Spelling suggestions: "subject:"triangle."" "subject:"riangle.""
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公共利益的看守者:從1410大禹治水聯盟檢視非營利組織政策監督 / The Watchers of Public Welfare: An Examination of Public Policy Supervision by Non-Profit Organization from the 1410 Ta-Yu Water Management Alliance李翰林, Li,Han Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在2006年1月,立法院通過了總金額合計高達1410億水患治理特別條例、石門及其集水區整治特別條例。本文以許多民間非營利組織為監督治水預算成立的1410大禹治水聯盟為研究個案,希望能瞭解立法過程裡,民間聯盟如何監督公共政策?又如何打破國會與官僚的結盟結構,實際影響政策?本文採用深度訪談、報章資料與參與觀察等方式,藉由McAdam的政治機會結構理論為分析架構,以說明治水預算裡行動者擴編預算的動機與過程。並分析在立法院審查各階段治水聯盟的因應策略、實際行動和內部運作,以及監督成效。研究發現在地方水患陰影下,又面對官僚、國會與地方政府三者鐵三角般的互利合作,主張審慎監督的治水聯盟其實無力回天。一方面因議題範圍實在太大,無法動員特定地區相關者;另一方面也是鐵三角間同盟關係非常穩固,國會遊說發揮不了作用。故只能藉少數友好立委,在朝野協商爭取加入更多資訊公開、績效評估與公民參與機制。透過這些機制,在後續八年政策執行過程中找出更多公共參與和監督的著力點。藉此也讓原先僅有地區性互動的環保運動與社區大學運動在本案上交會。此新合作方向是否會對未來環保運動帶來新的在地網絡與群眾支持,值得後續觀察與研究。 / In January 2006, the Legislative Yuan passed the Special Enactment on Flood Management in Areas Susceptible to Floods and the Special Enactment on Restoration of Shi-Men and its Catchments Area amounting to NT$141 billion. This paper makes a study of the 1410 Ta-Yu Water Management Alliance formed by a number of civil non-profit organizations for the purpose of supervising and auditing the water management budget.
The study seeks to understand how the civil alliance supervises public policies during the legislative process and how they break the alliance structure between the Legislative Yuan and bureaucracy to actually influence policies. By using McAdam’s political opportunity structure theory as its analysis structure, this paper gives an account of the motives and processes of activists in the creation of the water management budget through in-depth interviews, newspaper reports and participate observation. It also analyzes the countering strategies, activities, internal functioning and the results of the supervisory actions of the Water Management Alliance.
This research discovered that in the face of the alliance’s proposition of prudent supervision could not be upheld in the face of mutual cooperation within the iron triangle of bureaucracy, the Legislative Yuan and local government. On one hand is the alliance’s inability to mobilize related parties in specific areas due to the issues covering too wide a range and on the other hand is the solid relationship within the iron triangle alliance and negates lobbying efforts in the Legislative Yuan.
It is only by a few friendly legislators that mechanisms for the increased disclosure of information, performance evaluation and civil participation were added during negotiations between the ruling and opposition parties. Through these mechanisms it is hoped that more foothold for public involvement and supervision can be found in the following eight years of policy implementation. Also, such mechanisms would allow conservation movements and community college movements which used to be limited to territorial interactions to meet.
Whether this new direction in cooperation brings new grassroot support for future environmental movements remains worthy of follow up observation and research.
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敏感性與脆弱性: 中國、委內瑞拉與美國的石油戰略三角 / Sensitivity and Vulnerability: Strategic Triangle of China-Venezuela-US Oil Relations (1999-2008)張敏慧, Chang, Min Hui Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This thesis highlights the strategic triangle of oil relations between China, the US and Venezuela by analyzing their petro-diplomacy campaigns and domestic oil strategies. Research which has empirically documented the oil conditions of China, Venezuela, and the United States and their use of strategies is scant. Therefore, the aim of this thesis attempts to explore how their oil relations and national oil strategies are related, as these three countries all need to strengthen their national energy strategies and focus attention on energy security. This thesis will also look at the sensitivity and vulnerability of these triangular oil relations by analyzing each bilateral conflicts and cooperation, and at the concerns arising from this in a Strategic Triangle Theory framework. The main goal is to understand the trilateral oil interactions between China, Venezuela, and the United States and better minimize the conflicts and tensions between them.
