Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aupply chain, managemement"" "subject:"aupply chain, managementment""
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Navigating the Competitive Landscape: The Role of Outsourcing in Organizational Success : An exploratory study on Opportunities and Challenges in Strategic Outsourcing in Service Supply ChainsBerglund, Nadeeka, Riaz, Muhammad Saqib January 2024 (has links)
Abstract Background: The rapid expansion of the service industry worldwide over the past decades has intensified competition among service providers. In response to this competition, service industries are increasingly turning to outsourcing decisions to leverage opportunities and gain a competitive edge. This includes outsourcing both core and non-core competencies to better position themselves against rivals. However, while outsourcing presents numerous opportunities within the service industry landscape, organizations also encounter significant challenges. Thus, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive framework to identify and address both the potential opportunities and challenges associated with outsourcing. This study aims to provide a thorough overview of how the opportunities and challenges of strategic outsourcing in Service Supply Chains influence the competitiveness of organizations across various service industries with a comprehensive framework and model to enhance the competitiveness within Service Supply Chains. Purpose: Fulfil the previous research gaps related to outsourcing within SSC domain by exploring how the opportunities and challenges of strategic outsourcing in Service Supply Chains influence the competitiveness within service industries in Sweden. Method: The research adopts inductive approaches, utilizing qualitative data collection methods, including open-ended interviews following a grounded theory approach. The empirical findings contribute to the development of a comprehensive model, offering insights into both mitigating challenges and capitalizing on opportunities in outsourcing within Service Supply Chains. Conclusion: The study addresses the organizational focus on outsourcing within Service Supply Chains, highlighting how strategic outsourcing in Service Supply Chains influences organizations' competitiveness across various service industries in Sweden. Organizations outsource both core and non-core competencies to meet customer demands and remain competitive. While outsourcing presents opportunities for revenue generation and other benefits such as access to resources, it also brings challenges such as additional costs, quality issues, and delivery delays, impacting competitiveness negatively. To align with organizational goals, approaches are employed to mitigate these challenges and capitalize on opportunities. The research provides a comprehensive framework, considering agency theory perspectives, to navigate outsourcing opportunities and challenges. It identifies organizational and supplierlevel factors that influence competitiveness in Service Supply Chains by mitigating challenges and capitalizing on opportunities.
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Optimering av packkonfiguration inom varuflöde / Optimization of pre pack in the supply chainMuhieddine, Tamara, Suneson, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Allt fler detaljhandelskoncerner möter problem med att optimera fördelning och påfyllning av produkter till butiker. Ledtiderna inom modeindustrin är långa och återförsäljarna måste planera sina inköp flera månader i förväg för de kommande säsongerna. Produkterna paketeras hos tillverkarna innan de skickas vidare till centrallagret. Beslut om packstorlekar tas i samband med inköpsordern. Genom att paketera flera lagerhållningsenheter (SKU) tillsammans ökar effektiviteten och kostnader i leveransflödet reduceras, samtidigt kan felfördelningskostnader uppstå. Detta examensarbete är utfört åt Venue Retail Group som är en ledande aktör i norden inom accessoarer, resetillbehör och skor. Syftet med examensarbetet är att finna de åtgärder inom packutformningen som skulle kunna generera ökad genomförsäljning för Venue Retail Groups egenproduktion av syntetväskor. I examensarbetet formuleras förpackningsproblemet som ett optimeringsproblem. En modell utformas för bestämning av optimal packkonfiguration som tillfredsställer varje butikskategoris prognostiserade efterfrågan med målet att minimera de totala kostnaderna. Genom kartläggning av produkternas varuflöde samt identifiering av kostnader relaterade till packkonfiguration föreslår examensarbetet en ändring av Venue Retail Groups befintliga packstrategi som kan uppnå en bättre genomförsäljning. / An increasing number of retail groups is facing problems with optimizing distribution and replenishment of products to serve stores. Lead times in the fashion industry are long and dealers often have to plan their purchases several months in advance for the coming seasons. The products are packed in production before they are sent to the central warehouse. Decisions about the pack configuration are made in connection with the purchase order. By packaging multiple stock-keeping units (SKUs) together, the efficiency increase and the costs in the supply chain can be reduced, while misallocation costs may arise. The master thesis is performed at the Venue Retail Group, which is a leading group in the Nordic region within the accessories, travel equipment and shoes. The objective of the paper is to identify the optimal pack configuration in order to generate increased turnover sales within the supply chain for own production synthetic bags. In this paper the pack problem is formulated as an optimization problem. A model is designed to determine the optimal packing order quantities that satisfy every store category's forecasted demand with the goal to minimize the total costs. By mapping product flow and identifying costs related to pack configuration the paper suggest a change of Venue Retail Groups existing pack strategy to achieve the objective.
