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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Preparedness Of Elementary Music Teachers To Include Students With Challenging Behavior In Their Classrooms

Shirk, Christine 01 January 2008 (has links)
Students with disabilities, some with emotional and behavior disorders, are included in almost all elementary music classes. Students with emotional behavior disorders are one of the greatest challenges for teachers. To be effective, teachers must develop strategies and inclusive practices specifically geared towards intervention. With the quantity of students served and only limited class time with students, the music teacher is often unaware of the unique needs of specific special learners. Music teacher preparation has been inadequate in training teachers for inclusion. Elementary music educators rarely have outside support to deal with classroom challenges as they serve students with disabilities and at-risk students. Music teacher training is focused on content, not behavior management. This study examined the perceptions of randomly selected elementary music educators who were members of MENC: The National Association for Music Education regarding their preparedness to effectively manage five areas of severe behavior often exhibited by students with emotional behavior disorders: withdrawal, impulsivity, argumentative behavior, aggression towards peers, and aggression towards the teacher. The researcher devised a 39 item online survey instrument based on supporting literature. The survey was given to randomly selected participants. Two hundred sixty-nine elementary music educators from across the United States completed the survey providing information on incidence frequency, preparedness, training in behavior management, and the amount of behavior support available. Elementary music teachers felt prepared to handle impulsivity (58.2%), and argumentative behavior (55.7%). They were not prepared for withdrawal (50.8%), aggression towards peers (50.9%), and least prepared to handle aggression towards the teacher (58.1%).Over 94% of the music teachers had adult assistance less than 25% of the time and 45.9% never had adult assistance with included classes. More than 74% of the teachers indicated that they have adult assistance with self-contained special education classes less than 25% of the time and 35.7% never having adult assistance with those classes. Forty-six point two percent of the music teachers had no behavior specialist available or were unaware if one was available. Only 3.7% of the respondents felt they had all the support they needed. Thirty-six point one percent of the music teachers had no crisis plan in case of an eruption of severe behavior in their classes.


DANIELA DOS SANTOS ALMEIDA 29 September 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa apresenta as implicações jurídico-políticas que emergem de uma análise a respeito dos processos de violência desferidos contra mulheres negras a partir das concepções de zona do ser e zona do não ser de Frantz Fanon. O trabalho tem como marco teórico estudos críticos da colonialidade, com especial enfoque no pensamento feminista decolonial e afrodiaspórico. Analiso como as dinâmicas de poder e opressão na sociedade brasileira estão organizadas a partir de uma matriz de poder cisheteropatriarcal racista, racializando o gênero. Constatando que a rubrica violência contra mulheres é insuficiente para registrar processos de violência desferidos contra mulhres negras, apresento a concepção de violência racial-genderizada. A violência racial-genderizada, para além de nomear a indissocibilidade entre gênero e raça, explicita que aspectos racial-genderizados relativos aos sujeitos envolvidos na relação de violência mediarão a sua operação sob duas gramáticas distintas: do desvio, na zona do ser, e como regra, na zona do não ser. No entanto, na matriz de poder colonial, o direito não registra a pluralidade de gramáticas de violência, acabando por mistificar universalizações que, na realidade social, recusam a humanidade daquelas/daqueles situadas/situados na zona do não ser. Tais considerações, portanto, desafiam as fronteiras epistemológicas do direito, que somente opera categorias universalizadas, a se reconfigurar para registrar a dimensão pluriversal da violência. / [en] This work presents juridical-political implication that emerge from an analysis about violence against black women in relation to Frantz Fanon s conceptions of zone of being and zone of non being. Based on decolonial and afrodiasporic feminist thought, I analyse how dinamics of power and oppresion on brazilian society are organized in a racist-cisheteropatriarchal matrix of power, racializing the notion of gender. Once verified that the rubric violence against women is not suficient to register various processes of violence against black women, I present the concept of racial-gendered violence. In adition to naming the indissociability between race and gender, racialgendered violence explicit that racial-gendered aspects related to the subjects involved in the violent process mediate it s functioning under two distintic gramatics: as exception, in the zone of being, or as a rule, in the zone of non being. However, in the colonial matrix of power, the Law does not take account of a plurality of gramatics of violence, ending up mistifying universalizations which, in reality, deny the humanity of those situated in the zone of non being. These considerations, therefore, defy the epistemological borders of the Law to reconfigurate themselves in order to register decolonial pluriversal dimensions of violence.


