Spelling suggestions: "subject:"theexceptional"" "subject:"requireexceptional""
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The Impact of twice-exceptionality on self-perceptionsKauder, Jennifer Keely 01 July 2009 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the self-perceptions of gifted individuals who have a disability that impacts their ability to learn and/or express knowledge, a population known as "twice-exceptional." Twice-exceptional participants were compared to gifted participants without disabilities to determine whether they differed in their self-perceptions. The self-perceptions that were measured in this study were self-esteem, global self-concept, academic self-concept, and sense of inadequacy.
Scores from the Behavior Assessment Scale for Children--2nd Edition (BASC-2) and the Piers Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale--2nd Edition (Piers-Harris 2) from school-age youth (n = 97) between ages 7 and 17 were used in the present study. Participants included 40 gifted youth, 29 gifted youth with learning disabilities, and 28 gifted youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Correlations that were calculated among age, gender, and scales measuring self-esteem, global self-concept, and sense of inadequacy for each group of twice-exceptional participants (G/ADHD, G/LD) revealed that neither age nor gender was significantly correlated with the three measures of self-perception. Self-Esteem and Total Self-Concept were positively correlated for each category of twice-exceptional participants, and Sense of Inadequacy was negatively correlated with the former two measures.
Gifted participants with learning disabilities were significantly different from gifted participants without disabilities on Self-Esteem, Intellectual and School Status (a measure of academic self-concept), and Sense of Inadequacy. Gifted youth reported higher levels of self-esteem and academic self-concept, and lower levels of sense of inadequacy. Gifted youth with ADHD were not significantly different from either comparison group. All three groups reported scores in the average range, with the exception of Intellectual and School Status. On this measure, gifted participants without disabilities reported scores in the above average range.
Within the entire sample of participants, Interpersonal Relations and Sense of Inadequacy were found to predict 61% of the variability in Total Self-Concept Scores. Research and practice implications of the findings from these analyses were discussed.
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The accurate and timely referral and identification of twice-exceptional students remains a challenge. In a statewide study, the referral decisions for both special education and gifted programming evaluations made by four participant groups (i.e., general education teachers, special education teachers, gifted education teachers, and school psychologists) were compared. Participants were randomly assigned to read one of three identically described students in a vignette that differed only in the presence of a diagnostic label—autism spectrum disorder (ASD), specific learning disability (SLD), or no diagnostic label. In all, special education teachers made the most special education referrals, while gifted education teachers made the most gifted programming referrals, both regardless of the diagnostic label present. The students with diagnostic labels were recommended for special education referrals significantly more than for gifted programming, while this difference was not evident in the no diagnostic label condition. Moreover, the student with the ASD label was the most likely to be referred for evaluations for both special education and gifted programming out of all three vignette conditions. Overall findings indicated the importance of considering the referral source as well as how the presence of a diagnostic label might influence educational referral decisions, particularly in how this might influence overall multidisciplinary team decisions for these unique learners.
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Att arbeta med elever med särskild begåvning och ASD : Fenomenet Twice Exceptional i skolanTrygg, Petra, Yilbar Norgren, Leyla January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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En fallstudie om lärares och elevers uppfattningar kring särskild begåvningLarsson, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
Förväntat kunskapsbidragStudien vill belysa de särskilt begåvade eleverna, hur lärare kan möta och upptäcka dem så attde får den kunskapsutveckling de har rätt till. Att särskilt begåvade även kan hainlärningssvårigheter, att begåvningen också kan vara ett hinder i deras inlärning och döljaandra svårigheter p.g.a. deras verbala förmåga. Lyfta fram elevernas uppfattningar om sittskriftspråk och det stöd de får av lärarna.Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare på två olika skolor i Sverige förhåller sig ocharbetar med särskilt begåvade elever i deras kunskapsutveckling. Detta för att öka kunskapenom hur lärare kan stötta särskilt begåvade elever i undervisningen. Det centrala iundersökningen är att undersöka om lärare använder något speciellt arbetssätt för att utvecklasärskilt begåvade elevers skrivutveckling, samt att undersöka elevernas uppfattning om sittskriftspråk och hur de upplever lärarnas stöd.De preciserade frågeställningarna:- Vilka kunskaper har lärarna för att upptäcka och möta särskilt begåvade elever.- Hur arbetar lärarna med de särskilt begåvade i deras skrivutveckling.- Hur upplever eleverna sitt skriftspråk och det stöd läraren ger.TeoriDe teoretiska perspektiv vilka studien är baserad på är sociokulturellt perspektivet för attspråket anses vara ett redskap för lärande och att människan samspelar med sin omgivning i sinutveckling. Det kognitiva perspektivet är viktigt ur de synvinkeln då de särskilt begåvade oftaär exceptionella i sitt tankesätt. Specialpedagogiskt perspektiv är viktigt för studiens syfte dådet belyser var och hur svårigheter och problem läggs.4MetodStudien är en fallstudie, då är det lämpligt att använda sig av triangulering, för att få kunskapoch djupare förståelse av det undersökta. I studien användes halvstrukturerade intervjuer ochobservationer.ResultatStudien visar att det finns viss kunskap hos lärare för att möta och upptäcka särskilt begåvadeelever, men att kunskapen behöver fördjupas och breddas. Acceleration i form av att hoppa överårskurser användes på båda skolorna. Lärarna i studien använde sig inte av något specielltarbetssätt eller arbetsmetod i undervisningen med de särskilt begåvade elevernasskrivutveckling. Eleverna arbetade med samma uppgifter som erbjöds övriga elever, detta föratt eleverna hade accelererat i form av att de hoppat över årskurser. Eleverna upplevde att dehade svårigheter med sitt skriftspråk, i form av att de hade svårigheter att få ner det i skrift.Eleverna tyckte det var svårt att forma bokstäverna när de skrev för hand, även att stava ordenansåg de var svårt. Svårigheterna avhjälptes inte med hjälp av datorn. Däremot hade de ingasvårigheter att komma på vad de skulle skriva och berätta det verbalt.Specialpedagogiska implikationerStudien visar att särskilt begåvade elever kan vara i behov av särskilt stöd, då deraskunskapsinhämtning kan vara komplicerad. Speciallärare med inriktning språk, läs- ochskrivutveckling kan vara ett stort stöd både för eleven, men även för läraren i sitt arbete med desärskilt begåvade.NyckelordIdentifiera, skriftspråk, speciallärare, särskild begåvning, twice- exceptional, upptäcka.
