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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mateřská škola a polyfunkční objekt Želivec - příprava a realizace stavby / Nursery school and multifunctional building Želivec - preparation and realization

Král, David January 2012 (has links)
The masters thesis with the name Nursery school and multifunctional building Želivec solves preparation and realization of building. The aim of masters thesis is to design of time, financial and material resources. The thesis contains budget, time schedule, building-site, technological standard, control and trial plan, assessment of lifting mechanism and study of realization of the main stages. The thesis is prepared on the basis of technical documents submitted by the designer. Part of the thesis is specialization.

Att bygga broar mellan enheter för att möta klientbehov : En kvalitativ studie om intern samverkan inom socialtjänstens individ- och familjeomsorg / Bulding bridges between units to meet client needs : A qualitative study about internal collaboration between social workers that works within child and welfare social services

Guta Pantazakos, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and analyze how social workers experiences internal collaboration within child and welfare social services and how social workers describe the forms of internal collaboration in their practical work. The study is based on seven semi-structured interviews in seven municipalities with social workers, from three units within child and welfare social services. The collected empirical material were analyzed with theoretical concept discretion, cooperation theory and former research. The results of the study shows that social workers primarily have a positive attitude towards internal collaboration, due to the fact that clients with complex problems are in need of support from various social workers from different units. Furthermore the study found that social workers ordinarily use two different methods when collaborating: informal collaboration and formalized collaboration. Moreover social workers express a variety of obstacles in collabortation with other untis, such as lack of knowledge about each other´s duties, confidentiality and lack of time. It also shows that geographical nearness, good relationships and knowledge are important components for serviceable collaboration. Finally, the study results shows that internal cooperation in child and welfare social services is a necessary working method in order for social workers to be able to meet the needs of clients with complex problems.

Can market specialization reduce the entry cost of automated largescale 3D-scanning of movable artifacts for culture and heritage preservation?

Leksell, Torbjörn January 2018 (has links)
Automated, large-scale 3D-scanning systems are important tools in culture and heritage preservation that allows museums and art institutes to digitize their collections of movable artifacts for the purpose of preservation, research, and exhibition. Unfortunately, the cost of these systems limits their usage to a handful of wealthy museums and art institutes. This thesis explores if it possible to significantly reduce the cost of such a system by presenting a viable automated, large-scale, 3D-scanning system for movable artifacts tailored to the needs of museums and art institutes. To achieve the thesis goal a market analysis was conducted to identify the need and requirements museums and art institutes have for these kinds of systems. The market analysis also explored available systems on the market and how museums and art institutes use them. The result of the market analysis identified a specific type of automated, large-scale, 3D-scanning system design suitable for market specialization. Based on the market analysis requirements for such a system design were specified and developed into a mechanical design and hardware architecture. These were then used to construct and evaluate a limited prototype as a way of validating the mechanical design and hardware architecture. The remainder of the work consisted of a cost analysis which used the hardware architecture and mechanical designs to estimate the material and component cost to produce a single unit of the developed system. The results of this thesis show that it is probable that market specialization significantly reduces the cost for museums and art institutes to purchase an automated, large-scale, 3D-scanning system compared with available market alternatives. / Automatiserade 3D-scanners som kan 3D-scanna stora volymer av konstprodukter är viktiga verktyg inom kulturhistorisk bevaring då det tillåter museum att digitalisera samlingar i syfte att bevara, forska och ställa ut. Tyvärr så är dessa system dyra och bara ett fåtal museer har resurser nog för att köpa in dem. Denna uppsats utforskar ifall det är möjligt att betydligt reducera kostnaden av ett sådant system genom att presentera en fungerande automatiserad 3D-scanner som är specifikt anpassad för museum. Arbetet började med en marknadsanalys som identifierade kraven som museum ställer på denna typ av system samt en analys av tillgängliga system på marknaden och hur museum använder dessa. Resultatet av detta arbete var att en specifik typ av automatiserad 3D-scannar lämplig för anpassning identifierades. Utifrån kraven som identifierades genom marknadsanalysen så utvecklades sedan en mekanisk och elektrisk design för systemet. Dessa användes sedan för att bygga och utvärdera en begränsad prototyp i syfte att validera den mekaniska och elektriska designen. Resterande arbete bestod av en kostnadsanalys som använde den mekaniska och elektriska designen för att utvärdera material och komponentkostnaden för att bygga en enhet av det utvecklade systemet. Slutsatsen av arbetet i denna uppsats är att det är troligt att det blir billigare för museum att köpa denna typ av system ifall de utvecklas utifrån deras specifika behov jämfört med tillgängliga system på marknaden.

Unga ishockeyspelares karriärövergångar : - En studie om unga ishockeyspelares upplevelser kring TV-pucken, U16 Regional Syd samt NIU-gymnasium.