[pt] Realizamos o presente estudo em uma ONG que trabalha com mulheres vítimas de violência domestica, localizada no município de Duque de Caxias, o CDVida-Centro de Defesa da Vida, no período de agosto à dezembro de 2004. O nosso objetivo foi identificar na trajetória de vida dessas mulheres, os motivos que as levaram a permanecer tanto tempo em situação de violência, qual o fato que contribuiu para a quebra do silencio e em que momento elas decidiram procurar ajuda. O levantamento nos arquivos da instituição, do perfil demográfico de 60 mulheres atendidas no primeiro semestre de 2003, nos revelou o grande número de mulheres que permaneciam em situação de violência após longo período de vida em comum. Partindo desse estudo inicial, escolhemos entrevistar algumas mulheres vítimas de violência por parte de seus parceiros íntimos e que ainda se encontravam em atendimento pela equipe técnica do CDVida, objetivando entender os motivos que levaram a permanecer por tanto tempo convivendo com seus parceiros violentos. As informações colhidas nas entrevistas nos possibilitou conhecermos a percepção das mulheres em relação a violência sofrida; as conseqüências da mesma e as dificuldades enfrentadas para romper com a relação. A análise dessas informações nos levou ao entendimento de que a violência doméstica entre parceiros íntimos, é revestida de um caráter muito especial, uma vez que envolve além de laços de intimidade e afeto, na maioria dos casos, a presença dos filhos do casal, que sofrem da mesma maneira que suas mães, as conseqüências da violência. Concluímos ainda a partir dessa análise, que romper com a violência significa romper com a própria dinâmica do seu ciclo que aprisiona e paralisa a mulher. Para romper com esse ciclo, é necessário não só que a mulher encontre apoio para a superação de suas dificuldades individuais , mas também respostas institucionais para que possa exercer plenamente seus direitos enquanto cidadã. / [en] We carried out the present study in an NGO which works women, who are victims of violence in the municipality of Duque de Caxias, the CDVida - Centro de Defesa da Vida ( Center for Protection of life), from Aug to Dec 2004. Our aim was to identify the trajectory of life of these women, the reasons which led them to stay so long in situation of violence, the fact which contributed to breaking the silence, and in which moment they decided to look for help.The data found in the institution files, of a demographic profile of 60 women, trated in the first semester of 2003, revealed the great number of women who remained in situation of violence, after long living together. Starting from this initial study, we chose to interview some women, victimized by their intimate partners, and who were still under treatment by the technical team of CDVida, aiming at understanding the reasons for remaining so long, living with their violent partners. The information colleded from interviews made it possible to know the perception of the women in relation to the violence suffered: the consequences of this, and the hardships found in breaking up the relationship.The analysis of this information led us to understand that domestic violence between intimate partners is characterized in a very special manner, since it involves, besides the ties of intimacy and affection, in most cases, the presence of children of the couple, who suffer in the same way as their mothers, the consequences of violence. Furthermore, we concluded, from this analysis, that ending with violence means ending with the own dynamics of its cycle, which controls and paralyses the woman. To end up this cycle, it is necessary that the woman is not only supported to overcome her individual difficulties, but also find institutional answers in order to carry out thoroughly her rights as citizens.

Women in Kyrgyz Music Videos : A Social Semiotic Analysis of Women’s Representation in Kyrgyz Visual Media

Geib, Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis study examines Kyrgyz-language music videos to explore the visual representation of women, including women experiencing gender-based violence. It addresses a gap in the literature regarding women in Kyrgyz music videos and argues that media communicates context-specific meaning about gendered cultural realities. Following an inductive and qualitative research design, the study conducts a social semiotic analysis of 22 Kyrgyz-language music videos focusing on what and how meaning about women is created through visual content. The study analyzes its material through the lens of cultural representation theory (Hall et al., 2013) and discusses its findings in relation to Okin’s (1989) feminist critique regarding gendered vulnerabilities. It finds that women in Kyrgyz music videos are represented within familial roles. The study argues that the “ideal” Kyrgyz woman, as embodied through female main characters, is portrayed as young, beautiful, and good of character, while marriage, motherhood, and domesticity are connoted as life goals. Women experiencing violence are represented as vulnerable to domestic violence and bride abduction.

