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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hyrkläder - yay eller nay? : En kvantitativ studie om sociodemografiska faktorer, attityd till hållbarhet och vilja att hyra kläder / Rental Fashion - yay or nay? : A quantitative study on socio-demographic factors, attitudes to sustainability and willingness to rent clothes.

Svensson, Isabell, Brage, Frida, Tibblin, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Modeindustrin är en stor miljöbov som genererar utsläpp från fabriker, långa transporter och från en påtaglig överkonsumtion. I ett modesamhälle med trender i fokus kommer behovet av nyproducerade plagg alltid att finnas kvar. Men cirkulära affärsstrategier, såsom olika typer av delningsekonomier, kommer att spela en avgörande roll för modebranschens framtidaöverlevnad. Om ett plagg används under tre gånger så lång tid som de används idag kan det minska plaggets klimatavtryck med hela 65%, vilket påvisar vikten av cirkulära strategier, där konceptet hyrkläder är en av dessa. Denna studie syftar att kartlägga vilka sociodemografiska faktorer som påverkarkonsumenters hållbara attityd samt viljan att hyra kläder. Vidare undersöks sambandet mellankonsumenters hållbara attityd samt dennes vilja att hyra kläder och ingå i delningsekonomi. Detta för att komma närmare lösningen på problemet om vem den potentiella hyrkunden är och bana väg för företags anpassning av hyrkonceptet. För att besvara frågeställningarna har data samlats in via en kvantitativ online-enkät där en sluten grupp på Facebook fått besvarafrågor kring deras sociodemografiska status, attityd till miljö och hållbarhet samt frågor om benägenheten att hyra. Svaren har sedan sammanställts och ligger till grund förhypotesprövningar som genomförs. Resultatet av studien påvisar inga samband mellan sociodemografiska faktorer gällande varken hållbar attityd eller viljan att hyra kläder med undantag för svag korrelation mellangeografisk plats och viljan att hyra kläder. Däremot visas ett samband mellan konsumenters hållbar attityd och deras vilja att hyra. / The fashion industry has a big impact on our environment and generates emissions from transports, factories, and a significant overconsumption. Studies show that by extending the life of a garment three times longer than its average lifetime today, its climate impact can be reduced by 65%. For this reason, circular business models have grown in importance since they can have a major positive impact on our challenge to decrease our emissions. One answer to this is sharing economy and collaborative fashion consumption, which aims to lengthen the life of a product and ensure a more frequent use. Previous studies have identified both drivers and barriers for consumers to take part in collaborative fashion consumption but not yet described the customer who rents. In this study, attention is therefore paid to collaborative fashion consumption and the customer who wishes to take part. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of socio-demographic factors on the consumer's attitude to environmental sustainability and on the willingness to rent clothes. Further, the study aims to investigate whether there is a connection between an environmentally sustainable attitude and the willingness to rent clothes. Data were collected via a quantitative online survey where members in a closed group on Facebook were able to answer questions about their socio-demographic status, attitude to sustainability as well as questions about the propensity to rent. The results of the study show no correlations between socio-demographic factors regarding neither environmentally sustainable attitude nor the willingness to rent clothes. However, a connection is shown between geographic location and willingness to rent as well as between consumers' environmentally sustainable attitude and their willingness to rent. This study is written in Swedish.

Space-as-a-service: a disruptive concept for the real estate industry? / Yta-som-tjänst: ett disruptivt koncept för

