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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and Optimization of Near-infrared spectroscopy

Hahlin, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
With the growing demand for sustainable options, the existing sorting capacities are limiting the potential for fiber-to-fiber recycling. With the help of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), automated sorting of textiles with high accuracy is possible due to the easy access for polymer identification. Despite the effectiveness of NIRS, some limitations of the process still limit its full potential. Possible disruptors may interfere with and disturb the identification of polymer identities and compositions in different ways. In the following thesis, additives, treatments, and other environmental factors that may hinder fiber identification are further acknowledged. The key results of the thesis state that stains and factors due to wear and tear are the most common possible disruptors that could be identified from pre-sorted post-consumer end-of-life textiles. Further on, stains of ketchup, deodorant, and oil affect the polymer recognition by lowering the recognized fiber content. Water-repellent coatings on 100 % polyamide woven fabric were not detected correctly according to the NIR scanner, as the stated polymer composition was >90 %. Even though some investigated factors, e.g., material structures, were correctly identified by the NIR scanner, the internal deviation of the knitted polyester structure indicates that porous and loose structures hold the ability to interfere with the detection of polymers. To what extent the operating software has been developed is highly relevant to the outcome of how accurate textile sorting may be.

Vid livets slut : Sjuksköterskans upplevelse av existentiella samtal med både patienter och deras anhöriga : En litteraturstudie / At the end of life : nurse’s experience of existential conversation with both patients and relatives

Abdullahi, Nimo, Belay, Luwam January 2023 (has links)
Background: To work in Palliative Care can be difficult and challenging for nurses, in which they meet existential issues concerning life and death. This requires nurses to meet the patient's relatives to discuss these issues. Nurses have the responsibility to invite patients and their relatives to converse about existential issues. Aim: To describe the nurse’s experience of existential conversation with both patients at the end of life and their relatives. Method: The study was based on a qualitative literature study with ten scientific articles. The articles were searched from databases Cinahl and PubMed. Friberg’s five-step model was used to analyze the articles. Results: Through the analyses, three major themes were formed: The experience of communication in existential conversation described meaningful and important to be attentive and active listening. The experience of vulnerability described the feeling of fear, anxiety and despair and the feeling of inadequacy and powerlessness. The experience of factors that influence existential conservation that described the lack of time and own experience and experienced colleagues who provide better conditions to perform the conversations. Conclusion: Nurses experienced different emotions while providing an existential conversation. Conservation about existential needs to alleviate the patients and their relatives' suffering experienced as meaningful. While the feeling of inadequacy and powerlessness to alleviate the patient’s suffering and the feeling of fear, anxiety and despair about their own death and life created negative emotions in nurses that lead them to feel more vulnerable.

Vård i livets slutskede av personer med kognitiv sjukdom: sjuksköterskors upplevelser : en allmän litteraturöversikt / End of life care of people with dementia: nurses’ experience : a general literature review

