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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sverige under andra Världskriget : En uppsats om neo-realism och neutralitet

Olsson, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>The actions of Sweden during the second world war has been richly discussed over the years. Sweden declared itself neutral in the war between the great powers but did not manage to maintain its neutrality. The nature of neutrality has often been discussed; whether it is of a idealistic or more pragmatic nature. Realism, a theory of international relations, would argue that it is of a more pragmatic nature, hence these two are in opposition. Realism also takes credit in claiming to explain how and why a state chooses to act in a situation.</p><p> </p><p>The aim of this essay was to, by examining specific decisions made by the swedish government during the Second World War, come to a conclusion whether or not Sweden’s proclaimed neutrality was of idealistic or pragmatic nature, and thereby possibly coming to a conclusion about neutrality in large.</p><p>It was also to examine the worth of realism as an explanatory theory by applying it to this specific case; to examine its validity.</p><p>The study was conducted using a qualitative method; presenting empiric facts and then by using a decision model interpreting the actions and results from a realist perspective.</p><p> </p><p>The study concludes that realism has explanatory power, although not a complete one. The evidence, concerning the neutrality matter, points to that neutrality should be considered as being of a more pragmatic nature.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Second world war, international relations, realism, neutrality</p>
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Sverige under andra Världskriget : En uppsats om neo-realism och neutralitet

Olsson, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Abstract       The actions of Sweden during the second world war has been richly discussed over the years. Sweden declared itself neutral in the war between the great powers but did not manage to maintain its neutrality. The nature of neutrality has often been discussed; whether it is of a idealistic or more pragmatic nature. Realism, a theory of international relations, would argue that it is of a more pragmatic nature, hence these two are in opposition. Realism also takes credit in claiming to explain how and why a state chooses to act in a situation.   The aim of this essay was to, by examining specific decisions made by the swedish government during the Second World War, come to a conclusion whether or not Sweden’s proclaimed neutrality was of idealistic or pragmatic nature, and thereby possibly coming to a conclusion about neutrality in large. It was also to examine the worth of realism as an explanatory theory by applying it to this specific case; to examine its validity. The study was conducted using a qualitative method; presenting empiric facts and then by using a decision model interpreting the actions and results from a realist perspective.   The study concludes that realism has explanatory power, although not a complete one. The evidence, concerning the neutrality matter, points to that neutrality should be considered as being of a more pragmatic nature.   Keywords: Second world war, international relations, realism, neutrality
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Svensk krigsmateriel export under perioder av krig och fred: Ett historiskt perspektiv.

Wägander, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med den här undersökningen är att ta reda på om Sveriges krigsmaterielexport har förändrats under perioder av krig. Handelsmönstren har kraftigt förändrats under krig där handelskanaler har brutits sönder vilket medfört att handeln tagit andra vägar, samt att stater utanför krigen kunnat dra nytta utav detta. Det som undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt i är Sveriges neutrala ställningstagande, förändrade handelsmönster samt antagandet om att efterfrågan på krigsmateriel tenderar att öka under väpnade konflikter. Dessa tre huvudteser talar för att Sverige borde ha kunnat expandera sin krigsmaterielexport under de krig som undersöks. De frågor som uppsatsen fokuserar på är krigsmaterielens värde samt andel av den totala exporten, krigsmaterielens geografiska spridning, krigsmaterielens sammansättning samt prisfluktuationer. De perioder som legat till grund för undersökningen är Krimkriget, åren 1881 – 1884 samt första världskriget.

