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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykisk ohälsa i grundskolan : Design för att förebygga psykisk ohälsa hos grundskoleelever / Mental illness in elementary school : Design to prevent mental illness in elementary school students

Otendal, Linn January 2022 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är ett växande problem i dagens samhälle, inte minst bland barn och unga. Tidigare forskning visar på vikten av att fokusera på att förebygga detta i tidig ålder då det har visat minska förekomsten av psykiska besvär. Barn spenderar stor del av sin vakna tid i skolan, och alla har inte tillgång till stöd och information hemma, vilket är varför det är viktigt att skolan tar ansvar för detta och det är även varför studiens målgrupp är just grundskoleelever, främst i lågstadiet. Denna studie undersöker hur man genom produktdesign och en användarcentrerad designprocess kan öka medvetenheten hos grundskoleeleverom hur de förebygger, hanterar och kommunicerar psykisk ohälsa. Genom litteraturundersökning, enkät, intervju, fokusgrupp och marknadsundersökning skaffades en ökad förståelse av användarnas behov och önskemål. En koncept- och produktutvecklingsfas, i form av funktionsanalys, brainstorming, braindrawing, personas och prototyp, möjliggjorde skapandet av ett slutgiltigt produktförslag. Studien resulterade i ett produktförslag som kan främja identifiering av känslor och underlätta kommunikation och hjälpsökande på ett förtroendeingivande sätt för barn. Detta kan förhoppningsvis leda till ökad förståelse för ens egna och andras känslor och mående och på så sätt minskat stigma, vilket i sin tur kan leda till att fler identifierar när de behöver stöd och då även vågar söka hjälp. Studien belyser hur man genom produktdesign och en användarcentrerad designprocess kan utforska och hantera känsliga målgrupper och tillgodose deras behov, genom faktatillgång från tidigare forskning och en empirisk undersökning med en substitutmålgrupp. Studiens resultat bidrar även med kunskap om den problematik kring gällande psykisk ohälsa som infinner sig hos barn och unga idag och hur forskning genom design kan användas för att undersöka detta. / Mental illness is a growing problem in today’s society, not least among children. Previous research shows the importance of focusing on preventing this at an early age as it has been shown to reduce the incidence of mental disorders. Children spend much of their waking time at school, and not everyone has access to support and information at home, which is why it is important that the school takes responsibility for this and that is also why the study’s target group is elementary school students, mainly in primary school. This study examines how product design and a user-centered design processcan increase primary school students’ awareness of how to prevent, manage and communicate mental illness. Through a literature survey, a survey, interview, focus group and market research, an increased understanding of the users’ needs and wishes was obtained. A concept and product development phase, in the form of function analysis, brainstorming, braindrawing, personas and prototype, enabled the creation of a final product proposal. The study resulted in a product proposal that can promote the identification of emotions and facilitate communication and helpseeking in a trust-inspiring way for children. This can hopefully lead to an increased understanding of one’s own and others’ feelings and moods and thus reduced stigma, which in turn can lead to more people identifying when they need support and then also daring to seek help. The study sheds light on how product design and a user-centered design process can explore and manage sensitive target groups and meet their needs, through factual access from previous research and an empirical study with a substitute target group. The results of the study also contribute with knowledge about the problems surrounding current mental illness that occur in children and young people today and how research through design can be used to investigate this.

Målgruppsindelning och sociala kategorier i ett remissförfarande : En kvalitativ studie om inkomna remissvar angående en ny socialtjänstlag / Target group classification and social categories in a consultation procedure : A qualitative studie on received comments in a consultation procedure regarding a new Social Services Act

Peterson, Louise, Salomonsson, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
To categorize groups of people is a necessity in our society. Categorization of people is used by decision makers and authorities. In the national social service legislation, categorization can be used to instruct municipalities to prioritize vulnerable groups of clients in need of support and services. The negative aspect of categorizing is that people are being labeled in a certain way, which can affect how people are being treated. The current Social Services Act in Sweden contains specific regulations to certain groups in society. One of the proposals in the extensive investigation for a new Social Services Act is to tone down these certain groups. The investigation for a new Social Services Act was sent out for consultation to 193 relevant community actors, including municipalities, government authorities and interest groups. These are given the opportunity to submit opinions and comments before the legislation is amended. This study is based on the received responses from the community actors through a qualitative text analysis. 55 of the received 157 responses addressed categorization of the target groups in the legislation. The results show that the majority of the 55 responses are in favour of target groups being toned down. In the responses there are arguments that highlight an increased individual perspective and a holistic view in social work. Other actors highlight risks with toning down the target groups, such as an increased difficulty for individuals to claim their rights and that it increases the risk of inequality. The results also show that there is a difference in the responses depending on whether the respondent is a municipality, a government authority or an interest group. The municipalities are in favour of the target groups being toned down while we find government authorities and interest groups on both sides of the argument. It also shows how different organizations take their interests into account in a consultation procedure.

