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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da função respiratória de crianças dos municípios de Anchieta e Guarapari (ES) através da espirometria e sua correlação com a qualidade do ar / Evaluation of lung function of children from the municipalities of Anchieta and Guarapari (ES) by spirometry and its correlation with air quality

Camila Alves Silva do Amaral 18 November 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A região de Guarapari e Anchieta, ao sul do estado do Espírito Santo apresenta um parque industrial em crescimento que gera na população local uma preocupação em relação à piora da qualidade do ar e aos efeitos adversos sobre a população residente. Neste estudo avaliamos os impactos da exposição à poluição do ar gerada por uma mineradora e pelotizadora de ferro sobre a saúde respiratória de crianças e adolescentes residentes no entorno do empreendimento. MÉTODOS: Estudo de painel com 121 escolares entre 8 e 16 anos de idade, matriculados em escolas de Anchieta, área exposta às emissões industriais, e Guarapari, área não exposta, no estado do Espírito Santo. Mensalmente, entre maio de 2008 e maio de 2009 foram realizados exames de espirometria. Foram aplicados questionários para obtenção de dados biodemográficos e um questionário validado - ISAAC, para investigar informações referente a presença de asma e alergias respiratórias e cutâneas. Rede de monitoramento da qualidade do ar que mede material particulado forneceu informações diárias sobre as concentrações deste poluente para o período analisado. A correlação entre a exposição aos poluentes do ar e os parâmetros de função respiratória (razão entre valores medidos e preditos) foi analisada através de duas abordagens. Na primeira, foram comparadas as médias mensais de volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo, capacidade vital forçada, pico de fluxo expiratório, razão entre volume expiratório forçado e capacidade vital forçada, fluxo expiratório forçado de 25 e 75% da manobra de capacidade vital forçada e tempo de expiração forçada entre os dois grupos. Para esta análise, foi adotado o teste-t de student. Na segunda abordagem, a associação entre os parâmetros respiratórios e o material particulado inalado foi investigada através de modelos de regressão de efeitos mistos, incluindo-se nos modelos controles para: variáveis meteorológicas, presença de asma e alergias respiratórias e, quando necessário, índice de massa corpórea. RESULTADOS: 86 crianças concluíram o estudo. As médias mensais da razão entre volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo e capacidade vital forçada e pico de fluxo expiratório, em alguns meses, foram menores na área exposta enquanto que o inverso ocorreu para o tempo expiratório final. Houve relação inversamente proporcional entre a variação do material particulado e todos os parâmetros de espirometria exceto o tempo expiratório. Para uma variação de 14,03 ?g/m3 no PM10 foram observadas reduções de 1,13% (IC 95%: 0,13; 2,14) no volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (média móvel de cinco dias), de 0,95% (IC 95%: 0,32; 1,58) na relação entre volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo e capacidade vital forçada (média móvel de três dias), e de 2,96% (IC 95%: 1,46; 4,46) no pico de fluxo expiratório (média móvel de cinco dias). Em relação ao tempo expiratório houve um efeito diretamente proporcional, com um acréscimo de 3,54% (IC 95%: 0,88; 6,20) na média móvel de três dias. CONCLUSÃO: Mesmo com níveis de material particulado dentro dos padrões nacionais de qualidade do ar foi observada piora da função respiratória em crianças e adolescentes residentes nos Municípios de Anchieta e de Guarapari (ES) / INTRODUCTION: The region of Guarapari and Anchieta, in the South of the State of Espírito Santo has a growing industrial park that generates in the local population a concern to either the worsening of air quality and the adverse effects on the resident population. In this study we evaluated the impacts of exposure to air pollution generated by a mining company and iron idles on the respiratory health of children and adolescents living in the vicinity of the enterprise. Methods: Panel study with 121 students between 8 and 16 years of age, enrolled in schools of Anchieta, exposed area to industrial emissions, and Guarapari, unexposed area, in the State of Espírito Santo. Every month, between May 2008 and May 2009 spirometry tests were carried out. Questionnaires were applied to data acquisition on biodemographic issues and a validated questionnaire to investigate information on the presence of asthma and respiratory and skin allergies (ISAAC). PM10 monitoring network provided daily information on this pollutant concentrations for the period under examination. The correlation between exposure to air pollutants and lung function parameters (ratio between measured and predicted values) were analyzed through two approaches. In the first, monthly averages of forced expiratory volume in one second, forced vital capacity, peak expiratory flow, ratio of forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity, forced expiratory flow 25 and 75 of the maneuver forced vital capacity and forced expiration time were compared between the two groups. For this analysis, was adopted the student\'s t-test. In the second approach, the association between respiratory parameters and the inhaled particulate matter was investigated via mixed effects regression models, including controls for meteorological variables, the presence of asthma and respiratory allergies and, when necessary, body mass index. Results: 86 children completed the study. Monthly averages of the ratio of forced expiratory volume in one second and forced vital capacity and peak expiratory flow, in a few months, were lower in the area exposed while the reverse occurred for the forced expiratory time. There were inversely proportional relationships between the variation of particulate matter and all the spirometry parameters except the expiratory time. For a variation of 14.03 ?gm3 in PM10 a 1.13% (CI 95: 0.13; 2.14) reduction was observed in forced expiratory volume in one second (fiveday moving average), 0.95% (CI: 0.32; 95 1.58) on the relationship between forced expiratory volume in one second and forced vital capacity (three-day moving average), and 2.96% (95 CI: 1.46; 4.46) in peak expiratory flow (fiveday moving average). In relation to the expiratory time there was a directly proportional effect, with an additional 3.54% (Ci: 0.88; 6.20) in three-day moving average. Conclusion: even with levels of particulate matter inside the national air quality standards was observed worsening of respiratory function in children and adolescents living in the municipalities of Anchieta and Guarapari (ES)

