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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure and risk of Internalizing Problems in preschool boys and girls in São Paulo, Brazil

Maldonado Martinez, Adriana January 2021 (has links)
(1) Problem: Research on internalizing problems in young children is scarce despite evidence that children can have problematic internalizing symptoms as early as preschool years 1-3. In preschoolers, it is difficult to observe internalizing problems directly. While they are not overtly socially disruptive behaviors4, they have negative consequences in their daily lives, can continue in adolescence, and potentially develop into disorders in later years 5-7. Studying internalizing problems in preschoolers is of particular importance in Low- and Middle- Income Countries (LIMC) since there may be a higher prevalence of common risk factors (such as parental psychopathology, violence, and neglect) than in High-Income Countries. According to the World Health Organization, in 2015, Brazil (a LMIC) ranked first in the past-year prevalence of anxiety (9.3%) and fifth in the prevalence of depression (5.8%) 8,9 in people aged 15 years or older. Preschoolers in São Paulo, Brazil, have an estimated six-month prevalence of internalizing problems of 25.4%. There are few estimates in other regions of Brazil, partly due to the lack of validated scales to measure them. In addition, it is unknown if the disparate rates by sex (females have at least twice the rates of males) seen in adolescence and adulthood could be detected at an early age. This dissertation's primary goal is to advance our understanding of internalizing problems in preschoolers in Brazil, a LMIC that is highly affected by psychopathology and associated disability. (2) Methods: First, a systematic literature review on the topic in LMIC was conducted. Second, data from the Preschool Mental Health Survey (the PreK Survey), with a representative sample (n=1,292) of preschoolers aged 4 to 5 years old and their caregivers in the city of Embu das Artes, São Paulo, was used to: (a) do Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of the internalizing section of a worldwide known assessment tool for problem behaviors in preschoolers (the Child Behavioral Checklist CBCL 1.5-5); and (b) conduct multigroup CFA to examine differences by sex in the structure of internalizing problems. Finally, Generalized Linear Models for complex data were used to assess the risk of internalizing syndromes by parental depression, severe physical or verbal violence, and low-quality time with parents differentially by sex of the preschoolers. (3) Conclusions: From the literature review, a scarcity of research on internalizing problems of preschoolers was found in LMIC. Hence, (a) only a few risk factors, mainly parental psychopathology, have been explored in most LMIC; and (b) the large majority of studies in LMIC in the Americas use the CBCL 1.5-5 or other scales not validated for their study population. From the multigroup CFA, it was concluded that (a) the construct of internalizing problems in the CBCL 1.5-5 is valid in preschool boys and girls in São Paulo, Brazil, and in similar contexts, supporting previous and future studies on the topic; and (b) the main syndromes of internalization are "Anxiety/Depression" and "Emotionally Reactive." From the assessment of risk, it was concluded that (a) the main risk factor for internalizing problems in preschoolers in Brazil is parental depression; (b) externalizing problems are highly correlated with internalizing problems and are the main source of confounding; (c) there were no significant differences by sex in the prevalence of risky exposures, but they were all significantly associated with internalizing problems; (d) there were significant differences by sex in the mean scores of internalizing syndromes, and in the associations of risky exposures and internalizing problems, highlighting the need of a differential approach to primary prevention and treatment in preschool boys and girls.

Outcomes in malnourished children at a tertiary hospital in Swaziland : post implementation of the WHO treatment guidelines

Benyera, Oscar January 2013 (has links)
Background. Swaziland adopted the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidelines for the inpatient treatment of severely malnourished children in 2007 to reduce case -fatality rates for childhood malnutrition. However, no follow-up studies have been conducted to determine the reduction in the case -fatality rate post-implementation of the guidelines. Objectives. To determine the case -fatality rate for childhood malnutrition post-implementation of the WHO treatment guidelines and determine the level of adherence to the guidelines at Mbabane Government Hospital. Methods. A retrospective observational study was undertaken. All children under 5 years admitted for inpatient treatment of malnutrition between January 2010 and December 2011 had their demographic-, anthropometric- and clinical characteristics recorded and analysed, as well as the outcome of admission. Results. Of the 227 children admitted during the study period, 179 (64.6%) were severely malnourished and 98 (35.4%) had moderate malnutrition. One-hundred-and-eleven children died during admission, an overall case -fatality rate of 40.1%. Mortality was significantly higher among severely malnourished children compared to those with moderate malnutrition, (46.9% vs 27.6%, OR 3.0 (95% CI 1.7 to 5.3)). Comorbid pneumonia and gastroenteritis were significant predictors of mortality – , OR 2.0 (95% CI 1.2 to 3.4) and 1.9 (95% CI 1.1 to 3.2) respectively. Conclusion. Case -fatality rates for childhood malnutrition remain high, despite adoption of the WHO treatment guidelines. A need exists for improved adherence to the WHO guidelines and periodic clinical audits to reduce deaths from childhood malnutrition to meet the WHO mortality target of less than 5% and improve child survival. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Clinical Epidemiology / unrestricted