Öhman, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att studera unga ishockeykillars syn på sin väg till NIU (Nationell idrottsutbildning) gymnasium. Det som har gjorts är semistrukturerade gruppintervjuer med totalt 12 ishockeyspelare födda 2004 och 2005.  Uppsatsen grundar sig i utvalda teorier kring tidig specialisering och vad som krävs för att ungdomarna ska lyckas. Totalt har 12 killar som tillhör ett NIU i region syd deltagit i intervjuerna för att få en ärlig sida från spelarna vad de tycker om 1) TV- pucken 2) U16 Regional Syd och 3) NIU.  Resultatet visar att spelarna tänker ungefär rätt lika allihop. De vill att U16 Regional Syd ska finnas kvar då de menar att de är ett bra tillfälle att få spela den serien och visa upp sig då det är året innan NIU antagning. Spelarna är också överens om att TV-pucken tar för mycket fokus och är någon unga killar fokuserar för mycket på. / The purpose of the study was to study young ice hockey boys on their way to NIU (National Sports Education) high school. What has been done are semi-structured group interviews with a total of 12 ice hockey players born in 2004 and 2005. The thesis is based on selected theories about early specialization and what is required for young people to succeed. A total of 12 guys who belong to an NIU in region south participated in the interviews to get an honest side from the players what they think of 1) TV-pucken 2) U16 Regional Syd and 3) NIU. The results show that the players think the same thing. They want U16rs to remain as they believe they are a good opportunity to play that series and show up as it is the year before NIU admission. The players also agree that the TV-puck takes too much focus and is something young guys focus too much on.

Fitness a Wellness centrum / Fitness and Wellness center

Pospíchal, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is about design and project documentation of fitness and wellness center. The designed object is situated in the outskirts of Havlíčkův Brod in a quiet environment and with direct connection to the city dam. The object is a three-storey partially-basement building with a flat green roof in three levels. The building is based on the base passages of plain concrete, reinforced concrete slabs and beads. The supporting, peripheral and partition walls are designed from the VELOX system. The outer casing consists of cement slab, reinforced concrete core and thermal insulation. In open-plan areas there are designed reinforced concrete columns. The ceiling structure is predominantly designed from reinforced concrete slabs to lost formwork. Part of the facade is plastered, the other part is ventilated. Individual architectural elements divide the object into units and fit into the natural landscape. The object is divided into several tracts where each has its own purpose and specification. In the 1st floor there is a gym, room for trainers and coordinating training room. In the center there is atrium, reception, cloakroom, buffet and public toilets. Vertical communication is possible using a suspended staircase or a hydraulic lift. On the 1st underground floor there is a reception desk and cloakroom for disabled people. In the western part of the tract there is an indoor pool with whirlpool, of course there are cloakrooms divided for men and women. The eastern part of the tract is used as a technical room of air-conditioning, there are also 3 saunas, including a relaxation room and dressing room. All facilities on the 1st underground floor have access to an outdoor park, including a dam and outdoor whirlpools. In the 2nd floor there is a staffing facility, an area for manegement, technical rooms and an outdoor green terrace. The designed object is designed for disabled people. Around the object there is designed a car park for 33 cars.

Sport hotel Frýdlant / Sport-hotel Frýdlant

Bartoš, Jan January 2017 (has links)
In my thesis I will deal with the draft project documentation for sport hotel. This object is located in the quiet southeastern part of Frydlant with city views and easy access to the nearby sports facilities. It is an object of part two storey and a basement. The building is set into the sloping terrain, so the underground floor extends on to the ground. The building is based on foundation walls and footings that are made of reinforced concrete. Load-bearing walls of the underground floors are designed as reinforced concrete. Ceiling structure of the building is made as reinforced concrete beam ceiling and in other structure parts as a crosswise reinforced concrete plate. Perimeter bearing walls and two floors, are designed from the acoustic sand-lime bricks Silk. External walls are warmed by a contact insulation system. Flat single shell roof was chosen over part of the restaurant. Double-layer roof with a supporting truss structures above the main part of the building. The building is divided into functional parts. Accommodation capacities are mostly on the second floor. On the ground floor there is a restaurant with a kitchen and space for staff. In the basement there is a functional part of the wellness and gym with common dressing rooms. The only entrance path allows convenient control of customers. The building is wheelchair accessible.


