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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Incentivos fiscais e dispêndios com P&D&I: uma avaliação da aplicação da Lei do Bem / Tax incentives and RD & I expenditures: an evaluation of the Lei do Bem application

Gedir Silva de Souza 31 March 2017 (has links)
O consenso entre os organismos internacionais de cooperação para o comércio e para o desenvolvimento econômico está em reconhecer na capacidade de inovar a principal fonte para a promoção da produtividade nas organizações. Parte do esforço brasileiro de construção e desenvolvimento de um sistema nacional de inovação constituiu-se na criação de programas de incentivos fiscais, como forma de fazer avançar os investimentos em Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento & Inovação - P&D&I, provocando o setor privado a participar mais intensamente do processo de financiamento do desenvolvimento tecnológico. Uma década após a implementação do principal programa de incentivo fiscal à inovação no Brasil (Lei nº 11.196/05), é mister verificar se tais incentivos foram capazes de atingir os seus objetivos. A presente tese visa a avaliar: (i) qual a repercussão sobre os dispêndios com P&D&I da opção pela utilização dos incentivos fiscais concedidos pela Lei do Bem e (ii) quanto da renúncia fiscal, ou seja, dos créditos recebidos pelas empresas participantes deste programa, retornou em termos de investimentos em P&D&I ao longo do tempo. A metodologia empregada, propõe a estimação de um modelo empírico para os dispêndios em P&D&I, em que estes são explicados ora pela opção da empresa por utilizar os incentivos fiscais da Lei do Bem ora pela renúncia fiscal decorrente da utilização do mesmo programa, além de um conjunto de variáveis de controle associado às restrições de financiamento. Os testes estatísticos foram conduzidos para o agregado das companhias de capital aberto, registradas na BM&FBOVESPA em 2013, relativamente a seus desempenhos no período de 2008 a 2013. Os resultados, para dados em painel dinâmico, foram obtidos a partir do modelo GMM-System e apontam que a decisão de utilizar os incentivos fiscais da Lei do Bem está associada a um aumento nos dispêndios com P&D&I, ao longo do tempo. Assim sendo, para cada ponto percentual de aumento na propensão das companhias em optar pelo uso da Lei do Bem espera-se de 0,65 a 0,85 pontos percentuais de aumento em seus dispêndios com P&D&I. Por outro lado, o aumento de um ponto percentual na renúncia fiscal gera uma expectativa de aumento nos dispêndios com P&D&I das companhias, que pode variar de 0,26 a 0,40 pontos percentuais, ao longo do tempo / The consensus among international cooperation agencies for trade and economic development lies in recognizing in the ability to innovate the main source for promoting productivity in organizations. The Brazilian effort of construction and development of a national innovation system constituted the creation of tax incentive programs as a way to advance investments in Research, Development & Innovation - R&D&I, causing the private sector to participate more intensely financing process of technological development. A decade after the implementation of major tax incentive program for innovation in Brazil (Law nº. 11.196/05), it is necessary to verify that such incentives were able to achieve their goals. The present thesis aims at evaluating: (i) the impact on R&D&I expenditures of the option to use the tax incentives granted by the \"Lei do Bem\" and (ii) how much of tax waiver, that is to say, of the credits received by companies participating in this program, has returned in terms of R&D&I investments over time. The methodology to be used proposes the estimation of an empirical model for R&D&I expenditure, which are explained either by the company\'s option to use tax incentives of the \"Lei do Bem\" or by tax credits obtained due to the use of tax incentives program, in addition to a set of control variables associated with financing constraints. The statistical tests were conducted to the group of publicly traded companies listed on the BM & FBOVESPA in 2013, for their performances in the period 2008 to 2013. The results for the dynamic panel data were obtained from the GMM-System model and indicate that the decision to use the \"Lei do Bem\" tax incentives is associated with an increase in R&D&I expenditures over time. So that for each percentage point of increase in the propensity of companies to opt for the use of the \"Lei do Bem\", 0.65 to 0.85 percentage points of increase in R&D&I expenditures is expected. On the other hand, the increase of one percentage point in the tax waiver generates an expectation of increase in the R&D&I expenses of the companies, which can vary from 0.26 to 0.40 percentage points, over time

