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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fatores determinantes da aplicação do conhecimento específico de jovens futebolistas

Reis, Marcos Antônio Mattos dos 26 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Specific knowledge of soccer players consists in solving capacity of problems arising from the complex interplay of environment, unpredictable and chaotic, emerging from the interaction between tactics and technique. The tactic is the game space management capabilities from tactical behaviors come from tactical principles. The technique consists of specific motor skills primarily made with the ball and that materialize the player's game intelligence. Psychosocial and biological factors may influence in a direct way the formation and development of specific knowledge of football players. Thus, this thesis consisted of four studies, although independent, sought in association verify the effects of these factors on manifestation of specific knowledge in young footballers. Briefly, the studies aimed at answering the following questions: a) Wich is the leadership profile of football coaches of Aracaju youth teams? b) Do players born in the first months of the year have different tactical behavior of those born in recent months? c) Somatic maturation and motor age influence the tactical behavior in young players? d) The proportion of use of preferred and non-preferred foot (technical functional asymmetry) in the technical actions affects the tactical behavior in young players. We evaluated the tactical behavior, the use of preferred and non-preferred foot, and releases by analyzing game. Coaches from Aracaju feature profile of autocratic leadership, positive reinforcement and training-education. The tactical performance was not influenced by month of birth, level of maturity, the motor age or technical functional asymmetry, although the tactical efficiency was partially influenced. A sample of 22 coaches and a total of 152 players from teams that competed in the Youth Championships in 2015, promoted by Sergipe Football Federation. The leadership profile of the coaches was determined by the Revised Leadership Scale for Sport. Tactical behavior and technical functional asymmetry were assessed by match-analysis, under FUT-SAT and SAFALL-FOOT protocols, respectively. The relative age was stratified into four-month periods based on month of birth. Somatic maturation was identified from the distance (in years) of each player from peak growth rate. Finally, the motor age was established by battery Lincoln-Oseretsky tests. Coaches from Aracaju feature predominantly autocratic style of decision, and high positive reinforcement and training-education. Tactical performance was not influenced by the relative age, somatic maturation level, the motor age nor technical functional asymmetry, although the tactical efficiency was partially influenced. / O conhecimento específico dos jogadores de futebol consiste na capacidade de solução dos problemas advindos de um ambiente de jogo complexo, imprevisível e caótico, emergindo da interação entre a tática e a técnica. A tática consiste na capacidade de administração do espaço de jogo a partir de comportamentos táticos oriundos de princípios táticos. A técnica consiste em habilidades motoras específicas realizadas prioritariamente com a bola e que materializam a inteligência de jogo do jogador. Desta forma, é possível que fatores biopsicossociais influenciem de maneira direta a formação e o desenvolvimento do conhecimento específico de jogadores de futebol. São exemplos desses fatores, o perfil de liderança dos treinadores, a idade relativa, a maturação somática, a idade motora, e a assimetria funcional técnica. Sendo assim, esta dissertação foi composta por quatro estudos que, embora independentes, buscaram de forma associada verificar os efeitos desses fatores sobre a manifestação do conhecimento específico de jovens futebolistas. Sucintamente os estudos visaram responder as seguintes questões: a) Qual o perfil de liderança dos treinadores de futebol das categorias de base de Aracaju/SE? b) Jogadores nascidos nos primeiros meses do ano apresentam comportamento tático diferenciado daqueles nascidos nos últimos meses? c) Em que medida a maturação somática e a idade motora influenciam o comportamento tático em jovens jogadores? e d) A proporção de uso dos pés preferido e não preferido (assimetria funcional técnica) nas ações técnicas afeta o comportamento tático em jovens jogadores? Foram avaliados 22 treinadores e um total de 152 jogadores de equipes que disputaram os Campeonatos de Base 2015, promovidos pela Federação Sergipana de Futebol. O perfil de liderança dos treinadores foi determinado pela Escala de Liderança Revisada para o Esporte. O comportamento tático e a assimetria funcional técnica foram avaliados por meio da análise de jogo, sendo aplicados os protocolos FUT-SAT e SAFALL-FOOT, respectivamente. A idade relativa foi estratificada em quadrimestres referentes ao mês de nascimento. A maturação somática foi identificada a partir da distância (em anos) de cada jogador do pico de velocidade de crescimento. Por fim, a idade motora foi estabelecida pela bateria de testes de Lincoln-Oseretsky. Os treinadores de Aracaju apresentam estilo de decisão predominantemente autocrático, e de elevado reforço positivo e treino-instrução. O desempenho tático não sofreu influência da idade relativa, do nível de maturação somática, da idade motora ou da assimetria funcional técnica, muito embora a eficiência tática fosse parcialmente influenciada.

