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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Examining Multiple Stages of Protective Behavior of Information System End-Users

Burns, Mary B. January 2012 (has links)
The adage, "old habits die hard", is especially relevant when humans learn new protective behaviors (i.e., dental flossing, IS security behaviors). The foundation that underlies many social-cognitive theories used in IS research is that intention to change predicts actual behavior change. Despite intentions to change, humans do not always change their habits due to actual or perceived obstacles, for example. In this study, user behavior, particularly with respect to vigilance over phishing attempts, was investigated via the theoretical lens of a hybrid continuum-stage behavior change model adapted from health-related fields. This type of model helps us to understand whether there are qualitatively different stages for adopting a more vigilant action plan toward phishing attempts, the number and ordering of distinct stages that a user must move through between forming an intention and subsequent behavior, what characterizes those stages, and how appropriate interventions at these stages can move a user to a higher stage of vigilant behavior. The goal of this research was to gain a better understanding of: a) whether there are distinct stages that distinguish end-users' vigilance toward phishing attempts; b) how many qualitatively different stages there are; and, c) what characterizes these stages. This study profiled IS end-users based on the model's constructs (e.g., coping self-efficacy, intention, action/coping planning, and risk perception) that examined end-users' protective behavior toward phishing attempts. In an exploratory analysis of survey data, stages of IS end-users were determined via cluster analysis techniques (hierarchical followed by K-means). A survey was administered to respondents (n= 394). Next, an agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis using within-groups method of average linkage and Euclidean distance measures was performed on the model's constructs. Three clusters emerged as the optimal number to be used in the subsequent K-means cluster analysis. After conducting analyses for stability and validity for the 3-cluster solution, I compared the means of the model's constructs to develop profiles for the distinct three stages. I conclude that exploratory cluster analysis is an effective technique to discover natural groupings for protective behavior of IS end-users and propose future research to investigate stage-appropriate interventions to move users to higher stages.


