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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of Amazon Prime Video and Netflix using HCI Principles

Kodatala, Madhan Mohan Reddy, Perla, Laxmi Prasanna January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

A Machine Learning approach to churn prediction in a subscription-based service / Användning av maskininlärning för att förutspå churn för en prenumerationsbaserad produkt

Blank, Clas, Hermansson, Tomas January 2018 (has links)
Prenumerationstjänster blir alltmer populära i dagens samhälle. En av nycklarna för att lyckas med en prenumerationsbaserad affärsmodell är att minimera kundbortfall (eng. churn), dvs. kunder som avslutar sin prenumeration inom en viss tidsperiod. I och med den ökande digitaliseringen, är det nu enklare att samla in data än någonsin tidigare. Samtidigt växer maskininlärning snabbt och blir alltmer lättillgängligt, vilket möjliggör nya infallsvinklar på problemlösning. Denna rapport kommer testa och utvärdera ett försök att förutsäga kundbortfall med hjälp av maskininlärning, baserat på kunddata från ett företag med en prenumerationsbaserad affärsmodell där prenumeranten får besöka live-event till en fast månadskostnad. De maskininlärningsmodeller som användes i testerna var Random Forests, Support Vector Machines, Logistic Regression, och Neural Networks som alla tränades med användardata från företaget. Modellerna gav ett slutligt träffsäkerhetsresultat i spannet mellan 73,7 % och 76,7 %. Därutöver tenderade modellerna att ge ett högre resultat för precision och täckning gällande att klassificera kunder som sagt upp sin prenumeration än för de som fortfarande var aktiva. Dessutom kunde det konstateras att de kundegenskaper som hade störst inverkan på klassifikationen var ”Använda Biljetter” och ”Längd på Prenumeration”. Slutligen kommer det i denna rapport diskuteras hur informationen angående vilka kunder som sannolikt kommer avsluta sin prenumeration kan användas ur ett mer affärsmässigt perspektiv. / In today’s world subscription-based online services are becoming increasingly popular. One of the keys to success in a subscription-based business model is to minimize churn, i.e. customer canceling their subscriptions. Due to the digitalization of the world, data is easier to collect than ever before. At the same time machine learning is growing and is made more available. That opens up new possibilities to solve different problems with the use of machine learning. This paper will test and evaluate a machine learning approach to churn prediction, based on the user data from a company with an online subscription service letting the user attend live shows to a fixed price. To perform the tests different machine learning models were used, both individually and combined. The models were Random Forests, Support Vector Machines, Logistic Regression and Neural Networks. In order to train them a data set containing either active or churned users was provided. Eventually the models returned accuracy results ranging from 73.7 % to 76.7 % when classifying churners based on their activity data. Furthermore, the models turned out to have higher scores for precision and recall for classifying the churners than the non-churners. In addition, the features that had the most impact on the model regarding the classification were Tickets Used and Length of Subscription. Moreover, this paper will discuss how churn prediction can be used from a business perspective.

Creating Competitive Advantage by Rethinking B2B Software Pricing / Skapa konkurrensfördel genom att utvärdera B2B-prissättning av mjukvara

Adelstrand, Carl, Brostedt, Emil January 2016 (has links)
The choice of pricing model for software products is a complex procedure due to the different characteristics compared to physical products. This thesis investigates and compares software pricing models in a B2B setting, and describes how KAM plays a role in executing a pricing model. The research has been conducted as an opportunist case study on Adebro, a technology company in the B2B sector. The thesis have come to the following conclusions, with data from interviews and literature: Perpetual license is, and will continue to be, an attractive pricing model for Adebro. However, a subscription-based usage independent pricing model is also attractive for the future. Implications of switching pricing model would be largest when changing between a perpetual and subscription model, where revenue will have the most visual impact. The most important task for KAM is to communicate the change to current and new customers. KAM and the pricing model must also be structured to support each other to be successful. The thesis contributes to science by providing research on pricing models for manufacturing related software. However, studies concerning the weighting of importance for different pricing parameters would be of interest for the future.