Kirurgiska säkerhetschecklistor i praktiken : Operationsteamets attityder och uppfattningar

Sälik, Charlotta, Engström, Serah January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Operationsteamet består av ett komplext samspel mellan olika professioner som tillsammans ska arbeta kring patienten vid kirurgiska ingrepp. Kirurgisk säkerhetschecklista [KSC] är ett redskap som ska bistå med hjälp för samarbetet och kommunikationen inom operationsteamet. Det finns en stor mängd forskning som bevisar hur KSC förbättrar mortalitet, morbiditet och patientsäkerheten, trots detta har operationsteamet bristande följsamhet gentemot KSC. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt var att beskriva operationsteamets uppfattningar av att använda KSC. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ, kvantitativ och mixad ansats. Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades, analyserades, sönderdelades, tematiserades och sammanfogades till denna översikts resultat. Resultat: KSC kunde bidra till förbättrat teamarbete, kommunikation, och arbetsmiljö på operationssalen, samtidigt uppmärksammades olika hinder med samarbetet kring KSC. Personliga attityder, ställningstaganden och övertygelser hos de olika professionerna var faktorer som påverkade teamarbetet. Hur operationsteamet var lett påverkade även samarbetet kring KSC. Upplevelsen av tidsbrist och svårigheter med timing försvårade genomgången av KSC. Slutsats: Det är essentiellt att förstå den komplicerade arbetsmiljön på operationssalarna och hur KSC kan underlätta arbetet i operationssalen men även vilka faktorer som försvårar för operationsteamet att arbeta säkert. För att bilda en djupare uppfattning om operationsteamets komplexitet och arbete med KSC krävs vidare forskning. Resultatet av denna litteraturöversikt skulle kunna bistå med hjälp för klinikerna i sitt arbete kring säkerheten och samarbetet på operationssalarna. / Background: The surgical team consists of a complex interaction between different professionals who work together around the patient during surgical procedures. Surgical Safety Checklist [SSC] is a tool that should assist the interaction and communication within the surgical team. There is a great deal of research that proves how SSC improves mortality, morbidity and patient safety. The surgical team has despite that a lack of compliance with SSC. Aim: The aim of this litterateur review was to describe the surgical team’s perceptions of using the SSC. Method: The literature review was based on 14 scientific articles of qualitative, quantitative and mixed approaches. The articles were quality checked, analysed, broken down, thematized and merged into the result of this overview. Result: SSC was able to contribute to improved teamwork, communication, and work environment in the operating room, while at the same time various obstacles were highlighted with the collaboration around SSC. Personal attitudes, standpoints and beliefs within the various professions were factors that influenced teamwork. How the surgical team was led also affected the collaboration around SSC. The experience of lack of time and difficulties with timing made the performance of SSC more difficult. Conclusion: It is essential to understand the complicated work environment in the operating rooms and how SSC can facilitate the work in the operating room, also what factors hinder the operating team to work safely. In order to form a deeper understanding of the complexity of the operation team and their work with SSC, further research is needed. The result of this literature review could be of assistance to clinics in their work to improve safety and collaboration in the operating rooms.