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Minds on the margins: the formation of learner identity among artistically talented twice-exceptional studentsMayper, Sarah Heussler 25 May 2023 (has links)
Although there is a great deal of research on students with disabilities, there has been little exploration of twice exceptional students, those who have both learning disabilities and gifts and talents. There are even fewer studies of twice exceptional students who are gifted and talented in the arts.
This research was based on extensive interviews with eleven twice exceptional students at a public arts-focused high school. This school employed a dual differentiation approach for these students: educational services to address their disabilities as well as school-based enrichment in their artistic talent areas. Discourse analysis and thematic coding of the interviews revealed that despite this school’s positive focus on students’ artistic talents all eleven informants considered themselves academic failures.
The study revealed that these students had a strong negative identity as learners: their academic careers were characterized by being bullied, forced to repeat grades, and frequently getting in trouble at school. They expressed feelings such as loneliness, anger, and anxiety. In terms of talent or giftedness, the participants described themselves as talented but not exceptional because of their belief that everyone has a special talent.
Most of the students did not describe their own disabilities in terms that are typically used in special education. Nor did they describe their talents in language that teachers would apply to them. In the academic area students described themselves as powerless and their teachers as powerful in determining success. But in their artistic work they claimed greater power than their teachers, taking an expert’s stance
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Hur kan 2E-elever stöttas i sin läsutveckling? / How can 2E-students be supported in their reading development?Jönsson, Matilda, Nordström, Sofia January 2023 (has links)
Twice Exceptional students, gifted students with learning disabilities, run a higher risk of becoming homebound and leaving primary school without grades. Supporting Twice Exceptional students in their reading development is a tricky track and research results are very limited. It is therefore necessary to contribute to new knowledge in the field. With our research review we aim to help teachers working with Twice Exceptional students, to support their 2E-students in their reading development. Adequate scientific articles were found through systematic searches in the ERIC and ERC databases which we gained access to through Malmö University's library. We have chosen ten peer reviewed articles, all processing results of how Twice Exceptional students learn best. The question for our research review is, How can 2E-students be supported in their reading development? The implementation of a thematic analysis showed themes to compile results from. These themes are: *Identifying Twice Exceptional students *Differences between Especially Gifted and Gifted with reading disabilities (2E) *2E students' need for support and challenges for continued reading development *Cognitive strategies and learning methods that leads to 2E students' reading development There are difficulties identifying Twice Exceptional students and an even bigger challenge to support Twice Exceptional students correctly. A clear majority of the results show that Twice Exceptional students need both support and challenge to benefit their reading development. 2E-students need to be taught learning strategies in their early school years and be able to be a part of the construction of the lessons. Unfortunately, the results also highlight teachers' knowledge gaps. Keywords 2E – Reading disabilities – Reading development - Support - Gifted - Twice Exceptional
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Skolutveckling med kognitionen i fokus : framgångar och utmaningar i att möta elevers olikheter och likheter / School development with a cognitive focus : successes and challenges in meeting students' differences and similaritiesThorsager, Lilyana, Lindvall, Charlotta January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to acquire knowledge and understanding of successful school development, with a focus on students' cognitive abilities. The survey focuses on the implementation of development work and its effects on the organization and students' development. The theoretical framework is based on special educational perspectives, salutogenic perspective and organizational theory. Two contiguous preschool class‑third grade schools are included in the study and primary data consists of interview responses from school staff. The study also includes questionnaire responses from guardians of children in third grade. However, the response rate from the guardians is insufficient for conclusions. The results show that school development changed the view of students' differences and needs. Furthermore, the schools have shifted their focus to group and organizational level, as well as to more promotional and preventive work. Fewer students are included in the student health team and the number of action plans has decreased. The development of the schools is characterized by a shift towards a more critical perspective and has been conducted through strengthened meaningfulness in the form of defined values, consensus in purpose and vision and collegial cooperation. The conditions that enable successful school development are characterized by a strong sense of coherence, in both leadership and conditions. Increased focus on the environment, as well as enhancement of comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness, are also factors that have benefited students' development. Factors that hinder school development can be traced to a compensatory and dilemma perspective, as well as to a lack of sense of coherence. Above all concerning attitudes among school staff and external demands placed on the school activities. Our conclusion is that both school development and students' cognitive abilities can be promoted through the application of a salutogenic perspective.
