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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spelifiering av kulturarv : En kvalitativ studie om att skapa engagemang kring Sveriges kulturarv / Gamifying Cultural Heritage : A qualitative study about creating engagement towards Sweden's cultural heritage

Emil, Jadelius, Rasmus, Svensson January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Besöksnäringen är en växande sektor i Sverige, där kulturarv utgör en central del för att förmå skapa attraktiva besöksmål. Trots detta finns det fortfarande många kulturarv som inte synliggörs och därmed förblir outnyttjade resurser för städer och landsbygd. En växande trend inom besöksnäringen är spelifiering, vilket potentiellt bidrar till en rolig och personlig upplevelse och samtidigt ett synliggörande av många besöksmål som kan vara svåra att finna. Det finns dock begränsad forskning för spelifiering inom turism och än mindre om spelifiering av kulturarv. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att kartlägga vilka komponenter inom en spelifiering som initialt kan inneha betydelse för att skapa ett intresse hos användare att utforska kulturarv. Studien utgick ifrån forskningsfrågan: Hur kan spelifieringen för platsbaserade mobila applikationer som uppmärksammar kulturarv utformas för att attrahera nya användare och motivera dessa till användning? Litteraturstudie: Litteraturstudien behandlar spelifiering och Foggs beteendemodell. Spelifiering är användandet av spelelement inom kontexter som traditionellt inte hör samman med spelande och handlar om att motivera individer med målet att göra så många som möjligt till vinnare. Foggs beteendemodell påvisar att mänskligt beteende är ett resultat av tre element: Motivation - Drivkraft till handling; Förmåga - Kapacitet till handling; Trigger - Utlösande faktor till handling. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med utgångspunkt i fältet för användarcentrerad design. Först tillämpades en heuristisk utvärdering ämnad för spelifierade tjänster, som sedan kompletterades med kvalitativa intervjuer där potentiella användare involverades för att uppmärksamma deras behov. Resultat: Resultaten visar att nyfikenhet och viljan att utforska är två drivande motivationsfaktorer. Det påvisas även att den information som presenteras i samband med kulturarv är central för att skapa engagemang kring kulturarv. Utmaningar i form av frågesport är ett uppskattat inslag men det är viktigt att frågor har en koppling till berört kulturarv och att det finns en varierad svårighetsnivå för att tillgodose både novisa och erfarna användare. Det finns ett behov av sociala inslag där det går att interagera med vänner genom gruppaktiviteter eller utmaningar. Sociala inslag bidrar även till att användare triggar varandra till att upptäcka kulturarv. Slutsats: För att lyckas skapa spelifierade lösningar som uppmärksammar kulturarv måste det som presenteras inneha mening för användare. / Introduction: The tourism industry is a growing sector in Sweden, of which cultural heritage is central to create attractive destinations. Despite this, there are still many cultural heritage sites that are not visible and thus remain unutilized resources for cities and the countryside. A growing trend in the tourism industry is gamification, which potentially contributes to a fun personal experience while increasing the visibility of many destinations that can be difficult to find. However, there is limited research on gamification in tourism and even less on gamification applied to cultural heritage. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to identify which components within a gamification that can initially be important for generating an interest in users to explore cultural heritage. The study intends to answer the following research question: How can the gamification for location-based mobile applications that pay attention to cultural heritage be designed to attract new users and motivate them to use? Literature study: The literature study delves into gamification and Fogg's behavior model. Gamification is the use of game elements in contexts that are not traditionally associated with gaming and is about motivating individuals with the goal of making as many as possible winners. Fogg's behavior model demonstrates that human behavior is the result of three elements: Motivation - Driving force to action; Ability - Capacity for action; Trigger - Triggering factor to action. Method: The study has a qualitative approach based on user-centered design. First, a heuristic evaluation intended for gamified services was applied, which was then supplemented with qualitative interviews where potential users were involved to pay attention to their needs. Results: The results show that curiosity and the willingness to explore are two driving motivational factors. It is also shown that the information presented in connection with cultural heritage is central to creating motivation around cultural heritage. Challenges in the form of quizzes are an appreciated element, but it is important that questions have a connection to the cultural heritage and that there is a varied level of difficulty to satisfy both novice and experienced users. There is a need for social elements where it is possible to interact with friends through group activities or challenges. Social elements also contribute to users triggering each other to discover cultural heritage. Conclusion: To succeed in creating gamified solutions that pay attention to cultural heritage, what is presented within the solution must be meaningful to the user.