Reducing the ‘Neglect’ in Neglected Tropical Diseases: A Review of the Debate surrounding the Effectiveness of Mass Deworming – A Case Study of Kenya –

Brigitzer, Kim January 2016 (has links)
Neglected tropical diseases are parasitic and bacterial diseases mainly prevalent in developing countries affecting people living in poverty. The World Health Organization’s human rights-based approach emphasizes the “prevention, control, elimination and eradication of neglected tropical diseases” through the use of preventative chemotherapy, such as the mass administration of deworming drugs to improve people’s health.This research paper will take a deeper look at how WHO has been communicating NTDs to make them less ‘neglected’ and how the NTD discourse has been shaping development organizations’ action. In addition, it aims to investigate how successful mass deworming has really been in terms of the recent debate.This study is using a combination of a discourse analysis and qualitative interviews in order to investigate how the NTD discourse and recent initiatives by international organizations have contributed to making NTDs less neglected. It deconstructs representations of the ‘Other’ – the superiority of the ‘West’ over the ‘Rest’ – in relation to the NTD discourse and its inherent power structures. Discourses are analyzed to identify power relations between governments, development organizations, pharmaceutical industries, and recipients of deworming drugs as part of Kenya’s 2013 deworming campaign.The results showed that the NTD discourse has helped raise awareness for NTDs. NTDs and their debilitating effect on populations have been better and more widely communicated, making them less ‘neglected’. WHO and other development organizations’ actions have contributed to making NTDs more visible and have given NTDs higher priority on the global health agenda. Findings from this research study revealed that the ongoing debate has not had a negative impact on international funding. More research and development of a vaccine against NTDs is needed to find more ways to tackle these devastating diseases.

The evolution of human rights in World Health Organization policy and the future of human rights through global health governance

Meier, B.M., Onzivu, William January 2014 (has links)
No / The World Health Organization (WHO) was intended to serve at the forefront of efforts to realize human rights to advance global health, and yet this promise of a rights-based approach to health has long been threatened by political constraints in international relations, organizational resistance to legal discourses, and medical ambivalence toward human rights. Through legal research on international treatyobligations, historical research in the WHO organizational archives, and interview research with global health stakeholders, this research examines WHO's contributions to (and, in many cases, negligence of) the rights-based approach to health. Based upon such research, this article analyzes the evolving role of WHO in the development and implementation of human rights for global health, reviews the current state of human rights leadership in the WHO Secretariat, and looks to future institutions to reclaim the mantle of human rights as a normative framework for global health governance. (C) 2013 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Infekční onemocnění a migrace / Infectious diseases and migration

Vostrá, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Infectious diseases and migration. Its aim is to assess the distribution of selected infectious diseases in the world and in Europe, with a focus on Czech context. While from the literature it can be concluded that the spread of serious infectious diseases is conditioned by migration, based on the available data it cannot be confirmed that immigration currently constitutes a significant threat for Czech citizens.

La réadaptation à base communautaire - gouvernance et évaluation / The community based rehabilitation – governance and évaluation

El messnaoui, Hamid 30 September 2011 (has links)
La notion de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire (RBC), promue par l'OMS, a pour objectif de favoriser l'intégration des personnes en situation de handicap. Cette stratégie est née du constat de la nécessité de conjuguer les efforts des différents acteurs (les personnes handicapées et leurs familles, la communauté, les services sociaux, les services de santé, d'éducation et de formation) pour assurer la réussite et la pérennité des actions. Développé dans les pays en voie de développement, le concept de Réadaptation à Base Communautaire s'applique également aux pays industrialisés, où il est souvent appelé "désinstitutionalisation". La diversité des contextes, tant géographique, économique, politique que culturelle, nécessite une adaptation des modes de gouvernance et des actions. Cette adaptation résulte d'une évaluation poussée, qu'il s'agisse de l'évaluation ex ante, ou des évaluations en cours de programme ou de l’évaluation ex post.Cette thèse présente des outils d'évaluation et des modes de gouvernance adaptés aux programmes RBC. Elle présente également une étude sur la pertinence et les limites de ce concept.Alors est-ce que la RBC est une stratégie pertinente et efficiente, facilement adaptable à tous les contextes ? Quelles en sont les limites ? La présente recherche tentera d'apporter des réponses à ces questions à travers l'étude de trois contextes différents : la France, le Maroc, et le Cameroun / The notion of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR), promoted by the World Health Organisation (WHO), has as its main objective the integration of individuals living with a disability. This strategy arose from an acknowledgment of the necessity of pooling the efforts of people involved (people with disabilities and their families, the community, social services, health services, educational and training services) to ensure the success and sustainability of the actions undertaken.Developed in emerging countries, the concept of Community Based Rehabilitation also applies to industrialized countries, where it is often called "de-institutionalisation". The diversity of contexts, including geographical, economical, political as well as cultural, requires the adaptation of governance models and actions. This adaptation is carried out following a thorough evaluation and the evaluation may be ex ante, ongoing or ex post. This thesis presents evaluation tools and governance models adapted to the CBR. It also presents a study on the relevance and limits of this concept.So, is the CBR a relevant and efficient strategy, easily adaptable to every context? What are its limits?The present research will attempt to provide answers to these questions through the study of three different geographical contexts: France, Morocco and Cameroon