Avaliação da qualidade de vida, função pulmonar, e capacidade de exercício de pacientes com bronquiectasia não fibrocística antes e após cirurgia de ressecção pulmonar / Quality of life, pulmonary function and exercise capacity assessment of patients with non-cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis before and after pulmonary resection surgery

Camilla Carlini Vallilo 20 May 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O papel da ressecção pulmonar em controlar as complicações e períodos de exacerbação de sintomas em pacientes com bronquiectasia é bem descrito na literatura. No entanto, não existem estudos com um instrumento objetivo e validado para avaliação de qualidade de vida no pós-operatório desses pacientes. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e radiológico de bronquiectasia não fibrocística, ainda sintomáticas após o tratamento clínico adequado, antes e após a ressecção das áreas bronquiectásicas mais afetadas. MÉTODOS: Estudo longitudinal prospectivo, realizado entre 2010 e 2013. Foram incluídos todos os pacientes encaminhados ao ambulatório de Cirurgia Torácica com diagnóstico de bronquiectasia que apresentavam ausência de resposta ao tratamento clínico adequado após 1 ano de seguimento e/ou presença de complicações da doença. Foram avaliadas qualidade de vida por meio de dois questionários - SF36v2 e WHOQOL, função de pulmonar completa e capacidade de exercício dos indivíduos antes a após a ressecção da área pulmonar mais comprometida pela bronquiectasia. RESULTADOS: Sessenta e um pacientes foram incluídos consecutivamente no estudo. Oito pacientes foram excluídos por diversas razões. Após isso, 53 pacientes (50,9% do sexo masculino, com idade 41,3 anos, ± 12,9) foram submetidos a cirurgia, mas apenas 44 completaram os nove meses de follow-up. A tuberculose foi a causa de bronquiectasias em 60,4% dos pacientes e 26,4% apresentavam doença bilateral, mas apenas a área mais afetada foi ressecada. Os resultados cirúrgicos foram pneumonectomia (direita 3 - 5,7% / esquerda 6 - 11,3%), lobectomia superior (direito 13 - 24,5% / esquerda 10 - 18,9%), lobectomia média (5 - 9,4%) e lobectomia inferior (direito 6 - 11,3% / esquerda 10 -18,9%). Dois pacientes apresentaram complicações graves e morreram e, além disso, treze pacientes (24,5%) tiveram complicações clínicas e cirúrgicas. Após a ressecção do pulmão, os pacientes apresentaram valores ligeiramente inferiores a espirometria, mas por causa de volumes pulmonares inferiores, uma vez que o FEV1/FVC permaneceu constante. A DLCO não foi alterada após a intervenção, o que sugere que predominantemente não-funcionantes áreas pulmonares foram ressecadas. No teste cardiopulmonar, o desempenho do exercício em geral não mudou, mas cerca de 52% dos pacientes melhoraram seu consumo máximo de oxigênio e carga de trabalho após a intervenção. Os domínios do questionário de qualidade de vida SF36 melhoraram no pós-operatório - capacidade física 81,1 (± 26,2) p = 0,000; limitação física 79,2 (± 38,7) p = 0,000; saúde geral 70,9 (± 23,7) p = 0,000; vitalidade 72,1 (± 20,5) p = 0,002; aspectos sociais 85,8 (± 22,5) p = 0,000; dor 78,6 (± 27,3) p = 0,034; aspectos funcionais 81,8 (± 36,3) p = 0,000 e saúde mental 74,3 (± 19,7) p 0,019; apenas o domínio dor apresentou uma melhora negativa, provavelmente devido à dor incisional apresentada após a cirurgia. Os mesmos resultados foram observados no WHOQOL. A regressão logística (backward stepwise) mostrou que o sexo masculino foi um preditor independente de complicações pós-operatórias - OR 5,185, IC 1,085-24,791, p = 0,039. O modelo de regressão linear múltipla não identificou um preditor que poderia explicar o aumento da qualidade dos resultados vida após a cirurgia; no entanto, VEF1 apareceu de forma consistente como um preditor limítrofe (entre 0,05 e 0,1, em todas as análises). CONCLUSÃO: O estudo mostrou uma melhora significativa na qualidade de vida após a ressecção pulmonar de indivíduos com diagnóstico de bronquiectasia sintomática sem comprometer a sua capacidade de