Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bleacher braining"" "subject:"bleacher craining""
1981 |
The origin of this case study comes from my career as a substitute in the course in Spanish letters UFSM. Investigated the representations made by graduates of this course on substitute teachers who acted with them throughout their training process, thinking about his involvement at the individual level and teacher training. The empirical field was composed of a group of five graduates who had the peculiarity in the presence graduation almost full this occupational category in the subjects who attended. The instrument for data collection was the semistructured interview. I also collected information about the course and composition of its faculty during the graduation of the study subjects. A case study, qualitative-phenomenological, in which the data have been triangulated. Based on literature review on theories of teacher education and having the background my career as a graduate student and teacher, build a sense of presence and performance of substitutes among this group of graduates. The results indicate that this category was represented as limiting devices for initial training, especially regarding the investigation. The informants represent their substitute teachers as deficient as knowledge of area and without political expression in the institution. However, regard them as pedagogically most articulate. Far from exhausting the subject, this case study is representative of what is lived by the students, without attempting to generalize or a definitive answer. In this sense, the present study is justified to bring the discussion an important aspect of higher education, which is the training of teachers serving in it, contributing to improving the training given to academic courses for undergraduate degrees. / A origem deste estudo de caso advém de minha trajetória como substituto no curso de Letras Espanhol da UFSM. Objetivei pesquisar as representações feitas por graduados do referido curso sobre os professores substitutos que com eles atuaram durante seu processo formativo inicial e pensar sua implicação em nível individual e da formação docente. O campo empírico foi composto por um grupo de cinco egressos, que tiveram como peculiaridade em sua graduação a presença quase que total desta categoria profissional nas disciplinas que cursaram. O instrumento de coleta de dados foi a entrevista semiestruturada. Também coletei informações sobre o curso e sobre a composição de seu corpo docente durante o período de graduação dos sujeitos investigados. Um estudo de caso de cunho qualitativo-fenomenológico, em que os dados obtidos foram triangulados. Baseado na revisão de literatura feita sobre teorias da formação docente e tendo como pano de fundo minha trajetória como aluno de graduação e professor do curso, construi sentido sobre a presença e a atuação dos substitutos junto a este grupo de egressos. Os resultados apontam que esta categoria docente foi representada como limitadora dos dispositivos da formação inicial, principalmente quanto à pesquisa. Os sujeitos investigados representam seus professores substitutos como deficitários quanto ao saber de área e sem expressão política institucional. Entrentanto, os consideram como pedagogicamente mais desenvoltos. Longe de esgotar o tema, este estudo de caso é representativo do vivido pelos egressos, sem pretender a generalização ou uma resposta definitiva. Neste sentido, o presente estudo se justifica por trazer à discussão um aspecto importante do ensino superior, que é o da formação do profissional docente que nele atua, contribuindo para a melhoria da formação inicial dispensada aos acadêmicos de cursos de graduação em licenciaturas.