林芳丞 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之主要論旨,在於探討公平正義是否可能在裁判之過程中獲得實現。筆者主要透過德沃金的法理論以及平等理論作為討論的出發點。筆者首先對於德沃金的理論進行相關的分析與討論。德沃金的法理論主要可區分為四個部分,包括:語義階段,法理階段,原理階段,以及裁判階段。在語義階段,德沃金指出,法律的概念,必須要作為一個詮釋性概念;在法理階段,德沃金將法律的概念當成一種政治價值的概念。德沃金認為,法律的概念所表彰的政治價值,便是「合法性價值」,亦即「法治」。進一步,德沃金指出,對於「合法性價值」與「法律的概念」的最佳理解,便是「整全性」。筆者認為,「整全性」是一個連接德沃金的「法理論」以及「平等理論」的關鍵概念。在《法律帝國》一書當中,德沃金主張:裁判的整全性,要求法官適用由公平與正義原則所推導出來的法律。這樣的主張,將我們帶向德沃金的平等理論。 德沃金的平等理論可以區分為兩個層面,一為討論關於分配正義的資源平等理論,另一為關乎政治權力分配的政治平等理論。這兩個概念,提供了司法裁判實踐公平正義的可能性。資源平等理論提供了相關的判準,可以使法院在裁判具體個案時得以援引,以判斷公民所擁有的具體權利,以及政府是否違反了在平等關懷下所需踐行的平等保護原則,而導致侵害人民的權利。同時,政治平等理論則為民主制度下的司法審查,提供其理論基礎。 最後,德沃金指出,關於裁判如何適用法律於具體個案的裁判過程,其與上述三階段有密切的關聯性。德沃金認為,在此一階段中,他與法實證主義者最大的不同,便是在於對於法官的裁量權的理解。德沃金認為,在其法理論體系當中,法官對裁量權的行使,是一種法律義務,而非如法實證主義者所稱,是一種道德責任。 不可避免的,對於德沃金的理論,存在有許多的反對意見。在此筆者援引了Joseph Raz以及Samuel Schaffler的論文,對德沃金的理論進行檢試。Raz指出,德沃金的理論本身,與其所主張的融貫並未有直接的關係,同時,德沃金的理論,忽略了權威在現代國家中所扮演的角色。Schaffler則指出,德沃金過份的強調經濟平等,因而致政治或社會平等遭到忽視。此外,Schaffler認為,德沃金的資源平等理論裡,欠缺對於境況與志向的區分標準。最後,Schaffler則是提到,德沃金的資源平等理論,隱藏著存在階級社會的可能性。 的確,Joseph Raz以及Samuel Schaffler的論文提供了反思性的觀點,不過,筆者認為,他們所提出的問題,無法成功的全然拒絕德沃金的理論。筆者認為,德沃金的法理論,成功的融合了「法治」以及「正義」與「公平」,因此,其理論也確實為司法裁判實踐公平正義的理念,提供了可能了路徑。 關鍵字:公平、正義、語義階段,法理階段,原理階段,裁判階段、法理論、平等、整全性、融貫、平等關懷 / The main issue of my thesis focuses on whether realization of the ideal of justice and fairness in adjudication is possible. I discuss this main issue by means of Dworkin’s legal theory and his theory of equality. First of all, I start my discussion with analysis of Dworkin’s legal theory, which includes four stages: the semantic stage, the jurisprudential stage, the doctrinal stage, and the adjudicative stage. In semantic stage, Dworkin points out that the concept of law should be interpretive concept. In jurisprudential stage, he deems the concept of law as a concept of political values, and what the value presented by concept of law is the value of legality. Furthermore, he considers the best concept of the value of the legality, so as the best conception of law, is integrity. I believe this is the key concept which connects Dworkin’s legal theory with theory of equality. In Law’s Empire, Dworkin said that integrity in adjudication asks judges apply the laws which come from the principle of justice and fairness. This leads us to Dworkin’s theory of equality. Dworkin presents his theory of Equality with two dimensions. One is equality of resources, which could be narrowly seen as a theory about distributive justice. The other is political equality concerning the distribution of political power. These two dimensions of his theory of equality offer the possibility of realizing the justice and fairness in adjudication. The theory of equality of resources offers the guidelines for courts to follow when deciding if citizens have some sort of concrete rights, and if government violates the equal protection of citizen’s rights that demanded by the ideal of equal concern. According to political equality, it offers the basis of judicial review in democracy. Finally, Dworkin points out that how judges apply laws to concrete case is something related to those three stages as mentioned above. Dworkin distinguishes himself from the legal positivists, such as Hans Kelsen and H.L.A. Hart. The different between Dworkin and legal positivists is discretion power of judges. In his theory, it is judge’s legal obligation rather than moral responsibility as positivists regard. Inevitably, there are some critics to Dworkin’s theory of equality. Here I cited the research of Joseph Raz and Samuel Schaffler to exam Dworkin’s theory. Their articles offer reflective points of view to me. Joseph Raz criticizes Dworkin’s theory as something irrelative to the coherence that Dworkin himself requests. He further criticizes that Dworkin’s theory of adjudication ignores the role of authority in modern state. Samuel Scheffler criticizes that Dworkin’s theory of equality ignores the importance of political and social equality. Besides, how to distinguish circumstance and ambition is not clear enough in Dworkin’s theory. Furthermore, Scheffler considers that Dworkin’s theory of equality may allow a heirachy administration exists. Although they point out some defects, I do not think they did fulfill significant challenges to Dworkin’s theory. After all, I consider that Dworkin’s legal theories build up a perfect framework for realizing the value of legality, which can also be referred as the rule of law. Most importantly, his legal theories are coherent the other moral values and convictions of ethics. I think Dworkin’s theories of law and equality may offer the best possibility to realize the ideal of justice and fairness in adjudication. Key Words: justice, fairness, the semantic stage, the jurisprudential stage, the doctrinal stage, the adjudicative stage, integrity, coherence, legal theory, equality, equal concern

台灣上市上櫃DRAM產業經營效率分析-三階段資料包絡法之應用 / The Efficiency Analysis of Publicly Listed DRAM Industry Companies in Taiwan : An Application of Three Stage DEA