Onlineprylar : Ett egenutvecklat annonseringsgränssnitt med användare i fokus

Danial, Dany January 2021 (has links)
When it comes to selling both new and used goods and services, it is quite common for people touse various online sales platforms. For those people who have a stressful everyday life with jobs,errands and responsibilities in the home, an advertising interface that is quick and easy to use isneeded. The advantage of this is that it can be used at any time and it also ensures that you do notlose much time and attention from the daily activities. This is a degree project in bachelorprogramme in Industrial Design engineering at Luleå University of Technology and is about,through the involvement of users, creating and developing an advertising interface that is bothuseful and user-friendly. To be sure that the users are in focus, a user-centered design process is used that contains the subprocesses;Project Planning, Context of Use, Create Ideas and Prototype Concepts. By usingdifferent creative and user-centered methods, such as Personas and Think aloud, different userneeds have been described. Then Brainstorming is used to generate a lot of ideas for partialsolutions based on the five components of an interface; layout, shape, color, object and function.Scamper is then used to combine all the sub-solutions based on the components, into a completesolution. To create a whole picture of the complete solution, it has first been sketched, thenvisualized and finally web-programmed a clickable prototype. Through user tests of the clickable prototype, the results have clearly pointed out that it fulfills thepurpose and goal of the degree project, i.e. to create, develop and deliver a useful and user-friendlyclickable prototype. / När det kommer till försäljning av både nya och begagnade varor samt tjänster så är det ganskavanligt att människor använder sig av olika säljplattformar på nätet. För de människor som har enstressad vardag med jobb, ärenden samt ansvar i hemmet så behövs ett annonseringsgränssnitt somgår snabbt och enkelt att använda. Fördelen med detta är att det kan användas när som helst och attdet också ser till att man inte förlorar mycket tid och uppmärksamhet från de dagliga aktiviteterna.Detta är ett examensarbete inom Teknisk Design, högskoleingenjör vid Luleå Tekniska Universitetoch handlar om att, genom involvering av användare, skapa och utveckla ett annonseringsgränssnittsom både är användbart och användarvänligt. För att vara säker på att användare är i fokus så används det en användarcentrerad designprocesssom innehåller delprocesserna; Planera Projekt, Utforska Kontext, Skapa Idéer och PrototypaKoncept. Genom att använda olika kreativa samt användarcentrerade metoder, såsom Personas samtThink aloud, så har olika användarbehov beskrivits fram. Därefter så används Brainstorming för attgenerera en massa idéer på dellösningar utifrån ett gränssnitts fem beståndsdelar; layout, form, färg,objekt samt funktion. Scamper används sedan för att sammanfoga alla dellösningarna utifrånbeståndsdelarna, till en helhetslösning. För att sedan skapa en tydlig bild på helhetslösningen så hardet först skissats, därefter visualiserats och slutligen webbprogrammerats en klickbar prototyp. Genom användartester av den klickbara prototypen så har resultatet pekat tydligt mot att denuppfyller examenarbetets syfte och mål, alltså att skapa, utveckla och leverera en användbar ochanvändarvänlig klickbar prototyp.