Outsourcing och backsourcing av IT-lösningar : Utveckling och bakomliggande faktorer / Outsourcing and backsourcing of IT solutions : Development and underlying factors

Svensson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Outsourcing, det vill säga då en organisations tjänster eller produkter inom en funktion eller aktivitet läggs ut till en extern aktör, blev alltmer märkbart under 1990-talet. Trenden har vuxit till att utgöra en norm i dagens samhälle och numera outsourcar organisationer allt från förvaltning av informationsteknik (IT) till hela funktioner. Outsourcing av IT anses vara en växande och alltmer global företeelse, däremot kan problem med ett outsourcingavtal eller förändringar av ett företags affärssituation leda till backsourcing, vilket innebär att en organisation väljer att föra tillbaka och åter genomföra aktiviteter inom den egna verksamheten. Beslut kring outsourcing av IT-lösningar har utgjort en central aspekt inom såväl forskning som praktik medan beslut om att byta leverantör eller backsourca har fått relativt lite uppmärksamhet. Däremot utgör drivkrafterna bakom backsourcing ett lika relevant ämne att studera som motiven bakom outsourcing och med grund i detta syftar denna studie till att identifiera vilka motiv som kan ligga till grund för organisationers val att outsourca respektive backsourca IT-relaterade aktiviteter och funktioner samt undersöka hur de förutsättningar som gällde vid beslutet om att outsourca kan förändras under en outsourcingprocess.  Jag har genomfört en studie av kvalitativ karaktär där en fallstudiedesign tillämpats. Ett antal organisationer som använder sig av IT och IT-lösningar i sitt dagliga arbete har undersökts där organisationerna tidigare har backsourcat, och/eller är i färd med att föra tillbaka, sin IT. Insamling av teori respektive empiri har skett genom en litteraturstudie och genomförandet av semistrukturerade intervjuer. I analysen har sedan det empiriska materialet ställts i relation till den tidigare forskning som finns inom (1) outsourcing och (2) backsourcing. Studiens resultat visar att anledningar och motiv som kan resultera i ett företags beslut om att outsourca sin IT bland annat är möjligheten att göra kostnadsbesparingar, uppnå en större flexibilitet samt möjligheten att få tillgång till specialistkompetens. Under en outsourcingprocess kan exempelvis en organisations ledning bytas ut, vilket kan medföra nya åsikter och attityder gentemot verksamhetens sourcingstrategi, och IT:s betydelse för verksamheten kan förändras. Vidare har ett antal bakomliggande faktorer som kan spela in vid organisationers beslut om att backsourca sin outsourcade IT kunnat identifieras. Exempel på faktorer är att ingen total kostnadsbesparing görs och att efterlevnaden av kontraktet med leverantören kan vara bristfällig avseende exempelvis tjänstekvalitet. / Outsourcing, that is to say when an organization's services or products within a function or an activity are being contracted out to an external vendor, became increasingly noticeable during the 1990s. The trend has grown to represent the norm in today’s society and nowadays organizations outsource operations ranging from the management of information technology (IT) to whole functions. The outsourcing of IT is considered to be a growing and increasingly global phenomenon. However, problems with an outsourcing agreement or changes in a company's business situation can lead to backsourcing, a concept meaning that an organization chooses to bring back and re-implement activities within its own operations. Decisions regarding the outsourcing of IT solutions have been a central aspect in both research and practice while the decision to change supplier or backsource has received relatively little attention. Nevertheless, the drivers of backsourcing constitute an equally relevant topic to study. Hence, the aim of this study is to identify the motives underlying an organization’s decision to outsource, as well as backsource, IT related activities and functions and to examine how the conditions that applied when making the decision to outsource can change during an outsourcing process.  I have conducted a qualitative study where a case study design has been applied. A number of organizations that use IT and IT solutions in their day-to-day operations have been studied where the organizations previously have backsourced and/or now find themselves in the process of bringing back their IT. A literature review has been conducted and empirical data has been collected through the use of semi-structured interviews. In the analysis, the empirical data has been analyzed in relation to previous research regarding (1) outsourcing and (2) backsourcing.  The results of this study show that reasons and motives that can result in a firm's decision to outsource its IT include the possibility of achieving cost reductions, a greater flexibility and the possibility of gaining access to expertise. Examples of changes that can occur during an outsourcing process are within the management since the replacement of an organization’s management can bring new opinions and attitudes towards the firm’s sourcing strategy. The importance of IT to the operations can also change during an outsourcing process. Furthermore, a number of underlying factors that may affect an organization’s decision to backsource its IT have been identified. Examples of factors are that the outsourcing has resulted in no overall cost savings and that there’s a lack of compliance with the contract regarding, for example, the quality of the services being delivered.