1982 |
Throughout this investigation we have tried to contribute to studies on the different ways of organizing and processing the Curricular Internships (CIs) in Teacher Training Courses, especially the CIs that were developed in Language and Literature (Letters) Courses. The focus of the study was the characterization of the orientation conductions that were used by professors from the Teacher Training Courses in Language and Literature (Letters) from the University Institutions (UI) of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, which were responsible for the CIs. In order to collect the necessary information together with these subjects we have made Individual Structured Interviews. There are 08 (eight) CI advisor professors from Teacher Training Courses in Language and Literature (Letters) that have been interviewed: 03 (three) professors from the National University of Santa Maria/UFSM, 03 (three) from the Franciscan College Center/UNIFRA and 02 (two) from the Methodist Complex of the South/FAMES. Furthermore, we have analyzed the courses Political-Pedagogical Projects (PPP) and the legal normatives that rule the Curricular Internships in Teacher Training Courses. Starting from the analysis of the collected data, we have learnt that the three Language and Literature (Letters) Courses do follow the orientations set up in the Resolutions CNE/CP 1/2002 and CNE/CP 2/2002 concerning the hour load designated to CI activities, even though the Elementary Schools (ES) in general do not join the evaluation process of the interns. Considering the Portuguese and English Teacher Training Course from UFSM, the ones who are responsible for the initial contact to the schools are the advisors, while in the Spanish Course these are the interns. At UNIFRA, there is a CI coordinator, who jointly to the course coordinator assumes this responsibility; at FAMES, the responsibility is shared by the CI coordinator and the advisors. The CI advisors and coordinators schedule meetings with the pedagogical coordination and the teachers who are responsible for the ES classroom groups in order to have guidance, limitation, restriction and conditions for the development of the internship activities. After the initial encounter, the advisors only return to make contact with the regent teachers during the visits to the interns. Taking the ES teachers participation in the progress and following of the CI activities into account, we come to face two very distinct realities: those who set free the classroom group to the interns to put their work into practice as they wish and the ones who follow through the planning and/or the development of the classes. Bearing in mind guidance methods, we have checked that all advisors have weekly meetings (from 15 minutes to 1 hour) with presentation and discussion of the planning, expositions and reflections upon the regency experiences and resolution of difficulties that have been brought up in the development of the CI. The evaluation of the interns is made only by the advisor professors considering the following aspects: activities developed in the ES, activities developed in the UI, final reports, projects and/or article handing-ins. This way, it is possible to conclude that the 03 (three) Teacher Training Courses in Language and Literature (Letters) from Santa Maria have shown both similarities and differences as to the guidance methods and processing of the CI, which have been carefully presented during this study. / Mediante esta investigação, procuramos contribuir com os estudos sobre as diferentes formas de organização e desenvolvimento de Estágios Curriculares (EC) em Cursos de Licenciatura, em particular dos EC realizados em Cursos de Licenciatura em Letras. O estudo teve como foco a caracterização das formas de orientação utilizadas por docentes responsáveis pelo EC em Cursos de Licenciatura em Letras das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. Para coletar as informações necessárias a esse estudo, utilizamos junto a esses sujeitos Entrevistas Estruturadas Individuais. Foram entrevistados 08 (oito) docentes orientadores de EC em Cursos de Licenciatura em Letras: 03 (três) docentes da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria/UFSM, 03 (três) do Centro Universitário Franciscano/UNIFRA e 02 (dois) da Rede Metodista do Sul/Faculdade Metodista de Santa Maria/FAMES. Além disso, analisamos os Projetos Político-Pedagógicos (PPP) dos cursos e as normativas legais nacionais referentes aos Estágios Curriculares em Cursos de Formação de Professores. A partir da análise das informações coletadas, constatamos que esses três Cursos de Letras seguem as orientações dispostas nas Resoluções CNE/CP 1/2002 e CNE/CP 2/2002 quanto à carga horária destinada às atividades de EC, porém as Escolas de Educação Básica (EEB), em geral, não participam do processo de avaliação dos estagiários. No Curso de Letras Português e Inglês da UFSM, os responsáveis pelo contato inicial com as escolas são os orientadores e no Curso de Espanhol são os estagiários. Na UNIFRA, há um coordenador de EC que juntamente com o coordenador do curso assume essa responsabilidade; na FAMES a responsabilidade é dividida entre o coordenador de EC e os orientadores. Os orientadores e coordenadores de EC marcam reuniões com a coordenação pedagógica e com os professores responsáveis por turmas das EEB buscando receber orientações, limitações, restrições e condicionantes para o desenvolvimento das atividades de estágio. Após esse encontro inicial, os orientadores somente voltam a ter contato com os professores regentes durante as visitas aos estagiários. Em relação à participação dos professores das EEB no desenvolvimento e acompanhamento das atividades de EC, nos deparamos com duas realidades bem distintas: desde aqueles que liberam a turma para o estagiário desenvolver seu trabalho como quiser, até aqueles que acompanham os planejamentos e/ou o desenvolvimento das aulas. Quanto às formas de orientação, constatamos que todos os orientadores realizam encontros semanais (de 15 minutos a 1hora), com apresentação e discussão de planejamentos, relato e reflexão sobre experiências de regência e resolução de dificuldades surgidas no desenvolvimento do EC. A avaliação dos estagiários é realizada somente pelos docentes orientadores considerando os seguintes aspectos: atividades desenvolvidas nas EEB, atividades desenvolvidas nas IES, entrega dos relatórios finais, dos projetos e/ou dos artigos. Ao finalizar nosso estudo, concluímos que embora tenhamos normativas legais específicas para o desenvolvimento dos EC, essas não são de fácil cumprimento. As IES estudadas têm cumprido algumas delas (400 horas e início do EC a partir da 2ª metade dos cursos), mas falta estabelecer um contato maior, mais integrado com as EEB. Não basta o mero cumprimento das horas de EC nas escolas, mas sim, estar articulado com as demais atividades propostas nas EEB e trabalhar de forma conjunta, buscando estabelecer vínculos e mecanismos que auxiliem o processo de formação dos futuros professores.
