Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aupply chain, managemement"" "subject:"aupply chain, managementment""
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Adaptivni model za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja u malim i srednjim preduzećima / Adaptive model for supply chain management in small and medium enterprisesTomašević Milovan 09 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Osnovni istraživački problem ove disertacije predstavlja razvoj modela<br />za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja u cilju podizanje kvaliteta usluge.<br />Stoga je razvijen adaptivni model za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja<br />koji se sastoji od modela za: upravljanje lancima snabdevanja,<br />upravljanje korisničkim zahtevima i ocenu kvaliteta pružene usluge. U<br />svrhu primene adaptivni model je predstavljen algoritmom sa precizno<br />definisanim koracima koje korisnik treba da sprovede da bi podigao<br />nivo kvaliteta usluge i održao stabilnost lanca snabdevanja. Verifikacija<br />modela je urađena na primeru 17 lanaca snabdevanja na teritoriji<br />Republike Srbije, što je rezultiralo odgovorima na koji način se može<br />podići kvalitet usluge.<br />Doprinos istraživanja ogleda u mogućnosti direktne primene<br />razvijenog modela i pružanja novih informacija za naučnu i stručnu<br />javnost koje mogu predstavljati kvalitetnu podlogu daljem razvoju<br />modela za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja.</p> / <p>The basic research problem of this dissertation is the development of<br />supply chain management model in order to improve the quality of<br />service. Therefore, an adaptive supply chain management model has<br />been developed that consists of a model for: supply chain management,<br />management of user requirements and assessment of the quality of<br />service provided. For the purpose of application the adaptive model, it<br />is presented an algorithm with precisely defined steps that the user<br />needs to implement in order to raise the level of service quality and<br />maintain the stability of supply. The model verification was done on<br />the example of 17 supply chains in the territory of the Republic of<br />Serbia, which resulted in answers on how to improve the quality of the<br />service. The contribution of the research is reflected in the possibility<br />of direct application of the developed model and providing new<br />information for the scientific and professional public, which can<br />represent a quality basis for the further development of the supply<br />chain management model.</p>
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Green Supply Chain Management in Thailand : An Investigation of the Use in the Electrical and Electronics IndustryWallerius, Joel, Zakrisson, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
<p>The objective with this thesis is to clarify the advantages - both economic and environmental - that companies in the Thai electronic manufacturing industry can draw from managing their supply chain and adding a green aspect to it. This through investigations of the concept known as Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). The research will assist companies with scarce knowledge of green supply chain management in making decisions and priorities in that area.</p><p>Semi-structured interviews were performed on sight in Bangkok, Thailand and surrounding region. These provided insight and knowledge of the situation and today-state regarding environmental awareness and GSCM implementation within the Thai Electrical and Electronics Industries. Interviews were performed with representatives and experts from different sectors – from universities, industry and supporting agencies and serve as the foundation for the research.</p><p>A model has been developed out of previous research and findings that could suit the Thai industry. This model can be seen as guidelines in the work towards becoming green and aims at continuous improvement of the organizations environmental performance.</p><p>In Thailand today companies do not see the benefits of themselves review their organizations environmental impact or developing in this area. Environmental awareness among the public is low and the lack of demand for green products result in few drivers for companies to become green. Also the lack of proper legislation and compliance audits are part of the problem. Missing environmental education and knowledge are extensive and improvements needed. The concept of GSCM is not wide spread but popularity is increasing steadily. Some environmental initiatives are though performed in the industry but not under the name of the concept. Customer demands, legislation and education should be the main focus areas for developing the industry.</p><p>From the today state at a very basic low much is to be done. Fear of large investments, cost and the lack of knowledge are obstacles to the development. This research shows that these concerns are to be avoided. And by following the model in this thesis companies can find proper knowledge in the area of GSCM. Concluded is that with understanding of the concept and proper implementation from the right knowledge Thai companies can gain great advantages in the future - both economical and environmental.</p>