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Études de la violation de CP dans les désintégrations B0 -> DK*0 et des performances du système de déclenchement hadronique avec le détecteur LHCb au CERNMartin Sanchez, Alexandra 25 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le Modèle Standard de la physique des particules, le mécanisme Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) décrit le phénomène du mélange des quarks. De ses paramètres, l'angle gamma est celui connu avec la moins grande précision. Les mesures directes donnent une incertitude d'environ 15º, importante comparée à celle sur la valeur extraite des ajustements globaux, de 3º. Pour vérifier la cohérence du Modèle Standard, gamma doit être mesuré précisément. Cela est possible en utilisant des processus au niveau des arbres, où seules des contributions du Modèle Standard sont attendues, ou avec des processus impliquant des boucles, qui peuvent être sensibles à des effets au-delà. Des différences entre la mesure de gamma avec des diagrammes en arbres et avec des boucles pourraient être donc une indication de nouvelle physique. Cette thèse présente la première mesure des observables CP dans la désintégration B0 -> DK*0. Celle-ci est sensible à gamma du fait de l'interférence entre l'amplitude des diagrammes b -> u et b -> c, au niveau des arbres. L'asymétrie CP dans le mode B0 -> D(K+K-)K*0 et le rapport des largeurs partielles avec B0 -> D(K+pi-)K*0 sont mesurés avec 1 /fb de données récoltées par l'expérience LHCb en 2011,A_KK_d = -0,452 +/- 0,230 +/- 0,025 = A_CP+,R_KK_d = 1,360 +/- 0,366 +/- 0,075 = R_CP+. L'asymétrie CP du mode supprimé B0 -> D(K-pi+)K*0 et le rapport des largeurs partielles avec le favorisé B0 -> D(K+pi-)K*0 sont mesurés avec 3 /fb de données récoltées en 2011 et 2012,A_sup_d = -0,094 +/- 0,318 = A_ADS,R_d = 0,075 +/- 0,023 = R_ADS. Les études réalisées sur le système de déclenchement hadronique de l'expérience LHCb sont aussi présentées.
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Výpočty variability vývojových trojúhelníků v neživotním pojištění / Variability estimation of development triangles in nonlife insuranceHavlíková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe calculation methods for variability esti- mation of claims reserve in non-life insurance. The thesis focuses on three main categories of models: Mack's stochastic Chain-Ladder, generalized linear models and bootstrap. Both the theoretical and also the empirical parts are included. Empirical part is devoted to application of all the models described above on both real and simulated data. 1
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Att lokalisera och åtgärda brister i agila projekt : En undersökning med hjälp av kritiska faktorer samt dimensionerna i projekttriangelnSeing, Jonathan, Wiklund, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
To only follow agile methodologies for agile software development isn't enough to lead to success in agile projects. The dimensions time, cost and scope in the project management triangle are fundamental requirements to succeed in a project. Within projects there exists many other critical success factors and attributes that affect the result of the project. Those are called critical success factors and combined with a project management triangle they are used in this study as a tool for project improvement in research to find potential improvements for agile project in organizations. This research was carried out as a single case study on a company located in the IT branch. The purpose of the study is to with use of the critical success factors mapping done by Chow and Cao [1] combined with the project management triangle dimensions, research which or what degree of critical factors that were existing in the company’s project management culture. The result was used as a tool to create an improvement plan which purpose was to be applied on existing flaws. The study was performed using qualitative research and data were collected through interviews with the employees. This research shows that potential improvements can easily be found by research projects for critical success factors and the project management triangle dimensions. Combined factors, attributes and dimensions make a complete concept for successful