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Det kan väl inte vara så mycket miljöpåverkan i ett logistikflöde? : Att konstruera en beräkningsmodell för miljöpåverkan i interna logistikflöden på ett fallföretag inom fordonsindustrin / How big can the environmental impact of a logistic flow be? : To create a calculation model for the enviromental impact of an company in the automotive industryHägg, Jakob, Hector, Niclas January 2016 (has links)
Background: One of the biggest threat of our time is the environmental impact caused by humans, for example thru emissions of greenhouse gases. The manufacturing industry, of which the automotive industry is a part, stands for a big part of these emissions, and today companies have to face big challenges regarding measuring and reducing of their carbon footprint. To work in a successful way with the environmental impact of a manufacturing industry, process mapping and identification of environmental parameters need to be done. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to do a situation analysis by identify what parameters in a logistic flew between the activities unloading goods and assembly at Scania Oskarshamn. Furthermore, the report supposed to create and develop a model for calculation of the environmental impact of a logistic flew based on environmental parameters. Methodology: This report is a case study that have been performed at the Scania site in Oskarshamn. The report aim to create and develop a calculation model for calculation of the environmental impact of a logistic flew. Empirical material has been collected thru both interviews and by searching in Scania ́s own database. In order to create the model, a situation analysis was made by performing a process map and then environmental parameters was identified. Employers at Scania tested the calculation model, which is the result of this study, in order to secure the function of the model. Conclusions: A specific flew of goods between the activities unloading goods and assembly was identified and several environmental parameters was detected and grouped in the three categories; energy use, resource consumptions and waste. Calculations are performed in CO2 equivalents according to the global warming potential named by UN in the Kyoto protocol. This in order to enable comparisons between the different environmental parameters. The model is performed as an Excel model because this is the program that the company use for this types of calculations, and according to the author Excel is a program suitable for the kind of model making performed in this study. / Bakgrund: Ett av vår tids största hot är den miljöpåverkan som människan ger upphov till, bland annat genom utsläpp av växthusgaser i form av koldioxid. Den industriella industrin, av vilken fordonsindustrin är en del, står för en stor andel av dessa och enorma utmaningar ställs idag på företag att kunna mäta och reducera de klimatavtryck som verksamhet gör. För att på ett framgångsrikt sätt kunna arbeta med en verksamhets klimatavtryck behöver en kartläggning av dess processer och identifierande av miljöpåverkande parametrar göras. Syfte: Rapportens syfte är att utifrån en nulägesbeskrivning identifiera miljöpåverkande parametrar i logistikflödet mellan lossning och monteringslinorna i monteringsverkstaden hos Scania i Oskarshamn. Vidare ämnar rapporten att presentera en beräkningsmodell för miljöpåverkan i det utvalda logistikflödet hos Scania i Oskarshamn, med relevanta nyckeltal som baserats på identifierade miljöpåverkande parametrar. Genomförande: Denna rapport är en fallstudie som genomförts på Scanias avdelning för hyttillverkning i Oskarshamn. Målet med arbetet har varit att konstruera en modell för beräkning av den miljöpåverkan som ett logistikflöde ger upphov till. Empiriskt material har inhämtats både genom intervjuer och data sökning i Scanias egna databaser avseende emballage. För att kunna konstruera en modell har en processkartläggning genomförts, sedan miljöpåverkande parametrar identifierats för att till sist möjliggjort utvecklandet av en modell för miljöberäkning. Denna modell har sedan testats på en pilotgrupp bestående av anställda på fallföretaget samt andra examensarbetare som genomfört andra fallstudier på företaget. Slutsats: Ett specifikt flöde mellan lossning av gods och montering har identifierats och avgränsats i studien där ett flertal miljöpåverkande parametrar identifierats i studerat logistikflöde och dessa har delats in i tre grundtyper: Energiutnyttjande, resursförbrukning och avfall. Miljöberäkningar genomförs i CO2-ekvivalenter i enlighet med FN:s global warming potential för att möjliggöra jämförelser mellan de olika miljöpåverkande parametrarna. Modellen presenteras i Excell-format då detta dels är det verktyg som fallföretaget anser är det mest använda men också för att programmet i sig lämpar sig utmärkt för den typ av modellbyggande som förekommit i detta arbete.