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Att etablera ett tredjepartslogistikföretag i KinaErtushi, Kamiran, Norell, Björn January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ur ett Supply Chain Management perspektiv undersöka förutsättningar för att implementera ett tredjepartslogistikföretag från EU i ett växande industriområde i Kina. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på distriktet Xiaohe i staden Guiyang i provinsen Guizhou.</p><p>Logistikbranschen är en av de snabbast växande industrierna i Kina. Den kinesiska regeringen föreslår en främjande policy för en logistikexpandering som innefattar skattereduceringar och nedsatta priser på lokalhyra och markpriser för logistikföretag.<strong> </strong>Den största skillnaden mellan marknaden i EU och marknaden i Kina är de kulturella skillnaderna i sättet att göra affärer och att umgås. Korruption kan förekomma i Kina och det är värt att undersöka de kinesiska företagen innan ett samarbete inleds. Om ett samarbete inleds kan det vara fördel att ta reda på om det finns särskilda bestämmelser i Kina. Detta för att minska risken att problem uppstår med de varor som ska exporteras och/eller importeras. En vara som ska importeras eller exporteras mellan EU och Kina ska förtullas genom inlämning av tulldeklaration till Tullverket.</p><p>När det gäller växande industriområden som i Guiyang finns det geografiska fördelar med avseende på handel genom att staden angränsar ett flertal andra provinser och att den anses som en knutpunkt i sydvästra Kina. Huvudindustrier förknippade med staden innefattar kol, järn, stål, aluminium, gödningsmedel och tillverkning. De lokala kinesiska logistikföretagen saknar den erfarenhet och kompetens som krävs för att kunna erbjuda logistiska helhetslösningar åt företagen i industriparken i Xiaohe i Guiyang. Vidare finns inga tredjepartslogistikföretag i staden. Delvis på grund av dessa anledningar är det en stor fördel för ett tredjepartslogistikföretag från den Europeiska Unionen att etablera verksamhet i Guiyang. Svagheten med en etablering är bland annat indikation på brister i infrastrukturen och långt avstånd till närmaste hamn. Vidare finns det en planering för utveckling i regionen som innefattar bland annat utveckling av transportinfrastrukturen.</p> / <p>The purpose of this examination thesis is from a <em>Supply Chain Management perspective</em> to examine the conditions for establishing a third party logistics company from the European Union in a growing industrial area in China. The thesis focuses on Xiaohe district in Guiyang.</p><p>Logistics industry is one of the fastest growing industries in China. The Chinese Government is proposing a promotion policy for a logistics expansion that includes tax reductions and reduced prices on rent and land prices for logistics companies. The main difference between the European Union market and the market in China is the cultural differences in the way of doing business and to socialize. Corruption may occur in China and it is worth to examine Chinese firms before cooperation can be settled. If collaboration is carried out, it may be advantageous to find out if there are specific rules in China to reduce the risk that problems occurs with the goods to be exported and/or to be imported. A product to be imported or exported between the European Union and China must clear customs.</p><p>When it comes to growing industrial areas as in Guiyang there are geographical advantages with thought of trading, that the city is adjacent to several other provinces and that it is regarded as a tie point in southwestern China. The main industry involved in the city includes coal, iron, steel, aluminum, fertilizers and manufacturing. Local Chinese logistics companies have lack of the experience and skills that is needed for providing logistics solutions to companies in the industrial park in Xiaohe District in Guiyang. Furthermore, there are no third-party logistics providers in the city. Partly for this reason, it is a great advantage for a third party logistics provider from the European Union who wants to establish business in Guiyang. The weaknesses for establishing include lack of infrastructure and long distance to the closest seaport. Furthermore, there is a plan for development in the region which includes the development of transport infrastructure.</p>
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The elements of dependence : A case study on inter-organizational dependence / Faktorer som påverkar företags beroende : En fallstudieBroman, Christopher, Karlsson, Emilia January 2009 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate which elements constitute inter-organizational dependence and how inter-organizational dependence influences the relationship between GGP Sweden AB and Stoeryd AB. Background: The notion of arm's length relationships relying on market competition has been replaced with a new ideal consisting of closer, mutually beneficial relationships with extensive collaboration, cooperative actions, and long-term orientation. The benefits of more collaborative supply chains have also been questioned. Collaborative relationships can bring numerous positive outcomes but also conveys reliance on resources or competences of others. Intensified, collaborative relationship is connected to higher dependence, generating vulnerability when depending on others for survival. Several perspectives in social science lay grounds for the research on inter-organizational dependencies. Dependence is regarded to be an important concept for understanding buyer-supplier relationships. Method: