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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aktyvių moterų veikla XVIII a. Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigakštystėje / The active women in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania at the XVIIIth century

Veličkaitė, Vika 04 June 2013 (has links)
Istoriografijoje XVIII a. vadinamas moterų amžiumi ne tik dėl to, kad pačios moterys pradėjo aktyviau reikštis įvairiose gyvenimo sferose, bet ir dėl to, kad amžininkai pradėjo diskusijas apie moterų vietą ir tikslus „vyriškame“ pasaulyje. Šios Apšvietos epochos diskusijos, prasidėjusios Prancūzijoje, pasiekė ir Abiejų Tautų Respubliką (ATR) ir, žinoma, Lietuvos Didžiąją Kunigaikštystę. Moterų aktyvumas priklausė ne tik nuo Apšvietos epochoje atsiradusių diskusijų dėl moterų padėties visuomenėje, bet ir nuo naujų kultūrinių bei geopolitinių aplinkybių. Darbo tikslas – remiantis šaltiniais ir istoriografija, išskirti ir išanalizuoti būdingiausias moterims veiklas XVIII a. Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje. Šiam tikslui išsikeliame šiuos uždavinius: 1) remiantis istoriografija ir šaltiniais, apibrėžti moterų veiklų sąlygas šeimoje ir visuomenėje; 2) išskirti būdingiausias moterims veiklas XVIII a.; 3) remiantis istoriografija ir šaltiniais, atskirai išanalizuoti tų veiklų priežastis, tikslus ir aplinkybes; 4) remiantis moterų sukurtais šaltiniais, išanalizuoti jų pasirinktos veiklos priežastis ir aplinkybes. Didelis dėmesys pradėtas skirti moterų ugdymui bei išsilavinimui. Čia labiausiai pasižymėjo vienuolės, kurių žinioje dažnai buvo mergaičių auklėjimas. Viena populiariausių moterų veiklų yra literatūrinė. Šaltiniuose aptikta informacija leidžia teigti, kad atsiminimų, dienoraščių, eilių rašymas buvo plačiai paplitęs tarp moterų. Atsiminimus, dienoraščius ir t. t. moterys... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The XVIIIth century deservedly is calling as the women’s century, not only because contemporaries started discussions about women place and aims in the masculine world, and yet women started to play up in different playgrounds by themselves. Such discussions of Age of Enlightenment have been started in France, and reached Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (PLC) and The Grand Duchy of Lithuania as well. The women activity depended not only on those discussions about women state in society, and yet of new cultural and geopolitical circumstances. The aim of this researching is to identity and analyse the most typical women’s activities at XVIIIth century in The Grand Duchy of Lithuania on ground of historiography and origins. There are four tasks to fulfil this aim: 1) to identity and analyse the circumstances of women’s activities in the family and society on ground of historiography and origins; 2) to identity the most typical women’s activities at XVIIIth century; 3) to analyze the reasons, aims and circumstances of particular activities on ground of historiography and origins; 4) to analyze women’s activities reasons and circumstances on ground of origins created by women. Though women’s legal status was deferent than men, but their status quo depended on women’s temper. Often woman’s status in the public life depended on her status in her own family. Also there showed up new meaning of women role in society, on ground of first partition (1772). Woman had been ranked as... [to full text]

Technologijų mokytojų novacinės veiklos ypatumai / The peculiarity for innovation activity of technology teachers

Babravičienė, Vaida 09 June 2005 (has links)
In modern, rapidly changing society, the systems of education had become variable, situation of activity for schools and pedagogues. In Lithuania, as in many other countries, economical, political, cultural life interdependence becomes stronger. Rapidly established informational society. Obviously, because of that always changes the content of training, increasing innovations and it’s spreading need. The object of investigation – is an innovation activity of technology teachers. The aim of investigation – is to analyze peculiarity of innovation activity of technology teachers. The objects of investigation: 1. To detect the conception of innovation activity for pedagogues, while analyzing scientific educational and psychological literature. 2. To detect the conception of innovation for technology teachers. 3. To investigate the point of view for innovation activity of technology teachers. 4. To investigate the peculiarity for innovation activity of technology teachers. The investigated: 100 pedagogues working in Lithuania, teaching technology subject: 80%-woman, 19%-man. The methods of investigation: Theoretical: studying and analyzing science literature sources. Empirical: questionnaire test was applied trying to achieve the conception of innovation activity for technology teachers. Statistical: was used to achieve the statistic results of investigation information. Information was processed with computer statistic program SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for... [to full text]

