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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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El test de proporcionalidad y el peligro de su aplicación por el Tribunal Constitucional Peruano

Salvatierra Castro, Milagros Alexandra 07 March 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación pretende analizar brevemente los peligros de la aplicación del principio de proporcionalidad que existen actualmente, los cuales – al parecer – no han sido tomados en cuenta por el Tribunal Constitucional peruano al momento de utilizarlo en los diferentes casos que llegan a dicha institución. La primera parte aborda la teoría, la estructura y los subprincipios que integran al principio de proporcionalidad. En la parte final, se desarrollan los peligros y/o críticas existentes en contra de la aplicación de dicho principio; y, asimismo, un caso específico que llegó al Tribunal Constitucional peruano, que quizás no fue resuelto de la manera más racional y objetiva posible, que desde su publicación hasta el día de hoy genera comentarios negativos. Se concluye que si bien el principio de proporcionalidad es – hoy en día - el principal instrumento con el que cuenta el operador jurídico para determinar si la actuación no es arbitraria o irracional, se advierte que los jueces constitucionales no se encuentran en la capacidad para aplicar de manera eficiente el principio de proporcionalidad, pues ajustan los criterios exigidos por éste principio a la subjetividad de cada uno, con lo cual, podemos decir, que no se basan en argumentos jurídicos ni objetivo o racionales, sino en lo que ellos consideran como aceptable.

How far has the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda really come since Akayesu in the prosecution and investigation of sexual offences committed against women? An analysis of Ndindiliyimana et al

Trouille, Helen L. 2013 March 1922 (has links)
Yes / During the first trial before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), that of Jean-Paul Akayesu, it became evident that many Tutsi and moderate Hutu women had been raped, that “rape was the rule and its absence was the exception”.1 Although, initially, not a single charge of sexual violence was proffered against Akayesu, presiding judge Navanethem Pillay interrupted the proceedings, allowing ICTR prosecutors to amend the indictment and include counts of rape and sexual violence. Akayesu subsequently became the first case to recognise the concept of genocidal rape. However, post-Akayesu, comparatively few defendants appearing before the ICTR have been convicted of sexual violence. An analysis of the recent case of Ndindiliyimana et al2 reveals that major shortcomings beset the investigation and prosecution procedures, so that crimes of sexual violence go unpunished, although research suggests that adequate legislation is in place at the ICTR to prosecute rape and sexual violence successfully.

The Court of Justice of the European Union

Kapsis, Ilias January 2016 (has links)
No / This chapter examines the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), which consists of three courts: the Court of Justice (or ‘the Court’), the General Court, and the Civil Service Tribunal. It focuses on issues of structure and procedure, the extent of the Courts’ jurisdiction, and their role in the promotion of European integration. The chapter also discusses the criticism directed at the CJEU for the way it exercises its judicial powers, which allegedly involve political considerations normally unacceptable for a judicial body. Lastly, the chapter looks at the main challenges facing the courts.

Le traitement du harcèlement discriminatoire et du harcèlement psychologique en milieu de travail : continuité ou rupture?