Vänd åter till gamla tiders enkla levnadssätt : En studie om hur skolkökslärarinnornas expertkunskap bidrog till livsmedelsförsörjningen under världskrigen

Steinwender, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den svenska livsmedelsförsörjningen under världskrigen. Detta är ett brett syfte som operationaliserats genom en undersökning av kristidskokböcker och den kunskap som skolkökslärarinnorna, författarna, till dessa förmedlar. Denna uppsats har försökt besvara frågorna: På vilka sätt kvinnorna, som besitter en stor kunskap om hushållsgöromål genom sin utbildning, använder sin kunskap under krigen, om det finns någon strävan bland dessa att professionalisera sitt yrke och om detta finns vilka strategier använde de sig då av? Andra frågor som besvarats i denna uppsats är vilka varor var det som man hade brist på och vilka produkter använde för att ersätta dem? Författarinnorna använder sin kunskap och för den vidare genom att publicera kokböcker, i koböckerna har de inte bara recept på hur man skall laga maten utan de kommer även med råd på hur man skall göra detta på det mest ekonomiska sätten. Kokböckerna är noga avvägda verk som blandar matlagningen med näringslära och ekonomi. Kvinnorna besitter en svåråtkomlig kunskap och allierar sig med andra yrkesgrupper för att höja statusen på sitt eget yrke. Under första världskriget råder det en större varubrist och recepten i kokböckerna har ett fokus på hur man skapar egala surrogat för att ersätta dessa varor. I kokböckerna från andra världskriget så förlitar man sig mycket mer på kemiska ersättningsprodukter som man kan hitta i butikerna.
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Med hängslen & livrem : Rusthåll för Finlandskämpar i Finskt vinterkrig, 1939-1940

Christensen, Robert January 2000 (has links)
Jag har i denna uppsats undersökt Rusthållningsrörelsen som den förekom under det finska vinterkriget. Jag har forskat kring hur utbredningen av denna rörelse sett ut och kommit fram till att organisationen var rikstäckande – om än ej helt homogen! Rusthållen bildades för att ge ekonomiskt bistånd till svenskar från regionen som åkte över till Finland för att strida sida vid sida med våra finska ”bröder”. En tid efter det att de lokala rusthållen bildats grundades Centrala Rusthållet. Centrala Rusthållets målsättning var att skapa en likformighet i de utbetalade ekonomiska understöden, samt att kunna verka som ett stöd på de orter och i de regioner där det inte fanns några lokala eller regionala rusthåll. Den lokala föreningen betalade ut pengar både till de frivilligas anhöriga och direkt till de frivilliga som kompensation för bland annat förstörda kläder. I uppsatsen har jag granskat ett lokalt Rusthåll vid namn Strängnäs-Mariefredsortens Rusthåll för Finlandskämpar. I denna förening har jag kommit fram till att det finns en socioekonomisk bredd bland den anslutna medlemspopulationen. Jag har kommit fram till detta genom att dela in medlemmarnas yrken i grupper så som kyrka, vård och skola etcetera. Jag har även, för att styrka detta, letat upp medlemmarna i 1940 års taxeringslängd och där hittat en väldigt stor spridning på inkomstnivåerna bland de enskilda medlemmarna. Vidare har jag kunnat konstatera att denna förening till största delen består av män. Det går därför att hävda att den lokala föreningen i Strängnäs-Mariefred har en könstendens. En tendens som understryks av de facto att föreningens styrelse enbart består av män!
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I dialog med muntliga och skriftliga berättartraditioner : En undersökning av svenska sjömäns levnadsberättelser / A dialogue with oral and written traditions : A study of Swedish sailors' life narratives

Nagel, Erik January 2012 (has links)
This is a study of autobiographical letters written in the early 1950s by seven Swedish sailors. The letters were contributions to a project at the Nordiska Museet in Stockholm aiming to collect and publicize workers' autobiographical narratives. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how the sailors composed their narratives in dialogue not only with heroic epics and other oral and written literary traditions but also with folklore studies and with contemporary public conversations about Sweden. According to Bachtin, any given text must be understood as a dialogue with the entire history of literature and the analysis in this study shows that the sailors' narratives are composed according to the pattern of the returning Homeric hero: the hero by destiny, the hero by action, and the hero by tradition. In terms of contents the letters are centered on two major themes: the two world wars and the transformation of Sweden from a poor rural society into a modern well-fare state. These themes are dramatized in plots, test-conflicts, motifs, and motif-complexes (functions, motiphemes), well-known from oral traditions and classical drama. An experiment in which two of the letters are subjected to “ethnopoetic transcription” shows the nature and extent of the oral idiom used by the writers. Two other writers display their literary ambitions through an abundance of paraphrases and hidden quotations. For the museum staff, the sailors' contributions were problematic. The verbal artistry of the writers challenged assumptions that workers' life narratives should be “simple and ingenious descriptions” and transparent sources of ethnological data. Furthermore, the sailors' frankness about Sweden's and their own part in the world wars challenged the myth of the neutrality and peacefulness of the Swedish folkhem.
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Elektroniska spel i tidningsfältet : En studie av recensenters förhållningssätt till dator- och TV-spel / Electronic games in the field of newspapers and magazines : A study of the critics’ way of looking at and writing about computer and video games