The Role Of Multiple Marginalized Identities In Typologies Of Ipv And Access To Ipv Services Among Black Women Who Have Sex With Women And Men: Race, Drug Use, And Criminal-legal Involvement

Richer, Ariel Marie Shirley January 2023 (has links)
The extremely high rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) experienced by Black women in community supervision programs (CSPs) who use drugs represents a major public health concern given the vast overrepresentation of Black women in the criminal legal system compared to non-Hispanic white women due to racialized drug laws and policies. National IPV surveillance data suggest that the rates of IPV in this population may be even higher among Black women who have sex with women and men (WSWM) in CSPs who use drugs. However, there remains a dearth of research that centers the experience of Black WSWM. Fear of experiencing police violence and experiences of racial and sexual discrimination pose additional challenges for Black WSMW in CSPs who use drugs to access both IPV and a broader range of services. No studies, to date, have examined typologies of IPV and its association to accessing IPV-related services among Black women with multiple intersecting minoritized identities including substance use, sexual behavior, and criminal-legal involvement. To address these gaps, this dissertation: 1) Identified typologies of IPV; 2) Examined how membership to latent classes is associated with use of core IPV services; and 3) Explored underlying mechanisms that may link IPV class, sexual behavior, and access to and utilization of IPV-related services. This dissertation study uses a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach with 1) secondary baseline survey data from Project EWORTH, a NIDA-funded HIV intervention study of 352 Black, drug-involved women mandated to CSPs and 2) primary qualitative follow-up data with participants from the same study to inform findings from the secondary data analysis. This dissertation found positive significant associations between having had both male and female sexual partners and more types and greater severity of IPV. Additionally, there was a significant, positive association between more types and greater severity of IPV and lifetime use of an order of protection. WSWM had a significantly higher odds of lifetime use of a DV shelter. Of interest, WSWM moderated the effect of people experiencing more severe violence accessing DV shelters. Qualitative interviews revealed unique forms of IPV such as feeling coerced to take a criminal charge for their partner and spiritual abuse, both of which are not captured with standard IPV measures or discussed broadly in IPV literature. Additionally, CSP staff served as an important link to services among these women. Overall, these results suggest that more inclusive IPV screening, referral to service, and actual services, as well as providing training for service providers that consider the effects of multiple, marginalized identities has on experience of IPV, and access to and use of services among Black women in the criminal legal system.


LETICIA MARQUES BROTTO 01 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] Todos os dias meninas e mulheres são vítimas de algum tipo de violência simplesmente por pertencerem ao gênero feminino. Diante disso, afirma-se que a violência contra a mulher é historicamente um problema social, com abrangência mundial. A perspectiva teórica adotada neste estudo compreende que tais violações são perpetuadas em razão da cultura machista e patriarcal que subsidiou as relações sociais, naturalizando de tal maneira a dominação masculina, que esta se tornou incontestável. Destarte, o objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar se, e como, adolescentes compreendem os reflexos culturais do machismo como violências sofridas por mulheres atualmente. No que tange à metodologia, o instrumento utilizado para produção de dados primários foi a entrevista semiestruturada, o método de análise, a interpretação de sentidos e o campo de pesquisa, o Núcleo de Estudos da Saúde do Adolescente, unidade docente-assistencial da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que adolescentes observam no seu cotidiano expressões do machismo e de violências de gênero, não apresentando em seus discursos a culpabilização das vítimas e manifestando incômodo com a hierarquia social entre homens e mulheres. Entretanto, considerando que estão imersos em um contexto cultural hegemonicamente machista, também reproduzem concepções e valores conversadores, legitimados socialmente, acerca das relações desiguais entre os gêneros nos espaços públicos e as violências que atingem as mulheres todos os dias. / [en] Everyday girls and women are victims of some type of violence simply because they belong to the female gender. In view of this, it is stated that violence against women is historically a social problem, with a worldwide scope. The theoretical perspective adopted in this study understands that such violations are perpetuated due to the macho and patriarchal culture that subsidized social relations, naturalizing male domination in such a way that it became uncontested. Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze whether and how adolescents understand the cultural reflexes of machismo as violence suffered by women today. Thus, the objective of this research is to analyze whether and how adolescents understand the cultural reflexes of machismo as violence suffered by women today. With regard to the methodology, the instrument used to produce primary data was the semi-structured interview, the method of analysis, the interpretation of meanings and the research field, the Nucleus of Studies on Adolescent Health, a teaching-assistance unit at the University of Rio de Janeiro state. The research results showed that adolescents observe expressions of machismo and gender violence in their daily lives, not presenting in their speeches blaming the victims and expressing discomfort with the social hierarchy between men and women. However, considering that they are immersed in a hegemonically sexist cultural context, they also reproduce conversational concepts and values, socially legitimized, about the unequal relations between genders in public spaces and the violence that affect women every day.

