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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Partenariat social et droit des conventions et accords collectifs de travail en droit Russe : analyse critique et comparée à la lumière du droit du travail français

Zavyalova-Delhomme, Vera 17 May 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche propose une analyse critique, à la lumière du droit français, de la négociation collective et, plus largement du partenariat social en Russie. Seront présentés tous les aspects du droit de la négociation collective dans une perspective comparative : la nature juridique de l'accord collectif et de la convention collective, leur place dans la hiérarchie des normes, les acteurs du partenariat social (syndicats, organisations patronales, Etat). Sont également examinés les principes applicables à la procédure de négociation collective. Dans ce cadre, est étudiée l'effectivité de la norme collective négociée à travers son évolution dans le temps et le contrôle de son application par les parties et le juge. Cette recherche fait ressortir les défectuosités du droit russe. La qualité de source du droit n'a été reconnue à la norme collective négociée que récemment. Sa nature juridique et sa place dans la hiérarchie des normes restent ambiguës. Les acteurs de la négociation collective n'ont découvert ce procédé démocratique qu'après la chute de l'URSS. La faiblesse des acteurs rejaillit sur le contrôle de la norme collective négociée, imparfait à ce stade. Le manque d'indépendance et d'efficience de la justice sociale russe est un autre obstacle à l'effectivité de ce contrôle. La doctrine russe reste encore marquée par le dogme de l'autorité de l'acte de gouvernement hérité de l'époque soviétique. Pour mettre en lumière ces défectuosités du droit contemporain, l'histoire du droit français et du droit russe sont convoquées pour comprendre les dynamiques évolutives qui parfois ont été mises en perspective avec des recherches sociologiques et des données économiques. / This study proposes a critical analysis of collective bargaining, and, more generally, of the development of social partnership in post-Soviet Russia, from the perspective of French law. All aspects of collective bargaining are presented comparatively, including the legal nature of the collective agreement, its place in the hierarchy of norms, the actors of the social dialog such as trade unions, employers' unions, the Federal State or the subjects of the Russian Federation. The principles of collective bargaining procedure are also examined. Within this framework, the effectiveness of the negotiated social norm, as well as the control of its application by the parties involved and the court are presented in their evolutionary development. The study identifies multiple imperfections in Russian law where the negotiated social norm was only recently recognized as a source of law. Its legal nature and its place in the hierarchy of norms remain uncertain. The actors of collective bargaining have discovered this democratic procedure only after the Soviet Union's collapse. However, the actors' limited access to power impacts the control of the social norm. This control is thus flawed. Relative inefficiency of social justice in Russia is an important impediment to the effectiveness of this control. Russian researches are still being marked by the dogma of the authority of the governmental norm inherited from the Soviet period. In order to demonstrate these shortcomings of the present day Russian law in their dynamic the historical overview of the French and Russian systems of law is included, sometimes sociological research and economic data are used to support the argument.

Les échanges de données personnelles entre l’union européenne et les tiers dans le domaine de la sécurité