1983 |
A formação de professores de acordeom do Rio Grande do Sul: narrativas (auto)biográficas / The training of accordion teachers in Rio Grande do Sul: (auto)biographical narrativesWeiss, Douglas Rodrigo Bonfante 25 August 2015 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / In this study, I investigate training path ways for accordion teachers from different cities in Rio Grande do Sul, through the analysis of their life stories, told through narratives, having as main goal the unraveling of their training experiences. The participants attended higher education institutes in Music, and hold either a BA or a teaching degree, however, not in the accordion specialty, and some of them did not finish their higher education. Therefore, the teachers interviewed did not have a specific degree to teach accordion, a context from which the following questions emerges: how do the processes of learning to teach occurred for the accordion teachers participating in this research? The teacher training in question emerges from the perspective of the self-training proposedby Josso (2010). Considering that I am an accordion teacher, there is, in this research, an on going dialogue between the story of my life and those of the teachers who shared their stories with me, this being the nuclear center of this study, that meets the biographical and autobiographical studies with the oretical support from Nóvoa (1992) and Josso (2004, 2010). From a qualitative approach, the narratives were chosen though the methodology of Oral History, using semistructured interview. From the analysis of the data, it is possible to notice that there are trends in training for accordion teachers in Rio Grande do Sul. The cultural meanings, the transmission of a feeling of belonging, and the feeling of identity emerged as critical factors in the professional choice of the interviewees. This study intended to engage in dialog with the meanings that music brought throughout the professional development of the teachers in the study, beginning in childhood, and permeating a variety of prejudices and training difficulties that could finally lead to professionalization. Different learning contexts emerged in the search for the participants formation. This variety, which, in its turn, is expressed as unpleasant shocks, is positive in the training of teachers. Even though the focus of the research had been in the experiential training of accordion teachers, it was possible to analyze some of their strategies and teaching methodologies, such as the importance give to the musical code, to the teaching materials and to the use of technologies. / Neste trabalho, procuro investigar caminhos formativos de professores de acordeom de diferentes cidades do Rio Grande do Sul, por meio da análise de suas histórias de vida, contadas através de narrativas, tendo como objetivo geral compreender suas experiências formadoras. Os colaboradores frequentaram instituições de ensino superior em Música, sendo eles bacharéis ou licenciados, porém, não na especificidade acordeom , e alguns não completaram o curso superior. Assim sendo, os professores entrevistados não tiveram habilitação à especificidade para lecionar o instrumento acordeom, contexto do qual emerge a questão: como se dão os processos de formação para a docência dos professores de acordeom colaboradores desta pesquisa? A formação para a docência em questão emerge da perspectiva da autoformação proposta por Josso (2010). Considerando que atuo como professor de acordeom, existe, nesta pesquisa, um diálogo permanente entre a minha história de vida e a dos professores que compartilharam comigo as suas histórias, sendo este o núcleo central do trabalho, que vai ao encontro de estudos (auto)biográficos com aporte teórico em Nóvoa (1992) e Josso (2004, 2010). Partindo de uma abordagem qualitativa, as narrativas foram colhidas pela metodologia de História Oral, fazendo uso da entrevista semiestruturada. A partir da análise de dados, é perceptível que existem tendências formativas para os professores de acordeom do Rio Grande do Sul. Os significados culturais, a transmissão do sentimento de pertença e o sentimento de identidade apareceram como fatores decisivos na escolha profissional dos entrevistados. Busco dialogar com significados que a música tomou ao longo da formação musical dos professores em questão, tendo o início na infância e perpassando diversos preconceitos e dificuldades formativas para, então, levar à profissionalização. Diferentes contextos de aprendizagem apareceram nas buscas formativas dos professores colaboradores. Esta variedade, que se expressa, por vezes, como choques desagradáveis, é positiva na formação dos professores. Ainda que o foco principal da pesquisa tenha sido a formação experiencial dos professores de acordeom, foi possível analisar algumas de suas estratégias e metodologias de ensino, como a importância dada ao código musical, os materiais didáticos e o uso das tecnologias.