彭泟滫 Unknown Date (has links)
本文運用Fried et al.(2002)所提出的三階段資料包絡法,以2000年至2008年台灣上市上櫃DRAM產業廠商為研究對象,建立實證模型,第一階段以原始資料求得調整前的原始效率值,第二階段摒除設廠年齡、母子公司、董監持股質押比例、911恐怖攻擊事件、2008金融海嘯等外生變數與運氣因素對管理效率的影響,將調整後的投入量再重新代入DEA,可得到調整後第三階段之效率值,求得單純管理上的真實效率值。實證結果顯示,第二階段SFA迴歸估計結果顯示,外生變數與隨機干擾因素的確對投入差額與管理效率存在顯著影響。(1)設廠年齡;(2)母子公司;(3)董監事持股質押比例;(4)2008金融海嘯等均使投入差額提高,降低經營效率。911恐怖攻擊事件,對固定資產投入差額有顯著正相關,對員工人數投入差額有顯著負相關,即該事件對投入差額的影響方向不相同。第三階段廠商的無效率主要來自於生產規模未達最適,即生產規模未達最適狀態,乃是台灣DRAM廠商經營無效率的主因。另以Wilcoxon signed ranks test 檢驗,廠商在技術效率、純技術效率、規模效率方面,調整前(第一階段估計求得)與調整後(第三階段估計求得)所估計的效率皆存在顯著差異,意指為衡量DRAM廠商經營效率,考量外生變數確實有其必要性。

Konsten att bemästra ett scenframträdande : En kvalitativ studie av professionella klassiska sångares mentala hantering av scenframträdanden / The Art of Performance : A qualitative study in how professional classical singers mentally prepare for performances

Stegmark, Ida January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att utveckla kunskap om hur professionella klassiska sångare förbereder sig och hanterar scenframträdanden. Studiens frågeställningar har varit hur klassiska sångare uppfattar vikten av mental förberedelse inför scenframträdanden och vilka funktioner de uppfattar att mental träning och scenisk beredskap har inom sångutbildning på olika nivåer. För att få svar på mina frågeställningar använde jag mig av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra professionella klassiska sångare.Resultatet visar att informanterna lägger stor vikt på instuderingsprocessen i sin mentala förberedelse inför ett scenframträdande. Instuderingen ska påbörjas i god tid innan en konsert och genomföras metodiskt med fokus på teknik, text, musik och scenisk utformning. Studien visade också att informanterna hade tydliga rutiner under konsert-/föreställningsdagen. Det som mentalt skulle hanteras för att lyckas med ett scenframträdande var att kunna vara i nuet och att omvandla nervositet till en kreativ energi. / The purpose of this study is to develop knowledge about how professional classical singers prepare for and handle performances. The questions of the study have been what classical singers regard about the importance of mental preparation before a performance, and what functions mental training and stage preparation have at different levels in vocal education. To find the answers to these questions I interviewed four professional classical singers.The result shows the importance of an accurate learning of the music, technique and expression prior to performance. The study also demonstrated that the informants had well- developed routines for the day of their performance. To make a mentally well-controlled performance, the informants had to be present on the stage, and be able to transform stage fright into creative energy.

The Human Immune System: A Challenging Control Problem

Vale, Julie January 2004 (has links)
This work deals with the control of the human immune system. A standard immune system model is modified by introducing control signals corresponding to drug cocktail and immune suppressor treatments. The ultimate objective is to use these control signals to 'cure' a chronically-ill patient. Control is challenging for this system due to nonlinearities and time delays. In fact, it is shown that fundamental aspects of the system dynamics are lost when the system is linearised; hence, control approaches involving linearisation are fruitless. Feedback linearisation and some optimal control methods are also investigated and shown to be infeasible. However, it is shown that, for certain parameter values and initial conditions related to the virus and patient, a specific open-loop control scheme using only the drug cocktail achieves the objective. It is also proven that, unfortunately, this control scheme fails for other parameter values and initial conditions. A two-stage open-loop controller that uses both control inputs is then proposed. It is shown in simulation that the two-stage controller works over a larger set of parameters and initial conditions than the single-stage controller, but a rigorous analysis of the two-stage controller remains elusive.