林奎佑, Lin, Yufu Unknown Date (has links)
文化創意產業乃近年來政府所大力推動的重點產業,儘管文化究係一種「服務」或「產業」,爭議頗多,然而睽諸世界先進國家,如英國設有事權統一之文化媒體體育部(The Department of Culture, Media and Sport)職司全英文化政策之擬訂,並以發行彩券部份收入,鼓勵新穎多元之創作;再如丹麥政府早就發現企業界和文化界的語言渾然不同,發現國家需要教育課程來訓練學生如何經營文化事業,這包括建立對整個產業的知識,能夠斡旋協調、解決衝突,並擁有處理預算、智慧財產權、合約及版稅的能力,於是當務之急,是希望商學院可以把注意力多放在文化界的發展潛力上,增加相關主題、課程和所謂「第三級教育」的訓練;澳洲則就文化產業核心,從精英藝術與社區藝術之論述,進一步發展到休閒與娛樂;其文化態度,亦跳脫文化公民權之爭論,邁入文化消費期。凡此種種,皆從發展文化創意「產業」之角度,作為施政方針。   反觀台灣文化創意產業之經營環境日益艱困,至今未有事權統一之「文化部」,文化創意政府分工上,教育部獨置身事外以及至今未能建立諸如好萊塢的「完工保證」制度以吸引投資者等,因此本研究所欲探討之主題計有四項: 1.文化創意產特質為何?與過去台灣所擅長的製造業的價值鏈、商業模式等,有何不同? 2.政府政策之制訂與產業界之需求,其緊密度為何?是否尚有政策調整之空間與方向? 3.文化創意產業之經營者係一「守門人」之角色,此守門人之角色如何整合「線上成本」與「線下成本」中之各個成員角色,在「彈性專業化」的合作關係中,形成一種商業模式? 4.文化創意人普遍缺乏避險觀念,因此如何「以銷定產」,透過「創業財務」理論,經由「高概念」與「國際分工」募集資金,迴避風險,是為本研究所要深入探討的主題。 / The idea of developing cultural and creative industries has been putting forward by the government in recent years even though the arguments of culture being as a service or an industry remains disputable. However, policymakers in more advanced countries have moved beyond the debate and recognized the importance of the industries at different level: The United Kingdom sets up the Department of Culture, Media and Sport as the solo division in charge of policy formulation. Part of the income from National Lottery is devoted to encourage creation; Being aware of the differences between business professionals and creative talents, Denmark educates students with the know-how of cultural industry management, including the skills of negotiation and conflict solving and the abilities to deal with budget, copyright, contract and royalties. It also urges business schools to enhance entrepreneurial potential by adding more topics, classes and so-called “tertiary education” to their curriculums. Australia, on the other hand, has extended the core value of culture and creative industries from elite and community arts to recreation and entertainment. It has moved from the phrase of debating cultural citizenship into cultural consumption. With reference to the experience of other countries, we can conclude that culture and creativity sectors should be considered as “industries” rather than “services” for policy measures. On contrary, the business environment has become difficult for the cultural and creative sectors in Taiwan. There’s no one single government entity to take account of cul-tural factors and attach greater importance to promoting the development of cultural indus-tries in the course of policy formulation and implementation; Ministry of Education has not partake in studying the vision for development and direction for the industries; Lacking of completion guarantees leaves investors with big doubts and consequently hider the estab-lishment of finance resources. To solve the above-mentioned issues, this research will fo-cus on: 1.The characteristics of cultural/creative industries. How are they different from the value chains and business models of manufacturing that has dominated Taiwan's industrial sector? 2.The gaps between current policies and the real needs of the industries. What can be done to favor the development of the sectors? Any adjustment to make or ap-proach to establish? 3.The role of decision makers in cultural/creative industries as “gatekeepers.” How do they control the above and below the line costs and utilizing the concept of flexible specialization to manage their businesses? 4.The sales and marketing of creative products. Traditionally, creative talents have little knowledge on risk control. How to develop new products or services in the context of existing provision in the market? How to avoid risk and raise money by bringing in the notion of “high concept” and “co-production” in filmmaking?

La spécialisation du travail artisanal dans la civilisation de l'Indus

Brisset, Isabelle 08 1900 (has links)
La civilisation de l’Indus marque les esprits par une apparente uniformité de la culture matérielle sur la totalité de son territoire (environ 1 million de km carré) durant sa période d’apogée (2600-1900 av. J.-C.). Cette étude cherche à tester deux hypothèses qui pourraient expliquer cette homogénéité : 1) Un pouvoir centralisateur contrôlant la production artisanale; et 2) Un vaste réseau d’échanges et de distribution de la production. Dans ce but, la grande majorité des publications accessibles portant sur la production artisanale d’objets en céramique, en pierres semi-précieuses, en coquillage et en métal ont été inventoriées et analysées. Axée sur la spécialisation du travail artisanal, l’étude a identifié quelques objets dits de prestige (perles classiques harappéennes, bracelets en grès cérame) très probablement liés à une élite. La nature de cette élite est ensuite examinée et un nouveau modèle d’organisation sociopolitique de cette civilisation est proposé. / The Indus civilization puzzles archaeologists in that it shows a seeming uniformity in its material culture during the period from 2600 to 1900 BC and over its huge geographical extent (approximately 1 million square km). In this study two hypotheses are tested: 1) This uniformity in material culture is due to a central political force monitoring craft production; or 2) This uniformity results from an extensive trade and distribution network of craft production. In order to assess these, all available data concerning the craft production of ceramic, lapidary, shell-working and metal artefacts were inventoried and analyzed. A study of craft specialization identified a few wealth items (long carnelian beads, stoneware bangles), which were most probably related to an elite. After reassessing the nature of this elite, a new model of sociopolitical organization for this civilization is proposed.