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The elements of dependence : A case study on inter-organizational dependence / Faktorer som påverkar företags beroende : En fallstudieBroman, Christopher, Karlsson, Emilia January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this study is to investigate which elements constitute inter-organizational dependence and how inter-organizational dependence influences the relationship between GGP Sweden AB and Stoeryd AB.</p><p><strong>Background: </strong>The notion of arm's length relationships relying on market competition has been replaced with a new ideal consisting of closer, mutually beneficial relationships with extensive collaboration, cooperative actions, and long-term orientation. The benefits of more collaborative supply chains have also been questioned. Collaborative relationships can bring numerous positive outcomes but also conveys reliance on resources or competences of others. Intensified, collaborative relationship is connected to higher dependence, generating vulnerability when depending on others for survival. Several perspectives in social science lay grounds for the research on inter-organizational dependencies. Dependence is regarded to be an important concept for understanding buyer-supplier relationships.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>This case study investigates the relationship and inter-organizational dependence of GGP Sweden AB and their supplier, Stoeryd AB. Various perspectives within business research have laid grounds for a framework by which to investigate dependence. Empirical material of the two case companies has been collected with aim to provide further insights and reflections about inter-firm dependence and the elements affecting it.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> A revised framework is presented in the shape of a model including the elements of dependence. The study recognizes the significance of regarding several elements for assessing dependence and that these must be seen in relation to other elements. Further, the behavioral factors of the relationship and intangible characteristics of the offering have been determined to significantly affect dependence. Finally, even if inter-organizational dependence is created within a relationship, elements must be seen in relation to alternative relationships. The connection between higher level of dependence and increased collaboration as apparent also in the case relationship. Trust, commitment and mutual interest are factors apparent in the relationship that may help to control the vulnerability striving from dependence.</p> / <p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka element som utgör beroende mellan företag samt hur beroende influerar relationen mellan GGP Sweden AB och Stoeryd AB.</p><p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>Det finns en utveckling som tyder på att affärsrelationer inte längre bygger på rena transaktioner där företag låter marknadskrafterna styra. Istället visar trenden på att långvariga, djupare relationer som är gynnsamma för båda parterna till högre utsträckning prioriteras. Dessa affärsrelationer karaktäriseras av omfattande samarbete med en strävan mot gemensamma mål. Forskare har även ifrågasatt fördelarna med denna typ av relation i leverantörskedjan. Relationer med hög grad av samarbete bidrar till en rad positiva följder, men bidrar även till ökat beroende av kompetens och resurser från utomstående parter. Detta i sin tur leder till en större sårbarhet då verksamhetens överlevnad beror på en annan aktör. Flertalet perspektiv inom den samhällsvetenskapliga litteraturen ligger till grund för studier om beroendeförhållanden. Beroende ses som ett viktigt koncept för att förstå förhållanden i leverantörskedjan.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Denna fallstudie syftar till att undersöka förhållandet och beroendet mellan företagen GGP Sweden AB och Stoeryd AB. Flertalet perspektiv inom företagsekonomisk forskning har tagits i beaktning och grundat det teoretiska ramverk studien baseras på. Det empiriska material som samlats in syftar till att ge större insikt om beroendeförhållande mellan aktörer i leverantörskedjan och faktorer som påverkar detta förhållande.</p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Ett reviderat ramverk presenteras i from av en modell, innehållande de element som påverkar beroende mellan företag. Studien påvisar att dessa element måste ses i förhållande till varandra för att ge en helhetsbild av beroendet. Det upptäcktes också att det fanns en länk mellan beroendet och beteendet i relationen. Även om det inter-organisatoriska beroendet skapas inom förhållandet, så visar studien att elementen ska ses i relation till alternativa förhållanden. Det påvisades också att en högre grad av beroende kan kopplas ett mer omfattande samarbete. Förtroende, engagemang och gemensamma intressen är faktorer som kan minska sårbarheten och öka kontrollen av beroendet.</p>
