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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'individualità dei corpi. Percorsi nell'Etica di Spinoza / L'individualité des corps. Parcours dans l'Ethique de Spinoza / The Individuality of The Bodies. Routes in the Ethics of Spinoza

Toto, Francesco 26 May 2014 (has links)
L'Éthique de Spinoza est traversée par une tension entre la centralité reconnue au corps sur le plan théorique et sa relative marginalisation sur le plan textuel. D'un côté, l'Éthique affirme explicitement l'impossibilité de séparer la connaissance que nous avons de l'esprit de celle que nous avons du corps. C'est pour cette raison que la deuxième partie de cette œuvre − dédiée à la nature et à l'origine de l'esprit − confère au corps le rôle de protagoniste dans la longue section textuelle que l’on a coutume d'appeler "Abrégé de physique". D'un autre côté, la volonté d'indiquer au lecteur la voie qui peut le conduire à la liberté et au bonheur « de l'esprit » impose à tout l'exposé spinozien une perspective tendanciellement mentale, dans laquelle la présence du corps se dissipe pour devenir plus disséminée et feutrée. Le but de ma thèse est d’aborder le défi interprétatif induit par ce jeu de présences et d’absences, de dits et de non-dits, et de restaurer la centralité du corps dans le système spinozien en reconstruisant les usages et les significations des références à la corporéité qui sont éparpillées tout le long du texte. À cette fin, mon enquête commence par l'éclaircissement de la tâche assignée à l'Abrégé de physique (Introduction). Elle se poursuit le long de trois itinéraires qui serpentent autour des notions de « individuum » (Section I), « motus spontaneus corporis » (Section II), « fabrica » et « constitutio » (Section III). Elle s’achève sur l'analyse de la fonction cachée du corps et de sa durée dans l'« amour intellectuel de Dieu ». / Scattered throughout the Ethics of Spinoza is the tension between the centrality afforded to the theoretical recognition of the body and its relative textual marginalization. On the one hand, the Ethics explicitly asserts the impossibility of separating our knowledge of the mind from that of the body. For that reason, the second part of theEthics – dedicated to the nature and the origin of the mind – confers on the body the role of a protagonist in the long textual section. On the other hand, the desire to lead readers toward freedom and happiness “of the mind” imposes on all Spinozian philosophy a tendential mental perspective in which the presence of the body becomes more dispersed and blurred. The purpose of my dissertation is to approach the interpretative challenge inferred by this duality of presences and absences, of the said and the unsaid, and to restore the centrality of the body in the Spinozian system by reconstructing the argumentative functions and the rethoric strategies through which the references to corporeity appear in the text.To this end, my inquiry begins with the clarification of the task assigned to the so-called 'Summary of Physics' (Introduction). It then takes up three independent but intertwining directions around the notions of “individuum” (Section I) “motus spontaneous corporis” (Section II), “fabrica” and “constitutio” (Section III) to terminate with an analysis of the hidden role of the body and its duration in the “intellectual love of God.” Each of these routes addresses certain hitherto little studied details that form part of the “minor lexicon” of Spinozian philosophy, to restore the conceptual network to which they belong and to enlighten their systematic meaning.

Towards a Coherent Reading of Marxian Methodology Based on the Conception of Totality

Boveiri, Kaveh 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à examiner la conception de totalité dans la littérature marxiste d’un point de vue méthodologique pour offrir une solution à un problème persistant dans la méthodologie marxiste, notamment la relation entre la méthode de recherche et la méthode d’exposition, un problème qui s’est persisté dans la littérature sans une solution définitive depuis 1857-58 quand Marx a écrit ce que nous connaissons maintenant comme les Grundrisse et l’Introduction. Pour ce faire, suite au soulignement des lacunes de deux conceptions erronées de totalité, la conception de totalité selon Hegel, aussi que des insuffisances des interprétations offertes par d’autres marxistes, nous avançons notre propre lecture de la totalité marxienne, en démontrant le développement de cette conception dans les oeuvres de Marx. Finalement, nous relions ce développement au problème de la relation entre la méthode de recherche et la méthode d’exposition en les reliant, mais aussi les distinguant comme deux moments de la méthode d’investigation. / This dissertation examines the conception of totality in Marxist literature from a methodological point of view in order to offer a solution to a longstanding problem in Marxist methodology, namely, the relationship between the method of inquiry and the method of exposition, the problem that has lingered without any definitive solution in the literature since the time Marx scribbled in 1857-58 the notes now known as the Grundrisse and Introduction. To this effect, after highlighting the shortcomings of two misconceptions of totality and Hegel’s conception of totality, and demonstrating the lacunae of the existing interpretations offered by other Marxist thinkers, it advances what is proposed as a proper Marxian understanding of totality, through showing the development of this conception in Marx’s works. Finally, it relates this particular development to the problem of the relationship between the method of inquiry and the method of exposition by relating and also distinguishing them as two moments included in the method of investigation.