1984 |
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research is about the Environmental Education in the teachers professional development, inserting itself in such initial, as in the permanent training of these professionals, since, this dimension is recommended to be applied in all the levels and teaching methods. To do it, it was developed training courses, where it was used different methodological strategies, like: theme workshops, Questioning methodology, among others. Besides, it sought to work with interdisciplinary aspects, multidisciplinary, conceptions and paradigms of Environmental Education in these teachers training. This research has a qualitative aspect and the data were analyzed by a Content Analysis, proposed by Bardin (2011). The first part of this research was developed in a Public School from Santa Maria RS. The second part was developed with Academic Chemistry Degree Course from Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha Campus Alegrete RS. With this study results it was created two scientific articles about a permanent training at school and a manuscript about the initial training. The first article detected the Environmental Education perception and the teachers environment participants, doing a relation with the teaching practices. The second article, consequently, talks about the description of a training Course accomplished with the school teachers that searched to help them in the Environmental Education insertion in their classes by their planning. The Manuscript 1, shows a description and thematic projects ally to the Integrated Professional Practice in the Chemistry Degree Course. The results showed how the perceptions can be and are related to the teaching practice, as well as how it is possible to insert in a meaningful way the Environmental Education in different level and teaching modality. We stress, therefore, the importance of this work, and it proposed to address a guiding principle critically considering the historical, political and social aspects, in addition to integrating the area of Science Education with other areas in order to improve teaching and learning. / Este trabalho apresenta a abordagem da Educação Ambiental (EA) no desenvolvimento profissional de professores, inserindo-se tanto na formação inicial, quanto permanente destes profissionais, visto que, essa dimensão é recomendada para ser trabalhada em todos os níveis e modalidades de ensino. Para isso, foram desenvolvidos cursos de formação, onde utilizou-se de diferentes estratégias metodológicas, como: oficinas temáticas, metodologia da Problematização. Além disso, buscou-se trabalhar aspectos de interdisciplinaridade, multidisciplinaridade, concepções e paradigmas de EA na formação destes professores. Esta pesquisa possui um caráter qualitativo e os dados foram analisados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo, proposta por Bardin (2011). A primeira parte desta pesquisa foi desenvolvida em uma escola da Rede Pública de ensino no município de Santa Maria RS. Já a segunda parte, foi desenvolvida com acadêmicos do Curso de Licenciatura em Química do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha Campus Alegrete - RS. Como resultados deste estudo apresentamos dois artigos científicos referentes a formação permanente na escola e um manuscrito sobre a formação inicial. O primeiro artigo detectou as percepções de EA e meio ambiente das professoras participantes, fazendo uma relação destas, com as suas práticas docentes. O segundo artigo, por conseguinte, apresenta a descrição de um Curso de formação realizado com as professoras da escola que buscou auxiliá-las na inserção da EA em suas aulas por meio de planejamentos. O Manuscrito 1, por sua vez, apresenta a descrição e análise de projetos temáticos aliados a Prática Profissional Integrada (PPI) no Curso de Licenciatura em Química. Os resultados demonstraram o quanto as percepções podem e estão relacionadas com a prática docente dos professores, bem como, o quanto é possível inserir de maneira significativa a EA nos distintos níveis e modalidades de ensino. Destacamos, portanto, a importância deste trabalho, sendo que o mesmo se propôs a abordar um eixo norteador de maneira crítica, considerando os aspectos históricos, políticos e sociais, além de integrar a área do Ensino de Ciência com as demais áreas em prol da melhoria de ensino-aprendizagem.