Tanguay, Valérie 12 1900 (has links)
La Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (CDLP) interdit de harceler sur la base d’un motif prohibé. Depuis juin 2004, la Loi sur les normes du travail (LNT) interdit le harcèlement psychologique au travail. Par cette disposition, le législateur a voulu augmenter l’accessibilité aux recours pour les salariés. Désormais, la personne salariée victime de harcèlement discriminatoire en milieu de travail a accès aux deux recours. Les victimes se prévalent maintenant presqu’exclusivement du recours fondé sur la LNT. En effet, le Tribunal des droits de la personne (TDP) n’a rendu qu’une seule décision en la matière après 2004. Ce nouveau recours a aussi modifié le traitement juridique du harcèlement discriminatoire en milieu de travail. Notre objet d’étude aborde la question de l’incidence d’une loi du travail sur la protection des salariés ainsi que le concept de constitutionnalisation du droit du travail. Nous nous intéressons à la continuité dans le temps de la notion de harcèlement discriminatoire en milieu de travail non syndiqué (de 1990 à 2010). Notre étude repose sur des méthodes qualitatives variées: comparaison des recours existants; revue de la doctrine et étude comparative de soixante-dix (70) décisions jurisprudentielle du TDP et de la Commission des relations du travail (CRT). Nos résultats ont déterminé qu’il y a rupture dans la façon de traiter les plaintes de harcèlement discriminatoire au travail depuis l’entrée des dispositions de la LNT. Outre la juridiction saisie, des ruptures sont constatées au plan des éléments constitutifs du harcèlement et des sources de droit utilisées. Cette recherche permet de fournir une évaluation essentielle à la compréhension de l’efficience des recours récents mis à la disposition des personnes salariées victimes de harcèlement discriminatoire. / The Québec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms prohibits harassment on the basis of a discriminatory ground. Since June 2004, the Act respecting Labour Standards (ARLS) prohibits harassment in the workplace. By this provision, the legislature intended to increase the availability of recourse for employees. Now, the employee who is victim of discriminatory harassment in the workplace has access to both remedies. Currently, the victims rely almost exclusively on the action based on the ARLS. Indeed, the Human Rights Tribunal (HRT) has only pronounced one decision on the matter after 2004. This new remedy has also modified the legal treatment of discriminatory harassment in the workplace. Our study focuses on the impact of a Labour Act on the protection of employees as well as on the concept of constitutionalized Labour Law. We examine the continuance of discriminatory harassment in the non-unionized workplace from 1990 to 2010. Our study is based on various qualitative methods: comparison of existing remedies; review of the doctrine and comparative study of seventy (70) law cases of the HRT and the Commission des relations du travail (CRT). Our results show that failures exist in the treatment of complaints of discriminatory harassment in non-unionized workplace since the provisions enforcement of the ARLS. Except from the court seized, discontinuities are identified in the constitutive elements of the harassment and the sources of law. This research provides an essential assessment to understand the efficiency of the recent recourses available for employees who are victim of discriminatory harassment in the workplace.

Les hautes juridictions criminelles de l’Ancien Régime à la Révolution : continuité et rupture, de la Provence au département des Bouches-du-Rhône, 1781-1795 / The high criminal jurisdictions, from the Ancien Régime to the Revolution : continuity and rupture, from Provence to the department of the Bouches-du-Rhône, 1781-1795

Ravestein-Pennacchia, Emmanuel 12 December 2018 (has links)
La Révolution française, « mère de toutes les révolutions » selon l’expression consacrée, est perçue comme une rupture radicale tant socialement que politiquement. Sur le plan juridique, elle ouvre les portes de la justice criminelle à l’humanité des lumières en accord avec les idées de Cesare Beccaria et de nombreux auteurs du XVIIIe siècle. La réforme pénale initiée par l’Assemblée constituante se veut comme une rupture franche avec l’Ancien Régime en repensant entièrement la carte judiciaire et le corpus législatif pour offrir à la cité « idéale » la justice qui lui revient. Pour autant, cette transfiguration aura-t-elle les effets escomptés ? Au-delà des mots, quel est son impact réel sur le rendu de la justice ? Les effets les plus néfastes qui prévalaient sous les conseillers du roi ont-ils disparu sous le règne des jurés de jugement ? Quelles sont les parts de continuité et de rupture avec l’Ancien Régime dans l’exercice de cette justice pénale ordinaire révolutionnaire ? Sur les traces de Tocqueville, cette étude se propose de répondre à ces problématiques en « descendant dans le tombeau de cette France qui n’est plus » au travers des archives du Parlement de Provence pour comprendre cette France qui vient de naître, incarnée par les tribunaux de district jugeant criminellement et le tribunal criminel départemental des Bouches-du-Rhône. Pour nous aider dans cette mise en perspective et naviguer entre ces deux périodes, nous monterons à bord de « Argo », une application que nous avons développée pour traiter et analyser les milliers d’arrêts de ces juridictions antagonistes / The French revolution, “mother of all the revolutions” according to the devoted expression, is perceived like a radical rupture both socially as politically. On the legal level, she opens the doors of criminal justice to the humanity of the lights in agreement with the ideas of Cesare Beccaria and many authors of the 18th century. The penal reform initiated by the Constituent Assembly wants to be like a frank rupture with the Ancien Régime by entirely reconsidering the judicial map and the legislative corpus to offer to the “ideal” city the justice she deserve. However, will this transfiguration have the desired effects? Beyond words, what is its real impact on the rendering of justice? Did the most harmful effects which prevailed under the advisors of the king disappear under the reign of jurors? What are the shares of continuity and rupture with the Ancien Régime in the exercise of this ordinary revolutionary criminal justice? In the footsteps of Tocqueville, this study proposes to answer these problems by "descending into the tomb of this France which is no more" through the archives of the Parliament of Provence to understand this France which has just been born, incarnated by the criminal district courts and the departmental criminal court of Bouches-du-Rhône. To help us in this perspective and navigate between these two periods, we will go up on board "Argo", an application we have developed to process and analyze the thousands of judgments of these antagonistic jurisdictions