se exercitar. Nessa amostra, apenas baixo escores de qualidade de vida no pré-operatório foram melhores preditores de qualidade de vida no dia 9 de pós-operatório e também descobrimos que as fórmulas comumente usadas para prever o desempenho pós-operatório subestimaram os valores reais observadas nos períodos de 3 e 9 meses após a ressecção pulmonar / BACKGROUND: The role of pulmonary resection in controlling complications and periods of exacerbation of symptoms in patients with bronchiectasis is well described in the literature. However, there are no studies with an objective and validated instrument for assessing quality of life in the postoperative period in these patients. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the quality of life measured after resection of bronquiectásicas areas in patients with clinical and radiological diagnosis of bronchiectasis non-fibrocystic and persistent symptoms after appropriate clinical treatment. METHODS: This is a prospective longitudinal study conducted between 2010 and 2013. We included all patients referred to our outpatient clinic during the study period with symptomatic bronchiectasis and failed medical treatment. We assessed quality of life through two questionnaires - SF36v2 and WHOQOL, complete lung function and exercise capacity of individuals before and after resection of lung area most affected by bronchiectasis. RESULTS: Sixty-one patients were sequentially enrolled in the study. Eight patients were excluded for several reasons. After that, 53 patients (50.9% male; age 41.3 years, ± 12.9) underwent surgical resection, but only 44 complete the nine months of follow-up. Tuberculosis is the cause of bronchiectasis in 60.4% of the patients and 26.4% has bilateral disease, but only the most affected area was resected. The surgical outcomes are pneumonectomy (right 3 - 5.7% and left 6 - 11.3%), Upper lobectomy (right 13 - 24.5% and left 10 - 18.9%), right middle lobectomy (5 - 9.4%) and lower lobectomy (right 6 - 11.3% and left 10 - 18.9%). Two patients had serious complications and died and in addition, thirteen patients (24.5%) had clinical and surgical complications. After lung resection, patients had mildly lower values at spirometry, but because of lower lung volumes, since the FEV1/FVC remained constant. The DLCO was not changed after intervention, suggesting that predominantly non-functioning lung areas were resected. At cardiopulmonary test, exercise performance generally has not changed but around 52% patients improved their VO2 and workload after intervention. The domains of the quality of life questionnaire SF36v2 improved after ninth month postoperatively - physical functioning 81.1 (±26.2) p=0.000; role physical 79.2 ( ± 38.7) p=0.000; general health 70.9 ( ± 23.7) p=0.000; vitality 72.1 ( ± 20.5) p=0.002; social functioning 85.8 (± 22.5) p=0.000; bodily pain 78.6 ( ± 27.3) p=0.034; role emotional 81.8 (±36.3) p=0.000; mental health 74.3 ( ± 19.7) p 0,019, only the bodily pain had a negative improvement probably due to incisional pain presented after surgery. The same results were seen in the WHOQOL. The stepwise backward logistic regression showed that male gender was an independent predictor of postoperative complications - OR 5.185, IC 1.085 - 24.791, p = 0.039. The multiple linear regression model do not identified a predictor that could explain the increase in quality of life results after surgery; nevertheless, FEV1 appeared consistently as a borderline predictor (between 0.05 and 0.1 in all analysis). CONCLUSION: Our study showed a significant improvement in quality of life after pulmonary resection in patients diagnosed with symptomatic bronchiectasis without compromising their ability to exercise. In this sample, only low quality of life scores in the preoperative period were better predictors of quality of life in the 9th postoperative and we also found that the commonly used formulas for predicting postoperative performance underestimated the actual values observed in periods of 3 and 9 months after pulmonary resection