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Arbitrer coût et flexibilité dans la Supply Chain / Balancing cost and flexibility in Supply ChainGaillard de Saint Germain, Etienne 17 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse développe des méthodes d'optimisation pour la gestion de la Supply Chain et a pour thème central la flexibilité définie comme la capacité à fournir un service ou un produit au consommateur dans un environnement incertain. La recherche a été menée dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre Argon Consulting, une société indépendante de conseil en Supply Chain et l'École des Ponts ParisTech. Dans cette thèse, nous développons trois sujets rencontrés par Argon Consulting et ses clients et qui correspondent à trois différents niveaux de décision (long terme, moyen terme et court terme).Lorsque les entreprises élargissent leur portefeuille de produits, elles doivent décider dans quelles usines produire chaque article. Il s'agit d'une décision à long terme, car une fois qu'elle est prise, elle ne peut être facilement modifiée. Plus qu'un problème d'affectation où un article est produit par une seule usine, ce problème consiste à décider si certains articles doivent être produits par plusieurs usines et par lesquelles. Cette interrogation est motivée par la grande incertitude de la demande. En effet, pour satisfaire la demande, l'affectation doit pouvoir équilibrer la charge de travail entre les usines. Nous appelons ce problème le multi-sourcing de la production. Comme il ne s'agit pas d'un problème récurrent, il est essentiel de tenir compte du risque au moment de décider le niveau de multi-sourcing. Nous proposons un modèle générique qui inclut les contraintes techniques du problème et une contrainte d'aversion au risque basée sur des mesures de risque issues de la théorie financière. Nous développons un algorithme et une heuristique basés sur les outils standards de la Recherche Opérationnelle et de l'Optimisation Stochastique pour résoudre le problème du multi-sourcing et nous testons leur efficacité sur des données réelles.Avant de planifier la production, certains indicateurs macroscopiques doivent être décidés à horizon moyen terme tels la quantité de matières premières à commander ou la taille des lots produits. Certaines entreprises utilisent des modèles de stock en temps continu, mais ces modèles reposent souvent sur un compromis entre les coûts de stock et les coûts de lancement. Ces derniers sont des coûts fixes payés au lancement de la production et sont difficiles à estimer en pratique. En revanche, à horizon moyen terme, la flexibilité des moyens de production est déjà fixée et les entreprises estiment facilement le nombre maximal de lancements. Poussés par cette observation, nous proposons des extensions de certains modèles classiques de stock en temps continu, sans coût de lancement et avec une limite sur le nombre d'installations. Nous avons utilisé les outils standard de l'Optimisation Continue pour calculer les indicateurs macroscopiques optimaux.Enfin, la planification de la production est une décision à court terme qui consiste à décider quels articles doivent être produits par la ligne de production pendant la période en cours. Ce problème appartient à la classe bien étudiée des problèmes de Lot-Sizing. Comme pour les décisions à moyen terme, ces problèmes reposent souvent sur un compromis entre les coûts de stock et les coûts de lancement. Fondant notre modèle sur ces considérations industrielles, nous gardons le même point de vue (aucun coût de lancement et une borne supérieure sur le nombre de lancement) et proposons un nouveau modèle.Bien qu'il s'agisse de décisions à court terme, les décisions de production doivent tenir compte de la demande future, qui demeure incertaine. Nous résolvons notre problème de planification de la production à l'aide d'outils standard de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Optimisation Stochastique, nous testons l'efficacité sur des données réelles et nous la comparons aux heuristiques utilisées par les clients d'Argon Consulting / This thesis develops optimization methods for Supply Chain Management and is focused on the flexibility defined as the ability to deliver a service or a product to a costumer in an uncertain environment. The research was conducted throughout a partnership between Argon Consulting, which is an independent consulting firm in Supply Chain Operations and the École des Ponts ParisTech. In this thesis, we explore three topics that are encountered by Argon Consulting and its clients and that correspond to three different levels of decision (long-term, mid-term and short-term).When companies expand their product portfolio, they must decide in which plants to produce each item. This is a long-term decision since once it is decided, it cannot be easily changed. More than a assignment problem where one item is produced by a single plant, this problem consists in deciding if some items should be produced on several plants and by which plants. This is motivated by a highly uncertain demand. So, in order to satisfy the demand, the assignment must be able to balance the workload between plants. We call this