Larsson, Maria, Thorén, Martina January 2023 (has links)
Att leva med en kognitiv sjukdom kan ha stora konsekvenser för både personen själv och dess närstående. Ca 55 miljoner personer världen över lever med kognitiv sjukdom. Kognitiv sjukdom är en dödlig sjukdom som inte går att bota. Svårigheter kan finnas för både personen och närstående att prata om döden vilket i sin tur kan försvåra beslutsfattande när personen närmar sig livets slutskede. Ofta saknas individuella vårdplaner vilket kan leda till lidande, onödiga behandlingar och sjukhusvistelser. Personer med kognitiv sjukdom riskerar att få sämre symtomlindring i livets slutskede på grund av kommunikationssvårigheter, trots att det finns lagar och styrdokument som säger att vården ska anpassas till individuella förutsättningar. Syfte var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av vård i livets slutskede av personer med kognitiv sjukdom. Metoden var en allmän litteraturöversikt med induktiv ansats som inkluderade 15 artiklar och sammanställdes med en integrerad analys för att få fram ett resultat. Resultatet var att betydelsen av kompetens innebar att det krävdes både kunskap och erfarenhet för att tolka signaler och lindra olika symtom som personen med kognitiv sjukdom uppvisade. Betydelsen av samarbete visade sig vara avgörande vid upprättande av vårdplaner samt en god kommunikation med läkare, närstående och övriga teamet i syfte att ge personen med kognitiv sjukdom ett värdigt avslut. Betydelsen av att känna personen med kognitiv sjukdom var betydelsefullt och brist på resurser såsom tid, personal och kontinuitet kunde vara ett hinder för god omvårdnad i livets slutskede. Slutsatsen visar att det bland annat krävs kunskap, resurser och ett bra samarbete mellan sjuksköterskor och närstående, läkare och andra i det multiprofessionella teamet för att ge en god omvårdnad i livets slutskede av personer med kognitiv sjukdom. En vårdplan som upprättas tidigt med personen och närstående kan underlätta i den personcentrerade processen och vid beslutsfattande senare i sjukdomsförloppet. / Living with dementia can have major consequences for the person afflicted and for people close to them. Approximately 55 million people worldwide live with dementia. Dementia is a fatal and incurable disease. There can be difficulties for both the person and people close to them when it comes to addressing death, which in turn can hinder decision making when the afflicted person nears the end of life. Individual care plans are often not in place, which can lead to suffering, unnecessary treatments, and hospitalisation. People with dementia risk receiving substandard alleviation of symptoms in end-of-life care due to difficulties with communication, despite laws and governing documents in place to assure that health care is adapted to individual circumstance.  The purpose of the study was to describe nurses’ experience of end-of-life care for people with dementia.  The method used was a general literature review with an inductive approach that included 15 articles and was compiled using an integrated analysis to reach a result. The result showed that the importance of competence meant that it took both knowledge and experience to interpret signals and alleviate different symptoms that the person with dementia expressed. The importance of cooperation proved to be a deciding factor, in the construction of care plans as well as in establishing good communication between doctors, relatives and other members of the team, with the purpose of providing a dignified closure to the person with dementia.  In conclusion, the study shows that it takes, among other things, knowledge, resources and well functioning cooperation between nurses, relatives, doctors and other members of a multiprofessional team to provide end-of-life care with good quality, for people with dementia. A care plan constructed early on with the person and its relatives can alleviate the person-centered process and decision making, later on, in the course of the disease.

Upplevelser av att stödja närstående i samband med vård i livets slutskede : En litteraturstudie utifrån ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv / The experience of supporting relatives in association to end-of life care : A literature study based on a nursing perspective

Larsson, Marika, Wennersten, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Palliativ vård under livets slutskede : En systematisk litteraturstudie utifrån sjuksköterskors upplevelser / Palliativ vård under livets slutskede : En systematisk litteraturstudie utifrån sjuksköterskors upplevelser

Pavlova, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning visar att patienter värdesätter en god kommunikation som grundar sig på humanitära inslag av respekt, värdighet, genuinhet och värme. Patienterna värdesätter även att ha sjuksköterskor närvarande under livets slutskede. Det framgår även att anhöriga upplevde en lättnad när patienterna blev omhändertagna av sjuksköterskorna. En uppskattning fanns under sjuksköterskornas omvårdnadsnärvaro då en ömsesidig anknytning främjades. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av palliativ vård under livets slutskede. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med beskrivande syntes. Analysering av tio artiklar presenteras i examenarbetets resultat. Resultat: Efter analys framkom två teman: Upplevelser av olika känslor och uppleva värdefulla möten med patienter och anhöriga. Sjuksköterskors upplevelser beskrivs där totalt sex subteman identifierats. Slutsats: Viljan av att kunna göra mer under livets slutskede handlade om att kunna vara närvarande för patienter och anhöriga. Att kontinuerligt kunna utvecklas som sjuksköterska och att kommunikation är viktigt att upprätthålla. Upplevelser av bristande vård kunde handla om konflikter med anhöriga, hög arbetsbelastning och om bristande kunskap i sjuksköterskans profession. / Background: Previous research shows that patients value good communication that is based on humanitarian elements of respect, dignity, genuineness and warmth. Patients also value having nurses present during the end of life. It also appears that relatives experienced a sense of relief when the patients were cared for by the nurses. An appreciation existed during the nursing presence of the nurses when a mutual connection was promoted. Purpose: To describe nurses' experiences of palliative care during the end of life. Method: A systematic literature study with descriptive synthesis. Analysis of ten articles is presented in the results of the thesis. Results: After analysis, two themes emerged: Experiences of different emotions and experiencing valuable meetings with patients and relatives. Nurses' experiences are described where a total of six subthemes have been identified. Conclusion: The desire to be able to do more during the final stage of life was about being able to be present for patients and relatives. To be able to continuously develop as a nurse and that it is important to maintain communication. Experiences of lack of care could be about conflicts with relatives, high workload and about a lack of knowledge in the nursing profession.