Análise dos efeitos do método Pilates em pacientes com fibrose cística / Analysis of the effects of the Pilates method in patients with cystic fibrosis

Franco, Caroline Buarque, 1984- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Fernando Ribeiro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T03:42:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Franco_CarolineBuarque_M.pdf: 1016164 bytes, checksum: d2defa35883e9f73fc3f033e2ca1c3f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Objetivo: A proposta de utilizar o método Pilates teve o objetivo de desenvolver um programa de exercícios, avaliando os efeitos no início e final do acompanhamento, coletando os seguintes dados: tolerância ao esforço físico pelo teste do degrau de 3 minutos (TD3); prova de função pulmonar (PFP); avaliação força muscular respiratória (FMR) pela pressão inspiratória máxima (PImáx) e pressão expiratória máxima (PEmáx) pela manovacuometria; qualidade de vida (QV) pelos questionários de qualidade de vida em fibrose cística (QFC); escore z de peso (kg), escore z de altura (m2) e escore z de IMC (kg/m2). Coleta dos valores em repouso e no final de cada sessão: saturação periférica de oxigênio (SpO2), frequência cardíaca (Fc), frequência respiratória (Fr), nível da dispnéia pela escala de Borg modificada. Método: estudo prospectivo descritivo analítico, casuística de 19 pacientes. A pesquisa foi realizada com os pacientes do Ambulatório de FC do Hospital de Clínicas (HC) da Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP) e do Instituto da Criança (ICr) do HC da Faculdade de Medicina Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP). O método foi aplicado em uma sessão semanal durante 4 meses. Resultados: A PImáx no grupo total apresentou aumento significativo (p<0,05 probabilidade do teste de Wilcoxon), a PEmáx demonstrou aumento significativo somente no grupo feminino (p=0,007). A PFP não apresentou diferenças no grupo total de pacientes (p>0,05). No TD3 pré-tratamento do grupo masculino, houve aumento significativo da frequência cardíaca (Fc) (p=0,043) e da escala de Borg (p=0,023). No pós-tratamento os sinais vitais permaneceram sem mudanças significativas. No TD3 pré-tratamento, o grupo feminino apresentou aumento significativo na Fc, frequência respiratória (Fr) e na escala de Borg (p<0,05). No pós-tratamento o TD3 deste grupo continuou com aumento significativo na Fc, Fr e na escala de Borg. Quanto as medidas de sinais vitais comparando o início e final de cada sessão, na 1ª sessão de Pilates o grupo total de pacientes,não apresentou mudanças na SpO2, Fc, Fr e na escala de Borg (p>0,05). Na 7ª sessão, no gênero masculino ocorreu aumento significativo da Fc e no grupo total de pacientes houve aumento significativo na escala de Borg. Na 16ª sessão apenas o grupo feminino apresentou aumento significativo na escala de Borg. Quanto ao escore z de peso e IMC, os pacientes não apresentaram mudanças, porém houve aumento significativo no escore z de altura apenas do grupo feminino (p=0,012). A avaliação da QV não demonstrou mudanças no QFC de crianças de 6 à 11 anos. No QFC dos pais/cuidadores de crianças de 6 à 13 anos houve aumento significativo no domínio respiratório. O QFC referente aos pacientes de 14 anos ou mais apresentou aumento significativo no domínio físico. Conclusões: O estudo evidenciou que a aplicação do Pilates foi