problem the multi-sourcing of production. Since it is not a repeated problem, it is essential to take into account the risk when making the multi-sourcing decision. We propose a generic model that includes the technical constraints of the assignment and a risk-averse constraint based on risk measures from financial theory. We develop an algorithm and a heuristic based on standard tools from Operations Research and Stochastic Optimization to solve the multi-sourcing problem and we test their efficiency on real datasets.Before planning the production, some macroscopic indicators must be decided at mid-term level such as the quantity of raw materials to order or the size of produced lots. Continuous-time inventory models are used by some companies but these models often rely on a trade-off between holding costs and setups costs. These latters are fixed costs paid when production is launched and are hard to estimate in practice. On the other hand, at mid-term level, flexibility of the means of production is already fixed and companies easily estimate the maximal number of setups. Motivated by this observation, we propose extensions of some classical continuous-time inventory models with no setup costs and with a bound on the number of setups. We used standard tools from Continuous Optimization to compute the optimal macroscopic indicators.Finally, planning the production is a short-term decision consisting in deciding which items must be produced by the assembly line during the current period. This problem belongs to the well-studied class of Lot-Sizing Problems. As for mid-term decisions, these problems often rely on a trade-off between holding and setup costs. Basing our model on industrial considerations, we keep the same point of view (no setup cost and a bound on the number of setups) and propose a new model. Although these are short-term decisions, production decisions must take future demand into account, which remains uncertain. We solve our production planning problem using standard tools from Operations Research and Stochastic Optimization, test the efficiency on real datasets, and compare it to heuristics used by Argon Consulting's clients
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SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: Um estudo m survey no pólo farmacêutico goianoBorges, Sônia Mara Silva 29 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:29:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009-09-29 / The Supply Chain Management has been showed up as an increasing model adopt
in the business world, being ahead of the organizations necessities to rethink their
strategies toward the organizations frontiers. Improvement on the proceedings
involved on the network links of supllies has the sinergetic effect on the global
network performance.
This research describes the management performance of the supllies network of
drugstore industry from Goiás pole, from the business process: to plan, to suplly, to
produce, to distribute and to come back sanctioned by the SCOR model (Supply
Chain Operations Reference)
The work method consisted of a literature review, covered the contributions about the
reference model, allowing that we tested five hypothesis linked on the studied
process. To test the hypothesis, a survey was conducted, sent to the all eighteen
drugstore industries of the pole, and had an answer tax of fifty six per cent.
The results gained, treated by describes statistics techniques suggest that the
drugstore industry, don t matter the charge, mainly have the supllies network based
in system produced pushed, with little integration between the inter-industries
process (links of the network), as the provision side as the demand side. / O Supply Chain Management tem se despontado como um modelo crescentemente
adotado no mundo dos negócios, frente à necessidade das organizações
repensarem suas estratégias além das fronteiras organizacionais.
Melhorias nos processos envolvidos nos elos da cadeia de suprimento têm efeito
sinérgico no desempenho global da cadeia.
Esta pesquisa descreve a performance do gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimento,
das indústrias farmacêuticas que compõem o pólo goiano, a partir dos processos de
negócios: planejar, suprir, fabricar, distribuir e retornar referendados pelo Modelo
SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference ).
A metodologia de trabalho consistiu da revisão de literatura, cobrindo as
contribuições relativas ao modelo de referência, permitindo que fossem testadas
cinco hipóteses relacionadas aos processos estudados. Para testar as hipóteses,
uma survey foi conduzida, enviadas a todas as 18 indústrias farmacêuticas do pólo,
obtendo-se uma taxa de resposta de 56%.
Analisando os resultados obtidos, tratados por meio de técnicas estatísticas
descritivas, nota-se que as indústrias farmacêuticas, independente do porte,
essencialmente possuem cadeias de suprimento baseada em sistemas empurrados
de produção, com pouca integração entre os processos interfirmas (elos da cadeia),
tanto do lado do fornecimento, quanto do lado da demanda.