Petersson, Andreas, Padu, Martin, Ahlin, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
<p>This paper considers the roles of critics, newspapers and magazines, in the process ofdescribing computer games and video games as either technical objects or products intendedfor entertainment.The making and “using” of computer games and videogames originates in small groups ofpeople possessing a lot of knowledge in computers, during a time when these kinds of deviceswere very expensive. But now, the gaming culture has grown and almost anyone in oursociety can own and play a video game. For that reason, one could ask the questions “are thegames and the people who plays them still parts of a ‘technical culture’?” and “do we needsome kind of prior knowledge to fully understand the videogame critics?”The critics represent “the official idea” of what a videogame is, how it works and if it is worthplaying. One should be able to trust them since they represent papers and magazines with anassignment to spread information of a serious character. Bourdieus “distinction of taste” and“capital theory” and Vedungs “idea analysis” aided us when we read and analyzed 18computer game and video game reviews in six Swedish news papers and gaming magazines.The conclusion we came up with was that the critics frequently focus their texts to cover the“story”, “graphics”, “feeling” and the “style/genre” of the reviewed games. These dimensionsare easy to understand even if one doesn’t have a lot of experience with video games. Theywere far more common than others that, for example, explained if the game was hard to play,if it contained any bugs (flaws) and discussions like “who would be likely to play thisgame?”, but sometimes they occurred. Dimensions like that require some prior knowledge.Some technical knowledge could help the reader understand more of the reviews, but arerarely essential. According to what we have read in the newspapers and magazines, gamesand gaming could consequently be considered less of a technical question and more of amatter of entertainment.</p>
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Elektroniska spel i tidningsfältet : En studie av recensenters förhållningssätt till dator- och TV-spel / Electronic games in the field of newspapers and magazines : A study of the critics’ way of looking at and writing about computer and video games

Petersson, Andreas, Padu, Martin, Ahlin, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
This paper considers the roles of critics, newspapers and magazines, in the process ofdescribing computer games and video games as either technical objects or products intendedfor entertainment.The making and “using” of computer games and videogames originates in small groups ofpeople possessing a lot of knowledge in computers, during a time when these kinds of deviceswere very expensive. But now, the gaming culture has grown and almost anyone in oursociety can own and play a video game. For that reason, one could ask the questions “are thegames and the people who plays them still parts of a ‘technical culture’?” and “do we needsome kind of prior knowledge to fully understand the videogame critics?”The critics represent “the official idea” of what a videogame is, how it works and if it is worthplaying. One should be able to trust them since they represent papers and magazines with anassignment to spread information of a serious character. Bourdieus “distinction of taste” and“capital theory” and Vedungs “idea analysis” aided us when we read and analyzed 18computer game and video game reviews in six Swedish news papers and gaming magazines.The conclusion we came up with was that the critics frequently focus their texts to cover the“story”, “graphics”, “feeling” and the “style/genre” of the reviewed games. These dimensionsare easy to understand even if one doesn’t have a lot of experience with video games. Theywere far more common than others that, for example, explained if the game was hard to play,if it contained any bugs (flaws) and discussions like “who would be likely to play thisgame?”, but sometimes they occurred. Dimensions like that require some prior knowledge.Some technical knowledge could help the reader understand more of the reviews, but arerarely essential. According to what we have read in the newspapers and magazines, gamesand gaming could consequently be considered less of a technical question and more of amatter of entertainment.
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