eficaz no ganho da FMR; melhorias na tolerância física do grupo masculino pelo TD3; ganho no escore z de altura no grupo feminino. Quanto a QV do QFC dos pais/cuidadores de crianças de 6 à 13 anos, houve melhorias no domínio da condição respiratória e no QFC referente aos pacientes de 14 anos ou mais apresentou melhorias no domínio da condição física / Abstract: Objective: The proposal to use the Pilates method was to develop an exercise program, evaluating the effects at the beginning and end of follow-up by collecting the following data: the tolerance to exercise step test for 3 minutes (TD3) function test lung (PFP), respiratory muscle strength assessment (FMR) by maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) by the manometer, quality of life (QOL) questionnaires for quality of life in cystic fibrosis (QFC), z-score Weight (kg), z score for height (m2) and z score of BMI (kg/m2). Collection of the values at rest and at the end of each session: peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), heart rate (HR), respiratory frequency (Fr), level of dyspnea by the Borg scale. Method: a prospective descriptive analytical sample of 19 patients. The survey was conducted with patients from the CF Clinic, Hospital de Clinicas (HC), Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP) and the Instituto da Criança (Chr), HC, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP). The method was applied to one session per week for four months. Results: MIP in the total group showed a significant increase (p<0.05 probability of the Wilcoxon test), MEP showed an increase only in the female group (p=0.007). The PFP did not show differences in the total group of patients (p>0.05). In TD3 pretreatment of the male group, there was increased heart rate (HR) (p=0.043) and Borg (p=0.023). In the post-treatment vital signs remained without significant changes. No TD3 pretreatment, the female group showed an increase in HR, respiratory frequency (Fr) and the Borg scale (p<0.05). In the post-treatment group continued TD3 this significant increase in HR, Fr and Borg scale. The measures vital signs comparing the beginning and end of each session, a session of Pilates the total group of patients showed no changes in SpO2, HR, Fr and Borg scale (p>0.05). During the 7th session, a significant increase of Fc in males and in the total group of patients showed a significant increase in Borg scale. In the 16th session only female group showed an increase in Borg scale. As for the z scores for weight and BMI, patients had no change, but there was an increase in height z scores in the female group (p=0.012). The assessment of QOL showed no changes in the QFC of children 6 to 11 years. In QFC parents/caregivers of children 6 to 13 years there was an increase in the field related respiratory and QFC in referring to patients 14 years or more, an increase in the physical realm. Conclusions: The study suggested that the use of Pilates has been effective in: gain of FMR, improvements in physical tolerance in male group, gain in height z scores in the female group. As for the QL QFC parents/caregivers of children 6 to 13 years there has been an improvement in respiratory status and QFC referring to patients 14 years or more improvements in physical condition / Mestrado / Saude da Criança e do Adolescente / Mestre em Saude da Criança e do Adolescente