Studies of depression and illness representations in end-stage renal disease

Chilcot, J. January 2010 (has links)
Depression is a substantial psychopathology encountered in the dialysis population yet its association with potentially modifiable psychological antecedents are not well known. Of these potential antecedents, individual’s perception of their condition are likely to play an important role in how they adjust to their illness (Leventhal, Brissette, & Leventhal, 2003). The Common Sense Model suggests that illness representations guide the self-regulation of illness (Leventhal, Meyer, & Nerenz, 1980; Leventhal, Nerenz, & Steele, 1984). The model posits that the interpretation of illness (illness perceptions) influence the response and procedures adopted in order to regulate the illness threat. The overarching aim of the work here is to examine whether illness perceptions predict depression and its trajectory in End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients, and to establish if depression and illness perceptions are associated with adverse clinical outcomes in these patients. In order to achieve these aims it was first important to establish how best to assess depression and illness representations in the context of ESRD. A pilot study investigated whether the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ-R) could be administered to haemodialysis patients (HD) while actively on dialysis. Patients completed the BDI and IPQ-R while on-dialysis and again at a time when off-dialysis (n=40). Level of agreement revealed no discernable difference between BDI and IPQ-R scores across the two conditions, although there was a slight bias with regards to scoring on somatic items of the BDI while on-dialysis. Given these data, on-dialysis assessments were employed in the studies reported. Furthermore the BDI was compared against a diagnostic standard for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in order to define an adjusted BDI cut-off score that would indicate potential depressive cases. The data revealed that a BDI≥16 had optimal sensitivity and specificity for MDD. This cut-off score was employed to define patients with “probable” depression. The factor structure of the BDI was the focus in the following chapter. BDI data from two larger studies (reported later in the thesis) were pooled in order to conduct confirmatory factor analysis, testing several proposed structures of the BDI. The analysis revealed that two and three factor solutions had relatively poor fit to the data. A relatively novel bi-factor model proposed by Ward (2006) had the best fit. In this model there is a general depression factor that loaded onto all of the 21 BDI items, and two smaller orthogonal cognitive and somatic factors. These factors collectively explained 91% of the total variance in BDI-II total scores, suggesting that the BDI provides a good overall measure of global depressive symptoms. The first study to examine the association between illness representations and depression was a cross-sectional study of established HD patients (n=215). Nearly 30% of the sample were depressed (BDI≥16), highlighting the extent of depressive symptoms in this patient group. Significant differences between depressed and non-depressed patients with regards to illness perceptions were evident. In logistic regression illness coherence, perceived consequences and treatment control perceptions predicted depression. Interestingly clinical variables including co-morbidity were unrelated to depression. This suggests that it is not disease severity or extra-renal co-morbidity per se that are vulnerabilities for depression, rather it is the interpretation of the disease that appears to be important. The proceeding chapter extended this cross-sectional investigation by examining the trajectory of depression (i.e. change in depression) over the first year of dialysis therapy in relation to illness representations. An incident cohort of dialysis patients (n=160) were seen at a point soon after dialysis initiation and followed up 6 and 12 months thereafter. In particular, differences between patients who start dialysis via planned route (i.e. those with progressive renal failure who had been “worked-up” to dialysis) vs. those who started dialysis suddenly (unplanned starters) were sought. Unplanned starters were more depressed than the planned patients and held different illness perceptions. Structural equation modelling of the baseline data revealed that illness perceptions predicted depression, and that path to dialysis had an indirect effect on depression as mediated through illness perceptions. Over time, depression and illness perceptions appeared to remain relatively stable although there was some evidence of a non-linear decline in depression scores over the follow-up period. In addition, illness identity decreased over time, while illness coherence (understanding) increased. Clinical and demographic factors were not associated with the trajectory of depression as assessed using Latent Growth Models. However several illness perceptions were associated with a change in depression over time, suggesting that patient’s illness representations assist in the regulation (or under-regulation) of mood. The first of two clinical oriented chapters examined the utility of illness representations in explaining fluid non-adherent behaviour. HD patients were categorised as either fluid adherent or non-adherent based upon Inter-dialytic Weight Gain (IDWG). Patients in the upper quartile of percent weight gain were defined as non-adherent (IDWG≥3.21% dry weight). The data revealed that non-adherent patients had lower timeline perceptions as compared to adherent patients. Logistic regression models were evaluated in order to identify predictors of fluid non-adherence. After several demographic and clinical variables had been controlled, lower consequence perceptions predicted non-adherence. This data points to the utility of understanding dialysis patient’s personal illness representations in relation to maladaptive health care behaviour. Finally, the potential association between depression, illness representations and short term survival in incident dialysis patients was evaluated. Patients were followed up for a mean of 545 (±271) days in which there were 27 deaths (16.9%). Patients were censored if they were lost to follow-up, transplanted or recovered renal function. In Cox survival models after controlling for several co-variates including co-morbidity, depression significantly predicted mortality. Furthermore, survival models including illness perceptions revealed that treatment control perceptions were also predictive of mortality. These results suggest that depression and beliefs surrounding treatment control contribute to the survival of dialysis patients. Possible explanations regarding these associations are presented. In conclusion the empirical investigations offered here support the thesis that illness perceptions predict depression in dialysis patients. Moreover there is evidence that illness representations are associated with maladaptive health behaviour (non-adherence) in dialysis patients. Depression and illness representations also predict short-term survival in incident patients after adjusting for important co-variates. Recent studies have shown that altering maladaptive illness perceptions via psychological intervention can have a positive influence upon outcomes (Petrie, Cameron, Ellis, Buick, & Weinman, 2002). Given the evidence presented in this thesis, testing interventions that target maladaptive illness representations in order to improve clinical and psychological outcomes seem highly relevant in this setting.