Supporting social interaction between mothers : A wearable design proposal

Waldorff, Michael January 2021 (has links)
This thesis aims to find opportunities to support communication between new mothers to foster a sense of connectedness, during a pandemic where social interactions such as parent groups are unavailable. The project is based on research that shows that new parents have a great need for social support. Due to physical distancing, there was room for interaction design to intervene by exploring tangible solutions to develop innovative custom design. Through a user-centered design process, including findings from theory, interviews and design workshops with the target group, the study resulted in a co-created design proposal of a communication device in the form of a wearable wristband. The proposal showed positive indications in meeting the needs and desires of mothers found during a co-design workshop.

Redesigning the user experience : How Interaction design can be used to improve already existing form-based company services

Lundberg, Victor January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates whether interaction design principles can be used on already existing company services in order to improve the user experience and satisfaction, and how such a process should look like, and what lessons can be learned from it. The study uses an iterative approach where prototypes are created and evaluated to further improve the prototype in the next iteration. To test this a service from the company LeoVegas mobile gaming group called Antiloop is used. Firstly a literature study is conducted to find requirements on how similar services can be designed, then an interview is conducted with employers who use Antiloop in order to find out what can be improved. Then two different prototypes are created and evaluated with the same employees to find out which one is preferred. The results of that evaluation lead to a final prototype that is evaluated together with the existing service through quantitative and qualitative methods, to see whether the new prototype has a better user experience. The results of the final evaluation showed that the new prototype is preferred over the existing version. However, because the test only had 7 participants, it might not be enough to draw a general conclusion. A list of further improvements was also presented.

Barns leksaker och könsstereotyper : Hur produktdesign kan underlätta för föräldrar att göra varierande och normbrytande val av leksaker och lek / Childrens toys and gender stereotypes : How product design can facilitate parents to make more varied and norm breaking choices of toys and play

Carlzon, Oscar January 2021 (has links)
Könsnormerna bekräftas av föräldrar redan från barnets födsel, genom att välja könsstereotypiska leksaker, som enligt samhällets normer delar upp barnen mellan de biologiska könen. Detta påverkar inte endast barnets syn på sig själv utan även hur andra ser och behandlar barnet. Ett antal studier visar hur stereotypa leksaker ger barn en snäv syn på verkligheten och deras framtidsvisioner, något som påverkar jämställdheten mellan könen i framtiden. Det som saknas i litteraturen är föräldrars känslomässiga koppling till könsstereotypiska leksaker och problemen de står inför som resulterar i att de gör stereotypa leksaksval. I detta arbete blir det tydligt att föräldrar vill variera lek men att uppmuntra till detta tar för mycket tid och baserar då val av lek och leksaker framförallt på barnets egen vilja. För att exemplifiera en tänkbar lösning på detta problem utformades en produkt som underlättar för föräldrar att variera och göra normbrytande lek med barnets redan existerande leksaker. Detta arbete påpekar en viktig byggsten för ett framtida jämställt samhälle och hur detta lättare kan uppnås genom design. / Gender norms are validated by parents from the birth of a child by choosing gender stereotypical toys according to societal norms which divide children among the biological sexes. This affects not only the child's self-image but also how others judge and treat the child. A number of studies show how stereotypical toys give children a narrow world view and their visions for the future, something that affects gender equality. Parents' emotional bond to gender stereotypical toys and the difficulties they face that result in them making stereotypical toy choices is what is missing in the literature. In this project it becomes apparent that parents wants to vary play, but encouraging this takes too much time which leads the parents to make stereotypical choices of toys and play primarily based on their child's own will. To exemplify a possible solution to this problem, a product was designed, that makes it easier for parents to vary and make norm-breaking play with their child's already existing toys. This study points out an important building block for an equal future society and how this can be more easily achieved through design.