Plavecký výcvik dětí s diagnózou astma bronchiale / Swimming training for children diagnosed with asthma bronchiale

Myslivcová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with a swimming training of asthmatic children and its impact on this disease. The work is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part the focus is on the description of the bronchial asthma, causes o fit as well as on the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, the importance of swimming for asthmatic children and how the water environment affects their health impairments are measured. The practical part is focused on swimming training of children who have been diagnosed with asthma. Various physiological parameters of children are being monitored during the training. These parameters include the frequency of breathing, heart rate, frequency of asthma attacks during swimming lessons from the first one to the last one. The last measured parameter is the of improvement or worsening of the conditions of swimmers (number of meters swimmed depending on time) - asthmatics, dependent on the swimming training. Keywords bronchial asthma, children diagnosed with asthma, spirometry, swimming, swimming training

Signifikanta skillnader i spirometrivariabler observerad mellan en Jaeger MasterScreen och en Vyntus spirometer : En jämförelse studie mellan två olika lungfunktionsutrustningar / Significant differences in spirometry variables observed between a Jaeger MasterScreen and a Vyntus Spirometer : A comparison study between two different lung function equipments

Zilic, Ada January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: En av de vanligaste undersökningsmetoderna för att bedöma den respiratoriska funktionen är spirometri. Det är en undersökning som mäter lungvolymer och lungvolymsförändringar över tid. En fullständig lungfunktionsundersökning består av statisk och dynamisk spirometri samt mätning av diffusionskapacitet. Studiens syfte var att jämföra två olika utrustningar, en gammal (Jaeger MasterScreen Body och PFT) och en ny utrustning (Vyntus Body och One) om det fanns någon signifikant skillnad på mätresultatet mellan utrustningarna. Metod och material: Studien bestod av 24 testpersoner, 16 kvinnor och 8 män, alla undersökningar utfördes på Fysiologiska kliniken på Västerås sjukhus under februari och april 2020. Variablerna som undersöktes och bearbetades var vitalkapacitet (VK), forcerad vitalkapacitet (FVK), forcerad exspiratorisk volym på en sekund (FEV1), forcerad exspiratorisk volym uttryck i procent med vitalkapacitet (FEV%VK), total lungkapacitet (TLK), residualvolym (RV), mätning av diffusionskapacitet (DLCO) samt alveolär ventilation (VA). Resultat: Resultatet från studien visade att det förelåg en statistisk signifikant skillnad mellan utrustningarna Jaeger och Vyntus. Lungfunktionsutrustningen Vyntus påvisade ett lägre mätresultat på samtliga variabler. Att det förelåg en statistisk signifikant skillnad kan bero på att utrustningarna använder olika mätmetoder, Jaeger har en pneumotach medan Vyntus har en ultraljudssensor. Slutsats: Slutsatsen är att det föreligger systematisk skillnad på den nya utrustningen Vyntus. Vyntus visade lägre värden på samtliga variabler. / Introduction: One of the most common measurements for assessment of pulmonary function is spirometry. It is a method that measures lung volumes and changes in lung volume over time. A complete lung function test consists of static and dynamic spirometry as well as measurement of diffusion capacity. The purpose of the study was to compare two different equipment, an older (Jaeger MasterScreen Body and PFT) and the contemporary (Vyntus Body and One) if there was any significant difference in the measurement result between the two equipment. Method and materials: The study consisted of 24 test subjects, 16 women and 8 men, all examinations were performed at the Physiological Clinic at Västerås Hospital between February and April 2020. The variables investigated and processed were vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), forced expiratory volume expression as a percentage with vital capacity (FEV%VC), total lung capacity (TLC), residual volume (RV), diffusion capacity measurement (DLCO) and alveolar ventilation (VA). Result: The results of the study showed that there was a statistical significant difference between the two equipments Jaeger and Vyntus. The lung function equipment Vyntus showed a lower measurement result on all variables. This statistical significant difference may be due to the fact that the equipment uses different measurement methods. Jaeger has a pneumotach while Vyntus has an ultrasonic sensor. Conclusion: The conclusion is that there is a systematic difference in the new Vyntus equipment. Vyntus showed lower values for all variables.

Jämförelse mellan sittande och stående position vid dynamisk spirometri / Comparison between sitting and standing position in dynamic spirometry