The adoption of e-government in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Ebrahim, Zakareya Ahmed January 2005 (has links)
The last two decades have seen rapid evolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) capabilities in the public sector which facilitate the adoption of several IT innovations. E-government is one of these strategic innovations that many government organisations have considered adopting to deliver government information and services to citizens and to support the modernisation of their business processes. This work therefore investigates this issue through a study of the impact of e-government on government organisations and their capabilities towards the e-government adoption. This has led to developing a framework for e-government adoption that outlines the implementation process, determines critical factors influencing adoption, and identifies barriers that could keep government organisations behind the advanced stages of the implementation process. The research also proposes a novel architecture framework for e-government that offers a clear picture of ICT requirements, along with a business process model needed for the implementation for e-government. This framework also supports the researcher in terms of validating the proposed conceptual framework in case organisations. The researcher, by adopting a qualitative case study strategy, examines the proposed framework in three government organisations in the Kingdom of Bahrain.. The analysis of empirical data comes up with a novel comprehensive framework for e-government adoption in the public sector that can be a benefit in multiple ways. The major benefit of this framework is to reduce the confusion surrounding e-government adoption in the public sector by understanding the implementation process, identifying the requirements of ICT tools, and highlighting the importance of organisational readiness and the impact of the environment. The framework can also help decision makers in government to provide a clear strategic action plan for e-government. Finally, the proposed framework can be used by IT experts to estimate the progress level of their e-government projects.

Second order algebraic knot concordance group

Powell, Mark Andrew January 2011 (has links)
Let Knots be the abelian monoid of isotopy classes of knots S1 ⊂ S3 under connected sum, and let C be the topological knot concordance group of knots modulo slice knots. Cochran-Orr-Teichner [COT03] defined a filtration of C: C ⊃ F(0) ⊃ F(0.5) ⊃ F(1) ⊃ F(1.5) ⊃ F(2) ⊃ . . .The quotient C/F(0.5) is isomorphic to Levine’s algebraic concordance group AC1 [Lev69]; F(0.5) is the algebraically slice knots. The quotient C/F(1.5) contains all metabelian concordance obstructions. The Cochran-Orr-Teichner (1.5)-level two stage obstructions map the concordance class of a knot to a pointed set (COT (C/1.5),U). We define an abelian monoid of chain complexes P, with a monoid homomorphism Knots → P. We then define an algebraic concordance equivalence relation on P and therefore a group AC2 := P/ ~, our second order algebraic knot concordance group. The results of this thesis can be summarised in the following diagram: . That is, we define a group homomorphism C → AC2 which factors through C/F(1.5). We can extract the two stage Cochran-Orr-Teichner obstruction theory from AC2: the dotted arrows are morphisms of pointed sets. Our second order algebraic knot concordance group AC2 is a single stage obstruction group.