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Práticas de green supply chain management em eco-industrial parks: contribuição de uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática e de estudos de caso / Green supply chain management practices in eco -industrial parks: contributions from a systematic literature review and case studiesGuimarães, Paula Salomão 04 September 2015 (has links)
A centralização da discussão da sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento sustentável colocou em evidencia conceitos como ecologia industrial oferecendo oportunidades e soluções para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Desta forma, este estudo apresenta como objeto central os eco-industrial parks que representam uma forma prática de aplicar o conceito de ecologia industrial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar se e quais práticas de green supply chain management (GSCM) poderiam contribuir para a existência efetiva das características cooperação e integração entre empresas participantes de um eco-industrial park (EIP) e de outras características que determinam um parque como um EIP, visado o sucesso no desenvolvimento e operação desses parques ao longo do tempo. Para isso, foram realizadas duas revisões bibliográficas sistemáticas: a primeira referente à características de eco-industrial parks; a segunda sobre práticas de GSCM a fim de levantar na literatura as características de um eco-industrial park e as práticas de green supply chain management. Posteriormente, foram realizados três estudos de casos em parques que se nomeavam como eco-industrial park objetivando verificar a percepção de um EIP real além de analisar como os entrevistados relacionavam a contribuição das práticas de GSCM para a existência efetiva das características de um EIP levantadas por meio da revisão bibliográfica sistemática, podendo ser: contribuição forte, contribuição moderada e não existência de contribuição. Desta forma, constatou-se que poucas características de EIPs encontradas na literatura estão presentes nestes parques; as características comuns de EIPs presentes nos três casos são principalmente uso comum de serviço e infraestrutura e construção e arquitetura sustentável. Quanto à contribuição das práticas de GSCM para a existência das características de um EIP constatou-se que as práticas de GSCM denominadas \"comprometimento da alta gerência\" e \"suporte de nível médio\" são práticas que apresentam contribuição forte para a existência das onze características de EIPs encontradas na literatura revisada. Já as características de EIPs denominadas \"ciclo fechado\", \"empresas membros com certificação ambiental\" e \"simbiose industrial\" são as características que sofrem influência positiva do maior número de práticas de GSCM. Outra observação a ser feita é que somente a prática de GSCM denominada \"rotulagem ambiental\" não apresenta contribuição para a existência efetiva de nenhuma característica de EIP. / The centralization of sustainability and sustainable development discussion put in evidence concepts such as industrial ecology providing opportunities and solutions for sustainable development. Thus, this study presents as central object the eco-industrial parks that represent a practical way to apply the concept of industrial ecology. The objective of this study was to identify whether and which practices of green supply chain management (GSCM) could contribute to the effective existence of the characteristics cooperation and integration among participating companies an eco-industrial park (EIP) and other characteristics that determine a park like an EIP, aimed at the successful development and operation of these parks over time. For this, there were two systematic literature reviews: the first related to the eco-industrial parks characteristics; the second on GSCM practices in order to raise the literature the characteristics of an eco-industrial park and practices of green supply chain management. Subsequently, three case studies in parks that appointed them as eco-industrial park aimed to verify the perception of a real EIP were performed in addition to examining how respondents related the contribution of GSCM practices to the actual existence of the characteristics of an EIP raised by through systematic literature review and may be: strong contribution, moderate contribution and absence of contribution. Thus, it was found that few EIP features found in the literature are present in these parks; the common features of EIPs present in the three cases are particularly common use service and infrastructure construction and sustainable architecture. As for the contribution of GSCM practices for the existence of the characteristics of an EIP it found that the GSCM practices called \"top management commitment\" and \"midlevel support\" are practices that have strong contribution to the existence of the eleven features EIPs found in the reviewed literature. Already the EIPs features called \"closed loop\", \"member companies with environmental certification\" and \"industrial symbiosis\" are the features that suffer positive influence from as many GSCM practices. Another point to be made is that only the practice of GSCM called \"environmental labeling\" has no contribution to the actual existence of any characteristic of EIP.