Qualidade de vida na pessoa com deficiência intelectual: percepção do indivíduo / Quality of life in the people with intellectual disability: individual´s perception

Cartolano, Fernanda Parsequian 10 May 2019 (has links)
Em sua maioria, as pesquisas que investigam a qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiência intelectual (DI) apresentam a opinião dos atendentes pessoais e/ou familiares sobre a pessoa com deficiência ou sobre si mesmos, encontrando-se um número reduzido de estudos referentes à opinião das pessoas com DI a respeito de suas vidas. Sendo assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivos investigar a percepção de indivíduos com DI sobre sua qualidade de vida e comparar com a percepção de seus atendentes pessoais. Os participantes da pesquisa foram selecionados e incluídos no presente estudo a partir da indicação de equipamentos de saúde e assistência social, vinculados à Prefeitura do Município ou ao Estado de São Paulo, aos quais estão cadastrados. Foram incluídos no estudo 51 indivíduos com idade entre 19 e 59 anos, residentes na cidade de São Paulo com diagnóstico médico de deficiência intelectual, que não apresentaram como comorbidades deficiências físicas e/ou transtornos mentais, e 31 atendentes pessoais. Os participantes com deficiência responderam o questionário WHOQOL-bref-ID e seus atendentes pessoais responderam o questionário WHOQOL-bref-ID proxy e Questionário sobre Perfil Socioeconômico. Os dados obtidos foram analisados e relacionados com as variáveis: sexo, idade, raça, diagnóstico médico e perfil socioeconômico e percepção das famílias quanto à qualidade de vida destes indivíduos. Os indivíduos com DI apresentaram maior pontuação no domínio Psicológico e menor pontuação no domínio Discriminação do questionário, já os atendentes pessoais apresentaram maiores pontuações para o domínio Físico e menores para o domínio Autonomia. As variáveis sexo, raça e perfil socioeconômico apresentaram correlações significativas com o domínio Social do protocolo. Quanto à comparação entre a autoavaliação e a avaliação por representante foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas em cinco dos sete domínios avaliados / There are few studies about how people with intellectual disability (ID) perceive their own quality of life, with research being focus, mainly, in the opinion of caregivers and/or family. For this reason, the aim of this study was to increase knowledge and understanding of how people with ID perceive their own quality of life. Participants were selected from the register of São Paulo city hall. Fifty-one participants, aged 19-59 years, living in São Paulo city with a diagnostic of ID, that did not present any comorbidities, as physical or mental disabilities, were included. Thirty-one caregivers were also included in this study. The participants with ID answered the WHOQOL-bref-ID and their caregivers answered WHOQOL-bref-ID proxy and the socio-economic profile questionnaire. Data was analyzed in relation to the following variables: gender, age, race, diagnostic, socio-economic profile and family\'s perception regard the quality of life of the participants with ID. The individuals with ID presented higher score on the psychologic domain and lower score in the discrimination domain of the questionnaire. The caregivers presented higher scores on the physical domain and lower scores in the autonomy domain. The variables gender, race and socio-economic profile presented significant correlations with the social domain of the questionnaire. Regard the comparison between self-perception and the perception of caregivers it was possible to observe significant differences in 5 of the 7 evaluated domains

Aplicabilidade da classificação WHO 2008 para os linfomas de células T não-micose fungóide/síndrome de Sézary com expressão primária cutânea / The applicability of the WHO 2008 classification for non-mycosis fungoides/Sezary syndrome T-cell lymphomas with cutaneous primary expression