Hogolof, Suado January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Spirometri är en metod som utförs för att utesluta eller bekräfta en lungsjukdom. Dynamisk spirometri innebär mätning av lungvolymsförändringar över tid och omfattar både långsam och forcerad spirometri. Vid långsam spirometri mäts vitalkapacitet (VK). Vid forcerad spirometri mäts forcerad exspiratorisk volym på en sekund (FEV1), forcerad vitalkapacitet (FVK) och FEV%. Spirometri utförs i sittande position men den kan också utföras i stående position. Syftet med studien var att jämföra och se om det föreligger en signifikant skillnad för VK, FVK, FEV1 och FEV% vid dynamisk spirometri mellan sittande och stående position hos studenter utan känd lungsjukdom.  Material och Metod: Studien bestod av 21 frivilliga studenter med åldrarna 21-32 år, där 18 var kvinnor och tre män. Datainsamlingen utfördes vid Örebro universitet och variablerna som mättes vid undersökningen var: VK, FVK, FEV1 och FEV%. Mätningarna upprepades minst tre gånger i både sittande och stående position och de fick inte skilja sig åt mer än 150 ml. Ett parat t- test användes för att se om det förelåg en statistisk signifikant skillnad i mätvärdena mellan sittande och stående position. Resultat: Det parade t-testet visade att det inte föreligger någon statistiskt signifikant skillnad i variablerna VK (p = 0,19), FVK (p = 0,87), FEV1 (p = 0,37) och FEV% (p = 0,26) mellan sittande och stående position. Slutsats: Det föreligger ingen statistiskt signifikant skillnad för dynamisk spirometri mellan sittande och stående position. För att få en uppfattning om hur kroppsposition påverkar spirometri behövs en större population. / Introduction: Spirometry is a method performed to rule out or confirm a lung disease. Dynamic spirometry involves measuring lung volume changes over time. The dynamic spirometry includes slow and forced spirometry. With slow spirometry, vital capacity (VC) is measured. In forced spirometry, forced exspiratory volume of one second (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV% are measured. Spirometry is performed in a sitting position but can also be performed in a standing position. The aim of the study was to compare whether there is a significant difference for VC, FVC, FEV1 and FEV% in dynamic spirometry between sitting and standing position in students without known lung disease. Method and Materials: The study consisted of 21 volunteer students aged 21-32, of whom 18 were women and three men. The data collection was performed at Örebro University and the variables that were taken into account when performing it were: VC, FVC, FEV1 and FEV%. The maneuvers were repeated at least three times in both sitting and standing positions and they did not differ more than 150ml. A paired t-test was performed to see if there is a statistically significant difference in the measured values between sitting and standing position. Result: The paired t-test showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the variables VC (p = 0.19), FVC (p = 0.87), FEV1 (p = 0.37) and FEV% (p = 0, 26) between sitting and standing position. Conclusion: There is no statistically significant difference for dynamic spirometry between sitting and standing position. To get an idea of how body position affects spirometry, a larger population is needed.

Výkon a vybrané kardiorespirační parametry u profesionálních sportovců ve třetím až čtvrtém týdnu po prodělání onemocnění COVID-19 / Power output and selected cardiorespiratory parameters in elite athletes during the third to fourth week after COVID-19 infection

Novák, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Title: Power output and selected cardiorespiratory parameters in elite athletes during the third to fourth week after COVID-19 infection Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to compare power output and selected cardiorespiratory parameters in elite athletes before and three to four weeks after COVID- 19 infection. Since the elite athletes undergo these health checks on a yearly basis, it is possible to compare the data before and immediately after the infection without difficulty. Methods: This thesis has a character of a quantitative research based on testing the outcomes with confirming or denying hypotheses. Out of the total of 64 elite athletes with the CPET data after the infection 17 athletes, fulfilling other criteria, were selected. I was provided with the data by Centrum sportovní medicíny z. s.. These values became the foundation for statistical hypotheses testing. Analysis of the data was done by means of a pair t-test in R software. Results: There were no significant differences in the majority of the spirometry parameters. Only the inspiration vital capacity was significantly higher (p = 0,004) after the COVID-19 infection in 14 athletes with 0,21±0,18 l improvement. There were significant differences in five of CPET parameters. Load in RCP was significantly lower (p = 0,011) in 13...

Biomechanické charakteristiky nestacionárních respiračních režimů jako možných identifikátorů únavy při monotónní hypokinetické zátěži / Biomechanical chracteristics of nonstationary respiration as possible identificator of tiredeness under hypokinetic loading

Lopotová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
The general topic of this work is to reveal the potential relationship between tiredness cause by hypokinetic monotonous loading and breathing. The aim was to determine if there are suitable respiratory parameters that would indicate this tirednes and, if so, then verify their validity for predicting the tiredness phenomena accompanying huge range of everyday human activities. The performed experiment was attended by five volunteers who absolved measurements of electrical activity of brain, of breathing and of chest volume changes. The course of the experiment and the behaviour of probands were recorded by a camera. In the first part of each maesuremnt, a specified monotonous task (Task Tracking) was performed. The probands have had to follow the target moving with pseudocasual direction and speed by the cursor on the monitor. This task currently reflected the level of reliability and quality of the performed aktivity. In the second part of measurement, the probands had just to relax and watch a movie. Both parts were measured in two conditions - alert and tired (after 24 hours of sleep deprivation) proband. The data were compared with each other and evaluated. The measurements and the results showed that the rate of the tiredness can be fairly reliably assessed by monitoring of the volume...