Läser du instruktionen? : En studie om hur teknikinformation kan utformas utifrån användarnas informationsbehov och förutsättningar

Karlsson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Research has shown that technical information is often not read by its target group. This can mean that users are unaware of crucial information included in a handbook or manual. Lack of information can cause, for example, inappropriate usage of products. Research has presented several source preference criteria that individuals define when they choose a preferred information source. My goal is to design technical information that derives from these criteria. The question to answer is: How can information for a computer-based rendering software be designed to derive from the situation and information needs of the target group, and from the criteria individuals define when they elect an information source? This study is a collaboration with Company X in Västerås. The aim is to design an artifact that supports the employees of the company during a work procedure in the rendering software Lattice 3D Studio. Based on empirical data and a theoretical framework, I have designed information that derives from the situation and information needs of the target group, as well as from the criteria individuals define when they elect an information source. I have designed an instruction for a rendering software, with step-by-step instructions based on work procedures shown in empirical studies. From this work I conclude that good knowledge of the target group can give a better understanding of what information the target group needs and wants. By designing a sequence of steps based on work procedures documented during empirical methods, the target group can be assisted in their work procedure. By implementing information design principles, user friendly information is created. Based on the theoretical framework and methods, the instruction is designed to meet the criteria individuals have when they elect an information source. / Studier visar att teknikinformation ofta inte blir läst av användarna. Detta kan innebära att viktig information i exempelvis manualer inte når fram till användarna, vilket i sin tur kan orsaka felaktig användning av produkt. Forskning har redovisat ett antal kriterier som individer ställer när de väljer informationskälla. I denna studie avser jag att utforma teknikinformation som tar hänsyn till dessa kriterier. Frågan som jag ställer mig är: Hur kan man utforma ett informationsmaterial för ett datorbaserat bildrenderingsprogram som tar hänsyn till målgruppens förutsättningar och informationsbehov, samt de kriterier som individer ställer på en informationskälla för att den ska bli vald? Studien är utförd som ett samarbete med Företaget X i Västerås. Syftet är att jag ska utforma ett gestaltningsförslag som stödjer företagets medarbetare under en arbetsprocess i bildrenderingsprogrammet Lattice 3D Studio. Utifrån empiriska studier och ett teoretiskt ramverk har jag gestaltat ett informationsmaterial som utgår från målgruppens perspektiv: målgruppens förutsättningar, informationsbehov samt de kriterier som individer ställer när de väljer informationskälla. Jag har utformat en instruktion för bildrenderingsprogrammet, med steg-för-steg-instruktioner baserat på de arbetsmoment som framkommit genom empiriska studier. Slutsatser från arbetet är att en god kunskap om målgruppen kan leda till en bättre förståelse för vad målgruppen behöver och vill ha för information. Genom att utforma sekventiella steg baserade på dokumenterade arbetsmoment, erbjuds målgruppen stöd i deras vardagliga arbetsprocess. Med hjälp av informationsdesignsprinciper blir informationen användbar. Utifrån insamlad teori och empiri är instruktionen utformad för att uppfylla de kriterier individer ställer på en informationskälla för att den ska bli vald.

Hodnocení Nízkoprahových zařízení pro děti a mládež v Hradci Králové. / Evaluation of Low - treshold services for children and youth in Hradec Králové

Kuchaříková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with Low-threshold services for children and youth and with fulfilling of the standards for quality in social services. Firstly I analysed problems of leisure time, historical events in the development in Low-threshold services for children and youth and binding documents for social workers. These problems are also discussed in relevance to the social services law. I mentioned the principles of low-threshold, aims of these establishments, target group and the whole process of this programme. One chapter deals with the management and financing and with social workers, their qualities, competences and supervision as the aide in self-education, and beneficiaries of social services and their characteristics. What threatens these beneficiaries are socio-pathological phenomenons, the most important ones are listed and I added the prevention. I described one mentioned establishment, which employs volunteers. For the evaluation of fulfilling of standards in social services I have chosen two low-threshold services for children and youth from Hradec Králové, where I have found if the standars are fulfilled or not by means of studying of methodology, observations and interviews with workers and beneficiaries. For conclusion I suggested some improvements which could be used in these establishments.