Project Publizebra.se : Development of a user-centered special digital library service for self-publishing authors in Sweden

Koort, Hannes January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is the development of Publizebra.se, a user-centered special digital library prototype for self-publishing authors. The service is aimed to provide valuable information, features and resources in the production, marketing and distribution of books.    Digital libraries have in recent years started to play a role in providing self-published authors with the tools, information and services required to publish independently with standardized quality. The focus has been to promote self-publishing and avoiding the pitfalls of appalling cover art, poor editorial work or zero marketing. In Sweden no such digital library initiative exists, combined with the problem of relatively few self-publishing services providing the possibility of independent publishing, without stepping into any of the pitfalls above.   The development of Publizebra.se seeks to fill the gap of digital library initiatives for self-publishing in Sweden, aggregating and distributing the value-adding features and user needs of independent authors. The applied research follows a five-step design process associated with the methodology of user-centered design, consisting of strategy, discovery, information architecture, design and prototyping. Every step of the process encompassed methodologies for taking the development forward, while further relying on fundamental research of the environment and user needs. Heuristic evaluation and expert evaluation were conducted on the prototype by LIS and usability experts to assess its functionality and user-centered design. The feedback concluded the prototype to be accessible and easy to use, while indicating the need for additional development and improvements to visual and interaction design features prior to further testing.

Att formge för minskad nedskräpning i stadsmiljö / Designing for reduced littering in urban environment

Nicic, Marina January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to reduce littering in urban environments. This is done by using product design and sustainable development as main directions and thus being able to create a sustainable behavior change that can be used and further developed in the future. During the course of the study, it is found out how product design can contribute to reducing littering. With user-centered design and sustainable development as starting points, littering in urban environments, design for behavior change, nudging and emotional design are examined. This is in order to gain a deeper understanding of where this eind of environmental problem came from and why. Furthermore, a number of observations and interviews are performed that create a stable and clear basis for the final design's needs and requirements. These are tested and developed during the brainstorming process and concept development with the help of sketches and prototypes, which in turn leads to a final design concept. Based on all the research and method implementations, it is concluded that people repeat each other's behaviors (Håll Sverige Rent, etc.) while there is a great lack of communication and guidance to trashcan´s in urban environments. Simplicity, prompts, guidance, colors, entertainment and different concepts are the most important factors that can contribute to a positive behavior change and hopefully a solution to the environmental problem. The final design proposal was therefore developed into a design concept that represents a connection between existing trashcan´s in urban environments and individually designed accessories that can be attached to them, regardless of the shape or size. The purpose of the concept is therefore to guide and inform about the trashcan´s important function regarding the handling of all kinds of rubbish and where these are located in an urban environment.

Smart Glasses Applications Engineering: Konzeption und Implementierung von Anwendungssoftware für Datenbrillen zur Unterstützung der Logistik

Zobel, Benedikt Johannes 19 August 2020 (has links)
Der betriebliche Einsatz von Smart Glasses zur Unterstützung von manuellen Dienstleistungsprozessen bietet viele Vorteile, die mit anderen Technologien nicht erreicht werden können. Insbesondere im Bereich der Logistik kann von der Informationsversorgung bei gleichzeitiger Mobilität Gebrauch gemacht werden. Um dieses Potenzial auszunutzen, bedarf es allerdings Softwarelösungen, die auf die jeweiligen Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind. In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird daher untersucht, wie Smart-Glasses-basierte Informationssysteme zur Unterstützung der Logistik zu gestalten und zu implementieren sind. Die Forschungsarbeit folgt dabei zwei Zielen: (A) Die Unterstützung von Logistikprozessen durch Smart-Glasses-basierte Informationssysteme wird im Hinblick auf Anforderungen, Herausforderungen und Gestaltungsprinzipien untersucht, und (B) wird der Entwicklungsprozess zur Gestaltung und Implementierung von derartigen Informationssystemen im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojekts konzipiert und evaluiert. Das Vorgehen wird durch methodische Betrachtungen von Gestaltungsanforderungen und -prinzipien geleitet und entspricht so dem gestaltungsorientierten Forschungsansatz der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Die genauere Beantwortung der gestellten Forschungsfrage erfolgt in drei Schritten: (1) Methoden zur Initiierung von agilen Softwareprojekten und der Integration von Softwareentwicklung und -betrieb werden basierend auf der Wissensbasis agiler Methoden, Praktiken und Ansätze abgeleitet, (2) Grundlagen zur thematischen Fokussierung auf die Technologie Smart Glasses und die Anwendungsdomäne der Logistik werden durch multimethodische Studien geschaffen, und (3) werden entsprechende Systeme zur Mitarbeiterunterstützung instanziiert, evaluiert und die Forschungsergebnisse in ein Vorgehensframework zur Durchführung von Implementierungsprojekten überführt. Die vorliegende Dissertation trägt somit zur Wissensbasis der gestaltungsorientierten Wirtschaftsinformatik durch die erreichten Erkenntnisse zur Initiierung und Durchführung von Softwareentwicklungsprojekten zur Unterstützung von betrieblichen Prozessen durch Smart-Glasses-basierte Informationssysteme bei. Darüber hinaus bietet die Arbeit durch die bewusst praxisnahe Orientierung mit dem generierten Gestaltungswissen einen Mehrwert für Praktiker aus den betrachteten Bereichen, insbesondere für Stakeholder für die Einführung mobiler Informationssysteme in betrieblichen Umfeldern.