Striving for Credibility in the Face of Ambiguity: A Grounded Theory Study of Extreme Hardship Immigration Psychological Evaluations

Burke, Susan Marie 04 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Le changement de comportement du créancier en cours d'exécution du contrat. Étude de droit français et anglais / The promisor’s change of behaviour during the performance stage of the agreement. A study in French law and English law

Lardaud-Clerc, Caroline 04 December 2015 (has links)
Le changement de comportement correspond à une situation dans laquelle, pendant l’exécution du contrat, le créancier adopte une attitude contraire au contenu de l’accord originel, pour ensuite exiger l’application de ce dernier. Confronté aux règles classiques du droit des contrats (intangibilité, consideration), cette volte-face ne devrait avoir aucune force juridique. Malgré cela, en interdisant au créancier de réclamer l’exécution de l’accord initial, les juges français et anglais introduisent cette situation dans la sphère juridique.Comme l’imprévision, le changement de comportement bouleverse l’exécution du contrat ; comme la bonne foi, il est fondé sur la morale ; comme l’abus de droit, il sanctionne l’inconstance ; comme l’apparence, il est à la frontière entre le fait et le droit. Il se singularise pourtant, car il ne se confond avec aucune autre insitution juridique. Par ailleurs distinct de la confiance légitime et de l’interdiction de se contredire auxquelles il est rattaché, il est en quête d’un régime juridique propre. Une construction s’impose alors. Elle est facilitée par le miroir de la comparaison des droits français et anglais.Le changement de comportement révèle une renonciation du créancier à la créance, rendue possible par les prérogatives contractuelles qu’il tient, elles-mêmes autorisées par sa propriété sur la créance ou le renforcement de sa titularité. L’efficacité de cette appréhension flexible du contenu contractuel requiert cependant l’anéantissement d’éventuels remparts procéduraux : l’interdiction du changement ne doit alors plus seulement être un moyen de défense contre la contradiction, mais exprimer un comportement juridiquement contraignant. / The change of behaviour refers to a situation in which, during the performance stage of the contract, the promisor behaves in a manner which is contrary to the existing contractual rights, but later neverthless insists on their application. Faced with the classic rules of contract law (sanctity of contracts, consideration), this volte-face should have no legal force. Yet, by prohibiting the promisor’s demand to perform the original agreement, French and English judges nevertheless introduce this situation in the law of contracts.Like frustration, the change of behaviour disrupts the performance of the contract ; like good faith and Equity, it is based on morality ; like an abuse of right, it punishes inconsistency ; like the theory of « apparence », it is in between facts and law. In spite of this, the change of behaviour stands out ; as it does not share the exact same scope as the expectations theory or the inconsistent behaviour theory, no other legal theory can wholly translate it into the law of the contracts. The change of behaviour therefore needs its proper legal framework which must consequently be found. The search is helped by the prism of comparative law, between French and Englis laws.The change of behaviour reveals a waiver of the promisor’s debt. The waiver is made possible by the contractual prerogatives he holds, prerogatives which are justified by the ownership of the debt. The efficiency of this flexible understanding of contractual content requires the obliteration of any litigation shield. As a consequence, forbidding the change should not only be seen as a defense against inconsistency, but should highlight a legally binding behaviour.