Enström, Alice, Paulsson, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
The technological development has enabled structural changes in the real estate market and created a growing concept of space-as-a-service. Space-as-a-service has emerged from the concepts of sharing economy, digitalization and servitization to meet the demand for flexible solutions on the commercial real estate market. The idea of space-as-a-service is to offer simple and flexible access to spaces as well as providing extra services for tenants to create added value. From a sustainable perspective the intention is to decrease the need for new construction and take advantage of the existing building stock to meet demand for space. Most of the previous research on the space-as-a-service concept focus on coworking and sharing spaces but not as much on the broader concept and its rampaging on the real estate market. This study aims to investigate if the concept of space-as-a-service is disruptive for the real estate industry and how real estate owners approach this development. A qualitative research method was applied, using both structured and semi-structured interviews with real estate owners with property holdings in Sweden to get more in-depth information and understanding of the growing concept of space-as-a-service. The Theory of Disruptive Innovations was used as a framework for investigating disruptive signs of space-as-a-service. The driving motives behind space-as-a-service are concluded to mainly derive from an observed demand for freedom of effort and flexibility in the real estate owners´ offerings. We can see a new complex competitive environment, where the real estate industry's service goes from selling “space” to offer a concept. This puts new requirements on real estate owners to justify for more than the location of their premises, in order to keep their competitive position. What positions the real estate owners take in this new landscape differentiates. The attitudes towards space-as-a-service are generally positive, but the perceived risks are explicitly present. External actors and regulations also counteract the development. Thresholds and attitudes collide, making it clear that a change in mindset is needed. However, from the results of our study we can conclude that the concept of space-as-a-service fulfills the characteristics of a disruptive innovation, indicating that this evolution will be disruptive for the real estate industry. / Den tekniska utvecklingen av teknik har möjliggjort strukturella förändringar på fastighetsmarknaden, där man går från att sälja yta till att erbjuda ett koncept. Yta-som-tjänst har växt fram från begreppen delningsekonomi, digitalisering och tjänstefiering för att möta efterfrågan på flexibla lösningar på den kommersiella fastighetsmarknaden. Idén med yta-som-tjänst är att erbjuda enkel och flexibel tillgång till ytor samt att tillhandahålla tjänster till hyresgäster för att skapa mervärde. Ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv är avsikten att minska behovet av nyproduktion och dra nytta av det befintliga fastighetsbeståndet för att möta efterfrågan på lokaler. Tidigare forskning relaterat till yta-som-tjänst fokuserar främst på coworking och delade ytor, men det saknas studier på konceptet ur ett bredare perspektiv och dess framfart på fastighetsmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om konceptet yta-som-tjänst är disruptivt för fastighetsbranschen samt fastighetsägares inställning till denna utveckling. Resultatinsamlingen genomfördes med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där både strukturerade och semistrukturerade intervjuer med kommersiella fastighetsägare i Sverige användes för att få en djupare förståelse för konceptet yta-som-tjänst. Studiens akademiska förankring grundar sig i teorin om Disruptiva Innovationer som används för att granska disruptiva tecken av konceptet yta-som-tjänst. Vi kan dra slutsatsen att drivkrafterna bakom konceptet yta-som-tjänst främst är ökad efterfrågan på besvärsfrihet och flexibilitet i tjänsterna som idag erbjuds av fastighetsägare. Detta skapar en ny och komplex konkurrensmiljö som sätter nya krav på fastighetsägare, de blir tvungna att rättfärdiga för mer än bara läget på en lokal för att behålla sin konkurrenskraft. Vilka roller som fastighetsägare väljer att ta i detta nya landskap varierar sig. Attityderna mot yta-som-tjänst är generellt positiva, men det upplevs finnas flera risker som tillsammans med externa aktörer och regelverk motverkar utvecklingen. Resultatet visar att attityder och trösklar i utvecklingen motsäger varandra och att ett tankeskifte är nödvändigt i flera olika led. Resultatet av vår studie visar att konceptet yta-som-tjänst uppfyller karaktärsdragen för en disruptiv innovation och förväntas expandera till en bredare marknad framöver.