La mémoire et le droit des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l'humanité depuis la seconde guerre mondiale : comparaison Allemagne fédérale / France / Memory and law of war crimes and crimes against humanity, since world war II : comparison federal Germany / France

Bouvier, Charlotte-Lucie 17 November 2014 (has links)
A rebours de la croyance populaire qui veut que le temps efface les blessures, le constat s'impose de l'omniprésence de la mémoire comme matrice des orientations décidées par nos gouvernants. Soixante-dix ans après la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, elle occupe l'espace public dans toutes ses composantes et pousse à l'adoption de lois de reconnaissance des victimes et de sanction des discours de négation. Parallèlement, le législateur doit répondre à ses engagements conventionnels et satisfaire aux exigences de la justice pénale internationale. Mais ici encore, les contingences politiques sont fortes, qui sclérosent la réflexion juridique et conduisent à l'élaboration de dispositions controversées. Ce phénomène, ostensible en France, l'est moins chez notre voisin allemand, pourtant tributaire d'un lourd héritage mémoriel. Cette observation peut surprendre celui qui ne tient pas compte des évolutions conjointes mais divergentes des deux Etats depuis 1945, quant à la « gestion » des crimes internationaux par nature et de leurs suites ; d'où l'utilité d'une approche transversale, historique et comparative de ces questions. / Contrary to the popular belief that the time clears injuries, the finding must be made of the omnipresence of the memory as a matrix of guidelines decided by our leaders. Seventy years after the World War II ended, it occupies public space in all its components and drives the adoption of laws recognizing victims and punishing speech of negation. Meanwhile, the legislature must meet its conventional obligations and the requirements of international criminal justice. But again, the political contingencies are strong, which block legal thinking and lead to the creation of controversial provisions. This phenomenon, striking in France, is less at our german neighbor, yet reliant on a heavy legacy memorial. This observation may surprise those who do not consider the joint but divergent evolutions of the two states since 1945, on the « treatment » of international crimes by nature and their consequences ; hence the usefulness of a transverse, historical and comparative approach to these issues.

Fontes do direito internacional: um estudo da jurisprudência sobre crimes contra a humanidade do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia / Sources of international law: a study of the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslav

Valle, Janaina Rodrigues 24 February 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo debater a contribuição e o papel que a jurisprudência do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia desempenhou no processo de produção e desenvolvimento do direito internacional penal costumeiro sobre crimes contra a humanidade e sua influência na formação do conteúdo normativo atual do art. 7o(1),(2)(a), do Estatuto de Roma, que trata do crime contra a humanidade. Para isso, analisa-se como a Corte determinou o costume válido sobre as elementares do crime contra a humanidade nos casos Duko Tadie Draen Erdemovi, julgados antes da conferência de Roma. Em seguida, examina-se a teoria das fontes, mais especificamente, o costume internacional, seu fundamento, seus dois elementos (combinação de prática e opinio iuris), bem como seus sujeitos criadores e veículos de exteriorização, em especial a jurisprudência internacional. Nesse percurso, apontam-se as práticas destoantes do costume e a dificuldade de sua determinação, para então indicar o binômio valor e poder como elementos que influenciam sua manifestação. Depois, procura-se verificar o contexto político e jurídico de criação do Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia, associando-o à proteção do valor paz mundial e às alterações das estruturas de poder da ordem internacional. Então, faz-se uma avaliação da contribuição dos julgados analisados como veículos para exteriorização do costume ou de seus elementos. Por fim, com a análise da coincidência de resultados no que tange à estrutura de algumas das elementares decididas pelo Tribunal Penal Internacional para a ex-Iugoslávia e o conteúdo normativo atual do art. 7o(1),(2)(a) do Estatuto de Roma, pode-se concluir que a jurisprudência estudada veiculou parte da opinio iuris do direito costumeiro sobre crimes contra a humanidade, contribuindo, assim, com o desenvolvimento do direito internacional penal sobre o tema. / This work aims to discuss the contribution and the role that the jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia played in the production and development of international criminal customary law on crimes against humanity and its influence in shaping the article 7o(1),(2)(a), of the Rome Statute, about crime against humanity. In order to accomplish this task, it analyses how the Court defined valid custom on the chapeau elements of crime against humanity in the Duko Tadi and Draen Erdemovi cases. Next, it considers the theory of sources, more specifically, international custom, its basis, its two elements (combination of state practice and opinion juris), as well as its subjects and forms of externalization, including international decisions. About this, it points out the dissonant ways custom emerges and the difficulty of its determination, then indicating values and power as elements that influence its manifestation. After, it analyses the political and juridical contexts in which the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was established, relating it with the protection of world peace, as a value, and the changes in the power structures of international order. Then, it unpacks the contribution of the above decisions (Duko Tadi and Draen Erdemovi cases) as vehicles of externalization of custom or, at least, one of its elements. Finally, with the analyse of the coincidence between the chapeau elements of crimes against humanity as decided by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the current normative content of article 7o(1),(2)(a),of the Rome Statute, it can be concluded that the jurisprudence studied ran part of the opinion jurisabout crimes against humanity as an element of custom, thus, contributing to the development of international criminal law on that issue.