Mandato político na origem das inelegibilidades

Almeida, Renato Ribeiro de 10 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RENATO RIBEIRO DE ALMEIDA.pdf: 1434838 bytes, checksum: 785c9cb2927d7312172125601376e3c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-10 / Universidade de São Paulo / This master dissertation aims to systematize and provide discussions on the chances of acquiring ineligibility that follow bad representatives, especially after the introduction or modification of conducts arranged in Complementary Law No. 135/2010, popularly titled lei da ficha limpa amending the Supplementary Law No. 64/1990. It aims to systematize, in a single text, all the situations covered by the new legislation restricting the eligibility of those who are already in the exercise of political elective office, discussing what are the main legal nuances that, while restricting eligibility, concern, in general, the whole Brazilian society. Besides the specific subject of great legal significance which concerns the hypotheses about the acquisition of ineligibility during the period of elective office, this work will hold a debate about the principle of good governance and how it has been dealed by the international doctrine. This principle postulated in the Federal Constitution in Article 37, but also found throughout the constitutional text, argues that public managers, especially those agents with electoral and political mandate, with special emphasis on those dealing with public funds, have, as a functional duty, the obligation of providing proper accountability and transparency in their political- administrative acts featuring what can be named positive provisions of the State. / A presente dissertação de mestrado tem por objetivo sistematizar e estabelecer discussões sobre as hipóteses de aquisição de inelegibilidade a que estão sujeitos os maus mandatários de cargos eletivos, sobretudo após a introdução ou alteração de condutas dispostas na Lei Complementar n° 135/2010, popularmente intitulada Lei da Ficha Limpa, que alterou a Lei Complementar nº 64/1990. Objetiva-se sistematizar, em um único texto, todas as situações previstas pela nova legislação que restrinjam a elegibilidade daqueles que já se encontram no exercício de mandato político-eletivo, discutindo quais são as principais nuances jurídicas que, ao restringir a elegibilidade, atingem, de forma geral, toda a sociedade brasileira. Além da temática específica e de grande relevância jurídica sobre hipóteses de aquisição de inelegibilidade no exercício de mandato eletivo, este trabalho terá como pano de fundo o debate acerca do princípio da boa governança ou good governance, como é tratado pela doutrina internacional. Tal princípio, postulado na Constituição Federal principalmente no artigo 37, mas encontrado também ao longo de todo texto constitucional, dispõe que os gestores públicos, sobretudo os agentes com mandato político-eleitoral, com especial ênfase naqueles que lidam com recursos públicos, possuem, como dever funcional, a devida prestação de contas e a transparência em seus atos político-administrativos, caracterizando, desta forma, o que se pode chamar de uma prestação positiva do Estado.

Les licences 'creative commons'. / The Creative Commons licenses

Giannopoulou, Alexandra 02 December 2016 (has links)
L’emploi largement répandu des licences Creative Commons, en vue de partager des oeuvres non logicielles, justifie le choix de leur consacrer une étude, afin d’apprécier leur rapprochement actuel au régime légale de la propriété littéraire et artistique et afin d’envisager de conciliations prospectives. L’étude relève la singularité de Creative Commons en tant que système de gestion des droits d’auteur ; ce dernier, composé d’une série de licences, est guidé par une association de promotion du partage d’oeuvres et mu par une idéologie fondée sur l’autonomie de la volonté des auteurs. L’hypothèse de notre étude repose sur la variété constatée des libertés accordées par les licences. Ces dernières se transforment en une série d’outils standardisés qui s’imposent progressivement comme une norme pour la jouissance partagée d’oeuvres – tout en se fondant sur les règles du droit d’auteur. En même temps, l’étude des conséquences de la mise en oeuvre de chaque licence illustre la création d’asymétries entre les acteurs du partage. Notamment, si la distinction entre utilisation commerciale et non commerciale – introduite par les licences – constitue un outil deconciliation du régime propriétaire avec celui du partage créatif, l’utilisation de la notion ambiguë d'utilisation non commerciale influence le sort des licences et complique le processus évolutif des oeuvres partagées. L’affinement de la variété des licences conduit l’étude à s’atteler à l’examen des mécanismes prospectifs afin d’aboutir à une coordination des licences avec le droit d’auteur qui serait fondée sur le principe fondateur de Creative Commons, à savoir l’essai de rééquilibrage des intérêts impliqués au droit d’auteur. / The widespread use of the Creative Commons licenses for the sharing of non-software works demonstrates the imperative to devote a study to the licenses in question. The goal of the study is to assess the current links of the licenses to the legal regime of intellectual property in order to suggest prospective ones. The study underlines the singularity of Creative Commons as a copyright management system, which consists of a series of licenses and is guided by an association promoting the sharing of works and by an ideology based on the autonomy of the authors. The premise of the thesis is founded on the variety of freedoms granted by the licenses. The licenses transform into a series of standardized tools that are gradually imposed as a standard for the sharing of works while relying on the rules of copyright. At the same time, the analysis of the consequences of the implementation of each license demonstrates the asymmetries created between the agents involved in the sharing process. In particular, our study shows that although the distinction between commercial and non commercial introduced by the licenses acts as a conciliation tool between the proprietary regime and that of the creative sharing, the introduction of an ambiguous concept - that of non-commercial use - influences the fate of licenses and complicates the evolutionary process of shared works. One way to resolve this tension proposed by our thesis is to review prospective mechanisms that would achieve a level of coordination between the licenses and copyright based on the founding principle of Creative Commons, which is the rebalancing of the interests involved in copyright.