Apely v reklamních textech / Challenges in Promotional Texts

Wolfová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Challenges in PromotionalTexts The goal of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of challenges in commercial advertisements. It will analyze texts of printed, television, internet advertisements The thesis will examine what approaches are used in marketing campaigns to challenge to the recipient's emotions as well as what social values are used for the challenges to be effective. There search will be based especially on stylistic and content analysis

Identifikace a evaluace internetových stránek v oblasti intervencí harm reduction zaměřených na uživatele nelegálních drog v České republice / Identification and evaluation of websites of harm reduction interventions targeting illicit drug users in the Czech Republic

Habarta, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The thesis describes the course and results of the research into the field of Harm Reduction (HR) through the internet websites in the Czech language. Nowadays the internet forms an inseparable part of most people's lives from all social classes. This fact is reflected in the interests of both service providers for drug users and laymen interested in drug issues. Unfortunately, according to current research we do not know much about what information and in which quality and range can people find about drug Harm reduction on the internet. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to identify and evaluate internet websites in the field of harm reduction intervention focused on the users of illegal drugs in the Czech Republic. Internet websites were evaluated not only with respect to the contents and range of the information provided but also with respect to topicality, functionality and objectivity. What was found were 13 Czech complex websites, 7 professional HR organisations and also 6 non-professional HR websites. The websites of professional organisations in most cases fulfilled the essential criteria of authority, objectivity and topicality. Among non-professional websites there were high-quality ones containing a wide range of information and correct approach to drug issues but there were also two...

Nå en ny målgrupp genom marknadsmix / Reach a new target group through market mix

Broka, Eva January 2019 (has links)
This thesis holds how to reach a new target group through market mix. The purpose of the thesis is to study how the organization can reach a new target group which is new potential employees in the care of the elderly by working on the market mix. The theory that was used are offensive quality development by which continuous improvements can be achieved. Theory about communication was used and the importance of rhetorical skills while presenting the information to the target group. When it comes to transformation theory the digitized change, employees are often determined that it is important to start marketing themselves digitally and get the equipment needed. A major role played also the theory about marketing mix which was a major part of this study. Examination methods used were written interviews and the letter method. The written interviews was done by contacting the municipalities in Sweden to know how they do the marketing to the potential employees. On the other hand the letter method was done by contacting the studied organizations employees to know their ideas about how to encounter the new employees. The results of this study was that the organization’s employee mentioned that marketing should be done by digital channels because the time we are living in requires it. Lastly, the conclusions was that market mix can be a great strategy to reach the new target group and to always improve the marketing by doing a plan and then also realize the plan by doing the events and campaigns. / Examensarbetet handlar om att nå en ny målgrupp genom marknadsmix. Syftet med examensarbetet är att studera hur organisationen kan attrahera en ny grupp av medarbetare genom att arbeta med marknadsmixen. Teorin som användes är offensiv kvalitetsutveckling genom vilken kontinuerliga förbättringar kan uppnås. Därefter användes teori om kommunikation och betydelsen av retoriska färdigheter samtidigt som informationen presenterades för målgruppen. Teorin om förändring tar upp den digitala förändringen som avgörande då det är viktigt att börja marknadsföra sig digitalt och få nödvändig utrustning. Teorin om marknadsmix var en viktig del av denna studie. De använda undersökningsmetoderna var skriftliga intervjuer och brevmetoden. De skriftliga intervjuerna gjordes genom att kontakta kommunerna i Sverige för att veta hur de marknads för sig mot de potentiella medarbetarna. Brevmetoden gjordes genom att kontakta den studerade organisationen för att samla in deras idéer om hur man skulle möta de nya medarbetarna. Resultaten av denna studie var att organisationens anställda nämnde att marknadsföring bör ske genom digitala kanaler på grund av att den tid vi lever i kräver det. Slutligen var slutsatserna att marknadsmixen kan vara en bra strategi för att nå den nya målgruppen och att alltid förbättra marknadsföringen genom att göra en plan och sedan genomföra planen genom att göra kampanjerna.

Modely a pastorace mládeže uplatňované v salesiánských střediscích mládeže v České republice / Pastoral Approaches in the Salesian Youth Centres in the Czech Republic

SVOBODA, Michal January 2008 (has links)
Presented work deals with analysis and description of the pastoral approaches of youth workers in the Salesian youth centres. The common characteristics of the Salesian youth centres are presented in the introductory part of the work. At first this theoretic part deals with the common conception of the Salesian youth pastoral ministry, afterwards deals with the official Czech conception. Second part of the work is applied. It is focused on the qualitative research realised in autumn 2007. It involved 18 respondents from the Salesian youth centres. This applied part starts with description of the research preparation and continues with description of the research process. Finally it deals with the data synthesis. There is a list of the results at the end of this part. There is a large supplement of the data attached at the end of the work.