Work commitment : Its dimensions and relationships with role stress and intention to quit

Hoole, Crystal January 1997 (has links)
A renewed interest in work has developed world-wide during the last decade. One of the reasons for this is that organizations are responding to the changing economic, social, technological and environmental demands in ways that are fundamentally transforming the nature of organizations and the meaning of work for employees. Work has changed tremendously, not only in nature but also its importance. The current demands placed on organizations and employees include, among others, global competition, cost-cutting, downsizing and restructuring and information processing on a large scale. It is intuitive to think that these changes and demands will affect employees in some way or the other. For many employees changes brought different job descriptions, more roles to fulfil and more complicated tasks to complete with more uncertainty and less clear-cut instructions. The work commitment construct has been part of a lively debate since Morrow's (1983) call for a moratorium on the development of further work commitment measures due to the existence of concept redundancy within and among the work commitment facets. It has been proposed that the work commitment construct consists of four main facets i.e. job involvement, organizational commitment, career commitment and work values. It has been unclear up to now on how these facets are interrelated. The relationships between the work commitment facets, role strain and intention to quit have also not been studied together in a single study before. The current study investigated the underlying dimensions of the work commitment construct, the underlying dimensions of each proposed facet, as well as determined the relationships among the work commitment facets, role strain and intention to quit, based on a large diverse South African sample. This was done by using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses, the calculation of intercorrelations and Structural Equation Modeling. Each instrument was standardized for South African conditions. The results indicated that although the instruments were portable to South Africa, unique results and factors were obtained. Promising results were obtained with regard to the causal relationships among the variables. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1997. / gm2014 / Psychology / Unrestricted

Aspects psycholinguistiques du développement du bilinguisme précoce : une étude de cas d'un enfant bilingue français-russe de 2 à 4 ans / Psycholinguistic aspects of simultaneous bilingual acquisition : case study of a French-Russian bilingual child from 2;0 to 4;0