Coliving - Transition towards sustainability : A comparable case study of coliving and single-living

Andersson, Jonathan January 2022 (has links)
Background Modern capitalist societies have consumption at the core of their social and economic activities. This is one of the underlying problems that sustainability is facing. In need of solutions and avenues for limiting our footprint and consumption, we turn towards alternative solutions such as coliving as a potential for facilitating sustainable lifestyles in their residents.   Objectives The overall purpose of this thesis is to investigate coliving impacts on the sustainability practices of residents within the Swedish urban environment. To do this effectively, the theoretical framework of this thesis will primarily utilize practice theory, as well as institutional theory and clan control theory to a secondary degree, to explore their interactions between coliving social structures and residential agents in terms of following sustainable activities and compare those with a single living household. Through conducting interviews with the residents of the Coliving and single living in line with these frameworks, this thesis aims to explore to a greater degree how the coliving housing model can contribute to more sustainable lifestyles.   Methods A qualitative research strategy was chosen for the study with a two-case comparative study design. To further explore the complexity of the interactions between agents and properties of social structures, data collection methods were utilized, such as semi-structured interviews with residents of coliving and single-living. The analytical approach was conducted through a thematic data analysis method.   Results The Coliving initiative stimulates sustainable lifestyles by creating a set of social structures and cultural rules that promotes interaction, diversity, and sustainable lifestyles. The design of the Coliving initiative activated the most evident and impactful change mechanisms. Specifically, the built environment that is diverse and flexible and facilitates variations of facilities and immense recourses accessible for the residents to interact and use for different moods and behaviors. The recruitment process facilitates a foundation of balance between diversity and like-minded individuals for learning potentials and collaboration. The governance structure of the community-based organization is nonhierarchical participatory, and consensus-based, and the community is self-organized. These features have shown to promote collaboration and interaction between individuals and stimulate sustainable practices. Last, the cultural rules of the community also promote interactions and collaboration, as well as many of the social sustainability principles and anti-consumption practices.   Conclusions The coliving, compared to the single-living, has much more quantitive, qualitative, and diverse set of structures with sustainable properties that brings the residents more or less into the situation where a greening of their corresponding lifestyles becomes a very convenient option.

Norra Tornen: Making exclusive living inclusive

Wilner, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Today our city cores are being transformed. Not only have they been transformed from a place of production to a place of consumption, but more recently also the city core as a place of work are being challenged by increasing land prices and the desire to live centrally and urban. An urban lifestyle has in some ways become an exclusive benefit for the most wealthy, and the tall residential towers symbolizes this new urban, transnational elite, that wants the qualities of a living city center but prefers to live high up in the sky. Though this elite sometimes never lives there, since they only see the apartments as investments, as a “money deposit”. These buildings increase gentrification and segregation since they push up the housing prices of the city cores and provide no public functions, we get excluding cities rather than including. In my thesis project I speculate how we can prevent our city centers from becoming an excluding and exclusive gated community, and I develop a general redesign strategy for the exclusive residential tower typology. I have searched for a collective rather than individualistic approach, that considers both environmental and social sustainability.

EXPLORING DIGITAL CURRENCIES: Designing a peer-to-peer exchange with use of Blockchain

Kozlik, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Digital currencies represent complementary alternatives to fiat money in the conventional mental models of exchange. Blockchain, as the underlying technology of Bitcoin, holds a potential to influence a peer-to-peer exchange in the perspective of trust and ownership. The underlying technologies of digital currencies may be part of concepts, where designers have a possibility to define their own exchange articles for specific needs of the exchange. The ambition of this report is to illustrate the possibilities for the initiation of a peer-to-peer exchange with use of the underlying technologies beyond Bitcoin. The explorative approach provided me material for the retrospective reflection to achieve this ambition. The thesis project consisted three iterations, one experiment, and a literature overview. The main conceptual work illustrates the result of explorative research, where blockchain ensures trust between participating parties. This ecosystem uses the principles of sharing economy for initialisation of exchange within the community. This concept demonstrates potential opportunities for future transactions, in which the exchange article replaces fiat money.