Проблемы российского электронного книгоиздания: 2021–2022 гг. : магистерская диссертация / Problems of Russian electronic book publishing: 2021–2022

Толкачева, А. С., Tolkacheva, A. S. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена исследованию феномена электронного книгоиздания с точки зрения исследования рынка. Проведен аналитический обзор темы, дана характеристика специфических особенностей электронных изданий и каналов их дистрибуции, проанализированы статистические данные по российскому книжному рынку за 2021–2022 гг. На основании проведенного анализа выявлены тенденции, проблемы и перспективы развития электронного книгоиздания в России. / Master's thesis is devoted to the study of the electronic book publishing phenomenon from the marketing point of view. An analytical review of the topic was carried out, characteristics of the specific features of electronic publications and their distribution channels were given, and statistical data on the Russian book market for 2021–2022 was analyzed. Based on the analysis, trends, problems and prospects for the development of electronic book publishing in Russia were identified.

Vliv zavedení placeného obsahu na zpravodajský server IHNED.cz / The impact of paywall introduction for the IHNED.cz news website

Janíková, Simona January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis summarises the development of paid content of ihned.cz, on-line news server of the Czech economic daily Hospodářské noviny. It observes the influence of paywall from August 2014 until April 2015. The aim of the implementation of paywall was to show that the content created on the server was valuable. The theoretical part deals with new challenges media face, including economic and technological changes; it describes the rise of commercialization and media reaction, and solution for these changes in the form of convergence and digital-first concept. The diploma thesis is viewed through the political economy of media approach. It focuses on monetization of content, the willingness of readers to pay for on-line news, traditional and alternative revenues of media, and it describes the examples of implemented paywall in other media. In the practical part, the thesis describes how paywall influenced economic revenues, specifically the digital subscription, advertising and financial results of the publisher Economia, which is providing the server ihned.cz. In this part, the thesis describes the influence of paywall on visits, page views, real and unique users, readership, and work of journalists. The practical part of the thesis includes statistical data and reports as well as...

Postres saludables Sweedi

Martel Bottger, Genny Brisle, Ramirez Abello, Paola Carolina, Yataco, Jose Antonio 18 February 2018 (has links)
El incremento por la alimentación saludable es una tendencia mundial que se ha venido incrementando en los últimos años, motivado por razones estéticas, laborales o de salud. Esta misma tendencia se puede observar en las personas que necesitan comer postres libres de azúcar, y sea por ser pacientes con algún tipo de diabetes, modelos o actrices que desean comer postres libres de azúcar para mantener una muy buena imagen, o simplemente personas que desean cuidar su salud. Si a ello le sumamos el ritmo de vida cada vez más ajetreado, son pocas las personas que disponen de tiempo para preparar sus alimentos y más aún, que los mismos sean enviado a sus hogares o centros de trabajo. El presente proyecto empresarial busca ofrecer al mercado una aplicación que les permita encontrar postres libres de azúcar, los cuales serán ofrecidos a 2 segmentos, personas que desea comprar postres libres de azúcar a delivery mediante suscripción y bodegas ubicadas cerca a hospitales, clínicas y centro para la diabetes, a fin que puedan ofrecer los postres Sweedi. Según la validación realizada, existen 206,924 personas que comen saludablemente y pagarían por recibir postres a delivery, es por eso necesario realizar estrategias de marketing que permitan dar a conocer los productos al mercado. Ane las nuevas tendencias del consumidor moderno, se utilizará una mezcla de promoción tradicional y marketing digital, a fin de tener el mayor alcance posible y así optimizar los gastos en publicidad y marketing. Finalmente, el presente trabajo muestra los resultados de la proyección de estados financieros, las alternativas de financiamiento, planes de contingencia ante la aparición de amenazas. Lo invitamos a leer una propuesta de modelo negocio fácil de aplicar, en un sector de crecimiento constante, escalable pues tiene posibilidades de ser replicado a nivel nacional e internacional. / The increase by healthy eating is a worldwide trend that has been increasing in recent years, motivated by aesthetic, occupational or health reasons. This same trend can be observed in people who need to eat sugar-free desserts, and be for patients with some type of diabetes, models or actresses who want to eat sugar-free desserts to maintain a very good image, or simply people who want take care of your health. If we add to this the increasingly hectic pace of life, few people have time to prepare their food and even more, that they are sent to their homes or work centers. This business project seeks to offer the market an application that will allow them to find sugar-free desserts, which will be offered to 2 segments, people who want to buy sugar-free desserts by delivery through subscription and warehouses located close to hospitals, clinics and centers. diabetes, so they can offer Sweedi desserts. According to the validation carried out, there are 206,924 people who eat healthy and would pay to receive delivery desserts, that is why it is necessary to carry out marketing strategies that allow the products to be known to the market. In addition to the new trends of the modern consumer, a mixture of traditional promotion and digital marketing will be used, in order to have the widest possible reach and thus optimize advertising and marketing expenses. Finally, the present work shows the results of the projection of financial statements, the alternatives of financing, contingency plans before the appearance of threats. We invite you to read a proposal for a business model that is easy to apply, in a sector of constant growth that can be replicated at a national and international level. / Trabajo de investigación