Bailleul, Oksana 17 October 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à l’acquisition du bilinguisme précoce simultané dans un contexte de mixité familiale français-russe. Les recherches récentes dans ce domaine ont montré qu’un ensemble de facteurs tels que l’input parental, ainsi que les stratégies discursives familiales, peuvent expliquer comment l’enfant accède à la parole dans ce contexte (Döpke, 1998 ; Lanza, 1997, 2004 ; De Houwer, 2009 ; King et Fogle, 2013 entre autres). L’enfant bilingue a été enregistrée en interaction spontanée et naturelle avec ses deux parents respectifs sur une durée de deux ans (2;00 à 4;00 ans). Le corpus total est constitué de 68 heures d’enregistrement et l’échantillon analysé a été restreint à 28 heures de transcriptions. Les résultats montrent que la fréquence de l’exposition à l’input et les pratiques langagières familiales ont un impact considérable sur les rapports émergents entre les deux langues à un âge précoce. Il découle de notre analyse que l’enfant développe une forme dominante du bilinguisme et passe progressivement à l’usage harmonieux des deux langues vers 3 ans. Ce passage est accompagné des changements du paysage sonore et de la fréquence de l’exposition à l’input en russe. Un décalage dans l’apparition des catégories grammaticales a été noté : l’acquisition du français suit les modalités générales observées chez les enfants monolingues français, tandis que celle du russe connaît un décalage substantiel. Les transferts interlangues au niveau du lexique, de la morphologie (les fillers) et de la syntaxe permettent de soutenir l’existence des compétences sous-jacentes communes. / This study focuses on language acquisition of a bilingual child growing up in a French-Russian speaking family. Recent research has shown that a range of factors such as parental input frequency, family discourse strategies can explain the language development processes which take place withing a bilingual family (Döpke, 1998 ; Lanza, 1997, 2004 ; De Houwer, 2009 ; King et Fogle, 2013, etc.) The goal is to understand how language exposure, family language policies and input frequency influence the child’s bilingual acquisition in this particular context. For doing that, the child was being recorded during spontaneous and natural interaction with both of her parents for the period of two years (from 2;00 to 4;00). The overall corpora are composed of 68 recording hours, while the analysed sample is based on 28 hours of transcribed data. The data gathered in this study strongly suggest the existence of clear correlation between input frequency, parental discourse strategies and child’s linguistic competence in both languages. The findings from the research show a shift from dominant bilingualism to the harmonious use of both languages at the age of 3. This shift is accompanied by the changes of the child’s linguistic soundscape, the use of parental discourse strategies and input frequency in Russian. The grammatical-categories emergence is characterized by a strong discrepancy in both languages: the acquisition of French follows developmental paths of French monolingual children, while Russian is acquired with a substantial time delay. The crosslinguistic influences, lexical, morphological and syntactic, support the idea of a common underlying proficiency.

Medarbetares upplevelser kring outnyttjat friskvårdsbidrag: en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Sjöberg, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Background: Increased use of wellness allowance among employees could be a key tool to promote health and well-being which could reduce the risk of illnesses, enhance productivity and keep a work-life balance. The purpose of this study was to investigate and gain an increased understanding of the underlying factors and the employees' experience of unused wellness allowance. Methods: This is a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews. A qualitative content analysis was conducted to analyze the interview data through the meaning unit, condense meaning unit and category. Results: Four main categories were found based on content analysis: (1) aspects regarding wellness allowance, (2) organizational culture with the subcategory’s topic of conversation and dissemination of information, (3) attitudes regarding wellness allowance and (4) obstacles to physical activity. The main result of the study was about the employees' attitudes to the wellness allowance. There are obstacles for the employees regarding physical activity and the organizational culture has a contributing factor to the utilization of the wellness allowance. Conclusion: This study found that there is no negative experience with the wellness allowance from the respondents' perspective. The organizational culture can be considered as a factor in why employees do not choose to use the wellness allowance. The respondents themselves were not familiar with what they can use their wellness allowance for. / Bakgrund: Ökad användning av friskvårdsbidrag bland anställda kan vara ett nyckelverktyg för att främja hälsa och välbefinnande. Friskvårdsbidrag kan minska risken för sjukdomar, öka produktiviteten och hålla en balans mellan arbete och privatliv. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och få en ökad förståelse för bakomliggande faktorer och medarbetarnas upplevelse av outnyttjat friskvårdsbidrag. Metod: Detta är en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys genomfördes för att analysera intervjudata genom meningsbärande enhet, kondenserad enhet och kategori. Resultat: Fyra huvudkategorier hittades utifrån innehållsanalys: (1) aspekter gällande friskvårdsbidrag, (2) organisationskultur med underkategorins samtalsämne och informationsspridning, (3) attityder kring friskvårdsbidrag och (4) hinder för fysisk aktivitet. Huvudresultatet av studien handlade om de anställdas inställning till friskvårdsbidraget. Det finns hinder för medarbetarna när det gäller fysisk aktivitet och organisationskulturen har en bidragande orsak till utnyttjandet av friskvårdsbidraget. Slutsats: Denna studie fann att det inte finns några negativa erfarenheter av friskvårdsbidraget ur respondenternas perspektiv. Organisationskulturen kan ses som en faktor till varför anställda inte väljer att använda friskvårdsbidraget. Respondenterna var inte själva insatta i vad de kan använda sitt friskvårdsbidrag till.