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Sambandet mellan säkerhetskrav och höga lagernivåer inom läkemedelsbranschen : En fallstudie på Fresenius KabiFrykfors, Alexis, Strand, Philip January 2017 (has links)
Background: An organization's ability to control bound material can be the difference between success or failure. Organizations that effectively work with supply chain management has strengthened their positions and increase their competitive edge on the global market. Organizations is the pharmaceutical industry has a major social responsibility by ensuring a continuous flow of medicines as well as pharmaceutical equipment. The industry is controlled by the strict regulations. The stringent security requirements for delivery reliability and delivery precision combined with extensive production regulations have resulted in these organizations having difficulty in maintaining even inventory levels. Purpose: The study aims to investigating the correlation between high level of safety requirements in the pharmaceutical industry and high inventory levels with the help of a case study. The study wants to investigate consequences of such connection as well investigate potential solution in which organizations can reduce their inventory levels without jeopardizing the delivery precision and delivery safety of pharmaceutical organizations. A case study has been conducted at the pharmaceutical company Fresenius Kabi who is a global market leader in the production of intravenous nutritional solutions. Finding: Findings of the study indicates that safety requirements controlling the pharmaceutical industry have a major impact on the organization's production planning and storage. The consequences of the high security requirements results in in uneven production patterns and tied capital in high inventory levels. The consequences also indicated on a Bullwhip-effect. Lean management enables organizations in the pharmaceutical industry to establish even production patterns and reduce their inventory levels. The study presents a new factor that prevents organizations in the pharmaceutical industry to reduce the number of articles. The new factor has a strong link to why organizations in the pharmaceutical industry have high inventory levels. / Bakgrund: Hantering av lager och uppbundet material kan vara avgörande för en organisations framgång eller misslyckande. En ökad globalisering av dagens marknad har lett till att organisationer som effektivt arbetar med supply chain management stärker sina positioner och ökar sina konkurrensfördelar. En bransch på den globala marknaden som verkar under håra regleringar är läkemedelsbranschen. Branchen har ett stort samhällsansvar genom att säkerställa ett kontinuerligt flöde av läkemedel samt läkemedelsutrustning. De hårda säkerhetskraven på leveranssäkerhet och leveransprecision i kombination med omfattande produktionsregleringar har resulterat i att dessa organisationer har svårt att upprätthålla jämna lagernivåer. Syfte: Med hjälp av en fallstudie vill studien undersöka hur sambandet mellan höga säkerhetskrav och höga lagernivåer inom läkemedelsbranschen ser ut. Studien vill undersöka hur sambandet påverkar organisationer inom läkemedelsbranschen samt analysera hur man medhjälp av olika åtgärder kan minska lagernivåer utan att äventyra organisationernas leveransprecision och leveranssäkerhet. Fallstudien är baserad på läkemedelsorganisationen Fresenius Kabi. Fresenius Kabi är en global aktör som är marknadsledande inom produktion av intravenösa näringslösningar. Studien har undersökt produkten smofkabvien som produceras i Uppsala i syfte till att besvara studiens frågeställning. Med hjälp av intervjuer och insamlad sekundärdata besvaras studiens syfte. Slutsats: Studienkonstaterar att säkerhetskraven som reglerar läkemedelsbranschen har en stor inverkan på organisationens produktionsplanering och lagerhållning. Resultatet av de höga säkerhetskraven resulterar i ojämna beställning-och produktionsmönster vilket resulterar i hög kapitalbindning samt indikerar på en potentiell Bullwhip-effekt inom försörjningskedjan. Med hjälp av Lean management, heijunka och just-in-time kan organisationer inom läkemedelsbranschen upprätta jämna produktion-och beställningsmönster samt reducera sina lagernivåer. Studien presenterar en ny faktor vilken förhindrar organisationer inom läkemedelsbranschen möjlighet att reducera antalet artiklar. Den nya faktorn har en stark koppling till varför organisationer inom läkemedelsbranschen höga lagernivåer.
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Práticas de green supply chain management em eco-industrial parks: contribuição de uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática e de estudos de caso / Green supply chain management practices in eco -industrial parks: contributions from a systematic literature review and case studiesPaula Salomão Guimarães 04 September 2015 (has links)
A centralização da discussão da sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento sustentável colocou em evidencia conceitos como ecologia industrial oferecendo oportunidades e soluções para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Desta forma, este estudo apresenta como objeto central os eco-industrial parks que representam uma forma prática de aplicar o conceito de ecologia industrial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar se e quais práticas de green supply chain management (GSCM) poderiam contribuir para a existência efetiva das características cooperação e integração entre empresas participantes de um eco-industrial park (EIP) e de outras características que determinam um parque como um EIP, visado o sucesso no desenvolvimento e operação desses parques ao longo do tempo. Para isso, foram realizadas duas revisões bibliográficas sistemáticas: a primeira referente à características de eco-industrial parks; a segunda sobre práticas de GSCM a fim de levantar na literatura as características de um eco-industrial park e as práticas de green supply chain management. Posteriormente, foram realizados três estudos de casos em parques que se nomeavam como eco-industrial park objetivando verificar a percepção de um EIP real além de