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Särbegåvning och samverkan : En intervjuundersökning av föräldrar och lärare till särbegåvade eleverFredriksson, Åsa January 2019 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att belysa och diskutera hur undervisande lärare och föräldrar till särbegåvade elever med eller utan diagnos upplever samarbetet mellan skolan och hemmet. För att ta reda på hur det förhåller sig används en kvalitativ intervjumetod, tre föräldrar till särbegåvade elever med eller utan diagnos och tre lärare intervjuades. Det teoretiska perspektiv som studien utgår ifrån är Eriksons (2004) fyra typologier som beskriver samverkan mellan hem och skola, samt Hargreaves (2001) socialkulturella distanser för att analysera samverkan på personnivå. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet av studien att samverkan mellan hem och skola inte är helt problemfritt då eleven är särbegåvad med eller utan diagnos. Samtliga Hargreaves distanser finns representerade och det är både föräldrar såväl som lärare som dessa uppmärksammades hos. Alla principer utom brukarprincipen gick att koppla till respondenterna. De faktorer som studien visar är gynnsamma för samverkan är kunskap från skolans sida angående NPF och särbegåvning samt enskilda personers engagemang för eleven. Faktorer som kan ses som mindre gynnsamma för samverkan är brist på tid och pengar i skolan. / The aim of the study is to highlight and discuss how teachers and parents of gifted students, with or without diagnosis, experience the cooperation between the school and the home of the students. To perform the study a qualitative interview method was used. Three parents and three teachers to gifted students with our without a diagnosis were interviewed. The theoretical perspective from which the study is based is Erikson's (2004) four typologies that describe the collaboration between home and school and Hargreaves (2001) social-cultural distances to analyze collaboration at a person level. In conclusion, the result of the study shows that the interaction between home and school is not completely without problems when the student is gifted with or without diagnosis. All Hargreave's distances are represented and it is for both parents and teachers that these were noticed. All principles except the user principle could be linked to the respondents. The factors that the study shows are favorable for collaboration between teachers and parents is knowledge from the school's side regarding NPD, and specificity, as well as individual's commitment for the student. Factors that can be seen as less favorable for collaboration are lack of time and money in school.
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Att främja särskilt begåvade elevers skrivutveckling: En kvalitativ studie utifrån lärares resonemang / To Promote Especially Gifted Students Writing Development: A Qualitative Study Based on Teachers ́ ReasoningNordström, Sofia, Jönsson, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Gifted students are not easily identified. They often mask their cognitive skills, use poor writing or might not write at all in class, even though gifted students often know how to write especially enriched and well. Previous studies show that 92% of the examined gifted students in the community Mensa suffered from being bored and not perceiving enough challenges in elementary school. As a consequence of not being able to learn at the fast pace the gifted students' intelligent brain needs, bored gifted students often become homebound. The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge of how to support gifted students in their writing development. Based on previous research and our studies on gifted students writing development our main questions are as following; What reasoning do teachers use to promote the writing development of the especially gifted students? Which teaching practices do teachers experience as promoting or limiting in gifted students' writing development? Using qualitative interviews and surveys to collect data, our study indicates that gifted students need to experience meaningfulness in the assignment and fully understand the purpose of which, to gain access to their individual development. Principals were shown to have a key role in supporting teachers, enabling gifted students the right to accelerate in the subject and develop teachers' knowledge in gifted students.
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