Archéologies, suivi de Constructions et déconstructions de la totalité chez Perec, Bon et Ponge

Gélinas-Lemaire, Vincent 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise en recherche-création cherche à explorer de deux façons singulières les possibilités littéraires de la construction (ou de la déconstruction) d’un objet saisi comme une totalité. La création s’écrit selon une contrainte stricte : laisser des matériaux produire du récit afin d’en découvrir méthodiquement le vocabulaire, la symbolique et les résonances historiques. Ce sont encore les matériaux qui dictent l’ordre des textes selon leur propre chronologie. L’essai quant à lui, procède d’une recherche semblable par l’analyse de textes choisis de trois auteurs modernes : Georges Perec, François Bon et Francis Ponge. Par la diversité des genres qu’ils expérimentent, par leurs méthodes d’écriture singulières et par la richesse de leurs corpus, ils constituent un terrain privilégié pour des études de cas variées ainsi que pour une synthèse pertinente. Ces deux parties se conjuguent étroitement, dans une expérience ouverte de la littérature. / The following master’s thesis, in both theory and creative writing, aims to explore by two different paths the literary possibilities of the construction (or deconstruction) of an object considered as a totality. The creative writing is bent by a strict rule: to allow chosen materials to awaken a narrative universe where their vocabularies, symbolisms and historical meanings will be revealed. Those same materials determine the order in which the texts are listed. The essay is aiming at similar goals, but proceeds by analysis of three modern authors: Georges Perec, François Bon and Francis Ponge. By the vast number of literary genres they experiment on, by their unique styles and by the richness of their corpuses, they prove to be perfect subjects for both isolated analysis and a common synthesis. The two parts work closely together to provide an open literary experiment.

Totalidade urbana e totalidade-mundo. As cidades coloniais barrocas face à patrimonialização global / Urban Totality and Totality-World: The Baroque Colonial Towns in face of Global Heritagisation

Costa, Everaldo Batista da 21 January 2011 (has links)
Ouro Preto e Diamantina cidades barroco-rococó mineiras do Brasil Setecentista são tratadas, neste doutorado, como totalidades urbanas inseridas no processo que conceitualizamos como patrimonialização global. Essa abordagem exigiu-nos uma periodização para o entendimento da ressignificação simbólica dessas cidades, cujos momentos imbricados desse processo são: 1. as cidades coloniais como particularidade de um devenir universal gênese e incipiência do movimento histórico do patrimônio no Brasil; 2. as cidades coloniais como territórios de identidade nacional; 3. as cidades coloniais como territórios de identidade do capital; 4. as cidades coloniais emergentes enquanto cidades-patrimônio-mercadoria, na fase mais notória da patrimonialização global, que reinventa o barroco e estimula a recolonização dos centros históricos brasileiros; e 5. as cidades coloniais barrocas como possibilidade de vir a ser, de empoderamento dos bens materiais-simbólicos por parte da população. Tal periodização pensada na perspectiva dialética do espaço geográfico favorece a análise do ordenamento socioterritorial de Ouro Preto e Diamantina para além dos limites do tombamento federal, de maneira que a relação políticas urbanas e políticas de patrimônio é apontada como a condição primeira ao empoderamento deste Patrimônio Mundial mineiro, por parte de sua população local. / Ouro Preto and Diamantina baroque-rococo Minas Gerais towns of 18th century Brazil are considered, in this thesis, urban totalities inserted in the process here conceptualized as global heritagisation. This approach demanded a periodisation in order to understand the symbolic ressignification of those cities whose embedded moments in the process are: 1. colonial towns as a perculiarity of a universal devenir genesis and the incipient stage of the heritage movement in Brazil; 2. colonial towns as national identity territories; 3. colonial towns as capital identity territories; 4. emergent colonial towns as heritage-goods-cities in the most noted phase of global heritagisation, which reinvents the baroque and stimulates the recolonisation of Brazilian historical centres; and 5. the baroque colonial cities as a possibility of coming to be, of the population being empowered by the symbolic-goods. Such a periodisation thought from a dialectic perspective on the geographic space allows for the analysis of the socio-territorial ordering of Ouro Preto and Diamantina far beyond the limits of federal conservation so that the relation between urban policies and heritage policies is considered to be the first condition for the local population to be empowered by this Minas Gerais World Heritage.

Etika Emmanuela Lévinase / Ethics of Emmanuel Lévinas

HUŠEK, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is called Emmanuel Lévinas Ethics and its aim is to explain the ethical concept of this original French philosopher. The first part of the thesis is focused on important influences that were important for Lévinas' philosophical work. The next part of the thesis deals with dialogical personalism as a philosophical direction into which Lévinas is most often classified. The third and most important part deals with the motives that led Lévinas to the elaboration of his ethical theses and subsequently parts of these theses are processed. It turns out that the basic aspect of his theory is the social relationship of the 'I' with the Second, through which the path to transcendence leads .Lévinas' conception is considered as a sort of ethical turn in philosophy and can be considered as a return to man. Properly conceived ethics based on respect, Levinas considers being "prima Philosophia".