Sledování poškození plicní funkce infekčním onemocněním COVID-19 pomocí spirometrie / Monitoring of lung function impairment by infectious disease COVID-19 using spirometry

Petrásková, Eva January 2021 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the comparison of functional examination of the patients lungs, before and after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), as well as on the comparison of physiological data for a individual person with measured values after the disease. The relationship between lung function and smoking, sex, age and time gap after COVID undergone was monitored. The screening was accomplished by spirometry in a pneumology surgery and the obtained data were processed in practical part of my thesis. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis describes the respiratory system and lungs functional testing. In addition, infectious disease COVID-19 is described herein. The aim of the thesis was to select suitable patients, who have suffered from the COVID-19 disease, but without other serious respiratory problems, make a measurements and statistically evaluate the correlation between the measured results. The experiment involved 66 people aged between 21-94, of which 43 were men and 23 women. It has been shown a predominantly negative effect of COVID-19 in the values of the examined indicators in spirometric measurements, similarly, the impairment was seen more in men than in women. The role of younger age has been proven in the better results of spirometric measurements. However, the differences in...

Programme préopératoire d’entrainement musculaire inspiratoire pour prévenir les complications pulmonaires postopératoires en chirurgie thoracique : basé sur des exercices respiratoires avec la spirométrie incitative

Godin, Anny 04 1900 (has links)
Bien que la spirométrie incitative (SI) face partie intégrante des soins périopératoires, son utilisation et impact chez les patients demeurent incertaines, particulièrement lorsqu’elle est initiée en préopératoire. Dans cette étude clinique randomisée prospective à simple insu, l'objectif primaire était de déterminer si un programme préopératoire d'exercice inspiratoire basé sur la SI avait un impact sur les complications pulmonaires après une chirurgie thoracique. Un total de 141 patients à risque de complications pulmonaires a été analysé, soit 72 dans le groupe SI + soins usuels et 69 dans le groupe soins usuels. L'incidence de complications pulmonaires était de 38,3%. Une diminution significative de l’atélectasie pulmonaire avec impact clinique a été observée chez le groupe SI + soins usuels en comparaison au groupe soins usuels (SI + soins usuels 9,7% vs soins usuels 23,2%, p = 0,031). L'impact semblait bénéficier davantage aux patients ayant eu une VATS ou lobectomie pulmonaire. Dans une analyse multivariée tenant compte des facteurs confondants, le groupe soins usuels développait plus d’atélectasie pulmonaire avec impact clinique que le groupe SI + soins usuels (OR 3,046, IC95% :1,108 - 8,372). L'incidence des autres complications pulmonaires était similaire entre les deux groupes. Le séjour hospitalier était de < 3 jours dans 34,7% du groupe SI + soins usuels et dans 20,3% du groupe soins usuels (p = 0,062). Donc, l'initiation de la spirométrie incitative en préopératoire chez les patients à risque de complications pulmonaires pourrait faire partie des stratégies de prévention utilisées en préhabilitation. / Although incentive spirometry (IS) is an integral part of perioperative care, its impact on pulmonary complications remains unclear, particularly when initiated preoperatively. In this randomized, single-blind prospective clinical study, the primary objective was to determine if a preoperative inspiratory exercise program based on IS had an impact on pulmonary complications after a thoracic surgery. A total of 141 patients at risk of pulmonary complications were analyzed, 72 in the IS + usual care group and 69 in the usual care group. In our study, the incidence of pulmonary complications was 38.3%. A significant decrease in pulmonary atelectasis with clinical impact was observed in the IS + usual care group compared to the usual care group (IS + usual care 9.7% vs usual care 23.2%, p = 0.031). The impact seemed to benefit patients who had a VATS or pulmonary lobectomy. In a multivariable analysis considering confounding factors, the usual care group developed more pulmonary atelectasis with clinical impact than the IS + usual care group (OR 3.046, 95%CI:1.108 - 8.372). The incidence of other pulmonary complications was similar between the two groups. The hospital stay was < 3 days in 34.7% of the IS + usual care group and in 20.3% of the usual care group (p = 0,062). In conclusion, the initiation of IS preoperatively in patients at risk of pulmonary complications could be part of the prevention strategies used in prehabilitation.

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