projects. After analyzing and processing the data, a summarize of data were created which showed what factors, attributes and dimensions that were existing and on what degree in the company’s project management culture. This study shows that potential improvements can easily be found by research projects for critical success factors and the project management triangle dimensions. For all missing and low degree attributes an improvement plan was created on purpose to be applied on existing flaws in order to create a higher success factor on future agile projects. / För att lyckas med agila projekt så räcker det inte med att enbart följa metoder inom agil systemutveckling, inom projekt finns det även en hel del andra faktorer som kan påverka projektets utgång. Dessa faktorer kallas för kritiska faktorer och de står för orsakerna som påverkar utfallet för ett lyckat projekt då de följs. Projekttriangelns dimensioner tid, kostnad och omfattning är grundläggande krav som finns för ett lyckat projekt. Genom att kombinera dessa med de kritiska faktorerna kan en helhetsbild skapas av vad som leder till ett lyckat projekt. Denna studie genomfördes i form av en fallstudie på ett företag i IT-branschen. Syftet med studien var att utifrån Chow och Cao’s [1] kartläggning av kritiska faktorer tillsammans med projekttriangelns dimensioner, undersöka vilka och till vilken grad fallföretaget uppfyller dessa kriterier och attribut. Resultatet användes sedan till att föreslå förbättringsförslag för att kunna åtgärda identifierade brister. Undersökningen genomfördes med en kvalitativ ansats där data har samlats in genom intervjuer med personer som arbetar på företaget. Genom analys och bearbetning av insamlat underlag kunde en sammanställning tas fram för hur fallföretaget förhåller sig till de kritiska faktorerna och projekttriangelns tre dimensioner. Resultatet visar att det gick att identifiera områden där fallföretaget inte uppfyller alla kritiska faktorer. För samtliga brister har förslag på åtgärder föreslagits, detta för att lyckade projekt ska kunna uppnås i större utsträckning.
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Développements combinatoires autour des tableaux et des nombres eulériens / Combinatorial developments on tableaux and eulerian numbersChemli, Zakaria 31 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe au carrefour de la combinatoire énumérative, algébrique et bijective. Elle se consacre d’une part à traduire des problèmes algébriques en des problèmes combinatoires, et inversement, utilise le formalisme algébrique pour traiter des questions combinatoires.Après un rappel des notions classiques de combinatoire et de structures algébriques, nous abordons l’étude des tableaux de dominos décalés, qui sont des objets combinatoires définis dans le but de mieux comprendre la combinatoire des fonctions symétriques P et Q de Schur. Nous donnons la définition de ces tableaux et nous démontrons qu'ils sont en bijection avec les paires de tableaux de Young décalés. Cette bijection nous permet de voir ces objets comme des éléments du super monoïde plaxique décalé, qui est l'analogue décalé du super monoïde plaxique de Carré et Leclerc. Nous montrons aussi que ces tableaux décrivent un produit de deux fonctions P de Schur et en prenant un autre type de tableaux de dominos décalés, nous décrivons un produit de deux fonctions Q de Schur. Nous proposons aussi deux algorithmes d'insertion pour les tableaux de dominos décalés, analogues aux algorithmes d'insertion mixte et d'insertion gauche-droit de Haiman. Toujours dans le domaine de la combinatoire bijective, nous nous intéressons dans la deuxième partie de notre travail à des bijections en lien avec des statistiques sur les permutations et les nombres eulériens.Dans cette deuxième partie de thèse, nous introduisons l'unimodalité des suites finies associées aux différentes directions dans le triangle eulérien. Nous donnons dans un premier temps une interprétation combinatoire ainsi que la relation de récurrence des suites associées à la direction (1,t) dans le triangle eulérien, où t≥1. Ces suites sont les coefficients de polynômes appelés les polynômes eulériens avec succession d'ordre t, qui généralisent les polynômes eulériens. Nous démontrons par une bijection entre les permutations et des