"Det är ett alltidsjobb" : En fallstudie om hur den ideella verksamheten påverkats av kommersialisering och professionalisering

Hachemaoui, Mehdi, Loberg Bateman, William January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to examine how professionalization and commercializationinfluence the culture of the organization in a non-profit association. The studyobject is the elite preparatory activity in a sports organization. Therespondents in this study consist of head coaches, coaches and leaders inmanagerial positions who together have contributed to empirical material inthe form of qualitative data. The results were then analyzed out of Schein'stheory of organizational culture and the three cultural levels. The conclusionstated that artifacts and espoused values were identifiable in theorganizational culture based on Schein's theory. However, the underlyingassumptions were more difficult to understand. A connection that indicates aprofessionalization and commercialization of the non-profit activity could bepointed out.

Role-Modeling in Round-Trip Engineering for Megamodels

Werner, Christopher 24 January 2022 (has links)
Software is becoming more and more part of our daily life and makes it easier, e.g., in the areas of communication and infrastructure. Model-driven software development forms the basis for the development of software through the use and combination of different models, which serve as central artifacts in the software development process. In this respect, model-driven software development comprises the process from requirement analysis through design to software implementation. This set of models with their relationships to each other forms a so-called megamodel. Due to the overlapping of the models, inconsistencies occur between the models, which must be removed. Therefore, round-trip engineering is a mechanism for synchronizing models and is the foundation for ensuring consistency between models. Most of the current approaches in this area, however, work with outdated batch-oriented transformation mechanisms, which no longer meet the requirements of more complex, long-living, and ever-changing software. In addition, the creation of megamodels is time-consuming and complex, and they represent unmanageable constructs for a single user. The aim of this thesis is to create a megamodel by means of easy-to-learn mechanisms and to achieve its consistency by removing redundancy on the one hand and by incrementally managing consistency relationships on the other hand. In addition, views must be created on the parts of the megamodel to extract them across internal model boundaries. To achieve these goals, the role concept of Kühn in 2014 is used in the context of model-driven software development, which was developed in the Research Training Group 'Role-based Software Infrastructures for continuous-context-sensitive Systems.' A contribution of this work is a role-based single underlying model approach, which enables the generation of views on heterogeneous models. Besides, an approach for the synchronization of different models has been developed, which enables the role-based single underlying model approach to be extended by new models. The combination of these two approaches creates a runtime-adaptive megamodel approach that can be used in model-driven software development. The resulting approaches will be evaluated based on an example from the literature, which covers all areas of the work. In addition, the model synchronization approach will be evaluated in connection with the Transformation Tool Contest Case from 2019.

Spatiotemporal Variations in Coexisting Multiple Causes of Death and the Associated Factors

