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Rökarmask : En kvalitativ studie om rökarens upplevelse avanpassning och rökningsbeteende i samhälletSmlatic, Anita, Ulmheden, Marie January 2014 (has links)
Rökare får allt mer mindre utrymme att röka på och det blir allt mindre socialt accepterat att röka i dagens samhälle. Syftet med vår uppsats är att undersöka hur rökaren upplever samhällets normer och negativitet kring rökning, samt hur detta påverkar dem. Vår huvudsakliga frågeställning har varit ”Hur påverkas rökare av samhället nedvärderande syn på rökning?”, men även om det finns någon skillnad i deras rökningsbeteende beroende på social situation. Studien är gjord med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer, där vi intervjuat 6 rökare allt ifrån åldern 23-70. Vi har använt oss utav Goffmans intrycksstyrningoch Harveys rumsbegreppför att kunna förklara ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv hur rökaren upplever samhället och hur det påverkar denne. Vårt resultat har visat att rökare anpassar sig väldigt mycket till den sociala situationen, samt tar hänsyn till andra och att rökare kartlägger sin rökning grundat på tid, rum och social situation. / Smokersgetincreasinglyless roomto smokeanditis becoming lesssociallyacceptable to smokeintoday's society.The purpose of ourpaper is to examinehowthe smokerexperiencingsocial normsandnegativity surroundingsmoking,andhow this affectsthem. Our mainresearch questionwas"How does the negative view on smoking in today’s society affect smokers?”, but also if there is any differenceintheir smokingbehaviordepending on thesocial situation.The study was conductedusinga qualitative approachin the form ofinterviews, wherewe interviewedsixsmokersranging fromages23-70. We have usedGoffman'spresentation of SelfandHarveysspace theory to explainfrom a sociological perspectivehowsmokersperceivesociety andhow it affectshim.Ourresults have shownthat smokers arevery adaptedtothe social situation, they are considerate andthat smokerscharttheir smokingbased on thetime, placeand social situation.
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Herdens tragiska bett : En undersökning av det tragiska ögonblicket i Nietzsches Så talade Zarathustra mot bakgrund av den tyska idealismens tanketraditionSärman, Sanja January 2014 (has links)
Uppsatsens centrala tes är att tanken på den eviga återkomsten i Nietzsches prosadikt Så talade Zarathustra kan förstås som ett tragiskt ögonblick. För att kunna avhandla denna tes ställs den avgörande frågan: Vad avses med 'tragiskt ögonblick'? Jag söker syftesbestämma detta begrepp inom ramarna för den tyska idealismens tanketradition, där Schelling och Schopenhauer tjänar som exempel. Denna specifika förståelse av det tragiskas begrepp är att särskilja från genrebestämningar av tragedin. / The central thesis of this paper is that the thought of the eternal return in Nietzsche's work Thus spoke Zarathustra can be interpreted as a tragic moment. For proving this thesis, it is necessary to clearly understand how the concept of the metaphysically revelatory tragic moment within the tradition of German idealism differs from a genre-definition of tragedy. I use Schelling's and Schopenhauer's philosophies of art as examples of cases in German idealism where the tragic moment has been considered metaphysically revelatory. Thereupon I adjudicate whether the thought of the eternal return can qualify as such a moment.
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"Det här är en berättelse om en tid och en plats." : En studie av tids- och platsmarkörer i Jonas Gardells Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar-trilogi och Hjalmar Söderbergs Doktor Glas och Den allvarsamma lekenMattsson, Anna January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Intermediate domain? : En intervjustudie med förskollärareEngström, Jessica, Falk, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om hur förskollärare idag upplever samarbetet mellan förskola och hem, deras beskrivning av förutsättningar för ett gott samarbete och vilken betydelse den nya reviderade läroplanen (Lpfö98/10) har för samarbetet.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur förskollärare upplever samarbetet hem- förskola. Den empiriska delen grundas på sex intervjuer med förskollärare som har avlagt sin examen under fyra olika decennier. Intervjuerna har genomförts med fokus på att lyfta fram deras syn på de barndomssociologiska begreppen being och becoming (med svensk översättning varandesyn och projektsyn) och frågor kring just samarbetet förskola - hem.De fyra teman som uppstod ur analys av intervjuresultatet var: 1. Växelverkan mellan being och becoming, 2. Samarbete påverkat av den dagliga dialogen och förskollärares uppdrag, 3. Samsyn, något man vill nå för ett bra samarbete kring barnet och 4. SamverkanDessa fyra teman reflekterades mot vår litteraturbakgrund som är uppbyggd utefter de tre senaste decenniernas forskning av bland andra Christina Gars (2002), Gunilla Halldén (2007) och Ann-Marie Markström (2005,2007,2009) kring den samverkansdomän mellan stat familj, som förskolan är. Vår studie visar bland annat att implementeringen av den nya reviderade läroplanen och dess skrivelse kring att tydligt redovisa verksamhetens innehåll kan påverka hur förskollärare upplever att samarbete kan utvecklas.