Státní imunita na prahu 21. století: Soumrak nebo renesance? / State Immunity at the Dawn of the 21st Century: Twilight or Renaissance?

Kudrna, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
1/3 ABSTRACT STATE IMMUNITY AT THE DAWN OF THE 21ST CENTURY: TWILIGHT OR RENAISSANCE? JAROSLAV KUDRNA, ESQ., LL.M. State immunity is a foundation of public international law. Sovereign immunity is based on the fundamental principle of international law, namely the equality of states - par in parem non habet imperium. State immunity is thus a manifestation of state sovereignty and states demonstrate respect for the sovereignty of other states by according immunity to foreign states appearing before their courts. The principle of state immunity is a dynamic area of public international law. State practice is continually evolving through national laws and court rulings. The aim of this thesis is to describe the current development of state immunity and to identify possible future trends. Another objective is to draw from current developments and offer practical recommendations on state immunity for both investors and states. The 20th century can be described as a twilight of state immunity: an absolute theory of state immunity shifted towards a restrictive one. That century witnessed the decline and fragmentation of state immunity. In contrast, if the UN Convention on jurisdictional immunities of states and their property enters into force and is ratified by a large number of states, state immunity might...

The Implementation of a State Monitoring and Surveillance Program: What Factors Influence the State Policy?

Lawrence-Jackson, Kywaii K 15 December 2012 (has links)
This study examines state variations in health care services for children with Autism and other developmental disabilities across the fifty states through the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM). The ADDM network monitors and tracks the number of children with Autism and other developmental disabilities. The purpose of this study is, first, to understand the differences between the states in the implementation of the ADDM network and, second, to determine what state factors (political variable, i.e., party identification; structural administrative variables, i.e., Medicaid Home and Community Based Service Waiver, HCBS (Section1915C) and the number of pediatricians per 10,000 children; Autism prevalence variable, i.e., Autism among children in special education per 10,000 children; and state economic variables, i.e., spending per pupil for children with Autism in special education, children in poverty, and state financial health) influence the likelihood of a state applying for the ADDM network. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to consider the potential impact of these various state characteristics in order to understand what state factors might contribute to such differences. The results reveal that structural administrative and economic factors influence a state’s decision to apply for the ADDM network. Furthermore, political factors (e.g., Democratic party control of governorship and legislature) did not influence a state’s decision to apply for the ADDM network. However, when controlling for Republican political party identification, the structural administrative, economic, and political (Republican-controlled legislature) state characteristics influence whether a state applying for the ADDM network. The results indicate that political party control does not play a significant role in determining whether a state will apply for the ADDM network. In expanding the research, to include another structural administrative factor (prior application), political party control (i.e., Republican-controlled legislature) was no longer significant. Thus, the bureaucratic environment is not influencing the actions of state administrators. Instead the individual characteristics of the state is influencing whether a state will apply for the ADDM network. Understanding the differences between the states in the implementation of the ADDM network provides a comprehensive model for establishing the ADDM network or similar programs in other states.