The dark side of artificial intelligence: Understanding the role of perceived algorithm unfairness on ride-hailing driver discontinuance

Tang, Zhenya 12 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Ride-hailing platforms (RHP) are sharing economy platforms that connect passengers who need to order a private ride or to share a vehicle with drivers who want to share a ride. However, after rapid growth, major RHPs (e.g., Uber, Lyft, and Didi) have begun to face severe driver shortages. Attracting and maintaining a large driver base is critical to the survival and success of any RHP no matter its size. While practitioners are urging to seek suggestions from academia to prevent driver loss, limited research attention has been paid to RHP drivers’ discontinuance. To fill this gap, this dissertation aims to explore factors that motivate drivers to discontinue using RHPs from the perspective of algorithm unfairness. The algorithm is the boss of ride-hailing drivers as they are matched, paid, and evaluated by various algorithms. While algorithms have the potential to make the ride-hailing process more efficient, they also yield socially biased outcomes which create inequalities and uncomfortable experiences for both drivers and riders which may further influence their decisions to use to not use RHPs. Following the logic, the research question of the current dissertation is “how does algorithm unfairness of RHPs affect drivers’ discontinuance?” Stressor-strain-outcome model and organizational justice theory are adapted to the ride-hailing context based on the contextualization approach to serve as theoretical frameworks of the current study. An online survey is conducted to empirically test drivers’ discontinuance of ride-hailing platforms. Research participants of the studies are recruited by employing the service provided by Prolific. co. Data analysis is conducted by employing the covariance-based structural equation modeling approach by following previously defined approaches. The results support most of the hypotheses. The study is expected to contribute to the current literature on information systems discontinuance, ride-hailing, IT stress, AI-empowered algorithm management, algorithm unfairness, dark side of AI, stressor-strain-outcome model, and organizational justice theory. My dissertation is also expected to offer rich insights into how to retain the user base effectively for practitioners in emerging sharing economy platforms. Moreover, the results of the current dissertation also offer rich implications on how to manage dispersed workforces using AI-empowered algorithms.

Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence: The Case of Couchsurfing.com

Consalter, Laura January 2024 (has links)
This qualitative case study examines technology-facilitated gender-based violence in relation to network hospitality platform Couchsurfing.com. Motivated by experiences of many women, including my own, and an identified research gap in the academia on the topic, the research seeks to understand how Couchsurfing.com facilitates gender-based violence, with a specific focus on women. The present research is based on a single, explanatory case study methodology, focused on the thematic of analysis of the podcast “Verified”, concerning the case of Italian Couchsurfer and policeman Dino Maglio, who systematically drugged and sexually assaulted his Couchsurfing guests. Key findings highlight how Couchsurfing enabled and perpetuated gender-based violence, by not preventing the creation of new profiles and possible retaliation against negative references, and most importantly, by never admitting to any responsibility. While this violence was facilitated by Couchsurfing.com, other hegemonic social structures and institutions were found in the study to be further perpetuating this violence, in particular the police and the judiciary system. While acknowledging the limitation of a single case study, this master’s thesis contributes to an ever-increasing body of literature on technology-facilitated gender-based violence by shedding light on the different dynamics at play in an online-to-offline Couchsurfing exchange.

電動機車商業模式之經濟效益分析:共享經濟vs.電池租賃 / Economic benefit analysis of business models for the electric scooter: sharing economy vs. battery rental