Resande seniorer på nätet / Travelling seniors on the web

Jakobsson, Adam, Lindberg, Pontus January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats har syftat till att göra en kartläggning över hur personer över 55 år använder digitala kanaler inför resor samt deras åsikter kring denna användning. Genom en fallstudie av Kulturresor Europa har studien fått ett producentperspektiv som kan relateras till kartläggningen av åldersgruppen. För att genomföra detta har en kvantitativ enkätundersökning legat till grund. Denna enkät har distribuerats via olika digitala kanaler på internet. Dessa olika kanaler har haft som gemensam nämnare att de varit riktade mot reseintresserade personer vilket gjort att svaren förmodligen blivit mer relevanta för studien. Vidare har det även genomförts en intervju med Kulturresor Europa för att få en insikt i hur de arbetar mot åldersgruppen i deras dagliga arbete. En litteraturstudie har även blivit gjord för att skapa en teoretisk referensram för studien. Denna referensram är uppdelad i två delar varav den första innehåller teorier om marknadsföring. Här presenteras bland annat teorier kring relationsmarknadsföring och sociala medier som ett verktyg för detta. Den andra delen har fokus på målgruppen och presenterar teorier och statistik kring svenskar och äldre på internet, seniorer som turister och olika kategoriseringar av turister och teknikanvändare. En analys kring hur dessa teorier kan kopplas till kartläggningen av åldersgruppen och Kulturresor Europas arbetssätt har sedan gjorts för att svara på studiens syfte. I arbetet med denna uppsats har det tydliggjorts att denna åldersgrupp använder sig av internet i hög grad och på sociala medier är det framförallt på Facebook som de återfinns. De är överlag trygga med att boka och söka information om resor på internet men de tar gärna hjälp av en familjemedlem eller vän vid själva bokningen. En viss tendens till att målgruppen använder sociala medier i större utsträckning som ett kommunikationsverktyg än vad som tidigare forskning visat har även identifierats. Utöver detta verkar det som att målgruppen i vissa anseenden anser sig resa mer självständigt än vad de kanske gör. Denna information kan användas av Kulturresor Europa för att erbjuda mer flexibla alternativ på paketresan som ger känslan av ett mer självständigt val. För vidare forskning rekommenderas bland annat en mer djupgående studie med en kvalitativ ansats för att få reda på varför målgruppen tänker och agerar så som den gör. / The purpose of this essay has been to examine how people over the age of 55 use digital channels before travelling and their opinions of doing so. By a case study of Kulturresor Europa the essay has been getting a producer perspective in this matter, which gave the opportunity to analyze how they work in comparison to the examination of the age group. The base of this essay has been a quantitative survey, which has been distributed through a number of digital channels on the Internet. These different channels have had certain characteristics in which they’re all directed to people with travelling as an interest and therefore supposedly are legitimate for the purpose of this essay. Further on an interview has been done with Kulturresor Europa. The purpose of the interview was to get an insight of how they work with this age group on a daily basis. Also there has been made a literature study to create a theoretical frame of reference for this essay. This frame of reference is divided up into two parts in which the first one contains mainly of marketing related theories’. In this section you’ll get presented with theories’ of relationship marketing and social media as a tool in this matter. The second part is focused on the target group and is presenting theories’ and statistics about Swedes and the elderly on the Internet, seniors as tourists and different categorizations of technology users. An analysis of how these theories’ could be compared against the examination of the age group and how Kulturresor Europa’s work with them have later been done with the intention of answering the essays purpose. Working with this essay it has clarified that this age group has a high Internet usage with Facebook being the social media in which most of them can be found. They are generally confident about booking and searching information about travel in the Internet but they still would like to have a family member or a friend present during the actual booking. A certain tendency from this target group showing that their social media usage as a communication tool is increasing has been showing compared to previous research. In addition it seems that the target group in some aspects thinks of themselves as travelling more independently than what they might actually do. This information could be used by Kulturresor Europa to offer more flexible alternatives on travel packages, which will add a feeling of making an independent choice. Further research recommendations among other things are a more profound study with a qualitative approach to find out why the target group thinks and acts the way they do.

Srovnání vybraných technik sběru dat kvantitativního výzkumu / Comparison of selected data collection techniques of quantitative research

Utler, Richard January 2017 (has links)
The thesis analyses the differences that result from using of specific data collection method, computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) and computer assisted personal interviewing (CAPI). The main findings are based on election model built by research agency TNS Aisa for elections to the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2013. The aim of the thesis is to determine whether the chosen method of data collection influences the results of the estimated electoral preferences, to determine in which sociodemographic categories it is happening and whether the differences in the obtained data are related to the ideological orientation of the political parties. The dependence of the results on the data collection method is assessed by the chi-quadrate independence test. Further, through personal interviews with researchers, it is determined at what stage of the research process the data may be distorted and what its possible causes are. The benefit of the thesis is the finding that the chosen method of collection influences the established preferences among voters aged 30-44, university graduates and voters living in Prague. In these groups, the left-hand side ČSSD is preferred more by personal interviewing and right-handed TOP 09 through telephone interviewing. The collection of data itself was evaluated by the most risky phase of the research process, in which possible distortion could occur. While the accuracy of personal interviewing depends largely on the interviewer's personality, the sources of distortion of the telephone inquiry result more from the nature of the use of the phone itself.

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