A Contribuição Social devida pelo empregado: Incidente sobre créditos resultantes de condenação judicial em face do enunciado 368 do TST

Carvalho, Celso Eduardo Lellis de Andrade 31 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIR - Celso Eduardo L A Carvalho.pdf: 486410 bytes, checksum: acca71d44cc98659ac3a08476c319308 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-31 / Starting out with the syntactic dimension of the language and supported in the juridical-philosophical thought from Professors Lourival Vilanova and Paulo de Barros Carvalho, this work seeks analyze the structure of the juridical tax norm that supports collecting the social contribution due by the employee assessed on the credits resulting from judicial conviction, with emphasis on the temporal element of the respective juridical tax fact, placing it in confrontation with the understanding pronounced by the Superior Labor Court, through Statement 368 / Partindo da dimensão sintática da linguagem e apoiado no pensamento jurídico-filosófico dos Professores Lourival Vilanova e Paulo de Barros Carvalho, este trabalho busca analisar a estrutura da norma jurídica tributária que ampara a cobrança da contribuição social devida pelo empregado incidente sobre os créditos resultantes de condenação judicial, com ênfase ao elemento temporal do respectivo fato jurídico tributário, colocando-a em confronto com o entendimento proferido pelo Tribunal Superior do Trabalho, através do Enunciado 368

Súmula vinculante e jurisdição constitucional brasileira

Leite, Glauco Salomão 23 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:25:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Glauco Salomao Leite.pdf: 745073 bytes, checksum: f2f1cf1fc1f255da77b94c58a0eb4c90 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work aims at researching the polemic institute of binding decision in brazilian law. In order to face the multiple questions which exist about this subject, it starts from the idea that it is inserted in the constitutional adjudication model existent in the country, contributing to the increase in the equality principle as well as the juridical safety in the application of law. This presumption is essential to comprehend the reasons why the arguments which intend to characterise the binding decision as a result of legislative activity by Federal Supreme Court are refuted, which would represent a violation to the separation of powers. Similarly, it contests the idea that the binding decision is offensive to the judicial discretion, always taking into account the duty of the Federal Supreme Court as a superior organ in the interpretation of the Constitution. From this, it analyses the legal regime which disciplines the creation, revision and cancellation processes of the binding decisions. Furthermore, it searches the consequences derived from the binding effects of such decisions. Lastly, it makes a reoccurring comparison between the binding decisions and other institutes of the foreign law / O trabalho objetiva pesquisar o polêmico instituto da súmula vinculante no direito brasileiro. Para o enfrentamento das múltiplas questões que existem a seu respeito, parte da premissa de que ele se insere no modelo de jurisdição constitucional existente no país, contribuindo para o incremento dos princípios da igualdade e da segurança jurídica na aplicação do direito. Esse pressuposto é fundamental para compreender as razões pelas quais refuta os argumentos que pretendem caracterizar a súmula vinculante como fruto de atividade legislativa por parte do Supremo Tribunal Federal, o que configuraria uma violação à separação dos poderes. Igualmente, contesta a idéia de que a súmula vinculante é ofensiva à garantia do livre convencimento do juiz, sempre levando em conta o papel do Supremo Tribunal Federal como órgão superior na interpretação da Constituição. A partir daí, adentra o regime jurídico que disciplina os processos de criação, revisão e cancelamento das súmulas vinculantes. Além disso, perscruta as conseqüências advindas do efeito vinculante de tais súmulas. Por fim, efetua uma comparação recorrente entre as súmulas vinculantes e outros institutos do direito estrangeiro