Das Zeitschriftenmanagement Wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken und die Implikation der Open-Access-Initiative

Albers, Miriam 06 November 2017 (has links)
Der Bedarf an unselbständiger Literatur hat sich, auch durch die Etablierung der Online-Form, verändert und vergrößert. Aktuelle Versuche dem umfassenden Bedarf des wissenschaftlichen Lesers durch Paketlizenzierung von Subskriptionszeitschriften und Bündelung der Interessen in Konsortien zu begegnen, sind nicht ausreichend. Die Open-Access(OA)-Initiative, mit dem Konzept der freien Veröffentlichung von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen, sollte hier die Lösung sein. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit geprüft, inwiefern deutsche Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken OA-Publikationen im Angebot des Zeitschriftenmanagement berücksichtigen. Wesentlicher Gegenstand zur Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage sind die Ergebnisse einer weltweiten Online-Befragung von 358 Mitarbeitern des Zeitschriftenmanagements sowie 18 Verlagsvertretern. Diese erfolgt nach theoretischer Analyse des Marktes der wissenschaftlichen Subskriptionszeitschriften und des (Nullpreis-)Marktes von OA-Publikationen sowie der Strukturen des Zeitschriftenmanagements und der OA-Initiative. Passivität und Unsicherheit prägen im Ergebnis den Umgang von OA-Publikationen im Zeitschriftenmanagement, vor allem in Deutschland. Jedoch wirkt das universitäre Umfeld allgemein und besonders in Nordamerika und Großbritannien deutlich förderlich. Jedoch wird deutlich, dass OA kein Geld spart, sondern die Zugangsentscheidung an Autoren verschiebt, während die Übernahme der finanziellen Verantwortung (noch) unklar bleibt. Um eine umfassende Bedarfsdeckung zu erreichen, sind OA-Publikationen notwendig wie sinnvoll. Für eine weitere Berücksichtigung im Zeitschriftenmanagement Wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken müsste sowohl dezidierter auf die Publikationskulturen der einzelnen Fachgebiete eingegangen sowie auch interne und einrichtungsübergreifende Prozesse und Standards geschaffen werden. / The need for academic journals and articles changed and increased, amongst other things, due to the successful establishment of online editions. Current attempts to meet the extensive need of the academic reader with bundling journals in packets and interest in consortia, are insufficient. The Open Access (OA) initiative with the concept of free academic publications should have been the solution to the financial limits of the libraries. Given this context the present study identifies if and how German academic libraries consider OA publications in their journal management. One of the key items to answer this research question is the comparative evaluation of a worldwide online survey with 358 library journal managers and 18 representatives of academic publishers. This survey was developed on the basis of a theoretical analysis of the market of academic subscription journals and the (‘zero price’) market of OA publications as well as the structures of journal management and the OA initiative. The key finding of this study are that passivity and uncertainty characterize the handling of OA publications in journal management, especially in Germany. On the other hand university environments in general and particularly in North America and Great Britain are supportive. The gaps in literature supply from readers’ perspective seem not to be big enough to change the established structures interdisciplinary. In addition, it is evident that OA doesn’t save money at all. OA is just switching the access decision from libraries to authors, while the assumption of the financial responsibility stays unclear. OA publications are necessary and useful to satisfy the needs of the academic readers. But for an ongoing consideration in journal management, academic libraries have to analyze the publication culture of the subject disciplines in more detail while at the same time create internal and inter-institutional processes and structures.