This case study investigates the relationship and inter-organizational dependence of GGP Sweden AB and their supplier, Stoeryd AB. Various perspectives within business research have laid grounds for a framework by which to investigate dependence. Empirical material of the two case companies has been collected with aim to provide further insights and reflections about inter-firm dependence and the elements affecting it. Conclusion: A revised framework is presented in the shape of a model including the elements of dependence. The study recognizes the significance of regarding several elements for assessing dependence and that these must be seen in relation to other elements. Further, the behavioral factors of the relationship and intangible characteristics of the offering have been determined to significantly affect dependence. Finally, even if inter-organizational dependence is created within a relationship, elements must be seen in relation to alternative relationships. The connection between higher level of dependence and increased collaboration as apparent also in the case relationship. Trust, commitment and mutual interest are factors apparent in the relationship that may help to control the vulnerability striving from dependence. / Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka element som utgör beroende mellan företag samt hur beroende influerar relationen mellan GGP Sweden AB och Stoeryd AB. Bakgrund: Det finns en utveckling som tyder på att affärsrelationer inte längre bygger på rena transaktioner där företag låter marknadskrafterna styra. Istället visar trenden på att långvariga, djupare relationer som är gynnsamma för båda parterna till högre utsträckning prioriteras. Dessa affärsrelationer karaktäriseras av omfattande samarbete med en strävan mot gemensamma mål. Forskare har även ifrågasatt fördelarna med denna typ av relation i leverantörskedjan. Relationer med hög grad av samarbete bidrar till en rad positiva följder, men bidrar även till ökat beroende av kompetens och resurser från utomstående parter. Detta i sin tur leder till en större sårbarhet då verksamhetens överlevnad beror på en annan aktör. Flertalet perspektiv inom den samhällsvetenskapliga litteraturen ligger till grund för studier om beroendeförhållanden. Beroende ses som ett viktigt koncept för att förstå förhållanden i leverantörskedjan. Metod: Denna fallstudie syftar till att undersöka förhållandet och beroendet mellan företagen GGP Sweden AB och Stoeryd AB. Flertalet perspektiv inom företagsekonomisk forskning har tagits i beaktning och grundat det teoretiska ramverk studien baseras på. Det empiriska material som samlats in syftar till att ge större insikt om beroendeförhållande mellan aktörer i leverantörskedjan och faktorer som påverkar detta förhållande. Slutsats: Ett reviderat ramverk presenteras i from av en modell, innehållande de element som påverkar beroende mellan företag. Studien påvisar att dessa element måste ses i förhållande till varandra för att ge en helhetsbild av beroendet. Det upptäcktes också att det fanns en länk mellan beroendet och beteendet i relationen. Även om det inter-organisatoriska beroendet skapas inom förhållandet, så visar studien att elementen ska ses i relation till alternativa förhållanden. Det påvisades också att en högre grad av beroende kan kopplas ett mer omfattande samarbete. Förtroende, engagemang och gemensamma intressen är faktorer som kan minska sårbarheten och öka kontrollen av beroendet.
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Energikartläggning av Försäkringskassans lokaler : rekommendationer för ett fortsatt energieffektiviseringsarbeteOllman, Erik January 2013 (has links)
With new energy directives in place, the Swedish Social Service (SSS) stands before the challenge how to reduce the energy demand in its locales. It is a complex matter, as the locales are rented from various property owners and it becomes a question of how to reduce the operational electricity and influence the property owners to work more with energy efficiency. This thesis takes a balanced research approach in three parts. Firstly a qualitative part in form of interviews with personnel at the SSS and its property owners, secondly a quantitative part of descriptive nature in form of energy statistics and thirdly a literature review of Energy Management (EM) Supply Chain Management(SCM), Green Supply Chain Management(GSCM) and Enviromental Performance Indicators (EPI). This in order to be able to give normative recommendations of how the SSS should act to reduce its energy consumption in its locales and provide new insights on how EM, SCM, GSCM and EPI can be applied in effect. The results show that the Swedish Social Service should act in the following areas to control its energy efficiency: statistics and follow-up, locale strategy and operational electricity. To get efficient statistical material the SSS should update their registers of property owners, update guidelines for energy statistics reporting and continue with the same collection method for data (e-mail survey) to get continuity. The literature review and interviews show that a segmentation of suppliers (property owners) based on factors like area in property, good relations, area of local and energy performance indicators should be useful as to know how to distribute resources to enable energy efficiency. Finally, the study shows that various locales has high rates of idling loads and have a energy saving potential of 10-15%.