Chang, Daniel 21 October 2010 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, verificou-se diferenças nas classificações da World Health Organization (WHO) de 2001 e da European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) de 1997 para os linfomas cutâneos primários. Em 2005, representantes dessas classificações se reuniram e em consenso estabeleceram a classificação WHO-EORTC que foi adotada pela última classificação da WHO de 2008. O presente estudo visa a avaliar a aplicabilidade dessa nova classificação em casuística retrospectiva de um único centro de referência no diagnóstico e tratamento de linfomas cutâneos. Assim, todos os casos de linfoma cutâneo de células T, excluindo-se micose fungóide (MF) e síndrome de Sézary (SS), no período de 1986 a 2009, foram analisados em relação aos aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e imunofenotípicos, incluindo-se a realização de novas reações imunoistoquímicas. Os casos foram, então, classificados de acordo com critérios estabelecidos na classificação WHO de 2008. Houve, assim, 33 casos de linfomas cutâneos de células T não-MF e não-SS, sendo 08 (24,2%) de linfoma cutâneo de grandes células anaplásicas, 05 (15,2%) de papulose linfomatóide, 06 (18,1%) de linfoma extranodal de células NK/T tipo nasal, 05 (15,2%) de neoplasia de células dendríticas plasmocitóides blásticas, 05 (15,2%) de linfoma/leucemia de células T do adulto e 04 (12,1%) de linfoma de células T periféricas, sem outra especificação. Portanto, a classificação WHO de 2008 é aplicável à maioria dos casos de linfoma cutâneo de células T não-MF e não-SS. Entretanto, permanecem casos não classificáveis, alguns dos quais com curso clínico agressivo / Recent years have witnessed differences between the World Health Organization (WHO) 2001 and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 1997 classification systems of primary cutaneous lymphomas (PCLs). In 2005, a joint WHO-EORTC classification system for PCLs has been reached and was adopted by last WHO 2008 classification. This study was performed to assess the applicability of this new classification to a single referral center. All cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL) cases, excluding mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sezary syndrome (SS), who were referred from 1986 to 2009 were included. The clinical features, histological and immunohistochemical stainings were reviewed, and additional stains were performed as needed. The cases were then reclassified according to the WHO 2008 classification. There were 33 cases of non-MF and non-SS CTCL, included 08 (24.2%) CD30+ anaplastic large-cell lymphomas, 05 (15.2%) cases of lymphomatoid papulosis, 06 (18.1%) extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma nasal type, 05 (15.2%) blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm, 05 (15.2%) adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia and 04 (12.1%) peripheral T-cell lymphomas, unspecified. The new WHO 2008 classification is applicable to most nonMF and non-SS CTCL cases. However, there is still a substantial subset of T-cell PCLs which cannot be classified beyond the unspecified peripheral T-cell category, some of which may have an aggressive course

Eventos químicos no Regulamento Sanitário Internacional (2005): do estado da saúde local ao global / Chemical events in the International Health Regulations (2005): from local to global health statecraft