Inclusive education and integrated working : an exploration of the transition into care for young people in Key Stage 4

Woodland, Maryanne January 2010 (has links)
Paper 1 - Integrated Working and the Personal Education Plan: An Exploration of the Transition into Care for Young People in Key Stage 4: The Social Care and Education systems have undergone major reform in recent years, papers such as the Every Child Matters (DfES, 2003) and The Children’s Plan (DCSF, 2007) have acted as political drivers for the identification of children in care as an vulnerable group within education. In addition, the need for effective integrated working has been identified as a key area of development in terms of professional practice. The Personal Education Plan has been identified as a vehicle for raising attainment and promoting integrated working, however, the process of engaging in the Personal Education Plan has remained relatively unexplored. This study reports a qualitative exploration of integrated working in the support of young people entering care in Key Stage 4. The study specifically explored transition, integrated working and the application of psychology within this process. Data was collected using focus groups and interviews to elicit the views of the professionals who engage in supporting young people entering care. Data was analysed using Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The findings of the study identify the successive nature of changes experienced by the young person entering care as potentially detrimental to him/her and the supporting professionals. Findings from the study suggest that professionals supporting young people in care experience ambivalence regarding the usefulness of the PEP Personal Education Plan. The competent management of change, acknowledgement of psychosocial implications and effective group working were identified as areas of development for young people entering care and for the professionals supporting them. In addition, the study found that the knowledge and experience of Educational Psychologists’ is an under utilised but potentially valuable resource. Paper 2 - Inclusive Education and the Personal Education Plan: An Exploration of the Support for Young People Entering Care in Key Stage 4 Abstract The education system has undergone major reform in recent years, papers such as the Every Child Matters (DfES, 2003) and The Children’s Plan (DCSF, 2007) have instigated a re-evaluation of the process and context of the education system. One of the major implications of this reform has been the need to identify any groups within the population who underachieve educationally with the intention of providing additional support. The role of designated teacher and use of the Personal Education Plan has been established within school settings, however, the process of supporting young people entering care within college settings has remained relatively unexplored. This study reports a qualitative exploration of core subject teachers in the support of young people entering care in Key Stage 4. The study specifically explored professional engagement in the Personal Education Plan, classroom practice and support of young people entering care. Data was collected using focus groups to elicit the views of the professionals who teach young people entering care. Data was analysed using Thematic Analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006). The findings of the study suggest that teaching staff identify individual need in response to conflict (in the form of response to presenting behaviour within school). The nature of additional need identified within the study was predominantly psychosocial. Additional support is therefore reactive. The dichotomy between inclusive legislation and practice is explored Teachers identified the need for a proactive response to supporting young people in care as an area for development at both the individual and systemic level. Future considerations for the application of psychology and research are identified.

Opvoedkundig-sielkundige riglyne in die hantering van rou en verlies by die jong kind

Classen, Denika 06 1900 (has links)
A literature study was undertaken to investigate the experience of loss and grief in the different developmental stages, as well as to identify characteristics of loss and grief in the young child. Guidelines have been compiled on how to handle loss and grief in young children. The empirical study comprised of workshop presentations. Through these presentations it was also determined as to whether parents and children would benefit from such workshops, as well as if the information regarding loss and grief addressed the parents’ needs. The empirical study found that parents are ignorant about loss and grief in the young child. However, all the parents had questions about loss and grief. After the workshops parents indicated that they became aware of positive changes in their own behaviour towards their children, and also in that of their children. One of the biggest problems in handling loss and grief in the young child seemed to be open and honest communication. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Guidance and Counseling)

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