Feature-based configuration management of reconfigurable cloud applications

Schroeter, Julia 03 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
A recent trend in software industry is to provide enterprise applications in the cloud that are accessible everywhere and on any device. As the market is highly competitive, customer orientation plays an important role. Companies therefore start providing applications as a service, which are directly configurable by customers in an online self-service portal. However, customer configurations are usually deployed in separated application instances. Thus, each instance is provisioned manually and must be maintained separately. Due to the induced redundancy in software and hardware components, resources are not optimally utilized. A multi-tenant aware application architecture eliminates redundancy, as a single application instance serves multiple customers renting the application. The combination of a configuration self-service portal with a multi-tenant aware application architecture allows serving customers just-in-time by automating the deployment process. Furthermore, self-service portals improve application scalability in terms of functionality, as customers can adapt application configurations on themselves according to their changing demands. However, the configurability of current multi-tenant aware applications is rather limited. Solutions implementing variability are mainly developed for a single business case and cannot be directly transferred to other application scenarios. The goal of this thesis is to provide a generic framework for handling application variability, automating configuration and reconfiguration processes essential for self-service portals, while exploiting the advantages of multi-tenancy. A promising solution to achieve this goal is the application of software product line methods. In software product line research, feature models are in wide use to express variability of software intense systems on an abstract level, as features are a common notion in software engineering and prominent in matching customer requirements against product functionality. This thesis introduces a framework for feature-based configuration management of reconfigurable cloud applications. The contribution is three-fold. First, a development strategy for flexible multi-tenant aware applications is proposed, capable of integrating customer configurations at application runtime. Second, a generic method for defining concern-specific configuration perspectives is contributed. Perspectives can be tailored for certain application scopes and facilitate the handling of numerous configuration options. Third, a novel method is proposed to model and automate structured configuration processes that adapt to varying stakeholders and reduce configuration redundancies. Therefore, configuration processes are modeled as workflows and adapted by applying rewrite rules triggered by stakeholder events. The applicability of the proposed concepts is evaluated in different case studies in the industrial and academic context. Summarizing, the introduced framework for feature-based configuration management is a foundation for automating configuration and reconfiguration processes of multi-tenant aware cloud applications, while enabling application scalability in terms of functionality.

Empowered or Tokenized?: The Experiences of Aboriginal Human Service Workers and Organizational Responses in a Historically Oppressive Child Welfare System

Rousseau, Jane 23 April 2014 (has links)
Government human service organizations regularly attempt to recruit ethnically and culturally diverse professionals to improve services to diverse communities. The assumption here is that organizational culture and structure support this organizational practice. This study considers the unique challenge for Aboriginal professionals who work in a government child welfare system responsible for the oppression of Aboriginal children, families, and communities. As a non-Aboriginal organizational insider and researcher, I use a combined Indigenous/ethnographic approach to explore these issues with Aboriginal professionals within the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). This study involves a dual focus that examines the history, identity, values, motivations, and practice approaches of Aboriginal professionals as well as how organizational structural and environment variables support or impede their representation of community needs and interests. Analysis of these two areas results in significant findings for the organization, the social work profession, and various practice and organizational diversity literatures. Aboriginal participant descriptions of values, beliefs, and practices contribute to literature exploring contemporary Indigenous practice approaches that integrate traditional knowledge with professional practice. Consistent with some representative bureaucracy studies, participant descriptions of personal history, experience, practice, and motivation to work in MCFD indicate values, beliefs, and motivations strongly shared with their representative group: to reduce the number of Aboriginal children in government care and reconnect them to community. Aboriginal participant role tensions and dual accountabilities, resulting from their unique community/Ministry insider/outsider position, provide context to studies that explore tensions and contradictions that exist for diverse professionals working in their communities through mainstream organizations. Findings also contribute to studies in representative bureaucracy and other organizational diversity approaches concerned with the ability of diverse professionals to actively represent community interests. Organizational variables, such as low Aboriginal practice support, racism, cultural incompetence, hierarchical structure and decision making, risk-averse practice norms, poorly implemented rhetorical change initiatives, and institutional physical environments, among others, impede the ability of Aboriginal participants to actively represent community interests. Mitigating factors were found where some Aboriginal participants describe significant organizational support at the worksite level through dedicated culturally competent Aboriginal management and practice teams. / Graduate / 0452 / 0617 / 0631 / janerousseau@shaw.ca

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