A competência sancionatória do Tribunal de Contas no exercício da função controladora: contornos constitucionais

Pelegrini, Márcia 31 October 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:28:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia Pelegrini.pdf: 1004190 bytes, checksum: 26daaa45de58a2c587839433123a8662 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-10-31 / The present paper s objective is to analyse sanction competence given by constituent legislator to Court of Accounts as its function as controller. The legal dispositive analyses consubstantiated with VIII point, article 71 of Federal Constitution, resulted on observation that the mentioned punitive competence finds boundaries consubstantiated on the bills irregularities aspects and expenses illegalities, such points must orient the infraconstitutional legislator on illicit conducts determination and controlling organ on sanction application, in a way which some infractions prior in Federal Law 8.443/ 92 are in disagreement with the constitutional orientation. It is also approached on the aspect related to sanction legal nature applied by Court of Accounts, although it is of administrative nature, comes from his control function. The sanctioned norms named by the doctrine as open and elastic can be allowed, when the censored conduct discretion and respective sanction can make feasible the advance science of the individual, because such norms, themselves, cannot remove the incidence of typicity s principle. Besides that, the existence of the sanction norms linked by generic clauses leads to comprehension of regulament must be taken as relevant instruments to accomplish the mission of, without innovation, describe in a detailed way on conducts generically foresight in the law as illicit, even though in a exhaustive way, but through the exemplar roll to orient the individuals and limit the action of the norm applicant, as well as similar situations. The sanction appliance will only be validated if realised through legal procedures that assures the opportunity of defence in its plenitude, through clause observance of the due process of law and its resulting principles, situation in which some of Penal Law s own principles will be incided. At last, the cited procedure must be subjected to a reasonable deadline, analogically inciding, faced with Court of Accounts Organic s Law silence, the punitive pretension prescription deadline established by Federal Law 9.873/ 99 / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a competência sancionatória conferida pelo legislador constituinte ao Tribunal de Contas da União, no exercício da função de controle. A análise do inciso VIII do artigo 71 da Constituição Federal resultou na constatação de que a referida competência punitiva encontra limites consubstanciados nos aspectos da irregularidade de contas e ilegalidade de despesas, vetores estes que devem orientar o legislador infraconstitucional na determinação das condutas ilícitas, e o órgão controlador na aplicação das sanções, de forma que algumas infrações previstas na Lei Federal nº 8.443/92 estão em desacordo com a orientação constitucional. Aborda-se também o aspecto relacionado à natureza jurídica da sanção aplicada pela Corte de Contas, que embora seja de natureza administrativa, decorre do exercício da função de controle. Assim, conquanto o legislador deva adotar cautelas para não criar situações de conflito na aplicação das mesmas sanções cujas competências estejam conferidas a autoridades integrantes dos órgãos controlados, os influxos decorrentes da função fiscalizatória afastam a caracterização do bis in idem não tolerado pelo direito pátrio, diante das diferentes áreas de atuação. As normas sancionadoras denominadas pela doutrina de abertas ou elásticas podem ser admitidas, quando a descrição das condutas censuradas e das respectivas sanções possa viabilizar a antecipada ciência dos indivíduos, porque tais normas, por si sós, não afastam a incidência do princípio da tipicidade. Além disso, a existência de normas sancionatórias veiculadas por cláusulas genéricas leva ao entendimento de que os regulamentos devem ser tidos como instrumentos relevantes para cumprimento da missão de, sem inovar, descrever de forma mais detalhada as condutas genericamente previstas na lei como ilícitas, ainda que não o façam de forma exaustiva, mas exemplificativa a orientar os indivíduos e limitar o âmbito de atuação do aplicador da norma, inclusive acerca de situações assemelhadas. A aplicação da sanção só será válida se realizada por meio de procedimento legal que assegure a oportunidade de defesa em sua plenitude, mediante a observância da clausula do devido processo legal e dos princípios dela decorrentes, situação em que incidirão alguns princípios próprios do direito penal. Por fim, referido procedimento deve se sujeitar a um prazo razoável de duração, incidindo analogicamente, diante do silêncio da Lei Orgânica do Tribunal de Contas da União, o prazo prescricional da pretensão punitiva estabelecido na Lei Federal nº 9.873/99

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