特約條款之檢討與重構 / The examination and reconstruction of express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan

陳豐年, Chen, Lawrence Unknown Date (has links)
由於過度粗糙立法、缺乏相關深入研究暨流於形式之契約解釋取向,臺灣保險契約法第二章第三節特約條款制度實沈苛已深而積重難返,亟待立法者、司法者及主管機關進行大幅度改造。本文研究聚焦於探討該制度-相當於英美保險契約法之明示擔保條款-起源、本質暨新近發展,並研擬相關修法提案俾供後續立法者與研究者參酌。基此,本文擬採用法律經濟分析、實證分析與比較法等研究方式加以進行。從英美法系各國之立法潮流可發現,契約基礎條款因違反合理期待原則而遭多數國家揚棄。此從英格蘭暨蘇格蘭法律委員會目前保險契約法修法暫時提案,以及澳洲1984年保險契約法第24條規定即可窺見一斑。再者,鑑於肯定擔保條款當初建制基礎已消失殆盡,包含英國、澳洲及紐西蘭皆採取以不實陳述制度取代肯定擔保條款之立法,俾以達成較為公平之規範結果。至於允諾擔保條款部分,增加損失與違反行為間因果關係要件實已蔚為潮流,包含英國、美國數州、澳洲及紐西蘭相關立法皆為適例。此外,相較於無效、得撤銷抑或自動向後免責,賦予保險人契約終止權誠屬較佳之法律效果,已獲各國之共識。職是之故,本文主張應修改特約條款有關肯定特約部分相關文字,使同法第64條據實說明制度可取代之,俾產生較有效率之核保資訊提供制度。另一方面,允諾擔保條款內容應限縮於與危險有關之重要性事項。此外,應考慮增加損失與違反行為間因果關係要件,並使保險人於無因果關係之情形得以主張就系爭損失免責。鑑於解除權易使法律關係趨於複雜,本文建議應以契約終止權取代現行契約解除權較佳。又在前述修法前,法院得透過契約解釋方式緩和現行法弊端,而行政院金融監督管理委員會亦得透過保險商品審查機制過濾不妥之約款加以因應。 / Express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan provoke a great number of dilemmas in both theory and practice due to oversimplified legislation, a paucity of related studies and formalism of contract construction. This study aims not only at exploring the origin, nature and development of the institution for the purpose of elucidating pros and cons of express warranties, but also at providing an amendment to express warranties of insurance law in Taiwan. The dissertation achieves the dual goals by way of comparative study and economic analysis of law. Obviously, abolition of “basis of the contract clause”-an obsolete and bitterly-criticized contract term- has been an uncontroversial trend around the world on the grounds of reasonable expectations. English and Scottish Law Commissions’ tentative proposals, as well as Section 24 of Australian Insurance Contracts Act 1984, sets an excellent example. Also, with an eye to the collapse of affirmative warranties’ keystones, several countries, including the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand, substitute misrepresentation for affirmative warranties for the purpose of leveling the playing field. As for promissory warranties, requirement of causal link between losses and breach of promissory warranties has gained a dominant position in the U.K., the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand on the grounds that considerable unfairness to policyholders would arise in the absence of it. In addition, the insurers’ right to terminate contracts has been generally regarded as a more superior legal effect than III rendering contracts void or avoid, even the insurer automatically discharged from liability. Based upon these foreign legislation and other considerations, the dissertation proposes the third section “express warranties” of insurance law in Taiwan should be amended thoroughly. Affirmative warranties in the section should be substantially supersede by misrepresentation set forth in article 64, since the latter is capable of inducing the insured to provide necessary information for the insurer in a more efficient way than is the former. On the other hand, promissory warranties of insurance law in Taiwan should be reconstructed by adding the requirement of causal connection to the insurer’s right not liable for specific losses. Furthermore, this dissertation also advocates that legislators replace the insurer’s right to avoid with the right to terminate on the basis of evading complicated legal relationship. Besides, in advance of amending aforementioned articles, the dissertation suggests that courts in Taiwan mitigate harsh effects via contract construction, and regulators should filter inappropriate or nominal warranties from insurance policies by means of administrative screening mechanism.

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