Larbre, David 12 December 2014 (has links)
L’intérêt d’une réflexion sur les échanges de données personnelles de sécurité entre l’Union européenne et les tiers est né d’une interrogation sur le cadre juridique auquel ces échanges se rattachent, et l’existence de garanties en matière de protection des données. En partant du constat que les États sont à l’origine de la création de réseaux de coopération policière et judiciaire, l’irruption de l’Union européenne et de ses Agences dans des sphères régaliennes a de quoi déconcerter. L’intervention de l’UE et de ses Agences doit également attirer l’attention sur le respect des conditions de ces échanges qui sont soumis à l’exigence de garanties adéquates de la part des États tiers et Cet avènement nécessite de déterminer au préalable comment les échanges de données avec les tiers sont devenues progressivement un instrument au service de l’espace de liberté de sécurité et de justice (ELSJ). En cela, la sécurité telle qu’elle est ici appréhendée, concerne la lutte contre le terrorisme, la criminalité organisée et l’immigration clandestine. Ainsi cette thèse vise, à travers un examen des accords conclus par l’UE et ses Agences avec les tiers, à déceler, analyser, et mettre en évidence les règles qui régissent ces échanges de données personnelles ainsi que la protection qui s’y rattache. Elle doit permettre de mieux cerner la fonction de l’Union européenne et le rôle des États membres dans ces échanges, d’évaluer les garanties apportées par l’UE et ses partenaires, et d’aboutir à l’émergence d’un régime d’ensemble hétérogène mais dont l’unité réside dans le souci d’assurer une protection adéquate. / Enabling security between the European Union and third party personal data exchange leads one to reflect on the related legal framework and safeguards regarding data protection. As states are at the origin of police networks and judicial cooperation, the emergence of the EU and its agencies in sovereign spheres has been astonishing. For the EU,respecting the conditions of such exchanges requires adequate guarantees from third states. To better understand this, one should first analyze to which extent these exchanges have gradually become an instrument servicing the areas of freedom, security and justice (AFSJ, "security" here implies the fight against terrorism, organized crime and illegal immigration). This thesis aims to detect, analyze and highlight the rules governing the exchanges of personal data and the protection attached to them. Its goal is to understand the function of the EU and the role of member states in these exchanges, to assess the guarantees provided by the EU or its partners and to lead to the emergence of a system which could provide adequate protection. The first part will determine the modalities of cooperation between the EU and third parties in the field of personal data security exchanges; identifying the existence of safety data exchange networks before looking into the fight against terrorism and organized crime’s international dimension. A focus on external standards in the EU will lead the reader to grasp how safety within third party data exchange networks may be structured and to understand the role of international organizations such as the UN (or extraterritorial jurisdiction from third countries such as the USA). The EU having developed its cooperation regarding safety data exchanges, its foreign policy in terms of AFSJ gives one an overview of safety data exchange networks and their diversity, but it also shows the limits of their extension. These different forms of cooperation are the foundations of constituent EU treaties, yet they face legal and democratic issues as far as EU legitimacy is concerned. The EU integration process, on which safety with third party data exchanges is based, will also be studied; if this integration is a success overall, sovereignty issues have also brought their share of safety data protection alterations. This thesis’ second part focuses on the guarantees related to safety data exchanges, fundamental rights protection regarding this personal data and the need for adequate protection when transferring data to third parties. The adequacy of "normative" protection must be analyzed in global terms, that is to say within an international framework. The study of normative protection will be followed by a thorough examination of their effective protection. The reader will see how data exchange security transparency enables people to exercise their right to both access data and challenge decisions taken on the basis of data exchange safety. Effective protection leads to the identification of responsibilities related to safety data exchanges, the mechanisms of which may highlight that the EU or third parties have breaches in their obligations.

Conflits de normes entre conventions fiscales et Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne. / conflicts of norms between Tax treaties and the treaty on the functionning of the European Union.

Nicolas, Miguel 11 December 2013 (has links)
Les Etats membres de l'Union européenne, sont soumis à un certain nombre d'obligations résultant de leur adhésion à l'Union européenne. Ils sont notamment obligés de se conformer au droit de l'Union européenne. Dans le même temps, ces Etats ont conclus un certain nombre de conventions internationales dans différents domaines avec d'autres Etats, notamment des conventions fiscales, dans le cadre de l'élimination des doubles impositions et de la lutte contre l'évasion et la fraude fiscale internationale. L'application de ces conventions fiscales par les Etats membres de l'Union européenne, de manière simultanée avec leurs obligations au regard du droit de l'Union européenne vont engendrer des conflits de normes. Ces conflits de normes surviendront notamment du fait, de certaines incompatibilités des conventions fiscales au regard du droit de l'Union européenne. Par conséquent, les Etats membres de l'Union européenne seront dans l'incapacité de pouvoir honorer simultanément leurs obligations à l'égard de ces deux normes, car du fait de ces incompatibilités, il est impossible de les appliquer simultanément. L'Etat membre ne pourra appliquer qu'une seule de ces normes, ce qui entraînera de ce fait, une violation de l'autre norme, et potentiellement engagera la responsabilité de l'Etat membre. Il s'agit par conséquent de déterminer quels sont ces conflits de normes entre conventions fiscales et Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne et comment ils peuvent être résolus. L'étude du droit de l'Union européenne au travers du Traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne, montre que son apport à la résolution des conflits de normes est très limité. En outre, l'étude du droit international notamment au travers de la Convention de Vienne de 1969 sur le droit des traités, nous montre que son apport à la résolution des conflits de normes est assez inefficace.Ainsi, les solutions traditionnellement présentées dans le cadre de la résolution des conflits de normes apparaissent fort désuètes au regard de la complexité et de l'évolution des conflits de normes contemporains.Par conséquent, on essaie d'apporter à travers cette étude un certains nombres de solutions innovantes pouvant résoudre ces conflits de normes, d'une part dans un cadre général et d'autre part dans des cadres spécifiques. / Members States of the European Union are subject to a number of obligations arising from their accession to the European Union. They are especially obliged to comply with the law of the European Union. At the same time, these States have concluded a number of international conventions in different fields with other states, including tax treaties, through the elimination of double taxation and the fight against tax avoidance and international tax evasion. The application of these treaties by members States of the European Union, simultaneously with their obligations under the law of the European Union will lead to conflicts of norms. These conflicts of norms occur especially because of some incompatibilities tax treaties under the law of the European Union. Therefore, members States of the European Union will not be able to be able to meet their obligations with respect to these two norms as a result of these inconsistencies simultaneously, it is impossible to apply simultaneously. The Member State may apply one of these norms, resulting thus a violation of other norms, and potentially be the responsibility of the Member State. It is therefore to determine what these normative conflicts between tax treaties and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and how they can be solved are. The study of the law of the European Union through the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union shows that its contribution to conflict resolution of norms is very limited. In addition, the study of international law, particularly through the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, shows that its contribution to conflict resolution of norms is quite inefficient.Thus, the solutions traditionally presented in the context of conflict resolution of norms appear very outdated in terms of the complexity and evolution of conflicts of contemporary norms.Therefore, we try to bring through this study a certain number of innovative solutions to solve these conflicting norms, first in a general framework and the other in specific settings.