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Green Supply Chain Management in Thailand : An Investigation of the Use in the Electrical and Electronics IndustryWallerius, Joel, Zakrisson, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
The objective with this thesis is to clarify the advantages - both economic and environmental - that companies in the Thai electronic manufacturing industry can draw from managing their supply chain and adding a green aspect to it. This through investigations of the concept known as Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM). The research will assist companies with scarce knowledge of green supply chain management in making decisions and priorities in that area. Semi-structured interviews were performed on sight in Bangkok, Thailand and surrounding region. These provided insight and knowledge of the situation and today-state regarding environmental awareness and GSCM implementation within the Thai Electrical and Electronics Industries. Interviews were performed with representatives and experts from different sectors – from universities, industry and supporting agencies and serve as the foundation for the research. A model has been developed out of previous research and findings that could suit the Thai industry. This model can be seen as guidelines in the work towards becoming green and aims at continuous improvement of the organizations environmental performance. In Thailand today companies do not see the benefits of themselves review their organizations environmental impact or developing in this area. Environmental awareness among the public is low and the lack of demand for green products result in few drivers for companies to become green. Also the lack of proper legislation and compliance audits are part of the problem. Missing environmental education and knowledge are extensive and improvements needed. The concept of GSCM is not wide spread but popularity is increasing steadily. Some environmental initiatives are though performed in the industry but not under the name of the concept. Customer demands, legislation and education should be the main focus areas for developing the industry. From the today state at a very basic low much is to be done. Fear of large investments, cost and the lack of knowledge are obstacles to the development. This research shows that these concerns are to be avoided. And by following the model in this thesis companies can find proper knowledge in the area of GSCM. Concluded is that with understanding of the concept and proper implementation from the right knowledge Thai companies can gain great advantages in the future - both economical and environmental.
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Att etablera ett tredjepartslogistikföretag i KinaErtushi, Kamiran, Norell, Björn January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ur ett Supply Chain Management perspektiv undersöka förutsättningar för att implementera ett tredjepartslogistikföretag från EU i ett växande industriområde i Kina. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på distriktet Xiaohe i staden Guiyang i provinsen Guizhou. Logistikbranschen är en av de snabbast växande industrierna i Kina. Den kinesiska regeringen föreslår en främjande policy för en logistikexpandering som innefattar skattereduceringar och nedsatta priser på lokalhyra och markpriser för logistikföretag. Den största skillnaden mellan marknaden i EU och marknaden i Kina är de kulturella skillnaderna i sättet att göra affärer och att umgås. Korruption kan förekomma i Kina och det är värt att undersöka de kinesiska företagen innan ett samarbete inleds. Om ett samarbete inleds kan det vara fördel att ta reda på om det finns särskilda bestämmelser i Kina. Detta för att minska risken att problem uppstår med de varor som ska exporteras och/eller importeras. En vara som ska importeras eller exporteras mellan EU och Kina ska förtullas genom inlämning av tulldeklaration till Tullverket. När det gäller växande industriområden som i Guiyang finns det geografiska fördelar med avseende på handel genom att staden angränsar ett flertal andra provinser och att den anses som en knutpunkt i sydvästra Kina. Huvudindustrier förknippade med staden innefattar kol, järn, stål, aluminium, gödningsmedel och tillverkning. De lokala kinesiska logistikföretagen saknar den erfarenhet och kompetens som krävs för att kunna erbjuda logistiska helhetslösningar åt företagen i industriparken i Xiaohe i Guiyang. Vidare finns inga tredjepartslogistikföretag i staden. Delvis på grund av dessa anledningar är det en stor fördel för ett tredjepartslogistikföretag från den Europeiska Unionen att etablera verksamhet i Guiyang. Svagheten med en etablering är bland annat indikation på brister i infrastrukturen och långt avstånd till närmaste hamn. Vidare finns det en planering för utveckling i regionen som innefattar bland annat utveckling av transportinfrastrukturen. / The purpose of this examination thesis is from a Supply Chain Management perspective to examine the conditions for establishing a third party logistics company from the European Union in a growing industrial area in China. The thesis focuses on Xiaohe district in Guiyang. Logistics industry is one of the fastest growing industries in China. The Chinese Government is proposing a promotion policy for a logistics expansion that includes tax reductions and reduced prices on rent and land prices for logistics companies. The main difference between the European Union market and the market in China is the cultural differences in the way of doing business and to socialize. Corruption may occur in China and it is worth to examine Chinese firms before cooperation can be settled. If collaboration is carried out, it may be advantageous to find out if there are specific rules in China to reduce the risk that problems occurs with the goods to be exported and/or to be imported. A product to be imported or exported between the European Union and China must clear customs. When it comes to growing industrial areas as in Guiyang there are geographical advantages with thought of trading, that the city is adjacent to several other provinces and that it is regarded as a tie point in southwestern China. The main industry involved in the city includes coal, iron, steel, aluminum, fertilizers and manufacturing. Local Chinese logistics companies have lack of the experience and skills that is needed for providing logistics solutions to companies in the industrial park in Xiaohe District in Guiyang. Furthermore, there are no third-party logistics providers in the city. Partly for this reason, it is a great advantage for a third party logistics provider from the European Union who wants to establish business in Guiyang. The weaknesses for establishing include lack of infrastructure and long distance to the closest seaport. Furthermore, there is a plan for development in the region which includes the development of transport infrastructure.