游晨廷, Yu, Chen Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電動車與電動機車發展及應用儼然已成為世界潮流,在機車密度極高且擁有「機車王國」稱號的台灣,電動機車技術日新月異,也發展出多樣化商業模式,其中最著名莫過於電動機車電池租賃商業模式,以及共享商業模式。 本研究旨在利用成本效益分析中的淨現值法及益本比法,模擬分析機車使用者以電動機車代替傳統燃油機車,為使用者自己及整體社會帶來之淨現值。在電動機車方面,本研究分析兩種電動機車商業模式,分別為「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」及「共享電動機車商業模式」。 本研究結果顯示,在使用者立場下,目前電動機車成本依舊大於傳統125C.C.燃油機車之成本,且「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」較適合每個月騎乘里程較長之使用者,而「共享電動機車商業模式」較適合每個月騎乘里程較短之使用者。此外,敏感度分析顯示出,在「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」下,騎乘里程長度與NPV及BCR均呈現正相關。在「共享電動機車商業模式」下,每個月騎乘里程為100公里之使用者,在共享電動機車計價方式為每分鐘2.25元之方案下,使用者之NPV>0及BCR>1,並且騎乘里程越短之使用者,其對共享電動機車計價變動的益本比敏感程度越高(當價格下降時,益本比上升較高)。 最後,在整體社會立場下,利用「電動機車電池租賃商業模式」替換傳統燃油機車且騎乘里程越高之使用者,對整體社會帶來之淨現值越高。而利用「共享電動機車商業模式」替換傳統燃油機車且騎乘里程越低之使用者,越具有經濟效益。 / In recent years, the development and application of electric vehicles and electric scooters have become popuplar. In Taiwan, where scooter density is very high and is also called a "scooter kingdom", electric scooter technology is not only improving, but also developing a diversified business model. Particularly, two of the most famous business models are “Electric scooter battery rental business model” and “Sharing electric scooter business model”. The purpose of this study is to use the net present value method and the benefit ratio method in the cost-benefit analysis. We analysis the user's own benefits and the overall social net benefits which are generated from the scooter users replacing traditional fuel scooter with electric scooter. In the field of electric scooters, this study analyzes two business models of electric scooters, “Electric scooter battery rental business model” and “Sharing electric scooter business model”. According to the simulation result of empirical analysis, for the users, the current cost of electric scooters is still higher than the cost of traditional 125C.C. fuel scooters. “Electric scooter battery rental business model” is more suitable for people who have higher accumulated distance per month, and “Sharing electric scooter business model” is more suitable for people who have lower accumulated distance per month . On the other hand, according to the result of sensitivity analysis, the accumulated distance is positively correlated with NPV and BCR in the “Electric scooter battery rental business model”. In the “Sharing electric scooter business model”, those who ride 100 km per month have NPV> 0 and BCR> 1 in the pricing of NT$2.25 per minute. Besides, those who ride 100 km per month have higher sensitivity of pricing. For the overall society, those who use the "Electric scooter battery rental business model" to replace the traditional fuel scooter and have higher accumulated distance per month can generate higher net benefits to the whole society. Those who use the "Sharing electric scooter business model" to replace the traditional fuel scooter and have lower accumulated distance per month can generate higher net benefits to the whole society.

Economia compartilhada na saúde: atratividade do mercado para plataformas de agendamento de consultas médicas

