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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur når insurgenter framgång? En teoriutvecklande explorativ studie av första Tjetjenienkriget.

Pedersen, Simon January 2016 (has links)
In the beginning of the 21st century counterinsurgency has been at the center of the scientific debate considering war-studies. Great efforts have been made to achieve success in conflicts against insurgents in the Middle East. Much of the scientific contributions have been implemented in doctrines and strategic approaches but unsuccessfully so. Given the complexity of these conflicts many theories that have emanated from the subject fail to grasp the insurgents’ actions altogether. Considering these statements, the purpose of this essay is to conduct an explorative study of the First Chechen war in order to contribute to the understanding of the insurgents’ success. The result of this study reveals that the theory I developed grasps the complexity of the conflicts but is overly detailed on how the insurgents should act. It is therefore not applicable to this conflict in its current form but cannot be dismissed, though. The Chechens mostly acted according to the theory. Therefore, the result of this study reveals that this insurgency had specific characteristics that need to be taken into consideration if one is to understand the outcome of the conflict. The study provides an indication that this might be true for other conflicts as well.

Endast genom anfall kan avgörande nås : En studie av hur liten kan besegra stor i asymmetriska krig

Karlsson, Roger January 2016 (has links)
Att förstå och förklara krig och vad som avgör krig kan bidra till en stats krigföringsförmåga. En liten stat som exempelvis Sverige, vilken antas inte ha ambition att angripa annan stat, löper risken att tvingas utkämpa krig som underlägsen en starkare motståndare. Detta kommer då troligen att ske på eget territorium mot motståndare som skapat de förutsättningar denne bedömer ska räcka till seger. Då två parter har olika förutsättningar att föra striden, exempelvis i styrka, skapas asymmetri mellan de båda.   Denna uppsats söker bidra till kunskap om hur resultat i asymmetriska krig kan förklaras. Det faktum att den på förhand avgjort starkare parten inte uppnår sina målsättningar med kriget i ens hälften av fallen i modern tid är en gåta. Svaret på denna gåta söks genom att pröva och jämföra två teorier, vilka var för sig påstår sig förklara varför ett asymmetriskt krig kan sluta med seger för den svagare parten. Teorierna prövas genom en komparativ litteraturstudie av två asymmetriska krig, Ryssland - Tjetjenien 1994-1996 och 1999-2009.   Resultatet visar att båda de teorier som prövas är relevanta men att ingen av dem enskilt kan erbjuda en fullständig förklaring av resultatet i dessa krig. Den visar också på ett antal ytterligare faktorer som ej kan bortses från då man söker förklara resultatet i ett asymmetriskt krig.

Ryska informationsoperationer : Tjetjenienkrigen och doktriner

Forssberg, Ulf January 2003 (has links)
Under det nyligen avslutade kriget i Irak, 2003, har kriget inom den fjärde arenan,informationsoperationer, blivit påtaglig. Vilken kapacitet har Ryssland inom denna arena?Syftet med uppsatsen är att lägga en grund till fördjupad kunskap om ryskainformationsoperationer, dels vad doktrinerna uttrycker men även praktiskt genomförande.Uppsatsen inleds med en analys av det första Tjetjenienkriget 1994 – 1996 och däreftermilitära doktrinen samt doktrinen om informationssäkerhet, båda undertecknade år 2000.Genom en analys av det andra Tjetjenienkriget, 1999 – , redovisas vilken ”Lessons Learned”som har skett mellan de två krigen via doktrinerna. I min påföljande diskussion och syntesredovisas vilken kurs Ryssland har lagt ut för informationsoperationer.I arbetet utnyttjar jag en deskriptiv metod med induktiv slutledning. Beskriven teori,manöverteorin, samt analysverktyg, OODA-loopen, och de där dragna slutsatser kommer attutnyttjas i en diskussion om det resultat som min kvalitativa textanalys ger. I min diskussionsvarar jag på ställda frågor och verifiera eller falsifierar de i utredningen ställda hypoteserna. / During the last war in Iraq, the war of Information Operations has been evident.What capacity does Russia have in this arena?The purpose of this essay is to lay the foundations for deeper knowledge about theRussian information operations, in doctrines as well as in reality. This is donethrough an analysis of the 1st Chechnya War 1994-96. Thereafter, the militarydoctrine and the doctrine of information security are analysed, both signed in2000. Through an analysis of the 2nd Chechnya War, one can clearly see theprogress, lessons learned, from the 1st War to the 2nd based on the doctrines. In thefollowing discussion and synthesis, I account for the policy Russia has takenregarding Information Operations.During my essay, I use a descriptive method with an inductive conclusion.Described theory, manoeuvre theory and a tool of analysis (the OODA-loop) withconclusions will be used in a discussion about the result of my qualitative textualcommentary. The discussion will answer questions asked and verify or falsify thestipulated hypothesis. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 01-03

The Sword-model in the Context of the Soviet Union and Russia

Sandborg, Vilhelm January 2017 (has links)
This thesis approaches the reasons behind the success of insurgencies in conflicts against greater nations. Why is it that a small group with limited resources can triumph against a great military power. This study seeks to analyze the conflicts in Afghanistan 1979-1989 and Chechnya 1994-1996 with the use of an adapted version of the SWORD-model in order to conclude whether the model can elucidate the separate outcomes. The original model is based on seven dimensions which all explains different aspects on how a state ought to combat insurgents in order to succeed, and has predominantly been used to analyze conflicts involving the US, not Russia or the USSR. A case study is then realized on the two conflicts in order to strengthen or weaken the analytic prowess of the adapted SWORD-model. The analysis concludes that the insurgents had the advantage in four and three respectively, out of the four adapted dimensions in Afghanistan and Chechnya, which indicates that the insurgents should have succeed in both conflicts which they did. Based on this, it can be argued that the analytic power of the adapted SWORD-model has been strengthened by explaining two additional partly unique conflicts involving alternative states.

Hur uppnås framgång i strid i bebyggelse? : En teoriprövande jämförande flerfallsstudier av Alice Hills teori om strid i bebyggelse

Sandberg, Johan January 2021 (has links)
With a world than is becoming more and more urbanized and with more importance being placed on cities the likelihood that our urban centers will be the focus of future warfare increases. This study will examine how Alice Hills theory can explain success in urban warfare in a comparative case study. The purpose of this study is to affect the validity of Hills theory. This method used in this study is a theory testing case to examine to what extent Hills´s theory can explain the failure during the first battle of Grozny and the success during the second battle of Grozny and by doing so increasing the validity of hills Theory. The two cases have similar background variables, which allows for a structured comparison of the two cases. The analysis is based on Hills’s success factors in urban warfare.  The results show the importance of morale and skill in urban combat.

Krigföringens principer : Fina ord eller nyttiga lärdomar? En teoriprövande studie av Marvin Pokrants krigföringsprinciper

Åkerström, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
The Principles of War have long been debated about their relevance and usefulness within the military context. Some theorists think that the Principles of War are laws that should be followed to achieve success in battle, while others see them more as guidelines. The principles have also been discussed on which level and type of warfare they should apply on, furthermore which types of principles to include. A theorist that has published a revised set of nine principles is Marvin Pokrant (2021), these Principles of War aim to be relevant across all levels and types of warfare. They are also one of the most contemporary sets of principles and has not yet been tested. Therefore, are the purpose of this study to both contribute to the overall research about the principles of war and more specifically if Pokrant’s (2021) set of principles has any explanatory value about success in modern military operations. The result of this study shows that this set of principles has explanatory value about the success in modern military operations. This is because the successful case had eight out of nine principles present, while the unsuccessful case only had two.

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