Rekreacinės veiklos organizavimo ypatumai viešojoje įstaigoje / Peculiarities of organizing recreational activity in a public institution

Statkus, Aurimas 13 June 2005 (has links)
The development of globalization and internationalization, increasement of mobility of dwellers, economic growth and other factors lead to the formation recreational system in Lithuania. Nowadays recreation becomes especially significant, this is the reason why researches of theoretical and practical aspects of quality management are important nowadays. The object of this work is the complex of educational and organanizational peculiarities of “Alytus sports and recreation centre”. As a consequence, the purpose of this work is to evaluate the services of recreational centres from consumer’s point of view. The tasks of this paper have supposed the relevant structure of this work: initially, the reader is primed about the concept, essence, functions and types of recreation; after that the analysis of methodological peculiarities of managing recreational activity is accomplished; furthermore the most relevant competencies of public organization “Alytus sports and recreation centre” activity are evaluated; at last, a survey of services provided by public organization “Alytus sports and recreation centre” is accomplished. The analysis of scientifical literature lets to make a statement that the concept and content of recreational activity is quite familiarly formed in lithuanian and foreign informational resources; it makes the process of activity structurization not so complexed. Seeking to confirm scientifical decisions, a survey was accomplished. This survey has presented... [to full text]

Demokratinio valdymo įtaka bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos veiklos kokybei / Influence of democratic management on quality of general education activity of school

Jankovska, Česlava 15 June 2005 (has links)
In recent years there has been a visible increase in the relevance of the quality of educational governance in the Lithuanian Education System. The quality of education was the main priority of the second stage in the Educational Reform. The quality of education has also been announced as one of the three main goals in the Lithuanian Education Strategic Development Plan 2003-2012. Today’s school governors encounter constant and rapid changes, which require relevant behaviour, skills, and competence in setting targets and attaining them with the assistance of the teaching staff. The quality of the school activity depends on the influence of the school governor on his or her employees. The purpose of the research is to evaluate whether the nature of governance and organised team work in general schools influence the quality of the instutional activity. Since school is an object of education, it has the right to autonomy and to the possibility to solve independently various tasks regarding its competence. The democratization of school’s interior governance implies it becoming a self – governing body; extension of its rights, duties and responsibilites; implementation of election; democratization of all the relations (between the teacher and the student, between the teacher and competitive administration, between the student and the student; between the teacher and the parents); an increase in financial independence; implementation of novelty... [to full text]

Menų integracija teatrinėje veikloje, inkliuziniame neformaliajame mokinių ugdyme V-X klasėse / The integration of arts into theatrical activities , inclusive informal education of students in forms 5-10

Narauskas, Arūnas 06 June 2006 (has links)
Recent policital, economical and social changes in Lithuania affected education tire. Today’s art activities are oriented not to an educator, but to those who are educated, therefore arts, music, theatre and other art subjects are reorganized towards humanism, activity and creative work.. During some last years many developed countries strengthen position of arts subjects in their educational school programs. Together with main subjects, arts and music students are taught theatre and dancing and it is quite clear. If we want to have harmonious, universal personality, we must pay attention to all kinds of education and cuenture. Arts (theatre, art, music, dancing) at school is a fine oasis in whick students can develop, show themselves, inrick themselves and others as we su in our practical work creatiwe work is most trained by theatre, because it includes all kinds of activity (drama, direction, acting, motion (pantomime), language, scenery, clothes, light, music, saund). At this time there are theatre studios at shool. There are theatre lessons at schools and all attention is concentraded to creative activity. There are a lot of students with special needs and social problems. In some highly developed countries, especially in North countries, the integration of the enabled began many years ago. The us A and Western countries estimate the results of integral and inclusive education one can see positive and negative sides, meanwhile in our country the reform is just... [to full text]