Varför stannar kvinnor i parrelationer med våldsutövande män? : En litteraturstudie om våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser / Why Do Women Stay in Relationships With Violent Men? : A Litterature Study on Female Victims of Violence Experiences

Maxe, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att ge en bild av kunskapsläget kring våld i nära relationer och då specifikt det våld som drabbar kvinnor i relationer med män. I fokus för uppsatsen hamnade forskningsfrågorna varför kvinnor stannar i parrelationer där våld förekommer och vad som möjliggör för kvinnor att lämna en relation där våld förekommer. Studier baserade på kvalitativa intervjuer med respondenter som har erfarenhet av våld i nära relation analyserades. Som utgångspunkt för att tolka resultaten, antogs tre olika teoretiska perspektiv vilka var följande: normaliseringsprocessen, uppbrottsprocessen och ett intersektionellt perspektiv. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, utröntes de tre olika teman: resurser, kultur, samt makt och normalisering. Faktorerna som påverkar våldsutsatta kvinnors beslut att stanna i eller lämna en våldsam relation, visade sig bland annat kunna vara resurser i form av utbildning, ekonomi, materiellt och emotionellt stöd från samhällets instanser, frivilligorganisationer samt stöd från nära vänner och familj. Kulturella övertygelser och känslomässig förbindelse till förövaren visade sig också vara påverkande faktorer. Slutsatser som kunde dras från denna uppsats var att stödet som erbjuds kvinnorna är en grundförutsättning, samt det viktiga arbetet att informera om det stöd som finns och vart den utsatta kan vända sig. Det går sedan inte att påskynda kvinnans process att lämna, utan det måste vara kvinnas eget beslut då kvinnan är redo. / The purpose of this essay was to provide an image of the state of knowledge regarding violence in intimate relationships and specifically the violence that affects women in relationships with men. The essay focused on the research questions why women stay in couple relationships where violence occurs and what makes it possible for women to leave a relationship where violence occurs. Studies based on qualitative interviews who have experience of violence in a close relationship were analyzed.  As a starting point for interpreting the results, three different perspectives were adopted which were the following: the normalization process, the break- up process and an intersectional perspective. Through a qualitative content analysis, the three different themes of resources, culture and power and normalization were found. The factors that influence the abused women´s decision to stay in or leave a violent relationship were found to be, among other things, resources in the form of education, finances, material and emotional support from both society´s bodies, voluntary organizations as well as support from close friends and family. Cultural beliefs and emotional connection to the perpetrator were also found to be influencing factors. Conclusions that could be drawn from this essay were that the support offered to women is a basic prerequisite, as well as the important work of informing about the support that is available and where the vulnerable can turn. It is then not possible to speed up the woman´s process of leaving, it must be the woman´s own decision when the woman is ready.