Influência do sistema-produto dos canais de entretenimento infantil da TV por assinatura na construção de experiências de seus consumidores

Almeida, Lissandra Cantarelli 29 November 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-26T17:11:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 influencia_sistema.pdf: 4687441 bytes, checksum: e8d30efa71991067f9c896202e674757 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-26T17:11:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 influencia_sistema.pdf: 4687441 bytes, checksum: e8d30efa71991067f9c896202e674757 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Nenhuma / A competitividade do setor do entretenimento infantil e a necessidade de acompanhar as constantes mudanças de atitude deste público são estímulos para os canais de TV por assinatura buscarem ações cada vez mais eficazes no processo de design estratégico de suas marcas. Assim como o comportamento de compra do público infantil é influenciado por marcas e produtos, os canais de TV também utilizam-se do seu sistema-produto para proporcionar experiências e vivências diferenciadas aos seus consumidores. Neste contexto, o design abandona a concepção do produto, buscando o imaterial através dos serviços e experiências. Proporcionar ao consumidor experiências memoráveis com a marca, por meio dos sentidos, das emoções e das sensações, trabalhando a experiência do cliente e buscando o vínculo entre as marcas e os consumidores, é o desafio do design estratégico. O objetivo da presente dissertação é analisar a influência do sistema-produto dos canais de entretenimento infantil da TV por assinatura na construção de experiências de seus consumidores. A partir da perspectiva dos principais públicos - crianças, mães, publicitários e anunciantes do segmento infantil, verifica-se como é composto o sistema-produto dos canais de entretenimento infantil da TV por assinatura. Analisando assim, como a incorporação de serviços, associada às programações dos canais, é percebida pelos seus públicos e como influencia na construção de experiências de seus consumidores infantis. / The competitiveness in children's entertainment industry and the need to keep up with constant attitude changes in audience have stimulated subscription TV to seek effective actions in strategic design process. In this regard, child audience buying behavior is influenced by brands/products and TV channels use as well their system- product to provide differentiated experience to their customers. In this context, design abandons product conception seeking in this way the intangible through services and experiences. Providing consumers memorable experiences with a brand through senses, emotions and sensations, working customer experience and seeking bond between brands and clients: that is the strategic design challenge. This dissertation’s objective is then to analyze subscription TV's children entertainment system-product influence over consumer experiences. From stakeholders' main perspective - children, mothers, marketers and children segment advertisers - it is observed how subscription TV's children entertainment system-product is formed. It is analyzed therefore how services incorporation, associated to channels programming, is perceived by its public and how they influence children's construction of experiences.

Kläduthyrning - framtidens textila konsumtionssätt? : En undersökning av möjligheter för prenumerationsbaserad uthyrning av textila friluftsprodukter i Sverige / Clothing rental - the textile consumption of the future? : A research of possibilities of renting outdoor clothing through a subscription service.