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Att handskas med trender inom Logistik : Supply Chain ManagementBlomgren, Björn, Andersson, Stefan January 2011 (has links)
Logistikens vikt för företag blir allt större. En mängd faktorer i företagens omvärld tvingar företag att följa med i utvecklingen för att behålla sin konkurrenskraft. Den ständiga förändringen som sker inom logistikområdet präglas av en mängd tidstypiska trender. Företag med en betydande logistik tvingas därför ta ställning till dessa trender, som på olika sätt sätter avtryck i organisationer då de väljer att implementera tillhörande arbetssätt och metoder från trenderna. Studien undersöker hur företag påverkas av logistiska trender. Detta sker genom att beskriva hur de ser på utvecklingen inom logistik och de trender som utvecklas inom området, samt att se till hur trenderna har satt spår i företagens verksamheter. Supply Chain Management spelar en central roll för uppsatsen, då den statuerar exempel på en logistisk trend, tillsammans med Lean Production och Just-In-Time. Studien är genomförd genom tio semistrukturerade intervjuer hos företag som ser logistik som viktig för deras verksamhet, antingen ur en kostnadssynpunkt eller ur en konkurrenssynpunkt. Den intervjuade representanten för respektive företag är antingen ansvarig för verksamhetens logistik eller en logistikfunktion. Studiens slutsatser är att de företag som intervjuats alla kommer i kontakt med trender inom logistik. Sättet en trend förs in i organisationen sker främst genom nyanställningar av personal med teoretisk eller praktisk bakgrund från andra verksamheter, eller genom att inspireras av andra företag. För att det ska vara aktuellt för företag att införa delar av en trend som Just-In-Time, Lean Production eller Supply Chain Management krävs det att dessa genererar en effektivisering av verksamheten, främst genom ekonomiska besparingar. Supply Chain Management har gjort avtryck hos studiens företag i det avseendet att det finns ett stort fokus på att utveckla samarbetet med sina leverantörer samt att det finns en strävan efter att öka företagets kundfokus och därmed sätta kunden i centrum för verksamheten. / The importance of logistics to companies is growing. A number of factors in business environment forces companies to keep up with changes to remain competitive. The constant changes that occur in the logistics area are characterized by a variety of contemporary trends. Companies with a major logistics are therefore forced to consider these trends, which in various ways puts a mark on the organizations where they choose to implement the related procedures and methods of trends. This study examines how businesses are affected by logistical trends. This is done by describing how they view the developments in logistics and the trends that develop in the area, and to see how trends have left traces in the activities of businesses. Supply Chain Management plays a central role for the study, as it sets an example of a logistic trend, along with Lean Production and Just-In-Time. The study was conducted by ten semi-structured interviews with companies who see logistics as important to their business, either from a cost perspective or from a competitive standpoint. The interviewed representative of the respective companies are either responsible for the businesses logistics or a logistics function. The conclusions of the study are that the companies interviewed all come in contact with trends in logistics. The way a trend is brought into the organization is done primarily through the hiring of staff with practical or theoretical background from other activities, or to be inspired by other companies. For it to be appropriate for companies to implement the elements of a trend such as Just-In-Time, Lean Production or Supply Chain Management, it is required that they generate corporate efficiency, mainly through financial savings. Supply Chain Management has made an important impact in the study’s companies in the sense that there is a major focus on developing cooperation with its suppliers and that there is a desire to increase its customer focus and thus put the customer at the center of activity.