Salawu, Emmanuel Oluwatobi 01 January 2018 (has links)
The study and practice of epidemiology and public health benefit from the use of mortality statistics, such as mortality rates, which are frequently used as key health indicators. Furthermore, multiple causes of death (MCOD) data offer important information that could not possibly be gathered from other mortality data. This study aimed to describe the interrelationships between various causes of death in the United States in order to improve the understanding of the coexistence of MCOD and thereby improve public health and enhance longevity. The social support theory was used as a framework, and multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted to examine the coexistence of MCOD in approximately 80 million death cases across the United States from 1959 to 2005. The findings showed that in the United States, there is a statistically significant relationship between the number of coexisting MCOD, race, education, and the state of residence. Furthermore, age, gender, and marital status statistically influence the average number of coexisting MCOD. The results offer insights into how the number of coexisting MCOD vary across the United States, races, education levels, gender, age, and marital status and lay a foundation for further investigation into what people are dying from. The results have the long-term potential of helping public health practitioners identify individuals or communities that are at higher risks of death from a number of coexisting MCOD such that actions could be taken to lower the risks to improve people's wellbeing, enhance longevity, and contribute to positive social change.

Våldsamma män : En litteraturstudie om mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer / Abusive men : A literature study about men´s intimate partner violence against women

Kjellin, Amelie, Andersson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Våld i nära relationer är ett stort samhällsproblem och kvinnor utsätts oftare än män för mer allvarligt och upprepat våld. Våldsutövaren är i majoriteten av fallen, en man som kvinnan känner. Många människor anser att våld är en dum och meningslös handling och därför är det svårt att förstå varför männen väljer att använda sig av våld. I denna studie vill vi få en bättre förståelse över mäns våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer genom att utforska de bakomliggande orsakerna till mannens våldsbeteende. Vi har valt att göra en litteraturstudie där vi tar reda på vad forskning har identifierat i relation till detta fenomen. Metoden vi har valt att använda oss av är en systematisk litteraturstudie, som innebär att vi under arbetsprocessen systematiskt försökt besvara vår frågeställning genom att identifiera, värdera och analysera vetenskaplig forskning. De teorier vi utgått från vid analyseringen av vårt resultat är maskulinitetsteorin och den socioekologiska modellen. De valda teorierna växte fram efterhand som vi gick igenom materialet och vi märkte att våldets orsaker beskrivs utifrån flera olika faktorer. Inför analysen av resultatet och i samband med den empiriska analysen, identifierades fyra olika teman; individnivå, relationsnivå, samhällsnivå och strukturell nivå. Resultatet visar att mäns våld mot kvinnor kan se olika ut och det finns flera anledningar till att våldet uppstår. Faktorer som påverkar våldets uppkomst sker på olika nivåer och påverkar varandra på olika sätt. På individnivån påverkas mannen av upplevda erfarenheter i barndomen. Det kan handla om att mannen upplevt att hans pappa utövat våld mot hans mamma eller att han själv blivit utsatt för våld när han var liten. Relationsnivån utgår från faktorer som påverkar mannens samspel i nära relationer, vilket kan vara stress, alkoholkonsumtion, kommunikationsproblem eller att mannen känner ett hot mot sin relation med kvinnan. Samhällsnivån avser de sociala strukturerna som påverkar den miljö som mannen befinner sig i. Här beskrivs hur mannen påverkas av de sociodemografiska och socioekonomiska faktorerna, såsom arbetslöshet eller socialt umgänge. På den strukturella nivån påverkas mannen av samhällets kulturella normer och värderingar och här blir maskulinitet en tydlig faktor. / Intimate partner violence is a large societal problem and women are more often victims than men in more severe and repeated violence. The perpetrator is in most cases a male which has a relationship to the female victim. Many people believe that violence is a stupid and meaningless act and therefore have a hard time understanding men’s violence against women. In this study we would like to get a better understanding of men’s violence against women in intimate partner violence by studying the underlying reasons behind the men’s violent behavior. We have decided to do a literature study where we find out what research has found in relation to this phenomenon. The method we have chosen for this process is a systematic literature study, which means that during the process we work systematically to answer our questioning by identifying, evaluate and analyzing scientific research. The theories we used during the analyze of our result is the masculinity theory and the socioecological model. The chosen theories emerged as we went through the research and noticed the reason behind the violence is described through several different factors. Before the analyze of our result and in relation the empirical analyze, four different themes were identified: the individual level, the relationship level, the societal level, and the structural level. The result shows that men’s violence against women can look different and there are many reasons behind the violence occurring. Factors that affect the occurring violence happens at the different levels and affect each other in different ways. On the individual level the man is affected by experiences in the childhood. This could mean that the man has seen his father hit his mother or been affected by violence himself when he was a child. The relationship level are factors that affects the man’s interplay in intimate relations, this could mean stress, alcohol consumption, communication problems or that the man feels a threat to his relationship with the woman. The societal level refers to the social structures that affect the environment the man find himself in. This level describes how the man is affected by the sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors, such as unemployment or social association. On the structural level the man is affected by societies cultural norms and values, masculinity being a clear factor.