Silva, Agnes Soares da 12 March 2018 (has links)
A produção e o uso global de produtos químicos é alta e está em ascensão. Provocado pela globalização econômica, o movimento trans-fronteiriço de produtos químicos e seus resíduos tornam a exposição humana a produtos químicos um grande risco para a saúde pública. O Regulamento Sanitário Internacional (RSI-2005) revisado reconhece os riscos impostos pelos produtos químicos à saúde pública ao incorporá-los entre aqueles com potencial para se tornar uma Emergência de Saúde Pública de Importância Internacional (ESPII). A falta de implementação do RSI-2005 em um país pode ameaçar a segurança sanitária global. Objetivos: O objetivo geral desta tese é apresentar uma proposta para superar o problema da baixa implementação das capacidades de saúde pública em produtos químicos no RSI-2005 e usar o regulamento como uma plataforma para fortalecer a governança para a saúde pública em produtos químicos em todos os níveis de complexidade dos sistemas de saúde. Os objetivos específicos são: desvendar os determinantes, forças motrizes, caminhos e processos que poderiam levar a eventos químicos com potencial ESPII; propor um construto teórico que possa orientar a governança para a saúde pública nesta questão; e identificar os mecanismos que poderiam facilitar a implementação das principais capacidades de saúde pública em produtos químicos para mitigar riscos. Métodos: A secção de métodos inclui: uma revisão sobre riscos químicos locais e globais, apresentando seus determinantes; revisão do conceito de bens públicos, aplicando-o a aspectos relacionados à segurança química; revisão de eventos químicos passados que poderiam atender aos critérios de potencial ESPII; revisão dos princípios da atenção primária à saúde, explorando possibilidades e oportunidades de incorporar a capacidade em riscos ambientais no contexto dos sistemas locais de saúde para fortalecer a vigilância, o monitoramento e a análise da saúde ambiental em todos os níveis; e proposição de um kit de ferramentas de apoio à implementação das capacidades básicas do RSI-2005 em produtos químicos. Resultados: Esta tese constrói seu argumento na seguinte sequência: \"Segurança Química é um Bem Público Global para a Saúde\"; \"Lições Aprendidas de Surtos Químicos Mortais\"; \"O Estado da Vigilância em Saúde Pública para Incidentes Químicos: Dez Anos de RSI-2005 na América Latina e no Caribe\"; \"Capacidade de Vigilância em Saúde e Resposta: do Local ao Global\"; e \"Um Guia para a Implementação de Capacidades Básicas de Saúde Pública para Eventos Químicos\". Discussão: Existe relação entre as agendas globais e locais. O RSI-2005 pode ser interpretado como uma oportunidade para rever os princípios e as capacidades essenciais de saúde pública e para revitalizar a forma como os sistemas de saúde são organizados, fortalecendo os mecanismos de governança para a saúde e a produção de bens públicos globais para a saúde. Isto requer o envolvimento do setor saúde com a sociedade em geral e um papel proeminente e proativo de liderança da OMS. Conclusão: Atuação local não resolverá problemas globais, mas ela não pode ser desvinculada da atuação global. A necessidade de revisitar e atualizar os sistemas nacionais de saúde para responder a esse contexto de globalização é clara e urgente e o RSI-2005 fornece uma plataforma que pode ser inteligentemente usada na elaboração desta resposta. Não para proteger o comércio e a economia, mas a saúde do povo. / The global production and use of chemicals is high and on the rise. Triggered by economic globalization, the transboundary movement of chemicals and their waste makes human exposure to chemicals a widespread public health risk. The revised International Health Regulations (IHR-2005) recognized the risks posed by chemicals to public health by incorporating them among those with the potential to become a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). Lack of implementation of the IHR-2005 in one country can threaten global health security. Objectives: The general objective of this thesis is to present a proposal to overcome the problem of low implementation of the public health capacities on chemicals in the IHR-2005 and to use the regulations as a framework to strengthen governance for public health on chemicals at all levels of complexity of the health systems. The specific objectives are: to unveil the determinants, main drivers, pathways and processes that could lead to chemical events with potential PHEIC; to propose a theoretical construct that could guide governance for public health on this matter; and to identify the mechanisms that could facilitate the implementation of the core public health capacities on chemicals to mitigate risks. Methods: The methods section includes: a literature review of local and global chemical risks, presenting their drivers; review of the concept of public goods, applying it to aspects related to chemical safety; review of past chemical events that could meet the criteria of potential PHEIC; review of the principles of primary health care, exploring possibilities and opportunities of incorporating capacity on environmental risks in the context of local health systems to strengthen environmental health surveillance, monitoring and analysis at all levels; and proposition of a toolkit for the implementation of the IHR-2005 core capacities on chemicals. Results: This thesis builds its argument in the following sequence: \"Chemical Safety is a Global Public Good for Health\"; \"Lessons Learned from Deadly Chemical Outbreaks\"; \"Status of Public Health Surveillance for Chemical Incidents: Ten Years of IHR-2005 in Latin America and the Caribbean\"; \"From Local to Global Capacity for Health Surveillance and Response\"; and \"A Guide for the Implementation of Core Public Health Capacities on Chemicals\". Discussion: There are linkages between the global and local agendas. The IHR-2005 can be taken as an opportunity to revisit public health principles and core capacities, and revitalize the way health systems are organized, strengthening mechanisms of governance for health, and the delivery of global public goods for health. This requires the engagement of the health sector with the society in general, and a prominent and proactive leadership role of the WHO. Conclusion: Acting local will not solve global problems, but it can no longer be disentangled from acting global. The need to revisit and update national health systems to respond to this context of globalization is clear and urgent, and the IHR-2005 provides a framework that can be smartly used in the elaboration of this response. Not to protect trade and the economy, but the health of the people.

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