Are You Afraid of The Dark? Addressing women’s fear of sexual violence as a Human Rights concern in Sweden

Marcusson, Talina January 2015 (has links)
This study is based on the statistical finding that every tenth women in Sweden refrains to go outside alone in their own residential area when it is dark because they are afraid (BRÅ 2015:88) and strives to discuss this problem further. The purpose of this study is to argue that there is a need to address women’s fear of sexual violence as a human rights concern in Sweden. Women’s ability to enjoy their human rights is restricted by their fear and the normalization of women’s fear contributes to this problem. Furthermore, Martha Nussbaum’s capability approach and her theoretical understanding of emotions enable an understanding of how the concept of bodily integrity is affected by women’s fear. Women’s fear of sexual violence can be understood as a problem of social inequality that is affected by the underlying structures of gender inequality. Therefore, it is essential to identify the nature of the attitudes that tend to undermine women and result in violence against women. The fear of sexual violence is dependent on the occurrence of violence against women, which is a human rights violation. However, the fear of sexual violence is not a human rights violation yet it should be understood as a human rights concern.

Exploring The Experiences of Violence against Women living with HIV in the Context of HIV Non-Disclosure Criminalization in Canada

Lopez Ricote, Maria Carolina January 2020 (has links)
An extensive body of knowledge points to the intersection of violence against women and HIV as it is well-established that violence is ubiquitous in the lives of women living with HIV. Experiences of violence exist within a socio-legal context that criminalizes HIV non-disclosure. In Canada, the federal law requires people living with HIV to disclose their HIV positive status before a sexual encounter with a partner that may pose, according to the Supreme Court of Canada, a “realistic possibility of transmission.” The criminalization of HIV non-disclosure carries particularly negative consequences for women living with HIV. This thesis includes an analysis of data from the Women, ART, and the Criminalization of HIV (WATCH) Study, a qualitative, arts-based research study on the impact of the HIV non-disclosure law on women living with HIV in Canada. Grounded in an intersectional feminist framework, this thesis presents findings from the narrative and visual data collected from the three Ontario workshops in the WATCH study. This thesis explores how women living with HIV visually and narratively express and describe their experiences of violence in the context of the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure. The stories and artwork shared by participants demonstrate how the law used to criminalize HIV non-disclosure creates and exacerbates experiences of interpersonal and structural violence and surveillance in the lives of women living with HIV. This thesis offers important insights for reconceptualising violence against women living with HIV from a structural lens. This project demonstrates how violence stems from legal institutions that do not respond to the needs of women, and instead, further exacerbate marginalization, violence, and surveillance in the lives of women living with HIV. / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)

'No hard feelings': Resolving and Redefining Threatened Masculinity

Scaptura, Maria Nicole 26 May 2023 (has links)
This project sheds light on men's choice in the face of threats to their masculinity: to compensate to appear more masculine or to revise their definitions of manhood. Research has demonstrated that men overcompensate in their displays of masculinities when faced with challenges to their dominant status. However, not all men pursue dominant displays of masculinity through heterosexuality: Older men (85+) may abandon ideals of masculinity tied to sexual dominance as they once did in middle age. This dissertation weaves together men's three distinct pursuits of dominant manhood: approval of violence against women (AVAW), changes to sexual function in old age (i.e., flaccidity or erectile dysfunction), and sugar dating (i.e., dating between younger women and an older man, in which money is exchanged for intimacy). I show that men's use of compensatory heterosexuality offers them a way to do gender when confronted with threatened masculinity in the form(s) of subordination to women, sexual dysfunction, and older age. In each project, men rely on displays of heterosexual dominance and objectification of women as a compensatory means to do masculinity. However, their reliance on heterosexuality is subject to change under such conditions as older age, which can lead to revisions of manhood. / Doctor of Philosophy / This project sheds light on men's choices in the face of gender threats: to compensate to appear more masculine or to revise or change their definitions of manhood. Research has demonstrated that men overdo their displays of masculinity when faced with challenges. However, not all men do this: Older men (85+) may move away from a masculinity tied to sexual displays as they once did in middle age. This dissertation weaves together three displays of masculinity: approval of violence against women (AVAW), changes to sexual function in old age (i.e., flaccidity or erectile dysfunction), and sugar dating (i.e., dating between a younger woman and an older man in which money is exchanged for emotional and physical relationships). These avenues offer men a way to perform their masculinities when confronted with threats in the form(s) of subordination to women (i.e., women in power over you), sexual dysfunction, and older age. In each project, men rely on displays of sexual dominance and objectification of women to perform masculinity (when compensating). However, their reliance on these displays is subject to change under certain conditions (when revising manhood).

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