Effektivisering i lagerhanteringen : En fallstudie av it-företaget "X" högfrekventa artiklar

Falk, Ebba, Hållqvist Larsson, Wendela, Huynh, Melinda, Klockare, Wilma January 2024 (has links)
Background: In recent years the customers ordering pattern has changed, which has increased the demand for companies efficiency in inventory management. In order to create a profitable logistics company, it is important to design an efficient warehouse design to strengthen competitiveness. When designing a warehouse, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the articles and their demand. Streamlining the company's inventory design can result in reduced costs and improved customer service. Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to identify waste and its underlying causes and to suggest improvement proposals for the warehouse design, in order to improve the efficiency of inventory management for the IT-company”X”. Method: The essay´s starting point is a qualitative research method, where a case study was carried out. The information has emerged through semi-structured interviews and structured observations with the company's employees. To strengthen the data collection, relevant theory and qualitative data from the company's internal material were used. The study used the analysis method to build an explanation, as an understanding of the first research question was needed in order to answer the second research question. Results: After the completed study it was determined through interviews and observations which problems that occur at the IT-company ”X”. Based on the information, connections to theory have been made where waste and its underlying causes have been reported. A few examples of waste that emerged during the answering of the first research question were extra processing, unnecessary transportation, excess movement of employees. The underlying causes were for instance concentrated order picking, item placement according to frequency and picking at different height levels. In order to answer research question 2, improvement proposals have been presented for zone distribution, article placement and picking height level, with the aim of making inventory management more efficient. / Bakgrund: De senaste åren har kundernas beställningsmönster förändras, vilket ökar kravet på företags effektivitet vid lagerhanteringen. För att skapa ett lönsamt logistikföretag är det av vikt att utforma en effektiv lagerutformning för att stärka konkurrenskraften. Vid utformning av ett lager är det av betydelse att ta hänsyn till artiklarnas egenskaper samt dess efterfrågan. Effektivisering av företagets lagerutformning kan resultera i minskade kostnader och en förbättrad kundservice. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera slöserier och dess bakomliggande orsaker samt föreslå förbättringsförslag till lagerutformningen, för att it-företaget “X” ska kunna effektivisera lagerhanteringen. Metod: Uppsatsens utgångspunkt ligger i en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där en fallstudie genomförts. Underlaget har framkommit via seminstrukturerade intervjuer samt strukturerade observationer med företagets medarbetare. För att stärka datainsamlingen användes relevant teori samt kvalitativ data från företagets interna material. Studien använde analysmetoden att bygga upp en förklaring, då en förståelse av den första forskningsfrågan behövdes för att besvarandet av den andra forskningsfrågan kunde genomföras. Slutsats: Efter genomförd studie har det fastställts genom intervjuer och observationer vilka problem som uppkommer hos it-företaget “X”. Utifrån informationen har kopplingar till teori utförts där slöserier och dess bakomliggande orsaker redovisats. Några exempel på slöserier som framkom under besvarandet av den första forskningsfrågan var extra bearbetning, onödiga transporter, överflödig rörelse av anställda. Bakomliggande orsaker till dessa var bland annat koncentrerat orderplock, artikelplacering utefter frekvens och plock på olika höjdnivåer. För att besvara forskningsfråga 2 har förbättringsförslag presenterats till zonindelning, artikelplacering samt höjdnivå av plock, i syfte att effektivisera lagerhanteringen.

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