Espino, Gilmara Pereira 13 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Gilmara Espino (gilmara.espino@gpes.com.br) on 2018-06-13T23:25:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ESPINO_Economia compartilhada(2).pdf: 3950663 bytes, checksum: 40cfe7ac547a831cd83185c617d92725 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Simone de Andrade Lopes Pires (simone.lopes@fgv.br) on 2018-06-14T00:56:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ESPINO_Economia compartilhada(2).pdf: 3950663 bytes, checksum: 40cfe7ac547a831cd83185c617d92725 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Isabele Garcia (isabele.garcia@fgv.br) on 2018-06-14T17:09:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ESPINO_Economia compartilhada(2).pdf: 3950663 bytes, checksum: 40cfe7ac547a831cd83185c617d92725 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-14T17:09:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ESPINO_Economia compartilhada(2).pdf: 3950663 bytes, checksum: 40cfe7ac547a831cd83185c617d92725 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-13 / Avaliar a atratividade de um mercado é fundamental em decisões sobre investimento em uma determinada empresa ou segmento de negócio. Setores específicos requerem conhecimentos particulares, nem sempre percebidos em estudos de viabilidade conduzidos com base em premissas generalistas. Recentemente, um súbito crescimento da oferta de novas empresas de economia compartilhada competindo como plataformas de agendamento de consultas médicas fez levantar a questão sobre a atratividade desse negócio para o mercado de saúde. Esse estudo apresenta os fatores sociais, econômicos e tecnológicos que explicam essa intensificação de competidores e, também, as barreiras que ainda dificultam a expansão dessas plataformas no Brasil. Mais do que compreender o fenômeno, os resultados apresentam um cenário atual sobre o ambiente de saúde e percepção dos usuários. É, portanto, conhecimento que pode ser aplicado a estudos de viabilidade de outros produtos ou serviços que desejam competir no segmento de saúde. A análise, embasada na literatura pesquisada e nos dados combinados de questionário dirigido, entrevista e cliente oculto, conclui pela tendência de arrefecimento do interesse em investimentos em empresas que atuem exclusivamente como plataformas de agendamento de consultas, e aponta para uma organização do mercado mais concentrada, com pequenos concorrentes diversificando seus produtos e serviços para se manterem competindo. / The assessment of a market attractiveness is critical when deciding to invest in a new company or business segment. Specific sectors require specific knowledge, not always perceived in feasibility studies conducted on generalist assumptions. Recently, a sudden expansion of sharing economy companies offering online scheduling medical platforms has raised the issue of this particular market. This study presents the social, economic and technological factors that explain the increase of competitors and also explore the existing market barriers that makes the diffusion of this kind of platform so difficult in Brazil. More than understanding the phenomenon, the outcome presents a current overview about the Brazilian health environment and the users’ perception. Therefore, it’s a knowledge that can be applied to feasibility studies of other products or services that wish to compete in the Health sector. The analysis based on evidence from researched literature, interviews, survey and observation (hidden customer) concludes in direction to the lessen of interest by investments in companies that act exclusively on online-scheduling medical platforms based on sharing economy; and point to a more concentrated market with fewer small competitors who need to diversify their products and services in order to keep themselves competitive.

Crowdsourcing och den kollaborativa ekonomin : En studie om individers upptagande och beslutsfattande kopplat till kollaborativa tjänsteinnovationer

Löfgren, Jesper, Bergman, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Crowdsourcing och den kollaborativa ekonomin är modeller för öppen innovation som blir allt mer centrala i ett samhälle som står inför morgondagens utmaningar. För att ta itu med globala problem krävs det ett globalt samarbete och ett gemensamt ansvar, där delningsekonomin kan bli avgörande. I denna kvantitativa undersökning svarar vi på frågeställningen om hur upptagandet av och beslutsfattandet kring kollaborativa tjänsteinnovationer kan se ut när vi låter 50 studenter ta del av en kollaborativ tjänsteinnovation. Vi undersöker några befintliga kollaborativa tjänster, redogör för relevanta begrepp och visar på hur Diffusion of innovations kan användas för att förstå något så komplext som hur innovationer kan upptas och spridas i sociala system. Vidare visar vi hur ramverk för konceptualisering av crowdsourcing kan användas för att förstå hur miljöaspekten och viljan att samarbeta kan driva en stor grupp människor till att dela på kompetens, resurser och kunskap. Slutsatser och ett innovationsbidrag lyfts fram som kan hjälpa företag att förstå hur crowdsourcing kan användas och de villkor som spelar roll för individers upptagande. / Crowdsourcing and the sharing economy are essential models for open innovation when facing the challenges of tomorrow. Dealing with global problems require global cooperation and common responsibility, where the sharing economy may become crucial. In this quantitative study we examine how the adoption and decision-making process occurs when we let 50 students take part in a collaborative service innovation. We look at some already existing collaborative innovations, explain relevant concepts and show how Diffusion of innovations can be used to understand something as complex as adoption and diffusion of service innovations in social systems. Furthermore, we show how the framework for conceptualization of crowdsourcing can be used to understand how the environmental aspect and the willingness to cooperate can drive a crowd to share skills, resources and knowledge. Conclusions are presented and a contribution to help crowdsourcing ventures and collaborative networks is highlighted to understand individual adoption and the preconditions that affects their decision-making.

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