chemins nord-est étiquetés que ces suites sont log-concaves et donc unimodales. Puis nous prouvons que les suites associées aux directions (r,q), où r est un entier positif et q est un entier, tel que r+q≥0, sont aussi log-concaves et donc unimodales / This thesis is at the crossroads of enumerative, algebraic and bijective combinatorics. It studies some algebraic problems from a combinatorial point of view, and conversely, uses algebraic formalism to deal with combinatorial questions.After a reminder about classical notions of combinatoics and algebraic structures, We introduce new combinatorial objects called the shifted domino tableaux, these objects can be seen as a shifted analog of domino tableaux or as an extension of shifted Young tableaux. We prove that these objects are in bijection with pairs of shifted Young tableaux. This bijection shows that shifted domino tableaux can be seen as elements of the super shifted plactic monoid, which is the shifted analog of the super plactic monoid. We also show that the sum over all shifted domino tableaux of a fixed shape describe a product of two P-Schur functions, and by taking a different kind of shifted domino tableaux we describe a product of two Q-Schur functions. We also propose two insertion algorithms for shifted domino tablaux, analogous to Haiman's left-right and mixed insertion algorithms. Still in the field of bijective combinatorics, we are interested in the second part of our work with bijections related to statistics on permutations and Eulerian numbers.In this second part of this thesis, we introduce the unimodality of finite sequences associated to different directions in the Eulerian triangle. We first give a combinatorial interpretations as well as recurrence relations of sequences associated with the direction (1, t) in the Eulerian triangle, where t≥1. These sequences are the coefficients of polynomials called the t-successive eulerian polynomials, which generalize the eulerian polynomials. We prove using a bijection between premutations and north-east lattice paths that those sequences are unomodal. Then we prove that the sequences associated with the directions (r, q), where r is a positive integer and q is an integer such that r + q ≥ 0, are also log-concave and therefore unimodal
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Praça da Sé: reformada ou deformada pelas obras do Metrô?! / Sé Square: reformed or deformed by the works of the metro!?Ovando Junior, Altivo 08 April 2014 (has links)
A Dissertação versa sobre as obras para a construção da Estação Sé do Metrô de São Paulo realizadas no início da década de 1970. O foco principal é o resultado dessa intervenção na praça produzida por aquelas obras. Antes, havia duas praças com importante história na cidade, a Praça da Sé, com a Catedral em seu ponto mais elevado, e a Praça Clóvis Beviláqua, com o Tribunal de Justiça como destaque, com um quarteirão todo edificado entre elas, que foi demolido para a construção da estação e da praça que surgiu. Dentre essas edificações demolidas, duas expressam muita simbologia e assumem caráter importante para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, o Palacete Santa Helena e o Edifício Mendes Caldeira. Aquele simbolizava o pensamento da esquerda e de uma época áurea da cidade; esse representou a força do autoritarismo, já que foi a primeira implosão realizada / This dissertation runs upon the works for the construction of the Sé Subway Station in Sao Paulo, conducted in the early 1970s. The main focus is the result of this intervention in the square produced by those works. Before, there were two squares with important history in the city, the Sé Square with the Cathedral at its highest point, and the Clovis Beviláqua Square, with the Court of Justice as a highlight, with a whole city block built between them, which was demolished to the construction of the station and the square that arose. Among those demolished buildings, two express much symbolism and play an important role in the development of this study: the Santa Helena Palace and the Mendes Caldeira Building. The first one symbolized the left wing thinking and a golden age of the city, the other one represented the strength of authoritarianism, since it was the first implosion held in the country at that time.