Teatrinė veikla – neįgaliųjų pradinių klasių mokinių adaptacijos veiksnys / Theatrical activities as the factor of adaptation of disabled primary pupils

Ivanauskienė, Ieva 10 July 2006 (has links)
Children who have special needs face various problems. Most of them are not able to attend school, to participate in the social life, to be a part of the community, though they have equal rights as other members of the society. Children who learn together with disabled pupils have different view points on them. Many of these pupils have a wrong viewpoint about disabled children. Most healthy children reject the other person for his disability. As a result, it is important to create special atmosphere where disabled children could be safe and develop their own personality, while the community members could be able to see the disabled ones as full-fledge personalities. Drama (theatre) education gives an opportunity to expand one’s ���ego”, to express oneself on the stage as well as in every day life. It is conveyed in different ways: speech (intonation), movement sound and performance. The object of study is Adaptation of 7-11 year old disabled pupils in a theatre activity. The first part of the work discloses such children’s psychophysical abilities, the viewpoint of the society is revealed as well as steps of adaptation which are figured out in order to carry out a research. The second part of the work discloses special theatre education features for disabled children, the function of theatre therapy for personal development is marked. The third part reveals the dynamics of disabled children’s participation in theatre activities / performance, the analysis of the case is... [to full text]

Lietuvos tarptautinės karinės veiklos geografinis vertinimas / Geographical estimation of lithuanian international military activity

Dobrovolskis, Tomas 25 November 2010 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Aktyvi tarptautinė karinė veikla tapo vienu iš svarbiausių Lietuvos užsienio politikos įgyvendinimo uždavinių. Intensyvus tarptautinis karinis bendradarbiavimas, dalyvavimas tarptautinės taikos palaikymo procese yra pagrindinės šio uždavinio įgyvendinimo priemonės. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra atskleisti Lietuvos tarptautinės karinės veiklos geografinius ypatumus. Darbe nustatoma, jog Lietuvos tarptautinės karinės veiklos ypatumai yra sąlygoti ne tik politinių motyvų, bet turi ir tam tikrą geografinį pagrįstumą. Lietuvos dvišalio ir daugiašalio karinio bendradarbiavimo dėsningumai atskleidžia šalies pagrindinius prioritetus, kurie teikiami daugumai Baltijos jūros regiono šalių. Ypatingai aktyvus bendradarbiavimas gynybos srityje Lietuvą sieja su Rytų Pabaltijo subregiono šalimis, strateginėmis partnerėmis gynybos srityje – Latvija ir Estija. Esminiai geografiniai veiksniai, nulėmę tokius bendradarbiavimo ypatumus, yra: Baltijos jūra ir geopolitinio balanso poreikis. Be to, atsižvelgiant į Lietuvos didėjantį dalyvavimo tarptautinėse taikos rėmimo operacijose aktyvumą, labai svarbiu veiksniu tampa aukštas karių parengimo lygis. Jeigu kovinis parengimas tokiems tikslams yra tikrai aukšto lygio, tai geografinė informacija nėra pakankama. Tai tampa ypač svarbu tuomet, kai šalis siunčia savo taikdarius į geografiškai tolimus regionus. Narystė NATO ir kitose tarptautinėse organizacijose įpareigoja Lietuvą būti aktyviu sąjungininku tarptautinės taikos palaikymo procese... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY Stirring international military activity has become one of the most important tasks of Lithuanian foreign policy implementation. Intensive international military collaboration and participation in peace keeping process are the main means to implement that task. The main aim of the paper is to detect geographical peculiarities of Lithuanian international military activity. It is defined that Lithuanian international military activity is reasoned not only politically, but also has a geographical validity. Bilateral and multilateral military collaboration of Lithuania clearly reveals it’s priorities given to the most of the Baltic Sea region countries. Especially active cooperation in military range Lithuania holds with other Eastern Baltic countries – Latvia and Estonia. The main geographical factors of such collaboration peculiarity are: the Baltic Sea and the need of geopolitical balance. Moreover, according to Lithuania’s increased activity in international peace making operations, it’s very important to have a good military staff preparation system for such aims. Perhaps a combatant preparation is in a high level, but geographical preparation is insufficient. It becomes especially important when the country sends peacemakers to the geographically distant regions. Membership in NATO and other international organizations obligate Lithuania to be an active associate in peace keeping process. Lithuania was taking part in military operations that were prosecuted in four... [to full text]