Anhörigas upplevelser och erfarenheter i sambandmed vård i livets slutskede inom slutenvården : En litteraturöversikt / Relatives' experiences in connection with end-of-life care in in patientcare : A literature review

Muhena, Said, Seifuddin, Tamyah January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att både sjuke närstående och anhöriga ska få en god och säker vård krävs det att sjuksköterskan arbetar utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv där sjuke närstående tillsammans med deras anhöriga läggs i fokus. Det är inte alltid att anhöriga känner sig att de blir hörda under tiden de har en närstående som befinner sig i livets slutskede. Det är inte bara viktigt för sjuke närstående att kunna ha en roll inom delaktigheten när det kommer till vård vid livets slutskede, utan anhöriga har en viktig roll i detta men blir oftast bortglömda. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att beskriva anhörigas upplevelser och erfarenheter i samband med vård i livets slutskede inom slutenvården. Metod: Detta arbete utformas som en strukturerad litteraturöversikt sammanlagt inkluderades 12 vetenskapliga artiklar som publicerades mellan 2013–2023. Dessa artiklar identifierades via databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: I resultat framkommer fyra kategorier som är: Beslutfattande, Kommunikation, och Stöd till anhöriga. Slutsats: Att vara anhöriga och ha en sjuk närstående kan vara påfrestande speciellt närde inte vet vad deras roll är. I en sådan situation är det viktigt att både vårdpersonalen och den sjukes anhöriga kan kommunicera för att skapa en trygg slutenvårds miljö, känna sig stödda och på det vis bli mer delaktiga i patientens vård. / Background: For both the patient and relatives to receive good and safe care, it is required that the nurse works from a holistic perspective where the patient together with their family members is put in focus. It is not always that family members feel that they are being heard while they have a relative who is at the end of life. It is not only important for the patient to be able to have a role in participation when it comes to care at the end of life, but relatives have an important role in this but are often forgotten. Aim: Relatives interprets and experience in connection with end-of-life care in inpatient care. Method: This work is designed as a structured literature review that focuses on relatives' point of view of their role when it comes to end-of-life care. A total of 12 scientific articles published between 2013–2023 were included. These articles were identified via the databases PubMed and CINAHL. Results: The results show three categories which are: Decision-making, Communication, and Support to family members. Conclusions: Being relatives and having a sick family member can be stressful especially when they don't know what their role is. In such a situation, it is important that both the healthcare staff and the patient's relatives can communicate in order to create a safe care environment, feel supported and thus become more involved in the patient's care.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses' experiences of caring for patients in the end-of-life : A literature review