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Revistas impressas do mundo dos negócios: retórica e semiótica em entrelaçamentos discursivos / Printed magazines of the corporative universe: rhetoric and semiotics in discursive interlacementRamos, Cleonice Men da Silva 12 September 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar produções argumentativopersuasivas e efeitos de sentido depreensíveis de textos impressos veiculados nas revistas do mundo dos negócios EXAME, Época NEGÓCIOS e ISTOÉ Dinheiro. Em especial, interessa-nos o pensamento de Mestre Aristóteles: é pelo discurso que persuadimos, sempre que demonstramos a verdade ou o que parece ser a verdade. Considera-se a tríade aristotélica éthos, páthos, lógos. Modernamente, esses componentes retóricos são representados no ato comunicativo pela relação entre as três instâncias: o orador (enunciador), o auditório (enunciatário) e o discurso. A argumentação é ferramenta imprescindível da Retórica e mantém presença, em escalas distintas, em todos os textos/discursos. O processo argumentativo não é fundado no vazio: há sempre um propósito e o envolvimento de mais de um indivíduo. Argumenta-se para alcançar consenso sobre divergências em determinado ponto de vista; para confirmar e reforçar crenças e valores radicados em um indivíduo ou em um grupo específico; para, enfim, por meio de discurso dado como eficaz, obter a adesão do auditório: convencer ou persuadir o outro. A constatação de produções argumentativo-persuasivas recorrentes nos textos das revistas remete a certa imagem que o orador (enunciador) faz do seu auditório/enunciatário-leitor: o páthos, reconhecido como imagem da disposição, estado de espírito da instância de recepção, concretizada em sujeito discursivo do universo de sentido da esfera social de negócios empresariais. Com os conceitos da Nova Retórica, firma-se fortemente o prestígio do auditório particular no processo argumentativo-persuasivo. Ao considerar as produções discursivas voltadas a esse auditório específico, a pesquisa adentra os estudos das paixões que modalizam sujeitos sociais, inseridos nessa esfera de sentido delimitada: a corporativoempresarial. / This work aims at showing argumentative-persuasive techniques observed in texts of the printed versions of EXAME, Época NEGÓCIOS and ISTOÉ Dinheiro, magazines from the corporate business discursive sphere. In special, we are interested in the thought of Aristotle: it is through discourse that we persuade, when we show the truth or what appears to be the truth. The Aristotelian triad éthos, páthos, lógos, which in modern times is represented by the relation of the instances of the orator (enunciator), the audience (enunciatee-reader), and the discourse is examined at length. Argumentation, an indispensable tool of Rhetoric, can be found in different levels in all texts/discourses. The argumentative process is not grounded in the void: there is always a purpose and involvement of more than one individual. The argumentation process intends to reach a consensus about some divergent points of view; to confirm and strengthen beliefs and values deeply rooted in an individual or a group; to hold, in short, the audience´s adherence through a discourse considered effective: convincing or persuading other people. The findings of recurrent argumentative-persuasive productions in the texts of magazines result in an apprehension by the orator/enunciator of certain audience/enunciatee-reader´s image: the páthos, recognized as the image of disposition, the inclination of the instance reception, materialized in the subject of discourse of the social sphere of corporate business. With the New Rhetoric concepts, the prestige of a particular audience takes deep roots in the argumentative-persuasive process. When considering the discursive productions directed to a specific audience, this work engages the study of the passions that modalize social subjects belonging to this restricted meaning sphere of meaning: corporate business.
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Argumentação e prova na matemática escolar do ensino básico: a soma das medidas dos ângulos internos de um triânguloAlmeida, Julio Cesar Porfirio de 08 May 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-08 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T17:25:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2007-05-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study is about the demonstration of amount of measure the internal angles of triangles made by 8th grade from Fundamental School and the First year of High School, from of resolution of two specified questions. This work intends to contribute with the Argumentation and Proof in School Mathematics project (AprovaME), that has as one of objectives the mapping of conceptions about teenager s argumentation and proofs in public and private schools of São Paulo (state) For this was made a questionnaire in two books, five questions of Algebra and with five questions of Geometry. They were given to 1998 pupils aged between 14 and 16 years. The two analyzed questions are in the Geometry notebook.
After checking the given information, took out 50 pupils as sample, that answers were classified in four progressive levels according their form of argument used in evolution of the Pragmatic proof (first principles methods of verification) to the Intellectual proof (elaborations of reasoning from logical-deduction nature and the production of explanation characterized as mathematics demonstration). In the following phase these pupils were put in groups according with the types of answers presented, to do the individual interviews aiming explanations about their choose. Finish the work a conclusive survey based in the results of the analysis, where are suggested forms of approach of subject Proofs and Demonstrations in the classroom, contemplating the execution of dynamic activities that give privilege the construction of mathematically consistent argument based in the expression of generalized reasoning / Este estudo trata da demonstração da soma da medida dos ângulos internos de um triângulo por alunos da oitava série do Ensino Fundamental e da primeira série do Ensino Médio, a partir da resolução de duas questões específicas. Procura contribuir com o Projeto Argumentação e Prova na Matemática Escolar (AprovaME), que tem como um de seus objetivos o mapeamento das concepções sobre argumentação e prova de alunos adolescentes em escolas públicas e particulares do Estado de São Paulo. Para esse levantamento foi elaborado um questionário contendo, em dois cadernos, cinco questões de Álgebra e cinco de Geometria, aplicados a 1998 alunos na faixa etária entre 14 e 16 anos. As duas questões analisadas estão inseridas no caderno de Geometria.