O mito da unicidade sindical na Constituição Federal / The myth of union unicity

Aguiar, Antonio Carlos 03 March 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:24:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Antonio Carlos Aguiar.pdf: 901472 bytes, checksum: 3b6c26303ce1edc02887e20aa5c9575c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-03 / The purpose of this study is to show that union unicity is not part of the Brazilian constitutional system. The Brazilian Federal Constitution is grounded on a closed system formed by guarantees and principles which consolidate democracy, particularly by means of diversity; pluralism; broad possibility of options. This system operation is presented by a model of scientific-structural acknowledgement of union freedom by means of an explanatory concentric diagram showing the democratic coexistence of subsystems within the union system, and the formatting of ways of expressing the representativeness and execution of atypical collective-bargaining agreements / O presente estudo tem por objetivo demonstrar que a unicidade sindical não está inserida no sistema constitucional brasileiro. A Constituição Federal se sustenta mediante um sistema fechado, composto por garantias e princípios que consolidam a democracia, em especial, por meio da diversidade; pelo pluralismo; pela ampla possibilidade de opções. Para efetivação desse sistema é apresentado um modelo de reconhecimento científico-estrutural da liberdade sindical, por intermédio de um diagrama concêntrico explicativo, evidenciando o convívio democrático de subsistemas dentro do sistema sindical, bem como a formatação de modos de exteriorização de representatividade e celebração de acordos coletivos atípicos

Termo de ajuste de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho / The commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel)