1985 |
With the proposed study aimed to analyze and understand the mathematical
conceptions of teachers, seeking to provide opportunities to introduce the use of
Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) as an important tool of teaching
practice, teaching geometry, in basic education, especially from 1st to 5th grade of
elementary school. This understanding used as theoretical support the Knowledge
Teachers seconds Tardif (2014), knowledge of the specific content, general
educational, pedagogical content Shulman (1986, 1987) and the technological and
pedagogical content knowledge seconds Palis (2010). To develop this elaborate
research, execute and evaluate two distinct stages, the first conducted interviews and
applied questionnaires to teachers of the Municipal Public School Network Tingling /
RS active from 1st to 5th year of teaching in the second stage, from the analysis of
the interviews and answers to questionnaires prepared and implemented a training
workshop entitled Continuing: "The Geogebra software in Teacher Continuing
Education in Teaching and Learning Quads", which was offered to all teachers of the
Municipal Public School Network that city. From, analysis and discussion of the
completion of these two steps we find that the teachers from 1st to 5th grade of
elementary school proved to be aware of the importance of the teaching of
mathematics and geometry in the early years of elementary school, however this
coming up awareness in trouble arising from its initial and continuing education, lack
of infrastructure and multisseriação in most schools. In addition, we realized through
the implementation of the workshop, TIC, particularly the software Geogebra can
contribute effectively to the organization and development of teaching practice,
providing alternative techniques that enrich the Quads teaching in the early years of
elementary school. It is believed that the objective was achieved, since the end of the
workshop the teachers managed mediated technologies, consolidate knowledge
teachers need to learn the minimum properties of outstanding quads, thus
contributing, even if indirectly, to improve of student learning. / Com o estudo proposto objetivamos analisar e compreender as concepções
matemáticas dos professores, buscando proporcionar oportunidades de introduzir a
utilização das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) como ferramentas
auxiliares da prática docente, no ensino de Geometria, em particular quadriláteros,
na educação básica, em especial do 1º ao 5º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Essa
compreensão utilizou como subsídios teóricos os Saberes Docentes segundo Tardif
(2014), os conhecimentos do conteúdo específico, pedagógico geral, pedagógico do
conteúdo de Shulman (1986, 1987) e o conhecimento tecnológico e pedagógico do
conteúdo segundo Palis (2010). Para desenvolvermos essa pesquisa elaboramos,
executamos e avaliamos duas etapas distintas, na primeira realizamos entrevistas e
aplicamos questionários aos professores da Rede Escolar Pública Municipal de
Formigueiro/RS atuantes do 1º ao 5º ano do ensino. Na segunda etapa, a partir da
análise das entrevistas e respostas aos questionários elaboramos e implementamos
uma Oficina de formação Continuada intitulada: O Software Geogebra na Formação
Continuada de Professores no Ensino e Aprendizagem de Quadriláteros , que foi
oferecida a todos os professores da Rede Escolar Pública Municipal daquela
cidade. A partir da análise e discussão da realização dessas duas etapas
constatamos que as professoras do 1º ao 5º ano do ensino fundamental mostraramse
conscientes da importância do ensino da matemática e da Geometria nos anos
iniciais do ensino fundamental, entretanto essa consciência esbarra em dificuldades
decorrentes da sua formação inicial e continuada, da falta de infra-estrutura e da
multisseriação na maioria das escolas. Além disso, percebemos por meio da
realização da Oficina, que as TIC, em particular o Software Geogebra, podem
contribuir de maneira efetiva para organização e desenvolvimento da prática
docente, oferecendo técnicas alternativas que enriquecem o ensino de Quadriláteros
nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Acreditamos que o objetivo da pesquisa
foi atingido, uma vez que ao final da oficina as professoras conseguiram mediadas
pelas tecnologias, consolidar os saberes docentes necessários ao aprendizado das
propriedades mínimas dos quadriláteros notáveis, contribuindo assim, mesmo que
de forma indireta, para a melhoria da aprendizagem dos alunos.