Diseño de información y motivación hacia el material formativo de la Asociación Scouts del Perú / Design of information and motivation towards the formative material of the Scouts Association of Peru

Flores Cruz, Kamila Alexandra 02 July 2019 (has links)
El escultismo es una de las asociaciones juveniles más grandes y reconocidas del mundo. Su propuesta formativa, conocida como Método Scout, trabaja con niños y jóvenes a nivel personal y grupal con el objetivo de formar mejores ciudadanos. Sin embargo, tiene un déficit para presentar su material formativo, ocasionando falta de motivación entre scouts para iniciar su progresión. Por ello, el principal objetivo del presente trabajo es rediseñar el material formativo de la Asociación Scouts del Perú haciendo uso de las herramientas que brinda el diseño de información. Se espera que aplicando el diseño de información como herramienta se pueda transformar el material formativo de la Asociación Scouts del Perú brindando una alternativa que genere mayor motivación en los lobatos. La metodología utilizada es investigación experimental, ya que incluye una variable experimental, en un entorno fijo. El nivel de investigación es experimental y el enfoque que se ha elegido es mixto ya que se utilizara tanto el método cuantitativo como el cualitativo. La solución presentada es un juego para móviles en el cual los lobatos responden preguntas para ir avanzando a través de un circuito, tiene la opción de juego en equipo donde las seisenas y manadas compiten entre sí. La propuesta responde a las dificultadas encontradas en el material actual sin desligarse de las bases del escultismo. En conclusión, luego del testeo, el 100% de lobatos respondieron positivamente a la propuesta, demostrando interés hacia el material y motivación por iniciar su progresión, validando así la hipótesis presentada. / Scouting is one of the largest and most recognized youth associations in the world. Its formative proposal, known as the Scout Method, works with children and young people on a personal and group level with the aim of forming better citizens. However, they have a deficit to present their formative material, causing lack of motivation among scouts to start their progression. Therefore, the main objective of this work is to redesign the training material of the Scouts of Peru Association using the tools provided by the design of information. It is expected that applying the information design as a tool can transform the training material of the Scouts of Peru Association providing an alternative that generates more motivation in scouts. The methodology used is experimental research, since it includes an experimental variable, in a fixed environment. The level of research is experimental one and the approach that has been chosen is mixed one since both the quantitative and the qualitative method will be used. The presented solution is a game for mobiles in which the scouts answer questions to go through a circuit, has the option of team play where they compete in teams. The proposal responds to the difficulties found in the current material without breaking away from the foundations of Scouting. In conclusion, after testing, 100% of scouts responded positively to the proposal, demonstrating interest in the material and motivation to start their progression, thus validating the hypothesis presented. / Trabajo de investigación

Agile Project Management/Systems Engineering of an AV Interior Prototype

Clepper, Erin Grace January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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