Ferreira, Cristiane Aneolito 06 May 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo enfoca o termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta celebrado perante o Ministério Público do Trabalho. Importante salientar que os conflitos de massa trouxeram nova roupagem ao sistema jurídico brasileiro de forma a consagrar e a insculpir o preceito da tutela coletiva. Neste sentido, a efetividade dos direitos metaindividuais ganhou corpo por intermédio das formas extrajudiciais e judiciais de solução de conflitos coletivos, tudo em prol da garantia dos direitos sociais, da paz social e do pleno emprego. A coletivização dos interesses implicou redução dos conflitos trabalhistas individuais, abrangência de interesses de grupo, categoria ou classe, maior observância dos valores sociais do trabalho, conciliando, portanto, os princípios fundamentais e basilares da República Federativa do Brasil. O alicerce dos direitos metaindividuais trabalhistas estrutura-se nos direitos humanos fundamentais e, neste contexto, devem pautar-se as cláusulas mínimas a serem estipuladas no ajuste de conduta como forma de tutela contra as lesões a interesses difusos e coletivos na esfera da relação de trabalho. A defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis foi conferida ao Parquet Trabalhista na qualidade de órgão agente e consagrada pela Constituição de 1988, dissociando-se, efetivamente, da função eminentemente parecerista (órgão interveniente) até então prevalecente. A estrutura do termo de compromisso de ajustamento de conduta, bem como sua forma de celebração, natureza jurídica, objeto, limite das cláusulas, dano moral coletivo, hipóteses de flexibilização da multa estipulada, competência territorial para assinatura, descumprimento do ajuste, além de outros aspectos polêmicos alusivos ao tema constituem objeto da presente dissertação. Não menos importante é a abordagem do procedimento investigatório e do inquérito civil, instrumentos comumente utilizados no exercício do poder de investigação consagrado pelo artigo 127 da Constituição Federal brasileira à Instituição do Parquet em defesa da ordem jurídica, do regime democrático e dos interesses sociais e individuais indisponíveis. / The present study focuses on the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement signed before the Labor Public Prosecution Office (Prosecuting Counsel). It is important to stress that the mass conflicts brought new drapery to the Brazilian legal system in order to establish and inscribe the precept of the collective protection/injunction. So, the effectiveness of the metaindividual rights got stronger through the mediation of the extrajudicial and judicial forms of solution of the collective conflicts, everything in favor of the social rights guaranty, social peace and full employment. The collectivization of the interests implied reduction of the individual labor conflicts, coverage of the interests of group, category or class, better compliance of the social values of work, reconciling, therefore, the fundamental and basic principles of the Federative Republic of Brazil. The basis of the labor metaindividual rights structures itself in the fundamental human rights and, in this context, there should be the minimum clauses to be stipulated in the conduct settlement as a form of tutelage against the damages to diffuse and collective interests in the sphere of the working relationship. The defense of the legal system/order, the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights was given to the Labor Parquet as an agent organ and consecrated by the 1988 Constitution, dissociating, effectively, from the eminently function of giving an option (intervening Organ) prevailing until then. The structure of the commitment/agreement term of conduct settlement, as well as its form of celebration, legal nature, object, limit of the clauses, collective wounded feelings, hypotheses of relaxation of the stipulated fine, territorial jurisdiction for signature, noncompliance of the settlement/adjustment, besides other polemic aspects allusive to the theme are object of the present essay. Not less important is the approach of the investigative proceeding and of the civil investigation, instruments commonly used in the performance of the investigation Power consecrated by the section 127 of the Federal Brazilian Constitution to the Institution of the Parquet in defense of the legal system/order, of the democratic regime and of the unavailable social and individual rights.

La notion de preuve économique : essai sur les interactions entre droit et économie en droits administratifs français et européen / The notion of economic evidence : an essay on interactions between law and economics in French and European public law

Rassafi-Guibal, Hicham 09 June 2016 (has links)
La preuve économique est un objet complexe situé à la confluence du droit et de l’économie. Elle est un outil de dialogue entre ces deux disciplines. Dans la mécanique du droit, elle se retrouve lorsqu’une analyse économique est nécessaire à sa réalisation. En tant qu’elle supporte un discours économique, elle oblige le droit à rechercher des objets particuliers, susceptibles de se substituer au raisonnement juridique. Mais en tant que preuve juridique, elle interroge sur le degré d’assujettissement du droit par rapport à l’économie. Elle apparaît donc comme un moyen de conciliation entre les exigences de l’économie et de la science économique d’un côté, et la réalisation des finalités du droit de l’autre. Cette conciliation est effectuée par l’autorité administrative dont les activités normatives et de régulation, notamment, en influencent la formation. Le contexte administratif n’est pas neutre. Par ailleurs, la pratique du juge administratif et du juge de l’Union, réalisant son office en tant que juge administratif, lui offre un cadre procédural d’administration qui conditionne la façon dont le dialogue entre le droit et l’économie s’opère concrètement. / The economic evidence is a complex subject just at the confront of Law and Economics. It plays a role of dialogue between these two fields. As a subject of the legal system, it appears when an economic analysis is necessary fulfilling the Law, it substitues legal reasoning for economic analysis. However, it questions how deep is the subjection of law facing economics. More precisely, it questions how Law and Economics uses each other. The economic evidence is a tool for conciliation between ends and purposes of Laws and requirements of economic thought and necessities of economic game. It is to the Administrative authority to fulfill the conciliation, under the constant review of the judge. The administrative law context has a great influence on the way different requirements are combined.

EU water law : the right balance between environmental and economic considerations? / Right balance between environmental and economic considerations?