1986 |
Communities of learning and cultures of thinking: the facilitator's role in the online professional development environmentSimoneau, Carol Lynne Brooks January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Educational Leadership / Gerald D. Bailey / Online professional development has the potential to be a dynamic tool to construct knowledge and enhance professional performance. Online collaboration tools have accelerated learning and have made online professional development convenient, dynamic, and flexible. Yet access to powerful learning resources has not always ensured that quality online professional development has taken place or that authentic, transformational learning has occurred. This study has shown that technology has presented challenges that have proved difficult for online professional development facilitators and participants. Consequently, the facilitator's role in professional development has been even more critical in the virtual environment and the facilitator has had to be even more intentional in their actions, decisions, and expectations.
The purpose of the study was to research, develop, and validate an online professional development facilitator's handbook that would clarify and demonstrate the knowledge, attitudes, practices, and skills utilized by exemplary online professional development facilitators. This study has also ascertained practical instructional strategies that are effective in planning, implementing, and facilitating online professional development.
As a result of this study, an online professional development handbook was developed according to Borg and Gall's (1989) Research and Development (R&D) cycle and methodology using three panels that consisted of expert and novice online professional development facilitators.
Findings include: Learning, defined as the process of constructing personal understanding through interactions with others while collectively engaging in challenges that are novel and transferable to other situations and settings, is transformational and has a sustaining impact when skillfully facilitated in the online environment. Online learning communities organized around collaborative inquiry and collective problem solving become co-creators of knowledge in a risk-free, trusting environment. Participants (teachers) become self-determining learners focused on engaging in appropriate endeavors to increase their classroom content knowledge and management skills by identifying their own needs and creating a plan to raise academic achievement and improve their own practices. When educational systems invest in honest dialogue about student work, candidly assess student and teacher needs, make changes based on data and research, and value individual and group contributions, these organizations become cultures of thinkers and communities of learners.
1987 |
An interactive, holistic approach to educational assessment in South Africa : an exploration of roles and proceduresAnthony, Patricia Maureen 08 May 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
1988 |
Exploring Teacher Assessment Literacy through the Process of Training Teachers to Write Assessment ItemsWright, Heather Peltier 29 March 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the process and impact of assessment training content and delivery mode on the quality of assessment items developed by the teachers in a two-year assessment development project. Teacher characteristics were examined as potential moderating factors. Four types of delivery mode were employed in the project: synchronous online, asynchronous online, in-person workshop, and blended (a combination of online and in-person training). The quality of assessment items developed by participating teachers was measured via: 1) item acceptance rate, 2) number of item reviews (as an indicator of how many times accepted items were rejected before being approved), and 3) psychometric properties of the items (item difficulty and item discrimination) in the field test data.
A teacher perception survey with quantitative and qualitative data was used to explore teacher perception of the training across the four modes and the anticipated impact of the project participation the teachers expected on their classroom assessment practices.
Multilevel modeling and multiple regression were used to examine the quality of items developed by participants, while constant comparative analysis, a chi-square test, and ANOVA were employed to analyze participants’ responses to a participation survey.
No pre-existing teacher variables were found to have a significant impact on the item discrimination values, though prior assessment development experience beyond that of the classroom level was found to have a significant relationship with the number of reviews per item. After controlling for prior assessment development experience, participant role was found to have a significant (p < .01) impact on the number of reviews per item. Items written by participants who served as both item writers and reviewers had a significantly lower number of reviews per item, meaning their items were rejected less frequently than items written by participants who served as item writers only. No differences in item quality were found based on the mode of training in which item writers participated.
Responses to the training evaluation survey differed significantly by mode of training at p < .001. The in-person trained group had the lowest total rating, followed by the online asynchronous group, while the online synchronous group had the highest overall rating of the training. Participant responses to open-ended questions also differed significantly by mode of training.