Alteridade e libertação: sobre a condição de ser sujeito em Enrique Dussel / Alteridade and liberation: on the condition of being subject in Enrique Dussel

Pedroso, Edson Adriano 30 June 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao EDSON ADRIANO PEDROSO.pdf: 395390 bytes, checksum: 8b41cc7b365e404457c39f1d2ae28376 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-06-30 / Este trabalho aborda a questão da idéia de sujeito em Enrique Dussel a partir do horizonte de seu pensar que vem se desenvolvendo há praticamente 30 anos. Nossos esforços procuram apresentar como, no desenvolver de suas reflexões, Dussel permite considerar a condição de ser sujeito de libertação confrontada com a tradição filosófica ocidental e as perspectivas que afirmam a morte do sujeito histórico. Dussel considera a ineficiência da tradição filosófica em abordar a materialidade da vida do indivíduo nas conformações sociais decorrentes em cada época histórica. Tematiza filosoficamente uma antropologia implícita na tradição semita que permite postular uma co-determinação do aspecto material e formal do ser humano. A produção, reprodução e desenvolvimento da vida são critérios éticos que inauguram as relações humanas em sociedade, todavia, por estarem inscritos na complexidade do processo civilizatório em dimensões pulsional, racional, empírica e dialógica, quem cumpre com estes critérios intenta um ato de bondade, frente a um sistema que se reproduz por relações de opressão. A partir das vítimas, Dussel estabelece que o sujeito como ator social deve superar as pulsões de autoconservação individual e confrontar criticamente todo sistema histórico vigente. Porém, ressalta que o reconhecimento da dignidade da vítima não é suficiente para a realização de um ato, instituição ou sistema, eticamente bons. Para tal fim é necessário consenso intersubjetivo com validade moral e factibilidade ética. Para Dussel, ser sujeito de libertação é poder manejar estas condições

Syntactic variation in English quantified noun phrases with all, whole, both and half

Estling, Maria January 2004 (has links)
The overall aim of the present study is to investigate syntactic variation in certain Present-day English noun phrase types including the quantifiers all, whole, both and half (e.g. a half hour vs. half an hour). More specific research questions concerns the overall frequency distribution of the variants, how they are distributed across regions and media and what linguistic factors influence the choice of variant. The study is based on corpus material comprising three newspapers from 1995 (The Independent, The New York Times and The Sydney Morning Herald) and two spoken corpora (the dialogue component of the BNC and the Longman Spoken American Corpus). The book presents a number of previously not discussed issues with respect to all, whole, both and half. The study of distribution shows that one form often predominated greatly over the other(s) and that there were several cases of regional variation. A number of linguistic factors further seem to be involved for each of the variables analysed, such as the syntactic function of the noun phrase and the presence of certain elements in the NP or its near co-text. For each of the variables, all factors were ranked according to their strength of correlation with particular variants. The study also discusses a possible grammaticalisation process concerning NPs with half and the possibility of all sometimes having another function than expressing totality: to express large quantity. The whole idea of grammatical synonymy has been questioned by some scholars, but the conclusion drawn in the present study is that there are variables that are at least very close to each other in meaning, and that a number of linguistic and non-linguistic factors influence our choices of variant. A great deal of the information obtained was too detailed to be useful for pedagogical purposes, but in several cases the results could clearly be used to improve school and reference grammars.

Archéologies, suivi de Constructions et déconstructions de la totalité chez Perec, Bon et Ponge

Gélinas-Lemaire, Vincent 06 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise en recherche-création cherche à explorer de deux façons singulières les possibilités littéraires de la construction (ou de la déconstruction) d’un objet saisi comme une totalité. La création s’écrit selon une contrainte stricte : laisser des matériaux produire du récit afin d’en découvrir méthodiquement le vocabulaire, la symbolique et les résonances historiques. Ce sont encore les matériaux qui dictent l’ordre des textes selon leur propre chronologie. L’essai quant à lui, procède d’une recherche semblable par l’analyse de textes choisis de trois auteurs modernes : Georges Perec, François Bon et Francis Ponge. Par la diversité des genres qu’ils expérimentent, par leurs méthodes d’écriture singulières et par la richesse de leurs corpus, ils constituent un terrain privilégié pour des études de cas variées ainsi que pour une synthèse pertinente. Ces deux parties se conjuguent étroitement, dans une expérience ouverte de la littérature. / The following master’s thesis, in both theory and creative writing, aims to explore by two different paths the literary possibilities of the construction (or deconstruction) of an object considered as a totality. The creative writing is bent by a strict rule: to allow chosen materials to awaken a narrative universe where their vocabularies, symbolisms and historical meanings will be revealed. Those same materials determine the order in which the texts are listed. The essay is aiming at similar goals, but proceeds by analysis of three modern authors: Georges Perec, François Bon and Francis Ponge. By the vast number of literary genres they experiment on, by their unique styles and by the richness of their corpuses, they prove to be perfect subjects for both isolated analysis and a common synthesis. The two parts work closely together to provide an open literary experiment.