Lind, Amelia, Hageström, Anneli January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker möjligheter för utveckling av prenumerationsbaserad uthyrning av friluftskläder med utgångspunkt i pilotprojektet lanserat av företag X. Detta genom att besvara om det finns intresse och en potentiell marknad för uthyrning via prenumeration av friluftskläder, vad som krävs av en uthyrningstjänst för att konsumenter ska övergå till att prenumerera på att hyra sina kläder istället för att köpa nya, samt hur ett koncept kan utformas där utbudet upplevs som tillräckligt och personligt för varje kund. Studien drivs genom blandad metod och en abduktiv metodansats. Resultatet visar att det finns en potentiell marknad för prenumerationsbaserad uthyrning av friluftskläder men att många konsumenter inte känner behov att byta ut plaggen lika ofta som om det hade varit vardagskläder. Studiens respondenter är främst intresserade av paketerbjudande baserat på aktivitet. Bland de som inte är intresserade av att hyra alls svarar majoriteten att det är på grund av att de vill ha sina kläder tillgängliga hela tiden. För att locka konsumenter att hyra istället för att köpa krävs ett mervärde som inte fås vid köp. Detta skulle kunna skapas genom en gemenskap där användarna kan dela historier och bilder, men också genom prisfördelar, tillgänglighet och anpassningsbarhet. Utbudet bör vara personligt anpassat utifrån användarens intressen och planerade aktiviteter, men med möjlighet för viss valfrihet. Säsongsbaserad uthyrning är ett intressant alternativ då många respondenter gärna behåller plaggen en längre tid. Vidare diskuteras logistiklösningar med representanter som anordnar bytestillfällen i mindre städer där det inte finns möjlighet att ha en butik, samt vikten av att nischa sig mot en smalare kundgrupp snarare än gemene man. Det konstateras även att det krävs en större attitydförändring för att ändra konsumenters vanor och beteende från att köpa till att hyra istället. / This study investigates possibilities for the development of subscription based rental of outdoor clothing, with a base in a test project launched by company X. The study examines if there is a potential market for subscription-based outdoor clothing rental, what is required from such a service for consumers to switch from buying to renting their clothes and how such a concept can be designed to make the product range feel sufficient and personal for every customer. The study is implemented with a mixed method. The result is proving that there is a potential market for subscription based outdoor-clothing rental, but that many consumers don’t have the same need to update their outdoor clothes as often as their everyday clothes. The respondents are most interested in a package-offer based on their activities. Among the ones not interested in subscription based rental, the majority answered it’s because they want their clothes available at all times. Added value is needed to attract consumers to rent instead of buy, which could be gained by creating a community among the users. Other important aspects to gain value is through price advantages, availability and flexibility. The product range should be personally adjusted but with freedom of choice. Seasonal based subscription is an interesting option since many of the respondents want to use the product for a longer time. Logistic solutions are also discussed in the study and one option is to use agents who arranges swaps in smaller cities where there are no stores. The importance of focusing on a niched consumer are displayed, as well as the need of a great change in consumer attitude to be able to change habits and consumer behaviour.

Creating a closed-loop supply chain model and evaluating it through a business case for sustainability.

Girot, Lola, Kopf, Claudia January 2018 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to set up a closed-loop supply chain model for B2C online subscription box retailers and to develop a business case evaluating the model’s sustainability. Method This explorative thesis has an abductive research approach. Multiple-case studies are conducted and data from four cases and an expert are collected by conducting interviews. The research contains both qualitative and quantitative data. Findings A closed-loop SC model is created with regards to transport packaging. The model suggests that once the package is received by the consumer it can be returned in an empty state. After being cleaned it should be reused by the 3PL. The model’s sustainability is evaluated by developing a business case. Sustainable performance measures with regards to economic, social and environmental practice are assembled. The model enhances general social performance and environmental performance. Economic performance is mostly positively influenced. Options for cost savings in order to improve the economic performance of the model are suggested by the researchers. Practical implications The work provides businesses within the online B2C subscription box retail with a model for a possible closed-loop supply chain with regards to transport packaging. The business case for sustainability can be applied as a guideline to evaluate the model or similar ones. Researchers give suggestions on adapting packaging to enhance economic performance. Societal implications This thesis points out possible environmental and social benefits that may be achieved by a closedloop supply chain model. Besides waste and emission reduction, social performance such as employee motivation is positively influenced. Theoretical implications The thesis provides a model developed from theory and empirical data. The model does not only have practical implementations but also complements theory where a gap has earlier been identified. Through the business case for sustainability researchers contribute to theory since literature is scarce.

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