Kamangar, Hadith, Betty, Rostami January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund:Den palliativa vården är en form av helhets vårdande och går ut på att se patienten som individ och främja livskvalitet samt lindra smärtan för patienten under sista tiden på jorden. Livskvalitet kan förbättras genom att förbättra andligt, emotionellt eller socialt välbefinnande hos patienten. Sjuksköterskans roll i det hela går ut på att bygga en professionell vårdrelation ur de fyra hörnstenarna, symtomlindring, närståendestöd, kommunikation och teamarbete. Det moderna samhället har allt svårare att kommunicera kring döden samt se på den som en naturlig del av livet, bland annat då det ses som något medicinskt. Detta för att död är vanligare i sjukhus än i hem. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede  Metod: Denna litteraturstudie baserades på 12 kvalitativa studier som publicerats mellan 2013-2023 och som sökts genom databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed. Fribergs fyrstegsmetod användes för att analysera studierna och resultaten diskuterades utifrån Dahlbergs et al. redogörelse av vårdrelationer. Resultat: Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede delades upp i 3 huvudteman: Sjuksköterskans möte med döden och döende patienter, sjuksköterskans syn på sin yrkesroll, sig själv och patient och sjuksköterskans behov av stöd och samarbete inom vårdteamet. Sjuksköterskans möte med döden genomsyras av den allmänna synen på döden som råder inom det moderna samhället. Detta för med sig svårigheter i att bibehålla ett balanserat känslomässigt förhållningssätt som inte påverkar den professionella vårdrelationen. Genom att ha en hälsosam distans till patienten, tilldelas chansen att bearbeta sina känslor och erkänna sin roll som lindrare och stöd till patienten kan sjuksköterskan uppleva känslor av meningsfullhet i arbetet. Sjuksköterskan agerar som ’spindeln i nätet’ för vårdteamet och behöver som så stöd från resten av vårdteamet för att kunna utföra sin roll i enlighet med de fyra palliativa hörnstenarna. Sammanfattning: Resultaten visade att sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede kan påverka deras syn på yrkesrollen och värdet av deras arbete. Genom att se döden som en naturlig del av livet och genom att fokusera på att främja patientens välbefinnande snarare än att rädda liv, kan sjuksköterskor uppleva sitt arbete som meningsfullt och tillfredsställande. / Background: Palliative care is a form of holistic care that aims to see the patient as an individual and promote their quality of life while relieving their pain during their last days on earth. Quality of life can be improved by enhancing the spiritual, emotional, or social well being of the patient. The nurse's role is to build a professional care relationship based on the four cornerstones of symptom relief, support for loved ones, communication, and teamwork. The modern society is finding it increasingly difficult to communicate about death and view it as a natural part of life, partly because it is seen as a medical issue. This is since death is more common in hospitals than in homes. Aim: The purpose was to illuminate nurses' experiences of caring for patients at the end of life. Method: The study is a literature review based on 12 qualitative studies published between 2013-2023 and searched through the Cinahl and Pubmed databases. Friberg's four-step method was used to analyze the studies, and the results were discussed based on Dahlberg et al.'s account of care relationships. Results: Nurses' experiences of caring for patients in the end-of-life stage were divided into three main themes: The nurse's encounter with death and dying patients, the nurse's perception of their professional role, themselves, and the patient, and the nurse's need for support and collaboration within the healthcare team. The nurse's encounter with death is permeated by the general view of death prevailing in modern society. This brings difficulties in maintaining a balanced emotional attitude that does not affect the professional care relationship. By having a healthy distance from the patient, the chance is given to process their feelings and acknowledge their role as a reliever and support to the patient. The nurse can experience feelings of meaningfulness in the work. The nurse acts as the 'spider in the web' for the care team and needs support from the rest of the care team to perform their role in accordance with the four palliative cornerstones. Summary: The results show that nurses' experiences of caring for patients at the end of life can affect their view of their professional role and the value of their work. By seeing death as a natural part of life and focusing on promoting patient well-being rather than saving lives, nurses can experience their work as meaningful and satisfying

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livets slutskede : En litteraturöversikt / Registered nurses experiences of caring for patients with end-of-life care : A literature review