Zhou, Jia Lei January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

Community interest in the European antidumping law

Li, Lei January 2006 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law

Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų teisinio reguliavimo ir įgyvendinimo ypatumai Lietuvoje / Peculiarities of the legal regulation and implementation of European Union structural funds in Lithuania

Bernotaitė, Kristina 29 January 2009 (has links)
Disertacijos pagrindinis tikslas – išanalizavus valstybės pagalbos neprieštaraujančios bendrajai rinkai reguliuojančias Bendrijos ir nacionalines teisės normas, taip pat nustatant šių normų aiškinimo ir praktinio taikymo neatitikimus bei atskleidžiant ir įvertinant jų aiškinimo ir taikymo problemas, pateikti siūlymus ir rekomendacijas dėl šio reguliavimo tobulinimo, taip pat palankių prielaidų sudarymo esamos praktikos korekcijai. Tyrimo objektas – Europos Sąjungos Europos Bendrijos ir nacionalinės teisės normos, reguliuojančios Europos Sąjungos paramai taikytiną teisę, o dalykas – Bendrijos valstybės pagalbos neprieštaraujančios bendrajai rinkai, kuri tradiciškai patenka į Bendrijos konkurencijos teisės sistemą, regioninės paramos reguliavimo sistema, reguliavimo pagrindai ir jų sąveika su Lietuvos Respublikos teisine sistema. Į šio tyrimo objektą patenka tik konceptualūs ir probleminiai paramos teisinio reguliavimo Bendrijos sistemoje ir šią sistemą sudarančių teisės normų aiškinimo ir praktinio taikymo aspektai. Disertacijoje naudojamas sisteminės analizės metodas leido nagrinėti Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų teisinio reguliavimo sistemą, kaip Bendrijos teisės sistemos sudėtinę dalį; indukcinis – dedukcinis metodas taikytas naudojant atskirus šio sistemos tyrimų duomenis, formuojant ir pateikiant apibendrinimus; lyginamasis metodas taikytas analizuojant įvairių Vidurio ir Rytų šalių teisinio reguliavimo bazę; naudojant istorinį lyginamąjį metodą atskleista Sanglaudos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the dissertation research is the European Community and national rules of law, which regulate the law applied to the support of the European Union, the support provided by the state consistent with the single market is the sub-institute of the Community competition law, which is comprised of both of the rules of law, regulating the changes in the market structure, and the rules of law, regulating the influence of the support of the European Union to the united market. The main task and the aim of the research is to provide the proposals and recommendations for the improvement of the regulation by performing the complex analysis of the state support not inconsistent with the Community and national rules of law regulating the single market, also by establishing discrepancies in interpreting and practical application of these rules of law and by disclosing and assessing their interpretation and application problems, and also for the creation of beneficial assumptions for the correction of the current practice. The subject matter of the dissertation includes the regional support regulation system of the Community state aid not inconsistent with the single market, which is traditionally included in the system of the Community competition law, and also the common fundamentals of the European Union regional support regulation and their interaction with the legal system of the Republic of Lithuania. The relevancy of the work and the tasks established herein determined... [to full text]

La politique commune des transports aériens de l'Union européenne : compétence partagée ou occupation du terrain?

Vaugeois, Mathieu 07 1900 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail vise à déterminer si le transport aérien en Europe relève d’une compétence partagée entre l’Union européenne (UE) et les États membres, ou s’il s’agit plutôt d’une occupation du terrain par l’UE dans cette matière ? Ainsi, nous verrons en quoi consiste le cadre règlementaire communautaire portant sur le transport aérien en Europe. Dans un premier temps, nous porterons notre attention sur des aspects généraux entourant l’aviation en Europe, comme par exemple la mise en place d’un marché unique de l’aviation ainsi que les ententes « ciel ouvert ». Puis, dans un second temps nous procéderons à l’analyse du cadre règlementaire spécifique portant sur des aspects tels que l’environnement, les droits des passagers aériens, la sécurité et la sûreté. / The purpose of this study is to determine whether air transport in Europe is a shared competence between European Union (EU) and the Member States, or whether it is an a field under the jurisdiction of the EU in this specific area. We will review the EU regulatory framework on air transport in Europe. Initially, we will focus on issues concerning aviation in general in Europe, such as the establishment of a single market for aviation and "open skies" agreements. Then, we will analyze the specific regulatory framework such as the environment, protection of air passengers, the security and safety.

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