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Kvinnors hälsa - en fråga om medvetenhet, möjligheter och makt : att öka förståelsen för människors livssammanhang genom tidsgeografisk analys /Nordell, Kersti, January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Göteborg : Univ., 2002.
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Neolithic fisheries : osteoarchaeology of fish remains in the Baltic Sea Region /Olson, Carina, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2008. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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"Det onödiga flyget?" : En studie av inrikesflygets betydelse mellan Göteborg och StockholmStefansson, John, Wallertz, Tobias January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this essay is to study and compare the air traffic with the train traffic between Gothenburg – Stockholm. The study is based on three different perspectives: travelling time, travelling cost and the environmental effects. With those three factors included in the study, it will be more useful to determine if the unnecessary travel exist.</p><p>This essay is based on quantitative information which has been gathered from the booking system of the train- and airline company’s websites. This information has then been collocated into a table.</p><p>The conclusion of this essay is that the unnecessary air travels exist between Gothenburg - Stockholm. In most of the cases, the train traffic is more effective seen from all of the three perspectives, where the air travel cause higher costs, more negative impact on the environment and in some cases, results in a longer travel time.</p>
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Installation av frikyla och vilka kostnader det innebär : Projektering och kostnadsberäkning för användning av frikyla i kylsystem / Installation of free cooling and what costs it impliesLind, Gustav January 2018 (has links)
In this work, a refrigeration centre with the use of free-cooling has been projected, drawn and then cost-calculated. The work began drawing a flowchart for the cooling system in the cooling centre, this flowchart were drawn in a program called Autodesk Autocad. After that, the work continued by drawing and projecting the cooling centre with the reality of a threedimensional modeling. This projection was done in Autodesk Autocad´s MagiCAD plug-in. Meanwhile when these flowcharts and model drawings were constructed, communication with manufacturers and suppliers of the major machines in the system was done parallel with the modeling. This was made to get the correct values, measurements and budget sacrifices. Once both the flowchart and the three-dimensional, realistic looking model were completed, a product calculation was initiated in Wikells Sektionsdata. The calculation includes all products in the entire refrigeration centre, as well as things that were previously unpublished. Examples of items that were not in the flowchart nor the three-dimensional model, but included in the product calculation are welding work, bolt joints, primary and secondary works. A product calculation was made for the system both with and without free-cooling, just to see how much the free-cooling installation will cost. The result was that the freecooling installation will cost 1 225 725 SEK. Subsequently, calculations were made to see how profitable it is for the company to invest in free-cooling. These calculations were made largely from an energy calculation from Ramböll. With those calculations, there was a result in the form of payback time. The payback time for free-cooling was calculated to just under 8,3 years. / Office 4.0
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Projeto de um amplificador operacional cmos de dois estágios e simulação elétrica do efeito de dose totalSantos, Ulisses Lyra dos January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de, inicialmente, fazer uma análise das fontes de radiação relevantes para aplicações de circuitos integrados em ambientes aeroespaciais. Em seguida se discute o efeito da radiação ionizante sobre estes circuitos integrados. Para o estudo do caso foi realizado o projeto de um amplificador operacional de dois estágios para as tecnologias de 350nm e 130nm, no qual foi testado, através de simulação elétrica, o efeito de dose ionizante total, verificando seu impacto sobre o desempenho destes. O efeito da dose total foi testado inicialmente de maneira simples, alterando-se os valores da tensão de limiar (VTh), bem como adicionada corrente de fuga em cada transistor, para o valor de radiação testado, conforme dados disponíveis na literatura. Em seguida foi realizada a análise de pequenos sinais para ambos os amplificadores, com o objetivo de verificar a degradação de desempenho. Em um segundo momento se repetiu a análise de pequenos sinais, porém juntamente com a análise de Monte Carlo, também em ambos os amplificadores. A análise de Monte Carlo permitiu verificar o comportamento do amplificador no caso em que há uma componente aleatória no impacto da radiação sobre o desempenho do circuito. Isto é, a situação em que os parâmetros dos transistores não são afetados (alterados) de maneira idêntica. Por fim, através da simulação elétrica, foi possível identificar as partes do amplificador operacional mais sensíveis à radiação, relacionando as com o descasamento dos transistores casados devido a radiação. / This work aims at, initially, make a brief review on the main radiation sources of relevance for integrated circuits operating in aero-space environments. The effect of ionizing radiation on MOS devices is also discussed. The design of a two stages operational amplifier of 350nm and 130nm technology is also performed. The response of the operational amplifier to total ionizing dose (TID) will be evaluated trough electric simulation. This effect will be initially evaluated in a simple way, that is, changing its threshold voltage (Vth) values and adding a leakage current in each transistor, according to the data found in the literature. Then the small signal analyses of is performed in both amplifiers, in order to evaluate the performance degradation. In a second moment the small signal analyses is repeated but now in the context of Monte Carlo simulations, in order to evaluate the situation in which the radiation does not change the parameters of all transistors by exactly the same amount. Finally, further electrical simulations are performed in order to identify the components of the operational amplifier that are most sensitive to radiation relating to the mismatch of transistors married due to radiation.