Após a tabulação das informações coletadas, extraiu-se dessa população uma amostra de 50 alunos, cujas respostas foram classificadas em quatro níveis progressivos quanto às formas de validação dos argumentos empregados numa evolução da categoria Prova Pragmática (métodos rudimentares de verificação) à Prova Intelectual (elaboração de raciocínios de natureza lógico-dedutiva e produção de explicações caracterizadas como demonstrações matemáticas). Na etapa seguinte, esses alunos foram agrupados de acordo com os tipos de resposta apresentados para a realização de entrevistas individuais visando à obtenção de esclarecimentos adicionais sobre suas escolhas. Encerra o trabalho um panorama conclusivo baseado no resultado da análise em que são sugeridas formas de abordagem do tema Provas e Demonstrações em sala de aula, contemplando a realização de atividades dinâmicas que privilegiem a construção de argumentos matematicamente consistentes, fundamentados na expressão de raciocínios generalizadores
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Competitividade do setor siderúrgico o dilema custo versus diferenciação: estudo de caso da CSN - Companhia Siderúrgica NacionalPaula, Sérgio Iunis Citrangulo de 11 March 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-03-11 / In the current economy, with both the information speed and the hypercompetition
among the companies, it is necessary to analyze and understand new
strategic alternatives to place organizations into this new environment. The
traditional trade-off cost vs. differentiation diffused by Porter (1986) needs to be reevaluated
to fit to this new market reality and taking into consideration the
complexity of some new emerging strategic deals. This dissertation addresses
theories about the competitive strategy based on a case study of Companhia
Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN). This strategic analysis is made based on Porter s
(1986) model and using the Delta Model proposed by Hax & Wild II (2001), applied
as an alternative to the Porter s one. From a review of the literature over both
models and also from the CSN s case analysis, this study presents the possibility
to excel on Porter s trade-off in the strategic formulation, going deeper in the
actions, combining costs vs. differentiation, taken by the Company. Based on the
identification and consideration of the decisions made by the top management of
the company, which lead CSN to present competitive advantage and, during these
last years of privatization, has been enabling economic returns over the
competitors and the interest of many investors. This dissertation discuss the
consistence and effectiveness on Porter s (1986) generic competitive strategy
proposal, and that it is possible to go further on the proposed trade off and think
about combined strategies / Na atual economia, a velocidade das informações e hiper-competição entre
empresas, torna-se necessário analisar e compreender novas alternativas
estratégicas para posicionar as organizações diante deste novo cenário. O
tradicional trade off custos versus diferenciação difundido por Michael E. Porter
(1986) precisa ser reavaliado para esta nova realidade de mercado e da
complexidade de alguns dos novos arranjos estratégicos emergentes. Esta
dissertação discute teorias sobre estratégia competitiva a partir de um estudo de
caso na Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN). Esta análise estratégica é feita a
partir do modelo de Porter (1986) e utilizando o Modelo Delta proposto por Hax &
Wilde II (2001), aplicado como alternativa ao modelo porteriano. Este estudo fará
uma revisão da literatura sobre ambos os modelos e da análise do caso da CSN,
apresentando a possibilidade de superação do trade-off porteriano na formulação
estratégica ao se aprofundar no detalhamento das ações que combinam custos
versus diferenciação tomadas pela Empresa. Estará identificando e refletindo
sobre as ações e mudanças tomadas pela alta administração da empresa que
levaram a CSN a apresentar vantagem competitiva, que nestes últimos anos após
privatização da empresa tem proporcionado retornos econômicos acima da
concorrência e o desejo de muitos investidores. Esta dissertação discute a
consistência e validade na proposta de estratégias competitivas genéricas de
Porter (1986), e que é possível ir além do trade off proposto e pensar em
estratégias combinadas
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