Kaimo turizmas kaip sociokultūrinė veikla / Rural tourism as a motivated sociocultural activity

Sodonytė, Eglė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiuo metu Lietuvoje dar tik formuojasi kaimo turizmo samprata, nors kaime turistai lankosi jau seniai – Lietuvoje nuo seno buvo įprasta ils÷tis kaime. Suvokdami kaimo turizmo svarbą ir naudą, įvairių šalių kaimo turizmo tyrin÷tojai band÷ apibūdinti šį reiškinį. Užsienio šalių literatūroje jis vadinamas įvairiai: poilsiu kaime, kraštovaizdžio turizmu, agroturizmu, poilsiu agrarin÷je aplinkoje, atostogomis kaime. Daugumoje šalių vartojamas terminas „kaimo turizmas“ (pvz., Anglijoje, Airijoje – rural tourism, Danijoje, Kanadoje, Estijoje – farm tourism ir pan.). / At present in Lithuania the understanding or concept of rural tourism is still in the stage of development though people have been coming to villages to have a rest since old times. Acknowledging the importance and benefit of rural tourism the researchers of it have always been trying to give an accurate description of what rural tourism is. In the literature on this issue in different countries are used different words, such as a rest in the country (village), countryside tourism, agrotourism, a rest on a farmstead or a holiday in a village, to describe it. In most countries this type of relaxation or activity is called “rural tourism” though in some countries like Denmark, Canada, Estonia it is called “farm tourism”.

Nusikalstamą veiką imituojančių veiksmų atlikimas įrodinėjimo procese / Execution of criminal act simulating actions in the averment process

Juozainis, Darius 09 July 2011 (has links)
Teisėsaugos institucijos kovoje su organizuotu nusikalstamumu sėkmingai gali kovoti tik pasitelkdamos efektyvias priemones – tokias kaip nusikalstamą veiką imituojančių veiksmų atlikimą. Ši priemonė apibrėžiama kaip formaliai nusikalstamos veikos požymių turinčių veiksmų, kurie yra sankcionuoti teismo arba Generalinio prokuroro ar jo įgalioto Generalinio prokuroro pavaduotojo, atlikimas turint tikslą išaiškinti planuojamą, pradėtą ar padarytą nusikalstamą veiką. Magistrinio darbo tikslas yra išnagrinėti nusikalstamą veiką imituojančių veiksmų atlikimo teisinį reglamentavimą ir galimybes panaudoti gautus šių veiksmų atlikimo metu duomenis įrodinėjimo procese. Europos Žmogaus Teisių Teismo ir Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo nagrinėtų bylų analizė išryškino pagrindines problemines sritis naudojant nusikalstamą veiką imituojančius veiksmus. EŽTT suformuota pozicija remiasi Texeira de Castro prieš Portugaliją byla ir išryškina pagrindinius principus, kurie legalizuoja nusikalstamos veikos imitavimo metu gautus duomenis: 1. Nusikalstamą veiką imituojantys veiksmai yra naudojami įtariamojo asmens, kuriam pradėtas ikiteisminis tyrimas, atžvilgiu; 2. Nusikalstamą veiką imituojantys veiksmai yra pasyvūs. Nusikalstamos veikos iniciatorius yra pats įtariamasis; 3. nusikalstamą veiką imituojančių veiksmų atlikimo sankcionavimas yra teismo kompetencijoje. Užsienio valstybių nusikalstamos veikos imitavimo veiksmų atlikimo teisinio reglamentavimo analizė parodė, kad duomenys gauti atliekant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / „EXECUTION OF CRIMINAL ACT SIMULATING ACTIONS IN AVERMENT PROCESS“ Police and other law enforcement structures to struggle against organized crime have very powerful tool named as execution of criminal act simulating actions. This legal proceeding is definable as actions by the nature are very similar to crime actions that are authorized by court or general prosecutor or deputy general prosecutor and have the purpose to solve the crime. The purpose of this master’s degree study is to reveal a legal framework of executing of criminal act simulating actions and possibilities to use results gained during this action in averment process. The studies of European Human Rights Court’s, Lithuania Constitutional Court’s and Lithuania Supreme Court’s cases showed up the main problems of usage of criminal act simulating actions. The European Human Rights Court position is based on Texeira de Castro case and exposes the main principles of legality: Usage of criminal act simulating actions could be only against person who is suspected and there is a procedural proceeding against him; Usage of criminal act simulating actions has to be passive. Initiator to commit a crime has to be suspected person; Authorization to use criminal act simulating actions should be the Court privilege. Studies of foreign legal framework of usage of criminal act simulating actions disclosure that results discovered during above mentioned procedures could not be used as direct evidence in averment process. Only... [to full text]