A escada de Wittgenstein : as relações entre mundo, linguagem e misticismo no tractatus

Peres, Carolina Violante 17 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Arley Ramos Moreno / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T19:25:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Peres_CarolinaViolante_M.pdf: 883162 bytes, checksum: 581c21be5ea6bfce9beb704f48cd469b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Este trabalho é uma tentativa de mostrar que Wittgenstein, no Tractatus, endossa um misticismo estrito senso, ou seja, que ele entende o Místico, em última instância, de modo monista, como substância una da realidade. No Tractatus Wittgenstein considerava que o indizível, e portanto, o Místico, só poderia ser delimitado a partir do interior do dizível. Assim, só a compreensão correta dos limites do mundo e da linguagem que o expressa poderia revelar o aspecto místico da realidade. A estrutura da linguagem e do mundo que ela afigura seria como uma escada e o Místico seria a verdade encontrada por aquele que conseguisse escalar os degraus dessa escada, passando através dela, por ela e para além dela (6.54). Procuraremos, neste trabalho, reconstituir os degraus que Wittgenstein teria galgado, partindo do interior da estrutura da linguagem e do mundo, de modo a atingir a verdade mais elevada sobre a realidade, que seria o Místico / Abstract: This work attempts to show that, in the Tractatus, Wittgenstein assumes a stricto sensu mysticism, i.e., that he understands the Mystic, in the final analysis, in a monist manner or as the one single substance of reality. In the Tractatus, Wittgenstein considers that the unsayable, and therefore the Mystic, could only be delimited starting from the interior of the sayable. Thus, only the correct understanding of the limits of the world and of the language that expresses it could reveal the mystic aspect of reality. The structure of language and of the world that it depicts would be like a ladder and the Mystic would be the truth encountered by whoever succeeds in climbing its steps, thus passing through them, on them, over them (6.54). In this work, we seek to retrace the steps that Wittgenstein would have climbed, starting from the interior of the structure of language and of the world, to reach the highest truth about reality, which would be the Mystic / Mestrado / Mestre em Filosofia

O rompimento da barragem Fundão-MG: questão ambiental e crimes industriais sob a lógica capitalista

Pontes, Nicole Alves Espada 18 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2017-12-07T12:17:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 nicolealvesespadapontes.pdf: 4575290 bytes, checksum: 2cb270efed7a4b6be9e1e85e0e4ddee7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2017-12-22T11:27:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 nicolealvesespadapontes.pdf: 4575290 bytes, checksum: 2cb270efed7a4b6be9e1e85e0e4ddee7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-22T11:27:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 nicolealvesespadapontes.pdf: 4575290 bytes, checksum: 2cb270efed7a4b6be9e1e85e0e4ddee7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-18 / A discussão fomentada através desse trabalho visa realizar uma análise crítica da “questão ambiental” para além de seus aspectos fenomênicos, desvelando assim sua intrínseca relação com a “questão social” enquanto partes de um único processo no interior da dinâmica capitalista, produtos da reprodução das relações sociais em totalidade. Assim, haverá um recurso a autores que travam o debate em questão, evidenciando como a crescente degradação que assistimos da natureza está relacionada à lógica de reprodução do capital no interior do capitalismo contemporâneo – o qual vem determinando a cadência e os graus de destruição ambiental. A particular expressão dos “crimes ambientais”, ocorridos e agravados mundialmente, serão objeto de análise desse processo na concreticidade, sobretudo a partir do estudo de caso sobre o rompimento da barragem de rejeito mineral de “Fundão”, da empresa Samarco S.A., no distrito de Mariana, Minas Gerais. / The discussion fomented through this paper aims to realize a critical analyzes of “environmental issue” to beyond its phenomenal aspects, thus revealing its intrinsic relationship with “social issue” while parts of a unique process inside capitalism dynamics, product of the social relationships reproduction in totality. Therefore, there will be a resource to authors who catch the present debate, evidencing how growing nature degradation watched is related to capital reproduction logic inside contemporaneous capitalism – which has been determining the cadency and environmental destruction degrees. The particular expression of “environmental crimes”, happened and aggravated worldwide, will be object of analyzes of this process in concentricity, especially from case study about “Fundão” mineral tailing dam incident, from Samarco S.A. company, in Mariana district, Minas Gerais.

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