sauga ir sveikata negali būti charakterizuojama vien nelaimingų atsitikimų darbe ar profesinių ligų nebuvimu, bet ir gera fizine, moraline ir socialine savijauta, kuri pasiekiama gerinant darbo kokybę, atsižvelgiant į įvykusius pokyčius visuomenėje. Organizacijos klimatas ir darbuotojų savijauta yra tiesiogiai susiję. Šio darbo tikslas - ištirti organizacijos mikroklimato įtaką asmens savijautai socialines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose. Uždaviniai: išanalizuoti organizacijos klimato sampratą bei darančius įtaką jam veiksnius.Pateikti asmens savijautos darbe teorinį pagrindimą; apibūdinti socialinio darbuotojo vaidmenį formuojant palankų mikroklimatą socialinėje institucijoje; ištirti ir apibendrinti organizacijos mikroklimatą ir asmens savijautą socialines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose; Parengti išvadas, rekomendacijas. Darbo metodika, padėjusi išspręsti minėtus uždavinius, susideda iš mokslinės literatūros analizės (atlikta siekiant išsiaiškinti organizacijos mikroklimato ir darančių jam įtaką veiksnių mokslinį pagrindimą, darbuotojo savijautos sampratą, socialinio darbuotojo įtaką geram mikroklimatui formavimuoti); dokumentų analizės (atlikta siekiant išsiaiškinti socialinių darbuotojų funkcijas, jų veiklos aspektus nagrinėjamu klausimu; anketinės apklausos (socailines paslaugas teikiančiose institucijose darbuotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A person of modern society cannot imagine his or her life without work. Work holds a central place in human life. Well-being, security and health of workers can be characterized not only by absence at work and professional diseases but also by improving quality of working conditions. It should be done taking into account changes of society, which have taken place. Climate of organization and well - being of workers are directly connected. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the impact of organizational microclimate on well - being of a person at institutions providing social services. The objectives are: to analyze the concept of organizational climate and factors affecting; to give theoretical justification of personal well-being at work; to characterize the role of social worker forming favorable microclimate at institutions providing social services; to give conclusions. Methodology of the paper, which helped to attain the above objectives, consist of analysis of scientific literature (it was done with a view to giving a scientific justification of organizational microclimate and factors influencing it. Also, the aim was to reveal the concept of well-being of workers and the influence of a social worker on forming a good microclimate); analysis of documents (it was done to show functions of social workers, the aspects of their activity concerning the relevant issue); questionnaire surveys (the surveys were carried out at institutions providing social services). The... [to full text]

Socialinio darbuotojo vaidmuo dirbant su vaikais, kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį / Social worker's activity while working with children whose parent are gone abroad