analisar como os entrevistados relacionavam a contribuição das práticas de GSCM para a existência efetiva das características de um EIP levantadas por meio da revisão bibliográfica sistemática, podendo ser: contribuição forte, contribuição moderada e não existência de contribuição. Desta forma, constatou-se que poucas características de EIPs encontradas na literatura estão presentes nestes parques; as características comuns de EIPs presentes nos três casos são principalmente uso comum de serviço e infraestrutura e construção e arquitetura sustentável. Quanto à contribuição das práticas de GSCM para a existência das características de um EIP constatou-se que as práticas de GSCM denominadas \"comprometimento da alta gerência\" e \"suporte de nível médio\" são práticas que apresentam contribuição forte para a existência das onze características de EIPs encontradas na literatura revisada. Já as características de EIPs denominadas \"ciclo fechado\", \"empresas membros com certificação ambiental\" e \"simbiose industrial\" são as características que sofrem influência positiva do maior número de práticas de GSCM. Outra observação a ser feita é que somente a prática de GSCM denominada \"rotulagem ambiental\" não apresenta contribuição para a existência efetiva de nenhuma característica de EIP. / The centralization of sustainability and sustainable development discussion put in evidence concepts such as industrial ecology providing opportunities and solutions for sustainable development. Thus, this study presents as central object the eco-industrial parks that represent a practical way to apply the concept of industrial ecology. The objective of this study was to identify whether and which practices of green supply chain management (GSCM) could contribute to the effective existence of the characteristics cooperation and integration among participating companies an eco-industrial park (EIP) and other characteristics that determine a park like an EIP, aimed at the successful development and operation of these parks over time. For this, there were two systematic literature reviews: the first related to the eco-industrial parks characteristics; the second on GSCM practices in order to raise the literature the characteristics of an eco-industrial park and practices of green supply chain management. Subsequently, three case studies in parks that appointed them as eco-industrial park aimed to verify the perception of a real EIP were performed in addition to examining how respondents related the contribution of GSCM practices to the actual existence of the characteristics of an EIP raised by through systematic literature review and may be: strong contribution, moderate contribution and absence of contribution. Thus, it was found that few EIP features found in the literature are present in these parks; the common features of EIPs present in the three cases are particularly common use service and infrastructure construction and sustainable architecture. As for the contribution of GSCM practices for the existence of the characteristics of an EIP it found that the GSCM practices called \"top management commitment\" and \"midlevel support\" are practices that have strong contribution to the existence of the eleven features EIPs found in the reviewed literature. Already the EIPs features called \"closed loop\", \"member companies with environmental certification\" and \"industrial symbiosis\" are the features that suffer positive influence from as many GSCM practices. Another point to be made is that only the practice of GSCM called \"environmental labeling\" has no contribution to the actual existence of any characteristic of EIP.
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Adaptivni model za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja u malim i srednjim preduzećima / Adaptive model for supply chain management in small and medium enterprisesTomašević Milovan 09 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Osnovni istraživački problem ove disertacije predstavlja razvoj modela<br />za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja u cilju podizanje kvaliteta usluge.<br />Stoga je razvijen adaptivni model za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja<br />koji se sastoji od modela za: upravljanje lancima snabdevanja,<br />upravljanje korisničkim zahtevima i ocenu kvaliteta pružene usluge. U<br />svrhu primene adaptivni model je predstavljen algoritmom sa precizno<br />definisanim koracima koje korisnik treba da sprovede da bi podigao<br />nivo kvaliteta usluge i održao stabilnost lanca snabdevanja. Verifikacija<br />modela je urađena na primeru 17 lanaca snabdevanja na teritoriji<br />Republike Srbije, što je rezultiralo odgovorima na koji način se može<br />podići kvalitet usluge.<br />Doprinos istraživanja ogleda u mogućnosti direktne primene<br />razvijenog modela i pružanja novih informacija za naučnu i stručnu<br />javnost koje mogu predstavljati kvalitetnu podlogu daljem razvoju<br />modela za upravljanje lancima snabdevanja.</p> / <p>The basic research problem of this dissertation is the development of<br />supply chain management model in order to improve the quality of<br />service. Therefore, an adaptive supply chain management model has<br />been developed that consists of a model for: supply chain management,<br />management of user requirements and assessment of the quality of<br />service provided. For the purpose of application the adaptive model, it<br />is presented an algorithm with precisely defined steps that the user<br />needs to implement in order to raise the level of service quality and<br />maintain the stability of supply. The model verification was done on<br />the example of 17 supply chains in the territory of the Republic of<br />Serbia, which resulted in answers on how to improve the quality of the<br />service. The contribution of the research is reflected in the possibility<br />of direct application of the developed model and providing new<br />information for the scientific and professional public, which can<br />represent a quality basis for the further development of the supply<br />chain management model.</p>
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