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Efeitos da radiação ionizante e técnicas de proteção aplicadas a projetos de dispositivos MOS customizados / Ionizing radiation effects and radiation hardened by design applied into MOS transistorsVaz, Pablo Ilha January 2015 (has links)
Os efeitos produzidos pela interação da radiação ionizante com os circuitos integrados podem ser classificados em efeitos de eventos únicos (Single Event Effects - SEE), comumente relacionados a problemas transientes, e efeitos de dose total ionizante (Total Ionization Dose - TID), os quais se originam em decorrência do longo tempo de exposição à radiação ionizante. Com relação à proteção desses circuitos, técnicas, como redundâncias temporais e espaciais, podem ser aplicadas a fim de reduzir a ocorrência de eventos transientes. Por outro lado, efeitos de TID e mesmo alguns SEE específicos, como os que causam degradações permanentes do circuito, podem ser atenuados drasticamente através de técnicas propostas em nível de layout. Nesse contexto, este trabalho analisa os conceitos básicos envolvidos na interação da radiação com o transistor MOS, desvios de suas características elétricas e técnicas de atenuação dos efeitos acumulativos aplicadas em níveis de arquitetura de sistemas, de processo de fabricação e de dispositivo. Contudo, este trabalho realiza uma abordagem mais detalhada de técnicas de tolerância em nível de layout. A tolerância em nível de layout do transistor é o resultado da combinação entre tecnologia escolhida agregada ao uso de anéis de guarda (guard rings) e aplicação de técnicas em nível de dispositivo como, por exemplo, a de geometria fechada (enclosed-gate). Este trabalho explora diferentes topologias de geometria fechada analisando diferentes modelagens e estimativas de razão de aspecto (W⁄L). Além disso, todas as análises e propostas apresentadas ao longo deste trabalho levam em conta o ambiente de projeto comercial, de forma que os dispositivos e técnicas propostas possam ser aplicadas e fabricadas utilizando ferramentas de projeto comerciais, respeitando restrições quando a dimensões e espaçamentos entre estruturas de acordo com requisitos comerciais de litografia. Os resultados obtidos corroboram o fato de que ao custo de área é possível que se obtenha um dispositivo mais tolerante à radiação e, neste caso, técnicas de mais alto nível ainda podem ser aplicadas de forma a atingir uma maior eficiência de proteção. / Studies related to ionizing radiation effects into MOS transistors are usually classified into two main groups, Single Event Effects (SEE) and Total Ionization Dose (TID). The former is related to transient effects and the later to the permanent effects which occurs during the whole lifetime of integrated circuits and devices. Architecture level for SEE mitigation techniques usually involves redundancy and majority voters, on the other hand, TID mitigation techniques act avoiding or reducing the weak and critical regions in the layout perspective. In this context this work proposes the analysis of primary physical mechanisms of radiation effects in semiconductor components and MOS transistors by exploring the electrical properties and related degradations. The mitigation (or hardening) techniques are explored not only at the architectural level but also by processes improvements. Nonetheless, this work is primarily focused to achieve a radiation hardened circuit by applying specific changes in the layout perspective making the design named as Radiation Hardened by Design (RHBD). Trading the area and circuit density it is possible to harden the most basic building block of electrical circuits (MOS transistors) and, in this case, by applying higher levels of mitigation techniques it is even possible to harden the entire circuit. Hardening by device is a combination of technology node, use of guard rings and techniques such as Enclosed Layout Transistor (ELT). Thus, this work realizes a comparative study of different proposed models to estimate the effective W/L aspect ratio in ELTs. Moreover, the analysis and approaches presented throughout this work take into account the commercial context, i.e., respecting the commercial Process Design Kits rules.
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