Sagulinaitė, Simona 13 January 2009 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – atskleisti socialinio darbuotojo veiklą, dirbant su vaikais, kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį. Analizuojama tema aktuali, nes pastaruoju metu ypač padaugėjo vaikų, kurių tėvai išvyksta uždarbiauti į svečias šalis, o jie yra paliekami giminių, o neretai ir visai svetimų žmonių globai, taip susidurdami su įvairiomis problemomis, todėl socialinis darbuotojas ir jo veikla yra pirmasis pagalbininkas padedant vaikui. Magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojami LR socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministro įsakymai, reglamentuojantys socialinio darbuotojo rengimo standartus, veiklą.Taip pat aptariama socialinio darbuotojo kompetencijos svarba darbui su klientu. Temos aktualumui pagrįsti atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, siekiant išanalizuoti socialinio darbuotojo požiūrį į vaikus, kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį, pagalbos galimybes, problemos aktualumą, bei socialinio darbuotojo veiklą dirbant su vaikais. Apklausoje dalyvavo socialiniai darbuotojai, dirbantys vaikų dienos centruose, seniūnijose, savivaldybėse, vaikų teisių apsaugos tarnybose. Nustatyta, jog didesnė dalis socialinių darbuotojų yra girdėją apie problemas su kuriomis susiduria vaikai, kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį. Taip pat paaiškėjo, kad didelė dalis socialinių darbuotojų mano, jog vaikams kurių tėvai yra išvykę į užsienį reikalinga socialinio darbuotojo pagalba. Nustatyta, kad tik šiek tiek daugiau nei pusė apklaustūjų tiesiogiai dirba, arba yra dirbę su vaikais kurių tėvai išvykę dirbti į užsienį. Be to... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this diploma paper is to reveal the activity of the social worker while working with children whose parents are gone abroad to earn money and they are left to relatives‘care or sometimes even to little known familiars‘care. Being without their parents children face many various problems, that‘s why social worker can be the right person to help the child and solve the problems. In this final diploma paper the Republic of Lithuania social care and work minister‘s orders regulating the training standarts and work of the social worker ar analysed. Moreover, the importance of the expertise of the social worker is discussed. To justify the topicality of this problem and to find out the solution of the problems that faces children whose parents are gone abroad, the quantitative survey was done. Social workers - working in government, daily centers, department of children rights etc. took part in the survey. After the survey, was found that bigger part of the social workers heard about the problems that children whose parents are gone abroad face many problems. Also was proved, that social workers who took part in the survey agreed with the statement that children whose parents are gone abroad need social worker‘s help. Moreover, was found that just some more than half of respondents work with childrens whose parents are gone abroad. Finally, was proved that social workers gives too little attention to these children. Trying to make... [to full text]


Šlančauskaitė, Giedrė 08 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra išsamiai išnagrinėta pensinio socialinio draudimo samprata bei aptarta privačių pensijų fondų istorinė raida, pateikiamas išanalizuotas ir susistemintas privačių pensijų fondų objektyvus reikalingumas Lietuvoje. Sistemingai ištirta Lietuvos pensijų fondų rinkos struktūra bei atlikta išsami Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų rinkos analizė, pagal kurios rezultatus pateiktos privačių pensijų fondų sistemos tobulinimo galimybės. Patvirtinta autoriaus suformuluota hipotezė, jog Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondas Lietuvoje negali užtikrinti pakankamo pensinio aprūpinimo, todėl būtina steigti privačius pensijų fondus, kurie turėtų pagerinti pensinį aprūpinimą. / This master‘s final paper details examination of the concept of social security also discussed historical development of private pension funds, presents analyzed and structured objective need of private pension funds in Lithuania. Systematically investigates the structure of pension funds market of Lithuania also executes detailed analysis of private pension funds of Lithuania, according to the result of which the opportunities of improvement of private pension funds system are given. Hypothesis that was formulated by the author is approved.

Socialinis pedagogas profesinėje mokykloje / Activities of a social pedagogic at vocational schools

Andriuškevičienė, Jurgita 17 June 2005 (has links)
The importance of a social pedagogic‘s activities at school and attention to these activities are increasing in nowadays life. The activities of a social pedagogic at school, in families, in village communities, his/her professional image and conduction I.Leliūgienė has analysed ( Leliūgienė, 2002), G. Kvieskienė in her works analysed qualification necessary for a social pedagogic at school, a system of social work and its problems. (Kvieskienė, 2001). L. Stašiūnaitė examined the problem solving model application in a social pedagogic’s at school activities. (Stašiūnaitė, 2001). O. Merfeldaitė analysed social – psychological problems salvation for children from risk groups. The aim of study – to explose the expetations of vocational school leaders and to identify the qualities (persona and professional) required for social pedagogics at vocational schools. The activities of a social pedagogic at a vocational school are devoted to educational process improvement, to developing students' spiritual values and positive character feature. The main goals of a social pedagigic’s professional activities at school are – early prevention and aiming at children’s well – being. The purpose of a social pedagogic’s activity at school is to advocate a child in all critical situations. Methods used in a social pedagogic’s activities at school: 1. Theoretical: comparission, analysis, synthesis, indication, deduction 2. Practical: biographic, interviewing, modeling, consulting. The study... [to full text]

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