Omondi, Sharon Atieno, Nokhbeh Dehghan, Rashin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vård i livets slutskede har en stor påverkan både på patienter och deras närstående. För att förbättra omvårdnaden, krävs det att sjuksköterskan förstår hur det är att vårda patienten, både det som är utmaningar och det hen ser behov av, för att kunna ge en god vård. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av med att vårda patienter i livets slutskede. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturöversikt med inslag av systematisk metodologi genomfördes. Resultat grundas på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan åren 2013 till 2023. Studierna var av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ design från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultat: I den första huvudkategorin svårigheter att erbjuda en personcentrerad vård,presenteras fyra underkategorier: Otillräcklig erfarenhet och kompetens, Kommunikationsbrist inom teamet, Vårdmiljön ett hinder och Egna relationen till döden. I den andra huvudkategorin vikten av stöd, bildades tre underkategorier: Stöd till patienten, Stöd till närstående och Eget behov av stöd. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor upplever svårigheter med att våda patienter i livets slutskede relaterat till hög arbetsbelastning, dåligt ledarskap och emotionell påfrestning med reaktioner som frustration, dödsångest och hopplöshet. Vård i livets slutskede handlar om att bygga en relation med patientens och närstående för att kunna ge god omvårdnad åt patienten men även stödja närstående både under sjukdomsförloppet och efter dödsfallet men bristande kommunikation, erfarenhet och kompetens kunde leda till osäkerhet hos sjuksköterskorna som resulterade i att patienterna inte fick personcentrerad vård. / Background: End-of-life care has a major impact on both patients and their relatives. In order to improve nursing care, it is required that nurses understand what it is like to care for the patient, both the challenges and what they see a need for, in order to provide good care. Aim: The aim of this literature study is to describe nurses' experiences of caring for patients at the end of life. Method: A structured literature review with elements of systematic methodology was conducted. Results are based on 16 scientific articles published between the year 2013 to 2023. The studies were of both quantitative and qualitative design from the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Results: In the first main category of difficulties in offering person centred care, four subcategories are presented: Insufficient experience and competence, Lack of communication within the team, The care environment an obstacle and Own relationship to death. In the second main category the importance of support, three subcategories were formed: Support for the patient, Support for relatives and Own need for support. Conclusions: Nurses experience difficulties in caring for patients at the end of lifer elated to high workload, poor leadership and emotional stress with reactions such as frustration, death anxiety and hopelessness. Care at the end of life is about building a relationship with the patient and relatives in order to provide good care for the patient but also support relatives both during the course of the illness and after death but due to a lack of communication, experience and competence could lead to uncertainty among the nurses which resulted in that the patients did not receive person-centred care.

A Mixed Methods Study Investigating the Community Pharmacist’s Role in Palliative Care

Miller, Elizabeth J. January 2017 (has links)
Acknowledgement: "My sincere thanks to my supervisors Julie, Alison and Christina" - Identified Julie and Alison from the Department staff webpages - sm 26/02/2019 / There is little research investigating factors that facilitate or inhibit timely access to palliative care medicines from community pharmacies. Though palliative care is recognised within the UK government’s strategy and community pharmacists are considered to have a role it is uncertain to what extent this aim is incorporated into local practice. This thesis uses mixed methods to investigate the time taken to access palliative care medication from five community pharmacies in one area of England. The effect of prescription errors, stock availability and other factors is examined. Furthermore, semi-structured interviews with five community pharmacists and eleven other healthcare professionals explore medication access and the community pharmacist’s role in palliative care using the Framework method. Stock availability led to delays with one in five customers going to more than one pharmacy to get urgently required palliative care medications. Legal prescription errors were more common on computer generated prescriptions but did not lead to delays. Three subthemes were identified in accessing palliative care medicines: environment and resources; communication and collaboration; skills and knowledge. The community pharmacist’s role in palliative care was limited due to reluctance from other healthcare professionals to share information, poor access to patient records and lack of integration into the primary healthcare team. This study highlights implications for professionals, commissioners and providers to improve services for those trying to access palliative medication. Community pharmacies remain a largely untapped resource for supporting patients, relatives and carers towards the end of life in both cancer and other advanced life-limiting diseases.


[pt] Este trabalho aborda um subitem da Logística Empresarial, a Logística Reversa como uma evolução da administração da cadeia logística e de suprimentos. Neste trabalho será mostrado que a redução na quantidade de produtos ou mercadorias EOL – end of-life ou fim de vida, parados nas lojas de departamento varejistas aguardando devolução, num fluxo reverso, gera receitas positivas para este segmento de empresas se devidamente controlados. Para reduzir esta quantidade à realização de um controle sistêmico por meio de gestão tecnológicas associado à mudança cultural e o desenvolvimento de novos processos de devolução, se faz necessário. / [en] This paper addresses a subsection of Business Logistics, Reverse Logistics as an evolution of the management of supply chain and supply. This work will be shown that reducing the quantity of products or goods EOL - end of-life or end of life, standing in retail department stores awaiting return in a reverse flow, generates positive income for this segment companies are properly controlled. To reduce this amount to the realization of a systemic control through technological management associated with the cultural change and the development of new devolution processes is needed.

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