Ekonominės veiklos samprata: teisinis reguliavimas Lietuvos ir ES teisės aktuose (bei Europos Teisingumo teismo praktikoje) bei praktinės problemos / Conception of economic activity: regulation under lithuanian, eu legislation (and in the european court of justice case-law) and practical issues

Smaliukas, Andrius 08 September 2009 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas 2002 metų kovo 5 dieną priėmė naujos redakcijos Pridėtinės vertės mokesčio įstatymą, kuris įsigaliojo tų pačių metų liepos 1 dieną. Naujos redakcijos PVM įstatymo 3 straipsnyje nurodyta, kad PVM objektas yra prekių tiekimas ir paslaugų teikimas, tenkinantis visas šias sąlygas: 1) prekės tiekiamos ir (arba) paslaugos teikiamos už atlygį; 2) prekių tiekimas ir (arba) paslaugų teikimas pagal šio Įstatymo nuostatas vyksta šalies teritorijoje; 3) prekes tiekia ir (arba) paslaugas teikia apmokestinamasis asmuo vykdydamas savo ekonominę veiklą, t.y., veikdamas kaip toks. Viena iš sąlygų – kad apmokestinamasis asmuo prekes tiektų ar paslaugas teiktų vykdydamas savo ekonominę veiklą. Ekonominės veiklos vykdymas yra būtina sąlyga, kad asmens sudaromi sandoriai galėtų būti apmokestinami PVM. Taigi, ekonominės veiklos vykdymas atskiria PVM apmokestinamus asmenis nuo asmenų, kurie nėra apmokestinami šiuo mokesčiu. Nuo tinkamo ekonominės veiklos sąvokos taikymo priklauso ne tik valstybės surenkamų pajamų dydis, bet ir atskirų asmenų mokestinės prievolės. Šiame darbe lyginamas ekonominės veiklos reglamentavimas Lietuvos bei Europos Sąjungos teisės aktuose, nagrinėjami Europos Teisingumo teismo sprendimai ir tokiu būdu yra išskiriami ekonominės veiklos požymiai. Išskyrus ir aprašius ekonominės veiklos požymius, nagrinėjama prekyba vertybiniais popieriais kaip ekonominė veikla, išskiriami atvejai, kokiais atvejais tokia veikla gali būti laikoma ekonomine veikla, o... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Parliament of the Republic of Lithuanian adopted on 5 March 2002 the act of value added tax (hereinafter – VAT act), which came into force on 1 of July. Under Article 3 of VAT act, the supply of goods or services shall be subject to VAT, if: 1) the supply of goods or services effected for consideration; 2) the supply of goods or services effected within the territory of the country; 3) The supply of goods or services effected by a taxable person which carries out his economic activity. One of the conditions – the taxable person must carry out any economic activity. It is compulsory condition if the supply of goods or services could be subject to VAT. The exercise of economic activity separate taxable persons and persons which do not have to pay VAT. Proper application of definition of economic activity not only necessary for country revenue but also can affect person’s burden of taxation. In this study the definition and features of economic activity are analyzed in the way of comparing Lithuanian legislation with European Union legislation. Also the European Court of Justice case-law is analyzed. After the features of economic activity are separated and described, there is trading of securities as economic activity analyzed. There are described cases when such activity can be regarded as economic activity and when it cannot. As example there are situation from European Court of Justice case-law presented. Also burden of taxation is in the case if such activity can or... [to full text]

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