1989 |
An evaluation of music education on elementary schools in Buganda : a way forwardKigozi, Benon 17 September 2008 (has links)
Music education in Buganda, and indeed Uganda as a whole, must re-define its role and nature by essentially changing its structure and character. Currently it is not adequate and relevant enough to cater for the real needs of the learners. This document entails the research undertaken to evaluate music education in elementary schools in Buganda, its historical developments, current status and a possible way forward. In ascertaining and gathering data for this empirical study, ethnographic as well as phenomenological methods were employed. Evidence was collected through literature search, recent publications, questionnaires, interviews, personal experiences and observations. Music at primary level of education in Uganda is categorised under the syllabus of Performing Arts and Physical Education (PAPE). This has become extremely problematic when classroom teachers and specialist teachers are required to implement the music component of PAPE. With the above in mind, a research question was formulated on the basis that a perceived problem existed in the dispensation and delivery of music education in schools in Buganda. The study evaluates the existing government policies on primary education that include the Education Strategic Investment Plan (ESIP), Universal Primary Education, Uganda Primary School Curriculum (UPSC), Uganda Syllabus of Primary Education (USPE), Education Policy Review Commission (EPRC), Education Statistical Abstract (ESA), and Complimentary Opportunity for Primary Education (COPE). In addition, the study analyses the education structure as well as the PAPE syllabus in relation to learners’ own music outside the prescribed school curriculum, teacher training programs and the available resources. Finally a comparative analysis of music and the arts education of various countries and the African perspectives was carried out. Findings reveal that the mission of the MoES through the ESIP is to support, guide, co-ordinate, regulate and promote quality education and sports for national integration, individual and national development. It further indicates that UPE was adopted to address the principle of equity as regards the education access amongst households, without exacerbating the gap between the rich and the poor. The study acknowledges that even though some educators have high qualifications, generally music is perceived as an area in which teachers have a low level of teaching efficacy as a result of inadequate training, lack of music resources and the irrelevance of the music content. The learners’ response to music as a classroom subject is influenced by their own music outside the school. The results presented in this research offer crucial insights for music education, its future role, nature and character. It is evident that among others, the insufficient funding, limited content knowledge and lack of resources remain key factors that inhibit the development of music education in Buganda. The study culminates into recommendations that offer direction and vision for music education. The recommendations set out in this research should enable the music education discipline to survive and transform itself into an autonomous key player in the education dispensation. / Thesis (DMus)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Music / unrestricted
1990 |
Attitute and perceptions about community service learning among students in a teacher training programmeJordaan, Rene 10 October 2007 (has links)
Community service learning, when integrated into the modules of academic learning programmes, has the potential to contribute to the value and effectiveness of learning by offering hands-on experience and placing the learners in real-life situations as part of their learning phase. Most of the research done on community service learning has investigated the benefits, outcomes and learning experiences of students engaged in service-learning programmes. As there is little or no research on students' attitudes to and perceptions of service learning before it is integrated into an academic programme, the purpose of this study was to determine teacher training students' attitudes to and perceptions of community service learning before it became integrated into their academic programmes. The research was quantitative in nature and followed a descriptive design, in which a survey employing a questionnaire as instrument was used for measuring the attitudes and perceptions of third-year teacher training students at the Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria. A purposeful or non-probability sampling strategy was used, yielding a sample size of 168 students (n=±168). The results of the study indicate that students with prior knowledge of and/or participation in a community service programme showed greater willingness to enrol for such a programme, especially if it would add value to their career development and bear credits. The conclusion is that teacher training students are career focused and need to know more about community service learning before such courses/modules are integrated into their curriculum, to ensure their positive participation and enhanced learning. Recommendations are made with the intention of providing information to academic staff, to assist them with the successful design and implementation of courses/modules which include community service learning and would be meaningful to the community and of value to the student. The recommendations are also intended to encourage students to participate more willingly in community service learning courses/modules. These recommendations include a discussion on a thorough introduction to the pedagogy before integrating it into their curriculum. / Dissertation (MEd (Education for Community Building))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Curriculum Studies / MEd / unrestricted
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