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Problemanalys vid Aros Quality Group Enclosure Systems ABStjärndahl, Rickard, Aronsson, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems within the production at AQ Enclosure systems, and thereby achieve a more stable flow throughout the whole process, a better working environment and better competition advantages. The internal flow along with the external cooperation is very important for the company, because it views flexibility and short leadtime as it is the most important competitive means. The part of AQ production that’s been investigated is the manufacturing of ATM-machines, where the costumer is Banqit. This company is a rater small company with about 4 % of the world market of ATM-machines. In order to achieve the aim of the report extensive interviews have been carried out with employees at AQ. Employees in both the administrative part as well as the manufacturing part has been interviewed. The interviews have been conducted in a way were the respondents have had the opportunity to study the questions in advance. The survey has given a result which indicates problem over a wide scale. A lot of the company problems do not lie in a particular department; they rather include the whole company. The picture of their problems became more complex whereas different respondents look at the same problems in different ways. One big difference in views was clearly identified between office staff and the producing staff. The problems that emerged were not related to lack of machine capability, the problems were rather linked to the managing of production and organization. One example of this problem is the producing personnel’s lack of knowledge and commitment to the company philosophy. The problems concerning management also reflect in a rather strong feeling that divides the company in two, us and them. This feeling affects the whole production line. The producing personnel feels that the office lack understanding of their everyday work and don’t encourage suggestions concerning process evolvement. One other big problem concerning AQ’s production is that some of their key suppliers are either single source or locked from their costumer Banqit. The conclusions of the report shows several areas in which AQ can improve. One measure that the company can implement is introducing a more foreseeable and visual handling of their pallets within the factory. The company management ought to find ways to better mediate the production philosophy throughout the entire organization. Furthermore, the company management should increase the will to see potential ways of improving and increase the inclination of expressing those suggestions. The suggestions should not only concern the personnel’s own workplace but rather span over the entire process. The report also identifies possible areas of improvement concerning the internal and external team cooperation. The different teams ought to see each other as costumers and produce an equally good result regardless of if the item is produced for an internal department or an external costumer.
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Problemanalys vid Aros Quality Group Enclosure Systems ABStjärndahl, Rickard, Aronsson, Tobias January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the problems within the production at AQ Enclosure systems, and thereby achieve a more stable flow throughout the whole process, a better working environment and better competition advantages. The internal flow along with the external cooperation is very important for the company, because it views flexibility and short leadtime as it is the most important competitive means. The part of AQ production that’s been investigated is the manufacturing of ATM-machines, where the costumer is Banqit. This company is a rater small company with about 4 % of the world market of ATM-machines.</p><p>In order to achieve the aim of the report extensive interviews have been carried out with employees at AQ. Employees in both the administrative part as well as the manufacturing part has been interviewed. The interviews have been conducted in a way were the respondents have had the opportunity to study the questions in advance.</p><p>The survey has given a result which indicates problem over a wide scale. A lot of the company problems do not lie in a particular department; they rather include the whole company. The picture of their problems became more complex whereas different respondents look at the same problems in different ways. One big difference in views was clearly identified between office staff and the producing staff. The problems that emerged were not related to lack of machine capability, the problems were rather linked to the managing of production and organization. One example of this problem is the producing personnel’s lack of knowledge and commitment to the company philosophy. The problems concerning management also reflect in a rather strong feeling that divides the company in two, us and them. This feeling affects the whole production line. The producing personnel feels that the office lack understanding of their everyday work and don’t encourage suggestions concerning process evolvement. One other big problem concerning AQ’s production is that some of their key suppliers are either single source or locked from their costumer Banqit.</p><p>The conclusions of the report shows several areas in which AQ can improve. One measure that the company can implement is introducing a more foreseeable and visual handling of their pallets within the factory. The company management ought to find ways to better mediate the production philosophy throughout the entire organization. Furthermore, the company management should increase the will to see potential ways of improving and increase the inclination of expressing those suggestions. The suggestions should not only concern the personnel’s own workplace but rather span over the entire process. The report also identifies possible areas of improvement concerning the internal and external team cooperation. The different teams ought to see each other as costumers and produce an equally good result regardless of if the item is produced for an internal department or an external costumer.</p>
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